TUB OIRGUIJ.A.TION The Hustler HA S The largest cir. culation of any paper in its territory Th. REST ad vertising me' ;n county A The Hustler is 0ad by PEQ P Lb -IN . THE3 : , O0XJK - L li ' ' Coax m ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR STRICTLY . Capt. Rowland is In Greemvllle. E. L. Brown, of Asheville. was in town Monday. '" .. MisaMalinda Gallick, of Asheville, was in town this week. Or. T. A. Allen will be borne from Florida about the 20th of this month. ReT. R. N. Willcox will be at Edney Tllle during next week. R. I. Bonis and W. L. Spencer, of Baltimore, spent several days in town last week. ; .. . Dr. W. R. Kirk, who has been ill with the grippe, has recovered sufficient ly to take care of his practice. T. Q. " Led better, of Roosevelt membered us with his subscription on Monday." Mr. F. L. Conder of Asheville, was a ruest at the "Summer Home,'' last Thursday. 1 " J. W. Anderson, of Anderson ; Bros, the poultry men of Etowah, was in town Monday, on business. " : . T. R. Davis, machinist operator on the Asheville Citizen, was a visitor to ' Hendersonville the first of this week. . Prof. R. M. I Ivins has resigned as superintendent of the city " graded school. Mr.lTinswill go North. Sol. Evans, who has many friends here, is in the Mission Hospital, Ashe Ville, entirely helpless from rheuma tism. W. O. Pryor, of Asheville, passed thro town Saturday. Mr. Pryor says the lumber business is improving right along. JSrnest Justus, the well known mer chant of Etowah, was in town Monday, and left a good sized order for job work at this office. - Mrs. Mary Farmer left this week for Washington, D- CT, whee she will -visit Mr. and Mrs. Singleton Farmer, for merly of Flat Rock. J. C. Clouse is at Biltmore Hospital, 1 recovering nicely from an operation per formed last Wednesday by Dr. Merri wether, assisted by Dr. Egerton. ' O. Oatea. of Bear Wallow, member of the County Board Education, has re turned from his trip . South, much im proved in health and appearance. Dr." Arthur Guerard, of Flat Rock, is seriously ill with pneumonia. Dr. Draft is attending htm, and with the assis tance of MissM.'B. Sullivan, a trained nurse from Asheville, it is believed he will recover. J. D. Boyd has returned from a busi ness trip to Chattanooga. Mr. Boyd says every time t e leaves town and sees other places he Is more firmly convinced than ever that Henderson ville is in a class by itself unapproachable. J. S. Crawford, who recently had to narrow escape from death at the South ern depot, left on Monday for a visit to relatives in Salem, Va. From there he goes to Washington, to have an artifi cirl foot made and will return to this citv about April 1st. .Miss Juno Morris spent Sunday with Miss Sue Cannon at Horse Shoe. Miss Morris is one of the most popular of the county "officials" and numerous friends are urging her to become a candidate for register of deeds, a position, which It is said, she is bow virtually filling, and she has the matter under consideration. "Now what d'ye think of.that? A. S. Blake of Fletcher, was in town Saturday and paid us a pleasant visit Mr. Blake says he cannot do without The Hustler, and indicated his appre elation by paying three good hard dol lars on subscription. We are obliged to Mr. Blake and may his shadow never grow less. "Manager Collett, of the State's test farms at Blantyre and' Swannanoa' pas Bed through Hendersouyille on Monday eoroute to the latter place from Trary- ylvania. He it hlgbly pleased with the upper French Broad ''experiment sta tion" and says the same has not been abandoned by any -means, notwith standing the report to that effect made to the General Assembly in special ses sion at Raleigh last January. ' Mr. Col lett reports that the Transylvania farm is not a losing proposition, but more than pays expenses. " He now has more than 200 bushels of corn and a quantity of line hay for sale. He is looking after Personal Mrs. as, FullrightwenttoA6hevilleJprzes Handed OUt B. George Barber, of AshetiUe, was in town Sunday. . Mrs. Chas. Nuchols bas gone to Char lotte for a few days' visit. Wednesday evening 8 p. nu Service and leoture on the Church at St. James church. All invited. . , Mr. S. H. Friedman left on : Wednes day for Asheville, to lake in the "Clans man : " . The child of Mr. and Mrs. Philmore Arledge died last Wednesday, at the age of three years. Lewis Potts has now bloomed into young manhood. He is wearing his first long p ah trousers. G. M. Glazener is expected home from Baltimore this week, where he hat been attending the "National Prosperity Convention." R. D. Carter, came home frm Canton Sunday and spent a couple of days, here, Mr. Carter says' Canton is . the busy place. Rev. R.B. Grinnan will preach each night, next week, at 7:30,. at the Pres byterian church. . Everyone is cordially invited to attend these serveses.' Dr. Bowe, of Gastonia, has been ap pointed presiding elder of the Ashe ville district, in place of Dr. Crawford, deceased. The appointment was made by Bishop Galloway this week. Mr. John T. Wilkios, of Calhoun- Wilkins Co., Wholesale Grocers, has rented the Gullick house on South Main street, and with bU family will occupy it about the 20th of this" month. Mrs. W.-H. Candler is recovering rap idly from a recent operation for appen dicitis. The operation was performed by Dr. Drafts, assisted by Dr. C. Z. Candler, of Dillsboro, Dr. Colby, of Dlllsboro, and Dr. Waldrop. - HENDERSONVILLE Will be in Good Shtvpe to Tkke Care of its Visitors. Prospects for a Big Crowd Hendersonville will be in bet ter shape, this season, than ever before, to take care of its thous- ands of visitors. As a Certain business man said yesterday. "With paved sidewalks, an abundant water supply, better electric light service, this town will be in a position to take care of many thousands of visitors this summer, to better advantage than ever before in its history. "Last year we had many dif ficulties to contend with; The water service was bad, the" lights were poor. This year both these serious defects will hav been remedied. The meters will con serve the water, and the Electric Light Company . have spent thousands of dollars in improve ments and will be in good shape for all demands. 'In addition to these improve ments, the. cement walks 'will be down, and this vast improve ment will certainly be appreciat ed by the people who come here for rest, recreation and relaxat ion, and will prove one of the best advertisements for the town. It is a solid permanent improve ment, the same as paved roads. ''Hendersonville will be alHo the good this summer. The crowd will be here and we will be in shape to take care of them, and Hendersonville will be still better known and advertised by its many friends." Distressing 3bcident. The three-year old daughter of Cane Smith (colored), was burned to death at its parent's home last Saturday. The child was. left alone in a room, the neighbors heard its screams, and found it writhincr on the floor a mass of flames. A partially burned broom is supposed to be the cause of the child's dress be coming ignited, It probably put the p - hmnm ta tha ooen fire nlace. and its dress caught fire from that. ' ' .jay iolsi toviri ' Following are some of the prizes drawn at the last term of court: Pick Brown, affray, guilty, judgment suspended payment of costs. ' Fred and Tom Allen, trespass, guilty. judgment stispended payment of costs. Lit (Aiken, retailing, judgment sue pended payment costs. Dollie Lattemor. (col.) trespass, not guilty. - Ed. Glover, Jeff Glover, Mitchel Sur ret, assault and battery, guilty, judg ment suBpeded payment costs. Martha Williams, (col.) carrying con cealed weapons,fjudgement suspended payment costs. Town of. Hendersonville vs. I. P. Israel, on appeal. Violation of town ordinance. Not guilty. Doc Justice, false pretense in horse swapping, not guilty. D. Lyda, Reuben Lyda, Authnr Lyda, - assault and battery, not guilty. . Pick and Thos. BlackweU, disturbing religious congregation. Thos. not guil ty. Pink fined $16.60 and costs. "N. J. and Arthur Beddingfield, forci ble trespass, not guilty. G. W. Hart, larceny, defendant plead ed nolle contendere, but drew 5 months on the gang. . Geo. Waters," larceny, 6 months on cbaingang. D. F. Guice, assault and battery, judg ment suspended payment of costs. Thos. Green, larceny, 12 months on cbaingang. ' Eck Rollback, assault and battery. Sentenced to criminal department hos pital for insane at Raleigh. V. P. Waters, 4 months oa gang. Jennie Hardin, resisting officer, 60 days in jail. Assault and battery, guilty of assault, judgment suspended payment of costs. Retailing liquor, not ruilty. Will Dalton, larceny, in jail twelve months, to be hired oat. Pat Steward, larceny, county jail 10 months, to be hired out. B. Gregory, retailing -liquor, -mistrial Notice of Tax Sale. By virtue of the tax list of the Town of Hendersonville now in my hands for collection and by virtue of Xhe power and authority invested in, me by Law. will sell the property hereinafter named at the Court House door in Hen dersonville, N. C, on March, 23, 1908, at 12 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of satisfying the taxes of the delinquent taxpayers thereinafter named, together with all costs on same. . Lannine.D. F.,1 cow. l yearling.. $ 3.92 Kilpatrick,W.A.Householdand kitchen furniture 4.10 Colored Gile8,B. 8., Household and kitchen fur niture, 1 musical instrument 4 82 Leonard, Alfred.I cow 3.64 Wheeler,Slmp,l cow.... .51 Respectfully T, m. Smith. Town Tax Collector. This March 10, 1908. The New Water Meters The first water meters have been in stalled. There are two of them, they will measure the water used in the new office building, now nearing completion. They are located near the curb and covered with a cement slab. At The Hotel Gotes F. H; Allison, of the Asheville and Hendersonville Electric Railroad; John N. Shoalbeul, Chief Engineer of the A. & H. Railroad; John F. Rowland, Ashe ville; . A. Means, Q. W. Martin, of Charlotte; J. Lathrop and wife, of De troit, Mich, - Notice to the Taxpayers of Henderson County You will please take notice that on the 25th day of March, 1908, 1 will advertise all real and personal property for de linquent taxes due" for year 1007. This is fair notice, and Last Call I will comply strictly with same. So do not delay paying and then complain at me for having to pay cost. This means YOU.iCnot paid. I am . Respectfully, C. E. BROOKS, Tax Collector. HE NDERSONVILLE , . ;N . 0... THU RS DEATH OF MR.' JOHN S.CARSON Former Charlotte Resident Passes Away in Hendersonville Fun V era! tO Take Place in This City Te-Morrbw. u -. ; : - (Charlotte Observer) The distressing nows reached the city late yesterday j afternoon ef the death in Hendersonville, of Mr. John S. Carson, a son of the late James H. Car son and a brother of Messrs. C. M.. J. E. andB. C. Carson, all of this city. Mr. Carson had been in declining health for several years and'the end yesterday was not unexpected. Afflicted with tuberculosis, years ago he sought the higher latitude in the hope that he might battle the more successfully with the dread disease- - The fight, however, was unavailing and for Jsome time past it was known that the " end was but a question of time. Mr, Carson breathed his last at f:2Q o'clock, just as the' sun was sinking behind the mountains to the west of his home, the mountains which he so often gazed upon late in the after noon and which he had come to love so dearly. At his bedside where his loved ones, his wife and little daughter, and several of his very close relatives. The end was very easy. Mr. Carson was it years of age and is survived . by his widow and one little daughter , of five years of age. The remains will be brought to Char lotte this evening and ; the funeral will take place at the First Presbyterian church to-morrow at 11 o'clock. The body on its arrival in the city will be carried to the home of Mr. C. M. Car son, No. 913 South Tryon street, where t will remain until the hour of the fun eral. The service will be conducted by Rev. W. M, Klncaid. The interment will be at Elmwood Cemetery. Mr. John Sanders Carson was a son of the late Mr. James H. Carson, who in his day was one of the city's most in fluential and .prosperous'; citizens. Mr. Carson's boyhood and early manhood days were spent ia this city where he was known and liked by everyone. The city then was not so large as It is now and Mr. Carson knew and was known by the entirepopulation. He was uni versally liked; possessing a sunny, gen erous disposition and a heart of pure gold. He was wedded years ago to Miss Page Carter, of Virginia, who survives him. Their married life were eminent ly happy, one little girl being born to them, a beautiful little child of five summers. Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Carson left yester day for Hendersonville. They will ac company the remains to the city to-day. Mr. Carson died at his home in this city last Wednesday, and the body was taken to Charlotte on Thursday. The pallbearers were Messrs. Shipp.Bartlett, Hilliard Staton, Morey, Tinsman and Hobbs. The interment was in Charlotte. Good Roocds. The roads are gettiDg in Bhape again, except the great ridges and ruts are still in evidence. The split-log drag, which has been demonstrated to be the biggest kind of success in the West, could have been used to excellent ad vantage here during the past few weeks Had it been used, the roads would now present a -perfectly smooth,' slightly ourved surface, and would be hard as rock almost, shedding water freely, and standing much heavy travel in rainy weather before getting in bad shape again. . . The sentiment for paved roads seems to be gaining strength every day. The money is available. Not one cent of additional taxation is necessary. The co-operation of town aud county author Ules.with the hearty eupport of property owners along the roads first improved, would soon work a revolution in good roads In this county.- - , Subscriptions of money, roek and la bor are waiting. The chaingang could not be more profitably employed, than in making paved roads, and the tax-payers money would then be invested where it would roturn the biggest kind of inter- est. " " . The roads are fair now, but remem ber last winter! ' Signs of SprihfJ. If you don't believe Spring ; in here, drop into Sheperd's Furniture Store, ontjoalte the Hotel Gates, and take a look at his Spring mattings, just arriv ed. They are beauties,: there's no other word to describe them,' and the prices are absolutely right, -:Tom Shepherd says so, . . DAY,. MARCH 12, 1 90 8 : Hints to Farmers. Fob 8 an Joss Scale Secure sharp ax, carefully cut the tree ' down and burn it in a seven acre lot. The scale will no longer infest that tree. Deep Plowing Hitch two gentle mules to a subsoil plow. . Then hire man to do the plowing while yon sit n a log and figure out Bill Miller's chances of election to the senate. Corn Planting. Prepare the ground carefully and dig the holes to contain the corn not more than seven feet apart. As this is a campaign year, and corn is said to be good for mankind and the republican party, and John Grant's running for Congress, we advise planting plenty of corn Wife Wanted! The fame of Hendersonyille's girls, their charm, their beauty, their infinite varity, has spread far, even unto Texas. In witness hereof, the following letter received by a certain well known and popular young lady, here, is submitted in evidence: - . . :. , . Gainsville, Texas, Mar. 2, 1901. Miss- Hendersonville, N. C. Dear Madam: 1 take pleasure in ad dressing you these few lines to let you know who I am and tell yon my object in addressing you: . . . I am looking for a . wife and if you can come up to my expectations,will see about the matter. Am 40 years old, no incumbrances, no one but myself. Am a good business man, and used to be in the dry goods and grocery business for 10 years. Was a good bookkeeper in an Illinois city, but my health got bad up there, and had to come down here. Please let me hear from yon or some friend who would liXato yoke herself with a man for life. . Tours respectfully STOKER WILSON. The Hustler Is not a matrimonial pa per, and it thinks all bachelors should be heavily taxed, and it is with pleasure it puts this interesting communication before Its readers, confident that Mr. Wilson has shown rare taste and dis crimination in writing to Henderson ville for a wife. . Viewing with ecstatic admiration the movable pictures of the centuries, we see Father Time, in his angular stateli nesa, sliding down the banister of the ages. . . - We can Imagine the delicate oders of choice flowers, the sweet perfumes of in cense and rare snices and, aa we reach the end of the rainbow, the perfect work is beautifully exemplified in those ex clusive lines of Fancy Front Doors that have made Rigby, Morrow & Co. a syn onym of taste, character and perfection In work. . And to come down to straight English talk,the prices are unapproach able on the doors and on all builders' supplies. We have the stuff, and we're going to tell it. Look for the big sign It ahows wherelto save money on all builders' supplies. . RIGBY, MORROW & CO. FruitloLnd Items. Fred Edney of Flat Rock visited Fruitland last week. , If m r TT : Rwn AIpA it Ii hnnsA lt Thursday March 5th, age sixty odd vears:sha was buried at the Byers fami ly grave yard near Mt, Morriah; her funeral was conducted by Bev, Moore 1 1 Hendersonville. Rev. Hyder will preach at Edney ville, next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. R. M. Pryor has gone to Asheviile un business. Mr. Lee Ander Green died at his home Wednesday March 4th 1908. Age 24 years, he was buried at St. Paul, his funeral was conducted by Rev. George W barton 01 irruitiana. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Stroup spent day last Sunday at Bill Nices. Olive, . the At St. James Church. - The following is ; a schedule of ad dresses to be delivered at St. James Church on the Wednesday Evenings daring Lent from March 4 to April 15, at 8 p. m. March 4th. The Church, brief his tory of. ;; . ,, - -: ..' March II The Kingdom of Heaven. '. " 25 The ministry of the Church. April I The mysteries of the church 8 The Body of Christ, " 15 General Summary. . ' There wll! be a box provided , at ' the r.hnmh door in which Questions may be be out bv anvone. and these will be answered on the Wednesday following. Everyone is cordially Invited to come Seeded Raisins in ilb Pack ages iocat the Ideal this week The only exclusive Fruit and Candy Store in the City Miss Nettie Le Grand, Pro p s Pavement Bids to be Received ' The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Hendersonville will receive bids for the laying of cement sidewalks on Main Street and Anderson Avenue in said town, as per specification heretofore published copy of which may be had upon application to the secretary of the Board. All bids must be in writing and sealed and placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Board not later' Hhan the nootr of the'llth day of Marcb,1908. A bond of $5,000 will be required" for the faithful performance of the contract. W ork to commence not later than April, 1, 1908, and to be completed not later than June I, 1908. Work to commence at a' point to be designated by the Board and the contract to be carried Out and completed under the supervision of the Board. The town will furnish the necessary water. The Board of Commissioners reserves- the right to reject any and all bids. Michael Schenck 'U Mayor." . " , . J. F. Brooks Sec. Board Commissioners. i'..-' Twins. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Freeman, two boys, on Monday morning. One of tie children died shortly - after birth. Mrs. Freeman issdo!ng nicely. '-' BUSINESS BRIHGERS PRIVATE BOARDING -Lock Box 104. Phone 195. Shepherd sells Shoes-good shoes. . Noteheads. letterheads, statements and billheads at lower prices than else where. Quality guaranteed. Hustler office. . Fresh cabbage plants every day at Hunter's Pharmacy. . . FOR ITS KEEP Fine Saddle horse. Will drive in bufirsrv also. Address Husthir Office. - An excellent envelope for only 1.75 per thousand at the Hustler office. - There are only a few left of these delicious Indian . River Oranges at Dr. T. A. Allen's.; ,jd.J-i Spring Oxfords at Shepherd's Genuine and money saving reductions at Glazener '8 on seasonable and desire able merchandise. .. Spring beauties Spring Oxfords at Shepherd's. Those fine cabbage plants have ar rived at Hunter's Pharmacy and they are fine. Freeh by express daily. Reduction on every article in our store. Articles seasonable and desir able. Glazener. Beautiful Spring Oxfords at Shep herd's. See them. " Glazener "cuts the price and sells the goods. . New cabbage -plants at Hunter's Pharmacy, received daily by express. Glazener cuts the price acid sells the goods on winter merchandise. Noth ing reserved but everything sold at genuine money-saving-prices. Spring Oxfords dainty and beautiful, at Shepherd's. Wanted Bring me your chstnut wood. Wi pay market price. Near depot. J. W. CAIRNES- at the ity I! iriK WEDNESDAY NIGHT MARCH 11th. For the two best char acter; representations. 2; Prizes '.;2 will be given one tothe gen tleman and one to "the lady. The contest will be decided by popular vote; Spectators will be allowed one vote each. Come out and enjoy an even ings entertainment. Admission 10c - V : : ; Skating 15c masquerade C R VOL. XVII, No. 11 THIS BUSY ; The big street sprinkler has been doing good work. .-. ' , r Taxes are slow. Better pay yours be fore advertising, v.-W -V - The Red store has moved into half the store occupied by the bakery.; Prom fr-off Manilla 'Alii? Drake sends a dollar for subscription to this paper. . . ,--7:": Looks as if Spring had done "come to stay awhile, but at the same time you mustn't get too confident. - : Maria Washington, a most estimable colored woman, aged about 50 years, died last Thursday, of append icitis. ; , 8. H. Friedman has an advertisement on the last page of the greatest interest to the ladies. "Senators" Miller and (fenoon were seen on our streets Saturday each look ing well and happy and both claiming their prospects to be (food. - . The pennant survey for the electric line to Asheville has been completed to Hillgirt, and the temporary survery to Fletchers, J - The excavation for the new build ing Dr. Howe is erecting at the corner of Broad and Main sts,, is about com pleted.' The closing exercises of the Fletcher high school will tare place on the even ings of the 19th and 20th of March. All the friends of the school are cordially invited to attend. The exercises will be very interesting. The infant child of nr. and wt. Jas per Lamb, of Horace, died on Friday laat. The funeral occurred Saturday, Interment being in Mt-IIorlah cemetery - ' - J. D, Boyd will erect 1 brick refriger ator in the rear of the building now occupied by Chas. E. Fiess, and pur chased -some time ago bjM&J3yd and Miss Le Grande, ' ' Mrs. Hardie" Byers, an bid and re spected resident of Edneyviile, died last Thursday night, at her home. The funeral occurred on Friday, Stepp and Orr being in charge. 7. ' - The K. of P. held another rousing meeting last Monday night. The hall was packed. Mayor Schenck and O. 6. Hill were given the first degree." Contractor Joseph : McCrary will shortly start to improve the old Posey residence oa the Flat Rock road by adding another story to it. The prop erty was purchased recently by 3 ohn L. Orr. .- J:. -w.tv'- : G. W. Bicksler andwife, of New York, who have been here for several moDths, are going to Waynesville.-Mr. Bicksler inserted a small ad in this . pa per last week, offering his household goods for sale He said, as a result of . the ad. the entire lot of furniture was sold the next day. i ; . During Lent the Woman's Auxiliary of St. James church will take , orders, thro' Mr. A. Ficker, for the following good-sounding articles: Cookies, 15c doz.; cheese straws, lOcdoz.; delicate cake, 75c; chocolate ake, 50c; potato salad, mayaoniss dressing, candy, AND chickens. Orders must be in not later than Thursday, and will be filled on Saturday. .. v. . Hospital Association The ladies of the Hospital Associa tion will give a"Social Tea" next Tues day, from 5 to 10, at the? home of Mrs. Chas. Whitaker. Dainty refreshments' will be seryed and a musical program of exceptional interest will be offered. A silver offering will be taken for the benefit of the hospital. The men are wanted at this gather ing. The inspiration of their preeenoe is required. They will be given a most excellent good time and depend upon ' it the ladles will see to it that jqu are not lonely while there. They - look for you, they expect you, and are YOU going to disappoint them? Music, re freshments, and a good time socially. What greater inducements can they of fer you to come? ; ; . , At Mrs. Whitakerg, next Tuesday anytime from 5 to 10 o'clock. Evelyn Thaw says , she will sue for divorce on grounds of Thaw's insanity Harry Thaw will defend the suit. f, President Roosevelt addresses the "First International Congress on Wel fare of Children,','! at Washington. Two hundred delegate at the White House., both farms, and doing it welL .