'J 't ; -v Personality How's this for weather? Don't throw any bricks! j. AV. E. Freeman, Zirconia;; was in town Sunday. Miss Allie Kilpatrick; who has keen sick for so long, is now convalescent, ; " -t Get your special wheat fertile zers, Owl Brand, at TwB.: Carson's at the depot Wi v.; , You can get thev'Biltrite" and -Steadfast" Shoes atT., B. Car son's, at the Depot c - y - The place where they sell the best shoes in . town T. B. Car son's, at the Depots V Miss Nannie Liou Ualdrop is now teaching music in a school at Winterville, N. C: . - . i t , The Woman's Auxiliary of St James Church met at - the Rec tory on Friday afternoon.- Mr. and Mrs. W: C. Stadley have gone to Beaufort, S. C. where they will spend the winter. D. M. Hodges, the well known insurance man of Asheville, was in town last week on business. E. Lewis & Son's store will be closed next Monday on : account of it's being a Jewish holiday. ' Miss Estelle. JSgertoh has re turned to Raleigh, where she will re-enter St -Mary's school. - - The K. of P. 's held tjheir regu lar meeting last Monday night It was full of interest Charles A. Hobbs knows it Special Notice to whom it may concern. Pay your fertili zer and wagon notes due on Oct 1st. T. B. Carson. Miss Nettie LeGrand is in Wadesboro, her home, visiting her mother there. She will re- l -turn this week. I . r- : I JfvP- Biumhe clever propurehased an exceptionally' fine prietbr of .the Red Store, ' has )pne to lew York where he will purchase his lioliday goods. - ' Election day, Thanksgiving Bay, which - follows, very appro priately, and Christmas will soon he here. V . " Joe Laurence and family of Etowah left last Thursday for Sinder, Oklahoma, where Mr. Laurence will engage in farming. R. C- Clarke andC. F. Toms will be scalped by Talequah chiefs' at the next meeting of Talequah Tribe 98, Improved Order Red .Men. -; y Ex-Sheriff Williams has re turned to town from Sugar Loaf and Salola Inn, and will now en deavor to sell some really desir able real estate. - -J ' : v The Young Men's Republican lub met last- Friday ' night John Grant addressed the meet ing. The ceiling of the store be low is somewhat damaged. Mrs. Thomas Frady, who has been spending several days here with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Plynn, left for her home, at Uree, N. C. Monday. An Oklahoma ; democrat v now here wants to bet $2000 even money that he can name the ext president . Of the United States. Address may be lad at the Hustler office. . r' Miss Willie Morrow, who has been so very sick for several months, is now convalescent and under the . skilful guidance of Dr. Egerton, is rapidly return ing to health. honel75 P.O. Box 367 Star Dray & Jfed Co. C H. Hamilton, Manager f On Church st, irear bf urt'HoM See urif jfm"irH"BkaVa'Mei None, or if youTieed any ,00 if or the "inter. jy- v.,- ? ' i , , ' :; Heavy H The Edwnrds Hardware Com pany have a superb line of stoves of all grades and prices. ; ; v. .Sunday's rain was welcome to the farmers of the county. 'Tv7c the first rain in four weeks. ! Rev. J. W. Mobre has been to Granite. Falls for ten days' hold-, ing a meeting. ,He will fill his pulpit Sunday. : , .- '.' ;.." . . ... ''V , The Bori Marche, Asheville's leading dry goods store has an J announcement of interest in this paper on page 7?. . ; John Humphries, proprietor of the Spartan Inn, Spartanburg who has often visied this town, died in Spartanburg Sunday. " F. C. Abbott, of . Charlotte, was in town this week .visiting his family -who are stil) at their beautiful Flat Rock summer home. AldermanJ. A. Bryson is very slowly recovering from his seri ous sickness, and it will be "many weeks yet before he is able to be out again.; . R. M. Oats, of ; the Electric Company, is still confined to I hig bed. Mr. Oats' many friends; miss him on Main street " .these fine days. 1 : Mrs. James Jackson lias K re turned from Greenville, whereJ sne nas spent tne past weeK, called there by the serious sick ness of her mother. ' - ' Prof. Richard G. , Mace and Hiss Delia Blythe were mar ried Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the home of the bride's parents at Bowman's, Buff. ; Rey. Zebulon A. Shipman officiated. , Isabelle, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moody, is serious ly ill. A. trained nurse is in at tendence. and all that medical skill can do is being done for the sick chilli. . J. 0. Williams has returned irom jNew from New York where he 'has stock of Fall goods. Mr. Wil liams looks for a general resump tion of business immediately .af ter.election; . . Alma LeeEdwards, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ed wards, is seriously ; sick. A trained nurse is in attendence and all the best medical skill being- used to bring this charming littleTady back to health. Mr. Al M. Ives, who has been spending the summer here, has returned to his home, Jackson ville, Fla. subscribing for tiie Hustler, however, before leaving. Alvin Gerievar, who has been spending the season at Mrs. Hes terley's and Freeman's pleasant 4 'Summer Home, ' ' has returned to Jacksonville. His mother, and brother will remain -Here for some time yet. : -M Mr: Miller of the Asheville Stbye Works will be here about Oct IjSt, ' and will repair your stoves and ranges at, low. .prices. They make e verthing for stoves, ranges and furnaces. -Address "Stoves care. Hustler office. v. Dr. J. - Silver, an , occuliast ; of high - reputation, spent a few days in town this week. Dr. Sil ver has offices in Greenville and Augusta and bears testimonials f rom such men as the iate Gen. John. B." Gordon and Bishop Candler.": ' . ! v - Mrs. ; Pardue and daughter, Miss Georgette, with Mrs. S. P. Maywbbd all of Charleston, are guests of Mrs. Tumor. "Mrs. Padure lias iiot : been here for six years past and thinks the town has much improved dur ing that time, altho' ' she misses the big tree3 which used to adorn I.lin street '; ; ?-.;r ; SIWildTvof AsheYiller ;a nene'.j?fClpV and Hlzi jyta Xnce, of Arden, were rf "irrid"1;, at thehoxne.' ofr'the. l)flde'st pErents 'pn;';5unday '.by Rqyr Stikeieatiier. ? . ,lr.; 'Jand Mrs. - Wild will reside ' inAshe- Yes, now is the time to ; make up all your good old Pickles, Preserves, Catsup, ' ; Jam, and don't forget' the V PumpkirvPye, but you can't make all the'se without t Good Spices . ' , ...- .; So let us supply Vpu yith . both whole and - g: ind.,v spices in any quantit'V ' Cloves 'AHlspice Pepper vMacq Nutm'eT Mustar6 ; Celery " Caraway Ginger Vy Turmericr Coriander , hunters Pharmacy. Near the Postofficel Hi W A NTE D Small furnished Cottage or two or three rooms in good neighborhood "by quiet coup-" le, light housekeeping. Address Hustler. . o-l-lt-p Glazener: cuts the price ;and sells the -goods, one thousand sample hats for men and boys at half price; Glazener. T-j - .Some really desirable box wait ing paper for only seven cents per box.' Regular price 10 cents. Hustler Print Shop, phone -six. 4 Your price is bur; if- you want a buggy or surrir see Claude Brown; ' v WANTED A Tenant for a farm two miles from ; the court house. ' Apply at Hustler office. F O U N D Pair eyeglasses. Owner can have same by calling pat this office and paying for this advertisement. . r r.t WANTED To rent furnished room to couple or lady. Will charge one-half price. Wanted for, company.1 . P. D. Heffner. ' 'For everything in dry goods and clothing see Qlazenerp, he cuts the price. ; ' ' ' ' ' ; ' '.i.T' 1 Printing, stationery, school supplies ink, blank books, 'tab lets, fine and medium box'paper, at the Hustler-Print Shop, y Carload of Fertilizer at lowest prices. i . Will sell as cheap as anyone in the county. Dr. T. . A. Allen, Sr. Opposite Court House. FOR SALE -Station Wao n new, cheap, at Mr. Sunofskey s W. P. Bartlett s-9-tf 500 good quality liote heads and 500 envelopes, handsomely printed, for one dollar each. Hustler Print Shop, phone six. Buff Rocks and Rhodes Island Reds. A fine ' lot of cockerels and pullets of above breeds ;f or sale at $1.00 each; R. W. Marsh all. S-l-8t,p. "-. Stetson shoes. Stetson hats; New fall styles, now ready. Glazener's- "... VALLEY VIEW: Pleasant lo cation, large cool rooms. On Tox-; away R. R., 5 minutes walk from Station and P. O. Good Table. Ideal place for those wishing to spend a montn oi rest ana quiet. Address Box No. 50. . . S7-6t-p. Horse Shoe, N. C. OLD PAPERS v Old papers for sale at this office. Ten, cents per hundred. : 3' ! FOR ' RENT Furnished or unf urnishei, two nice new, fine . . ill 1l 1: room cottages witn an moaem conveniences. fTwo blocks; from Gates Hotel. " Henderson ville, N. C. See Claude Brown. Oct l-3t r-: You can get; tile famous Bil trite and Steadfast Shoes only at T. B.- Carsonfs, at the depot j -FOR SALE- XDider mill' K E. W. Gurfe Route r 5, ;Qity.-:;S12- 3t-ltw. . . . - , . . . ,. , :l Your price is ours; V if ; you want a buggy or , -surry see, Claude Brown. Contractor " Jos. " McCrary hs juqt finished a six. room addition to Mrs. .Hattie Scott's pleasant home near the depot- ' - - Urs. William Hewitt, accom panied by her, daughter Eliza beth, has gone to Glenn Springs,' S:,C. for a few weeks' rest - N: M.;HalIowell, the-very, ef ficient local reporter of the Daily Hu3tler, npw deceased, has gone to Mars Hill; where he will prob ably 1 remain during the tvinter ; ' 'W. A. Smith, jr., is now a student at OakRidge;that fine institution from1 which so many Hendersonviile boys have ;) grad uated with credit to themselves and to' the College. 4 -Contractor McCrary is rushing the work 'oh the hew three-story yunuing .otr jyiain streets lie isf delayed -juSt liow by the ; non arrival of ;the iron work for tlie front of the building.1 '"'J yf Miss Maggie Justice, the ac complished daughter of(,ilr., and Mrs. S. J Justice, .and llr. JSSJ Rozin, vdU b6 inarried on Thurs day ,: (today) atf the homof the bride's parents on theiAsleyilIe Lroad. They will JleaveT immedP ately for Baltimore, the' home of .. , .k y;-?1" -' -;-4- (-.- Miss S. ft. Weimorts, of Colum bia, S. C.,! who hasi spent the last three seasons here, will remain during the winter. v Mrs; Wei- morts thinks, so favorably, of Hendersonviile that she has already leased.a, ; house . for next summer, Postmaster Jackson's house, on Broad street. ' - J. F. ; Ghormley,. a native of Tennessee, a well known civil engineer, from Illinois, has rent ed M. L. Shipman's house for the , winter, i Already favorably impressed with Hendersonviile, it is extremely likely that this gentleman will locate here .per manently,;;. . :; ; Frederick and Henry Whipple, of Beauforti ?S. 1 C., who' have been spenlhng: he summer here, havfretu So fayorablyJ? impressed - are ' these gentlemen v with this beautiful country that it is, extremely prob able they jdll return ;- next year and purchase property here.' ; For -goodness sake: girls, do stop arid look at those remarkable shoes in 7; Glazener's window. One's Ja tian; trimmedrwith red, with pearl; buttons and. a, silver buclcerv'vfnie other's different it makes you pinch yourself to see ,if you are awake.i It's got a cuff on it -at the top you know and its red and green and scolloped out fancy like; -arid; its just too cute; ior':' anything! If. Zeb Arledge will promise riot to run us in we're ce rtairily gdng to get a pair we certainly are ! s 0 . . Mr, Frank Barnwell loaded his wagori not long ago, with a car- go of fine apples, and came to town without a thought 'tih ' what would happen while hr'j away." He was no Sooner out sight however, thari Wflfiam , McAbee came into the house with- jSquare; G. W Lyda anxlm a I feiriin uteMr. Brriweilccbmlish-v ed daughter Viola Was Mrs. Wil liam McAbee; ; and - the - happy couple left for parts unknown; . ; Before yoii start to read this paper, take'a knife arid - slit the top edges. You will ' find it far w -"-1.. -1 -t more convenient ana nandytnan to.fold and refold., - - - ' . A large party , of Henderson viile' people went to Asheville last Thursday to attend the D; K. meeting- a K. of 5 P; orgariizatfonv, .The D, O. K. ' Ki will be a prominent , feature: of the;K. of P,;Grand Lodge in this, town next ryearr and it is d they iztd, to' tear ip -the town whcii'iliey get' here. . . ' vr&pottg th seiri Asheville were: &?E: Brooks; Mr and Mrs. F. 5 TKbmas; Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Wilcox, Mr. -and ' Miss Rutland. Mrs. Josephine Fuller, JD.. I R.: Brannon. , ' "7' ' v,;; AVe are ho win 3 tke V,n:t- "Jv'" 'VJ ,'-Jv- vr -' i: t'j . h -' ti?st ; selection- cf fell zvzls ' s J iv .. . Vv - ----- ' ' ' Hriaiai;Streiijiffi " . This should be one of the essential features in select ing abank in which to ; deposit ; your money. .Note that ; i&&tti is $S0,Q0Qi Shareholders Liabaity;$50,00Q; Sur- -M pilus $9,000 In addition to our great financial strength you -A will find true courtesy and theispiritol accommdation disA 5 played by both omcers snd:: employes. We-Ahiviteybur account. : tiC" -'"y;:; ci r :A:Tjr--riV -"' -::.v. '. .; lM;i v? "..v- -. Capital $50,000.00 ifcjoyer ohe Quartor of a Million 0oUart&; W.J. DAVift':PMt:.JKr; K. G. MORIVic - y .;. : rjsqurces . - Loans anddiscourits. i l$37, 330. 11 Overdrafts scuredi .. . 26. 92 Furniture and Fixtures 1 2,52.12 Demand loans.i-J jl : . 2!00. 00 Due from Banks arid' : ''r-:' '-. Bankebiil855;03 Cask itemi;! 224.13 Gold coiiAti.;262.50 Silver coinl, "f "': minoriwtgn National bianl? nopi arid,Cr : other U. S. nofei--- 10,255.00 3talL-$69, 276.95 State of North CJaroHna, .County i, v-, orooKs, uasmer oi swear that the above statement is and belief. - , ; " ; - Correct--Attest: y p Opened Sept .i' --- -" a. 'b. drafts, -'-" ' 'S-i. : w; ewbank. , : r;: ' v '. -: -rr ' ' -' - ' ; ; Directors, v Subscribed and . sworn to before trie, this 30th day of September . : . iv v ; I y. ; J My Commission Expires Aug. st ;- V i We would like to Jbe ypurs. r. pur policy: is ? SOUND,; LIBERAL and JUSTVJ We are deserving of your confid-& ence, we want your business, and will treat you right. Our7 Insurance Department is equipped to' insure your Hf your house, your barn, your plate glass front, and. to indemniry you: in case 'of ?Qcj&ici&j& Come In and Let Us teska Ga pital!P0,Q09.0Q llnim The Best Kind Saesrior' o" 4 7 AvCGajT' -Lead' Hevy (Grade Tea. '- Oarkef-HardwaFe'Co.,' Inc. v- . - . ;V--:i" - - i) -4:w. . - ' v Surplus $9,0 OOOD J. MAGK RHODES, Chxer : S. RHODESAisi: hieri for business July 2, 1908 ''.y flawing is the condition at theclose of business 23, 1908 LIABILITIES ' Capital stockii660.CO Undivided profits, less current expenses arid ,C-: ':r:-;, -;:;f.;:.;'-V-taxes paid ; It28a29 "Time Certificates of ' ;.; . Deposit...:: 8,224.48 . Deposits; subject J -;v--"vv:;v. ; x:heck...... .1.. 36,743; ;. ; Cashier's checks : s .'T;r ' V i'-' -' outstanding i ; 1 2.75 " " 5 Certified Checks;i: Jii2ll.b6 IS 1 Total$69,276.95'? of Henderson, SS: :'i ' 'W tne aoove-named Dank, do solemnly true to the best of my knbwlej? a E. BROOKS, Cashier: . F. A. BLV. y. : ; JOHN EWBANK v' ' " - Notary Public; , 28th, 1909 in your Banker! Tell You About It Company The Beet Price all 'otlies JscS - ..' ieseivei-- Z ' Perfcct:Lcc!r Mil yy ". 'A, - v i V AC V- 4 i -v.' '- I