THE FRENCH BROAD HUSTLER, HENDERSONVILLEJ, N. CU APRIL SO,. 1908. i '1 - 0 .1 : if fc I 1 1 l Si i I . 1 7. J JL sUmm jjaatfttg Steles, Thos - 1 lob ; : ; 1 Lewis, J 1 lot - Jackson, Geo. D. 1 lot - hoopkb's creek Baldwin, W G 22 acres - " ' M L 82 Base well. W D J04 Blue Ridge Lime company 12 a Barnwell, JR 84 Bursn, Thos F - '45 Baldwin, Elizabeth 90 Carlisle, Thos. P 86 - Clayton, Mies Delpha 70 8 E 73 57 50 70 50 152 75 80 75 -7 5 N. sffirnfl 3 II :;:!; "'""Hwa. Ill t II 1 X II v H II "irT Mr SIMMONS 1 IRON BEDS ING $2.50 TO 20.00 : " SHEPHERD FDMITDRE THOMAS SHEPHERD, Manager. CO, Jr. - ' rSE3' fSSiat . ..-. .... w Si ' Vermont tUrBMMlShi 1MRMJ) ElOOF . : The roofing tliatlastsSdany'oiie' can layj Thousands ofJtheTmost mwrMdiw f3-rmM-a rlaii-cripn " nonltrrrmeii." ete as well as railroad com panies and the U. S. Government, use PAR0ID for roofing 'and "siding 'Anj preference to all others, because they have proved that PAROIDJis - The Most Economka ) - ZT The Most Durable Of All RcdV UOOfingS The Most Satisfactory j - THIS 15 WHY : It is made of extra strong felt with an extra grood saturation and coating, which make tt proof against sparks, cinder, water, beat, cold, adds, and iumea. Slate color, contain no tar, does not run or crack, and it doea not taint rain-water . Tb only roofing with nut-proof caps. They cannot mat out like ordinary roof caps. Boot be put oS with a cheap imitation, get the most economical and durable the roofing that lasts. T Cmh1m ' Investigate for yourself. New book of Building i-iana J5C2iQ SOr dcuSpi85 for Poultry and Farm Buildings free if you call. The RigbyMorrow Co. B TAX SALE By virtue of .bs-Tax List t the county of Henderson now in my bends for collection for the years 1915 8 I wiil ofFer for sale at the court house door in Hendersonville, N. C, on Monday ih 4lh day of May, 190S between the hoim of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M the following lands herein mentioad for taxes due and a i paid. Thi3 April 7, lihte. C, E. Brooks, Tax Collector. Clear Creek . Corn, W. P. 11 " Mrs. Mary E 33 J J. 57 Holbert, W. T. 14 Hutcnerson, W. G. 232 Jones, Sarah heirs 5 Murray. W. P. 44 G N Cagle, W li Garren, IF H Ilutchersou. N" Jones. Cbas E . Knykendale, J M Livingston; L T McGee, Geo. B Maxwell, W V Pinner, O E TFatson, Wm Est Ward, JM Walker,- J G Watkins. W B Youngblood; Jos. Est. Colored ClaytonrAlfred Calleton, Wm Agt ' Catbarena Flescber, Aunie Fields, Jane va j Mitchelt, Jacko Prince, Burton " James Jr Pinner, J E Talley, B T Williams, Jane bal bal 160 49 acres 3 50 42 -59 7 11 4 8, 6 ... MIIXS RIVBR Bryson, G W 10 acres Butler, D. P. 15 Brock, Reuben 45 Clayton, Mrs MA 2 Cairres J B 40 ' II J , 52 " M G 28 Erwin, J W 16 Graham, Dan & Chas 17 a bal bal Israel S W Moore, Mrs L.M.. . Owenby, G O. . . . Pray tor, G w Reese Heirs. Rose, w H Thompson, II E Vanderbllt U W . 40 49... C3... 4... u . 23.... .19,953- 2 16 145 15 01 -719 19 12 16 94 150 27 13 49 800 333 7 97 2 46 2 99 16 05 16 24 5 06 2 45 4 09 307 140 63 6 39 2 84 15 30 4J20 4 22 3 87 41 37 13.53 100 113 . 84 216 2 31 1104 1176 10 88 5 88 5 60 180 145 3 55 683 - 1 58 935 13 03 7 21 2 03 1 22 14 03 4 73 22 7 5 50 128 .5 57 216 910 34 20 66 .2692 Rvmer. 'CS Seoteii, Mrs. xreiiat . . . Sexton , R Ii.-. Schermer, Harvey. . . Shipman vf C... KE Sloan, W J Smith, "R B...V.... ... Steadmao, K S. . . . . Stoveall, j li. Sumner, FA ........ Swygart, Brock...... Tatum, D G Thompson&Thompson ward, jo . .... o a.. w p watson, Mrs. WW..... Wlftgs, Mrs. wH....... Williams, Mrs; II C Youngblood. j.f est. ... Whitaker, cL. 90. whitaker, B L. 20. Colored. Botler, Isabella 19 ... 158 oolleton, Morie 2 .- 100 Evans, So'omon ...... 6 I 62 Green, Htnry Heirs.. 49........ 508 Summey, Henry 14 7 87 Wilson. Monroe. ...... 5 5 50 BlueRlage. . " ' . Acres Brock, J H 32... case, BK 8... Dimsdale, J C 26.. Edney, C J ....109... Gibhs, A J 35 . Halford, PW 5... Hyder, JH 41.. Henderson. J T 140 .. Jones, Mrs Rosa... .5.. Jones. LJ Rhodes, D. J. Stepp, D. R, Shipman, E. W. Colored 5 34 527 G3 6 4G 596 3 02 3 15 22 75 2 54 9 46 5 45 14 97 2 01 Paiiat Talks Forulhe house use Masury'spure Linseed Oil Paints. It is ready for the brush, works easy and will not run, crack nor fade. These paints are popular be cause ot their great covering power and durability. The painter likes to use Masury's because it gives him a reputation. For the walls and ceiling nothing equals Muresco water colors in white and tints. Easily mixed, easily applied, cheap and durable. Floor-lac, as the name implies, is for the floor. It is a combination of stain that in non-fading, tough and durable. It will stand all manner of washing and scrubbing and will not show scratches nor heel marks. For the furniture use Re-Nu-Lac, the peerless varnish stain. The great household renoavtor. For re-fin -ishtng furniture which has become old and dull or scratched and marred, one coat of Re-Nu-Lac does - the work. Come in and let us tell you about any or all of these four winners. We can supply any quantity in any color. Edwards Hardware Co. Castleburg, J. M, G3 7 31 King, P. E. 38 " 4 78 Leonard, Alfred 3 " 1 28 Mills, A. L... 32 " 3 69 John 2 " 6 05 Maxwell, Oss 10 " 1 88 Mitchell, Mrs. Amanda 9 acres 1 95 CRAB CREEK Aiken, L. T. 107 acres 12 69 " L.L. 26 1 45 Blythe, G. F. 2 u 1 76 Brown, A. E. 16 6 27 Dalton, J. M. 47 " 27 42 Fore, Mrs. Harriet 25 acres 1 45 Hamilton. Amanda 212 " 8 22 Heatherly B. F. 25 " 5 94 Kil patrick, D. H. 10 " bal 1 45 Middleton, Mrs. N. heirs 50 acres 2 92 Morris, J. D. Orr, R. F. " B. F. " Mrs. Osteen, Edward heirs 60 bal 2 99 90 7 4 356 7 02 7 03 87 11 12 W Alr JSm ab Au O WELCOME ! O Where? '- " g Hotel Gates News Stand O- Xa.dies Gentlemen, Boys and "(Girls O A full, fresh-line of best Cigars, Tobacca & Cigarettes O Also Candies, Chewing Gum, Woodwork Souvenirs O and Post Cards. ; We make a Specialty of the 'lead. O ing Daily Papersr Magazines etc. v Your Patronage O Sicited, ' . v - O VJv:,:!';RINDELr & BOGER. Props. Crab Creek Patterson, H B 20... Painter, j A 21... Powell, j E 26... Sentell, Luther 38... Sentell, O W 2.... Shepherd, James. .... 84... Rhodes. R 68... Scott, ML 23 .. Smathers, DrV 34.. ..bal .bal 6 05 1 45 5 71 114 5 67 4 64 13 76 2 86 2 84 Whitesides.AE 50 6 98 Colored Thomas, Robert..... 9..-...., GREEN RIVER Briggs, Henry 1,000 Bain, J. D. 364 " D R 84 " E F .200 " Joseph D 115 Black, Mrs Mary 2 Bacon, Mrs. G. M. 1 Blake, W. G. 18 Bolick, J A 1 lot Capps, Albert M 97 Clayton T E & Cobb 448 Duncan, Mrs AH 1 lot Dalton, Mrs Rebecca 33 acres Fortune, Mrs Mary M 75 acres Freeman & Staton 300 Golet, Dr. EB a lots Laughter, R. J. 62 acres Hart, G. W. 135 Jones. J L 72 Johnson, J C jr 43 B M 60 ED 50 Moody, R H - 84 McElrath, Mrs 13 Osteen A t 108 Owens, A 1 lot Pace, John W. 110 Rea, Hughes & Canfield 3200 a Kevis, j u .5 Staton, Mrs M A 36 Stevenson; J H 292 Swiney, Mrs Harriet 80 Simmons, Mrs W B 1 lot tt Tankersly, M T J. U. Vaughn, M. W. Ward, James A J T heirs " H R " J B T " Miss Ellen heirs Colored Williams, Thomas 25 37 75 206 75 87 30 N&le, Salley 71 1 lot. Ilot . 6 72 33 53 bal 6 79 ff08 10 61 885 2 95 1166 bal 7 40 - 12 30 436 13 84 1 36 216 333 9 46 66 81 2 54 6 95 bal 2 25 7 67 ;7 17 4 29 x 20 69 1 13 808 6 95 5 08 123 64 7 75 508 20 47 333 145 183 703 8 61 3 54 216 834 193 3 62 216 115 Jone?, w t o. ....... justice, U D 90 justice, R SI 46 Liverett, John .......153 .bal Merchant, L L. . . 10 Patterson, U M 14 Parrif, TL. 88 Philips, JB 96 Summers, T A 50 Shipman, Woody.... 4 Stepp, R M ............. 150; Thompson, A L 22 bal Tabor, Mrs yary 20 ., y . .Edoryville Daltotl, C'M -75...,. ... Denneyson. E E 17..' Grant, J V 60 bal Hill Sirs M j 94.. .. Hudgins, S B 2i Hudgins, S A 67 Hudgins R s... 72 Jones, Mrs Mary 05 Justice, V E.. 15 Justice, T L do. Justic'a, V E & J 67. Laughter, TB Laughter. SO Laughter, L G Laughter, Miss M E. Lausrhter, S L Laughter, JC Laughter, Miss B E... Lyda, I M LaDe, Lorena. 98. 20. 36. 1. 40. 30 GO. 70. 6. ..bal Am't 358 550 3 62 36 80 10 67 6 36 24 59 49 50 1 05 14 39 3 28 27 U 4 26 3 10 2 01 8 83 7(7 6 54 5 13 1 45 8 43 1 14 4 50 55 S6 2 19 6 07 4 20 ..5 72 3 77 7 2 3 24 918 3 47 2 38 66 132 16 39 1 31 2 79 7 52 5 96 6 27 105 530 216 9 56 1 70 5 98 15 86 12 86 588 193 8 2 Moss, W E 57 Morris A M 40. . . . Nix.BC 93 r. Rhodes, Martha 25 Warner, Arbv 25 , Whitaker, OP. 62....;., Whitaker, G W......129 Whitaker, J W 30 Wilson, J R..- 50 Wheeling, rR 23 Colored. Howell, George 18 1 80 Lil tlejohn, J P. 82.....;: ... 8 00 Owens, Lela.... 27 v 70 Powell, G F. 28 7 73 Hendersonville. AbbotUFC 226.... r... 77 55 Allen. G W 58, 14 80 Anders, T B 39 14 02 Alexander, Mrs Mary llot..... 6 70 Beacham, W C 1 lot 1 83 Branson, R m 244 ... .bal 12 33 BrockHT Hot 10 84 Brown, W P. .... 7 lots 9 10 Capps, S J If 1 47 Capps, FD 71 bal 6 99 Capps, J B 25, . . .... 6 10 Consumers Lumb. Co. 8 lots... 190 00 Corn, Armlnta 50L. 5 20 Corn, PP 3 v 12 49 Dalton, Louis R, 27 1 92 Dalton, Mrs J H 180 .-. . 10 11 Dalton, WJ..... 18 bal 6 32 Davis, Ira J 2 lots .... 60 76 Drake, R T 12.. 6 42 Fisner, D S 7.. 7 80 bal Freeman, Hattie L.... I lot Galloway, RL... I Garren, Chas. I .... . ...T." Garren, J A... 10 ....... . Graham, R L. ....... . I let. ;... Graham, C E. 22. . . . : . . . Griffin. T J.. 80 Griffin, DH I lot. TT.. Green,. J T 13........' Henderson. Mrs ME. 1 lot. . . . Jackson, T A........ I lot..... Jackson, j W.... .... 14. .......... Jackson, Miss SM.... Hot..... Johnson, F M 2 lots Jones, j L 2 ....... Justice, W K.. 17....' Justice, James B ..... . h -.- Justice, j T 3 justice, Ac.......... li..... Justice & Lesley. .... . 12 A.;-;.. Kershaw Heirs 10 lots King, HD r 6 King, W F I bal King, cM 13........ King, S 8.;.. .T- .. .V 3. ...... . Jinignt, K j 307. Liughter, B B ...... . 5 - Lyda, W c. :.. 3 lots. Miller, Rachel heirs. 623 Mlntz, oA 3 Mintz.Wm 14...;.... McCalL Mrs H I,. . . . i 7K.., . Mccarson, james. . . . .138. . . . . , Mccaraon, Lauranak.. 6. Ne'ton, E R...... ,., .67.. . Newman, A j. ...... . ? 6 lots r . . 7 Perkiny H c 2 lota, : t . Rhodrs, j O,. . . ..... . 31ots.... Roper, LEU, .312 bal 36 69 147 8 03 39 85 183 19 64 6 36 11 45 130 2 50 48 54 4 43 6 23 44 2o . 3 70 5 28 '3 96 9 74 10 49 172 21 70 4 10 7 15 7 78 4 93 2 23 13 63 70 33 28 73 "603 12 75 672 18 38 93 -4 77 27 08 ;47 20 15 70 17 09 11.....;. 25.W....... I4,....bal llot- 8 63...,. 2 lots.... I........ 7....7bal 2 lots.... , 8 lots .7"; . 20 , - 6 lots.... I........ 8 ,. Xa t 36..... 28..... 13 10 lots. bal 2. Colored Barrow, E m.. I lot.. Beck, Robert, jr.... Hot.. Beck, Robert, 6r. 3 . . . . coucb, Ezell... I.... Dorty, Henry i Dogan, S D . . .......... 6 lots. " G N & J W Fair Featherston, John Fields, Isaac . Fields, Thos... Fowler, Nathan, est . Fowler, Sidney Fowler, Georgiana.. . . Gaither, james Goodwin, Jacob Green, walker Hallback, April.; Hamilton, George,... Harris, Burgin Berrin, Martin.... jones, Margret... Kincade, Gw...... King, Henry Lorance, Dock. . . , Lynch, Maggie... Mills, Frank.. Nesbit. Sarah.... . Nesbit, CN : 2 lots . bal Rhode?, Charley 23 Sanders, Heunie. Hot... Shipman, Joseph 7.. Shipman, bamuel. Simmons, m S. ... Sly, Ed Spann, Isaac... Tbornfr, George... Walker Isaac Wingate, Emma........ Ilot.. 9 4........ 4 2 lots Hot..... 17.. 2 o.... 2 25 100 . Hot..,.. I lot..... Ilot I lot. 104- I lot. 2 20 5S7 2 79 4 97 123 4 59 19 77 7 75 100 7 19 130 143 . I 79 1 88 "5 19 27 70 7 99 II 87 25 60 8 3o 7 59 23 34 . 8 20 4 23 23 56 32 20 147 3 66 5 38 5 68 17 70 4 43 2 59 16 05 7 24 . 3 70 11 87 6 22 25 45 7 05 192 5 52 8 4S 28 50 I 06 3 08 12 70 2 20 5 60 18 40 4 73 147 709 ' 25 75 147 625 8 30 2 96 2 20 9 43 The Wanteska Trust and Banking Co. is now open for. deposits. . Let us have some of your business. Every courtesy will be extended -you consistent with sound banking. Investigate our Life and Fire Insurance De partments, and lerus -write your insurance. TRUST AND BANKING CO. EShM 7i, . I 1 lot 6 bal .. j ' X p Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made with Royal Grape Cream of Tartar f lo Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate Protecting Htr CW-. The woman who had cl;:;:ot a -rr tain village postofiife was sirouiy s;:?' pected of tampering wish parcels In trusted to her care. Oue day a rosy cheeked youngster, dressed in his best clothes, entered the po?!o:lice and care fully laid a huge slkv of k-d t-ak on the counter. "With my sister the bride's compli ments, nd will you please eat as much as you can?" he said. The postmistress smiled delightedly "How very kind of the briJe to re member me!" she cried. "Did she know of my weakness for wedding cake?" "She did," answered the youngster coldly, "and she thought she'd send yer a bit of It this afternoon, just to take the edge off yer appetite before she posted any boxes off to her friends f Exchange. The Artful Passenger. "Here, you," said the conductor an grily, "you rang up a fare. Do that again and I'll put you off." The small man standing jammed In the middle of the car promptly rang up another fare.- Thereupon the con ductor projected him through the crowd and to the edge of the platform. "Thanks," said the little man. "1 didn't see any other way to get out Here's your dlme." Philadelphia Ledger. Rtal Dialect. At a traction .line ticket office In Dayton, O., the other day I overheard $he following conversation, the parties thereto being a German woman and the ticket agent: "A dlcket tsoo Zinzin-nay-tee." "One way?" . , - "Zwel ways." Then as he stamped the tieket the purchaser asked: "I haf dime to valdt how much?" Chfcs&sa Kec First Class - Farm implements at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when you buy Implements that , wear well and work well. The kind that we selL We issue one of the best and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. - -Write for it. The Implement Co 1302 East Main St, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing, Barb Wire,' Poultry Netting, etc. . -- Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. W. A. SMITH, President P. F. PATTON, SecyTreas. '4 The First National Bank never loses sight of the fact & g that its growth can only be promoted through the satis- 4 The Welfare of ojr Depositors faction of its deposits, and uses-every means within onr P power to give a perfect banking service. The JTirst ractioriaj Bank m - or tiendersonviiie. W. J. DAVI8r Pres. K. G. MOURIS. V. Pres J. Mc RHODE8, Cashier D. C. BARROW President Q. C. SONNER Vice-President H. B. LANE Cashier Directors: David C. Barrow. Q. O. Sooner W. C. Robertson S. D. Staton II. 13. Lane; - Carolina State Bank " SALUDA. N. C. A general banking business transacted. Exchange bo ughtand sold on all the leading commercial centers of the world. - ' P unts of farmers merchants and individuals solicited p li rable terms. We have ample funds to loan our custo . s, and invite youto call on us. - 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits NEW SPRING OXFORD. THEY ARE BEAUTIES! II. Redwood & Do. Asheville; N. C. A wealth of Spring Novelties in fineDress Goods, o Wool and Silk. Dainty White Goods, Laces, Embroideries, Etc. Gloves, Hosiery, and Underwear Kimonos, Shirt Waists, Etc, Ladies' Suits and Skirts Hats, Fancy Goods and Butterick Patterns. Also Men's and Boys' Suits and Furnishings- Fine Shoes for ladies, children, men and boys. . . .Hats, Caps, Um brellas Trunks and Bags Fine Rup-s from very small sizes on up to about 12x12. v Immediate attention to mail orders. Those who have visited our store since we opened up our New Spring Goods have without an exception admired greatly the snappy selection of our stock. Sheer white goods in bars and Stripes White and Colored Silk Chifons The latest Colors in Silk Pongee Tissue Voils in dainty little checks And many other pretty things in dress goods and accessories. Are always glad to show the new goods and styles. J. O. WILLIAMS Phone 59 Bxitterick Patterns Furnitxire Re-upholstered Furniture Refinished. x "- MoLttresses Renowoted Awnings made to order. Absolute Satisfactory Guaranteed References Furnished 12 Pine Street ; Hendersonville, N C

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