I J . : - ! : v- t : ' - .- . . '... . iZD .... .,.v. i .. , n ' '.I i i c f. I ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR HE ND E RSONVILLE. N 0 . . . THUH3 D A Y r OCTOBER 1, 1908 y vol. xvn, x&tt : o Wm THE DEMOCRACY OF OLD HENDERSON I!OMI A COUNTY TICKET WHICH WILL BE ELECTED 11.3 THE TICKET. V Representative A 1 b e r t Cannon. x Sherif f-V.dy. Shepherd. Register ; of DeedsJ. R. Wilkie. ' t Surveyor Sam Y, Bryson. Coroner Dr. L. P. Russell. Commissioners S a m J. Justice, J. Press Fletcher, G. B. Hill. The democracy of Henderson county met in. convention near the noon hour on Tuesday at the court house for the purpose ; of nominating candidates for the various county offices; Demo cratic County Chairman C. EJ Brooks, called the meeting to order and designated Capt. J.W. Wofford as temporary chairman of the convention. : Mayor Mich ael Schenck was named - as tem porary secretary. On motion of J. C Sales the temporary organ ization was made permanent. On taking the chair Capt Wof ford. made a ringing speech thanking the convention if or the honor conferred arid predicting a sweeping democratic victory at the fall election. ;V ; Chairman .Wofford expressed regrets on account of the . ina bility of Hon.ck6 Crair toibe present and address the people as expected and called on M. L. Shipman to explain lie reason why Mr. Craig could not come. Mr ShipmanK stated that late Monday afternoon he received a phone message from Mr. Craig informing him. that he (Craig) had been unexpectedly called in to aV six-thousand-dollar damage suitfrom whichjt was impossi ble to get released and expressing great disappointment himself to have to forego the pleasure of meeting the appointment.' On motion the chair appointed M. L. Shipman, JVC Sales and J. W. Merrimon a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions of regret that; Mr. Craig, could not be present and forward copy of the same to that gentleman at Asheville. The roll of precincts was called and all except Raven Rock were found to be represented. No contests being reported appoint ment of a committee on creden tials was dispensed with. Motion to make all' democrats present members of the convention fail ed. Exception to this was made as to chairman and secretary, who happened not to be dele gates, and they retained their positions with thanks.. Nominations ; of candidates being called for J. C. Sales nam ed A. Cannon in a, happy little speech which was received with enthusiastic applause. J. If. Rip-; ley nominated N. W. Posey. Mr. Posey askedthat his Lname be withdrawn as he was physi cally unable to make the race. The nomination of Mr. Cannon was made by; acclamation and applause greeted the announce ment. ' , - -V-" v For Sheriff,, MJ'L;-Shipman urged the convention toV nomi nate V. C. V. Shepherd, This suggestion met with ? the hearty approval of the delegates ' , arid although Mr. Shepherd ' wanted another gentleman , nariied for this place the Honor went v him acclamation. - ; V" Mr. , Shepherd placed Iftegnsme of J. B. Arledge before the con vention for register of de6ds, L. S. Pender' named Prof. J. R. Wilkie. Mr. Arledge stated that he woulS soon be called to a ; dis tant ; state on business and for this reason he could not pos sibly accept Prof. Wilkie re ceived the nomination by accla mation and the convention cheer ed some more.; Mr. Cannon made a motion to nominate S. Y. Bryson for Sur veyor. The suggestion was ac cepted by a rousing vote, as was the nomination of Dr. Lloyd P. Russell for Coroner. The chair thenannounced that the next thing in order was the selection of three candidates' for county commissioners. For one of these Mr. Cannon named S, J Justice ; McD.Ray suggested J. W. Wardj R. 'M. Pryor wanted A. J. McMinn; J. C. Sales nomi nated J.. Press Fletcher and L. S. Pender urged the name of G.' B. HilL A. S. Eaney seconded Mr. Hill's nomination in a rousing speech. " Mr. Hill arose and said he was not seeking any office, but would do all in his power if or every man on the democratic ticket A motio was made and carried to vote by. ballot and that the three receiving the highest vote be declared the nominees. Messrs. Justice, Fletcher and Hill were found to. be the choice of the convention and the chair so declared. When the ticket had been com pleted McD. Ray was called i for and addressed the convention, giving his approval of the ticket nominated and expressing .con fidence in the result Mr. Cannon also responded to i calls and de clared he would do his hest inthe approaching contest The con vention then adjourned. i After adjournment the new; ex ecutive committee met and elect ed McD. Ray chairman and S. Y. Bryson secretary. The utmost harmony prevailed throughout the deliberations of the.convenuon and the universal opinion prevails that the ticket put forth is the strongest named by the democrats for many years. . . j Mr, and Mrs. James Holmes and 'family, and Miss Helen Bailey have returned to their Charleston home. "Jimmy" Holmes and his pleasant smile will b missed and Main street is not so bright as it once was. : ii Mr. S. F. Wheeler has return ed to Columbia, and the big Hotel Wheeler is closed for the season. Mr. Wheeler is entirely satisfied with . the past season and thinks next year there will be still riiore people in the moun tains. Speaking of the Daily Hustler, Mr. Wheeler said it was a good thing -for the town and that a daily paper published the year 'round would be of inesti mable benefit to the whole com munity. - ;. - Notice is hereby given that the polling place in the Flat Rok pre cinct in Henderson County has been changed fromthe1 present polling place to the store of J. P. Patton in said precinct. ; Thisi the 25th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1908. vT-P . ' C. Vernon Murray, ; ; ; . Chm. Board of Elec ; - of Henderson Co. J.-C. -Saus;v': r :X - Secretary, Board of . ; Election of Hender- son County. . : w Es iCircos. Gentry's big Dog and Pony Show will .exhibit here next Fri day.. Their . advertisement "' ap pears in this 'papers Theshow. is famous for its: fine exhibitions and it will be here , in its entirety on Friday. - Hotel Her Closed iJFFai Tl K. G. JustusCbii&actor and Former City trali6n,:,yTes . A to N e wB erry, K. G. Justus, the well r known ! contractor of this town, charged with fraud, amounting- to $7,700 it is said, was arrested; Tuesday afternoon by Sherifi5 Freeriian and taken to Newberry, S. C;, W Shef iff M.; M. Bufords ' of that state, where he will face the charge of obtaining property un der . false pretense. The South Carolina Sheiff ar rived late Monday night with the necessary papers, the requi sition from Governor Ansel of South Carolina upon Governor Glenn for the return if Justus, and the warrant fronvNorth Car olina's executive authorizing his arrest The warrant charges . Justus with having obtained property, lumberv jarid olher - building - ma terial, in Newberry, S. C., by false representations. He . was arrested by Sheriff Freeman about three o'clock Tuesday af ternoon, on Main street, opposite the Hustler office, and turned over to Sheriff Bufprds, who, with , his prisoner, left on the 5.l5 train. Justus spent , the night in Spartanburg jail and ar rived in Newberry about 3 o'clock Wednesday. ' ; - v He made a strong plea to be al lowed to remain in Henderson ville until Wednesday morning offer ing a justified bond signed by Sam King, Branch Blackwell and other prominent republican poli ticians The father of. Justus and Branch Blackwell left this morn ing for Newberry. 4C. G. Justus, better known as "Galilo" Justus, is one of the best know n contractors in Hen derson ville, and at one time was city tax collector under a repub lican administration. ... ... Over a year ago ,he left this city and went to Newberry, S. C. where he built several houses, amongst them being residences for Pat Scott, Dr. Pellam; and W. A. McSwane, bookkeeper for Summer Bros., of that town. Itis alleged he bought lumber and building supplies for these houses, was paid for them, and neglected to pay for the material. It is also said he owes the work men formerly in his employ. The total amount is said to aggregate $7,700. , ; Mr. Justus said to :a Hustler rnan, shortly after being placed under arrest: : - i , "I took several contracts iri Newberry and lost money on them, and - was unable to meet my obligations, and that is all there is to this matter. My ar rest and taking me off at this time of day, making me spend the nighit in Spartanburg jail, is spite work. My father and Branch Blackwell will be in jNfew berry ori Wednesday and I ex pect to get this matter settled f then. ' When I left Newberry there was overN $2000 left with Under :Tl:-V'T7?li; Collector A 1 iepuDiican jiaminis- fm m mm S William Johnson -there to divide ariidligst 5 iriy creditors, but I suppose the lawyers have I got1 most of it, I think I will come outof this v trouble all right I arii '.filling to give bond if or my appearance iri court but jaot for my indebtedness. " , : Justus left Newberry last April and has spent most of the time since then in Hendersonville. He ; built Lieut Reid's house, two houses for Bob Smith, has done most of E W. Durant's work andf much general contrac ting here. He is married and has three children. ; I. Sheriff M. M. Bufords, who came f rom South Carolina to get Justus, has many friends here. He; has .known. : : Capt : Miiler, Herir Lae;- ill2" Miller" and many other Henderson ville peo ple for many "years. He thinks Hendersonville a charming - town and is, especially impressed with the wide cement walks. The Sheriff has served 12 years in of fice andj has just been elected for another term of four years. He went with v the, officer who carried the last message from Geri. Joe Johnson to the Union army, near Durham, N. C. ,' ar ranging the terms of surrender of that . gallant soldier's army, and his recollections of that event are inlerestiriig. The Sheriff at one time, way back yonder, was tried for com plicity in a Klu Klux raid, but was acquitted. It'is interesting to note that almost the first man he met in Hendersonville, the first time he has ever been in the town, was the principal; wit ness against him at the trial a long time ago, when muskets and negroes dominated a help less country. . ! $45,281.91 Deposits. The statement of the Citizens Bank in this issue shows the rer markable deposits of $45,281.91. Remarkable, because this bank opened for business only last July and such a showing reflects the confidence reposed iri this institution and in its officers , by the people of Hendersonville and Henderson County. , v Registration V The registration books opon on October 1st and close on October 24th, at the different poling pre cincts, for the purpose-of res tering all qualified voters i ? J. C. Sales, Sec'y. Vernon Murray, . . . , -Ch'rman Co. Board of Elections. Inter and 8pig. ; J. H. Byers, age 65, and Miss Annie Hill, age 17, .were married by Square Tinley at hisresdence, on Sept 24th. 1 alien OsimHls. ' Edythe Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William ,Kimzey Osborne, and Mr. James Killian Mills were married at the home of the bride's parents in Bre vard; on Sunday, September 27th. It was a home wedding, charm ing in all its details, and: fit .for one of Brevard's most attractive and accomplished daughters. The bride looked very sweet and pretty indeed in her beautiful gown of white silk and the mag nificent bouquet of white car nations sbe carried but com pleted a charming picture. Miss Josephine Osborne was maid of honor arid . carried a beautiful bouquet of white car nations. Lbree Galimore. most ef fectively ? played t Mendelsohn's wedding march, ; to- the! solemn strains of iwhich: the bridal party entered the prettily decorated parlor. The room was a wilder- t ness;qNoriCaliQajuti ful mountain flowers) jthe, shy aaisy ana .xne Drniiant .goiaen rod being used most effectively iri the scheme of decoration. Mr. ; Mills and his charming bride left for Asheville, Wayries yille arid other points, where friends and relatives will be visit ed. They carry with thenr the sincere best wishes of hosts of friends who have learned to know and to love them both and who hope their future lives may be as beautiful as the flower deck ed room in ' which thety were made one. 7 ' ' .. m M of Thanks. ' In behalf of myself arid Mrs. Rantin, I desire to thank . the friends who came to pur assis tance with sympathy and many acts of ; kindness at the ' sudden death of Mr. S 1., Rantin : : D. R. Chewning. le Bp Club ts Tonlt; The f Bryan Club' m eets tonight (Thursday) at the Court House. A full attendance of members is desired. There will be short, snappy talks and a meeting full of interest is assured. ' Come and hear some of the issues of tins hot campaign discussed. They Go to South America. : Mr. arid ' Mrs. James Justice leave tomorrow on the first stage of their long journey to South Ariaerica, where Mr. Justice will start in his life work asia mis sionary. ... i : ; G W-t Lyda; i of Edneyyille, was a; pleasant caller at this office yesterday. ; I. . ': ;r .Vv; ;; .'. 2 Miss: Carrie McCain of - this city,' and Miss Anna: Revan, of Saluda; leave on Thursday for Jacksonville, 'Fla., ; where they , will spend the winter. let THE GOVERNOR Mim Franklin, N. C-, Sept 23. -Congressman W. W, KitcHn, Democratic nominee for Gover nor, arrived here from Murphy at two o'clock todav arid found a large crowd - of Macon county: r citizens patiently waiting to hear him preach the gospel of Demo- . cracy. Mr. Kitchin and his as sociates had been expected yes terday afternoon 'but i were un able to make the train leaving Murphy at midday, which neces sitated a twenty-three niile drive through the country, from Almond- this morning after nine o'clock. ! They were met at Al mond ;b Mr. G. L. Joneswho brought -them over by private conveyance. f "Hon. J. Frank Ray, "Fighting -coclr of ;2 Mstcoir -: arid I3emocratic nominee for representative, was? master of ceremonies and per- 1 formed .with ease' and dig nity. He first introduced: Mr. M. L. Shipriian, candidate for Commissioner . of Labor and: Printing, who ; spoke briefly of" Democratic i prospects this, year and commended the mountain, people for their loyalty to the party and fidelity to - principle Mr. Shipman was liberally ap plauded when he pointed out that Democratic candidates be lieve in meeting their opponents : face to face and have little re spect for : those whor are too cowardly to come out in the opent and give an account of their stewardship. s- : r ., Mr. Kitchiir was introduced a&i "North Carolina's next Gover nor" and one of the most deW serving Democrats in the State.; A storm of applause swept f over the big crowd when he arose , to begin his address and followed at frequent intervals throughout his magnificent exposition of the evils of Republicanism. r Mr; I Kitchin was not offensive in; any of his conclusions aid many ReP publicans heard him gladly Democrats were visibly pleasW and the party here will profit by his coming. He captured . the audience at the beginning of ' his masterful address and held the closest attention of those com prising it for nearly two hours A number "of -ladies were present and the Governor was the happy recipient of many handsome bou quets of flowers at the conclu sion of his speech. He goes from here to Webster tomorrow- The Bp A local Bryan Club was organ ized at the court house last Wed nesday night. There are about 150 Voters in the club, with a la dies auxiliary of about 100. the interest gratifying. The Club will meet each Thurs day night at the court house. Col. Pickens called the meet ing to order. Capt. Wofford was- elected chairman, S. Y. 'Bryson secretary. Mayor ' Schenck, McD. Ray arid CoL Pickensmade a question box at the next meet- ; ing, with Col. Pickens, W. G Gullick and S. M. Hardin to an swer the questions. , .. School Citt Tablets for school childrei at only; four. ; cents to close uienx out A bargain. " Hustler Pifint Shop. : - ' . r - Your price is ' ours; s ifyouu want a buggy or surryjseer Claude Brown. Club .V--