Xjh& Putpit ' A SERMON J- r I . Subject: The Religious life. Rrooklvn. N. Y. Prpnoli tving Square Presbyterian Church )E the theme "The Religious Life," ue pastor, the Rev. Ira Wemmell enderson, .iook as nis text Deut :3, "Man doth not live by bread only. ut Dy everytnmg ,tnat proceedeth ut of the mouth of the Lord doth Lan live. ie saia : , Thfl one thine most he life of the individual and of so- lotv is reliffion. A man rrmv wio Jin the possession of all the temporal a iiu iJitii.-iiti.i-c.ivxo lu uuunort ana to the satisfaction of the natural man, but he never begins reallv tn Hvo until he is conscious of .the divine personality and recognizes the valid ity of the divine control. A man may exist without a thoroughgoing sense of the reality and the control of "the Divinity that shapes our ends," but he only is alive when he gains a con- cv.jwuLiw v-i kjka. clixkx ui nis account- ability and Infinite indebtedness to Kim. In our day too manv men are drift ing from the religious life, too many are endeavoring to live without a controlling sense of the reality of God, too many are endeavoring to live as though God were non-exist- ont Q T 1 or fAiiiv1 TT j aub auu. no luviugu . HC were tillLlLieU. to no authority over their lives. Many srood men. pnnfnsiTio'- offlDcioeHnic-Tn With rpl 1 Cl'nn HTtt ll tl nm nvati an .4 i t'iy " a - uiiiwmjn cucuutug ui me vast amerence mat mere oiten Is, though to be sure there should not be, between church membership and the Christian life, have turned and are turning, altogether too commonly IOr tne neace of mind of the r.hiirr.h or tne living God, away from organ ized religious systems primarily and irom any sort of religious observ ance at all. Gazing upon the hope less insincerity of many Christians and the stupid indifference of many churches to the neeas of society and the demands of the times, as con trasted with the beauty and the uni versal interest of the God-man and His Gospel, upon whose character and truth tne unurcn is rounded, men have misjudged Christianity by its misrepresenting fruitage, and, in numbers that annoy us, have turned frnm religion entirely. - Contemniat- ing the sins of individuals in the church, they nave permitted their eyes to be withholden from the dis cernment of the truth that the ner- sonality and the pronunciamentoes of Jesus Christ as the oracle of God are the leaven that most surely could transform their own lives and effect a transformation in the social order of which they are a part. Many bad men, with the determination not to know or to serve God under any con ditions, utterly are neglectful of the claims or tne religious , life upon ttt higher natures. They turn from preligion because they are willfully Jdesirous to be the followers of the devil ratter than the servants of IGod. I Many men have turned from or I ganized religion because of Intel lectual cimcuities. Some, of these have gone out of the church to fol low the bent of their peculiar and personal religious conceptions and convictions; some have turned to philosophy and have deified man as sufficient unto himself; still others have to their entire satisfaction eliminated God from the scheme of things. In spite of the attitude of a host of men, however, a true religious life is as necessary to the welfare of human ity as are fresh air and pure food and the creature comforts that we desire, need and strive so persistent ly to secure. No man is well round ed; no man has realized the possibili ties of manhood; no man is com plete; no man is really alive until he is alive unto God. And no man has sounded the limits of the capaci ties of his own being until he has en joyed a knowledge of the highest rev elation of the character of God that is in the world to-day. A true religious life ought to ap peal to every man first, because it is reasonable; secondly, because it is spiritually real;, thirdly, because it is ethically influential. The true religious life is reason able. It does no damage to our good sense, and it commends itself to our judgment. It does not shock our ideas of the fitness of things. It sat isfies our intellects. Man, in the wis dom of God, is an intelligent being; he possesses mental qualities that are fundamental in his make-up. - Men must be convinced of the reasonable ness of things before they can have any lasting hold upon them. That which is intellectually unsatisfying or that will not stand the tests ap plied by the minds of men, they re ject. Man does not demand that fie shall be able to exhaust every subject which comes under the Province of his intellect, but he does demand that, whether or no he is able to explain all the things in which, as a rational being, he holds an interest, he shall at least be able to discern in them the evidences of reasonableness. Religion appeals to the mind of man. Not because he is able to sound all the depths of relig ious philosophy or of religious truth or to explain all the manifold won ders of religious experience, but be cause there is in religion that which is intellectually reasonable and satis fying. No religious system that is worthy of attention holds the respect t humanity for long unless it be first oi all of no damage to our sense of Jfe fitness of things. The true relig ious life commends itself to our best Judgment and in the recognition of us imperatives we find rest and joy. me true religious life is transcend- antly and delightfully real. It is not susceptible, perhaps, to arithmetical "r geometrical demonstration. We ire aot able tQ proye .t .n ltg gpecu JJtive and abstract phases by the ter minology or the experiences of the senses altogether, but it is none the vfrl1',. Layi3s hold as it does upon the divine, it is simply inexplic- thi Jn-a11 its utreachings through It io em of finite speech. As- true tliat tongue cannot tell of the glorious realities of the sniritual Ufa as it Is that the tongue has not yet told the fullness of the glories of that richer life that Is yet to be. But though the tongue may be unable to explain It all or to reveal -in finite language the Infinite experiences of the spiritual life it Is none the less, real. The spiritual religious life is the result of experience. It is ex perience. It is just as exact and scientific In Its way and just as ex- jerimental, mystical and abstract though It be, as any other, scientific discipline. It cannot, of course, be demonstrated by the exepriences of the physicist alone, or by the ter minology of the geologist alone, or by the rules of the algebraic formu lae. But it has its own laws. Its own characteristics may be scientific ally tabulated. Its experiences may be classified. Its reality may be In vestigated and proven by; any open minded, open-hearted man 'who will place himself within the realm-tf its manifestations and permit himself to be moved upon by its influences. It is spiritually real. Then, too, the true religious life such as has been revealed unto us in Jesus Christ is ethically influen tial. It takes hold of the . conduct of the man, and whereas he was be fore satisfied with lax and easy reg ulations for the ordering of his per sonal and social life, it leads him past all that is superficial and insufficient and less than wholly righteous, step by step into such a recognition of the claims of God and of humanity upon his life that he is soon satisfied with nothing but the best In manners and morals, and is continually test ing himself by an increasing measure to find whether or no he Is worthy of the approval of Almighty God, his King. The real religious life that was practiced by our Lord and Sav ious Jesus Christ is a life that is militant in the life of the man seven days a week. It is no week7end religion. It is a force from the first stroke of the midnight chime on Saturday night to the precise moment when another week having gone ring ing down the grooves of the past the bells shall boom again another mid night note. It declares to men the reality of the divine authority and the Insistency of human accountabil ity to Him. It leads the soul into a larger recognition of the claims of personality and inspires humanity to square itself with th6 claims of so ciety upon the individual life. The true religious life in Jesus is as vital in national affairs as it is in individual. "We do not need in our times more churches or a larger or ganization. What we need most is that the present organization and the present churches shall make the re ligion of the Lord Jesus Christ to be felt and realized as a vital force in all departments of our national life. The true religious life is the med ium whereby comfort, joy, hope and courage are mediated in divine fash ion to the human soul. In no other life is comfort so satisfyingly given. In no other life is the joy that hu manity so largely needs so truly ministered. Here is our highest hope. Here we drink deep of courage and are most endued for conflict against principalities and powers - and pan oplied effectually for the conquering of sin. The greatest mistake In the world is for a man to reject the privileges, the prerogatives, the appeals of the religious life. For the soul without God is not alive. Only in the con sciousness of His reality and in will ing subjection of self to Him do we live. The live man Is the one who lives within God through the grace and love revealed and mediated in our Lord Jesus Christ. , Every Road Leads to Jesus. A young man just starting upon his work in the ministry was one day talking to an aged minister v in Lon don, who had spent a lifetime in the service. The young man said, "You have a great deal of experience; you know many things that I ought to learn. Can't you give me advice to carry with me in my new duties?" "Yes, I can," was the response. "I will give you a piece of advice. You know that in every town in England, no matter how small, in 'every ham let, though it be hidden in the folds of the mountains or wrapped round by the far-off sea, in every clump of farmhouses, you .can find a road which, if you will follow it, will take you to London. Just so every text you shall choose to preach from the Bible will have a road that leads to Jesus. Be sure you find that road and follow it; be careful not to miss it once. This is my advice to you." The Soul Winner's Equipment. Be filled with the Spirit. (Eph. 5: 15.) This is the call to every Chris tian to be filled with the Spirit. That is what is needed to-day. .. Only those whvo are filled with the Spirit can be soul winners. To be filled is the privilege of all.' Christians are known by their fruits. "With out Me ye can do nothing" (Jno. 15: 5). It is as impossible to live the Christian life without the Holy Spir it as to live natural life without air. There must be an emptying of all else before there can be a real filling. Holiness must prevail. The little sins if tolerated will hinder the Spir it from having full sway. This is not only a privilege for every Chris tian, but a duty; for it is a com mand: "Be filled with the Spirit." C. B. Styers. Drawing Men. The holiness of Christ did not awe men away from Him, nor repel them. It inspired them with hope. It was not that vulgar, unapproachable sancr tity which makes men awkward in its presence, and stands aloof. ' Its pe culiar characteristic was that it made men enamored of goodness. It "drew all men unto Him." This is the dif ference between greatness that Is first rate and greatness which is sec ond rate - between heavenly and earthly goodness. The second rate and earthly kind draws admiration on. itself. You say, "How great an act how good a man!" The first rate and the heavenly imparts itself inspires a spirit. FUGUE SPOTS IN THE BLOOD A Itemed Found to Cleanse the En. - v. " -,1 tire System. . - ' ' ' v'Hlf of the diseases from which mankind iuffers are caused by-impur blood. That headache, those : pains in th joints and muscles, that tired feeling, are all caused .mtktiam. Sciatica and . Gout cannot be cured SULPHUR BRINGS HEALTH. by rubbing with liniments and oils is that tne disease originates m tne oiooa, ana an internal disease cannot be cured by an ex ternal remedy. Rheumacide is the most powerful blood purifier in the world.. .Rheumacide "goes right to the teat of the disease," sweeping all the poisons out of the blood, toning up the stomach, regulating the liver and Sid neys, and restoring each .organ of the body ,io its normal function. That is the reason it cures to stay cured. , . Rheumacide cures Rheumatism and kin dred diseases after all other means fail, be cause it "gets at the joints from the in side." "I gladly testify that Rheumacide com pletely cured me of a severe case of Rheu matism," writes James Kenealv. of 1200 Frederick avenue, Baltimore. "About four months ago I was taken with the disease in my lower limbs, which spread throughout the body.. My back troubled me greatly. I suffered acutely, could go up ana down stairs only with the greatest difficulty 1 received treatment at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, this city, for nearly three months, but was not benefited. Your medicine was recommended to 'me,- and after taking two bottles, the disease left me, and I have kun' nmanilT vrjtll V! linp T aloft frtllTld that Rheumacide was a great benefit to my digestif n. I trust that others will try it and be cured also. Buyers are esteemed; good men dross are deemed, Chinese. SPRING AND ITS DANGERS. How to Meet and Overcome Them. A Simple but Sure Treatment. Early Spring, with its sudden and often violent changes of temperature; with its ac companiments of rain, dampness, and fog; with its depressing absence of life-giving sunshine ;'is not only in itself the most trea cherous and trying of seasons, but finds the average person in the . physical condition least fitted to resist and overcome the Influ ences at work. The rigors of Winter, Just passed, have, to most constitutions, proved a heavy drain on the vital forces, consuming that reserve of strength which every one needs to meet successfully the new trials which nature has provided. .To recruit this lessened strength, to reinforee the weakened constitution, which the coming heat of Sum mer will put to another severe test, should be the aim, as It U the necessary , oourse, of all who wish health and energy. To do this to build up and restore the wasted vitality scie-itifio research has pro vided a sure agent Yager's arsaparllla with Celery. Throughout the whole range of tonics and restoratives, nothing has ever been discovered so rich in vitalizing proper ties, so potent in stimulating action, as this famous preparation. Every Bpring, in thou sands of homes, its use is considered neces sary, to build up some member or members of the family who have fallen below the es tablished standards of health. It purifies the blood, corrects the nervous system, induces restful sleep, creates appetite, aids the di gestive organs, makes sound, healthy flesh and bright eyes; it renovates and lnvigoratea the entire body.. To all who need what is popularly known as a "spring medicine" though this is also of incalculable benefit at all times no morn helpful words can be spoken than "Yager's Sarsaparllla with Celery." It is for sale by all druggists, 5C cts. a bottle. Made by Gilbert Bros, & Co., Baltimore, Md. - How foolish is the toil o trifling cares. Martial. Purifies the Blood and Clears Up the : Complexion. . Everybody needs ; to take Sulphur at this 3eason. Nothing like it to purify the' blood, clear up the complexion and remove "that tired feeling.' But the only way to take it is in liquid form. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur taken internally is the best Spring tonic. Applied externally Hancock's Liquid Sulphur quickly cures Ectema, Tetter, and all Skin Diseases. ; Hancock's, the only Liquid Sulphur Ointment, removes Pim ples, Blackheads and Sores, and gives a beautiful .soft, velvety skin. , Your druggist sells, it. It cured Edward D. Herring, of Frederick, Md. of a bad case of Eczema, and he writes: "My face is as smooth as an infant's." All-about-Sulphur Booklet free, if you write Hanoock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more. 2, - Calnmny will soil virtue itself. . : I Women Who Wear Well. It Is astonishing how great a change a few years of married life often make In the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm, the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. The matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are two reasons for this change, ignorance and neglect. Few young women appreciate the shock to the system through the change which comes with marriage and motherhood.. Many neglect to deal with the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak nesses which too often come with mar? riage and motherhood, not understanding that this secret drain is robbing the cheek of its freshness and the form of its fairness. '. As surely as the general health suffers when there Is deangement of the health of the delicate womaMgorgans, so surely whePthe organs a7esxtabllshed in health the race anjr"hvatci?re witness to theract in reMwid romeTtfce Nearly a million women havw feurid health and happiness In the u?e of Dr. Piwrce'y Fa; vorite Prescription. It makes weak wom en strong and sick women welL Ingredi ents on label contains ne alcohol or harmful habit - forming drugs. Made wholly of those native, American, medic inal roots most highly recommended by leading medical authorities of all the sev eral schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments. For nursing mothers.or for those broken down in health by too frequent bearing of children, also for the expectant mothers, to prepare the system for the coming of baby and making its advent easy and almost painless, there is no medicine quite so good as Favorite Prescription." It can do no harm in any condition of the system. It is a most potent invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine nicely adapted to woman's delicate system by a physician of large experience in the treat ment of woman's peculiar ailments. Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Lips, however rosy, must be fed. H. H. Obxkn's Sons, of Atlanta, Oa., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their liberal offer In advertise ment in another oolumn of this paper. Of all men sailors suffer most from, rheu matism. : To improve the general health, take Gar field Tea daily for a time; it purifies the blood, eradicates rheumatism and many chronic ailments, and keeps the health good! Garfield Tea is made of herbs; it is guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs law. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 'Tis the cause makes all ; 'degrades or hallows courage in its fall. Byron. Iteh cured In 80 minutes by "Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails, At druggists. The path of duty is the path of safety. German. HICKS' CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CURES HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS IN 6 TO 13 HOURS Trial Bonis 10c At Dra&Uts H - cis mil jC Ihm lc4 eeeme lighter-r-Wagoa end teem wear longer Yen make snote money f and hare more time tp make money, when wheels are greased with The longest weariag end rnoet satisfactory lubricant in the world. STANDARD OIL CO. ri n i it- i v k la When You Want Pure White Lead, ' ; iGet It Probably there is no other article of com. mercc? subject ed to so much dul- tera tion and mis repre sentation as . White Lead. Out of 18 brands of "White Lead" recently analyzed by the Government Agricultural Experiment Station of North Dakota, 5 contained absolutely no White Lead, 5 less than 15 of White Lead, and only 3 over 90 of White Lead. - - There is, however, a way to be cer tain of the purity and genuineness of the White Lead you buy, and that is to see that the keg you buy bears the Dutch Boy trade mark. This trade mark is a positive guarantee of abso lutely Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK ""A Talk on Paint," girea valuable infor mation on the paint abject. Sent free upon request. All lead packed tn 1007 bears this mark. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY in whichever of the follow ing cities is nearest you ; New York, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicago, St. Louis, Phila delphia fJohn T. Lewis & Bros. Co. ; Pitts barch National Lead & Oil Co.' PLAY BALL Spaldinf Official Bass Ball SUadard of tho Warm $125 Eocli. Boys' Official Base Sao, 99c ZactL SPALDINQ BASE BALL GOODS roR BOYS. No, IB Base Ball, V5a. ' No. tHB Bat, Ota, Now XB Base Bail, 0c ' No. 8Z Bat, J. . No. 7B Eaae rit, o. No, &XS Bat, Mo. No. 9B Base Boll, lOo. No.AJJJIttt,LJa. No. XB QMove, t1.0X No. AA Mitt, We. No, 14 Glove, 60c. Vn. 3 Mitt, 23c, , - Ne. 1 filer. Nr. BASE-BALL UNIFORMS FOR BOYS. lynx. 4 4uai4C7, on to.vn urJar, par iuii. No. & Uitiuky, oa totuu order, txi-'JO per Salt. SPECIAL. No, 6 Ju!Ultr, $U.0y r Sut. Oar SpeoUt No. 6 Boy s Uniform couniU oi shirt, button from T?!tA one felt letter, in biitea oj to A tncxi chess, j ad la-1 pants In atae up to iu In oh Waist, peak cap, rui lx!t, ani either plain or Cirtpel itock!n3. OHD.&K NOW IXXN'i U&LJLY. New 4k4e B&ii cafkiogrua Free i aadress, Mail Order Dept. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS., 129 Nassau St., Now York rrq To convlnoe any. 1 1 woman that Pax- tine Antirfeptfo VIII Improve her health ana da all we cla&x for it. will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtina wifh book, of Instruc tions and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address on a postal card, oleansei and heals muoous m 6 xn brsna af fections, sucB as nasal catarrh, pdvio catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sore eyes, sors throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles Is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and reo ommending ft every day. -60 cents at druggists or by mail. Remember, however, IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY IT. THE IU PAXTON CO., Boston Mess. Elt.KBSSi fiSAVSG CURED! iiiluamiiii i iii 'IBSWE?? tromblee. Care a R HEAVES ifi Indigestion, Yeterl&a V . -y. -fii ans.neeaadrecOTTiTiiania I i0 itiiiSf So. 21-'07. Doiir.ftiaM HEAVE POWDERS Dragrlsts will get tfcem. Mi bin at riaslAV. fita M mall. Send for Free boob PRUSSIAN' REMEDY CO.. ST.' PAUL, MDC CUBED Gives Quick Removes all swelling; In 8 to m day ; effects a permanent care in 30 to 60 dar. Trial treatment jiren free. NotMnffcan De iairer Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sens. Specialists. Box a Atlanta, Ga. 'FftlPir Our handsome cataioyof Kugs. Cr Pies, I, res-, i-inoieii ns ant Lice Ccrislni iliu-a -ate.1 tn natural co-orabcmiree on t eiue .t. Ii win show y ou Uow you can sava 5 c ou every dollar you . pend lor ttu?', CUrpei-3. L.ittOieumi, Uur v.nv rtir.-f!c irom ihe ma a u a.-iurer. .-are a 11 intermediate proars. Writa a posta; to-dST ard receive our oatalo? aosoiuteiy free. j ILLS JSKa. CO., iepu A, 95 Fiftii Ave., Kew iorfc. MX tains etc. AAAAAAAAAAAAA&AAAAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3- 4 3 SWEET AND I JU1GY BLOODHOUND conn BREAD t 1 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s II i) (0 e - CO I i The Ordinal VBrcakPIug" Tobacco. The 0nly"Advcr--lt iised Brand' of North Carolina. Flue-Cured Tobacco Showing a GAIN EVERY YEAR since introduced. ' "I0ITATED IE1 STYLE BUT HOT SfJ GHEVT-I TTTTTTTTv'WTTTTTTTTTTVTVTWTWVTVTVTTWT,?f V WTVVT7TTT Vhy not have it Cured? Send at oace letter or postal, with your address and p. lnclpal acta. We will mail trial treatment, without cost to too, that will give 1mm diate relief from the effects oi cumbersome and dangerous trusses. We also cead our free boot on the "Cause, Care and Cure of Rupture." This explains how you may be Eb tireiy Cured by small cost by th Herula Healer Co., 459 W. 8, Erie, Pa. FIVE BEAUTIFUL POST CARDS FREE . to any one who will send a list of nam es and addresses of brys or girls who will likely go off to college this year or next. Put boy and girls on separate list. J. W. BEESON, (Mention this paper.) Meridian, Miss, Light SAW. MILLS LATH AND SHIN3LE MACHINES, SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, wood, iron And steel ALL KINDS OF BELTHTG AND MILL SUPPLIES LombaiH Feimdry, Machine and Eci'sr Warks & Supply Sam AUGUSTA, GA. it THIS LINIMENT KILLS PAIN AND SHOULD BE FOUND. IN EVERY HOME AND STABLE CURB AND SCRATCHES. . J. Arthur Brubeck of Simeon, Va., -Writes : I have tried it, and find Yager's LiiNiiiEXT the best he ever used. One of his horses had a curb and it removed it entirely, and it is also a sure cure for scratches, and many other ailments he has used it for, he says it is tfie best of all liniments and recommends it. A PAINFUL BRUISE. Mr. "W. E. Brunei" of Richmond, Va.. writes: I had been troubled with a severe bruise, which he got from riding a horse bareback and could not cure it, a friend recommended Yager's Liniment, one application relieved him, and less than a bottle, cured it entirely, he says it is the best liniment he ever used. CURES SWEENY AND RHEUMATISM. Mr. Thos. G. Price, stockman for the Mononsrah Coal and Cote Co., Monong-ah, W. Va., -writes : They use 125 to 150 horse3 and mules, and have used Yager's Liniment in their stables for years past, and it has ne r failed to cure. For several months a veterinary worked on a horse with s. severe case of sweeny with no results, when three bottles of . Yager's Liniment cured it. Mr. Price was laid up for eleven months with rheumatism, seven months in bed ; two bottles of Yager's Liniment put him on his feet When you need a liniment buy Yager's and you get the best keep a bottle in your home and stable, it will be the best investment you ever made. Have it ready for emergencies. TAKE NO SUKTITUTE ALL MERCHANTS AND DRUGGISTS SELL IT LARGE BOTTLES, 25 CTS. mi i in mm i i w iil. ) u .nnuJ un niigw khiihuiiuothuh u minauBim ji mm 11 1 . i m-mmm i in mi n jiiimip w w ' , -f 'r - , - 1 f--n il i - '-1 '- t. "-iitrnTmi,ir-J' - im amn i,n , i. n m i Iiiimumiih i,mt mm m im ujjuju I Story of Gcd's Love , . Christ's life makes the letters that alone can tell the story of tlu love of God to man. Home Herald, Your ! i Passing B8 mmmtiiimiMmmmmmi Women's troubles throw a cloud over their lives, which neglect may cause to become permanent Make yours into a passing shadow by taking a medicine that acts directly on your womanly organs, the dis order; of which has caused your womanly troubles. The right remedy for you, when ycu have headache-, backache, nervous spells, dragging pains, irregular functions etc., is Win Mrs. R. H. Lawson, of Sprott, Ala,, writes: I suffered with female troubles for 12 years; tried 4 doctors; they did no good, so I took Wine of Cardui. . I have taken 18 bottlesfeel greatly relieved and am better than In 20 years." .Sold by all reliable druggists, in $1.00 bottles. Try it WRITE US A LETTER Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Advice, describe your symotoras, stating age. and reply will be sentiin plalnT sealed enveiope. Address: Ladies Advisory DepU. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. 'SSI -,iu 3,, W. IIP '-H f TSS1 S

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