t-r . ' - - , , - ... ttbefrehcb Broafc Dustier M Lu SEPMANr T. K. B ARROWS, . ' , ;. Editor , Associate Editor HENDEBSONVTLLE, N. C. Entered ai the Potto fice at BendcrtonviZs JQ.CL. a mail mailer of the second elan. The Correct Position. The Hustler is pleased to see the democrats of Hendersonyllle taking a bold stand upon principle in city poli tics this spring and sincerely hopes a signal victory may be achieved. Had the policy outlined for the present cam paign for city officers been maintained uninterrupted since Mr. J. P. Rickman was first elected Mayor over O. V. T. Blylhe the affairs of our 'municipality would be in better condition than they are and Henderson county matters would today be In the hands of the democratic party. The citizen move ment (so-called) in 19o0 proved an en tering wedge which rent asunder the democratic organization in the town and resulted in factional strife in the county, from which the party has only recently recovered. The name "citizen ticket'' was a mis-nomer, but served the purposes for which it was launched, that of deceiving the people into the be lief that their interests . would best be subserved in that way rather than by either of the two political parties, there by securing their support for a few in dividuals who were yearning to hold of fice. The plan succeeded and has been repeated every two years since it was first proposed, but the affairs of the city government are in no more favorable condition "than when they first began." Financial matters are reported to be is a strained condition and the temperance laws may as well be repealed. A moral awakening is greatly needed and there is no better means of bringing it about than by the election of a straight demo cratio ticket and the selection of sub-or-dinate officers who will execute the law without fear or favor, reward, or hope of reward. This is exactly what Jim Hickman's administration gave the peo ple and they should return to "those good old times." The opportune mom ent has arrived. Democrats, do your duty. Victory is within reach if you will but put forth a determined effort to win. The beginning is hopeful, may the ending be equally pleasing. isven in Asneville there is to be a straight fight between democrats and republicans this Spring. The republi cans are in the minority, but say they will not become a party to any "inde- pent" or "citizen's" movements, such as those heretofore festered and launched by republicans and disgruntled demo crats. They say that these movements in the past, with but few exceptions, have met with crushing defeat and the republicans 'have borne the stigma. The republicans of that city now say if they are to meet defeat they prefer to go down in a dignified manner with no "citizen" or "independejt" movement attachments. They are going to nomi nate only straight republicans. This is the correct position and we commend the Asheville republicaBs for having the courage of their convictions at last mani . fested in a public way. Of course they do not expect to win, but will have the consolation of knowing afterwards that they took their medicine straight. This was the democratic position in Hender- sonville until two years ago, when they compromised themselves by going into a mass-meeting in the hope of defeating the original "citizen" crowd at its own game. They succeeded in this, but cou ditions have improved litttle if any un der the "insurgents.'' One party or the other should be responsible for the management of affairs in every muni cipality which has attained the size of Hendersonville. Waynesrille has put away the "citizen" ruse and the demo crats of that hustling burg recently met in mass-meeting and unanimously de cided to put out a straight ticket for city officers this time, Verily the peo ple every where are coming back to a sane and sensible view of public matters, a condition most favorable to the triumph of principle and the "putting away" of fake movements. Such a result is bound to come and wiJJ be most pleasing. The Hustler is gratified to see the position from which it has never swerved again sustained bjr the democrats of Hender vilie and elsewhere. This article is not written with any Intended disparagement of the motives of good men, who were induced into the alignment with the "citizen" move ment in this city some years ago, from honest motives, but to emphasize the importance of adhering to principle iq all matters of public policy. Many of these have realized, their mistake and make public the acknowledgement of the same by coming out boldly for a straight ticket this year, a conclusion which is admitted to their everlasting credit and a condition every true demo crat has longed to realize. Thus it be comes the militant democracy of Hen- dersonville to pat away all factional differences and let disagreements of pre vious years be "a sealed book." The ticket nominated is one upon which all democrats can unite, with a moral cer tainty of improved conditions in the event of success at the polls next month. Each name on the ticket represents a man of high character and the unques tioned ability to discharge faithfully the duties of the varions positions for which they have been nominated; tne piatiorm declarations ring clear and there is every reason for encouragement in the contest making k for needed reforms in the management of city affairs. Who dares to venture the suggestion that lUke 8chenck, Joe Bryson, Flem Brooks and Mack Rhodes will not "make tfood'.' after their election? Search the town from center to circumference and you will not find four men who are more capable of giving the city a clean and healthful administration. . The pub lic and private character of each of these gentlemen is above reproach and there can be no reason for any loyal democrat "departing the faith" in this contest. Here's hoping for a signal victory for the democratic ticket on Tuesday, May 7th. United, they will sweep the town; divided, a different result might be the ultimate conclusion. Every democrat to bis post and the fight is won. The Henderson County Twins. -An item which appeared in a recent issue of this newspaper has attracted widespread attention and provoked no little comment. The Raleigh News and Observer was first to the bat. It said: There is no race suicide in North Carolina. The Hendersonville Hustler rarvirta that "there have been nine sets of twins born in this community within the past few weeks.' Then along comes the Columbia ( B.C. State with the following two-base hit: "There are many Republican's i n Ws- tern North Carolina, out witn inuc cases of twins in Henderson County iu three months the infant industry in that quarter does not appear to need national protection." Commenting upon the Columbia paper's optimistic booming of the baby industry of our delightful section the Charlotte News pulls off a three bagRer in this wise: "From that section" of Republicans and babies we respectfully direct the admiring attention of the State to one home in good old Democratic Mecklen burg county, recently blessed with not only twin babies but twin calves and twin colts the same day all Democrats." Acting as umpire The Hustler shall proceed to declare thgame off, unless the suggestion that the aforesaid babies are all of the republican persuasion k is withdrawn. The republican party is not the only "public service" corpora tion in "these diggins." When good men who have been affil iating with the "citizen" movement again join hands with the democratic organization it means something. Hon est, wise men are willing to acknowledge their mistakes; the unwise never. Too much cannot be said in commendation of the former. If there be those who are still disposed to stand aloof and thereby encourage dissensions we can only hope they are honestly mistaken and that they may yet realize the error into which they have fallen unawares. It is a constitutional right that every citizen shall do as he pleases in this free country, yet it is a difficult proposition to understand how any man can put the individual above principle, especially when the question of character is not involved. But some things, sometimes "passeth all understanding." A vote against the democratic ticket will be an endorsement of party perfidy in Hendersonville. And this no dem ocrat can afford ' to do. It would fur ther be an admission that the indivi dual so doing does not believe the dem ocratic party capable of giving the city a satisfactory administration. If there be those who adhere to the latter prop osition we refer them, with pleasure, to every former democratic administration to which each unprejudiced mind in this municipality can point with pride, As to those .who may be willing to throw party.loyalty to the wind we can only say: I'Forgive. them, for they know not what they do." Governor Glenn says the publication that he had declared President Roose velt to be the greatest ruler in the world, was to say the least, a misrepre sentation. He says he was addressing the Southern Educational conference at bouthern Pines and touched on the dignity and importance of a Dresldenfc of the United States, whether democrat or republican, and he had no personal re ference to any particular president. That he was referring not to the indivi dual, but the power and greatness of the position. , "The legislature has adiournAri . Vmf. some Of the evils which it has done will live after its death." The Times. will you enumerate "some of the evils" referred to. nlpase. or wtt.Virimnr this charge of bad faith upon the part of the State's law-makers? . The uni versal sentiment seems to be that the recent legislature did its work wisely uu wen. m iact its record is more generally approved than that of any previous session for many years. Is it WOrth while for knv rw-tltritf.n wuunuo w ueny ine existence of the fifth district ring? Hendersonville Times. - - . No, but it is on the verge of collapse, since the collector's office . has been transferred from Asheville to States ville. Maybe there will be an effort to resuscitate aown in Dick Hackett's bailiwick by the election of Mary Ann Butler, or some of his hirelings as high moguL J CHAIRMAN" SIHMOrtSt TQ-RE- TIRE. ' ; H ; Senator Simmons, who has; eQclently served the North Carolina democra cy as state chairman since 1838, announ ces that he wll retire' from the ' fatter position in tne eany: summer, a ne news of the Senator's decision to sur render the leadership of his party which he has held with such signal success for so long a time, will be received with deep regret ,in democratic circles throughout the State. It is stated that Mr. 8immonsidoes not think a United States Senator; should be 8tate ; Chair man and this is given as one reason for his contemplated action at this time. Furthermore we are told that the Sena tor "wishes to avoid any suspicion of favoring one candidate over another in the coming contest for State officers, and this fact probably accounts for his decision to call a special meeting of the committee to act on his resignation,'!, which he contemplates 'doing at an early date. Neither of the reasons as signed, especially . the " latter, justifies such a conclusion and the Senator should hold on to chairmanship until the next state convention meets and the new committee, to hie selected at that time selects a successor. His active duties as chairman cease with the conclusion of. the campaign last fall and the position has since been "functus-officio." The chairmaln will have no other service to perform except to assist in naming the time and place 'for holding the next Rtate convention; calling the same to or der and the selection of a temporary chairman. Thl& "Senator Simmons" can do gracefully, without comprising the dignity of that exalted position. It is our opinipn.that Mr. Simmons will make a serious mistake to force the selection of a new leader of the demo cratic party at this time, wnen all are united in following: his leadership. He ought to remain at the helm until the expiration of the- two years term for which he was last elected; then decline a re-election, if he thinks it advisable to relinquish the chairmanship. ' Brevard, too, is putting off her swad dling clothes and the democrats, will run a straight ticket forjmunicipal offi cers this Spring. Verily, the democracy of this sections is coming into its own.' Principle has come' to be more highly regarded and this is a healthy sign. Who says there are not good reasons to hope for Improved conditions? Already there have been numerous enquires for positions in the new cotton mill from former Henderson county people who have left here to work in the mills in South Carolina. Many of them express a willingness to work for a less wage here than what they are now re ceiving. m m'tm Sale of Real Estate for Taxes. By virtue of the Tax List now in my hands - for collection' for the years 1905 and 1906, I will offer for sale at the Court House 1 door In Hendersonyille.N C. on 'iMonday the 6th day of May.1907 at 10 o'clock A. M., the following lands herein mentioned for taxes due and un paid, together with costs as provided by lftW This April the 8th, 1907. C. E Brooks Tax Collector ; Rlae Ride Twaahip. Acres - Allen Mary B .......20 - 3 16 Barnwell Ellen T...: 35 2 8 Grimes Mrs Emma 76 15 16 Hennerson J T 05 & 06 146 10&69 Heatherly W R '....,35 6 06 Justice D HP.. ,...U5Bal4 63 Jones Li J 2 Jones W F 35 Jones Mrs Rosa ... 5 Patterson RM ....14 Parris T L 83 Harris J'P heirs Hoots Anthony Jones J V Iiedbetter RE Laughter SO Merrell J F heirs McAbeeS B Nix John ' v-' Rhodes GW Snmners J 8 gorrells widow Williams J W . -Williams OT Wilson J R Whi taker Mrs 8arah Warren S A. 'ST- 63 '77 ; 11 -"23 25 99 60 23 62, 20 fiO 50 25 - (i it f t u u . it ( it ii it it u T.75I w.--v COLOSKD. " 4 7 65 1 Corpening James . H ' 9 44 Casteibury Foster. . . ,...:....30 Hawkins Betty ......... . 3 Logan Robert. x. . . . ..4 Mltchel Jacfco. ...30 Pinner James I Reid Kelly est...... .....3 Underwood Van 20 mills Hirer Twhlp. Bryson G W. . . 10 Claytonw A 2 " wC 8 COLORED H6well Geo Jackson D W Miller M- 350 2 " SO " Grpmu Hirer Twafclp. Bane J D... 286" Bane Joseph D 113 Beddmgfield J 8.. ...6 " MrsL C..........101 Blackwell D M.. ............. :50 Blake Mrs Mary.. ;...2 Capps Alfred M 97 w c 100 Holt CM town lot... ......... . Henderson Mrs M J. ....... 100 Jones J T ........65 Kuykendall D M......M...,..50 ' U U 60 Michigan Timber Co.......3000 Osteen C D........... 133 A.H..... ;.102 Pace J B. 6(5 Henry...........; 35 Revis J H....:... .....5 A R..:;.. ....113 Swiney Mrs Harriet . ......90 SummyDD..... 101 Vernoa H W........ ........ .316 Vaughn UW... ...75 CR..... -261 COLORED. it 1 town lot.... 1 town lot TOWNSHIP 77 acres I 14 11 ii it 15 30 3 8 2 town lots 59 acres . 42 3 '60 it 11 11 11 11 11 II ; II lot (i Duncan MP ....24 Nelson W C 30. Clear Creek Tewmahip JVcres ' Corn Mrs M E 33 DocklnsWM 110 Edna Mrs Sallna ". . .23 Murray W P. ... . ...42 Colored. . Leonard Law... .....6 Alfred.... ,..41 Mills A L .......33 Martha.. : 19 J H..... :.2 Mitchel Amanda 9 Crab Creek Tiruhip. Aiken LL. ................ .26 Aiken LT ....101 . Blvthe Teobitha Heirs ...u31 Cantrell Law .10 Cooper JB.... ......152 Dalton LR..... ........38 J LrGuice . . ...165 : Hugglns J E,.. .......55 Justice J F. . . . . ...... .75 Kuykendall Jacob .23 Lee MS.... ..41 Thos...... 13 MaceS M ..Ill " J M . . . . t. ...... 8 MalettCE.... .....100 Marchbanks John.......... 50 Moblin J esse .30 RevisCd... 11 Shepherd James . . .84 BentellWM .........215 RQ...... 99 Luther . 38. Sqott ML ... . . ......... ..-23 j Bane Johnson 25 , , ' Delinquents. I B)yth6 James Heirs. . . . . . . 126 '; KingH 8 .............23 Orr R G heirs 30 Shlpman James heirs . . . v... . 80 8b epherd Rachel . . 66 Raynard Pink. :. .71 if B Huggins J B : . ..........12 Pinnacle Land co..... ...... 125 V . . . . Colored. -.- Thomas R L......... .... . . . . .10 V - . EDNEYVILLE TOWNSHIP 2158 4 63 103 8 80 6 42 4 98 519 712 384 390 7 65 184 685 3 18 214 5 19 95 123 11 31 181 "139 6 65 5 36 13 63 3 09 2 61 140 2 74 5 73 20 81 6 49 35 01 ' 225 150 5 31 4 28 7 79 5 94 1 75 1 93 175 4 95 197 5 57 3 74 2 99 2 19 210 2 40 540 7 75 Barnwell D R - Bass RB Biddy Mrs MI Connor NF Dodson G K Garren JO Gilbert RM 20 acres 18 50 22 40' 225 40, i i r 11 11 i $ 553 8 07 2 79 6 26 - 6 35 ?12 13 272 Terry George.. Jackson G B 1 Nail Bail he.... hendersonville Allen C T esc Allen Elizabeth Anderson W M Barren Alex Bennisou T 8 Blackwell E D Brown A M Capps J B Corn PP. Corn Mrs Armlnta Daren ty Henry Douglass Jsva B 4 town lots Duncan Mrs Winnie 79 Finley George 108 Garren Charley 1 Greer J F 13 Griffin PN1 town lot Grimes Mrs Emma G 1 town Guice Mrs Annie 1 town lot Guice William M 32 Hodges WM 10 Jackson Miss Snnle 1 town Jackson J F 8 Jackson J W 2 Justice H M IS Justice FO 87 Justice W Scott 1 town lot Justice WK 47 Knight R J 30 Lindeil Linton ' 75 Laughter TB 1 Lyda J F 1 Mitchel J D 1 town lot Mintz C A . : '4 Morris G Blythe2 town lot Murray Francis 4 town lota McCarson WE 2 McCarson L 6 McCarson heirs 18 McCarson J L 56 Nelson IB - 10 Orr OKI town lot Perkins H O 2 town lots Rhodes Maggie 15 Roper Mrs F A 200 Roberteon W M 11 ShipmanKE 63 Sumner Bros 7 town lots Stepp A Z 103 Starks W T Jr 1 town lot Snmner F A 8 town lots Thomas Mrs Elizabeth f Williams Mrs HO 10 town lots Williams Andrew 21 Hart Mrs J W 53 " 5 55 220 141 532 -2 25 8 37 279 193 2 95 6 66 175 208 555 214 9 51 2 79 15 35 6 79 87 2 98 208 151 933 15 04 208 229 2 47 5 67 6 57 5314 760 689 3 28 8 05 7 24 2 86 241 3 13 696 2 79 8 77 480 5? 161 290 I 56 1 44 1 26 7 08 496 1 14 1 90 6 80 5 26 5 79 uairius J t . .7... . . ; . . . 42 Duncan Mrs Winnie. 65 Ulispie Mrs S E. Israel 8 w . . . MeeseO U... Rose W H.... Sir arv U m A U.... ..... .t Kerns w P...... ... ........ .25 Colored - Hefner Frank . . ... .12 Sammey Henriettaeirs...50 . Sumraey Henry ....... ...... :...14 ' . .31 .f.40 ...27 131 8 72 294 10 75 1015 5 37 16 68 11 11 212 499 765 11 ti ii 11 11 u . II I II II II II '. M ' II Ii II II M Black John EwartHG , EzellSR Graham C E Jones A O Massey Dr ZD Swygort Brook DELINQUENTS 18 169 21 22 27 10 20 11 ii 11 it 11 11 11 . COLORED LBeck Robert jr 4 town lots ttrooKs unarleo Featherston John Fields Isaac Fields Thos Edwards Chester Green Walker . Green Bradley Green Jiias Green Am ach Green Mary Green Mitchell Hevren Martin Harris I G Loopef Frank Lvnch Macsrie 1 town Int. McDowell Morning; town lot 77 4 a . Q " i !i i -. 11 , 11 100 24 14 1 11 11 made up in precisejy the same smart style as qur finest hand-tailored Schloss Clothes of course, the fabrics arn't quite as good," but " they are" far better than nine of ten Suits you could pick up any where for $15, and really good enough for anyone. . " ILook Over Ovir New'Styles Before you buy anything for Spring or Summer come in here ond see what we have'. Ten to ane we can give you better quality at the rame price, or .the same quality at a better price. rinis week we offer as a special some unusuallr attractive SpringSuits at $15, (a good picture of the style above) These are splendid garments, cut and These . are remarkable values and bo are other offerings at $18, $20, $25 and up. We . have all gradp87you can suit yourself as to price, knowing, in -every . case, you're getting the most value your money can buy. . Come in we have everything for -fashionable Men's Spring wearing. Wilson's Mercantile Co nip any 20 it 48 103 7 7 . 32 1 -ii 11 Nesbit O N Potts John 1 town Rhodes Charley Shlpman Wash ' Shlpman aamnel Shipman Joseph . Sbipman William Simmons Mack Smith Hettie Spenoe James 4 town lots Hpence Mack 1 town lot Swepson W 4 town lots Walker DA- 5 Washington Susan - I Westmoreland heirs 1 towu lot bal . Whitmire John 1 town lot Williams Walter 2 town lota Williams William -U DELINOUENTR Fortune Giles bal 1 Mills Erwin est 2 town infca ttnoae8 Josenh in Young HP 12 Upper's Cnck TiwuUr, Cagle H W ..... .... . ' . 7 Clark DU.... 33 Featherston Mrs ME..... .200 ' -N B.... . . AO. Garren N B tm WP..1....... ioo Hutchespn D w... i .57 V Kuykendall J u .....7n " Livingston l w. . . ',. . . . . . . . .72 benia ... -16 Lt T heirs. . . . . i . " .60 f S . . ..v.... ,t . . ,19 , Morrow Mary........ 42 Owenby HP w . . . . . .V ' "17 Trantham HE ... .... J .' ."200 ii 11 44 155 760 142 7 87 13 48 13 85 12 49 15 43 354 5 581 10 07 633 9 59 10 19 212 232 35 86 121 8 31 611 704 5 19 8 51 ' 7 29 9 67 6 61 2 85 315 13 66 245 7 58 15 96 '3 69 1 55 4 78 - 178 362 637 143 14 82 26 26 1 92 3813 739 989 688 5051 151 506 394 . 4 73 900 758 677 137 09 780 8 70 5 00 930 606 605 9 52 611 563 1160 5 43 5 48 5 09 4 95 1 17 2 23 1 17 13 28 267 3 15 203 3 69 4 49 911 9 48 10 07 237 612 1129 1102 117 10 26 692 7J1 3 69 117 .128 ' 3 63 638 832 7 48 354 200 1141 ocKJooiuiiiiiiinninininHiifiMiininimoooooo 8 NEW SPORTING GOODS I o -. - - - - - - o 2 The Book Store has just received their spring Mine of Croauet Sets 'Tennis Goods. Base Ralls 0 Gloves and Bats. Aanthing you want in the Sporting 3 Goods line. 3 E . ' "' 2 Also a large line of fine hammocks from 1.09 toV 03 ST $6 00 each. 3 Complete lide of Stationery, Books and Oflice Supplies. ' . 3 GHAS. o Q Phone 86 Q E. PLrESS BOOK Hendersorwille. N. C. :oooooooocoooodock O y Lawn Grass Seed , Q Blue Grass Seed R Orchard Grass Seed Red Clover Seed TimotKy Seed 8 Herds Grass Seed VeloctBeaLns o All kinds of Garden Seed o - " ........ 8 HUMTER'S PHARMACY. 0 Near Postofcice OOOeOOOOOOOOOOO.0000000000 'MAILORDEGO PROMPTLY. REM EMBE R. Wool Dress Goods and Silks Of these we show a superb stock, ranging between 50c and $1.75, with thelbig coa' centration on grades from 65c to $1.25. Wide fabrics sell best this season 13 in. to 56 in. ia wool goods and 27 in. to 38 In. silks. " ' ' FINE COTTONS and LINENS, both in white goods and oolors, are 'having a ' well deserved popularity as they oomhine fine appearance with great durabilitj Staple Dry Goods. Housekeeoinz Goods. Small warpj. TTndfirwMj-. TTnaionr nri Gloves, Embroideries and Laces, Ribbons, Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Corsets and' But teriok Patterns. .- - - Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats , Veryt attractive styles at reasonable crices. Suits from As os'tA 'o9t - wvirt. ti as to $10. Spring Coats, $3.50 to $12.50. Onr stock of EmhmiHriA WhJto ucrfa fmm 65c to $2.0) shows great valne. ' . . ' uien'o and Bovs' Suits and Furniohi naro Ffn Shoes of all kinds. Hata and Cans TnmV nri r. mI9v and Rugs up to 9x12 Axmlnster Rugs at $33.75. ".. n. RED W OOU & CO., AsheviIIer N. C. Clean ; - ' - V j 15 37 3 34 17 86 means rfood time to you for years to" come. True economy in a. 15 67 time piece lies in clean- 5JJ liness. 5 80 . - I he dolicrte narts '10891-V" o umcsqioaoie 1 69 WOrK Will snnn waa t- 226 10 78 692 2 30 7 49 W themselves to ruin, destor their high finish and Perfect Fit .when running in accumu lLtin dirt and rencid ojl. ' It will cost you nothing to let us exam ine it. Ho Hawkins Son Jewelers &. Bxpert Opticians Hendersonville, N, C.

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