' jHMHHMMtaMMdM - in ii in rrr1" i u - - " " "i i " h - -"- -tti m mi 1 1 ii iii i iii miiiii iiiiiiihi whii i r iiii n mi mi 1 1 1 mi niiiimi Miniiii in , i nni ..in niMmiiiMinn mi.,. . i, . ii " i n n i i ii -in ipmpmin if n inn i mm ji jii i n n. t-Mi. i ji ifi...,rn,JHMiiwiiiiii wiuhbbiwwbww' ' i wphwii'wwmwwiiwii vn Mmiiinw iftumn iiotwiiimp mmmmmmmmmmmimmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiimmMi''i .'f n i.m ' ma n ig,3 JJ " ABOUT OUR . ; 7 ... 1 - - .", .-. r).: I AB O U. - 1 ii ii rf" 4 G.'&iJyUtf safsiie sells goods at Lake Toxaway as a conse quence of his ad. . in The Hustler: The Congressional Records Re ceived at this ofncere the best thing in the world with which start the office fires. Miss NettieLeGrand has been I giving some; dainty ittle , jboxes of the famous Steere's 'Chocolates to her friends a delicious con fection, satisfying in every w,ay. Of the five prisoners who left the Hotel de-JaiL but one, has returned-rrthe Preacher, altho' strenuous efforts to locate the others are being .made. . J. 0 Williams, undoubtedly one, . of r the most reliable, mer chants of this State, has some thing to say in this issue. You-d better read it! A1 day or so of mean, wet weather, and then the same glorjouSf sunshine. as of -.old! That's: Henderson ville weather wmle iteblizzrdsJ,and snownd zero weather in the North and West The big dynamo and other machinery ol tne uotei w neeier plant,, has been taken out of the hotel and shipped to Asheville, 'Twas a big job, but Charley Hamilton of the Star -Wood - and Dray. Co. , managed it easily and successfully of course! The Flat Rock road -from the railroad tracks to the last bridge is in a most deplorable condition. One ,of the main traveled roads, itadly needs attention, and a man with a wheelbarrow even could soon remedy those terrific HIlPIgsMo Leave. Mr. Chas. E. Pless will leave this town shortly and open a large book- and stationery . store in Winstnn. N. C where Mr. Pless considers the prospects for such an enterprise extremely naxier- infr Mr. PIpss lef t for New York nn TiipsHav to huv his stock for his new store, which he will open on reDruary 1st. For the Present Mr. Pless will continue his present busi ness in Henderson vine. . .The msmv friends here of Mr. ahd Mrs. Pless will regret ex-oAedinff-lv tn hear of their depar ture. Mr. Pless has given .the town a hoolc store worth v of the name in every papticular and of 1 -l X mrTA wnicn ixfwua jnany umcs mc oi-c of TTendersnnville mav not boast. but they know he will m be as eminently successful in his new held as e has been nere. Ieilfcspve's llissionaiy. .This goodly city can now claim th distinction of having a mis sionary ot her own in Korea and Rev. J. W.-Moore, the zealous and beloved pastor of the .Meth odist church is a very happy man. He had been working and pray ing to this end for some time, and last Sunday week laid the matter ? before his congregation,.. It was announced that $600 would .; have to-. be .. raised for foreign Emissions, in order to sup port a .missionary. In a short time about $400 of this amount; was subscribed, and since then : the. balance has been secured,and the.church has assumed the sup-. port ipf a splendid, .young . South Carolinian, Rev. M. B. Stokes who.-Ja x. alreadV iin Korea, and.doing wipnderful work, for the cause of .God and humanity . Our;., community : is certainly blessed with live, working churches, and able, zealous pas tors. ; All Jof them Are doing nobly in the greit work -of win ning the world for Christ, and all good- people will rejoice at this evidence of the fact. The farmers are invited to call and;see me. . , , J. R. WiUson. Srick f of sale at retial at" J. R. Willson's.- Car load of Cypress Lath at .J.:K. WUlson's. Vy- vJJ ifiA II : 1M ...i. . ----- '.r ' '.';):. -.r v y vy IS 0, A.' 1 ikiiES)ll -r. ; .i i LADIES' LONG BLA 3 coats, $12.50 coats, for ....... ........ 5 coats, '-"12.00 coats, for ............... .. 4 coats. 8.00 coats, for 1 2 coats, 5.0 0 coats, for ..i. ............ . TANS AND MODES ........ . . . . f, . . $8.50 .8.00 5.00 . 3.00 8 coats, $12.00 coats, for 8 coats, 10.60 coats, jFor 1-... -.. . , . 9.00 coats, for. 7.50 coats, for $7 5 coats, 9 coats .50 6.50 6.00 3.75 MISSES 5 coats, $2.50 coats, for. 6 coats, 5.00 coats, for. 5 coats, 4.00 coats, for. 1.50 3.00 2.00 These Coats are of many beautiful designs, the very last wcfcin style, were bought at a very' low price arid are offered at cost We believe they 'a6 '"We biggest bargains ever off ered in- the city, and urge ybu to call and inspect iheihi W might talk ari rhour-to becottpcr id that here is a legitimate, bona f ied reduction m seasonable merchan dise. we i ask ybu to mspectljne coats yoursett. o V II c 1 1 - ! U II A MfS , ' J - IK,.-.-. "n T n A Main Street . HL'SJBriiin has crone trT ton for a few weeks. Lookfor J. W. Cairnea riouncement in this paper nejt - BORN To Rev. and Mm T N. Wilcox,- on January ;seventh, a daughter, Agnes. ' . I ; Mr. .Chas. E. Pless left for- ew - xorK mesaay, ana' will return in about ten days.- P. W. Hart, FlatlocV ll from a chair one day- last-week; in his home, and broke hi srni. ' ! tJ.-1. -Dermid, -the - county school superintendent, lefflat week for- a short vaca'tion in Florida. . .- ..- , ' " 'S. 'Johnson has sftmA offfiii If - - Arnold's silks at his.;, slrejor , ' umy ceuisa yara--siiKs2macie to sell at 50 cents v . , iu. 4 . f . J 4 : ' Misses Fannie . an il'. .T9io Wheeler, of Ashevil wer je Quests of -Miss Helen Cljxi andMiss Grace Bate, WeHnesay. Born To Revltodilik fiLJL Liverett, of Des, - Moines,. Iowa, pn: New Year's Day; a son, 'Who nqw.answers to the , call jof -Vll- Dur Maurice Ldverett. . , . ; . The smiline face of Mr. -E. C. Ingram and, his brother are again seen on our streets. . Mr. In gram says he is glad, -to be back in "God?s Country."" ,1 Hon. A; Cannon left on. Mon- I day for Raleigh, called there Jby his duties as a member osE. tne legislative committee of . the State Board of Agricultures - left last week for Little .Rock,-. Ark., where he has accepted ' the professorship of . pharmacy iand oacienoiogy 01 uie vxueg qi Physicians and Surgeons of .that hplace. -:'." The annual sermon to the ;Re- bekah Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., will.be delivered at the Batitist Chnrch. 3 p. m. Sunday, by Dr." Hughes, Xnere win oe special . music .ana the public generally and th& DcJd a eiiows especially, are invite ,0 . attend. The ; collectijoh.' '.taken will be for the benefit of the." Or phanage at Uoldsboro, . recency burned, entailing a loss of $3Q 000. .. ? . . '. ' v;-. : fir. Atkins, nresidinflr elder of the Asheville district,, preached at the Methodist; Church, "Sun day morning and night, and held the. quarterly uonierence,. jaon day' morning. " Dr. . Atkirts. was once pastor of this church, , . and jus visit was a source ui. yicoac 10. nis many inenuii. . - r - . I x y S .,.;t r l LJ ;;.;:- ;- --- Did you ever see aTPWPF? J. R. Willson. Take a trip through a li ve ,Lum- Jber. Shed.' .a J. R Willson. rlEvenr pair marked H; iprice in Blue has been reduced Te Dermid has returned from an extended trip thro' .Ihe I ttt.j.' J rt il. -.Ili.v.Ama nf w est ana ooum, visiuug oww the famed farming sections X)f ttie country. While favorably i lmpressea, ivir. ueniuu any water of old JHendersorT tastes good and there are no cycione I cellars here, either. Mr TTfncr has been cal led suddenly to Florida, leaving . here :on Baturaay, summoneu . there by the death 01 ner orotner Mr. C; A -Durham, wno cueu at his, home in Duval . county on Saturday; Mr. Burhham was ; well known here, where he had many friends, ana was a strong aamirer oi xienuerBuiiv"c. f v. ni- Wm: T?i!n Kirk has 're turned from Charlotte where he Jias been attending, the meeting of the North Carolina State Tuberculosis Association. Dr. Kirk believes this session pi tne Association has been of the greatest benefit to thephysicians in Attendance. There; were mnr papers read, some 40. or. ,6V,, six of which were puDiisnew..-,", Charlotte Observer, Dr. Kirk ft amongst them. . ; Sewing Hades. The best values , in sewing machines can. be .obtained at Singei: Store. Machines sold for cash or on ;easy terms, liook ior theit? S ' Sincrer sewing Mach ine X)o:'Hendersonvill6t N. C. i i -. t