' ' iiViMm "'i i r ' ' --aiaaiJge" ' ' """" ' "' riiiriiiliimiin Hi in n iniiinn mil hi . ill tin ii n ii ii ii ii ii Hand LJ mi lUy LaUU For hot weathereaten daily in its natural state with cream and sugar. In cold weather put in a stew-pan, cover with boiling hot milk, let it boil two minutes; stir to prevent lumping; serve hot with cream and sugar. No breakfast food can compare with MBBMHk W o) 0). ffU JUIjUd If UlUlk? OI1EAT FLAIIE CELERY ; mm It contains all the elements found in the body, intelli gently combined to make a diet conducive to health 1nnr life. PreDared under, the personal super vision of Dr. Price, whose name as a manufacturer of pure food products is national. Palatable nutritious - Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Cm be served lot. Pit i lot ttei for a few munes; r cook ws y Signature r f)SZS7j A AH Grocers packag a ra won 5 year old Bay Stallion Sire Dam Grattorv 2.13 Marciac The Home Stretch Family Students at Fftii '- . " . .... . , Garren, Hoover, Fletcher, N. C- Gates, James Mitchell, Swltzer, & Glazenef, Cannle, Brevard, N. C Glazener, James Marlon, Brevard, N. C Green William Virgil, Cherokee Springs, S. C. Grogah, Ruftis Parker, Canton, N. C. Hammond, William Marvin, Newry, ' s. a . Hammond, Emma, Newry, S. C. Hammond, Pearl, Newry, S. C. Hart, George Burgin, Flat Rock, N. C. Hart, Clyda, Hendersonville, N. C. . Hart, tela, Hendersonville, N. C Hart, tula, Hendersonville, N. C. Hart, Otis, Hendersonville, N. C - Hart, Luna L., Spartanburg, S. C. Hawkins, Josie, Laurens, S. C. Hutchenson, Frederick Cecil, Hender sonville, N. C. Hutchenson, John, Hendersonville, N. C Hutchenson, Mamie, Hendersonville, N. C. Hutchenson, Ralph C, Hendersonville, N. CL i Huggios, Francis Marlon, Henderson ville; n. a Hyde, Hattie, Central, S. C. Johnson, Clio, Hendersonville, N. C. Johnson, Roy, Hendersonville, N. C. Johnson, Mosely Ervin, Bellvlew, N. G Justus, Roscoe C, Flat Rock, N. C Justus, Turner, Edneyvllle, N. C. Kelly, Oscar, Seneca, S. C . " Lanning, Brownlow, Hendersonville, N. C. Alexander, Elisha, Salem, S. C Anderson, Pearl, Coronaca, S. C Brevard, Bertha Naomi, Hendersonville, N. C. Brock, Lala B., Flat Rock, N. a Cagle, Clarence Eugene, Henderson ville, N. C Capps, Maria S., Grange, N. C. Capps, Raleigh, Lorenzo, Grange, N. C. Collins, Carroll, Hendersonville, N. C. Collins, Nana French, Tiger, N. C. CVni f'nlimihiKj TIonrfArannvl 11a W C TTftl drtLttjnn Rav Stallion 1050 Dounds. absolutely sound and has all the quail- rRtnn Frvi TTpnrWunnvmp K n ' ties that a great Sire must have brains, size, substance, good looks and perfect CoXf May gwitzer, S. C, manners. Hal was never worked to take a mark but he is very fast, can show Cox Nettle Florence, Moore, S. a a 2.20 clip. After.season is ver I am going to race Mm and believe he will go" as CoXf LerIie J Moore, S. C. fast some of his kin. I believe be is the bost bred Stallion in the South. How Dait0n, William Mills, Fairbanks, N. C. would you like to own a Colt with blood like this in hia veins. Fee 2 to insure DaVis. Llllle, Hendersonville, JN. C. Drake, Earnest L., River view, 8. C Edney, Henry Grady, Hendersonville, X. c. Elmore, Horace Stringfellow, Spartan burg, s. C. Elmore, John Taylor, Spartanburg, s. c. Fisher, Herman, Hendersonville. N. C. Freeman, Alta Jay, Hendersonville, N. U. Freeman, Estelle E., Hendersonville, French, Margaret Logan, Chattanooga, xenn. Garren, Eloise, Hendersonville. N. C. C B. Moffttt PrOX?. Garren George, Hendersonville, N. C. m. a avj s. Garrelf LeIaf Hendersonville, N. C. I am prepared to furnish good barren, Vesta, Hendersonville, N. a livery service at modern prices. N c. 4 m' Careful drivers and safe horses. Love, Everette S., Hendersonville, N. G The patronage of traveling men Lore, Katie, Hendersonville, N. C. and the public respectfully invited Love, Ellen, Hendersonville, N. C. " ' Maxwell, Cummins C, Fletcher, N. C. C B MOFFIT I Maxwell, Dora May, - Fletcher, N. C Meadows, George, Bellvlew, N. C. Morgan, Willie, Landrum, S. C. McMinn, Roy, Hendersonville, N. C. Norman, Carl, Hendersonville, N. C Norman, Lee, Hendersonville, N. C. Orr, Tauline, Union, S. C. Orr, Sftrepta, Union, S. C. Owenby, Charlie, Hendersonville. N. C. Pace, B. Harrison, Hendersonville, IN. VJ. Parker, Joseph F., Chimney Rock, N. C. rettit, Broadus, Ilobbysville, S. C. Pettit, Spurgeon, Pauline, S. C. Pittlllo, Arthur, Hendersonville, N. a Pittlllo, Emily French, Hendersonville, i'ittillo, Hester Isadora, Henderson- ville, N. C. Pittlllo, Nina, Hendersonville, N. C. L'lttnio, uctavia B., Hendersonville. N. C. Pittlllo, Duffie, Hendersonville, N. C. L'lttnio, Leo, Hendersonville, N. C. Pittlllo, Plato, Hendersonville, N. C. rrestwood, Lula, Hendersonville, N. C. refunded if mare proves not in foal Oscud Erown. Hendersonville, N. C. 6iFi6 to A WfF&TT" iki niimtUt That U tte& iO th IIMM of a Wotuan. . In & recent divorce case the husband, when asked if he ever made bis wife any Christmas , or birthday . presents, replied: y ' No; I am sorry to .say I never did. I gave Mrs. power to draw on my bank account and to buy anything she wanted. I was mistaken. That -was not all I should have done. . That did not take the place of my buying things and taking them home to her." It to astonishing how little even the majority of husbands, know about the femln.'jxe nature. I recently heard a young wlf e say that she would rather have her husband bring her a bunch of violets than give her ten times the money they , cost But she said she could never . make him appreciate the fact that money was not all that she needed. " I know men who never think of tak ing home a bunch of flowers to their wives. They either think It unneces sary extravagance or that If their wives want flowers they can. get them themselves. They do not realize that women prize the little courtesies, the little attentions and evidences of though tfulness more than money. It Is the invitation to the little outing or vacation, the little trip to another city, the bringing home of tickets to the theater or opera or to the concert or lecture It is the hundred and one lit tle things that make the average wo man happy and not merely the fact that her Imperative-wants are supplied in a lump sum. Most men overlook the fact that it does not take so much, after all, to satisfy the average woman. It is largely a question of the right spirit, of doing the thlng3 which indicate thoughtfulness. Just giving a wife a check once In awhile, no matter how large It may be, or telling her to draw as much as she needs from your bank account will not satisfy a womanly woman. It is yourself she wants with the money. Success Magazine. DR. J. H. HUNTER The Alt-rottnd STECFLAUT Makes a Specialty of Cancer Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula and Rtaeuma titm; Diseases of the Genito-Urimary Organs and Rectum. Treats without Ihe knife, loss of blood and little pain to patient. CONSULTATION FKKJS Terms of Treatment Salsfactory 25 VaraPracttcal ExDerience JL A. Clark, cancer of nose -..Rock Hill, S. C Mrs J J Williams, cancer of face Tirzan, S. C Mrs S K Nelson, cancer of face- .Ogden. S. C J R Martin, chronic ulcer of leg Blacksburg S C J K Hambright. verocose ulcer of leg, Blacksburg. S C Miss Minnie Mode, Rheumatism Caffney, S C J N Clonts, cancer of tongue... Tirzah Mrs Mary White, chronic ulcer of leg. . Gaffney, S C Miss Carrie Hopper, scrofula 'O J H MeMahon, rheumatism Henrietta. N M its Buney Green, exzma... Mooresboro, " e. W. Bridges, rheumatism..... - Horse Shoe LiJery Stable Salola Inn Sugar Loaf Mount9 n CarrioLfje and S 1 g n. Painting I am now prepaired to do all kinds of carriage and sign palntlog with neat ,ness and dispatch work lowarnted. I ask a liberal patronage of the citizens of Hendersonville. A. F. STEVENSON. Altitude 4060 feet . He opens June 11 07 Modern Conveniences, New Barn and Carriage House Plates 2.00 per Day Vt& Tillman, Hendersonville, peCtai TCMeefiJjr rare Vrjor, Jay, Hendersonville, N. C. Spring Lamband Spring Chicken Tovaf orncE tfciry hall Ottanola. Jf. C E2" Ed wards Hardware Go Keep Cool. Buy one of our Bright est and Best Oil Stoves. We have them all sizes, from $1.50 up. V Fishing ; Tajckles,''- Hammocks, Tennis' goods, Rifles and Pistols, Carterages all sizes. The Famio.us Universial Co'ffee, percolator. . ' 1 - LI at Cost - STORE WINDOW LIGHTS. Resralatfous For Their Comtrol ma Applied In Berllm. The regulation of artificial lighting In connection with window displays is a subject which has been given com paratively little attention by the mu nicipalities of this country, considering the extent to which It Is used for this purpose in these days. That this phase of the lighting question demands closer scrutiny there can be no doubt, and It 'might be well for information on the matter to look to those cities which have given It study. Stringent regulations have been adopted in Ber lin and other European cities, where merchants were Inclined to take ad vantage of laxity In the premises. In Berlin lamps outside shop windows must not be lower than ten feet above the pavement , or project more than forty inches from the wall. Where the lighting In the windows Is done by oil, petroleum, gas flame or Welsbachs there must always be a sheet of glass not less than one-tenth of an Inch thick under the lamps and running the whole length and breadth of the shop windows, so ' as to completely cover the articles In the window.' and noth ing Is to be put above the lamps. The lamps must be at least forty Inches below any Inflammable part of the construction and ten Inches from any such part horizontally. . There are also regulations as to Iron screens where there Is bare wood and as to efficient ventilation. Bare flames are not, allowed In Igniting the gas. This must be done by chemical or elec trical kindlers or by electrlc distance spark kindling arrangements especial ly sanctioned by the authorities. The regulations for Incandescent electric lamps are about equally strict. Mu nicipal Journal and Engineer. sides ; m it w m 1: 1 I . VV ft M -M iff J. FANCY DRESS GOODS Dress Linens, Silks, Lawns, Batiste, Voiles in all- the latest t designs and pattrens We keep at all times a. full 7 line of Notions, Summer Un derwear, Hosiery, Laces, Em broideris and Ribbens 4 Gents Fxrnishings We' also handle the famous Tapering Waist R & G Corset PHONE 59 O. WILLIAMS W 1 "' Kill fl II Mill That it another of their good features, an important oaef as hundreds of fires occur annually from sparks settling on the roof. Better put them on the roof now than wish you had later. They're cheap enough. Last a life-time. Never need repairs, and they turn the appearance of any house into a home. Come in and see the stock we carry. , Pryor, Winnie, Hendersonville, N. C. Rector, Jesse, Pelham, S. C. Rhodes, Anna Catherine, Henderson ville, N. C. , Rhodes, Paul J., Hendersonville. N. C. Rogers,, Pinkney, Hendersonville, N. C. uogers, uoodlet, Hendersonville, N. C Rogers, SIbbie, Hendersonville, N. C. Rogers,' Delbert, Hendersonville. N. C. Rogers, ' Dudley, Hendersonville, N. C. uogers, iueivln 31., Ilendersonyille. X. C. Rogers, Mattle, Hendersonville, N. C. uuuuius, uiiauae v., xucapaw, s. C. Settle, Gillie, Spartanbursr. S. C. Settle, Laura, Spartanburg, S. C. Shipman, Lola B., Hendersonville, N. C. cinciair, Jdiias iv., UdneyvIIIe, N. C. mltn, u. Conway, Batesville. S. C. Smith, Furman L., Greer, S. C. Souther, Maude, Fletcher, N. C.' Staton, Rufus, Saluda, N. C. Staton, Frank, Saluda, N. C. Staton, Charlie, Saluda, N. C. Step, Ocie, Hendersonville, N. C. btepp, uarrie N., Hendersonville. N. C. Stroup,' Arthur, Hendersonville, N. C. Stepp, Galileo, Fairbanks, N. C. ward, uairord, Edneyvllle, N. C. Whittaker, Jessie May, Hendersonville, N. C. Whittaker, Frank, Hendersonville. - Whittaker, Paul, Hendersonville, N.-C. Whittaker. Minnie. Hendprannviiio N. C. ' Woflford, L. Broadus, WoodrufT, S. C. -Wood, B. Creighton, West Union, S. C. Whartop, Ruth, Hendersonville, N. C. wnartofl, liattie, Hendersonville. N. C. Wharton, Ester, Hendersonville. N.'.C Wharton, Lewis, Hendersonville, N. C. vnarton, Lindsay, Hendersonville, is. u. . .- . Wilkie; Mamie, Fletcher, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ge6rge" C. Snyder, of Asheville, are sllll at Mrs. Anderson's. .Mr. Snyder is a piano expert. He has been here several daysi tunlninjf, felt ing and rebuilding pianos, but will not be able to fill any orders received after i tomorrow. Estimates free, phone" 15." Prom Fwj-lnar Pan to Fire. "Life is full of contrariness and non-j payment of alimony," complained the woman as she took her seat reluctantly at her desk on the morning after the dance. v"When I was married and had more leisure than anything else the days were long and deadly, but now that I am free and life might be one endless dream of gayety I have to work.' New York Press. Safe. "Now, dear," said the hero of the elopement as they boarded the train, we are safe from pursuit." "And also," said the young girl radiantly, "safe from starvation. Here's a check pa made out to your order." Ex change. Life Is such a poor business that the strictest economy must be exercised in Its good things. Schopenhauer. HAGAZDTE READERS SUIT SET MAGAZINE beautifully illurtritad, rood ttones and artkk about Cioriua and CAHEKA CRAFT . derated each Booth to the ar- tube teptaductioa of the bt $1.00. work of amateur asi prefentoBal a jj , phofegraphers. 20AD OF A TBOUSAITD T70ZTD&S a book of 75 pages, containing : 120 colored photograpiu of 0,75 picturesque tpoU ia CaliLarnia V and Oregon. - Total . . . S3.25 All for . . . . $2.50 AddreM aQ orders to SUHSET IIAGAZinE Flood Building : Sao Francisco BLY BE OS. 1 - I J XJST a .WORD ecbout Flat Irors You will find them for, all purposes-ranging from jthe small 3 pound Iron for dainty work at $3.75 to Athe larger 6 pound iron for general utility at $4.25 in Aluminum Finish and $4.75 Nickeled. A trial is Jkall that is necessary to convince one, that the elec jtric Iron is not only more convenient but also more economical, when time is considered. And when it comes to comfort in ones- work, jk then the Electric Iron wins by long odds. A two jjweeks free trial readily granted and when once you jjktry The Electric, you could not be persuaded to re mturn to the old sad Iron, with all its accomoaning mDirt, Heat and other bad points. Just drop in and Hlet us show you. THE ELECTRIC STORE Main Street, 5? ii iij iit 6 & Hi ii i! ii ii i! i! ib i5 i! MAILORDEGO PROMPTLY. REMEMBER. Wool Dress Goods and Silks Of theB we show a superb stock, ranging between 50c and $1.75, with the big cin. centration 01 grades from 65? to $1.25. Wide fabrics sellbest this season 43 on to 56 lb. in wool goods and 27 in. to 86 In. silks. FINE COTTONS and LJNENS, both In white poods and colors, "are "having a well deserved popularity as they combine line appearance with great durability while Inexpensive. . - - . . RtonlA nrv Onods. Housekeeoine Goods. Smallwares. Underwear, Hosiery, ana Gloves, Embroideries and Laces. Ribbons. Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, Corsets and But 4erickPatteru8. , ' Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats Vprv'ftttrflctive stvles at reasonable crices. Suits from 83. 95.to $28.nSHrts, ll.5 V $10. 8prlng Coats, $3.50 to $12.50. Onr stock of Embroideries, White Waists (from CEc to $2.90) shows grea value. TJlen's and Bovs' Suits and Furnishings A blR tocH ui biif values rtoin low priced goods on up to very fine grades 128. 0U In meu'M suits Fine Shoes of all kinds. Mats and Caps. Trunks and Bazs. Matting and Rugs up to 9x1a AxmlnsterRus at $23.75. M. REL) W UUU cc tu Asnevilie, is. y. A new shipment of Shoes just reached us . froni Geo. D. Witt Shoe Co., the famous shoe house of Virginia. Among the brands re ceived are the well known Dixie Girl, Roxie Ward, Dixie Boy and The Clansman. See us before buying your next pair of shoes. "Gut Price SJe in all Millinery Goods. Although the season is far advanced we are still showing a bi; assortment of Ladies' Trimed and ready.to wsar hats, Child ren's Trimed hats, Sailor hats, etc. E. Lewis Son ON THE CORNER 7