tbtfxericb Bb Suotlcr &f L. SHIPMAN. T. R. BARROWS, EditOl Associate Editor Enurtd at the JPostoffice at BendenonaOa I v.c o now maiur oi the second class. I : - ' ' . . - We wisli to congratulate The Waleigh News and Observer most heartily upon the great enterprise exmcueu in me prouumwu ui i magnificent lnauSbtiai euuiuu i- i a l which appeared recently. " That n tereting paper-has long Jiad the ' -v I habit of doicg things on a grand scale and thU mammoth number, iliusirauve oi iunu varuuua o 1 ' - i I nly a tanner evi I dM CM i .iM. !!a1u, iax,u the effort to bring the attractions $ MwnrM; Thia latest nroduc- tion is destined to prove of ineal-' " . JL , . . , cnlable value to tne t state ana .wmk.. arafe- boon to everv - - - wt i progressive citizen who feels a I pride in the rapid strides North Carolinais taking along theWine of industrial development during recent years Democratic editors and business i ixt. I men are co-operaung witu mo, republicans, in every possible way, in the effort to avert financial dis aster, throughout the country. How very different from the posi tion taken by radical organs - and spell-binders fourteen years ago when a democrat happened to be presidpnt, under somewhat simi lar conditions. With that crowd, "it depends upon whose ox is gored.' It is exceedingly amus ing to hear them saying now that the president- has nothing at all to do with the trouble. There is considerable unfavor able com Jient, and justly so, upon the action of the president in au thorizing the omission of the . j words "In God. We Trust" from the new coius' that are now being produced. No valid excuse can be rendered for the assumption of such high-handed authority. But "Emneror Theodore" is not to A. be considered in the lowly (?) class with our forefathers who founded this government 131 years ago and whose posteritylias main tained it until this good day. Judge Peebles,-who 'presided at November term of Henderson Su perior court last week, announced the apointment of Mr. Henry W - Allen, of Horse Shoe, as sucessor to Capt. B. T, Morris on vthe Fi- nance Committee. Mr. Allen is "r Ajcompetent business man and. an activs democratic worker one who always "comes to the scratch" on election da v.' He is the kind -..who vote the ticket straight. We can bring forward republi can evidence to substantiate the cbargethat the president is wholly to blame for this "panicky" state of affairs. There was no truth in the contention then and none at this time, but the charge was made just the same. -Their hypo crisy has been laid bare and they ought to have the manhood to ad mit that t'"-y have been willfully deceiving the people all these years, Hendersonville banking insti tutions pay cash t, while the pa trons of similar concerns else where have to content themselves with "clearinghouse certificates," whatever such' things are. It is hoped that present' conditions in the city may be maintained MR. TAYLOE'S LETTER .:- ' Attention is directed to the let- ter from Mr. W. H. Tayloe, gen- . . .. .1 eral passenger agent 01 tne oouia- ern Railway Company, which ap- pears elsewhere in today's paper, Readers of the Hustler will doubt- less recall the "Story of a Ticket" that appeared in this paper Beveral weefcs ago, reciting the incident & CQnductor exacting fare had rmm an nrncau Kin. wuv w accidentally misplaced nej ticsei, n changing cars at Salisbury. . . - . , The letter 0f Mr. Tayloe purports to give the railroad'ssid of the mutter and we Have Dieaaure in - & S I publishing what he has tp say. Mr. Tavloe says the conductor could iiot carry the girl without a ticket and yet concludes the same entence, containing tn 1 ment.thusly: "nd no aouot you Mid tViA vnnnjr crirl a kindness in I a W her fare although had you -r- uot done tnis d0UDlesa tne con 1 Kawa OAfrlO I - I rtVioi. m nrAm onf. trw Viol r'MW otner arrangement lor ner, as a i j A j , permit a passenger; under such . . ff . !,0 satVAnmaaniAa rr .-.nTtQI1 a horn. ' a ship." This suggestion clearlyl JnrUrffls ffrnf. fr T'avlnA ia nna ... wora rtf fliA orfifrrv nd diVfnfn. i .f,w,,f nf -,. ' , : . his company. That conductor i ,i , . j , won Id nofc nonmdnr an pxnlana-lwJ" tion and actually took .the girl's money, after having been apprised of the fact that she had just enough to defray necessary ex- penses m Asheville and thence to I Mars Hill. If Mr. Tayloe desires i . i a . i 0 a i l iuih BiaiemeDi vennea i urine r i evidence will be produced without difficulty. The writer demanded the return of Miss Anderson's money and advanced the amount as previously stated in this paper. After an hour's waiting, there was not the. slightest indication that "some other arrangement" would be made for her. Mr. Tayloe further complains: "There appeared in. the French Broad Hustler of September 12th an article, as I read it, is intended to reflect some discredit upon the Southern Railway in the matter. I hope there was no such inten tion in the article, for the reason I do not believe that you would want to do us th&$ injustice." If criticising the uncharitable and unwarranted actions of an em ploye is a reflection upon the com pany, the writer pleads guilty to the charge. If Mr. Tayloe will take the time to read the article carefully, he must conclude that a construction foreign to our inten tion has been placed upon the same. We have alwavs endeavor ed to be charitable toward the Southern Railway and every other corporation, as for that matter, but reserve thii right ; to complain when conditions seem to justify, as in tne matter wnicn nas pro voked this controversy. We are more-than willing to "give credit where credit is due" and wish to thank Mr. Tayloe for his letter and voucher, while resenting the intimation tnat tne article com plained of was without sufficient provocation. It stated the. plain unvarnished truth and must stand without the slightest modification. We shall be pleated to go over the matter with Mr. Tayloe per sonally when convenient. - Our relations with his company have always been pleasant and no diffi culty has been experienced with any of its higher officials, or even a station agent. The conductors, as a rule, are courteous and ob liging, but'a few of them appear to think they own the-: whole road and a lie ff the moou, besides. It is the latter -class who some- uu.i.F.-B- of indignities and the limit nas - t - been reached, so far as we are, con cerned. We shall apprize the pub lic of any objectionable conduct on their part, that may come un der our observation, from time to time, believing it to be the most effective way to correct the 'evils of their way.' . - ,- The Board of Trade is engaged in the very laudable effort - to brinf, tne attractions and advan tagea of Hendersonville to the at 4.: f "f ha rmtflidft world.". VJL ww.y - ; Th Q COODeration of every business n shonld be enlisted in the movement to the end that the m08, de8irabie results possible ma be reached. Tnis is an aKe o progre9 an Heuaersonviue " ... mnaf. Vn abreast of tne times. r. To do this her citizens wiU have - . j to constantly be on tne aier. tJia TTnatler has received a t- haudsomly bound volumne of State Superintendent Joyner s biennial report for the scholastic V4V X loai-lOOK. 1QO5.1Q00. It is 1 replete with valuable information odncftfinnal affairs. DiD",u6 "v V Conveniently arranged and neatly brinted. We are indebted to Mr. Jovner for this useful ana instruc Minatrnn and nlace the same in our library with thanks The financial flurry does not 8eemto subside very rapidly, not- withstauding the fact that the preaent occupant of the. White . . . ir il:. House is a republican, xes, uio one will ever hereafter be referred to as the "Roosevelt panic." That quaint old saying, "every dog has his day," will not down Promoters of the new railroad project tell us that grading will begin within a few week's time and prosecuted to a final conclu sion without delay. This is good news. ' Attorneys for the railroads say they are not ready to resume the hearing in rate cases and the mat ter will not be reopened until the 26th instant. i Thanksgiving Day - Orphans Dxvy The work of the orphans' homes of North Carolina appeals strongly to our iudtfementand to our sympathies. It merits our heartiest support. In helping to proyide for homeless orphan chfldren a home, a tender care and an opportunity to obtain training for life, we perform a servce the value of which is at present great and, in the future, will be multiplied beyond meas ure. . The Thanksgiving season has been set apar t by the good- people of this state as a time of special effort for and aid to our orphanages. This is a beautiful and practicable ex pression of the spirit of gratitude and is we are sure, pleasing to the great and loving Father of the fatherless. The thank-offerings at Thanksgiving are a real factor injthe maintenance and improvement of our orphans' homes. We bespeas: for this most worthy work even the greater interest and love of a people who are signally blessed of God, a people who have abundant cause for gratitude. . We believe the offerings Will be made gladly and .that they will be truly large and liberal. , - PUBLIC SALE I Will sell, at my stable near the depot, on Saturday, November 23, 1907, my livery stable out St, consisting of Horses, Surreys, Watertowns, Buggies, Runabouts, two-horse Wagon, one-horse Wagon and Harness to go with wagon single and double sets of Harness, men's Saddles, ladies' Side Saddles and Hiding Bridles. . ' Will sell the above tp the highest bid der without RESERVE, BYBID OR LIMIT. ' T. R. RAMSEY, i rpc Wood CoolI Hods I f No. 14 for Spartanburg 8:10 a. m. No. 8 for Toxaway - 4:30 p. m No. 10 for Spartanburg 6:27 p. m. No. 7 for Asheville 11 a. m. No. 9 for Asheville 1:25 p.. ml No. 13 for Asheville 6:25 p. m. BAY HORSE, 8 years old, weight 1000 lbs. Will sell cheap for' cash or trade for lot or small farm Dear town or let for winter for feed! Apply quick to W. A. Oakland. ' LOST Between Horse Shoe and Bre vard a tan leather ffrip. Finder notify O. C. Brown, Asheville, N. C.,-for re ward. . Care Swannanoa Hotel WANTED Men for for general work good wages. Apply Toxaway Tannery, Rosman, N. C. , . . " DESIRABLE ROOM3 for rent. Furn ished or unfurnished.. Suitable for light nouseiceemng. une block: from post office. Address P. O. box 214. FOR RENT One well furnished bed room. -Also one room suitable for office. Apply to H. S. Bruin, at the Red Store. FOR RENT Five or six furnished rooms. Two blocks from deDOt. AddIv to Miss Ella McLaln, City. - 4t. HORSE FOR SALE Or will let - re- sponsible party hare it for its keep. Ap ply, uusuer omce, . WANTED A good fresh milch cow. Address, Mrs. L. 8. Pender, - R. F. D. No. 5, Hendersonville, N. O. " ' Good horse for its keep. Will let some responsible party Tiave horse for winter. Will work anywhere, sound and gentle. Apply to Mr. J. H. Lollis, Blue Ridge Inn; , V v NOTICE. : - AM persons owing K. p. Freeman notes- and accounts will find them t. j. H. Tinley's office. All not paid by uhe utn will be collected and cost ad mm ded to. . , - R. P. Freeman., stoves! Goal Coltimlbi Hot Blast " - - . . Black Diamond They save fuel eind tha.t saves money No Smoke No Dirt - Sheet Iron Wood Heaters Stove mats The 4lLookout Line ' of Cook Stoves A full size No; 8 act $13.00. Complete with ware a. bargain ' - . . . - . Mafestic Ranges The kind that satisfies Oarke Hardware Go. (Incorporated) Hendersonville N C. J, M. STEPP - ; : JNQv QRP - STEPP (BL ORH -Undertaking Company Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmers. All Calls Answered Promptly, , Day Disinfecting a Specialty, Phone 147 EOLDM Polished OaJc 2.25 Quartered OaJc 2.50 miitkmk'mWi ill t Furniture, "Supply & MariuTactur ing Co., Incorporated. Notice jof Land Sale. By vlrta?. of the power contained in a mortg; gs dd executed to me on Oct 22, 190b ty Join W. Johnson to secure certain lux. business therein - specified, I will offer lor 6ale at the court bouse door in Hendersonville on Not. 25th 1907, within the letral hours of sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in order to satisfy said indebted - nebs, tne following describea piece or of Hendersonville, Henderson . County, North Carolina,being alt that lot of land IFHe -IHIisile ot of land, lying and being in the townfunder the provisions of said moitgage. Stoves! No Trouble Fire Tongs 3C ac or Night, described in a deed from Lila Ripley Barnwell to J. L. Orr, dated 8ept. 16th 1905 and dudjr recorded in . Book 52 at page 482 of the records of deeds fr Henderson County, containing one acre and 2o poles. . . Default having been made by sa"j John W. Johnson in the payment of said indebtedness as the same-fell due, the whole amount of -the same is declared due . under the provisions of the said mortgage, and sale of said land will be made to satisfy the said indebtedness Oct. 26th 1907. J. L. ORB Mortgagee. Per McD.Ray Atty r f or v: TABLES i