Cbe If rcncb BroaD Bustler M L, SHIPMAN. T.R. BARROWS, . Editoi Associate editor : 1 1 h-- to play the lame old game of, :!M itnidatiou aud debauchery ib -j . approach iog campaign and dein carats should be on the alert at every turn. The real contest is going to be between the man and EnUred at the Fbstofficc at MendersmvOe hQ 0n&tm The Hustler does hot ttO, as mail matter ol ike second class. arrQuin Mr Krvnn ad ivocates. but it believes bim to ne MR. BRYAN'S POSITION.'.- L: roftW fiv:nT Amflricftn citi- The Commoner, Mr. Bryan s zen' today and one of the purest paper; is authority for- the state- men in public life that the count- ment that the distinguished Ne- Ty naa ever produced. braskan will accept the democratic , The policies advocated by Mr. nomination for president if it Rrvan ten vears ago, and which should "cometo him without a I contributed largely to his defeat, contest. He does not seek thisljjayQ now became popular and honor and puts the success of the unere will be difficulty In prevent- party above tne ambition of any :n2 republican convention man, or set of . men, suggesting in f rom pilfering the entire demo his statement that the firs thing cratic platform if President Roose to be considered is whether his yen persists in continuing the per candidacy 'would strengthen the I f0rmances he has been practicing democratic ticket. If the conclu- during the past three years. The . " . . 1 J 1. . A I - - sion snouia oe reacnea mat au- peopie are at last begmmug to other would be more available the reaiizo that Bryan is not the hid- same would meet with Mr. Bryan's eou3 m0nster the radicals and approval. , He is not one of' those mugwumps have been picturing who sulk in their tents. WiJ. rhim tr h, ninno the Chicago con- 1 " "a -Bryan always submits to the ar- veutiou in 1896. It is "conserva- bitrament of the national conven- tive Mr. Bryan now with many tion. He has decided convictions WD0 formerly declared him c,too upon all matters of public policy radical. Republicans fear him and possesses the courage to express more than any other candidate -. 1 them, 'lne trimmer ana time-serv- Uh ft donnr-rnts finnld name and I erhave no place in his vocabulary. Unia ja one reason why we are for The plain straightforward way in hhn. wmcn Mr. tsryan states nis posi- - " A " I fTL. T - 1 t XT 1 t tinn nnnn th nhiVf. nf a third V AUO xvaieiga iews auu vuBoxver 1 i. j : :rCi. ati.u 1 nomination is receiving the warm- ou-u upuu 11,8 est commendation of his millidns ame on riday of last weeka of friends throughout the country riPe old a8e f or a North Carolina 1 TT 1L. IIA1J and has greatly strengthened him wiF. xxowvr, w um with the people everywhere. The pliable" apears to be young and absence of even a semblance of viSorou8 and its youthful editor I - J 1 a A fit selfishness in the extended an nouncement of Mr. Bryans feel ings, with reference to the presi- asserts that it still "leads all North Carolina dalies in news and circulation. The News and Ob- servor is a really great newspaper and has done the state incalcu- dential nomination next year, was to have been expected. He is a great big man anyway you take lable service during its long exist- kjm ence, especially since tne presen Mr. Bryan expresses the belief management assumed control some that the chances for democratic foarfceen years 8S0- stands success next-year-are -flattering. four-8laar for morality, educa Wit the apparent division in the tion sobriety of character republican household upon the in public life material and indas question of tariff reform -and the trial progress,. believing always in existing harmony that seems to North Carolina for North-Caro-pervade. 1,"he democratic atmos- linians. The people and espec phere there is cause for hope, to ial1 the democratic party are in saythe leasts And" the availibil- debted to the News and Observer itj of Mr. ryan is recognized'by more than to any other agency for every Weil-informed person, npon the Present gratifying condition political conditions, in the count- of affairs in this good state. May ry. He has twice received a great- continue to grow and prosper er.number of votes for president for year and years yet to come than any other democratic candi- :' J, LOLA FREEMAN. . It is with a Reeling of daep re gret that We chronicle the death of Mrt 1. Lola FreemaU, the genial j and affable young sheriff of Hen derson county, an account of Which .appears in the news -col umns of today's paper. While opposing Mr. Freeman politically, the Hustler has pleasure in saying thatit believes bim to have been a man of high character, embrac ing many admirable traits which attracted to him a large circle of admiring friends. His popularity with the members "of. his own party found expression in the pre cinct primaries last year and later in the county republican conven tion which accorded the nominal tion for sheriff to him by a rous- ing majority over strong oppo nents. He was inducted into office on the first of last December for a term of two years, but alas, the Grim Reaper has brought his career to a sudden and unexpected conclusion, leaving family, rela tives and numerous friends to lament the loss of one whom to know was to admire. The writer feels apersonal loss in the death of this spleudid youDg man. - v '- E . Uooil slovos! Coal Stoves! date ever did. 4 'The proof of the pudding is in, chewing the bag." The democratic party has no stronger leader than Willian Jen-y nings Bryan and the nomination should go to him "by unanimous consent.' And it will. Mr. Bryan is optimistic "upon The prohibition wave has knock ed Alabama booze into a "cocked hat. The legislature down there recently passed a bill driving liquor from the entire state and that progressive southern com monwealth will abandon the whiskey business altogether. Ifo I :ui 1 .. the subject of party success. In UBlUi argument justnymg tne a speecn recently delivered at La- makmg,. selling, or drinking of in fa; Thd Tift fli a . toxicants, can be advanced and it full of; hope and enthusiasm and r61d be ablessing to the people - j . - . " cannot ; fail this time. We want volunteers. ' J We want eyery mem ber of ,theparty to be a volunteer andmiasionary. The people ac cept democratic doctrine readily when they -understand it; ; It is 'only ignorance jof the real princi ples of - the party that keeps us from power.' Mavbes'io.' to a if congress were to enacta nation al '"prohibition law. Many people drink the "stuff' because it mav be . conveniently obtained, .who would not go to the trouble, and expense of ordering packages from a distance. Our senators and rep resentatives in congress from this state will do their1 constituents a . ' considerable Extent, but paltry genuine BeT1fice b7 securing the dollars has, also, played an impor- ".vv a um , pronioiung tne tant part in the calculation Enor- stnPm?ut of intoxicating liquors mous corruption funds have twice from another state into prohibit defeated Mr. Bryan for president, tlon Iocallties. m North-Carolina in our opinion. Perhaps the Dnr- " vuo Fupio . uave -oneon " a. , chasable vote ..it attracted largely from the ignorant classes of peo ple. If "so, there ia nkntv "nf missionary work to be done and no A Washington Post , says the .. t 1 urn rOT. 1 a 1 A 4. . 1 time Bhould be io8t in eettine "tl " , ?0p? , , V7 m, . ,1 vwuuucuuo rebboreu onsiness iVDout 11. x ne oppositionill un- can proceed. record as favoring prohibition they should be protected " r i 1 "Hendersonville had a big meet ing last Thursday night to lay plans for advertising that hustling town. The Hendersonville Hust ler was full of the meeting and said some good things in its advo-j WW ' I cacy. Waynes vine mignt taKe a few lessons from our sister city in the way of bringing its varied at tractions to the outside world. There is no -better situation any-i where than Waynesville, not even Hendersonville, and our people' are - hiding their light . under a bushel when they fail to carry the news of it to other places. Waynesville Courier; "Hendersonville leads, others loiiow.". we -are getting a "hump" 00 us over here," Brother Bnggs, and if yon want to see a town grow real fast -cast an eve over this thriving burg once in a j while. If pretty little Waynes ville cares to pull off a race with beautiful Hendersonville wVllgive ber a run for the money. Our folks ar9 in dead earnest about the matter. v:: Col umbia Hot Blast ; ;;Bleick Diamdnd . -They save fuel and theit saves money N i moke - No Dirt x No Trouble Sheet Iron Wood Heaters CoqlI Hods "Stove .-mats' ' Fire Tories of The 'Lt bo k o u t ILin e 'Cookjdves.;- 1 :' A full size No. 8 a.t $13.00. Complete with .:. - ware, bl bargadh - ' Mafestic Rainfles The kind that satisfies ... - . -. . i , .. . , . (Clarke Marclase (Co. (Incorporated). - 1 Hendersonville, N. C. . i I Thanksgiving. . Let us remem- f luuus OUh ine-woria is iuu 01 sweet possiDUiues wbich tne ber those who may do less fortu nate than we. , Tryeto make come 6ne Happy. . "All ready, ail ready I The new railroad is coming right away. Republican editors and politi cians, who industriously declared that President Cleveland brought on the hard timas in 1803. are busily engaged now trying to con- Some More About v The Btxckelors "A MEDLEY." A little noneeDse now and then, ,I relished by the wisest men. ( So just a line by way of keeping np vince the people that Mr Itoose- j with the times, or rather with the Hust- velt had nothing, whatever, to do ler who nas had 80 wucLb to y recenUj with the present crisis in financial on th sub3rectof matrimony-in cbnnec- . . - , , i tton with ,the "dislocated fraements" of circles. They are a set of hypo ' . . J- Jtr our town.: . critical blatherskites and the .pub- he good natured little tilts often en lie is beginning .to. find it out'.1 gaged in between bachelor and bene E very sensible man knows the diet, have always been at the expense panic which came upon the coun- of the,bachelor who, it see-ns has never iry during MrTfcleveland V admin- n known to take it otherwise than in - - .. , . meek and .lowly spirit-while the smile istration reached its worst stage , , 4. . 9 Is always on the other side. It seems before .a single democratic law was that "they might at least relieve the enacted. Still they told us" "Cleve- j mono'tony by offering, a prize to any of land did it." When prospwrity thir more happily conditioned brothers returned, "McKinleydid itandJo will produce the most encouraging higher education and culture will cause to bourgean and blossom, thus restoring woman's, rights to matrimony and mat rimony to the waiting; brotherhood. Let us predict that the time Is hear at hand and that pretty soon the toast of every one will be Here's to the one that loves i)ut one - And may that one be she - - Who loves but one and only one And may that that one be me! And now by way of being just a little bit audacious and" say a thanksgiving day word may every one have the un speakable good fortune to pick a very sweef blossom from the treejacd the mer it to keep it I ' .' f. I 1 inasmuch as a republican is pres ident during the present trouble, the radicals will have to say "the Lord did it." Certain iFis they cannot charge it to the "wicked democrats" this time.' article on matrimony. Naturally they wait for encouragement from those who have the experience.' ; v. Indeed I have not taken up my pencil (my little say is not worthy of the steel of one's pea) in defence of these valuable ornaments of society would not pre sume 'to do suoh a thlng even t Is J. M. STEPP , - - - JxVO. L.ORP Undertaldng Company V r Funeral Directors and - Licensed Erhbalmers. . A1J Calls. Answered Promptly" Day or Night, -: ; Disinfecting a. Specialty, " - " Phone 147 - We.wouldu't mind seeing one could-wasonly dreaming that the prize of - those "clearing house certifi- P1"011 ;mlht lea? tbe cates" the papers have been mak-L - . . - ing such an adoe aboutr just to be Socr;tC3 lf it were weU trry, the able to tell what they. Iook4 ike." reply was: - "If you marry you will re But nary a one" can be .found in gretit, if you do hot marry you will r - Hendersonville, so far as we have y Perhaps he had forgotten about been able to ascertain. ;' the diVinjty therof. for the time beihg. If in our age of enlightement and pro- A6ertiseVndersonvillo;-; in ! WWM every 'possible way.- Jalk about VT .ae , 11 i. j , r . of people the, severely. puritanical would it, write about it and when neces- j. - - i - v - 7 . - - pounSe down upon the fact (Isaac and sary ngnt anqut it. W nat : We Rebecca here it!) for the tmrnnaA f nf . t . r . . r rww wani ix, mm wwpuuuuBuau jiiiuw jcouraging woman's rights, woman's w I lb IS Ok. o i estion of clothing for men and boys,1 I can offer you inducements w h i c h are unapproachable. Myjine of Wyler Ac kerljxnd (l ' Cbs "Su perb" ClothinJ is the kind that gives satis faction every day you : wdDJr ' iti The valies ,are simply the best in Henderson C o ax n t y. Come in and look them over. - ' Men's suits from S10 to S16 ; ; - suits f roni S3150 to S5 v - s: Xi O 'Oo ARSON. A - - - w atiout it. clubs and tthe fourhundredness of con-

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