-). . ,1 I! - LT II. L. Sih?MAN,Editor vT'13AaoW3. Associate Editor ' EnlarTLtt the Fottsrgioe al-BmderioMSk RJXC&iSSSlnaUei of ike ttoomddaM. TIT TiTPn,fnvcriilPJHH. right in.ih0;snggestion -made,4n his inaugural a&hjess concjrnin child labojire Bhquid.inore sound wisdom displayed concern ing the subject of child labor Jn the mills, fWd the General As-1 sembly will do -well to thoroughly mvestigatetais'inatter and vise some method, of bringing about ajmorrictteKforcement of ' te law Ternoxri3Ptchin suggests i thaVepepartmeiit of Labor andTririting be given the power to inspect the mills and report with reference to sanitary cn4itions,'i' .iii connection witja thp investigation into the matter 'jl(abor, wThe Gpvenio? cafiattention to the. fact that ithere are exceptional cases thay- ingjeferehce to the children of- wwemother andriqisabled f atners, upon whose labor 'their suportg ifnen4s. .uch, cases areaot numerous and "a - general Jawshpuld.i cpeL-theatend-childr,? in:sfihqpl, axe -terma ccntinue, each year. The present child labor,;; law, while deficient mrnay respects,; vh?V ,been "the means of placing JaGrej; of . children in school vhd ctduM otherwise have grown upn ignorance. he, ;'Goyernor recommends -shorter hoqra and this suggestion -chculdaneet.the approval . of jail concerned, . .parents as . well ; as -manufacturers. Every fair-mindw ve&jnan an,d woman in the State rct.ximit the. great .injury; to" ,xmaH children pf. working in the miliar Close confinement .during .teqderyears retards their rphysi :c4jtnwi and oteh bring them j tor.&n .early grave." , Ninety per centoi the, manufactures express : approval ( of" the law governing t3 child ilabor problem enacted T.by'the" legislature of 1901 ,and amended by "the General Assem- ; by sof laQ7- it ; is . reasonable , to presume, ,theref ore, that the mill vzneh'many of whom, declare that ren m the mills, will, give their, aid.and encouragement to an enj fcrcemehtpf whatever law the General.. Assembly may enact, Deanng uponjtas question. ..... The newspapers of the . State have nearly all spoken in compli- , rrntary terms of the new Gov- erhor's inaugural address, a num ber .of them suggesting .that it is crie' of - the' strongest and most .acceptable " state papers ever delivered in North Carolina. The "Charlotte Observer is 'lavish in its -praise of the address and. xje- x2re3'ihe' utterances contained it " " . - ' - - ii ! & - merei are. xnoseoi a statesman. It LT an open" secret that 'Mr. IStchinTias been charged with idleallsxir !' find ' many people have lookebr upon his adminis- festfonr,witK alarm. Now that he spoken and outlined fche -:pc!icie3. that are"' to govern his zidrdnistration it : is refresJ -fc5ri6e thateven the most bitter oppoMhts of his "candidacy for 'gpvernqr in ine primaries e ypress cdlhTaction with the ' utterances cl & njocument which had bieen janlTcipated twith fear and trembV lih.3 'Hie people generally ,exi j1- 1 ' 1-1 tKadecIarfiUbnhe made "before the jSteteConyentibn that he - is. - not a iacserous man. . . r - Tms '.newspaper has never con : cidSrdd Ir: Kitchiri as , a ,man -.whose adihinisfifitiqh ould pwe'detrimental to any interest : in the State." It opposed : his - jnomination on accuot of the; fact - $Li.t a favorite son of this section vTas a'candidate for "the same of fice. " The administifition of the,' iw Governor starts out under most : favorable ; auspices and every patriotic citizen of the $ate shoulduse his best endeay .rs . co-operate with him in cseiying 'the ' people acceptably, ilrj: ,Kitchin. is ; neither lacking .'in'; ability :4' , or ; ".courage, : f to. discharge his' duties in fi'manner v which iwill -: bring credit to the .SfAie and advance, the, interests : ohe people in1 every way. ; He ; isf,a inanwho possesses the court age "' of ; nis 1 convictions. Open, bold; "and fearlesshe""will dis charge the duties, of Chief , Exe cutive ina manner which seems right " arid proper. Hail to the nieii press tne opinion xnat nis aaaress wss''fiafe'and sane" and accent .-'4t is' ' jesVehioroUlft Glenn' JbheilKteths srood.'' Under, his administra-4 lion the State has made great p&gres&a good will of every patriotic citi zeii e; JDld Koj.- JState. Mattery of reat importance Jiaye been adjusted during His occupancy- of the Executive, ain but the interests i of the. peonle have Received", attention in eyery festancei J3ob7 .Glerin has. made a most excellent governor find future generations Vwiljle maII lw ''iXIva ministration jranks Wi$i best! U.XJ OI1U IHUI 111111 UlUOCUt '11U CA1X"T tne state nas ,ever experienced' Governor Glenn has, indeed, been a servant of the people, havings shown himself ;4 friendly to the interests of the toilers in every iftstance. f x . ' f ,r - . Upon taking the reins of govern mentin his hands four years ago, Governor Glenn announced that it was his purpose to beconfej NpfthJ4" Varolma's 'i . ,ndustrjal Governor, " but his "name wiir go down iu .history. as, our Temper ance Governor,"- wnich carrfes more honor with it Every good wonianjh the State-love "Bop'' Glenn, "on account of the great ryjc he has" rendered ihe temj pexii3?e torcefr'w&i&. he became governor.,He lias consistenply fought .the wse? traffic and isijnore responsible tnan any oth er individual in the-State for-the conaiuonsi tnat now exisx wui reference;, to the manufactiire and sale 'of Intoxicating liquors within jour borders.?rJAy,CDck Vfas theucational Governor,,I and Glenn the ,Temnerance Gover nor V 'The administrations - of both broiCglit credit to the .State and all good people can f consis tently J sayV well : done" . We have Had rgbod;govenmient Tor ; the past - eight years and v peace reigns throughout the length and breadth of the State. " North Carolina is proud of ,tbein. They are two of iier noblest .and most brjlUant son?. "May they lve long, and prosper. ; ,r. The Democratic caucus on Wed nescUy nigh; of last week did k i self prpud in hominatuVgnator self.in.theJJnited States. natet Unlike the 'stormy scenes incid ent to the contest for the high honor six years, ago when the Hon. Locke Qraiganc) Hon. CJynis Jts. Watson; contested with Mr. Overman for the high honor he won after many, many! ballots. There washota dessehtipg voice in the ' caucnjsWenesday nient and filter Jistening.tb - a- number oi eioqaem anaaeservea ixiDutes 1 to the junior Senator his nomi- nauon.was . naae.uxmmous iy a rising yoie amia, greax ana i;pro longed applause. He. will this week, be formally elected Jby a joint meeting of the two 'houses and enter upon another, term of six years in the Senate on-March 4th. t .; ' Lee Slater Overman was born in Salisbury, January 3. ,1854. graduated .at Trmify jCqllege in 1874, was private . secretary t to both Governor Vance and .Gover nor Jaryis, has .practised law with success , in v Salisbury since 1880; served, five tames. in the House of . Eepresentetives Jand was'SDeakerln 183. and in 1894 was resi dentof the :NortH Caro liha . Raflrpad.. ; He was '. one -of the men , who earjy . began .the fight for.a Jiailrpa.d wCwniission in North Carolina arid . helned -to secure athe .passage pf 4 an .act The Senate killed, the, bilL In 1895 he, was the Democratic -cau-cus ..nominee ;for Senator .when J udge ritehardj was. ele,ctied. '', In lfyD he was residential elector ior inei5taie ap, Jarge, SenatorJOverman has made a splendid record in the Senate and f stands' - well with "the Pbwers " tiiax jjc . mvne iauonai apyiai. He is a member of a number pf important .coihrnitte 'ahd jhas shown himself to be an industri ous workerin whatever capacity ne nas oeen canea upon to serye, being .a member of the coliowing ;j-4. t..j:: vn; - wimiu btees ; u uuiuary , viauns, Fisheries' ?prest Jleservations and" Protection of Game, Military Affairs.' Publid "Buildincrs land Grounds, University Of the )Un?l ited States and Industrial Expos itions. Ttie six years service Jhe has so ably frepdered the -ta' better prepares him .to serve ithe people for another) term which honor has t justly 'been accorded to him ''without a struggle. ' "'" And now it is "Governor Kitch- in," v Howdo you like him?; V- r Tennessee follows the lead of jNToTth Carolina ilon- rthB.tenler ance question, t ner losura psed - a prohibi$3n Jaw-Us2i week and soon she will be "on the, .water-wagpn.V ILooks liife, "the South is !going dry" sure enougji. May .gbo: forjtun.e'hasi eri the day. r There is ho reasonr or excuse for making and selling. uor.That demon' has iver y$t VmadeVa 'man,' but -it ;has destroyed nillibnsr - :f A Bare Opportunity i here offered to the ! . i Sick 1 Sufferiim of our Community. carefully tlorodgUy UicodInlr YISrmiG SPECIAUSTS and Surgery, Legally Chpirtered and Incorporated CLEVELAND, OHIOi ' ' ; waiimyefrjfirtt(yi HENPERSONVILLE, N. !C BLUE RIDGE INN, Thursday, Fetruaiy 4th, '09 -TELL YOUR SICK FRIENlSs. ONE DAY. ONLY i I A. M ' TO -70 F. M. ' This Institute, aeompoeeif of croup ef. rtgu tarty,, graduated phyalclant and ur geona,'ilcenied, legally chartered and In corporated under' the taws of "the Stae er Ohlo,sends at Its own 'expense - t)e.set minni ncuiai .sfiwiauata in eroor so Introduce the newest' methods and ( bis soverlce In niedlclns and surgery, aueji ffi the .system ' of treatment undr X . fy, Vieiet thy, Finseri ' ray, . Hydrotherapy; Ete.r, to give to those who 'call on .the above " date, . eonswltatlon,' examination, advice and nil medtclpee required to con slete.a cure; absolutely free. TheseP.". clallsts will diagnose your, case.and give you the benefit flielr skill attd'ined,-, Seal knowledge. i ' " ; -There Is In this case no el rimantmg or guess work at your expense. You jwrllt 6e told whether you can be cured or tioVJ tM ' . " ft ft M. - 1 it your is suraoie ney win pux you under treatment Immediately; If Incura ble they win . give you such advice as may prolong your ' life. Their treatment always gives quick relief, and ultimately positively cures. Being prepared to cope with each' Individual case the human aye; tern Is thoroughly clnc(' of ithe' dis ease In a natural and direct manner, and Improvement le noticed at once; even1 the worst', cases are treated without any' Inconvenience to the patient or the pur suing of his or her daily vocation. I If you are Improving under your family J pnyf ician, oo (101 come ana uki up .V11' valuable ' time,' as they absolutely ' refuse to treat 'any one who Is under; the care of the local physicians. They , wish ! be- ' sides' to give each patient plenty of time and tnelr' undivided ' attention but jean not listen 'to 'long stories, not pertaining' to' your trouble.' They have discarded fhe )ld methods and remedfee used for ages by .the medical "world, and which wpuld be foly to depend upon any tokoer,; for, they are not 'known to cure,as thousaiids die, depending on them for relief. The following' list of diseases only are taken udder Ireatment, towitf Diseases of, the" tlervoua System7, Heart, S.tofnach,' Lungs, B3ilneys,J Catarrh, (purulent or dry). Consumption, 'fepltepsy,' Deafness, Dis eases of Women,Tumors,Pseudo Cancers,' PUes,'of 4 'Chronic "Nature'.only. They treat Deafness" by art entirely new meth od, and hearing In many cases Js restored ance Catarrh .In all Its yarled forma,, dke other dUeases If once"aken ' uder' treatment, is1, cured permrfhently to' re main so' and to never' return. 'It maiters not Whorh you have1-seen,' ;dr with whom' treated, da not fait a call, aa a vslt wtll costfypu nothing, and may restore ydu to health, or eyen. sve or prolong your; life, iui' th'ousanda of "persona will testlfV by urianatiie lisUmonlals Wall1 partsof. the e'oeritrvV ef vou eusoect Kidney" Trou- (e; vbrlhg .'y r6'6uric botW ,9i Wuf - J Urine for chemical mtcrpscoplcal ad-1 atyela. . - ' v - ' ; ' ; ". I REMEMBfeRYha Tree' off of ta'diirtoaV this vlstt only, and will not be repeated. Persona commencmg 'treatment'' ipon their future) Visits will bo required to pay, but not one: cent ytia be asked, from those comnSenclng treatment during-this ' feet a cure, irrespective' of , your position 1 In ftre.-oif the-number of those" who 4m? on above date. Whensoever, of by "whom wanted,' ; poltIv'OtlaritM iiMre. WUtl be given . Mtder, thfir system of treat'i ment. Those haying long standing; and complicated disease," 'who' hive failed, td gel - well- "and become ' dlscoWagedf are" pfclavftadA'io ' NOTICE: Married ldje ':wlihoui gialr. HUSaANp.and minors without their FATHERS will posltlyefy ndtb admitted '.yo';consultatrori unless accofn panfed by one" it their, fecaf physJclana i "Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 7:30 P, 1 DONT JfOROET THE DATE. -V Thursday,, Februaof 4th,-'09 iveac Ada inserted, in thtfctflumn at one cent pany DruHr."-' - . - ---- ; , No'adTtkeh'Jbr :Jeaa than 15 cents, LOSTAl coldifi&sbniflwatch charm. 'Reward' if alturne jto u.iJivriallmani: FOR .SALETwo good coWs. Apply Hustlefroffiee. ipply Ladi ies' misses and children s pms ahdlcoat sui- We '"have pyer rw.o liundred to, select irom. bee our styles and nnces before buying, Glazenericuts the pnee.-j "... - . j Again we offer 600 Envelopes and 500 Noteheads forSiOOeafch hpherd wants eggs.;, FOR SALE-A iudirmfint nf twenty-six'dollars (feoOJ-against against him Nov 19th, 1907; "and dracanntr Tjfir.centiintiaroHt li'nr spot cash,--we will-accept twenty': aoiiarsw; iromxne hrstman .lneztcansom & icandolnh tk). Hi.,?:. :Toledp, Ohio. "Down sroes the priced : oh vAn- teVshoes Wetodleebst mke.pcwrihci qit? ihe prjjcet; wqy.jjiazener,.; f A house with 3 "rooms and a garden near. Mineral., Springs , A fine r Dlacefor a chicken , farm. Call on W: Q. Gullick at my store. r x. Avuen, sr. 4t-Jan-14. ' .j Shepherd wants eggs. ; The proof of th6 puddincr isthe eating. If you want "goods of style, aualitv and fit. then Rave time, and money hit the ".grjt , to and sells 'the goods. , ' r Shepherd wants-egprs. , Closing out our entire line of stationery at cost ' Box paper. poqnd paper, tablets, pencils and pens at greatly reduced prices. The quality is -fine. Hustler Print Shop. , . More goods for same money, same , goods for less.; money. glazeher cuts the price. ; Overcoats! Overcoats for men boy's, women and children. Now is, the. time to ;buy. Glazener cute, the price. ; " -... Shou(d be the best op'taTnabla The Singer.and Wheelejy& Til Gon sewing . mach-pes tare ac knowledged the lightest raining, most durable and.: convenient of any. Look lor the'Red S ". " Smir- r. , Sewing Machine f Company. endersonville, N..CL HavinV aualifled as-the v execu trix of the last ,wjll and testa ment pi Lewis, A. Emerson,; all persons are ..notified,, to. present tq me, or my attorneys, Shipp & Ewbank, Henderson ville, N. lC, their plaims, duly verified, against the estate. of the . said. Lewis A. Emerson, on or.; before the j8th day of January, 1910; or this no tice will be pleaded , in bar of their recovery. . . r ' v Mrs. Lilian A. Emerson, .' , Executrix, SummerviUe, iS. C. A complete line of Lumber at J. R. Willson's. 5-8 in. Ceiling for Porches. , .J. R.. Willson. IK : To Mary E. - Black. You will )lease take notice that at a Sher tE sale, on the first Monday in May,!! 1908, . I purchased those jtwo' acres of land situated in Or;een Ri ver Township, Henderson coun ty,: State of North Carolina, list ea for the year 1906 and j 1907 for taxation in your name :ahd tobk,the proper jcerl4iics.tebf pur chase from the tax !cbcoi1 for thesanie. l You. will f uHher; take hotic that on the firsts Monday in .May, 1909t I will demand J of the Sherift! a proper deed, for- the aula. iana, .unjess wie sme e re- ueemea Dy you prior xo saia cmte. ; This the 16th day of Jan; T. One:' completer. Mantle,!; jtile, grate, summer front, at t ? t '; V. ' ' .-; r ; Inspect my stock of Mouldings V-;.JR.'Wson.;: Use a 7 inch Crown oh f your new house. ,It. finishes.:. ; nrry my 44 Edge'Box i It's alright . ,J. R; milsoh. EXECtHiX 9 ESt"l liie Medici jt..r. .t. -uv .is a pressing need,' and should only be procured where accu rate, eohsciehtidus work s the rule. . , . ; , , , We are accurate and conscient ious in our work and use only mgreaients oi testea ana prov ed worth. - HUNTER'S llDtiGS Ot 8ES123S; State of North" 'Carolina. County of Henderson, in , the Supenor MurL ipeforethe Clerk. Alexander Finlay. Adminis- trator.of Margaret E- Finlay, vs. Manraret Finlav. rRoderick Al May,; apcTje J, finlay and Aanuercxiay, lnianxs. The defendants above named. Mariraret Rj Finlav PvlprinV A. Finlav. and aessie J. Finlav . ;anrl Alexander FinXay?will Jake no tice thata. summons imthe above entitled action was.issued against saia aeienaants on the loth day of December, 1908, by C. M. Pace, . Clerk of ; the Superior U)urt of Henderson County, rjortn Carolina, and it, appear ing to the Court that the defen dants l are non-residents . of : the State, of North.: Carolina, i said defendants will take notice that a petition has been filed , by the piainnn in saia. cause, . asKing a decree of the ; Court to sell - the land described in the. petition, to-wit:. ; , "All that lotof land described in deed from D.. M Hodges, Com missioner,, to Margaret E Finlay, recorded in Book 18, page 808 of the reoords. of deeds for- Hender son County. ' And that .they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Henderson County, North Carolina, at his office, on the 30th day of January, 1909, at ,10 o'clock A. M. anj answer or demur tosald petition; otherwise judgment will -be T taken in, due course,;as provided ; by.-.- law ;h sucn cases. ,This.rthe 28th day of Decem ber, AD.,.190a , -: - C. M. Pace. i Clerk Superiorl Court Smith & Schenck, - ; Attorneys for Plaintiff. life oi; State ' of' ' North Carolina, County of Henderson, in the Sur perior Court, before the Clerk. -Jk A. Crowell and wife, Sallie Crowell, Eugene Stradleyand wife, Carrie T.: Stradley. WJ F. Robinson And wife, Mary Robinson- GeonrA KAatlpj: -.T. M '. flrr and wife. Nannie Orr. .and fcn ttaggs, fjiaude Staggs and Jeft V J.1 ' . "a i ' Maggie Staggsrys. WB.- Staggs. ' By authority of a jdecree of :the Sunerior Court of Henrlrsui County in the above - entitled cause, dated the 21st day; pf December. A. D.. 1908. T will! nn Mpnday, the' 26th day of -January' A- D.. 1909. fth fho Cnrf House door in . Hendersonyille, N. C, within the legal, hours of swie, oner ior saie at puDiic put cry, andell to the highest V bid der. . for nartition amoncr tn heirs-at-law of the late, F. M. Staggs,, . all the land described in the petitibh filed in- said cause. to-wit: - ':: -I: "BerinhinB' " on : Shawa. CreV Street, at C. H. Henry's corner, and runs to - Ray's; corner . with saia street, tnence with ttay's line 204 feet to a RtaVe. . JR. F. Staggs line, ; thence with - his line 156 feet to -JL Henrys line, thence 204 feet to the be ginning; exceptmg, and reserving that lot conveyed, to ;Mrs. J.' Fj Brooks ' hv Jdpprl ' frrcrn F- M Staggs,'; ; dated," Octobe -30; avo, jtuu recoruea.in riOOK no. 47. oaire 540." Record ' of. for Hendersnn fVinntv " . .; A liijtms'AiOne hajf sa,, uaianc in sjx montns irom datebf sale, wiih interest at sit percent per ahum, privi lege pi purcnaser to pay all cash without interest" " j . r . ' This, the 21st dav of TiePmhtv A.D.J 190a . Michael Schenck.. Commissioner. lib 'Announces a s m ' ' " ' f' Muslin Goods, E Wednesday . 27 and 28, 190& i . - - We have Just received;Cfrh -f. shipment on sale at spec prite - m Ladies' Corset Covers, Gowns, Drawers and Skirts 25c to 2.25 Embroideries Big reduction in Embroideries 75c Embroideries at 50c 50c Embroideries at 89c 40c Embroideries at 29c 25c Embroideries at .19c 20c Embroideries at 13c 15c Embroideries at .llt! 10c Embroideries at 7Jc Cameo Cambric will be sold duiMglhisaJe at 7l-5c yard Panama Bleaching1 6c Other White Goods in proportion; Uong Cloths, Nainsooks. 1 1 " -r '-1 - ' y ; Batistes, etc. r r ', s Don't Forget the date : - T t ' Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 27j 28 F. Z. MORRIS, Manager THE PURPOSE OF BANICING i r Is - protection -, ind - convenience, protection of your funds,, and. convenience in handling your financial matters. . - . You get both of these if you are a depositor of The -First National Bank. , Our capital and surpluss more than $60,000.00. Under, supervsion pf the . National.. , Government Four per cent, compounded, paid on savings accounts. ' t First National Bank of Herideiriville Capital and Surplus over $60,000.00 Capital $30,00a00 r . . - . ' - ' " Henderonville, N. C. v., ' ' : ' -' ' . We want you to know how we . are handling our money and that of bur depositors, and believe our 0HSB ,ftJftftWflfr-tr' -W1 t full sworn statement "our careful business methods -wl iljiand our strict attention to the wants of our custom ersjs '.the very best jadyertising we statement of condition of business RESOURCES Ixaria..-.;v;:?.---:.$54,824.26 Capital stock paid in ..i'i$29, 830.00 Overdrafts .., : U1.87et Profits.-.;..... ' - 1.629.63 Furniture and Fixtures ... 2.543.71. Cash "on "hand and in Reserve banks 30,591.55 188,071.39 t Uridervjear, White imbroidGriSs, Laces, etc., etc. and .1 Val and Porchoh Laces at greatly reduced prices ". . 25c Laces at iL.i19c 20c Laces at ..13c 15c Laces at llc 10c Laces at, 7ic 8c Laceaat: 6c '6c Laces at 3c h i ' can get; Here is the sworn on November 27,1908 . LIABILITIES Monev t Bills Rediscounted None Borrowed ? Bills Payable None Deposits ..t-......... 57,211.71 ?88,071.39 Inursday,

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