H Hfos. mm A i : x V ft Mil - ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR HENDERSONYILLE; N VOL. XVI, NO 47 SariBI Clifflate;l Here are a few voluntary testi monials as to the effects of this glorious climate : ''-yy Editor .Hustler : When I cam to Hendersonville I weighed only twelve pounds. . Now I, tip" the scales at 245. - ; Citizen. - Editor Hustler:- When J came to Hendersonville, three years ago, I was suffering from lops of appetite and voted the Republican ticket. I can now digest anything and vote the . straight Democratic ticket. fr f ; PoBiieNr; Editor Hustler: When I came to Hendersonville I was auervous wreck as a result of "seeking in vestment for my surplus wealth. Dear Editor, af ter living here fiye years I find I no longer am obliged to worry about my surpluB wealth. Editor Hustler: When we came to Hendersonville we were poor and had 14 children and 11 dogs. We are now the proud parents of twins, and have lived here only one year, We leave tomorrow, j ' .V Pater, The Baby HUT 7 HERS did you come from, w-jDaDy.dearr. - Out of the everywhere into- . me nere. Where did you get your eyes so blue? Out of the sky as I came through. What mtike8 the light in them sparkle - ana spmr Some of the etary spikes left in. - Where did you get that little tear? I found it waiting when I got here: - What 'makes your forehead so smooht ana mgnr " v A soft hand stroked it as I went by. - What makes your cheek like' a warm : r white rose?r i - r " J -4 " Something better than any one knows. : Whence that three cornered" 8mile of bliss? : : - - Three angles gave me at once a kiss. Where did you eet that c'earlv ear? ' God spoke, and Tt came to hear, - - " -r- . "v. j ' - " . Where did you get those arms and hands? XiOve made itselt into hooks and bands. Feet, whence did "you come, you darling i things? ; - . . .'. 'l From, the same box asr the -cherubs wings. - . - : . - .: : v How did they all just come to be.yoti?' God thought about me, and so I grew.": f i Beal - - ...... . -- . .r - . T-: . ... : . : i . : " .Iwan Eve But how did you come to us, you dear? God thought of yon. and so I am here. ; '. . -': ,'-r :.J. - George Macdonald. N, ry :IPrdgressive City Kas rSomi-'SucK Or- soirwille MsjHve it. Also. -: A : Kvdppsed ox il ira finally reached. " v - The news had already spread far, and jscores of sorrowing friends weie wait ing outside the church for" the arrival of what must ever be the saddest of all j processions. . - - - ; J When the first hymn am going j home, was sung, the church was crowd- ed to the doirs. Students from theIn- CountyLooSCS Another I stitate for which the dead Sheriff had ' Faithful Official. A: done 80 mu?b wer there Members of Lo'Mto theCommiiiv. tbe oflclf the " . x r ' - "mm were there. And men and women from ity,; What Was Said near and far, men and women: wlw do Of Him by Men Who not show grief easily -were there and Have lino Wn" Him T broke down utterly and cried. ' It was said to be the most remarkable MissionocrJv Te a Valuable Coin D. R. Chewning has a coin which he prizes highly, as does Sheriff Williams that coin of his, mention of which was made in this paper some tluie ago. ; - It was the first piece of money ever presented to Mr. Chewning, who has had it now for nearly 57 years. It bears the date of 1827, while Sheriff Williams coin has 1825 under it. -Where our pre sent half-dollars have' the. words chalf dollar" is stamped "SOc." :;The piece of silver is not worn at all, was civen to Mr. Chewning when a baby,by an ancle, and is naturally highly prized by him. ; Every live town, every town which is The Womans Auxiliary of Su; James trying to induce people to locate within church-gave a Missionary Tea, at the its boundaries, which wants conventions, Rectory pn Thursday, which from every or new" enterprises, which is trying to point of view was a success.-t advance in material prosperity, has an The study and dining room were dec- organizationTof its business men of some orated withjwtted plants, trailing ferns kind or other. . . . and hemlock, which in the soft light of " In some places it's called a Board " of the many candles and shaded lalnps ap- Trade. In others, a .Business Mens pearid very attractive and cozy. League. In others again a Retail Mer- MrsrHatch as vice president and Mrs. chants Association. . . , ' Willcox were the hostesses and were , But whatever its name Its purpose is ably assisted by Mrs. Fred Ewbank and to aid the town and its members". : Miss RoBards. Mrs. Hewett and Miss ita siniply an organization of bus- Steedman presided at .the tea 1 able I iness men who want to advance their which with its old silvsr fser vice, can- j 0 jrn Intrests pure and simple. . " Joseph Lola Freeman, Sheriff of Hen- j demonstration of grief , aad sorrow ever derson county, died Thursday night; I occurring at any similar occasion in the Nov. 21; at midnight; at the age Df 35 county and showed -how strong a hold years, and after holding office" for one the dead man held on the heart strings year, lacking ten days.' . ;; L ; .; j. I of the people who knew and loved him. ' Sheriff Freeman had not been well ior I Rev. Allison spoke Heaven-given words some time and-on the same I day that j of comfort to the "grief-stunned family, Capt ' B. T.: Morris dropped dead in the I and his tribute to the man before him r court house he took to . his bed. The 1 was finer:rffAs a citizen and as a man he- best medical attention and most devoted J was true to whatever was entrusted to nursing proved unavailing, and death 1 him. - In one word, be was a good man 0 came Thursday night - I and goodness is greatness." -V , The funeral occurecTat 12 'o'clock Ex-Sheriff Wilfiams said: ,'The life '"" -Friday. Brief seryices were held at the and character of J. L. .Freeman is de w Working along these and ; kindred county j all. The body was taken to I monstrated by the character of this as-. lines, the results would, be :-certaih and J Fruitland whereservicesyereconductlsemblage gathered 1r pay -him -their 1- highly benelieiai,4 ana every man in ea.by Rev. R Allison, of Brevard. In- last tribute of love , and, respect. The terment was in the family burying county has lost a valued citizen and -ground, about one mile from Fruitland. Fruitland Institute a faithful trustee." " The pall bearers were : - O. E. Wilson, ' W A. Smith then said: I find coin- " Charles French . Toms, - C." E. Brooks, fort, as we all must, in one sentence " Henry Twyford, "T. R.' Barrows and from Brother . Allison's text: 'For . - ----- - , though we walkin the valley of the' beneficial, 4 and every man town would benefit thereby. The dues should be fifty , cents month. -'rTVi' "" :-" : ; : A statement of receipts and. expend! tures should be made, say: every three months. If every business man in town joined, jt LTFreeman was one of five sons of j shadow of. death Thy rod shall comfort there would be money enough for : all j; B. Freeman. AbouTl2 years ago he us.' Sheriff Freeman : had no spite legitimate expenses, and ,thej' money i married W. B. Coston's daughter," and I nor envy, nor malice, nor hatred. He would be spent for the benefit of HEN- two children, Plato and Lora, resulted was honestrand true." J . . DERSONVILLE. . - . : -. from the union, all; "of whom -survive Charles French Toms in a few well Asheville's growth and present popu-f him." .': - chosen words paid a sincere-tribute to latlon. of over 26,000 is due in no; small f On next Mpnday he wonld havefilled the departed official. - I '.- delabra andcut glass leaked verypre ! It'anaUwigcr an exp.eriment: .AlmosiTnjeasura 1 tbe ofiLce bfSheriff Of Henderson county L JJudgePace saidi: "Ilia deaths has ty and inviting. The Misses Haas,' Ewr evry townTfrqm New TYork city down directed efforts of her business men to just one year. So far as we" are aware j fallen heavily npsn me'V and here the bank, "Hathaway ; Smith-and; Emily to the least pretentious town "has such push and talk a: blov and advertise no other sheriff or elected official of the judge barely able to talk: for emotion, ASHEVILLE. - , . - countv has ever died in office here. I broke down utterlv and cried as a little What has been done there can be I while It was, generally known that child.- ' here. - . - T. ' v..: N n. W",:?1 HEr-Sheriff Rhodes, 'Tba teobIe Oyster Svipper The ladies of the Hospital Association will give an oyster supper on December 19th, in the vacant building opposite the Hotel Gates. It will commence at 4.30. There will also be a table devoted to fancy work and it might possibly afford a sharp buyer a chance to pick up a nice Christmas present at less-thau cost. T . Anyway, the oysters will be fine and for one we are going arid intend eating oysters just as long as the ladies will bring 'em along. ' The New Sheriff. Through the death of Sheriff Free man, Dr. Kirk is now Sheriff of Hender. son county, the- law providing, under such circumstances, that the Coroner of a county immediately - becomes Its Sheriff, until the couuty commissioners, in regular session, fill the vacancy. It is behved that R. P. Freeman will be appointed to fill his brother's, place. A petition which is being generally signed, ii being circulated," asking, the commissioners to take such "action. Ewbank assisted as ? servers and saw j an organization, and. they are doing that all had a "ouppe o kindness I good and effective work. i ' " for auld lang syne." . . " ": - The Hendersonville Baard of Trade ; Mr. Willcox made an address on mis- as been through many trials and trib- sionary work in general and on the work ulations. It has been accused xf being being done at the Thompson Orphanage j ony a hot air oganization.,, The in particular.. A liberal silver offering j p-ood it has done has been-lost sight of was made for the benefit of the Thomp- J m0st of Its critics have , been men son Orphanage, Charlotte. . I who refused to aid by their membership Sheriff Freeman was dangerously sick" his death came as a shock to the whole Under this proposed plan, there would J community, and expressions of sincere J found in him an active and true friend." b,no so-called hot b M would do all the work. The results aii sides.' "1 , - I taken f rom the church, and that kindly. results -.are would be published, when obtained and not before. ; At twelve o'clock on Friday last the face with its genial smile forever hidden from this world, the congregation filed - occasion such success. a social and financial L The'effective organization would be mortal remains of Sheriff Freeman J slowIy pM& the casket for a last look at I . . -. . nrffl ;J3 I - The daman's Auxiliary wlshea to ttnd their little old 25c"dues an organi- there ready at all times toactr to seize wew im u their dead friep(L thank all who contributed to make the -ft,lnt: of TTendarsonvUle business men any opportunity to benefit ' the whole ane counsy jau nu picu m mrx- Qld and J0X1Qgt men women and chil Who were workin g" for HENDERSON- commnnity. ; ; : ; , -. laS hearse, yioiiowea Dyneany a score drea were there, and their uncontrolled VILLF - : - . " Bv electing the right men as directors of carriages, containing tne Dereaveu MT(QW was pitifuL Great bearded men, TA tVK 41 Himflnd. Annt vAr ferret that when you ana the right man as secretary, witn me lamiiy.ana some oi ice oesi. uw mou men who have seen death many times ; r , KnpRt HENDERSONVILLE you bene- uniiea support oi ine enure oiuinens iu- oi xxeuuorauuwtixo F?J - and bave not been airaia,' oroice aown lii-iaieu l i..i. i tk. tv.om.9nn. aoM Ka Ktknnf waonaitf.ttV filthful nfnei&l.l' 'jiu."lt.i. Ii t.- mora or less dlrectlv. every business wrsw wwbwwu, nwuJU uo uiuu iy Mantt soDDea, ana me wuoio cuureu absolutely certain. - - -r the sad cavatcaae began its seven mue i full of BOrrow. he : nQW I ; some such plan will oe suomittea nexi journey io a ruiuana, me oiu uuuo , destined to be the last resting place of ajman well-beloved in' his commu - well at- j nlty. T''m r-v - m l . I mi . Tha ian fall . . . ii lennAn. -n. m. vjaxes. ir. - rvirK.. ur. - j. nB sua was uwuuiou. a However, lets iorget aumau. i " 7 . t . , , conization of Hunter, and others spoke briefly. - The gently and . the ume sicy was covereu of 'some advertising committee is working stead- with heavy clouds, as tne saa procession V Altogether, that was an hunting trip which took Capt. M C. Toms to the eastern part of the state fit, man in i& ? V r' - One thine is certain, when recently. v - MI . - - Thursday night, a Is believed. . . - z " .,r:i to the board of trade, for in thatorgani- ana nas no ye enuy was originated: The last meeting was fairly left Florence on Monday for home, ana r""! " TZT. - I tended. R. M. OaW - Dr. on Wednesday, MrvW. A. French, with whom he had been hunting, was stricken with apoplexy and died in the, woods. ' Mr." French 6pent part of last summer here, where he made many friends dur- Xnrr his fihort fitftV. : - - - ' - ' tta 72 r of am-.- and secretary will be elected, auDmitteu w mo There must be...anr. or trlnarortnvUlA business men . - j lly, and will push that important mat- moved slowly along the road so often At the next meeting of the Board, W ter. : They have had several meetings traveled by.tbe dead Sheriff Ko. Vt Aid Thanksffl viner nieht. a new and a new had spent practically all of his life in Plan of operations wflminifton: and Was one of the most meeting-. ; .. ... ' .L. ; Ti; will be- oroDOsed to get every successful bastness men oi urn city. - J . . , , OverSO vears ago he married Miss" business man in town as a member. TTarriet Timmons. of Effingham. S. C, -a :.t; wi and four - child- say, once or twice a year. A DOaru OI uirecwre wi " oi v: and have fully decided upon their course Past prosperous farms, up ana aown of action. The ladies will be called long hills, keeping Bald Top Mountain upon to see the boarding house beepers, ( with a circle of snowy clouds hanging It Is desirable to get the advertising out at as early a aate as possible. At TKe Postof f ice ; over its peak, ever In. view, with a new picture of marvelous .beauty unfolding I at each turn of the road, Traltl .nd was The pallbearers gently bore the casket to the hearse again. r Once more the sad journey was resumed and in the family hurrying ground, possibly a mile from the chureh, a new-made grave was waiting amidst the tall and solemn pines. ' j- .-.-. - ' . ., Gently the casket with its silver pla e "At Rest" was lowered into Mother Earthv Solemn and sad - sounded thej words of the benediction, and slowly " and sorrowfully the mourners departed, leaving the dead alone with his own " pie who naa Deen waiting mere iur ren. " Good Advertising Means $ $ $ to You -; : ; N, BUCKNER, The Ad. ManJ ;; 7 ' -vT:7'; ;" ; AshevlllerN, C.:;:X. -l Vf - YiT' My dear Barrows v : r K"y::':J;-r:i.: I oanvt holputr cpngrfAtulato you on the i great improenen ohqwn in the HUSTLER f rpn-botb , nooimhioal;:and news otandpoint ; It a; a ox fl100; f and a paper that ;oli6uiai home in Henderson per will prove po who o ar ry adv er t i o ing opao o in inV--.-v.: providing ".fi;ooM spaoe properly sk-i-? - She was ffbm 'way back in the mountains. " Going to the stamp window she" asked Claude Pace for best known men in wu win - cent- Mr pace gaid the by the board, to serve one year, wuuuu Btamp coat two cents. pay. . l - . Two cents Man,, an' l can frviMR men. with the secretary and git all I want down ter baludy ier . -. 3 i . - T-r - .. -. aM.r.. will do all the active work. - one cent. ieep yer stamp, young If there's a chance to land a conven tion here,it will be their business to try I and land it. They will work and work hard to manufacturing enterprises here. They will attend to ;the very impor tant matter of properly advertising the town.' -; ::"y -J-':' Porinstancev an advertisement.: would be.inserted in. the Manufacturers Re cord, and kept there all the time, set ting forth the advantages offered by j this city as a site' for differeuV enter- prises::r?;--; When inquiries are received, it wui be their duty to.make 1 the best offer possible under "the circumstances. man. I'll wait 'till . I get home and buy my stamps there V - " r Notice to Tapo-yers, - All persons who may be due taxes : to the town of Hendersonville for the year 11907 are respectfully .requested and earnestly solicited to call 'and settle their city dues. I must have money to meet the indebtedness of the town and after Jan. 1 1908, 1 will proceed to col lect as the lawdiredts.1 Don't let your property be advertised; it may hart your credit.- ..';.r::-- . , ' : - 7 "; ' -"':;: v'::. Yours truly ; '' J - . : ' Qlty Tax Collector - Hendersonville, N. a, Nov. 23, 1908. : Thahksgiying ; will . be fittingly ; oV served by all the churches today. ? r The Presbyterian and Methodist Chuxcheswill unite in holding Thanks giving services, at; the Presbyterian church at 11 1 o'clock this : morning. Rey. John W. Moore will-preach if here, otherwise, Pr. Qrinnan. A collection for the . orphanages of - both denoml natlbnswill be taken, ; '.; :; y. AtTthe Episcopal? Church. Thanks giving services will be held at 11 o'clock. Dr. Wilcox will conduct the services. Thechurch has been prettily decorated by the ladies. Holy communion at 8 in the morning. ; . ; ' t-.'- "".- : 'yy j y At the Babtlst Church Rev. Lawsoa. will hold Thanksgiving services at' 11 o'clock. ; A collection will be taken for ttte Orphanage, y Jyy,. y':'y