tHjejfrericbSroab ifcnstler M L. SEEIPMAN. Editoi A GOOD SUGGESTION. ID THE LABOR VOTE I DEMOCRATS ARE : PLEASED. HENDURSONVILlLE, n. c. present tide to Brvan continues Southern "across the until election day he will surely Mountain. A wise The Asheville Citizen suggests National Democratic Chairman, P The ticket nominated at Char t hat the deplorable death of Eng- Norman E. Mack, announces that lotte by the republican state con- is generally n,;i :U4. ,CJ v.t -da'- cw.i nrtm I pleasing to democrats. Demo- fin.. XT V 1 TT -1J L!A J -C v r i-T- A . 77 J 4-.' WiftWV V Hldii XX. -LA. -LjJ lueew lurKneraia.wmcxi is opinion mat me aanger 01 wasii- pers, ujl me Aiuencau r eucrauuii , . ' ler savs of it! f!fnsinVrH omnd smthnritv nn I nntc tnr o owtom nf ricnrl 1 nf Tiflhnr tn aid in Alpr-tinO' : Mr. I . ,. ,. ,., . ,. v - L . . rom the standpoint of De- cha.uuu ptcuituuua, ssiia u , luc mouwi vim. wic uuc w uryan ana win soon announce mOcracv we oonlri not hav hrm. Saluda fk0 .Uonn nf tho von'mic loW ed for any nomination which IU1V vr v& V MA A W v& w I "1 J 1 , , ou66C bureau to be established m sev- The well-known svmnathipa of aeieat secretary lait, so xion ana one wmcn me ranroaa eral of the iarjfer cities and can- Mr. (Jox for privileged interests, mote it be." authorities ought to seriously Uinf w "v.." i"" w" nearty accord with Mr, Talt and wuaiucu u- uul l0n of the national committee and with the National Republican The Asheville Citizen is doine nad not passener ld the American Federation of .La- "if whl is no longer a, part j , - - , : been more than an hour late ak. ...x,: mt.? . . qi xne peopie, Dur a party wnoay somejieavv nirancr ior tne aemo- - uor jomuy. xms agreement in- rinmm atari hv crat spin h intpr. crats these davs. It has . made raucn .OI llie woum dicates the trend of sentiment in ests. Candidate Grant's mnorpssional have resulted. habor circles and meana that Mr' . "Democracy's fight this year mi. .a? - jf j i ... lis 5iraint snrh rmlipipa nnri nnn. boom "look like thirty cents." 1Iie 5ecuon 01 roaa Detween Bryan is to receto . I FT J m . . . , 1 . 1 vjvw wuvi vva wmA. VfVi . llv Keep it up Brother Caine. r 1 d xryon nas ueen me this vote Mn Qompers - means stronger than his party, and it is "Smnlrp 'pm nnf " SCene 01 numeTOU iatailtieS hliajnpsaflnri M- of fl WUCUUUUlU U.vue. U1 inspire ...ww WA I . .'' I TW&wauu XVUW 111UU' Ann asx xn-Km niM mvmvmv www www"enceamonff those who toilOther his own DeoDle. certainlv not if It is said that Mary Ann But- rousanas ot a.nd does labor leaders are cooperating 7 mr . .... auucai LiiaL n. 1,1 .rv in.Mif 1:1.111 i 'ii r i t... i ier camea an olive brancn" to , , , c s r wim nairman MacK ana tnings acter to the public. . m.. . ivy uuiu vixr. iii v 1 1 1 w iinmi isii inn i it 1 1 i i a . r m i tne nepuDiican State convention. r m appear aitogetner rosy, wnen as to Mr. roms, nis nomi- Think ofit? especially aunng seasons of Mked for a statement consider- for f leutenant-Goyernor heavv rainfall Thp fpnrfnl hooi i , . - wuuiu bwjiu w muicaie mat mere neayy rainian. ine ieariui acci- mfir. the resul t of his conference nrp - -Fo lifolnr,cr - PoKliVoo UCXlt iUCSUay nint WOUia aOUDt- 4.U Al. 11 ! "J nr- r..i. wnrthvnf liia Vmnni r.T- olcaair It is reported that Judge E wart heSS have been avoided with L.?4i. . ' deem it important to recognize "RATHERS GRA mm AND BIGKETT. The learned expositions of GHARLEY'S AccoTding to the: Greensboro Industrial News, ' which lis vthe Public Questions by. Congress radical organ of this State, Char-: man Crawford and Hon. T W I T!. . ' . , ' ' lie Toms told the delegates at the? at tne curt house Republican State convention thatM?nday must have been an in he liked his new associates nne.!Spiratl0n to the maificent au on dience which greeted them with its presence. me size and en- In its report of the convention proceedings on Friday morninsr xi. x . - , . , - thusiasm of the crowd was qt that paper says this of Charley's I . . , , WdS sur ' 'speech of acceptance:" seems pleased with the colloquy ffllwi 'Cnf?n.i0irnn A. t. hls recent conversion to Republi- t a j j t .i tt " a uv xuiiau auuiiai win . itween Auams ana cutler, nis tween the danger points. personal estimate oi tnat pair m Saluda mountain can nrinmnlpa hpfnrp thp zpnl nf mittee win receive co-operation the new convert shall abate. " ail OKI (ill T . tt tt i - r . . -coldtvnp" would malcpintprpt. J. , . xauur m every way, ana ivir. unairman tier's reference to ; enaer in tne matter ot wrecks7' Kiompers tonight submitted to mg reading for democrats. sure enough and while nearly all the accidents have occurred to vii4pwSu-wx iuy xreignL trains mere is no guaran republican spielers told tKe un- tee that Dassentrer cars will nnt I . mm W V meThrPlans which have been Mr- Tom3 the., suggestion formulated ; to effect an active this newspaper "threw out" to SeinterestofDemocLTThese the repubiicans when Charlie re plans I regard as highty satisf ac- hnquished the office of State Sen- TArv nnn thov iiti 1 1 Kz oriAnfoW I . - J? i ? t i i i i inM w aa .x ".r-., outoi wmcnne naa arawn wv wai wcxc meet a. similar -iate. mis old ine pians proviaea ior. tne estao-1 xU tt : . , , tt voting their last time if the Con- Lpp m iifa, lishment of labor bureaus in sev- a11 the matenal substance ) stitational AtnPndmpnt rw,HpU iu J, ' . eral labor centers with a central and went over bag and, bagge - T - 9UWU1U uc-iiaueu m someway. laDor oureau in Uhicago at the tA th miv nf M iv, pff adopted, but they have been vot- Safety switches have already ocratic headquarters. The the paf of Butler, ine ever since iust the samp, xt. A - i national committee ; will appoint Spencer Adams, Jim Young and " . mvu uiav,cu uu uie SOUtn Siae OI I nnlu momhoro rw-F fVia Amaininn I a i hcmji-j This vpnr jniin nr,f r, xu. . J "-J "Tt ai Ae iviiaaieton a littie more than v ' uxai i I ii ill I I I ill u vii w w mm iljo rT A (X m-w i ii i l. alKes are repeating the same lie. Uf; .... these bureaus and Mr. Gompers rwo years a- mis is the way in the hope of deceiving 'twi T V nas given'me a list of names of nupe ui ueceivmg mis nf nnrco thr ,x I u u t same class of Voters.. But they ll.V . " . sjeu, will not succeed. The people are not fools. A white-livered traitor" is lent s noce as was the case with the endearing name Spencer engineer London Tuesday night, Adams applies to Mary Ann But- an every precaution should be fer and the latter says "you're token to prevent a similar occur r another." A nice mess is this ance anywhere on the danger pair, each of whom wants to be nne- The Citizen's ; suggestion pie-dispenser for the boss-ridden merits serious and thoughtful republican party, so-called, in consideration. A stitch in time North Carolina. Is it any won der decent people refuse to follow either of them? Our radical brethren are sorely m need of j respectable leadership. rm . 1 mm . . i ll i ii t-i i . I I 1 C T attt hMm rn Kt aah I w AX water-spouts, or washouts. rfSR" Sf 5; ' ' h iXZXi!- tx j i xi.- i , " -nans ior senamg out ianorirw , mo It is a fearful thing to be hurl- literature were . talked over and r? Te.slS lts senatorship, an office ed into eternity without a mom- national committee will furnish 5Diai"ea 5 aemocratic votes up dates lor labor speakers."" "icuuuuie-ueiMmgs ui tne rm i i i.i . feiiuw wno prociaimea totnepuo- This looks like business; and hc a little more than means the swinging of several a year and: a half ago that An,,i 0xx0 :x u t ue was uorn a aemocrat wu.o0 .xx W1C andexne cted todi e one. and no wiuiuuo jLur uieuaianve uipuver j man cuuiu anre nim out 01 the in a number of Northern and uc,Tiawr pxiiy' . UI!emm wx . ,. . At ,v what you have to give quickly or uc i W1C wuw me opportunity may not otter lt vote. The labor neoDle evidently self again. His arguments may mistrust Secretarv Taft and dn re"COnvinC? him The feHow of mistrust secretary latt and -do no reputation vou have with von not regard his offers of friendship always and may be certain of , very seriously. They have tried but n6t he- He waJk with juu iu green pastures, DUt will Mr. Toms began his speech by saying that he would rather be prising and shows thatthe demo crats ; of Henderson county are interested in the fight for better defeated f or Jieutenant-governor overnment at Washington and on the republican ticket than a continuance of the present effi- elected governor on the demo- cient management of St . - fairs. saves nine. The ticket! named by the Re publican State Convention is not Mr- Taf 1 and f ound him wanting not be with you at the breaking l n m - I Jf ii , ... - likely to disturb the slumbers of ana vaiueperlormance more than rauie cistern at tne well. He any of the Democratic candid. Promise. Mr. Bryan is their friend :ln??Je..?lan cratic." . v Give,: yourself no uneasiness, Charley. You will certainly get your "rathers" to the tune of about 50,000 votes. The people of this good -State have twice trusted the republican party: with the management of its affairs, only to be betrayedrand humil iated. In the dark- days of the sixties when the south was being overrun by-negroes, carpet bag gers and scalawags, and civil government was practically de stroyed and there was little pro tection to either life or property, the same -qld party with which you have recently allied . yourself was in complete control of our state " government. The older citizens .well remember thosedark iys of our humiliation, at thie hands of your party, and have told the awful story to their sons, who are going to stand with the grand old democratic party in maintaining decent civil govern ment in the State and for the continued protection of our noble women ahd little children. ? The people remember, also, the 1 1" mm- - . i af. Mr. Bickett called attention to .the dangerous tendency toward centralization of .power by the national republican party and warned the DeoDle continuance of an organization in power Avhich is not in sym pathy with their necessities and institutions. The Hamiltonian idea is entirely too prevalent at Washington, he declared, not withstanding .the repudiation of it by the American people more than a century ago. Hamilton wanted the president elected for life, governors appointed by con gress and, in. tact, everything pertaining to the government of this great country conducted from the capital city. His dis cussion of the tariff and trust questions was, clear and con vincing, making it plain to the people that the tariff would not be revised or the trusts destroyed by the republican party. Congressman Crawford's speech !. was about the finest poli tical production lie has ever de- disgraceful scenes under fusion 1 creu :u :-anu piasea ms hearers immensely. The tes. There is certainly no cause for alarm. Adams and Butler are "at it" in dead earnest now. The form- j tfclN f -m. mr- - I XvV.-. TTT ' J er wants $ou,uuu irom Mary Ann ,uim ern taiKs sense in and his brother Lester Butler for ms speech of acceptance deliver- damages to his good name (?) ed at the captiolof his native and they know it. It is needless to say that our Mr. Bryan's speech at Indian- warning was heeded. The radi- apolis on Tuesday ought to be cal bosses forthwith began to closely read and carefully digest- nurse and fondle the babe. Old . ... i- w .n, i,-:;, state i last. Tuesday. He is. evi. ea DV :every Amerlcan citizen hners were relegated-to back .wuiiden in thorough accordance who is capable of appreciating a to press the matter in Guilford with the -democratic idea about correct and learned exposition of superior court. Let the people yean 'GSodl boy!" WeaVf or the trut question. Mr. Bryan nold their noses while the fight you. stands squarely upon the demo goes on. The Butlers charge cratic platform, advocating the Adams with bribery while the Ane unusually heavy rainfall imDOsition of both fin, nrf im. latter was a member of the In- recently has been very destruc prisonment for violators of the dian's Citizenship Court out UVe t0 crops m the Carohnas and aw. He wants the hieh officials West a few years ago-' Adams r. sectlons of the South. Lf illegal combinations punished will sue Butler's paper, the Cau- . specially true ot condi- just like ordinary criminals. casian. WU11S orui Carolina, no sec- Rio-ht M' A.. . . I tion oi the state having escaped With tears .in their eyes the cSSSXvTS: "I ry, .. congressman urawiord s ex- radical spell-binders told the f ered most. The loss to farm Pro planation of the democratic Dosi- flliterate voters in 1900 that the ?eht here in Henderson county tion on the wood pulp issue false- Vice-President And, now he is n nn 4. J. 11 J.1 1 t. seals ai an me repuDiican pow wows and little Charlie was given a seat on the rostrum, or in the presiding off icer's chair. He has presided over their county con ventions, gone as a delegate to district, State and even National conventions. Was a member of the campaign committee, by the appointment of Spencer Adams last year,, and got on the commit- tee at Chicasro to notif v Jim Sherman of his nomination for wicked democrats were endeavor ing to deprive them of their lib erty at the ballot box. "This is the last ballot you old men who are unable to read or write will ever cast if this abominable amendment is adopted," they said. But the white citizens of Henderson county repudiated them, the majority against the amendment in this county being only 185, with more than 300 ne groes solidly againstvit, with but a single exception. And our peo ple are going to repudiate the statements of demagogues and prevaricators this year, unless all signs fails. uUXoVesidW a,ieS ly raised by the republicans is the radical nominee for Lieuten French Broad River and its nrin- conclusive K and unanswerable! ant Governor, cipal tributaries. The Henderson county radicals have repeated their performance of denouncing the -State demo cracy for conclusive and unanswerable. "t . w veruur vn9 P-ner name He refers' to the Congressional ling before the convention) an Record to substantiate his con- emPtv honor to be sure, but then tentions and calls attention to Charlie is r1111 for office. the fact that democratic platform plnce attaining his majority he has not missed an onnoHninif xr n ,T 'mry the recommendations of Presi- W f or anything and everything evils in order to detract attention for their mismanagement of af fairs. . The people know that the (democrats of cNorth Carolina have saved the State from wreck and ruin more than once. : They are also aware that republican office holders ' have gotten the finances of this county in a mess and will hold them rpennno,'kiA vwr vXi31JJ1C for it. dent Roosevelt So there you m Slght are, Mr. Republican. The people But gentlemen of the republi- have long ago learned that W. T. 03X1 party: These empty compli- Crawford does not misrepresent ments Fe not going to satisfy anything, or anybody, and what Charley much longer.1 You must he says will be believed. see to it that he "receives some- - , tlim more substantial. We Every, shoulder to the wheel warn youin time, lead him into and our majority in the tenth Pastures green before it is ever district will be 2J0OO. I lastingly too late. : - . . . : - rule in the nineties, -when Butler, Kussell and Pntchard, with the aid of 120,000 negroes, got possession of the state govern ment and put into responsible offices more than a thousand ne groes; wnen our state institutions were turned over into the hands k)f incompetent, corrupt men, some of whom today are serving terms in the penitentiary and others are fugitives from justice; when white women were knocked off the streets by impudent, insolent negroes with impunity, in many eastern cities, numbers of towns in that section of the State having been tuQed over to be robbed and plundered by negro politicians, when scandal after scandal oc curred in nearly every depart ment of the State government, even to conspiring to fleece the State by the Governor and a fu sion United States Senator. vn to PaPer pulp and lumber, con- well remember these thincrs nnH kerning Which the rennhlirans 2?2!J another .wuu6 repuuiican candi- Lp i - i dates, When -VOU Werp rnnninnr iaise issue, rhe speaker pro- f or of fice on the democratic tic- duced the Dingley Law, enacted sion that the democrats had be- Dya republican congress, which come impatient with your office-1 contains provisions putting wood uummg proclivities, a Strang vi. i j i i. sion has come ovr , nfSi puip a"u lumuer on ine Iree llst- your dreams. He also read from President The people of North 'rawKn t uub IVlgUiilclJ vile QSLlK.' flflVCI 1 of carpetbag and fusion rule and yea- at there shouId be no Will Continue in DOWer that of,r dutv levied nnnn the mw1nH- nf . i , Jt - w U(U 1 V I 1 w-. K'-- vufcw vj. good 1 govlrnnent thV our forests-' specially on wood ux women and children mnm 1 puip. mr. rawiord snowed schools and School-houses and conclusively that no industry in 1 mm I " piacmg the otate i upon a hiVhr North Pnmi minron Plane of manhood and citizenship by any provision of the demo- The State is now going forward cratic platform National, or State, leaps and bounds aloner all and challensred the reDdblicans lines of ; moral, educational and to refute, with facts and figures, industrial progress and the peo- any of the statements he had pfe realize the folly of permitting l.made. . re ferences to his opponent in tak ing to the woods, instead of meeting him and .letting the eople kuow the truth, were greeted with prolonged applause. Mr. Crawford directed attention to the misleading circular, pre pared by some lawyer for his opponent to circulate among; the people, containing the sugges tion that after this year every voter must be able to read Latin and translate the same into "good plain English." He pointed out the fact' that every word, or phrase, in the State Constitution is found in Webster's dictionary thus exploding the republican's pretended contention in the cir cular with which they are attempting to deceive the people. A telling point in Mr. Craw ford's speech was the reference any change in the administration of affairs. They are fully aware of the conditions existing under republican rule' and feel content to "let well enough alone." - The campaign of education Messrs. Crawford and Bickett are making is bearing fruit al ready and wiil be productive of a gratifying result in November.