A J f : ' ews of Town from The Thursday. Next Saturday is the Convention H. K. Smith has arrived from Union, S. C. Sidney Maxwell spent yester day in Spartanburg. Dr. Thompson of Anderson S. C. is stopping at the Summer Home. N Mrs. F. N. Sheldon arrived this xnorning from Atlanta. A. E. Harris, of the Gazette Itfews was in town yesterday. , B. M. Chenoworth, of Birm ingham is in town. Henry Justus has a herd of bees. Found them on a plum tree In Francis Fickers' yard. Hendersonville is fortunate in rits two high-class hotels Hotel Oates and the Wheeler. S. L. Duckworth, of Asheville .was in town yesterday. F. E. Kirkman of Asheville is in town. E. J Harnes is in town from Asheville. N. 0. Turner has arrived from $Chattanooga. iMiss Sue Cannon of Horse Shoe spent Tuesday night in Hender onville. Mrs. S. S. Coley, -who has been occupying the Rocklege,- has moved to Asheville. The need of safety gates at the depot was never more appar ent than now. v Cabbage and potatoes by the -carload are being shipped from Hendersonville. There was an ice cream supper - given at Mr. Spence's residence for the benefit of the church, which netted about $20.00. .DrJWm. Redm Kirk has re turned from a two weeks fishing trip to Lake Toxaway. Col. S. C. Gacdsden of Charl veston, president of the C. and ,1S. Railroad, is stoping with Dr. Few. r "The big Sunday School picnic did not come from Campobello yesterday, as was scheduled. We havent been able to learn the cause of the dissapointment. Mrs. W. R. Tindal and daugh ter, Edna, of Beaufort, S. C. are visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Scheper on West -Academy street. Cr. W. Simpson and J. R. Le Vally, Jr., of Chicago, are spend ing the summer with Mr. and Mrs. C. F, Baldwin of Woodlake .Parm, Blantyre, N. C, 3Mrs. E. W. Israel and her daughters, Mamie and Eva, have jgone to Asheville for a few days. Mrs. C. F. Baldwin of Wood lake Farm, Blantyre, N. C, has xeturned from a months visit to relatives in Chicago. Conductor Walter Smith of the 'carline looks handsome in his :natty new uniform.. .Perry Hood and family, of Jacksonville, S. C, are guests of Mr. Hood's father in Flat Rock. Yesterday the reservoir was leaned, and J. C. Morrow, chair- izmui of the water works commitee rsays it will not be necessary to 3ean it again this summer. Railroad Superintendent, R. E. rSimpson and his private secretary IMr. Baird and Conductor W. A. TWhile came from Asheville yes- iterday and attended the bal rgame at Laurel Park. Prof, and Mrs. R. E, Seabrook of Charleston are here for the summer. Prof. Seabrook is the iiead of the Craft high school. He made many friends on his if ormer visits here. Daily Hustler R. C. Oliver a guest at the Spar tan Home; is second master and instructor in Latin and History in the Hastoc High School, Spar tanburg. Mr. Oliver will remain here for the summer and is very favorable impressed with Hender sonville. He will do .private coaching in any studies while here. J. D. Boyd, who has just retun- ed from , Columbia, S. C, says you cannot appreciate this climate until you go South.- He says the nights there seem to be steam heated. As to their Main street and sidewalks, he says there is no comparison with what Hen dersonville has to offer. In com mon with most every one else. Mr. Boyd thinks there's no place like this little old town. Messrs. Ewbank and Ewbank, Real Estate Brokers, have sold the handsome property of Mrs. K. G. Whistler, (formerly the Barnwell place) to Mr. Augustin T. Smythe, of Charleston, S. C. Mr. Smythe will occupy the place from and after July 1st Messrs. Ewbank & Ewbank have also sold the A. W. Calhoun cottage on Park Avenue to Mrs. B. F. Morrow, of South Carolina. Friday. Tomorrow is election day. Of course, you want the side walks! . Mrs. Lizzie Grimes has gone to Flat Rock today, J. F. Toms of Arden was in town yesterday. Mrs. Charles S. Clark of New Castle, S. C. is in town. Miss Mildred Clarke is in town fromTryon. Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Bridge of Tallahassa, Fla. arrived today. Good roads the best invest ment any community can make. No other improvement ever made in this town is equal to the cement walks. L. M. Bookom of Bookhom, S. C,, is in town. Addeson Lambeth has arrived from the South to spend the sum mer. . - W. E. Bridges and A. C. Bly- the are in town- W. W. Graham of Lynchburg, Va. is in town on a business trip. A. J. Crawford, son of the ate Judge Crawford of Columbia, was in town yesterday. Fred Siebler Schanesky was in town yesterday enroute to his summer home at Saluda. D. W. Newel, trainmaster of the Charleston division, stopped awhile in town yesterday. Dancing, and Bridge Whist," Those desirous of learning either apply at the Gates Hotel. H. B. Ballenger of the Tryon Bank, is spending some time in town. The best score made by a lady this season at the bowling alley was that of Mrs. Pearson, 166 ten pins. Vote for the bonds. And vote early. Then, when you've done voted go but and get some friend and see" that he votes. Printing at prices which spells profit to you. And if not satis factory your money back ,if you want it The Hustler Print Shop Phone 6. Name cards, wedding invitata- tions, stationery, dance program. and most anything else. The Hustler Print Shop. Phone 6 The envelope containing the number of dots in the ring ad vertisements of W. H, Hawkins and Son, is still in the Hustler safe, unopened. The contest lasts until the end of August. Geo. B. Stevens, who is now occupying his handsome new residence on Park Avenue,vis im proving and beautifying the sur rounding grounds, and is making it one 03 the handsomest places m town. - . Mr. and Mrs. . CfcfiS' Cary, K. C, , who have been en jojrtng a week's visit here, ' re turned home yesterday. ' Chas. French Toms of Hender sonville is one of the national committee who will let Bill Taft know he's been nominated for the presidency, late this month. How does Bill stand the suspense especially during the hot weather? H. V. Wyman, of Aiken, S. C. was in town this morning en- route to Brevard! Mr. Wyman said that Aiken, the ideal winter resort, was as quiet as a grave vard these summer days It floruishes only in winter. C. F. Meroney of Greensboro is in the city. -The high embankment alorig the beautiful cement sidewalk that leads to the Wheeler hotel is being lined with nice green sod. Mrs. N. Buckner is in town. Miss S. N. Weimorts, of Col umbia, has charge of the Wan- teska Inn for the season. Mrs. John W. Reynolds of Aug usta, Ga. , is stoping at The Wan teska Inn for the summer. Andrey writes it is about 700 degree hot there. He misses our pleasant climate. C. B. Justus, of Rutherford, is in town on dusiness. Prof. M. H. Holt, of Oak Ridge is stopping at the Gates. J. 0. Harrison, of Franklin, N. C, arrived. ."today. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bridges of Tallahassee, Fla., are here for the summer. ' Donald Mcroy Fort of Charles ton is in town. Misses Robertson and Dotson are at the Gates for the summer. Mrs. E. M. Fry and son of Lan caster, S. C. have arrived to spend the summer. F. Wilson of Greenville is here for a few months. k Willet Bronson is in town from New York. ' : J. L. Gash of Etowah," N. C. is in town. Capt. M. C. Toms is painting and improving his offices; in the stone building on Mam street. Mesdames Maloney and Wells, enjoyed a trip over the Southern to Flat Rock and returned Wed nesday. How about sunshine and these turquoise skies? And where else will you find nights like -.these? Do you wonder that Hender sonville is THE resort town of the South when days like .this are our usual brand? R. L. Crookshank with mother and child are stopping at the Gates for the summer. C. E. Brooks, the affable cash ier of the Citizens Bank, looks for an exceptionally heavy season this year, basing his opinion on the business being done by the Citizens Bank. Beautiful burnt leather purses. pocket books, and novelties, at Buckner & Co's Souvenir store in Rose's Pharmacy. e Only exclusive Souvenir and Post card store in the city, largest and most select line of view cards and novelties. Visi tors wanted. Buckner & Co. in Rose Pharmacy. While skating last nignt at the skating rink, a ' lady and young man had a severe fall. The fall was a little out of the ordinary and the lady addled out first. The crash did not prove serious. A. W. Markham, who spent a couple of months here this spring with his Aunt, Mrs. Jessica Ma loney, has accepted a position with the Phillip Carey Co., of Knoxville, Tenn. v Jack Lyda, the wrestler, left this afternoon for Asheville where he will immediately go in to training for his match with the Big Indian, the , champion wrestler of the Cherokee nation. The bout which will be a hot one will be pulled off in the Casino at The scanty built vehicle that has been speeding through town for the last few days with a noise and motion similiar to automobi le, lost its breath this morning, and a negro was . seen pulling it down Main street. Saturday. Such weather! Of course the election suits you ? The Hotel Wlieeler is filling up with guests. Thank goodness, there's no more elections until Nonember. Mrs. Gover has purchased the Lee Property, the old Jim Rick man property, near the Baptist Church. , Mr. Okafh is in the city from Texas. JI. L. McDowell of Fruitland is in town. , Dr. M. E. Craddock of Lynch burg, Va., is in town for a few days. H. H. Coskery is here from Augusta. Miss Lillie May Baily of Edge field, S. C. is here. J. M. Orr, of Brevard is in town. John B! Drake, of the rural route, is in the city. V. P. Presley of Hillgirt came to town today. J . Frank Smith, of Asheville, is an addition to The Daily Hustl er force. Mr. Smith assume his duties on Monday. (Continued on Last Page.) Bimsiiriess WANTED-Boarders at Stony c rest. One mile from town, beautiful location, large rooms Rates on application. Mrs. M. F. Dixon. Private Board Large; well ventilated rooms, one block from postoffice. Modern conveniences desirable location. No consump- ives taken. Address Morrow house, Box 216. FOR SALE A saw mill, com plete, with boiler and engine. Apply to P. F. Patton, Wanteska Trust Co. Comfortable furnished cottages for rent by month or season, Reasonable prices. Table board if desired. Ransier Place, Hen dersonville, N. C. I have 2000 bushels of charcoal for sale at 10c bu. delivered, at 8c bu. undelivered. E. ALLEN, Hendersonville, R 1 For Service at Hidaway Farrn- Ahigh grade registered Jersey Bull fee $2.50 Also one for Sale. Board at Club Houss, Ransier Place, $5, $6 and $7 per week. Mineral springs, finest scenery in North Carolina. New rooms, clean. Plenty to eat. Come and see or write the Misses Stead man, Ransier Place, Henderson ville, N. C. FOR SALE Two acres and a 4 room house close to New lake. Adjacent to John Orrs extension, have been offered 10 per cent rental but I want to sell. Price $500. Henry Twyford. Atty. at Law Hendersonville N. C. BOARDERS wanted st Kan natoga inn hear Hickory Nut Gap beautiful views,. Altitude 2650ft new house newly furnished rooms Daily mail, telephone to Asheville and Hendersonville, Distance to BiltimoreI3 miles, Henderson ville 15 miles. Good Board. Ad dress. M. M. Wall, . v - ' Gerton, N. C. Supplies for the 3nd quarter. Degmning juiy ist. iyua snouid be ordered now. Please do not delay writing to the undersigned if you wish the new quarterlies and lesson cards forwarded to your address from the Am S. S. Union. Yours helpfully, . G.S. Jones t mW0B ;ST0!E A complete stock of Staple Groceries, Flou and vFeed. Fruits and Vegetables in Season Country Produce bought and Sold A Nice Line of Mens, Ladies and Childrens Oxfords Mens and Childrens Straw Hats, all to close out at cost ' All Prices Guaranteed Consistent with Good Goods Free and Prompt Delivery. A share of your patronage solicited . : - . J. W. CAIRNES Phone 143 Youre Looking We know you are for just such a laundry as the Hendersonville laundry that will give you com plete satisfaction .at all times. We laundry your colored shirts in a manner that returns them to you looking as fresh as if new, we also laundry your collars, cuffs, and linnen shirts so that they will keep stiff on the warm est days. We also do your house laundry 'on short notice. We are prepared to take care of all the laundry in this section with our improved machinery. LAUNDRY, ICE & FUEL CO. Chas. R. Whitaker, Prop. COW PEAS. 22 bushels best Beafort County Clays for sale at $2.60 a bushel. Strictly H; No. 1 seed. J. R. Bertolett Phone, 28 Saludr, N. C. .ImomL Bed. MATT1RESSES Spring Matting At SHEPHERD'S ARE THE BEST SHOES! They are the kind that stay with you. Well and Stylishly made, of best materials, at prices, quality considered, which cannot be beat. See them! Near Southern Dep0 ARE YOU BURNING? Are your arms, face and hands burning up with torturing, disfiguring Eczema ? Is your face disfigured with blotches, blackheads or pimples until you feel ashamed to appear in public? There is just one thing for you to do that will certainly relive such sting ing, smarting, itching eruptions. Get a box of ECZEMA OINTMENT. This cooling, soothing, curative naive stops all itching and inflammation and cures Eczema. It gives speedy relief in all cases of skin diseases, has a pleasant aromatic smell, and can be applied to any part of the body more effectivelyhan any otherointment that we sell. It isisimply spread on thin cotton or linen andipplied to the affected parts. We guarantee Rezall Eczema Ointment to cure the worst cases of skin diseases or we promptly refund your money. 50c. per box. The Justus Pharmacy 9 Laurel Park. Hendersonville N. C.