THE ! The Hustler HAS The largest cir. dilation of any paper in its territory. The BEST ad vertising me dium in county The Hustler is read by the PE O P L E ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR HENDERSONVILLE. THURSDAY. APRIL 1908 VOL. XVII, No. 17 s 23, STRICTLY Personal T. 0. McNeely is home. w. A. Smith is attending Polk court. J. D. Boyd went to Spartanburg last week. Dr. J. L. Egerton went to Asheville on Saturday. J. S. Liverett, of Asheville, was in town last week. Mrs. Ganry, aaJ her duigh.ter, Mrs. jacksoD, are guests of Mrs. Ro Bards. John L. Orr has returned from a busi ness trip to Greenville. Fifty cents for thi3 paper from cow until Jan. 1, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. C. A., Hobbs have re turned from the North. W. C, Rector is attending court in Polk this week. C. E. Wilson went to New York, last week. Will buy new goods there. j. T. Davenport, of Horse Shoe, was in town Monday on business. R. A. Moody has returned from a bus iness trip to Richmond and Washing ton. Judge Ward, who is holding court at Polk thi9 week, was a guest of the Gates Saturday and Sunday. Geo. Justus is h 3m 3 Icon Rutherford fon for a few days. He returns this J. Leon Rose, proprietor of tb.2 Rose Pharmacy has gone to Kentucky for a brief visit. D. R. chewning, who has been con fined to his bed for a week or more, is now able to be out again. Miss Verda Waldrop, who has been teaching school at Falkland, is expect, ed home shortly. Miss Lucile Burroughs, of Converse College, spent Easter with Mrs. j. L. Egerton. W. P. McCall. of Mills River, savs there is the greatest interest In his sec- ion in the coming prohibition election, O. R. "Keith of -Wilmington, is now in charge of the Hendersonville Buggy Co. This company reports a highly satis factory business. H. L. Keith, of the Atlanta Dental college, is spending a few days with bis brother, w. A. Keith, enroute to his I home at Wilmington. Mrs. M. A. Summsy, age 19 years, is suffering from a dislocated shoulder. The king bolt came out the buggy, while she was driving home last Wednesday, and - - I Mr. and airs. 1. 11. Uantrell have gone to Spartanburg for a visit of some dur ation. Mr. Cantrell has not yet fully recovered from a serious attack of ill ness, but his many friends trust he may soon be as stout as formerly. j. A. Woodward, of the Henderson ville Realty Co., was in town last week Mr. Woodward says that Hyman Heights, the property of the company, will be fuily developed this spring, and that many improvements will be made on that fine property. Mr. and Mrs Alex Capps were in town last week and shoved their eubscrip-1 uon mar up a mp e oi year iu vapps, speasing oi tneir recent iriu nui.Ko m ,, wo fw hardly drinkable, and that Henderson count.v mud enough for her. airs, lxmise opringer, jusb ixjuise Webb and Miss Winifred Dalzell were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Will- cox during part of Holy Week. Mrs. Springer is the highly efficient and cap- able teacher at SbFaolM school, Edney- ville, where she is doing a good work. Miss Dalzell and Miss Webb are station- ed at St. John's school, Upward. Earl Grey, Governor General of Can- ada and Lady Grey, who are guests of the British Ambassador and Mrs. Bryce in Washington at present will arrive on Saturday or Sunday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderbilt at Biltmore House. The President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained the Earl and T.aflw flrov at lnnnhpnn afc lh white House on Wednesday. Lady "juii urej aaugmer oi lav uovtrnur General, is visiting Miss Nora Langhorne at Nnrado, the Virginia country estate of the Insnghorne family. Citizen. Frank and Horace Morris, two clever hoys, now of Bakersfield, N. C. spent a few days here last week. Frank is the one wno created so much excitement in town a few weeks ago by telegraphing the Blue Ridge Inn to reserve the best bedroom aud bath they had in the house. Everyone thought he had been married aua on the Sundav he was expected a crowd of his friends spsat rnosl of the day at the depot, waiting for the bride aud groom. But there wasn't any Wh Is at the Price AT WHICH YOU'LL SELL YourBoy GOL. PICKENS ASKS A FEW TIMELY AND POINTED QUES TIONS. 1. If prohibition does not pro hibit and make less drinkiner. whv ., , , rr to it? 2. If prohibition laws should not be enacted because they do not extinguish and absolutely pre vent me tranc, wny not repeat an other criminal statutes, as none of . .1 . n i i . .1 .11 I them absolutely prevent the crime torblddtfD? orderlv. lutely abolished crime, what need is thereof criminal courts? 4. If it bo true that "if you let liquor alone it will not hurt you," then the agonies of parents at the incarceration and death ot tneir drunken boy, is not to be counted : the sufferings of the wife and children caused bv a drunken father must be ignored, and we must deny aud forget the untime ly death of that sober, good citi zen, Sam Cunningham, who at his own home was slain by a bullet as it shrieked from a saloon broil. 5. Shall the saloon be located by your home or by your neigh- bors, and wnicn oner u. it we need tne license money to make streets, etc., wnat is the price at which you offeryour boy? Are not the boys of your county worth more than all tne license money in North Carolina? 7. If the liquor league has pro vided a large fund and put it into the hands of some bloated, un- arrnnn1rni3 politicians with which I . . rn... 'n ; lO liuiuwuutj vuw t'lcunuu, 10 id uvi v" " - - 1 an insult to every honest North Carolinian, an intimation that you 1 V 1 A. f AC WO I can oe oougnt tor .wj S. V. VICKENS ..n, mwn visitw his " father, E. w. Gurley ...a.. Mrs. s. V. Wheeler is in me city a euest of Mrs. chas. Pless chief-clerk Montgomery of the Hotel Wheeler is in town Miss Harrison of Asheville is the guest of Miss Annie Smith. Miss Dora Grimmett of Lafayette, Ala., is expected to arrive this week. Mrs. a. C. Tutt of Aueusta. Ga.. is visiting her mother Mrs. W.A. Garland. Claude Brown's auction sale will be the biggest held here this season. Over 75 head to be auctioued off. D.AnA!n eauoltoa of. tVlA TAllMsf. vh (n.M,,if.,rMt Sundav morn- evening. Rev. Dr. Miller of Alabama js expected to fill the pulpit, A11 are inYitea. . ... Mr. and Mrs. ciouse aesire to express '' Pub'lc their appreciation oi tne many iavo.8 aou muu I . 3 .1. . 1 111 nna ,o erl i nv mem a urine iue iuuk iuwh " death cf ther BOUf from tneir many friends and neighbors, who have more than proved themselves "friends In deed." D. F. Guice, aged JO years, oiea at M home in this city last Saturday night iofrAT an iiirmssnT n vh wkhks. iih was on Mond Rev Moore ctmduct- jng the services. Mr Guice is survived by his widow, who has the heartiest I - . . . 1 . 1 sympathy oi many irienaa in ner oereavemeuu. W. A. Yoong, the popular and efli- cient cashier at the Southern depot, and Miss Irma Sindorff , of Charleston, were married in that city on Wednesday, Am-il 22. Mr. Young, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. C. S. Fullbright, left Phorlontnn nn Knndnv. Mr. and Mrs Young, after a visit to Washington and i oiaer points, wut rciuru w men luium j home in Hendersonrille. I Water lIeteTS All water consumers who have.! not installed their water meters oy June nrs wm ue uuu uu num the city water.' Make vour application to the Phif of Police or to J.C. Morrow, and thev will zive the matter rrnmnt attention. unions meters are niuvu. , tailed bv the firet of June you msi Forty Years Ago Forty years ago last Tuesday Judge Pace was elected clerk and he has held that job down ever since. The election, or elections, for thev'lasted three davs. was held at the old court house, then compar atively new. It waB in. 1868, and the elections were held under mili tary rule, under General Camby. General Grant was elected presi dent the same day. Judge Pace succeeded Samuel Waldrop, and was elected as Clerk of the Superior Court, Probate Judge (an office since abolished) succeeding J. C. Gullick, father of our Judee Gullick and clerk to the Master in Equity, which office was then filled by H T. Farmer. The election lasted three days and all in the county came to town to vota. The first constitution of the State afterthewar, was adopt, ed at thla same ti and altho nquor wag to be had in abundance t.lia rlov nrna OTfromolv n n nnrl Forty vears aso Hendersonville wno anmo orTnf,iipr thnn it ia tnav There were no water meters, no cement paved streets. A11 thafc beautiful part of the town fo ufi wfisl. nnA tha r,nrrhpoat. wiva covered with wooded land, with here and there a feitile farm. Mrs. Pattern's house aud the residence of Col, Livingston wore the only buildings in that part of the town now thickly settled. Dr. Allen was in busiuessat the same old stand. Memory Justus was in business then and Colonel Pickens was practicing law. Wesley Justus was registrar of deeds. Capt. W. G. B. Morris, Columbus McCrary, Dr. Whitted. james justus. father of Sam Jus tug aud q Johnson were' the gve county commissioners. They are now all dead and gone. Forty years ago Mayor Schenck aud his crusade against blind ti gers would have been out of place, although he is the right man in the right place now, for then 1 i , . . i i. n naraiy a siore in town uuk hoiu liquor. mt 1 1 J J- ine cnange in pnmic sentiment in that respect has been remarka ble. The grandfatherof Judge Pace - . i TT 1 1 was a distiller. nis son piayea IlL. . the fiddle, and for allowing this the old gentleman was threatened with "churching" to be put out of the church. He lived to see the day when liquor selling was frowned upon by public sentiment and sat in a church in his latter years aud heard a fiddle played in the sacred edince. A complete reversal of sentiment in one man's lifetime. Auditorium Sold J. D. Davis bid in the audito rium property at the foreclosure proceedings last week for Judge Ely. Paid $1,079 for land and wrecked building. Chairs brought $125 additional. Dr. Strouse held mortgage, and he is out about I ... .. - . . siwon this section or nis unau- tftnqua experience here For SaJe A Bargain One 11-room, pebble dash cot- taee. on E. College st. One 10- o room cottage on E. College street. Prices reasonable. Terms to suit ! the purchaser. They are the best bargains in real estate in this town today. This offer holds good until av 95th onlv J - WANTESKA TRUST & BANKING Co Auction Sale Buggies I will sell at the court house, on Saturday, April 25, at 12 o'clock, "oon, a lot OI seconu-nana oug . . 0 3 1 J 1 ffieS ftUQ Carriages. UUB auu IWU horse wagons, second hand. SPECIAL 2 cakes of fine transpa rent White Rose Glycerine soap for 25c at Hunter's Pharmacy. Best for the hair Hunter's Quinine I nnS.Tnn!i T? omnva rl nnft mfT. KQft at . " " - ---- - Prohibition Meeting The prohibition meeting ior ...... . next Friday night promises to do of exceptional inheres. 1. . - 1 A. X speakers will be present. i - .... . . , r: J out and listen to tnem. xrmiy E aster ervices Easter Sunday was an ideal day. The rains of the two days pre vious came but to freshen and re vive and make even more beauti ful the verdure clad mountains surroundiug Hendersonville. The sun shone with ai genial warmth, the azure blue sky had but a few lace-like clouds, and Dame Nature, clad in the most delicate green, smiling and laden with flowers, was in attune with the sacred day. ; Of course the ladies took advan tage of the superb weather and Main street was a veritable fash ion parade between 12 aud one o'clock. Many pretty gowns and hats were seen, and one poor, puzzled man was heard to exclaim, "Well, what bothers me is this: Which is the prettiest, the' hats and the dresses or their charming wearers?" But then he was only a mere man, of course. At the different churches Easter was appropriately and im pressively observed. St. James church never looked more beautiful. Dogwood, Nar cissus, spirears aud snowballs were used in profusion in the scheme of decoratiou in the body of the church, while dogwood blossoms and magnificent Annunciation lilies transformed the chancel into a bower of beauty. Rev. R. M. Willcoxs sermon was impressive and eloquent and the church was crowded with de vout worshipers. The special Easter music, with Mrs. F. W. Eubank at the organ, was fine, the solo, "He is not here, He is risen," by Miss RoBardsand Prof. Ruhl, being really excellent. The other members of the choir were Mrs.. Louiae Springer ""Miss.! Haas, Miss Emily Ewbank. Miss Steedmau. At the five o'clock services for the children, Rev. Willcox spoke of the necessity of discipline in our daily lives, punctuality being one of the results of this discipline. At the Methodist church Rev. Jno. W. Moore delivered an im pressive sermon, taking his text rom Acts 26:8: "Why is it thought incredible with you if God should raise the dead.' Special Easter music by the choir, a solo by Mr. Pless in the evening and by Mrs. Pless in the morning, the decorated altar made the Easter services very beautiful. There were no services held at the Baptist church. At the Roman Catholic cnurcn Father Marion, of Asheville, con ducted the usual Easter services. Owing to the illness of Mrs. John ston there was no special music. Jury List First Week Will Russell M. F. White J. V. Redden S. P. Pitillo C. E. Brooks j. T. L. Pace J, E. Summey Z. Z, Blythe Charles Praytor G. W. Case E. M. Osteen A. W.Justus T. J. Blackwell P. D. Nelson j. S. Hoots W. D. Guice B. W. E. Stat n B. J. Foust G. W. Byers W. O. johnbon W. B. Case J. H". Griffin G. S. McCullough C. R. Orr Second Week M. G. Sentetl j. Q. Davenport J. C. Gordan james Heaton J. Hall Ripley L. C. Patterson Anthony Hoots 7. P. Johnsen G. W. Conner jr. H. F. Justus J. N. Barnwell N. E. Salts W. A. Mason J. C. Drake H. N. Qlliespie J. H. Rev is C. D. McKillop T. W. Freeman Hunter's Pharmacy say that they sell more of Garren's Sarsaparilla and Blood Tonic than all the patent Sarsaparilla combined. Sulohur and Formaldelyde torches for Fumiffatiner. 10 and 25c at Hun ter's Pharmacy. For Everybody The only exclusive Fruit and Candy Store in the City. The IdeaJ Miss Nettie Le Grand, Prop For the Hustler To Miss I know thou'lt be another's His beautiful, his own That thou will leave all others, And cling to him alone. I know thou hast forbidden Thai I should think of thee, Tho in my heart be hidden, - A love consuming me. But fate schemes on above , To strike young hearts with .awe, For I am dead in love And you'll be dead in law. R. DON WILSON. A Puzzle Ransomo Pace was born in Bun combe county. He was raised in Henderson county. He lived and is still living in Polk county, and he has never changed his residence and still lives in the same spot where he was born. How come? See the answer next week I "Only one place like Asheville,'' de clares an experienced trave'er lately here Citizen, April 18. Tbank goodness! For the Hustler. The Cvillasaja. (By Charlotte Young) I wish you knew a way I know Along the Cullasaja. There, everything to quietness And happy thoughts persuade you. The river sings its own wild song Around the rocky turnings, There honey-suckles lieht the banks With red and yellow burnings. ' Along the cliffs the ferns uncurl, And trails the pink arbutus, And here the wood thrush lilts a song As sweet as any flute is. I wish you knew a way I know By dreaming flowers and river, The little cares that hurt you so Would float away forever. Do you Believe in trie Golden Rjule? When the catalogue comes from your mail order house, draw an easy chair to the table where the light will shine full upon the page and put on your glasses so that no bargain will escape ycur eye, What a wonderful book it is to be sure, wonderful for what it does not contain as well as what it does. W e miss some thingajwe wouldjialad to see. Where is their offer to pay cash or exchange goods for your wheat, oats, corn, beans, butter, eggs and hay? How much do they pay for cattle.sheep and hogs f.o.b. at your depot? How much tax will they pay to support your schools and educate your children, for improving roads and bridges, the support of the poor of the county, for the expense of running the business of township, coun ty and state? On what page is their offer to contribute money to the church? What line of credit will extend to you when your crops are poor and your money gone, when through illness or misfortune you are not able to send "cash with order" for your groceries, clothing, farm tools and crockery? Where is their offer to contribute to your entertainment next year? In short will they do anything to proviae a mar ket for what vou have to sell and there by keep up the value of your estate? Will they do anything lorsocial.churcn, school or government support or do they tatce your aonars oui oi tne community, with no returns except the goods you buy? Did You Ever Look At It This Wlv? Plick Wins. "Pluck wins. It always wins, though days be slow, And nisrhts be dark 'twixt days that come and go; Still pluck wins; its average is sure. He gains the prize wh3 will the most endure; Who faces Issues, he who never shirks; Who waits and watches, and who al ways works." BUSINESS BRINGERS Watch for Wilson's ad. He will have many bargains to offer when he returns from the Worth. Two Fresh Uows for Sale. Young a will be sold at a bargain. Addr Pinnacle Stock Farm, V. C. V. She herd, Proprietor. Hendersonville, C, R. F. D. 3 C. E. "Wilson is buying the latest Spring and Summer goods in the north ern markets, watch for his adv. FOR RENT Cottage part furnished kitchen, stable, garden lot, etc. Apply to DR. T. A. ALLEN, Mam Street. For Sale Pair English Berkshires Would exchange for a cow. Mrs. S. A Davis. Route- 5, Hendersonville, N. C. Wanted Twenty men for cenera work, good wages, Toxaway Tannery Rosmaa, N, C. Steady work. Egga wanted f or cas'i at Shepherd's. C E. Wilson is now in the northern markets buying Spring and Summer goods. Best 5c cigar sold. The Squaw, at Lyda's. FOR SALE, for Cash during next 10 days all brands of Fertilizers for less than cost, l must naye some casn. Will also eontinue selling on time at reeular time prices. Come and see what I have in stock. Two ware houses full. Also Main grown Potato seed. Near Depot G. G. Ryder. Hendersonville. N. C. TIMERS BLIND PESKY BEASTS GONE INTO HIDING It MAYOR SCHENGK'S CRU SADE BEARING FRUIT. SEVERAL MEN BOUND OVER TO COURT, AND THE TIGERS ARE NOW AFRAID TO EVEN WAG THEIR TAILS. The citizens of Hendersonville do not want any blind tigers in their city. ' . Public sentiment is against them And don't ever monkey with public sentiment better go down to Bennett's mill and toy with the buzz saw there. The mayor and his highly effi cient police officers are making every effort to suppress the blind tigers. And they are successful in their elforts, too. The tigers are so scared they dou't even dare to wag a tail for ear Zeb Arledge will see them. There have been numerous ar rests, trials and convictions in Mayor Schenck's court lately for illegal liquor selling. Town Attorney W. E. Eubank has appeared in some half-dozen cases within the past few weeks, as a result of the activity of the town's officials. Some wf 11 known men are now under bond for October term of court. The names of other well known men hare been mentioned during the trials. Others have turned state's evi dence to save their own skins. Now, the neit time these men, or any others, are before the may or for this offense, thi3 little old paper is going to publish all the acts and evidence in the case. The mayor and his officers are doing a good work. They are backed by everyone, irrespective of party, who believes in the enforcement of law, and they have that great power, public sentiment, behind them. Hendersouville i3 a dry town because its citizens want it to be a dry town and the community is fortunate indeed o have as officials men who see their duty plainly, perform it without fear or favor, and who are gradually ridding Hendersonville of this curse of liquor selling. " ' ' It was one of Mayor Schenck's anti-election pledges that he would stop illegal liquor selling here, and he's doing it. Shop Talk The great power paper cutter just received, is a massive piece of machinery, and getting it into the building was a very difficult job. It's keen knife would cut through au 18-inch plank almost. The Universal press, probably the finest piece of machinery made for fine printing, is a solid piece of mechanism, and requires a con crete foundation underneath it. Mr. J. R. Johnson, an expert machineist (also high priced, and he'a worth it) came from Balti more to erect the shop's new ma chinery. He has been here now several days. The new type for the paper is a large, perfectly clear and distinct type, and will be easily read. The "New Hustler" will be handsome in appearance. The new equipment is not al here yet only about a fourth part of it. The job department wil also be entirely new, with many labor-saving devices. The newspaper composing room will be upstairs in the present building, and there will be proba bly five compositors in that de partment alone. The job room and press room will ground floor. be on the THIS BUSY TOWN! Get your meter! Pay your poll tax! Get your meter by june 1st or you'll be cut off from city water. J. D. Boyd has a new awning over hi tore. . Walker Smith has a new delivery wagon and it's a beaut. Grand Jury room la court house flooded with water. Monday It is fashionable now to walk in the middle of Main street. Oaly fifty cents for this paper for the balance of the year. The town was unusually full 0f peo ple last Saturday, The merchants all report a satisfactory business. ' To genial Thomas shepherd we are indebted for valuable assistance in moving our heavy machinery. When it comes to obliging ueonle outside of business hoanTSSSi BfJnlow Jackson is there with the The Southern Railwav will bVami. have three operators at Balfour, the station recently closed. There are now about 30 cars on tr-e track there m. m. shepherd has received a car nf the "Simmons Quality" Iron Beds and Springs today. The new office building is almost Rnm- pleted, the store fronts now being put in. The building has not yet been named. S. M. King, deputy registrar f deeds. has resigned, and W. J. Davis has taken his place. Frank Staton says he does not want the nomination for registrar again. County Tax Collector C. E. Brooks is now preparing his list of persona! prop erty for delinquent taxes, which will be advertised as soon as completed. By paying at once costs will be saved. Dr. J.Steven Brown lost a valuable calf last week. Animal ate "Wickie' an4 A I . i . . . . .... ooks like a dwarf laurel, and is very beautiful. Also verv fatal. A. ic waters, of Pickens Co., S. C. uo iwi una, i, IB eaiu. shaved his whiskers off, came to this town, was arrested by Bill Hill, and miurueu to r-icKens uo on Tuesday. One day last week Col. Pickens pointed out a cloud of "flying ants" in front of Capt. Toms office, and said their ap pearance was a sign that there would be no more cold weather. The children of St. James Sunday School enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on the rectory grounds, Monday, and the eggs found and eaten were many in number. Paid your poll tax yet? Must be paid by May 1st or you CANNOT vote. Tax Collector Brooks says he's going to get your poll anyhow, so you might just as well pay it in time to vote. The cement walks are being put down rapidly. The city hall block is now complete and the block between the poswmce ana j dsius rnarmacy win oe the next to receive the attention of the large force of workmen. The improve ment in appearance of the street where . the walk is completed, is really re markable. The three new iron bridges will be a permanent improvement. One will cross Broad river at Bat Cave: one at P. J. Hart's place across Green River, and one across the French Broad, near Red bank. At Mills River, a new road will be laid off , by way ef the new bridge, to the railroad at Brickton. The road overseers of Hendersonville Township are expected to make full re ports of their respective roads on the first Monday in May 1S08. For blanks call at J. D. Dermids office. w. L. Miller, Chairman j. D. Dermid Secretary This April 22 1308. In a hotly contested ball game, Satur day the Shaws Creek team wiped up the earth with the Hendersonvillians with a score of 7 to 5. Corn and Carson for Shaws creek, and Garren, Rheinhart and "Edwards for Hendersonville, were the batteries. Col. Wm. Hewitt, of the Hotel Gates, is now an authorized agent for Cupid, though you wouldn't think so to look at him. He offers to refund the railroad fare to all newly married couples within a radius of ISO miles of this town, who come to the big hotel for their honey moon. The news is gradually spread ing and soon the streets will be blocked by couples who think the moon is made of green cheese. Therejare already two bridal parties at the hotel. i Hunter's Pharmacy shipped six bot tles of their "Digestive Elixir to Aug usta Georgia the other day. It must be good. - Phone vour arutz orders to us and re- f.ceive them by our quick delivery system Hunter's Pharmacy. ' twas just one of Frank's jokes. n ight at the court house. get no city water.

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