rsonvillGS Irse eie "ii mi iii mi in i am nil iii r a Stupe SuGGess! Has been the dominant principal prevailing' at Uii k Mammoth Crowd, Many Magnificent Horses, Beautiful Women and Stir ring Music Makes Laurel Park the Scene of the Finest Horse Show ever Held in the South. Second Day's Session, Tomorrow Will be crowded With Fine Events. - v ie Awards. Up to four o'clock the . judges ad made the following awards: Class No. 1. Mrs. Briggs, blue ribbon. Mr. Henry, red ribbon. Class No. 2. Buncombe Stock Improvement o., blue ribbon. x Mr. Whistler, red ribbon. Mr. Ruse, yellow ribbon. Class No. 10. Mrs. Briggs, blue ribbon. Mr. McKeathan, red ribbon. Class No. 9. Mr. Schwartz, blue ribbon. Mr. Henry red ribbon. Mrs. Harrison, yellow ribbon. Class 17. Mr. McCullough, blue ribbon. Mrs., Burgess, red ribbon. ' Mr. Ray, yellow ribbon. Class 5. Mr. Ray, red ribbon. Mrs. Lorrilard, blue ribbon. The blare of brass bands. A kzen sun and a turquoise sky, few clouds later, thro') ith the blue mountains in the a 1 ?nce. An enormous crowa, &g Hendersonville's hospital- fy to the limit, well dressed, gay Chautauqua Op The third annual session of the Henderson ville Chautauqua opens to night at 8:30. Capt. Jack Crawford, the famous poet scout, is the principal attraction. The season tickets are three dollars, a minimum sum when the quality and quantity of the attractions offered are consider ed. ' $40,000 Increase; : Not $24,000 Thro a typographical error in yesterday's paper, the deposits of the First National Bank was said to"43e$24, 000. The deposits are $240,000, a gain of $40,000 since July 1st. - Murphy Succeeds Judge oore Hon. J. 'D. Murphy, of Ashe ville, yesterday was appointed by Governor Glenn to succeed the late Judge Fred Moore in the id talking much horse talk, fill- eship of the fifteenth jud- iL . j . - lciai aisirict. the wide cement walk from m m rb to buildings The store win-, Phone 32 when you want Num ws filled with horse show ex ' ally's or Lowney's fine Candies, pits, harness, whips, ribbons Hunter's Pharmacy. d premiums. 'And then the kd again. Always the crowd, j R. F. D. Orders receive prompt biggest crowd ever within ; attention. Just mail them to Hunt- ndersonville at one time, hun- Ms of them attracted by the ncipal event of the season re-the first annual midsum r Horse Show which is a suc s a Sgreat big success too. Entries were made from ,many nts in the South and more fine rses are here today than you find anywhere else at one fie. The tandems of Wayne Ray pMr. Henry of Asheville were ong these attracting much at- tion, but to enumerate all aid be a hopeless task. Below iie complete program for to- , with the ribbons and prem- s awarded. er's Pharmacy. BRIEF DISPATCHES. Jolin Scott, at different times pres ident of several railroads, is dead at his home in Tompklnsville, S. I., at the age of 61 years. N An Atlanta policeman, according to the evidence before the police com mission, was "knocked out" on two glasses of near beer. On a very heavy track Dorante, car rying top weight, 116 pounds, won the historic Travers stake, worth $5,592 to the winner, at Saratoga. The strikers at" the Lane-Ma ginnis cotton mills in New Orleans, La., say they will submit to a 10-per cent cut but no more. he new errand tand at Laurel T the kindness of .Frank J . ine new grand stana at .Laurel Goud the niirseg of m of 51 77 T7o I Q) ' D)ee lfl and this principle has been applied effectually and extensively. Our inducements are irresistible, and1 we no tice if a customer ever wanders from the avenue that leads to success we mean the pathway that leads to The Bee Hive it is only a short time till we see him back again. : ' "WTlltl Ollllf-Q TnrtaV fir White Quits worth 1.00 at 75c; white quilts worthl.25at 95c. uorn inu l-f , 7; , white 1uiIts worth at L25- Beautiful white Marseilles spreads. worJVV at l,28" Marseilles Spreads worth 3.00 at 2.50 today. World-Beaters in the shape of shapely Shoes and Oxfords at ?lgtUAS" Tbe Ladies Oxfords we sell at 98c are as solid asest quality leather can make them. The Oxfords we sett at 1.25, 1.50, and 1.98 are worth really one-third more, We ofier today a 50c Suspender for 25c and the very Suspender that we offer at 10c, sells elsewhere at 15c and 20c. Full yard-wide Bleaching for only 5c. White Lawns and India Linen worth 8c at 5c. Embroidery Cloth, 36 inches, at 10c. Avoid the credit System; avoid Land Sharks and High Prices, and keep in the avenue that leades to the Acme of Success to The Hendersonville Bee Hive, North Carolina Greatest Storer Cut this ticket out and bring to the Jfo. llll ,lo Go ISIS 1 Bee Hive and get' 20 cents cash when . ' V Watch or clock given away with every .you buy 2.00 worth or more anywhere - Greater HenderSOIlville's 8Qit f cltheS We -U foror over 45 in the store except in the basement. . - ' Greatest store. fc 1 IP Something' Emtiirely New! A Belt Adjuster thatequires no sewing or pinning. Easily adjusted Worn with:- any belt. Uniqe, handsome and stylish. Other novel- ties. Unbreakable safty catch collar and Veil pins. Beautiful designs. Demonstrated for a short time. . p was completely filled with ctators. All the parking space 3 occupied. There was prob- a thousand people present. car line was certainly a busy tution, and there were car es and automobiles without per. There were 14 autos on ground. The Hendersonville i assisted by the Gates orch id furnished the music. fltil the showers came, at o'clock, the scene was a ve one. The horses were eri, the driving no less. The ause was generous and the ffds werp nrmnlnr. Dick . drove a pair of fine blacks, JdeBrown a superb pair of P steppers. r. Burgess was greeted with applause. Miss Memmin- 5howed her superb horseman- United States Senator rurin drove a magnificent Perfect gaited. to all, even with the show- first day's session was successful. Tomorrow will Ore SO. "WWlocIaT7a roiW pitals in New York enjoyed an outing on the sound and the Hudson river. Mrs. Rose PasteNStokes , wife of Millionaire J G. Phelps Stokes, ad dressed the 500 striking girls of the Lewis Cigar factory in Newark, N. J. The governor of New Zealand, Lord Plunkitt, has received a cable message from President Roosevelt. The con tents of the message has not been made public. Twenty-six cents, k representing the total estate of Samuel. . Siegenthaler, fr New York, who committed suicide in October of last year, Is in litiga tion. An application for a receivership for the Georgia -Manufacturing and Pub lic Service Company, of Marietta, has "Been fHed In ' He Cobb county supe rior court; The proposition recently submitted by the management of the Norfolk and Western Company to its em ployees, locking to a general 'reduc tion of wages all over the system itas been turned down by an almost unanimous vote. j Flushed with the , successes of his new racing yacht, Shamrock, T((hich Ltias won twenty-four out of the twen- n . i T- i a ty-seven contests in wmcn sne scarx sd in the regattas held this year in home waters, Sir Thomas Lipton is more ' anxious than ever to try again '-r the American cup. N Notice of Sale. State of North Carolina, County of Henderson. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. J. A. Crowell and wife, Sallie Crowell, Eugene Stradley and wife, Carrie T. Stradley, E. E. Robinson and wife, Mary Robinson, George Kest- ler, J. M. Orr and wife, Nan nie Orr, and Ben Staggs, Claude Staggs and Jeff Stags, by the next friend, Maggie Staggs. vs W. B. Staggs. Notice of Sale By authority of a decree of the Superior Court of Hender son county in the above entitled cause, dated the 23rd day of July,. D. 1908, I will on Mon day, the 24th day of August, A. D. 1908, at the court house door in Hendersonville, North Car olina, within the legal hours of sale, offer for sale at public out cry, and sell to the highest bid der, for partition among the heirs-at-law of the late E. M. Staggs, all the land described in the petition filed in said cause to wit: of the Superior, Cou of Hender son County for the year 1907, for the crime of an assult with a deadly weapon and sentenced to the Public Roads of Henderson County for a term of twelve mon ths. . This 10th, day of Aug., 1908. Mrs. S. J. Rhodes. GLAZMER'S road Company and The Bat Cave Railway Company Notice ftrfMesidents. In the Superior Court of North Carolina for the County of Henderson, Octobe r Term, 1908 k. G. Whistler and L. B. Whist ler. - -;C ' J -. vs. -Arthur Barnwell an$ Louisa W. ' Barnwell, his wife: Willis Wil kinson; McMillan C. King and LouisajS. King, his wife JAr thur Barnwell, Jr., and Marie Barnwell. v summons ior reuei., Acnonjj. . ior appointment oi rtecejver ior Notice of Sale of Land for Beginning on Shaw's Creek Street, ratO. H. Henry's corner, and runs to Ray's corner with said street; thence with Ray's line 204 feet to a stake, B. F. Sfaggs' line, thence with his line 156 feet to O. H. Henry's line thence 204 feet to the beginning; excepting and reservingthat lot cenveyed to Mrs. J. F. Brooks by deed from E. M. Stagge, dated Octoberl30th, 1903, and recorded in Book"47, page 540. ' ' TERMS of SALE: One-half cash, balance in six months from date of sale; with interest at 6 per cent per annum This, the 23rd, day of July, A. D.1908. Michael Schenck, Commissioner. Partition By virtue of the power vested in me by a decree of the Superior Court of Henderson county ren dered at May term 1908 by G. Wv Ward, Judge presiding, in the case of W. E. McCarson and others vs. J. Thomas Greer and others, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Hen dersonville on - September -7th. 1908 at 12 o'clock nobn,tov the highest bidder for cash ibr the purpose of partition among those interested, in pursuance of said decree, the following described piece or parcel of land lying . and being in Henderson county, North Carolina, being a part of the Ja cob McCarson lands, v adjoining lands of W. R. Shipman, M. S. McCarson and others and bound ed as follows: - x Beginning at a chestnut, Ship man's corner and runs thence with his line of lot 2N. 61 degrees E. 35' poles to an apple - tree; thence S. 13 degrees W. 36 poles to a chestnut; ,- thence N. 70 degrees W. 39 poles to a stake on tne luu acre track; tnence with saicl lineN.2 l-2degrees E 66 poles to'the beginning contain ing 13 acres more or less. ' This 5th. day of August-1908. McD Ray. Commissioner. Reeeive si Notice. defendants, and. for dissolution of defendant company. , The State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Henderson county Greetings: You are hereby commanded to summed The Appalachian Inter-urbap Railroad Company and The Bat Cave Railway Company, the de fendants above named, if they be found within your county, to be and appear before trie Judged qf our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the county of Henderson, at the court house in Hendersonville, on the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1908, and answer the complaint which will be . deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county within' that first three days of the Term, and let the said deftnd ants take ngtfce that if they fail to answer the said complaint within the term, the Plaintiffs will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in tKe complaint, and the cost of this action to be taxed by the Clerk. Herein fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand, this 22nd day of July, 1809. A true copy. . C- M. PACE, Clerk Superior Court Henderson County Barlett Shipp, . -Attorney fo Plaintiffs. Administratrix Notice NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC State of North Carolina, County of Henderson. V Notice is hereby given to the public' that application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Joseph A. Rhodes, convicted at Fall Term Notice of Summons to Stock holders, Creditors, Dealers and others interested" in the affairs of The Appalachian Inter-urban R. R. Co. and the Bat Cave Rail road Company. . State of North Carolina, Hender son County In the Superior Court. R. B. Seawell, L. W. Walker and John Ewbank, against the Appalachian Inter-urban Rail- ' . " j ' : Having qualified as adminis tratrix'on the) estate M. LrCase, deceased, late of Henderson county, N. C. v This is to notify all persons having claims against said under signed, F. L. .ase, on or before the 27th day of July, 1909, on this notice will be plead in bar of fheir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement ' This July 27, 1908. ' F. L. Case Administratrix of M. L. Case You are hereby notified to ap pear before the Judge of t2je Superior Court at a court to be held for the County of Hendeiw son on the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday in September, 1908, and answer, or demur to, the complaint of the plantiffs which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court within the first three days of the term, andlet the saidjdefendants take notice that if they fail to answer or demur to the said complaint within that term, the plantiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, and the costs of this action to be taxed by the Clerk. And the said defendants are futher notified that the above entitled action is instituted by the plaintiffs for the purpose of having the lands in Flat Rock in Henderson County, North Car olina, purchased by the plain tiffs from Arthur Barnwell and Arthur Barnwell, trustee, and recently occupied by the plaintiffs as a home and now occupied by Aug- ustm r. bmytne, ireea ana ex onerated from all claim of dower or right of dower on the part of Louisa W. Barnwell, and of' ex eluding the ' said defendente, Louisa W. Barnwell and Marie Barnwell, and others, from any claim or interest therein. Given under my hand this 12th. day of August, 1908. V . C4 M. Pace Clerk Superior Court. Shipp & Ewbank, : Attorneys for Plaintiffs, yHfenderscjiville N..C. Gowan's-for Typhoid Fever. Users of Gowan's preparation who know its worth .for Pneu monia and other ills where in flamation is the seat of the trouble will be glad to know that marvelous cures have also been effected in Typhoid and Malaria? Fever r 3y applying it locally t the affected parts all pain ,a soreness is removed f rbm bo and stomach, swelling and 1 perature reduced as if by in a few hours time. C rial and ' save the liver loved ones. All drugg V