at it 1 SA S Ifc. C t y m vf Jtfvr r a Jvrr 4 5 The News of Old North State Gathered end, Put g . in Condensed Form. 1 Crazy Man Sxdcide3. ;..-.- - Greensboro,' : Special. Tuesday af ternoon about 2:3Q o'clock one of the prisoners in the . . county, jail ere was horrified nponi passing-the ?ell of a fellow prisoner to see him cwingin by the neck from the top of jjjg'cell. The horror-stricken man cave a lusty yell which soon brought the jailor to the scene. . ; He round upon investigation, that1 the man who -was swinging from the cell was John jfonett, a demented i white man, who had been placed in the jail a Tfew for safe-keeninc: until he coil -1 he taken to the asylum. .'lie was hurriedly taken down and efforts made to resr.scitate. him, but it was useless. The physician who -.was summoned stated that he had' b'een-dead at'feast half an hour when . discovered. The means used -by Monett in taking him self from this world were . provided bv the use cf his suspenders, which Two Postoface Clerks Removed. " Charlotte, Special. Messrs. W.N E Junker and N. M. Jones, night clerks at the ppstomce, were summarily sus pended Tuesday afternoon by Post office Inspector Barclay. This follow ed the preliminary , ; hearing . of Mr. John B-; Benton, who was bound over by United States Commissioner Cobb on the charge of trifling, with ' . the United States mail. ; The case of Jun ker and Jones is in e hands of United States District Attorney Holt- on, of Winston-Salem. No 'warrants have as yet been issued for them and it is not known what other steps will be taken. '.' :':'1"V It was stated that the articles hevis was stated that; the, articles he is charged r with having taken will not exceed $2.50. They consist of 'a can of coffee,' a dollar watch, a razor and a few other insignificant things.' His bond was fixed at $250 and this trial A Plan f cr a System of Credit , Currency OulSined . A SCHEME TO OBVIATE PANICS note ' credits and as the reserves ; re quired " for both forms; of cerdits, should be the same, there could have been no ' ch ange w'h atever in the situa tion.' The bank debt is the same, the amount of the reserve is the same. ;It :Sayfng Rain Water. rtnnto ir. mwt the rennircments or ' trade and currently' redeemed "in gold coin is a -principle followed by. every civilized country in the work except cur own,. , ' j; crld's Banking rower. "Mark this: The banking power Permanent Relief From the Monetary . Stringency; Declares the Chairman v of the Banking and Currency Com- v ' of the Houses Can Be Ob-1 ct the United : States in '. , 1S90 wa tained Only by That Enactment : He Pointy Out the Cause of the j Present Stringency and Outlines '. the Beal Srtnation.'. : . U'c has been only a matter of book-keep- Dos you; know the, rainfall where you An Issue 6f current credit ade- I live?, , In some places it Is over 40 inches In a year.1 Think or it a minute. A flat roof measuring 25 feet each -way will collect 31 gallons of water in an inch of rain, and many a "storm will deliver an day One woman said she spent $50' to save the rain water on asmall barn, and : was able to collect -.13.000 . gallons of water,, a 4 year, an ayerage ,pf ; 36 k salions a day. Woman's Home Comphiom V I ex- about $5,000,000,000 and now oeeds $16,000,000,000 or equal tie : entire banking power - of the world in .1890. which Mulhall placed i''A' Vegetable ' Cellar." at $15,985,000,000. Today the bank- It is now recognized that1 it is very ing power of the entire world, oul -1-ttnwise" to use the house cellar. . as- a storage place ; for vegetables. A far lie fastened to the bunk near the top U probably be held at the December of the cell. He did not have room to ; term of Federal Court. The penalty determined was he for such an offense is said to be a' fine to depart from this world that he ac- f Jd imprisonment for not. lesj than 4 iu urpA . i .tnrfifi months. .Tonps finri .TiinkfiT 1 11 rt i, . mnr iiti n nn f t- mm 1 1 1 i " - v v - tv.ot he misrht strangle. Monett were suspended and Junker upon statements- Wht hire 7rom h5 home near previously by Benton, "Tbeh SL on last Friday night. It is number that he was at times wild and ""V ' . hnf ho Hirl rtAtl uucgcu lvj uav c uccu toikcu iiuu; the mails. The list consisted snid disnoscd to be violent, give the ofilcers who went after him any trouble. Since being put in jail he" had been heard to mutter that they were not going, to hang Old He was about 60 prin cipally of magazines. The defend ants are all young men and none of them have been employes of the local Dostoffice for any srreat length of time. Benton was chief night clerk Wednesday afternoon it was learn Johnnie yet. He was about bO years of ace, and is survived by a wire and IT the undertaking establishment of ; that District Attorney Ho ton, of v Pnnle and prepared for burial. It KewYork, Special.-That perma- f 2', Ud JSS nent relief from -the present mone-'Yw ana . inif ;rr?rr V tar entirely ' separate' from the house. tary stringency can" only 1 be through a system of credit currency adequate to meet the requirements of trade and redeemable in gold com was the opinion expressed by Repre sentative Charles N. Fowler,, of, New Jersey, chairman of the banking and currency committee of the House, which will, at the coming session of Congress, endeavor to have a law passed providing for credit currency issued by the national banks. Until such permanent .relief is made pos sible by legislative enactment, Mr. Fowler asserted, ' the situation must J i a ': xi Ainnnnnnnnn had r ceuu,u.r m.uro ,fnu .f, A-cellar i by weight feet; three .feet in casmers: cnecKS or currem dee with walls nt stone, four feet eredits. " That is, credit currency f-f hi P-b n-n with a anH mnf wnnirt and yet while the United States has hold'atf-'the-' vegetables needed by. a three-sevenths pf thebankmg pcrvrpr 1 family of six for the winter. If well QI tne entire wlQ,. nas noini maue ana ugai, me naiurai neat single 'dollar of current-; bank credit,') the earth'. will protect' the - vegetables although the other four-sevenths joJ Jromrfreezlng .in all ordinary tweather, the world's banking nower has the d an oil stove wilt prevent all dam , x advantage of $4,000,000,000 curreui credits or credit currency. I . "On the same basis we are en titled , to have $3,000,000,000 of cur rent credit, or credit currency. : "If this principle -were broadly age In zero weaiher. "Woman's Horns Companion; iH -r . be met bv the issuance of clearing t! , " J 7 house certificates, cashiers' checks will be taken to Julian jnent. for inter- AM Crime in Thomasville. Hiffh Point, Special. One of the most diabolical crimes in the history of the State was perpetrated at Thomasville, the particulars of which have iust been learned here by the bringing of the little girl here on the Winston-Salem, had telegraphed, to Charlotte, instructing the deputy mar shall here to proceed with the . serv ing of the warrants in the case of Jones and Junker. . The South is Strong. Wilmington, Special. Fifty lead ing merchants manufacturers, and business men of this city telegraphed Gov. Glenn of North Carolina, now, ii i - . ii . p n I III LlttllLtL. lTlr.. J.U1 tUC UUlMVVi Vf. afternoon train. The facts in thei considering with the governors , of case are about as follows: The 4-1 wo other States railroad litigation in year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. tne gouth, the following message Fields, of this place, was visiting the ! : wmch he has been "requjesteoLto read family of Mr. and Mrs. H. . Shoaf,.; at the meeting: "Southern crops relatives of the Fields, at Thomas ville, and while under the influence of morphine and whiskey, they un mercifully beat the little girl and when found she was almost dead. She are plentiful and Southern commer cial and industrial conditions never intrinsically sounder. Agitation lias ruthlessly depressed values, causing congestion and inability to ' move was found wrapped up in a tow-sacK crops with expedition. Restoration with the left arm broken, the skull ; cf confidence essential for the South crusiied m and bleedusg at tne nose,: to Tftze full values for its great and mouth. Her right leg and left foot were badly bruised also, besides other bruises on the body. When the dastarlly crime ' was learned in Tbomasvill, a correspondent learns that there were serious threats of a lynching, ; was averted. products. .We believe it is . in the power of the conference - to restore confidence in a great measure, by an equitable adjustment of the rate con troversv. The South can save : the mf situation by wise action at this junc ture. You are appealed, to as pa Both parties were arrested and plac-!triots and statesmen who have deeply ed under bonds m the sum ot $ &0U at heart the well being of the whole each. The little girl was brought, to people , her home- here, and great crowds r .. gathered around to look and listen Uistrial in Damage Suit, to the awful story, jmd - there ; are I statesville; Special.-The dai many muuenn-.w wnat suuutu.,, cagc q Mrg Lula Canup vs.r the been done to such people as the fiends gouthern Raiiway Company, in the who would so unmercifully, treat a Federal Court resulted in a mistrial, child. i - V 1 The case was given to the jury at 11 t, , fwtAji''' '-o'clock Tuesday morning with three Erakeman Leonard Eeleasa on BaiL . n " p. v-f .c fi,- . ,. .. , , issues as follows : Jbirst, was the Greensboro Special. Wednesday j railroad guilty 0f negligence y second, morning the mother of H. C. Leonard, ih flT, :itv. of neo-Horence : ii i . , i.a j " e j o- o i ice DraKeman wno was arrssieu 101 having caused the wreck, at Rudd by third, what damage, if any ? ; The negligence and placed upder a $1,000 befng out. nearl seven hours bond for his appearance, arrived m w up:, isoeement and the city and signed the bond for her "- " ' 7 Vr7 rnn. I 'ill . , i ,,,, I C A.O VM ALtA TT V. VIVA uIl is appearance at me iicai, vcxjjli Superior Court. Then they returned; to their home at Lexington. - t Convention of Anglers. - ; New York, Special. With the. ob ject of uniting more effectively for Mn Canup was killed by a train about a year ago at a crossing west of Salisbury. Municipal League Convention. Philadelphia; Pa.," Speeial A high ly attrctive programme has been out lined- by -Secretary Clinton Rogers the preservation of the game fishes Woodruff, of this city, for .the com- of America, a call has been. issued for ; mg joint convention of the national a convention of the anglers of the j Municipal League and American Civ United States and Canada, to be held 1 ic Association, which will be held in at the American Museum of Natural Providence, beginning November 19. History in New York, beginning No-1 Secretary Charles J. Bonaparte is president ' oi ine convenuon - . r ? Child Siiled by rill Into Well. Winston-Salem, jSpecial. The two- - -. , - , t I .ii : . j t m 1 Brevard: Special. Returns from I year-oia soaoi vmf tmowi5- nnnfv elinW-tli'iit. nnt of i 'resides nearWilkesboro, fell into a a total registration of approximate-) well a few days agff-and was killed vember 111 Eailroad Bonds Carry in, Transylya- nia County. ly 1,060 at least 675 have voted tor bonds for the -trans-continental "rail road, giving amajoxity of 300 - for bonds and as returns r from- some- pf the precincts are incomplete,' it- .is probable vthat ? this majority mil f be. increased. "vy; "r "" instantly. . An oilcloth had been spread over .the well to keep out leaves and trash. The little boy lef the house unnoticed and attempted to run across the oil cloth. V Ho screamed as he started down nl workmen saw him. disappear. Drunken ; Man Siot. Wadesboro, SpeciaLFriday flight about 10 o'clock John Tucker, a white man livinsr near here, was shot near the heart " and the wound may prove fatal. Tucker was drunk when he came up town and made the an nouncement. His first story was that he received. the ball at the street fair doing business here now, but T later he declared that he was near, the de pot when . shot. He does not know or has not told .who shot him. . He went immediately -to- Dr. Bennett a office, and after examination th3 doc tor advised him to go to a hospital Work on S. & W. Suspended. v Charlotte. Special. -It1 wiil be matter of some interest to "people in this section to know that the presi dent of. tfie South and Western Rail road,. Mr. George L. Crater, has is sued -an order that all heavy work on this road be suspended until further notice. The road-whieh is.being builfr from the coal fields of West Virginia, to the Carolina Seaboard has attract ed wide attention in the South. - The tightness , in the money market is assigned-asr the', reason, for this order emanating from the! president cf the road. " - ' and due bills of business houses and manufacturers'. ; 'The underlying business condi tions,' ' he said to the Associated Press, "are essentially sound as cvi- I denced by the increased earnings of f tliA -rnilronils a.nrl thr fact that tho value of our agricultural products this year are. $500,000,000 more than ast'year (which was the highest year in our history), and are bringing to our people about $7,000,000,000. vBut public : confidence has been greatly shaken and credit seriously affected; therefore, every patriotic citizen from the President down, should do all in his power to restore that confidence which is essential to national prosperity. Cause of Stringency. "The cause of the currency strin gency is that there is scattered broad cast throughout the country,' at the mines, in the wheat, corn and cotton fields, in the pockets of the people or locked up about $1,300,000,000 of the reserve money of the United States most of which under a proper condi tion would be in the banks, serving as reserve. Temporary relief will be through , the I forced use of -current credit in. the form of clearing house certificates, cashiers' checks and due bills of business and manufacturers during the .next 90 days.' The perma nent cure must come through a sys tem of credit currency expanding and ntTfwtinff with the ordinary ' de mands of the smaller trade, precisely as checks and drafts do in the broad er field of commerce. ' ' We have .now proceeded far en ouffh into the present financial ensis to get a pretty clear perspective oi the real situation. The Beal Situation. "First the condition is now gen eral, reaching every nook and corner of the country. "Second If the gold, certiucates, h T7nita States notes and silver certificates, or the reserve money which the banks of the country have sent into the wheat fields of the West and Northwest, into the cornfields of the West and Southwest, into the cot ton fields of the South and into the country districts of all sections to settle up the year's business, I say if these reserves now scattered Drqaa cast overland were, in the' banks whero they properly belong there would have been no money panic tnis fall.4 ' f'Tlin nrnnf rf this assertion is con elusive. Buring the past four months j there has been sent from the banks into the country districts . approxi mately $300,000,000 of currency. Of this amount $250,000,000 approxi mately now in the banks,, would serve as a basis of more than $lxu, 000.000 credits or loans, and the pres ent crisis would have been averted. This results could have been accom plished without increasing the liabili ties of the banks of the country to the extent of one single cent. Lays Down Challenge. "I challenge any man to contro vert this statement and submit, the f AllnwinT as .absolutely conclusive of the assertion.. If the banks of - the country in whieh $250,000,000 ,.A Wwm nnthoTatized as they should UU WWV mr iv Wn. to create bank note credits ni -well as bank book credits, and ' nrncppriPrt to CCUVeTt tlllS l ilf I1MV . w. - f S2ri'0-000.000 of bank book -credits m- a f to bank note credits the banks would notave been affected m any degree or in any ! way whatever, and w the whole country would have .been amp ly supplied with currency with , which to? transact all the fall business." " How .could this have been done I Simply by authoring-each bank to issue cashiers' checks ; to bearer, which is . a curren credit, that is, a credit , that passes by mere delivery, requiring no endorsement. By this process credits would have been converted into ban be, our bank reserves might be. in creased by an average of '9.92 pet cent, to about 20 per cent.N and our banking . liabilities - remain ; practicalr ly the same. " . . . ; The Cashier's Check. t ' To;CIearv: a Coat .Collar. , Nothing. looks worse than ..a greasy edge to a t coat collar, . and nothing makes a coat shabbier. To . remove spots ir marks of that description take equal parts of soft soap and fuller's earth, well mixed and beaten together with a little;" spirits of turpentine; make It into a ball and when 'required for jUse either . dip it: in , hot water or A i 5 s s as a V m- Catarrl: Retnd(i7' Mrs. E. M." "Tinhe'y, "stbry writer, 325 . E. Nueva SW SSaa Antonio, Tex, writes;; . , L - "During ; 190i ,1 etiffered from 'nal catarrh, which 4Vjari?ua ether remedies failed to relieT. " ,T Six, bottles of Penina, which I took, entirely cured ' me the . catarrh disappearing-' and never retarhing. "I Juierefore cheerfiilry - recommend Peruna to all similarly afflicted." mnktcn Tia Tjrt rf tha ?armpiit tf ba "Can any one give a single reason Lipn- rH thV"hli :iVi'on her p why we should use ia' check book for lt dry, ' and afterwards Wiping l oyer credits to order' and not use a cur- quickly wth a cloth dipped - in . hot rent credit of the same bank upon water uptil all the soap is. removed j which to draw our checks' r Is riot' dry the" spot thoroughly with1 clean the cashier's check just as good as cloth. American ..Home 'Magazine. our check upon the same . .bank, in- aeed iar Dener wnen pruiec-r : , Renovating Old Silk; 8noum u uy u. - ,. Old silk renovated in. this , way will posited with the United States gov- t- its lustre -and look, as , well, as ernmcnt,-many more times ampl to when new. Put7two ouaces of alcohol, insure its redemption in gold com. tablesnoonful "of muscilage 1 of "If the banking institutions oi ' the I country could exchange $1,000,OOU,- fui 0j s'6ft soap (dissolve1 a small piece 000 of . cashiers' checks for $1,000,- 0f good quality" in .water), and two 000,000 of reserve jnoney now float- cups of soft water 'in : a bottle, and in" around in the mines, wheat, corn shake, until. well t mixed.. Sponge the and cotton, fields and 'this $1,000,000,- silk on both sides, with the mixture. fwi worfl added to the $1,000,000,000 rubbing well, and then shake " up and : t, i,oni-c .Tnlv lKt,: 1007. our down in a tub of cold or cool water, Mrs.' men Nagle, 414 4th street, Great, Bay' Wis.,"1 writer ;;-,j;:.'.' I I have often heard Peruna praised aztoL it is more' '- widely ' known , here. than anaTj ther medicine, but I never knew what tplendid medksne it really was until a few creeks ago, when I caught a bad eoIJL nrhkh settled all xver 'me, J ;. "The doctor wanted to prescribe bat X told him I was going t try Peruna and tent for a bottle and tried it. "I. felt ' much better the - next ind within fire days 1 had not a trace iny 'lameness or any .cough. . . ; "1 ctynicLer it ttve finest cougn Pjcruka Tablets: Some people prefer iojtake tablets, ratber than; to take mad cine in a fimd form. Such people 4can ob toin .Peruna tablets, Vhich . represent that lolid medicinal intrredtexits' of Peruna. it banks liabilities would be increased only about. 8 per cent, while our re serve would be increased 100 per cent.; it. would be 20 per cent. and this end alone is sumeient to jusimy the adoption - of; the principle, of cur" rent credits in this country." ; neither rubbing .. nor wringing,. Hold by the edge and flap off the water, pin the edges to the line, and while still damp iron between cloths or paper with 'an j.ironl only moderately -hot- From ' Harper's Bazaar.. - .Recipes. THB WAYS OF BIRDS. Am one the many bird pets I have owned at different times owls have always been xny lavcrltes, , At present I .hare thrw tawny owls, wnicn i hava reared from the nest. .Two I took from an old' hawk's neetand one from a hole in the wall of a tumblo- own cottage; ' i ... . . ... I They have been brought .np In con yany wren several ouier vixa. yt.Bf magplea, jackdaws andchawks,: and when, quite young it was an exceed ingly pretty sight to see them all to gether on a perch, tb)e owls watch ir tb Brofiftedlnes of the "lacks" and magpies with an air of absorbing In terest. ' ! ' f "v '. i Sometimes a "jack", would 'fly up? to the perch and give one of the tawnies a friendly dig' -with 5 his , .'beak-as though be wanted to-say: "Wake up, old fellow!", ,V ' ,7 I ' Whereupon the ; owr would proceed with great gravity to comb the dis turber's plumage with beak andiclw; occasionally pausing, during the . oper ation to iurvey his work out of a halt open eye, "jack,' ther while, winking a his mates below ..with the air ipf : It's all right; It pleases the old duf: l Pickled Onions- Peel the onions, let stand1 InjBalt"water two days. Strain off the salt water and nour on hot spiced; vinegar enoughrvto ciover. Tomato -Soup-Strain one quart ; of Peruna -is sold by your local 4ro rist. , Buy, a bottle today. , So. 45-'07. - , ' A Pair of PhilpsophersC. -He sifted into the grocery. - c A friend in need.'V murmured he, is he reached for the dried beef, "is '. , letter; than much parsnips. ' '! iiesvrespondeci tne grocer.-piao-- ' A 1 3 ' ing a wire cage - oyer me; uog biscuit, ' ' bu t fine words disount no - jutter, bills.' ' ; . 'Kind hearts are more than corner ots, , and simple faith than Mormort lood.'? . i' 1 True ; but - pay as you go -is the " est policy.' V - ; , The stranger v leaned, against fcitt bickle barrel. V Wg-C .J "How about a little line of credit !or "the j approaching winter t" be in-. iired-v . . . ' ' : V. Nary, little line pf credit." , "tfot a triflins little line of credit. jot -necessarily, -for business, : Imt nerely as an evidence' of good willt,r x ivrt ,Qrm nefv sighed taa canned tomatoes through j'a sieve, JPUt yanaerer reaching v for the shreded , on xne smye anu puun. s smn. huic.. i jodnsh. Then'add tone quart'of mUk, tone onion, Balt,( -pepper rand, butter,, and thicken la very little with' flour: ' , Tomato Salad First a nice crisp leaf of ' lettuce,' on" this lay a firm slfce of red tomato, bVer all pour a mayon natsa dressing not generously enough to hide the colors..i Keep on ice until ready to arrange and it will be very refreshing .on a hot -day both to the sj V.. MU . V Mayonnaise Dressing Put yolks of two eggs in a ' bowl, one teaspoon of salt, one! teaspoon of mustard,; ; and a pinch of jed pepper; "then commence beating, theggs .and add oil aittle at a time,-using - two1 tablespoons and iuice of half a lemon. If too thick thlif witha little cream.- " ii,"0 j Toma'tb'CatsupOhe1 gallon toma toes, one -pint of1 vinegar, one table spoon of ground mustard, one table spoon: bf allspice-1 (small measure) two tablespoons of black pepper, one. blespoonfuls of . salt,- one tei spoonful of cloves, oj4ehalf tablespoon of cinna- VKone whatever,' opined , the gxo- W ashe placed the mottled eheeser n the; safe. -J- , - .'7 "A I rolling stone gjithera po mosa j. .; ft y' oses." ' . .n v --s . v- f.s "And a: gift cigar, should j not be dacedL in a, horse ,ssmouthT' , "And 'all is not gold that is est nated . a such' in the mining book- The stranger garnered a nanaxoK f prunes. U ':' ;: : "Goodiday,7( said.hei v . "Gkodnday, said the grocer. - He sifted out. V-. ... 1; :. ; - Flee. i sloth.' for the' indolence aS bhe soulis the decay of the body. Cato. HER "BEST ; FRTENDW A Wonaaa Thus Speaks cf Postma. best: PRt.lcat vw, -"'2.1 veo T,flfllf tahlesTWon of chma- ed and have found themer ,amus- WCT,7 b wOTllfi ;'flT I mou, auu uiruau tuy ui ouba.i. far nets. I had , one which wouiuny down in broad' daylight from cage aad catch a live mouse, and! back again to make a meal of tt, swalww lnc; It whole by- a succession of fear ful gulps.': ' ' . i . -: I have seen him swallow , three In nccession and hav no, doubt nai down one-half.. We " usual It consider-- our friends those who' treat us best. Rome oersonsJ think coffee a real friend,' but atch 'ii carefully awhile? aid observe that if is one or tbe meaaest of all; enemies, for it stabsr Sweet Tomato Pickles One . peck of ohV while professing friendship green tomatoes and six large onions; slices together and sprinkle one . tea cup of salt over them; the next morn ing drain in a colander, and scald up in weak? vinegar- water; then take had he been offered a fourth he (would fourquarts of yinegar;;two,pounds ot have been equal to tiie occasion. In credible as it may seem to those who have never witnessed the feat, he "uld think nothing of devouring a gparrow, '.- leathers , and; all. Eosary tlecaxine. ' ; brown sugar, one onnce of white mus tard seed, two " tablespoons of ground allspice, cloves and cinnamon. Put all together and boil 15 minutes.,- Chili Sauce Eighteen ripe tomatoes, Coffee contains a poisonous drug . eaffeins which injures the delicate nervous system and frequently, setsr op disease In one or. mow orear oT the body if its use is 'persfsted in. 'l had, he's rt? palpitation, and ner TonsaeES.for fonr years, and the doc tor told me the trouble wa5 cans-d by coffee. Ke advised me to leave It off. but I .thought I CQuld.ngt,writes s. Wis. Ia4y. "On the advice of friend I tnet six large onions,;one or two peppers, Q Food CceeV and 1t;so satis- leaving uui uic occw,, f . T Am ot i0r coiree aiter pew RIants in England .Tb. letalltr of a claim to aifamily pew was raised at "Carlisle CJonslstory and peel tomatoes and cook with the VUU1 I jcobaMut two and a half cues vinegar, two ta blespeehfuls 'of .sajt,; pne:teaspoonfut each cinnamon, allspice; iuidS nutmeg, onp-half teasnoonful . of cloves. Scald Permission was granted for j altera tions to Hesket Church, Cumberland, which will necessitate ihe-removal from the chancel of a family pewvthe occupants of which applied for a fresh pew' in its place. ' ' " ; The applicant, Captain James; of Barrock Lodge, claimed that hia fam ily had used the pew for nearly! a aun dred years, and. that .theyhad ances tors buried beneath it. - 2 Chancellor Prescott,. ruled' that; the family had no legal' right tq the pew. The privilege had been granted to a onions and peppers until tender; add sugar, and spices, cook ten minutes longer; add vinegar and let come to a oil.. Bottle 'or can while hot. - "Salmon Loaf One can salmon,' four eggs beaten light and separately, four tablespoons melted butter, one-half cup bread crumbs, sprig parsley; pick fish fine, rub in better, beat crumbs with eggs, mix all together, season with "salt and pepper, steam due hour Sauce--One cup heated milk thick ened with one tablespoons corn starch rubbed, together ' with; jpne tablespoon butter, then add tne liquor or saimcn, former owner of Barrock Lodge,. and, J . ,' t Defore taking off stove one could not be trensf erred to subsequent j u beaten cgg. Season. . Pour over owners- of the estate. Ixjndon DailyJ jy, aa garnish with egg and parsley. Mail. " " .' ' 1 - . . m a a nays mai 01 jrosvuni. r "As weeks went by and I continued to so'Postum'Trir weight Increased from 98 to 11 C poands, and lie heart-' trouble left me. I have usedVlt a year now cad am stronger than I ever'waa, I can hustle up stairs without any heart Fcilpitatlon, - and , am 'paired ot nervousnew?. - !.? rii!ldrn are verv fona of Pos- tum, tnd It agrees with them. Mr sister liked it when she drnk it at my house, bat not when she'made It at ber own home. Now she has? Uaraed to make it right, , boil It ac cording to directions, aad hai become very fond of It. You ma'use my name if "you wish -, as -I am, not sshamed of praising ray. best friend: w Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, rMich. Rsad "TheIload. V WelWlleVin pks3.;;'There'a a Bxc-