THE fksMcH BROAP Htf5f tjEit JISHOSRSONVlLLE, ttt fr, PflBRUARV u. tgc9 1 i- --"iinriTiiiiMii ' -i "- " ' '7 -- New WAN The Wanteska Trust and Banking Co. is now open for deposits. Let us have . some of your business. Every courtesy will be extended you consistent with sound banking. Investigate our Life and Fire Insurance De partments, and let us write your insurance. TCCffA TRUST AND i LOliH BANKING CO. W. A. SMITH, President P. F. PATTON, Secy-Treas. - ash. Doors, Fertilizbr. 7 Sash and Doors, Georgia Pine." We buy in Car load lots. You get better quality tor same price as you pay for inferior quality. Fertilizer: Buy several car laods, we can save YOU money, every time. And the quality is higher than most dealers handle. Bhe Wilson Mercantile Co mpaoiy. 0WCCt-0COOOOOOOOOOOOOO o Toro, 0 0 Cigars Herman Cortez, El Sidelo, Corcico, El Si 0 Cinco, Esplendor, El Argardo, Medalla Real, Etc. I Cigarettes Mogul, Murad, Kamleh, lurkish Trophy, ried mont, Carolina Bright, White Roll, Mecca; Etc. Also Smoking Tobacco, - Magazines, Newspapers, Candies, Post Cards, Etc Hotel Gates News Stand. KINDEL & BOGER.. Props. X o o o o The Best Fire Insurance that any country building can have is a Cortright Metal Shingle Roof It cannot burn. It cannot leak. It never needs repairs, and makes the handsomest long lived roof on the market. Insurance Companies recognize its advantages and are glad to quote lower , prices where it is msed. Drop in and see them. BLY BROS. H. Redwood & Go. Asheville fJ. 0. And now has come the time for Bargains of which we have lots and lots, being the Clea.ring-oit Prices on goods for Autumn and Winter Wear. Spring is not far ahead and Winter Goods must be closed out even if at Sacrifice Prices. Ask for. the bargain lots, please; some of them are very tempt ing, Muslin Underwear. White Goods. Embroider ies, a.nd Laces ; Mighty good values, even if they average a small per centage over the figures of two vears ao. In the matter of Patterns we claim to be very strong. Not a few of those are at old prices, please remember. Fine Dress Goods in Wool Stuffs, a Silks and Mer cerized Cottons, many of them at Special Prices. Also Dress Ginghams, Percales, Outing Cloths, Denims, Cretonnes, Che viots, Prints, Linings, Cambrics and Flannelettes. BUTTERICK PATTERNS Edwards H Comp "If it's Hardware, -we sell it." H SLFClWfiLFe ' Stoves, Etc. We Solicit Yoir Patronage V -..krP ni Hustler Print Shop of - coxirso ! Gltzener Cuts tho Price and soils the Goods ITIOV A; Great R Sale of My a tLoxire lock! mm-: vt'iiwseM" .... jS- I . f ..v x VVW4' " If J If I ' 1 "I F i r . i CRIfTOX Mens 10.00 Suits selling 5.00 Mens 12.50 Suits selling 6.50 Mens 15.00 Suits Selling 8.50 Mens 20.00 Suits selling 12.50 Mens 25.00 Suits selling 15.00 Greo-t UnloaLding of Cloaks, Suits, Skirts Ladies to.oo Suits selling 16.50 w " 25.00 20.00 ..15.00 ..12.50 Ladies Long Coects Ladies 25.00 Long Coats selling . . . . 1 2 50 " 20.00 " 10.00 15.00 M 7.50 - 10.00 .. 5.00 " 5.00 44 .- 2.50 Amor'n Beaxity Corsots 3.00 quaiity selling. . . 2.00 quality selling. . 1.50 quality ,50 quality ..... Mens and Boys Hats The very latest and up to date Will sell during sale at HclIi Price 2.00 1.50 . .95 . .35 Special Valvies Boysf Suits Boy's 6.00 Suits selling 3 SO 5 00 4.00 3.00 2,00 Staple Dept. 8o Cotton Plaid selling &c OcdarkOutlog " to 15c Heavy Mettle Fleece 10c .J-00 Men' 20.00 Overcoats selliojr 10.00 .2 50 " 10 00 " " ..... 5.00 4.00 Boys" 10.00 " 5.00 8 00 " 4.00 .1 75 Shoe Shecials 6.00 Crossett selling. 4.00 " ' ; 3 50 " , 3.00 3.00 300 2.00 " 1.25 6.00 I will save you m oney on hundreds of other lines not here mentioned r i r I ci ri ri CT Mm L ciiJi LlJ t-ZJ Li U f 1 1 'iV Cuts the price and sells the goods Work of Legislature Continued from first Page method Id fishing in the French Broad River. An act to provide for the payment for the lot of land at the Jamestown Expo sition on which the . North Carolina Building is located, and for the sale thereof. Appropriation of S 4,400 was made with which the Governor and Council of State are to make payment and dispose of said property. An act prohibiting practicing attorn ejs from administering any oath to any person to any paper in a lepal proceed ing in which said attorneys appear in the case. The act also repulates the validation of Clerks of Superior Courts. An act giving the Assistant Attorney General all the powers and duties now given the Attorney Gineral un'il the expiration of the present term of f e latter official. An act making in unlawful for any traveling salesman to solicit orders, or make proposals of purchase of intoxica ting liquors within territory where the sale of liquor is forbidden, except in packages of not less than five gallons to persons authorized to sell liquors. An act to prevent railroad companies from merging with or securing stock in competing lines. All contracts intend ed to affect or tending to effect consoli dation or merger of competing lines are declared void, making of such contract a misdemeanor, punishable in the dis cretion of the court. Roads independ emtly owned and operated, not excead Ing a hundred miles in length, are not affected. An act to protect banks that issued clearinghouse certificates during the money panic of 1908. These institutions are exempted from penalties, but ex emption is not to extend to future viola- tions of the law. An act authorizing dower juries to allot property other than the dwelling house, on request of the widow interest ed. An act to compel blind children, between the ages of seven and seventeen years, to attend school at least nine months In each year. An act authorizing time for railroads to begin construction to be extended for three years from the ratification of this act. An act prescibing the maximum charge which railroad companies may make for transporting passengers in North Carolina, and for other purposes. - Maximum charge for carrying passen gers 2J cents per mile. Children be tween 5 and 13 years old to be carried at half fare, children under 5 free. Tw. When you buy Lard you get more than you bargain for It's heavier in your stomach than on the scales Lard is a foe to digestion. If you had the stomach of an ostrich you could hardly withstand the ravages of lard soaked pastry. You have probably found this out -and already given up the eating of pastry. Tis wholly unneces sary! Anyone can eat and digest food cooked with COTTOLENE, the perfect shortening. It is a pure vegetable product, made from the best beef suet and choicest vegetable oil. When you buy lard you have no pro tection as to quality you simply know 'you are getting LARD never mind the grade, it's just L-A-R-D. On the other hand,every pail of COTTOLENE in uniform the product is guaranteed. You take no chances whatever. In the face of these facts just ask yourself if you can afford to use hog lard when you can get pure, healthful, nutritious , COTTOLENE. . We hereby authorize your grocer to refund your money Cottolene it Guaranteed in case you're not pleased after having given COTTOLENE a fair test. Never Solrl in Bulk COTTOLENE is packed in pails never aom in duik a pate6t atight topto keep it clean, fresh and wholesome; also to prevent it from ab sorbing the .disagreeable odors of the grocery, such as fish, oil, etc; Cook Book Free w sa11 slad to end 7 h"- . wife, for a two-cent stamp, our new "PURE FOOD COOK BOOK," edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary" J. Lincoln, author of the famous "Boston Cook Book." Address THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO Nature's Gift from the Sunny South hundred ' pounds of btggg flowed each passenger. Fares adjusted so tSat amount shall be multiple of fire. Extra charge of 15 cents allowed for fares paid on train. No charge of less than 10 cents required. Independently owned and operated roads whose' mileage is 100 miles or leas allowed to charge 3 cents per mile. Braach roads having mileage of 10 miles or less to charge rate "n$w in existence." Newly constructed roads exempt for two years after completion. Rates for roads owned, controlled or leased by other companies determined by legal rates of owning or controlltnjr. company. . violation oi act suojecu cor poration to line not less than 1500 nor more than 85,000, and individuals to punishment In discretion of court. Ac ceptance of free transportation a mis demeanor, punishable 4- discretion of court, and giving free transportation punishable by fine of not less than 500 nor more than $2,000. Rate law of 1907 repealed, and penalties incured under it extinguished. Corporation Commission to have no power to change, alter, mod ify or in any way affect enforcement or operation of act, or enforcement of pen alties. Section of Revisal requiring first and second class fares repealed. Act effective from April J, 1908. Note Copies of this act may be ob tained by application to Secretary of State. Resolutions Tbe following resolutions adopted jointly, by the Senate and the House of Representatives, are considered of gen- eral interest: Resolution concerning the Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition. Tbe move ment is endorsed, and the Governor authorized to appoint a commisioa of ten citizens, representee of the sections and industries of the State, to represent it at the Exposition in 1909, without compensation. Resolution authoiizingthe publication of the laws, journals and documents of the special session in one volume. Joint resolution in regard to petition of employees from railroad companies which is effect that the petitions re ceived careful consideration, and it is believed the legislation on the subject. carrying out the Governor's agreement with tbe railroads, will prove beneficial to all classes and make reduction of wages unnecessary. Copies of the res olution are to be sent to all organiza tions of employees throughout the state. Resolution relative to the acceptance of tbe.$17,500, tendered by the railroads to be applied In the costs imposed upon the State by tbe rate controversy, stat ing that no part of It should be received for the paying expenses incured by con vening the Legislature in extraordinary session. " Death of Hardie P. Bewrnett On February 4 the death angel visited our community and laid the icy baad of death upon Hardie Barnett, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bar nett. Hardy was 17 years old, and pro fessed faith in Christ about 15 montbs ago. He was loved by all who knew him. and. had many friends throughout the county. He was confined to his bed for twenty three days, but bore his sick dess in great peace. He knew no ene mies, but was held in high esteem by all who were fortunate to know him; Unselfish in life, perfect in love, full of b . CCMENTtoBtrooA V BetoktkV ABro.tTtV tome in and let us test your eyes and show you our new Bifocal Lenses and the very - newest mountings. o easy and comiortable. Eyes tested and frames fitted without charge. , W. H, Hawkins & Son Jewelers and Opticians. Your Shoes Repaired with the best grade of White Oak Leattis er, hand sewed soles, patching, rips and all upper work by mach me. All worK guarante e Look for the Shoe Sign. G. F. CHAPLE mm rf Poafet 13 by mi " it it because they make so little effort to keep well nntil they are sick. They throw hurriedly into their stomachs a combination of cheap, impure, improperly made foodstuffs that are sure m time to breed j ii nt-her maladies. Trv tVIIEAT FLAKE CELERY a w l IFI You will not find any other food so delicious. The stomach will require no drug to aid digestion. Nerv ous energy, mental vigor, physical strength and a natural action of the bowels follow its daily use. It S a looa uui a uicuitiuc. FalatableNatrltlon Easy of Digestion and Beady to Eat CM M serrea sou m wn o w, - -r- - jay signazvrw nzSfJ j " All Grocers package M 7- HgOM A Big Cut Price shoe saJe has begun 1 SHEPHERD'S We are Agents for the popular Remedies . that., do the work Ga-rreris Blood Purifier and Tonic For Indigestion and Blood Troubles - Ftlty cents -and One Dollar. Garrens Vegetable Liver Pills for Liver and Stomach disorders, 25c 1 -at I TR.Y them and be convinced. Ask for testimonials. I I Hunter's PaLrmacy faith, rich in tbe Savior's knowledge, rip for the Master Gardes. fGod has called him home." On Thursday afternoon, attended by a large gathering of relatives and sympa thising friends, the body was removed frou his residence to the Mills River Chtpel, the place where Hardie had at tended Sunday-school from youth. A brUf funeral service was conducted by thee pastor. Rev. Williams, Tbence at the close of the service, in which sad ness seemed charmed by the soft sweet musical- selections rendered by the choir, the procession moved out upon the carpet of spotless snow to the con secrated spot in lh9 Chapel-yard ceme tery, in charge of Director Thomas Shepherd, assisted by pall-bearers, Messers, Mayo Garland, Robert Keede, Eloh Corn, Wat Gash, Frank Gilreath and Alex. Barnett. A Friend. Still The Greatest 11 TS Possible Cotton Crop of the best possible oualitv. IS the aim nf tveijr cnierpnsing cotton planter. And "it is as easy as rolling down hill" if you only use enough Viiginia-Gtrolina Fertilizer.s T. 1 . ' . . I iucic auy rcasuu way you cannot oo just as well as Mr iv - nlV viujkj, umug usea OJ!iiDs.per i . ' acre of Virginia-Carolina Fortiliror. if He gathered one and a half bales of cotton per i acre, ana mere were more Dolls yet to open. This Is the experience of hundreds of nth!- planters. Careful use of high grade Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers will surely "increase vjrvields prejudiced authorities tell how it is done in the new Virginia-CaroUna Farmers' Year Book or Almanac, a. COtv of which mavKo ciwir.l r T j . r "-vvu.tuuuui jiouriciui- VS3?3Sf5r 'pi m I izer dealer, or from our nearest sales-office. An interesting picture, of Mr. Swint's :cottoo$'ill be found in this.Year Book. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. u If . . -I 1l r . . - A - ' - -t J ff-rC."- Baltimore. Md. Sd if gmMmML - - Sli Ah W j U L. r .r,,'y:,r.nizrfc'; JZZS i i tr-I

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