"ansssrr mssshsb" -rr K: ! l1ff.Milt l r' ! v Since Biblical: times, theli6g has 'had tlie reputation of being avery unv tC r deanly.animaLHowth and ! wholesome,, and make healthful, digestible food? 'It simply caniiot and docs pot. ;V v - Now let us consider' iher ingredients, of C?V0&justpure refined cotton -" seedil, dnd the choicest of beef suet,Do they not appeal'to you as preferable' . . :' i to the fat of the swine? . i'rr .'V. . : . ' - Cottolene is an absolutely pure' product, and will make palatable,-digestible, wholesome food. Cottoleiie .is the best;:frjmrr; and shortening ; medium made V today; - ihe best is nonetbo good for you, ask your grocer for. Cottolene; nub i - CO not let any premaice sumu m uic way. auc wuy way w v Know iouoiene is to test it. yourseii. ; tc:: COTTOLEHE lo Guaranteed?-is her.au. w w.Mmium thensed to refund your money in case you ar pot pleased, after hairing giv?:i CoiioUne a faitesL. :!Kavcr Gold fn "BuIIt:P'te': fcww, ww.v ,tJgnt to eep it clean, fresh and whole . tome, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable ichors, edited con ted and compiled by 2Iri- Mary J. Lincoln, the famous JFpod Expett,:an4 :i staining nearly 300 vjnable redpes. " - .:rW-i.v'U.i. - i Made only by .THE N. K. FMAK COUP ANY tck(go: .. . V J.'-C i mi r , . . . , .-J 1 ; The following order' has-been received from Judge G; S.:" Fur gerson, who is to hold the ; . next term of our. Superior, Court: ; :Mariori;:N.r"C.V,Sept.21, 1908. To . the sheriff - off Seride.rson county:;; :- v-l': J- The October Term bfthe 'court is postponed iso as t.to- begin . on the 12th instead .of the : 5th .of Get !0n'th'e'5tlr "youi'wilt 'ad- 3 ourn; until trie izin. v sanies,5 JIUUI3 .'iUiU k HllllCiiCS iiCCU uuu attend ; u;:" : , 'the : 12th. - J urors f6r tho firsthand - second week will attend othe 12th-"'-.. ' . , - (G. S: ergusbn," Judgelioldig court forthe'Wjkh'Distnct?' ..All parties,:1, witnesses .and jourors are liereby notiflfid to; be governed by the said' order and tuipearbn tliof Qct; ?1908 insteadof the ;5,rj v:' " : -f '- v L v i t BF-Preem an, . :'5heriff olHenderson.Co.. , We would like to bid on your . next lot of pripting-T We: believe we can v save ; you money. , ,.we kjuoTjwi cant satisfy you as to Quality. :If we cannot we return ftffiinift Print Shop, .Phonesixv y HOSPITALS FQR THglNSANE. - r mi 1 ' 1 "" "" f ., T " ' ' . -''' ' " '' ' v. ' ' I ' "I " " ' .". I . " ' . , '' ' and has continued tQ th$ pesent time ina manner that is the wonder I- of all who inyestigate the subject. - ' ; v x f . Governor. Gleiui's, adninistratiori'-has been T)iit a, continuation of. rlj-for 80ictojdi iThemostunfpitote ,tiie& bcreft of reason, and every consideration of hiimaiiitv requires - that theitmost provision be made ior tneir ireannent ana proiecuop.; IJciiKcratic Party of lorth aoifrmjagr: pledged itselt .to pr.Qyiae.auequate,acuiu ei 'everv insane person in tneStateV : That P -promise has been" made rood sb faithfully and generously. sto'attractTtha-favorable notice ' cfiramane people throughout the whole of the ITnited; States; and . to . j22c-N"orth Carolina among the most progressive :tites in: the car aOihsaiie. . ":i ':tS?'-: ''sf-'y-'- On the first day; of the session of AtheiXegislature'of . 190t . a: bill itepduced carrying an appropriation of $300,000 for ,tte. benefit , cf these unfortunate people, : With soinp :iinmatenal'amentoents ": bill was passed ( chapter -191," Acts of 1907). and if was ordered ' &xt the sum of $500,000 be expended in .providing for "the care sasB. accommodation of all mental defectives." .This expenditure is fejij made at the rate of $125,000 annually but of Current '-tales' and iK3 one douar ox bonded indebtedness mcurred.. lo carry out-tnis ' '" t3sat work, "the Governor has appointed a conuiiission: as; follows tiiaries A- Webb. Asbevme: J. L.: weddinffton. AJnariotte: W: a- v Erwin Durham t E. F. Aydlett, Elizabeth City, :a&Prr.fcW.:ifa .Kfill, Hope Mills. -The known intelligence, ;honesty and. patriotism . cs these men are a guarantee that every, dollar of this . sacred fund v declared that this one act of the General "Aembly of 1907is .worth -j.ne same session 01 tne jLegisiature appropriated ine suxa.ozr$oio9-. ' annually for the maintenance of the State Hospitals for1 .'the' -'lsan9ratGbldsboroV'-Italeien- and Morgantdn. makinff5 the- errand v taial appropriated :. by the Legislature, of 1997 forjtheTCaie of the p'la 189S the Republicans appropriated for all purposes in the sup-s asa-t and maintenance of the insane and in keftPins.im the fanildine's ' tsimi' of .$188,450. : ; ;.; r ' jlcese ngures are the most eloquent statement of how well the . juemocratic jrarty nas lived up to its promise to tase care ol those. t; Tbm" God has bereft of reason. v.:"1:-;-; iy . Our hospitals at Goldsboro, Kaleigh and Morganton are 'under the .sapervision of men of approved ability and character, arid lib breath TEe- fact that .this great work was' accomplished without the issuing -' T?tintA tA fho iurmnmxr anA Vi nn oaf tt r f Via Domnnrotirt orl-miTiiati'O'l-iATi . - A thorough investigation made under, the bUrection: of:-Governor Cfein silenced ,the criticism.that otliera.thllA:. t)&iindigeitiSMan&..; being admitted to the prejudice of the poor. " .'- .C r. TTnder Democratic administration, there has been. put an end for all . isthVcommon jails of the counties. ; J . . ; , c v 4 . . ; A party demonstrating lts Jiumamtyvand tender1 consideration for .Sko upon whom the heavy h'and'of affliction has beeli laid rwill 'guard- mSS against the perpetration of , outrages and reeking candals like ; taose oi jur, omim ana : jtieyv jabo, xunions-oie-ipacan' rftiev : 30th T7T3 iviie if ailoFSp Will an i """w 9; :r!fl;;y.nTl 10 :6S if Granite Block. Phone 59. Butterick Patterrns k A1 - X GOYERNQR GLENN'S- ADMflisfrWTlbjK 1 4 . 4r When the Democrats . regained control ..of tfie State (Government tiley, set about at once tof repair the damages q the State done by'the preceding administration. - GbrSaoTlAycqtfe';'attfie; hdad'of the "ad- anistration, devoted his best energies in -bringing about this result, his admmistfatpn hasgbneihtO; ppous, pure, able and cieaft that the' State ever had. The contrast Setween his administration - and- that of Sovernor ussellwfipre ceded him, is most striking. The four years' of, fnsion rule were : -gorlred with grilles impete.injoffim depart-i; Bient of the Slate Government witli "extraValice ' everywhere, in msaaj cases with Tscandatand in Tsomeses' with fraud and corruption. The feeEng betweettieraces waa accentuated 1 ajlegree neverf or - Hiownculm and bloodshed. B .fplk. Qne of the first acts of the Democrats was to ' settle the race qnestion, .first by. leflslativei enactment idid thm byf constitutional i &ere has been the proud record made by Governor AycOck's admihistratioh.' ' There has been no backwaTd movement The cause oC.educatibn has cfeased.. and a careful examinatioh of the chapter on Education in -V this' publication: will ; pay everyone. , It is, the ' proiid boast of those : interested in education , that during Governor Glenn's administration . !' each day has-seen a'neWpublic schoolhouse built, . . : -7. ' n"' North - Carolina i no. longer; stands- at ;.the.V.head of the illiteracy "' column. It now ! stands at the head of the States in ' the : progress made in education, thanks to the admin isations of Governor Aycock and Governor (Henn.1 ; . J: - V" " ':, When the Republican Party was first 'in power iri Kbrth7 Carolina Jt left a legacy of nearly forty million dollars of indebtedness -The 1 i lemocravic legislature oi otv pruviueu a bcucuio ui ujuotmout the State debt. that was iust and honorable to the State and fair toithe bondholders. This scheme was accepted by practically all of' the creditors o.the. State, but certain bondholders who declined ;to" accept this settlement instituted what is known .as the South Dakota suit, in which the Supreme. Court of the United States held that the State of e North Carolina1 was bound to' pay to the extent of certain of its .'rail road securities the bond tat were at issue in that.suit. rf - -jl When. Governor Glenn ,took the oath of.ofiice one of his first acts was to negotiate and bring about a settlement between the holders Of , these bonds and the State, by the termg i Of which they accepted the settlement of 1879, save and except the interest on' the compromised debt was added. '. At one-time it looked as if this suit would nearly bankrupt theStete. but the wise action of Governor. Glenn, sanctioned ; by the Legislature, avoided the trouble and put behind us all claims growing ou ox me oia oiaie ueui, save auu eioept tiie xrauuuiezii . special-tax Bondst . It was the administration of Governor Russell " which brought abqiit the troublSs of this litigation, It was the ad- ministration oi uovernor jienn wnicn sexuea 11, jusi aa m. aooo ii was the .Republican administration which saddled the enormous, debt on : the State- that the -l)emoratib Legislature' of 1879 repudiated, i which, action ;was subsequently endorsed by i a constitutional amend .ment by voteof the.people. JFi : v t i ; f r i; . " . The striking feature of- Governor Glenn'a administration in its . relation to the policy of the Executive is the' wonderful impetus which . he gave to morality and temperance. '-In season and out of season he has gone in and. out among our people teaching them, by precept and example temperance and. morality, until to-day no State stands higher than- Koirth Carolina in; these eminent virtues. , The Governor for years has advocated State prohibition. i'. , TherDemocriiticIgislaturey deeming mat mis was a proper quesiion ior.ine; people inemseives to determine, submitted the question to the people, and they --have spoken by more than f ortyfour thousand majority in favor of State prohlbi- tioniV--t:,', ." -Vv. .", : Iji-tho Vpartyf.B.! platform; upOn .which -Governor. GlennJ.wasJ elected '.: was a declaration in favor ; of reduction of railway passenger fares ' and freight rates. , The Xegislature passed a bill fixing the-maximum fares $i2fy'&nt&y,TbiB the railroads felt was dealing unjustly 'with Hhem, -andveome of them resorted' to the courts. . , Governor Glenn, in - his' administration." defended these suits with, marked ability Feel- ring ran high. .Republican politicians took advantage of the situation . to raise" hostility against-the "Dembcrats but Governor; Glenn' wisely adjusted the differenced .between the railroads and the State,Vand his : settlement was ratified ly the Legislature, of . 1908, .and to-day. there ;is no man who dares to question) the wisdpm of. the action of, the ' ' Democratic Legislature or the Governor. ' - The party has redeemed its pledges, for- thai people of. the State are traveling at. 2. cents per mile as agains 34? cents -heretofore, and the railroads . are not comr f plainmg Iplhese; severalmatters the Democratic adrninistratrons haye shown constructive statesmanship to a marked' degree;:and' their : action nas Drougnx aoout peace, narmony and prosperity to the people. ' r Spacerf ptbids giving due emphasis the;wvemocardhdf mod erate nnd wise, exercise of the pardoning power and his firm, resolute and prompt action to stanrp out the' evils of lynch law. - ."' , ; ; During1 Governor Glenn's administration there has been a marked jincrease;m industrial prosperity m this State, and but for the-panic, justly ''attributed to ' President Roosevelt, this -activity' would un doubtedly, have .been greater than . m any t previous four years :in j the At the'outsefVf his" declared thatj .m view of rth constitutional amendment, it? was his purpose to .give i veryiehild in iKbrth Carolina an opportunity for:feant!alic- f-:te desired to take it The entire South points wiUi pride "Jo the remark Me record he made as the;educU6nal Gb ng his administration, peace having been restored to the towns and . ities of Eastern North Carolina, their industrial development began, j has' Wep " greater' increase' industrial prosperitV; ' Ko State in the j union has sunereci.so mue jrom the ttooseyeit panic, as JNOrtu KJsLxp ; linaand' tis jban. --this Democraiic'ab :rvSLL:JL' : ' There s1 nothinF in'the. record-that any 'citizen 'cannot prrpdinll v the,two races have since then hveL together in harmony, eachx irt its approve: ' M viwm yvv wuKBui'siuvn9 urauuy. auu eauu.uiuua ux ia acmevenieiiis.c;? daily oy those.7who.rbndvin -shaping eviatsand;ett6h -irecof d by ? Governor; Glenn's administration deserves the same hearty an- . provai mat inepeopie in in oni Carolina- gave to Uovernor Aycock s administration, and from the present indications the people will give V it-just such an approval. V .v.:-l.,j.'..:::: v':;v:.;..;?v v' -'v-i ?V';.f ;-V ; v""v" Total assessed value of property under Russell in 1899, $300,709,300 Total assessed value of property under Glenn in 1907. ; 575,39o'313 progressive farmers, dairymen, patxltrymen, etc.t as vrell as railroad com-T panics ana me u. o. uovernmeni. use rAKUiu xor roonng ana siau? ml t- n t a. : . , t iir.i Dinmnli. I " , Ths Most. I!ccs2csl")::l . : - ' ' -u,- The Elost Dnrabla JOf AQ RdUV D.CSfnS THIS IS WHY J It i made of extra strong felt with aa extra good saturation and uiHuigi ruku luac u uiwt lint jiUUiuiiaiUiKH vuii buui, biiu lluaCS. Slate color, contains so tar, does not nut or crack, ana it does not taint rain-water. Tba only roofing with rust-proof caps. They cannot rnst out like ordinary roof caps. Don't be tint off with a. cheao imitatkm. pet the most economical and dnrakl th C?1 4V CWf ' Investigate for yourself. -New book of Buildis? Plaaj .JT-T ? T , ?S4-i" w?. to Poultry and Farm Buildings free if you call. r r.-wBssBBawwa.-.-.oafcsssstaaa i un, fnsuiii w amX niiiiiiLu- . SI ABOUT THAT ROOF for the new builduia, or the new. roof for the old build- ring-! hare you decided what it is going to be If- not. take this advice a Put on a . Cortrinht Shinirle Roof. YouII never have to deckle the-ouestiori again, for a Cortrrght Roof I will last at long as Uiebuudmg and never need repass, besides.it makes the I handsomest roof you can buy isn't expenstre. Dropi n and see sample. OS T Jri,i,,i - -v .- i ! f i 'L b - Of this book and stationery business is our in sistence on your satisfaction before we consider - a transabtioh concluded. If by any possible chance you have cauke for complaint come and tell u about it-We are very grateful to our many friends who telL others about. the quality and low prices Of OUr' :: ' r' ' - . StPATIONERY We shall be equally grateful if you tell us of any defect in our books an:d stationary service . in order that we may remedy, it. CHsCS. C. PliESS, BOOK STOHE PhoncT86 Henderisoriville, N. C ss C-j "l v. J L J t O .41 .v.-.'.. ,w x v----' "--;: .-' v -- -.;-i:f(JK-.-v"" .Vv . .It . - '- - -' ?-, 1 ''''"' v