In r N V v. - ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR HE N D ERSON VI1LE. N . C, THURS D-AY SEPTEMBER 31908 VOL. XVII, No. 31 S & tuM mil umi V I ft C C i.v Ci ft fc it; I U It if ft 5? ? b, t & I f ! St: I I ties' as.) c er, Ijt H idu? turc n r 1 ri. J iorr gd j fit i rue:; yed linr byt n,a; ant. :e f Le C fe: M iob jawford And BicKett Ad dress Big Crowd at Brevard. A large outpouring of Transyl- vania county uiLiz,ens gretJteu Congressman W. T. Crawford and Hon. T. W. Bickett, who are touring the tenth district in" the interest of democracy, State and National, at Brevard Tuesday. The big audience was composed of people in every walk of life, young men and maidens; old men and matrons; bachel-1 ors anu niaius, auu a iair sprinkling of republicans. The speeches were well received and maids, 3 I and if indications count for any thins: the militant democracy will continue to predominate in that good county by winning a signal victory on the 3rd of November, 1908. The speakers must have been gratified to' meet so many people and find so much enthu siasm, " Mr. Bickett led off in a two hour's speech and. held the at tention of the audience from the beginning to the close of his mas terful exposition of republican- ism as it exists today, dwelling at length upon the iniquitous tariff laws, trusts," centralization . of power and the present republican panic. The republicans had charg ed the democrats with bringing on the panic when Mr. Cleveland was president and now thejAjiad troubles of their own. Mr. Bick to devoted considerable time to the discussion of state issues and twitted, the republicans for the hypocritical reference to local self government in their state platform. He called atten tion to conditions during fusion times when negro aldermen were ! Selected by the Governor and twp than a thousand nporoes were appointed to various places of trust and honor. . Mr. Crawford made his usual clear and strong argument. arraigning the republican party for its deception and hypocrisy and scoring its so called standard bearers in this section for declin ing to meet the democrats in joint debate, as has been the custom since the memorable cam- aign between Vance and Settle hirty-two years ago. He paid his respects to their "antiquated" candidate for congress, John Gil- espie Grant, and literally tore nto shreds the false arguments rant is attempting to make kith reference to wood pulp, lum ber and the claim that the late constitutional amendment pro vides that no man can vote un- ess he can read and translate ILatin. He declared that the re publicans were submitting to a campaign ot misrepresentation and feared for the people to hear the truth. Both speakers predicted the flection of Bryan to , the presi dency and the crowd cheered fustily. The occasion was a dis- finct success and the "democracy f Transylvania is strengthened fhereby. Every one present went way feeling hopeful and happy. - ' Oh, tradesman, Sri thy hour of eee, If on this paper you should cce, Tike our advice and now be yyy, Go straight ahead and advert iii. You'll find the project of some mm; Negect can offer no ex qqq; Be wise at once, prolong your A silent business soon dekkk. iter ; M fl II J3 . i i 1 Mrs. Russell and Miss Elvin Russell, the wife and daughter of Vardy Russell, of Hoopers Creek, were painfully injured in a runaway- which occured this morning on Anderson avenue near the depot. These three people were on a wagon load of apples when the team became frightened at a passing bicycle. The ladies were badly frighten ed and attempted to jump from the wavon, but misfortunately were thrown to the ground. The ladies went up to C. C. Huguely's residence and after a short rest were able to come Von up town. The girl appeared to ibe very painfully injured, and Mrs. Russell sustains a few bruises. ? Russell managed : to stop the team just as he was meeting a funeral procession. Notice. The township meeting for the purpose of nominating a township ticket will be held at G. B. Hills. 0n Friday Sept. 11th, at 2 o'clock P. M. C. Oates, Chairman Township. Dem. Exe cutive Committee. Tryon is just now - spending $8,000 on paving Trade street The county is spending $12,000 additional." The improvement is a great one, the change it makes in the appearance of this beauti ful little city is wonderful. Tryon has a progressive body of busi ness men, not the least of whom are George A. Gash, Senator Bal langer and T. C. Mill$. The; town has had -a satisfactorjsummer business and the outlook for the winter is most encouraging. Senator Ballenger was slightly injured Saturday, by his horse stumbling and throwing him. He was severely shaken up and some what bruised about the face. Patty's Cliapel Service. Program of Memorial service to be held at Patty's Chapel Sun day, September Thirteenth, at ten o'clock, in memorial of our late Brother P. B. Cunningham. Services opened by song Selec tion No. Prayer opened by Rev. Pussey. Hymnal Selection No. His Sunday School and His Life in the Church, Brother W. S. Burge. His Life as a Citizen, Brother J. C. Sales. .- The Concentration of all Ser vice for Good, and the Value' of his Acquaintance as a Neighbor, Brother Frank Smith. The Life He Lived Is Commen dable to You for an Example and Guidance, Brother Pussey. Hymnal Selection of Family No. . Benediction. The services will be conducted by Brother J. C. Sales, present superintendent of Sunday School. aaa v 'i j it. ,"! i a ,m EC DEN X0Z MI 75 J ICE CREAIOUPPER. ' The Woman's Betterment Asso ciation of Fruitland will give an ice cream supper, Saturday Sept; 5th, from five to eight o'clock" for the purpose of improving the school rooms and and grounds All are invited' to come. Smith Homes Miss Ada Estelle Smith, of Columbia, and Mr. Walter I. Holmes, of Newman Ga., were married in this city last: night at the Presbyterian manse, the Rev. R. B. Grinnan officiating. , The bride's mother, and sister were the only friends of- the contracting parties to witness the cermony. The happy couple are spending their honeymoon at Toxaway. - ' The Biggest Auction Sale Ever Held m this State. Robert D. Penny of the Ameri can Realty and Auction Company Geeenboro, N. jC. is jn town. Mr. Penny will have charge of all preparations for the auction sale of Mr. Claude Brown's prop erty here, rumors of which have been in circulation for some time past. The sale will occur on Sept. 14th. Practically all of Mr. Brown's extensive real estate holdings here will be auctioned, comprising some of the choicest in Hender son county. In addition to this there -will be all of Mr. Brown's stable of fine horses. The carriages, , wag ons and harness jtvill also be sold. Mr. Penny states it's one-of the largest propositions7 his com pany has ever handlecl-in van ex tensive experience of many years. P. B. Cunningham. Whereas the Angel of Death has invaded the ranks of Tahkeos tee Lodge 185 K. P., and removed therefrom our friend and knight, Bro. P. B. Cunningham, who de parted this life on Aug. 13, 1908, therefore be it x Resolved. That this Lodge de plores the untimely death of Brother Cunningham, who has been taken from our midst in the very morning of life, after many months of patient suffering. We shall all miss so genial a knight for we remember some kindly word spoken, some deed of love done, and we will ever cherish his memory as one whom to know was to love. His plain and sterling honesty, his generous spirit and frank disposition could not but be admired by all who knew him.j We recognize his noble qualities as worthy emulation. As a mark of respect to his memory let the charter - of this Lodge be draped for thirty days. . Resolved. That we extend to the bereaved family our heart felt sympathy in this hour of loss and affliction. Our loss is his gain. Frank Smith. Mrs: Drane Dead. Mrs. J. R. Drane, of Louisville Ky. died of softening "of the brain yesterday at Dr. Kirk's residence after a very short illness. The funeral services were con ducted at the Episcopal church todav: the Rev. R. N. Wilcox offi- ciating. The remains were taken ) care of and shipped to Louisville by undertaker Stepp. - Mrs. Drane came here from Florida to spend the summer and until a few days ago was apparen tly enjoying good health. The son of the deceased, H. J. Drane and wife werewithher at the time of her death. Teacher's . Association i The Hendersori County Teach er's Association meets in Hen derson ville on Sept. 19, at 11 a The subject chosen .for the meeting: is ' 'Teacher's Influ ence." ; . ... v ; " - 1. Teacher's influence on the child's life, by;H; H, McMelbeh. : 2. Teacher's "influence in the school V as a whole, by G , F. Clark. : :- '- 3 Teacher's influence n a com munity,: by F. M. Huggiris! 4. Teacher's influence in the home, bv Elizabeth G. Grahill -T. TVj King, of Mecklenburg county,' ia-in this section with credentials from E. C. Faires, secretary of "The Farmers Ed ucational and Co-operative of America, authorizing the organ ization of local Unions through out Henderson county. Mr. - King has organized branches at Pleasant Hill: - The object of these organizations is to bring the f armeas nearerto gether.with reference to; means and methods in promoting agri cultural interests. First, to es tablish justice; second, tQ secure equality, third, to ' apply the Golden Rule among the members, and, further, to discourage the credit and r mortgage system. Good enough. The organization is nonpartisan. That's good, too. Put Your Honey " In The Bank. James1 Johnson, of Balfour; who warobfeedqf . $190 Satur day, will probably keep his mon- ey in the bank hereafter. - Hendersonville has three banks and it is absolutely incomprehen sible that any sane, intelligent man or woman should -keep any considerable amount of money in their homes, when any one of these three banks offer an abso lutely secure place in which to keep it ' And not only secure but where the money works for its owner earns him four per cent when if he kept it jn his home or on his person it is a constant temp tation to many to rob and even kill.3! . There are several men in this county who are known to have large sums of money cencealed in their homes. One man in Hendersonville carries a roll $600 of bills constan tly in his pocket. This news leaks out. At last it reaches the right, men and then there's a newspaper story of a farmer and his wife being bound and tortured to make them reveal the hiding place of their hoard, or of murder and . sudden death falling on these suspected even of having money concealed. In these modern days there is but one place to keep your money and that is the bank. Any other course is childish and silly. Put your money where 'tis secure and where it will work for you. Sold Same Wildcat 4 Times. Prof. A. ! E. Posey, who is in charge of Central Institute, Col umbus, tellsan interesting tale of a wildcat, which was caught four times by the same man' who each time cut off one of the cat's nails, and each time sold it to the same northern visitor. The cat escaped thejf ourth time and left Polk County for good. He didn't like it there anyway. He wanted a chancre, and the man who had TniA TTTantv rlnllnra fnr nnft wild- -9 ... cat is still wondering. 'where he comes in. - " l J l . :JL - J -1 Go nsressmah Hon. T. W. Bickett Speak to the Greatest iastic thus Crowd in Hendersonville Since the - Amendment - Before a monster audience which crowded the big court room to its. fullest capacity, with a fringe of people standing in the rear, Congressman Crawford and ! Hon. T, W. Bickett Monday dis cussed the issues of the campaign. Even tho' the farmers are busy. Even tho' some bridges are down and travel difficult, still the people poured into town j until it looked like Horse Show week come back again. The Hendersonville Band furn ished inspiring music. The sun shone brightly and the sky as clear as if it knew nothing of rain and clouds, and at 11 o'clock these two able speakers had . an aud- :en-waitingwhich iJust made them feel good and ; have feel also that the Democracy of Hend erson county was on the war-path. The name of Bryan was the signal for loud and long cheering The two speakers were constantly interrupted by applause and held the attention of the great crowd to the end of their speeches two of the best ever heard in Henderson county. Mr. Bickett said, in part: T appreciate this opportunity of meeting the people of the tenth district. I am glad to be in the district of a man whom the nation delights to honor," who stands four-square to every wind that blows. If I have sized up his opponent correctly, including his accomplishments as aJLatin scho lar, if. Jthe tenth district turns Crawford down and puts Grant there to rattle : around in his shoes, you ought to have a guar dian appointed for you. ' "The republicans have done what they could to keep the nig ger in power. They opposed the creation of the railroad commis sion which saf e-sruards the - peo ple's interest and all other re forms, all down the line. I would not say a -word about the leaders of the republican party in this state, but read for yourself what they say of one another. Butler said of the Legislature which he and Pritchard made, 'Up to this time the legislature is a damnable disgrace.' Com pare the personnal of the leaders of the two parties and judge 'for yourself. Kemember Adams and Butler. Zeb 'Vance once used the expression, 'it's the same old coon and the same old ring on its tail.' I say it's the same old coon and the same old two rings on its tail Adams and Butler,' who, in their dispute now about to be aired in court remind me of a (story I heard Two lawyers :were argumg.acasebeforeacer. Grawford arid and Most En- Fight in 1900. one. 'Your an ass,' replied the other. Well, gentlemen,' re marked the Judge, 'having iden tified each other to the satisfac tion of the Court we will jiow proceed with the case!' "The spirit of the age lusts for the new, the strange, ithe start ling, but Democracy is of no date. It was, it- is, it shall be. Democracy is immortal, it is far more than a practice or a policy Glorious in her past, militant in her present she asks you to joia her in her march down the widen ing road of freedom. In the north, in the south, everywhere men who love justice andJ fair play are laboring for the success of democracy. ': K . - man Stri Goof lias : chiseler from his own eternal quarries, the stone, twice rejected by the builders shall yet become the head of the corner!' ' ' 'The typical republican be lieves in his heart that the govern ment owes him a living and spends his life trying to collect it. Harriman now owns one-seventh of all the railroads bf this coun try. Soon a few men will own the world unless the law steps, in and says, 'so far shalt thou go and no further. ' If- the trusts ever die in this country the Re publican party will be their chief mourner. If Taf t gets within telephoning distance of the White House it will be because the Trusts, the predatory inter ests, hags paid his 'way-" - - Congressman. Crawford made one of his old-time campaign speeches and he has the reputa tion of being the best campaigner in the State. He paid his respects tp his opponent briefly mention ing the different Republicans with whom he had made joint campaigns Pritchard, Pearson, Ewart, said there was two sides tp every question and they should be discussed before the people of this part of the state "the best posted people on earth. " Said he was sorry Grant and Logan considered joint' discuss ions antiquated, but thought Grant would be a genuine anti- , quarian after the election. Re mined him of an old fellow whose wife had died. He was obliged to ride to the cemetary in same carriage with mother-in-law. He protested strongly, but- to no avail, and finally consented, ,&y ing: "Well, I'll ride with her, -but gentlemen, -let me tell you this. It's going to rob me 6f all rrthe pleasure of the occasion!" x The republican party has . been lieingand stealing; For 12 years they have been teaching the peo ple that they have made pros1 perity and the Democrats have Continued oh next page first coL Assembled - v N

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