prorerbs and Phraser Wow Pr are they that have no Jeiicel-Shakespeare. - ' ? gbe is noblest being gooa---HoDing- cLiatv is divided-into two classes fleecers and the fieeced-Tal- Vlueton officials are sugegsting that the Gevornment1 clerks skate to trork. - " --" '" -'- minx's trial. - -; ' there was a spoiled dog ;tV If ever and a proper name sna nr course, sh was r very had. too. when sae aid tac Siich led to her trial and conviction. .oc one of nine children, and MllIX " - carae to the Hortons when she was ATpall enough to p w.. .-.rrr. She was a SKye terrier, ana she became so attached -to Tom: that I'm afraid tasie neiu juui.ijjuw. for the T.hole affair. -. . - The little girls had been busy, dress-; xnat'n- for a month, for Emmeliha Horton the big wax doll -and Elsie's oldest daughter was about to be mar There was to be a grand wed din ?t Elsie's bouse, and all Em xaelWa friends, with their mammas, were to be invited. So every" after noon thev met in tbe Horton's nursery, sad spent a' busy, happy 'time making venderfal garment for tills , .occa- "one afternoon, unfortunately, Eisid left the nursery door open while she ran downstairs to say. goodbye r to 6ome of ber friends. Minx peeped in. saw something white lying on Elsie's little work table, as well as some pretty scraps on the floor, and en tered" to investigate. The. result was tie 'ruination, as liisie remarfcea of Emmelina's wedding gown and the shuttinsr up of Minx in the cellar to ai her trial. Of course, the we3r kntV - . dine wa3 postponed. " " The trial took place In lhe: nursery . the very nest day. There was a jury of half a dozen little . girls, V halt dwen being considered quite enough, for a 2og. Elsie was 'the. judge, -and foci, the policeman, brougnt in' poo Mini on her tilnd leg3, looking very much ashamed Of herself.'- he likened - to the whole etory, witji her head on one sjde.and her right ear cocked, and one or twice her soft, patietic eyes filled with tears. S$netimcs she wagged her stump of. a ' tail (piite piteously and . w!hen.the torn up white dress was shown to fcer she looked guilty Indeed. : When the judge pnmdunced sent ence Minx immediately , rolled over and played "dead," so deep was the disgrace. She had to wear clothfts like a doll for a whole week. and. Tom had to take her out each day 'in a doll carriage.. ;: J . ' It was a good lesson tc Minx; who tad a terrible or&eal to go " through every time she met her dog friends Nowadays she never goes, near -the nursery, and If the faintest allusion ts made to Emmelina's. wedding dresa the culprit 'Will immediately put her tall between her legs and creep under the sofa. Pittsburg News Barbers Lean to Curios. - A clock that had a certain value, be ause of historic associations was h cated by a collector in a barber shop. "He seemed surprised to find li here," he said to the proprietor, "but he need not have been. "Barbers asfii now running a race with saloonkeep ers in buying up many -such objects of interest. There are dozens of bar ber shops in town- that -can . boast pieces of furniture and bric-a-Jyac old enough and curious enough to : make the collector's mouth waters In some cases the patrons of those; shops real ize the value of the ornaments pro vided for them to blink at while get ting a shave or a haircut; in other eases, they don't; but tfie proprietor knows every time what a bonanza he has on hand, and it would take mighty sharp bargaining to get, the thingf away from him. New York Press. The man who does not produce jone cent of the wealth of any community in which he happens to reside is the first to favor the restriction of the rights of those who pa v. the f rieght. New York Star. " - So.-4S-07 WHAT WAS IT The Woman Feared? What a comfort to find it is not "the awful thing" feared, .but only chronic Indigestion, which proper" feed can relieve. ; v V". ;V " -' A woman in Ohio says: , v "I was troubled for years' with in digestion and chronic ctfhatipation, At times I would have such a gnaw Ins in my stomach that I actually feared I had a I dislike to : write or even think of what I feared.-. . ; , "Seeing an account "rof Grape Nuts, I decided to try it. After, a short time I was satisfied the trouble as not the awful thing I feared, but was still bad enough. However. I as relieved of a bad Case of dyspep-4 ia oy changing from Improper food, to Grape-Nuts. '" ' --Ur if "Since that time my bowels" have been as regular as a clock. -.1 had also noticed before I began to eat, Grape uta that I was becoming forgetful of where I put little things about the house, which was very-annoying: . But since the digestive organs have become strong from .eating Grape Mita, my memory Is 'good -and my mmd as clear as when Xwas young, and I am thankful." . Name given by rostuni Co.; Battle Creek, Mich.-Read tae httle booklet, ."The Road to .Well 311Ie" In packages. "Therf i a Rea- SEES FIVE GHILDOEI! : II- nr. HIS H0L1E Wife and Older Sons Unconscious; BABE SAVED M WOMAN'S MM$ Aroused by. Dog, Oil Man at TionesUi 2 Pa- Saves Four of. Family by . lesperate Efforts, in Flames-W V Exhausted Ere Task "Ends. ,: .V Franklin, .; Pa. Exhausted by des perate .efforts Hi break" through a; barrier of flame and" half-unconscious from : smoke, Thcjmas .Suver,- one of the;best knowfi oil producers In this' part" of the State; lay in he road be-' side his bouse near Tioneeta and - saw his home, with five pt his eight chil dren in it, burnWhVuyufersev enteen . years oldtIand,l.spn,vfpu.rr teeni were senseless beside.him, hav-ing-beenTburned terribly, in attempts to:rescue,their tw younger brothers and three little sisters. On th other side of Zuver, in a. swoon,'; lay Mrs. Zuver, with' Tier 'baby v In "her arms. The five children were burned In their betfs.Eithor'they were suffo cated by-smoke before the flames got to -them nor were "paralyzed byL fearr Any effort at escape they might have" made .would: Jiave, been futile -.for' they were hemmed" in 'a - ring ot fire: That the whole family, did not meet deaths in the tblaze ; jwas due to' the barking of Zuver-s dogi'and to his" own heroismt Zuver saved -his frw,if e and baby and his first and secondisdns before his strength failed. Tragedy was piled" on tragedy,"" for ' three hours .after the flames had de stroyed five1 of i her? children,' Mrs: Zuver received dispatch telling of the sudden death of her- mother, Mrs. Martha Ive, In van Buren, Ind and saying the elder woman's body would arrive. It was decided that one fun eral, service would. be, held .over, Mrs. Iyes andiher five grandchildren." Nel son Zuver was burned so frightfully in. trying to save his brothers and sis ters that--it is feared, he. 'cannot re cover. Mrs. Zuver, already prostrated by the " loss -of her children, was thrown Into such a terrible condition by the news of her mother's death that much apprehension wa3 felt for her. :. - -. - ' . . Zuver heard his dog barking at 5 o'clock. He was dizzy wien he tried to rise from bed, and several seconds passed before he realized the room F-was thiCK - with smoke. The man aroused his wife hastily and bade her See with the baby, He tried to run up tQ the stairs to the second, floor to awaken the seven . children-sleeping there,, but flames beat-him back, singeing him cruelly. Then he dashed out of the house and climbed to the roof of the porch. He smashed a window, pane, unfastened " the sash and dragged out .Wilbur .and Nelson, both of whom were unconscious." STUDENTS SEE COMRADE -IE; SToung jWalker Cfimbs Iron Pole ; to 1 - . : Get Raincoat at Princeton- . .. ' Princeton, N. VJ. - Racked and. burned - by - 2500 volts of electricity which seared his hands to the bone and distorted his features terribly, -James T. Walker, Jr., nineteen" years old, one of the most promising and popular of the Princeton University athletes and regarded as a certainty for end on the football team tor next year, ; was killed, in front ..of ' his dor mitory in the university grounds.- He climbed an iron pole to get his'rubber coat. ; It had been thrown from one of the dormitory windows by his roommate and had lodged oh an elec tric light wire twenty feet from the ground. ; : - : . Young -Walker- came to Princeton ;from:Evansville,.Ind. He was in the freshman class, and was going ahead land making an excellent. record not only in his studies but. also in athlet ics. He prepared for the university at Havefford School, lnHaverford, Pa., and played end; here this year with the freshman eleven. -His play was brilliant, and he. was one of the stars for the 1911 team. , - GOVERNSIENT TAKES CHECICS. Collector ,of Internal Revenue Authpr- Izcd to Accept Theim - ..' Cincinnati, Ohio. Bernhard Eett mann, Collector of Internal, Re venue, said that he had; received a telegram from Commissioner John Gr Capers, of Washington, authorizing- him to' accept cashiers' checks,, drafts ahd certificates of deposits; In payment for revenue stamps to be used; on -liquors." ;"; Vtr "':";;-: :. VEfEZUEDA RAISES DUTIES. V Tariff cn Farm Products Up 10 Per ; Cent."dnfcPaper Up 25 Per Cent". : -. .Caracas, Venezuela. A decjee was Issued .with the: object of ; protecting the agrlcultutal industries. . '" ' v : it increases ten per cent, jthe -duties on lard, butter, rice, wheat, corn i-d beer, and twenty-five per ..cent. ,theJ duties on straw, paper potatoes, mlllf and some grades of glassware. ' ." Tennessee Ousts Oil Trust. A' decree In favor ol the State was rendered by" Chancellor J. W. Stout, at Gallatin, Tenri.,' lU: a case against ;the Standard Oil Company; r Because nf iHPcai iiscriminatiohv,at Gallatin, the State filed a bill. ta revoke the lb. cense of the. Standard and jopreveni it from: doing business tri Tehnp-e. -: . "" ". ; ..""' ' ' -'- - ; r Reconciled Afte,r Duel.- . i Count Jean Recope and Count Tris tan de ; Gramedo i ought; a dtrel. with pistols at Saint Cloud, near - Pans; both being wounded in 5 the - first ex change" of shots a reconciliation fol "iowed.,;? ." - 'J - T'-f.r ' . .:X L "': MiUion Less Cotton Baiesv- - The census at" Washington, y., reports 7,311,202 balesr of cotton, ginned'from the 1907 cropp to No vember 14. This isagainst 8,562,242 Jfw ions --.nd 7.501.180 for 1905. Thl? "lunts round bales as half balea, BUR TOIAT DR. TAITfBUTLEE SAYS. Prefers Cotton Seed Ileal . tis Feed ' " for Horses. . Jr- -la an address before '-the South Carolina Live . Stock 'Association, Dr. Tait Butler oJ RaleighK. C., said f ' A little cbtton:: seed, mealis' bet ter tEajr-an a'dditiohal v ".moii'nt :nf ,ccrn. ; TYhen you" are ' already .feeding horses stover and ten pounds of corn, I would rather .have -two pounds of cotton : seed,! meal; added thanf four pounds of corn. I would rather have two pounds of cotton seed meal ad dej, thap four pounds of bats. Coru is a splendid horse" feed,, but .we arc wasting.; twa million dollars a . year in Soiitb. ' Carolina feeding - aa, all-corn ration." Dr. Butler is a recognized rauthority in-this line.: :'f - ' ' : r Not unacquainted with misfortune, I learn, to succor the wretched.- Vir-j v.ECZEf4A COVERED BABY. Worst Case Doctors Ever Saw Suf- , fered" Untold . Misery Perfect , V;rJPureby Cuticura Kemedies. - "2Iy. son, who is now twentyrtwo years of age, wbe. four months'" old bejan to have eczema ' on his "face, spreading quite rapidly ;until he was pearly covered. The eczema w8a'something: terrible, and the doctors said it was the worst case they ever saw. ' 'At .time his" whole bcAly'and face were coveren, all but ius feet. 1 used mony kinds of patent medicines to no -avail. At . last I decided to try Cuticura, when rey boy was thre years and four months old, hav ing had eczema all that time and suffering untold misery. I began to use all three of the Cuticura Kemedie?. He was better in two months; in six months be was well. Mra. R. L. Pusley, Piermont, N. H.,-Oct. .--Ari-; Antusm- IdyL ; The autuinn leaves are whirled along By every, wind" that blows; ; -Another breif and precious year 4 Isfdrawirig to a close ; - ; ' J. r : . The maiden gasps, as dp wn the "street ' With tearful eyes "she goes, i ; Becausethe stnoke from burning stuff -Bets in her throat and nose. - y Chicago Record-Herald. The brainy man doesn't care whether he is noticed or not" and naturally- commands "attention. iThe shallow man craves notice, and " will do something sensational or ridicu lous to get it. Rio Grande' News - Efeaftaess Cannot Bo Cnred' Sylocal applications as theycanaot reach th : diseased portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deafness, and that i$ by consti tutional remedies. : Ieaf ness is caused by an mflamed condition of. the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in terned yon have a rambling Bound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing win be destroyed forever.: Ninecaeesout of tea are caused bycatarrh, which isnothingbutan inflamed condition of the.mncons surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any of Deaf ness (caused bycatarrh) that can not be curedby Hall's (Catarrh Core. Send for circulars free. P.J.CHwriY&Co.jToledOjO. I Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Must Baise the Price. .Must the. dollar -weekly increase the' price to $1.50 ? asks " the 'Almont (Mich.) Herald This is a question be-, ingr considered by a Iafge majority of the weekly newspaper, men, and with out a - doubt should be : an swered in the allirmative, , Print -paper, used for newspapers, took a s jump about April; 1 from "$2.25 to $2.85 per hundred and this on tof of a: gradual rise during the past five, years. . Body type also used for the newspaper could, be ' purchased in 18S9 at 29c- per pound, but iiow 50c Practically every other"; artiele ; that goes into" thei-making up of a news paper, including labor, is higher, yet the old price of one dollar "remains unchanged. This- was - made v years ago, when prices were .. lower than ; those quoted ' above, and. something : must be done to meet the added ex penses.; For ; years subscribers have been getting these one-dollar-per-year papers -; for."?, less ; than-; the cost of production; advertising pay ing the deficiency, thus leav ing ' in the average print shop only i the job .department as a profit -maker, and many times the; profit in that source ; is used in "making the -"ends meet.-Harriman Observer. ; 'Here's Hopyig V r-: q v Here'i Hoping; ev ?ry breeze that blows 'Across ;tlie world sb sunnyTl Tilfblow bee tdwiard a rose-f ;"vvliose heart is sweet too wj Hero's' hoping that "when jia; .." ;;dies . - i ' : ' T. And earth to Night is given. The morn wilt- stine in Love s dear -.--' eyes ; The signal-light of HeaYen! li w HOW TO CURE RHEUMATIStl V The cause . of Rheumatism- and kin dred diseases. U an excess. of -uric 'acid in the blood. " - To " cure : this terrible disease this acid must be expelled aui the.system so regulated that no more J acid wlll be formed in excessive quan tities. Rheumatism Is an internal dis ease and requires ah Internal remedy. Rubbing with Oils and. Liniments will notcure, affords only temporary relief at best, causes you to delay the, proper treatment, and - allows "the malady; to get a firmer hold on you. liiniments may ease the pain, but; they ; will no more cure' Rheumatism than , paint will chanse the fibre of rotten: wood. Science has at last discovered a Pr-J feet and complete cure, wnlcn is caaea Rheumacide. , Tested in; Jiundreds-of cases, it has effected the most mar velous cures; we believe It will cure you. Rheumacide ; "gets at the joints from the inside, ? sweeps ? the poisons out of-the system, tones up the stom ach, regulates the Jiver and kidneys and iyijiWm voii " -wen all . over. Rheumacide - "strikes the : root of the disease and removes its cause. This; splendid - remedy is sold by : drug gists and dealers generally at vc-anu $ I a bottle, in Tablet form at z &c ana 50c. a; package. r Get delays are dangerous. a bottle to-day; .'.Ill-founded enmities are ever the most, obstinate. -Cardinal De Ketz. r' Tay lor'B Cherokee Remedy of Swoet. Oura and Mullen is Nature's great reme dy cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Con sumption ani all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25o., 50c. and $i.CO per bottle. - ' "'."'. ' ' 1 li '.-'''---':" To your son give good .name and a trade Spanish.1 - " -' . Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething.softens thegums,reducresinfianima tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c abottle : ' "A pcti.Jent person " advertises iis own .ir.efQciency. " ..;-- PTTS.St: Vitus'Dance :T? ervons Diseases per manently cured by Dr. -Kline's Great Nerve tveswrer. a mai uotue auu n fuoo upd. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,93t Arch St. , Phila., Pa. v A woman may be suspicious, of poth er men, but "she will believe what a leauty doctor tells her. '' ' reel WllouBt . Go-; a gpUttlng feeadaobef ' Pains all oyer your , . i HICKS' AV . Dispels all ehe U T Eeeolar Slxea. 85c and SOc. All DrocKlsis. flEEOATYPEVJnitEn? fk-tn. : Jk.Il r V! TUKTYFJilHaiTSK liJWUA Branch Am. W1IU1 IT 3 0) To convince any t II woman that Pax I 7 tine Antiseptic will I r-. Imnmu her . hcallh 1 . and do all we claim t-m 3 fort it We will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtine . with book of instru( ttons and genuine testimonials. - Send your name. ana aaaress on a posuu uuu. fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles is extra ordinary and gives immediate . relief. Thousands of women are using and rec ommending it every day. 60 cents at drueffistsorbymail. Remember, however, IT fcOSTS YOU NOTHING TO TRY IT. THE li. PAXTON CO., Bolton; JUass. . - Earliest Header. ; mm tack, of tfcUAttd bnltt, Il -- . lfrlta rr uaiaionp ; i About ten days later than E.Jerer A full eixe Urier. A Money Maker. - ' Excellent Shlppwr. . Delicious for Tbl. I"' ftrHESB THREE FAMOUS.variities We will JSiSSSSiff auaiaction or nswrnt,... A iSfZS? Li-iriiS :ISCr - C M. Gibson, mailed i : or one year' writes Ruby Farleyof ;,mnrsion 1 tried other medicines and doctors, but nothing helped me. At last I tXSuTand now I arnejl and .strong.' V -For the various ills of woman's life." no medicine will be tound to m im It operated uponfte womanly functions, regulating their N,n ,.n thrwomanlv orcans. It is- a woman's medicine.- Try it. Sold ev- ervwhere ir botUes, with full directions CiywuciCj.Hi wviwv , .i.w- ft4.r,4nutrtd Book for Women. It :V-r-rrkrsm-ITTC -- ft -!f I LS5VPf 4 TlTZZ. .:vTVJSr; and iSTr iH sent In plate sealed .-. I,, V J, rr9e tastampa -w sewlatn PAO BOOK srrias tm expert t of a praeucal Poaltry Kaiaor m mm amaMw; tmt a maa worklaa tor doUao-and eai dartac M years. It teacbes-ttow to uw alao for jratalo: whiott Fo' WUN Kara for Brvatuac; reryiams CUtaMcfor profltU Poultry ral SillOok POBL.1SUINU ar4 $trota W Jafc. . CO, 134, L COIITAGIO:! A QUESTION Q? ; . ; pnEvmrnon. ,:; ; Sinks; drains, eating and -cooking utensils, sick room linen kndclothing frequently carry the dreaded diseasc gorin' unnoticed by the, household. , ... J Thorough and hygienic cleansing is the .best safeguard -against infection, and J such" a, safeguard Is found .in the 'universal household necessity--Borax.;..;;!;; tt ''f;t.-:j- -V -This simple "preventive carries in "It self,! disinfecting .qualities which en ter the' fabric or act upon the article to be cleansed ta a hygienic manner, eliminating every ; unwholesome prop erty,1 rendering it - contagion-proof, while at the same time Borax iis of itself as harmless as-salt.. rjy Unlike most disinfectants which de pend upon : their strength of odor or harmful-to-the-eyBtem qualities, to ar rest;or" preveht contagion. Borax : Is Nature's remedy, being easy to ob tain and easy to apply, a simple 'solu tion in hot water; being all the. appli-; cation necessary and - requiring no prescription,; jt pan be sbtalned ' from J any grocer or druggist, in convenient, economical household packages, rr I n addition to its disinf ectihg,quali tles, Borax Is. especially " a household necessity, and can bemused for soften ing water, cleansing "and whitening clothes, clearing the skin, whitening hands, makes an excellent dandruff remover and can be used on the finest laces or most delicate fabrics without injury,: while as an : adjunct "to the bath it removes all odor of . perspira tion and leaves the skin'soft and vel- vety; ; - .- ; . - - ' ' .';. ' ;- - 7 Simplicity forms a main ingredient in; a. noble nature. Thucydides. r. i; 3J mintites W Woolfprd'J, Sauitarv Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.. It : costs, more to satisfy; vice than to feed a family. Balzac. . : -; SHOES AT; prices, rort i MEMBER OF. THE FAMJI.Y, Z2r prices, rort every xSrv . ' MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. J msn'm S3.00 and S3.BOfhoem , ' : hnpm.tlt better, wmar lonpem, -vr mro otorautef rsve thttn any rwxr- MrflMM. Because iioy . - ; w mhama la tits wona ro-aajr XY.Loougaa $4 wtd5 CHt Edg&fhoea cannot b apMailotFatmas&evSemm r. ii n a ti-Trt-M w t. TVvnrrlM ntma and rice ia Rt.'imoed on bottom-. Tftt ! Sk i mtn RnM hv Mm bet shoe dealers everrwhere. Shoes mailed f ro factory t mrtj ) - of th world. .Illustrated catalog free. - 1" -. rr-rr. '' .' ..a.m.. Capslcum-Vasdmc EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE - PEPPER PLANT TAKEN t DIRECTLY IN VASELINE r i DON'T "WAIT COMES KEEP A OUICK. SURE, SAFE AND ALWAYS READY-CURE FOR PATH. PRIGS 15c " COLLAPSIBLE TUSES MADE OF PURE TIN AT ALL DRUGGISTS AHT . . ! - DEALERS-OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF lEc 1H POSTAGE. STAMPS. X substitute for and superior to mustard -or -any other plaster, and vrfU not . blister the most delicate skin. - The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the - article are' wonderful.- - It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve, Head ache and Sciatica.. We recommend it as the best and safest external coTSrter ' irritant known also as ah external 'remedy for pains in the chest and storoacb and all RheurnalicNeuralgic and Gouty complaints: A trial will prove -what , " we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable in the household and for children; Once used no family will be without it. Many people say "it is - : the best of all your preparations."-. Accept no preparation of vaseline rntess... the same carries our label, as otherwise it isot genuine. ; : - Send your address andwe will mall our VUne Booklet cteserC&Uta ou preparations -which will Irtferest you. v n state st. CHESEBROU GH M FG .CO., new t csj m y .i ... 11C1.1.M nkmsh KHiJULin jv ria. uu. new iotvi it li l I - . w - - - - - t - - - ' Earliest Flat - Cabbage. A larye N yielderand a Rood f "salPPW. -" i ZrjL:Zl-CiA C f Ti n1 von will MY ua bB: well rentUated box. Cheap . - s . f i ma m y -. l ia MV GIBSON, Youns Island, excel ... v ,v; - -; ;.; r on cannot apend years 'Jb .JJf - ""r.Txr-ri"fcr M uy UKnowieoBe To meet this want - tiling about them, en ,OT, ty-flve years- worvjv JVt - vot Yard as loon a tt appear and know how to remedy it. Ttaa bs Ymi -ltfenThayv to detect and cure disease; to -feed for eg jf SfiiiJV whiPh Fowls to save for breeding- purposes; aad e-reryttlr-s. tiui-KLV te5i25f4fo5 onThts subject to makTu profitable. Sent rHaid ltrr-r-. fIS IxTSdiS. BOOK FUBiJSUUO HOUSED 134 I-ecnard St. lfewXaci&Ot OH Bcmrzfcn ' TlieBetMsteril-TUWDacJ IRON r S r Guaranteed to the dealer as well " . ; : the horse-shoer . N s. ,i ' If yor dealer doei not carry them e , stock, write us for 'prices. ... - OLD DOMiKiOH ; 1R0H : ImI " W 'r BeBa' Iile. RICHMOKP, VA- ' . Ccciiru. iflT5?i9 cue: lBiij-SllO. TMtKKV an usb wad maaoowadL . iiSAVEPotsrosias Frio toe mail. SaoAtarFami PRUSSIAN REMEDY Ca STL PAXXTSSt-. If afflicted with weak ye , utK ThaiBpsotfsEprja - ... , -.. . t-mt fMfriK. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockt. . .... ... - ' ... - " ft .ww- r- t & v -"AHKrTPD TO tTT A TJt ammmmmm TILIi THE iPAIN A TUBE HANDY li ft.' E E c .. fKS&'ftS'a to OTT retain tnnrfw on uw niwr. yytrUSSX. Exprew rates. Folder on Cabbeg CaBa fc orders to So utli Carolina. yea need tV3Satfcriay envelope, AdJiesss UaSe EARN MOOTYVjr.SSa'ga- unless' you. understand them suad lawr hA Ia cater to their reouircabe&tsL. b&1. 4 i eWii IT TDtt-BWR thh- own vn wear eeillna; a book giving tto rJjHwe rhlnV. . nnncftl r. ;:n,r,7T rT Vure to detect trto t V i mm t Vfpbms ;- crl I . - - - ; So -sa : -jmt!Xm& -j Lii.i.ii.i.. . ' ' - Ttnr 11111 i , L"yawv mm

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