ARE YOU BURNINC? Are your arm, face and hyds burning up witn torturing, disfiguring Eczema ? Is your face disfigured with blotches, blackheads or pimple until you feel ashamed to appear in public? There is just one thing for you tj do that will certainly relive such sting ing, smarting, itching eruptions. Get a box of ECZEMA OINTMENT. This cooling, soothing, curative salve stops all itching and inflammation and cures iu-senaa.' It gives speedy relief in all cases of skia disaeses, has a pleasant aromatic smell, and can be applied to any part of the body more etfectivelyJthaa any otherointment that we sell. It istsimply spread on thin cotton or linen and applied to the affected parts. We guarantee Rexall Eczema Ointment to cure the worst cases of skin diseases or we promptly raand your money. 50c. per box. The Justus Pharmacy BICYCLES FOR SALE and FOR RENT REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Special rates by the month. Now is the time to have your whee repaired for the summer before the rush. We are agents for the best wheel made The Racycle. Have a coaster brake built to- your wheel and rest while you ride. All sup plies kept in stock. Rogers Bros Main St. Opp. Court House Hendersonville, . North Carolina. w. c. Jordan i Land Surveying. Route 5, Box 5. hendersonville, North Carolina. BURCKMYER BROS, Complete line of STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Your Larder Supplied with the Best the Market affords. Hendersonville, North Carolina. C. T. HALLMAN Architect Contractor and Builder ' Hendersonville, North Carolina. DR. L. H. SNIDER Vetering Surgeon Hendersonville, N. .C. J, M. STEPP Saves you money on Sewing Machines and Organs. Selling be low cost. ". BARGAINS .IN FURNITURE J. M. WALDROP & SON. 1 Renting and General Insurance. Hendersonville, North Carolina. FOR SALE. At Golemans on Southern R. R. this County, Small farms and building lots, at reasonable prices longtime and easy terms. Three or four good men with families wanted to 'settle up and dear 275 acres fine farming lands near Coleman station. Apply to Leonard Phinizy. Flat Rock,. N. C. The genuine imported Olive Oil and Castile soap, at Hunter's Pharmacy. ' be Jfrcncb Broafc Tbustler " L. -SHIP MAN. T. R. BARROWS, v . Edlioi Associate Editor HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. Enured ai the Postoffict at Hendersonvuls tv.o., as fnau matter ot the second class ree PULP, LOGS AND LUMBER. . - "V About the only Jndastry left in the mountains, with breath in it, by j the present republican pan ic; is the wood pulp mill at Can-. ton and some' tanic acid plants scattered over the tenth district, and radical ' 'bush-whackers" are seeking to make the people be lieve the democratic party would destroy these if it should again be placed in power. The de gogues arp Jiowling about fs lumber, free logs and free wood pulp saying it means dire disaster to bur mountain people, and have, refused a joint campaign with the democratic" -candidates, in order that they may have free scope to lie in. Anybody with a thimble full of sense knows there is no argument in what they say. It is rediculous to contend that logs, lumber or pulp can be shipped from Canada or Mexico in competition with these indus tries in Western North Carolina. The lumbermen of this section, N. Cooper and others, pub licly stated more than once that their business could not be in jured t?y, putting the products of their mills on the free list. Yet unscrupulous republicans are going over the districttrying to deceive the people, by telling them that a vote for Mr. Craw ford means a vote to put lumber institutions, acid plants and the big pulp mill at Canton outof business. They are either grossly ignorant or have decided to lie wilfully about these matters, in asmuch as wide latitude is given them by their cowardly action in declining to meet democrats face to iace. It is well known that the paper trust had planned to increase the i price of print paper last fall, at least thirty millions per annum. President Roosevelt, in two mes sages to Congress, advised put ting all forest products on the free list, especially wood pulp, and Stevens, a Republican, in troduced a bill for that purpose. The minority joined in a petition to the speaker to discharge the Ways and Means Committee and put the bill on its' passage. But instead, a special . committee was appointed to inquire - into the al leged paper trust and report to Congress. On investigation it was found, on evidence of sworn witnesses, that the price off print paper had. been increased from $38 to $50 per ton, and that the elements jentering into the pro duction of paper had not ma terially increased in price, not withstanding thot.e who repre sented the paper trust swore that there was no agreement or com bine. The trusts themselves, after Congress adjourned, went into court and plead guilty to in dictment for forming trusts. The Democratic Convention favored it and declared in favor of put ting everything on the free list. All pulp wood is, and has always been, on the free list and is cheaper here than in Canada, so this relieves vthe people who own timber in the woods. The pulp mills in Haywood county do not make pulp1 for sale, but use it irrthe manufacture ot paper m ; with free pulp. . iney do not make what is known as print. paDer, Jbut high grade finished book paper. We understand means that can democratic print paper the: paper fupon which newspapers are printed. If this 1 - ' J 1 t . " ue true,, tms industry riot be affected by platform pledges. '- Honest republicans know the democratic position is correctand will refuse to endorse the attempt of demagogues to misrepresent conditions as they actually exist Furthermore,, 'if putting wood pulp on the free ' list is a crime, President Roosevelt ought to be for he recommended in two messages to Congress only last year. . Just as r well keep history straight indicted, that course Congressman Crawford' speech on the Vreeland-Aldrich currency, in the House of Repre sentatives on Thursday, May 14, has been given wide circulation and does him great credit Every- one who is permitted the oppor tunity should read this speech carefully. The democrat (?) who objects to supporting the ticket, from constable to president, .this year is of the curious kind who would kick about almost any old thing in politics. There is nothing to divide real democrats this time and all should uziite in making the victory overwhelming. The ring' majority in Hender son county two yearsago was not large and can be wiped out this time if democrats fully make up their' minds to "get busy." There is considerable unrest among the country republicans of the county, on account of high taxes and kindred evils. A house cleaning" would be healthy and, the time is ripe for it. ' In reviewing the political sit uation to date the Charlotte Ob server, ot last bunday, says: "Democrats are getting together as never before in years, and everywhere there is found a marked movement back to the party alignment by men who have long beeu outside. It is well agreed that a general situa tion like thisjmust worry the republican managers very con siderably ' Indeed it does- "Soup houses for the poor 'are some of the signs of the repub lican alleged : prosperity re marks the Raleigh News and Ob server. Yes, and the rusty, emp ty dinner pails ' 'busted" banks and kindred evils.- The Charlotte Observer is sup porting Mr. Bryan because it believeshe is standing squarely upon the, Denver platform. So are we, and for the further reason that he is the democratic . nomi nee. The democratic party is bigger 'than any one man in it.. James S.Sherman has delivered his speech accepting the repub lican nomination for Vice-Presi dent. It was in brief a me-too ut terance, approving the Roosevelt administration, the Chicago plat form and Secretary Taf t's Cincin nati speech. He says the real issue is whether Roosevelt's policies shall be endorsed. Rev. William Spurgeon, of Car diff Wales, a cousin of the re nowned CharlesHadden Spurgeon will lecture tonight at the Audi torium on, "An Englishmau's View of Brother J Jonathanand His .Couutry." Judge Blythe was well pleasedat the good at tendance last night You can Khear things at the Chautauqua worth talcing away with you Just to think that geniaPJudge Fred Moore is dead. We cannot realize it Few men of his age had ja more promising future. And his past life was one series oi successes, we deeDlv sym pathize with his bereaved family and friends. Judge Moore was a devoted husband and father, along with his many other com mendable traits. "Nay, verily, Pauline," says Judge Pritchard,Mn speaking of the Butler interview regarding the , gubernatorial nomination. He evidently believes that a X bird in the hand is worth two in a Dusn. jyir. Jfntchard is not the kind who is willing to lead a forlorn hope and says the circuit judgeship suits him all right A wise man. Hon. T. W. Bickett, democratic nominee for Attorney General, will join Congressman Crawford on the 25th instant in a prelum- nary canvass of the tenth dis trict. It was the vote of this district which nominated Mr. Bickett and he should be accord ed a cordial welcome. He is one of the strongest campaign orators in the State. , Roosevelt'continues as ' 'master of ceremonies. "Taft and Sher man are mere puppets inl his hands. A pitiable plightfor them to be placed in, to say the least. ; John Russell asked for pie and the ringsters gave him a lemon. ThaVs what he gets for straying away from his real friends and old associates . j made but of The unusually hot weather re cently has been very oppressive, especially in the south and some portions of the west. It has been the means of filling the mountain resorts with people and Hendersonville has received her full share. Even here, the heat seemed rather oppressive at mid-day, but the nights have Tbeen cool and pleasant. The republican ringsters have named their county ticket, in'ac cordance with the usual custom once every two years, and the poor, deluded and oppressed tax payers are expected to fall in line. -But a goodly number de clare that the pillsa little more than they can stand. They say the, county finances are getting in a deplorable condition and a house-cleaning is necessary, to set things straight. Republicans feign the belief that because this is presidential year they stand a tetter chance of electing their candidate . for congress' than if it was an off year. They evidently forget the results of the contests in this district in 1902 and 1904. The democratic majority in 1902, an off-year, was 183; two years later, with Roosevelt running for president, the democrats carried the district by a majority of 88. 4 h i Two years later it was 924; this It is, ' 'Judge Murphy, ' ' Gover nor -Glenn having selected J. D. Murphy, esq., of the Asheville bar, as Judge Fred Moore's suc cessor, J. S. Adams, W. R. Whitson and other Asheville law yers applied for the honored position and there may be a lively contest for the .nomination in the fifteenth judicial district convention soon to be held, the appointment being only until the people shall decide whom they prefer. But we must call him "Judge Murphy" in any event. The Hustler congratulates. Dillon-Gonde r Miss Maud Dillon and Mr. Frank Conder, of li Asheville, were married last night in .their home city. . ' - 'Mr. Conder is connected with the Southern railway and has made many friends in this city, who wish him success in his married life. ' Louis Hesterly and H. W. Frye were among those who attended from this city and they report a pleasant time at the wedding, y Real jil AJ X VV S Sam t" X ? Rose Real Rose tat Pins It does not seem possible, yet it is true, that these Hat Pins are made out of live roses.and changed into metal by a secret process. This discovery is without doubt one of the lost arts of the ancient Egyptians. They are the most beautiful of all Hat Pins. No two are alike. Made in finishes to conform to the prevailing fashions in millinery. Six sizes at the following prices : $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 Everybody is talking about them. Don't fail to come in and see them. These are the genuine DELAMOTHE Real Rose Hat Pins. "See our Window W. H. HAWKINS & SON, Jewelers Opticians ( NOTD TtOO di rat : en A M. - " ' THDEHHl h .JtiAS IT - Do you know what it means?. It means that CORT- ' RIGHT SHINGLES last as long as the building itself, and never need repairs never need attention oi any. kind, in fact, except an occasional coat of paint. They're fireproof, stormproof, and inexpensive. They make roofs that everybody likes, consequently a lot of poor imitations are being placed on the mar ket by unscrupulous manufacturers, who are trying to trade on the CORTRIGHT reputation. Therefore buy here, and you'll be sure to get the genuine. E Luzianne Coffee mm he WW WO. on Hand! Our Guarantee: If after using entire contents of the can, your are not satis fied in every respect, we refund tKe money you paid for it. Use only half as much as other coffees. WIL DEPARTMENT ST O R E Hendersonville, N C Judge Prichard says Mary Ann Butler intended no harm in his jrecent interview advocating the Judge for governor. Certainly not And it has done no damage to anything or anybody. But; this same Butler came prettynear putting Mr. Pritchard out of the lnited States Senate in 1897 and did, (so they say,) knock Judge two or three Tltae 'Pirmt' Slhi Thafs thelkiiniidl we do! FMEEST wlnateveir their factory at Hamilton, Ohio; time it Avill go a good deal above Ewart out of the box hence they are not inoompeuuuu , - . , - , HUSTLE r prim: HOI V f