-fi ":' overcome XsxsiSm xfy.Sy$$xxcc ias so a assxsVsnCwto wcSters ma be raAns disexL wftv vheawo cuJer tiee&e&.a?,tex& j tera&s YvWt&YreSi axo assist Juwcioxis ,vvK&sm& deylcv. proper ts,ati&T$&Xm rasV MAkit .awwn smr vwar CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS MtESlZCONLY-RCOULAR PRICE SO PER BOTTLE So. 4-'09. .CiPUIIDDM CURES COLDS and GRIPP ..fiss: Relieves the aches and feverishnesa. Contains No Acotanllldo Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue. Rochefoucauld. W II I Bample treatment IwJ HI m Itet Red Cr6m Pile and ll, U tana Vmm BB? Fistula Care mad Book sent by mail - : -- FREE. REA CO.. DEPT. 8. 4. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. A clear bargain, a dear friend, tlian. , Rheumatism Prescription." Considerable discussion is being caused among the medical fraternity by the increased use of whiskey for rheumatism. It is an almost infalli ble cure when mixed with certain other ingredients and taken proper ly. The following is the .formula : ' One ounce of Toris compound and one ounce of syrup Jjarsaparilla com pound. Add one-half pint of good whiskey. Take-in tablespoonful doses before each meal and before retir ing.'; This is said to produce almost im mediate results. Injurious is the gift that takes away freedom. Italiau. Mrs.Winsloiv's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gum, reduces mt!anim -tiun. allay & lvxiu, cures tviuil col jc. 25c a bottle - Mattresses filled with paper are Used by German soldiers. - Iistemjer In all its forms, amonn all ages cf hones and dogs, cured and others in the same stable prevented from having the disease with Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every bot tle guaranteed. Over 500.000 bottles sold last year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or send to manuacturera. . Agents granted Write Tor' free book. " Spohn Med. Co.. Spec. Contagious Diseases. Goshen, Ind. Lake Erie is the richest body of wafT in the world in fish. Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's Home, New York, cure Summer Complaint, Fevenehness, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms.;-At all Druggists', 25c.. Sample mailed fkee. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. As a rule, the modern battleship is out of date after fifteen years. . Itch cured in 30 minute by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion Never fails. At druggist. I and time against the world. Sir Walter Scott. Piles Cured in to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to core any caeof Itching, Blind; Bleeding or Protruding i'lles in 6 to li days or money refunded. 30a. Whom fortune favors the world favors. German. The-Favorite. Millions of - suffering eyes have found in Dr. Mitchell's famous salre a real blessing. Reject the offer of any dealer to sell a drug for your eye, Dr. Mitchell's Eye Salve is a Bimple, healthy remedy to be applied to the lids. It cures without enterlsg the eye. Sold everywhere. Price 25c. It must be teugh to be roasted bj Congress. New York Globe. Strong drug cathartics simply aggravate the condition the true remedy for consti pation and liver trouble is found in Garfield Tea, the mild Herb laxative. Idleness covers a man with rags. G erman. ' '.-. v Praises Tetterine for Eczema. "Have been troubled witfi eczema on the face for nearly two years, and a few applications of Tetterine and the uso ol Tetterine Soap has entirely cured me, " cannot say too much for Its praise, as 11 has done more than my physician did' Mrs." S. A. Raskin's, Myricks, Mags. Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, IUng Worm, Ground Itch, xtchirig Piles. In fant's Sore Head. Pimlos. Bolls, Koagu Scaly Patches on the Tace, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. Sun Ions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tetterine 50c; Tetterine Soap 25. Your druggist, or by maH from 41ie manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. . He was born .on St. Galpert's night, three days before luck. Dutch. TlE reasgh why - Rheumaclde cures rheumatism to stay cured. Rheumatism is an Internal dis ease and requires an internal treatment. JKneumacid strikes the root of the dis ease and removes its cause. Rheumaclde liniment stops the pain while you are J"11 the internal medicine. Rheuma cidt is pUt up In tablet and liquid form, and is sold by druggists at 25c.. 50c. and a Per bottle. Liniment, 25e. a bottle. ffi&ZTIl 'k' " V mw'sj j u u i u ilium Colic Due to Conv ; , Whencorn chop alone is fed to a Bull." v horse it often produces stomach indi- In this campaign the dairymen of gestion"ahd bloating," 'which in the every State and every community horse is, a very serious form of indi- 'every man, in fact, who wants better gestion or colic. ' cattle for any purpose should help, The reason that corn chop produces and the very best campaign slogan' to this condition is owing to the f act I De bad is the one our Tennessee mat it lies compactly in tne stomach. : The stomach juices cannot thorough ly permeate it to digest the nutrients, and as a result unnatural fermnta- -tten-takes place.- The-gas-.causes dis - tention of the- stomach wait;' and stomach or gastric colic is the result.' This is a serious form of colic be- causesof ' the peculiar arr angement 'of f the stomach. .The horse cannot vomit or belch gas unless' the walls be so greatly distended that there Is a mod- ! iflcatibn or, stretching of the part of - the stomrolr at the-pbhit-where -the I- esophagus enters it, and consequently ! there is great danger of rupturing the walls of the stomach with a fatal I termination j : Durlne'the nast summer oats-have been very high and many horse own ers have resorted to corn chop as a .more economical feed. If, the corn chop "be fed with bran 6r cut' "hay "then there will usually be no 111 effects, "be cause the material will not lie com pactly in the stomach, and as a result the stomach Juices can get at all parts of the feed and digest it thoroughly. Many will' hot" " feed " wheat bran,' claiming that It is of poor feed value. The fact is that it contains more pro tein or muscle building substance than oats, and when mixed with corn or corn, chop, in proper proportions, makes a well balanced, heavy feed. -The frequency of gastric colic among horses has increased with the feeding of corn chop since the high price of oats Anf Arrangement For Storing. Sbelled "Corn. Storage for shelled corn is a condi tion that does not have to be provided for in some sections; but, as it seems to be rapidly coming to the front in others, R. H. Mitchell sends to Coun- try Gentleman the accompanying il lustration of an arrangement to meet this need, submitting it for what it may be worth. As may be seen, it is a bin with a : Bin For Shehed Corn. slanting floor, having cracks perhaps an eighth of an inch in width, divided thto compartments by hollow parti tions. A trough. A, makes it con venient to shovel up the corn. The partition "B, the end C and the sides D and E should also .be slats an eighth of an inch apart." The divisions B could he made of two-Inch furring strips nailed on both sides of the same for battens. The width of each compartment would have to be determined by ex periment, but probably eight Inches would be about right. Of course, the depth and height wculd be a matter of convenience. "Kill the Grade Bull!" ' In Tennessee they have a dairy as-4 Eociation, a live organization worthy of the men who have made "Tennes see JerBeys" synonymous with qual ity tho land over. . , w . This association has entered on a campaign to improve the general av erage of the dairy cattle in that State, and the slogan of this campaign is, "Kill the Grade Bull!" The Tennessee dairyman realizes, as every farmer in all the South should realize, that there can be no uecmea ur peruiaueui imyru veuieut ui live stock so long as sires of mongrel ancestry are allowed to reproduce themselves. 'i There are in that State hundreds' of cows that f. have produced f romi fourteen up to twenty or more pounds of butter1 per week these are the daughters of pure bred bulls with long lines of high-producing ancestry back of them. There are also thousands of cows that do not make butter enough for their' keeping these are almost in variably the daughters of grade or scrub bulls. The campaign is for better and more profitable cows but the only sure way to get good cows is to set Going to Inauguration. Norfolk, Special. Yirginia will be well represented at the inauguration of PresidentrElect Taf t, by both mil itary and civic organizations..,. It 'was officially announced"4 at ' brigade head quarters that the First and Second Regiments of State Infantry, the Nor folk Light Artillery Blues, and the Coast Artillery Tvili participate in the inaugural para'de. The Fourth Regiment also may attend. 25 Dead From Mine Disaster Sunday. Zeigler, JIL, Special. The recovery of five additional bodies from the Zeigler ' Colliery where an explosion ocurred Sunday .raises . the death list to 25.' .Two miners are still miss ing. ' They' were known to have been in the mine. The disaster is the sec ond in nine months. Girl's Murderer . Pays Penalty. Trenton, N.J., SDOcial. John Man tezannsa, tbe,. murderer of a,13-year7 old . girl, was .executed . here'; on ' Tues day. , JTe went . toj his , death calmly. . Si jid of the Door bulls "Kill the Grade "ieu nave &uuyicu. If you. want to have better cattle in your locality Join in, and,, let all help "Kill the Grade Bull." Progres- .iT6. Farmer, Grass SeetHngv: ' i The results I have . gotten during. tfee 1 past three .years f r,bjifc sowlngp grass seed along-.with "fcowpeas 'have been so satlsfactory that r feel T shall be doing good to all interested by glvr ing details. v v . -I have beeir seeding, durlng-tfce; flrst two weeks in June, both, the cowpeas and grass seed at: the same time once going, ovpr. the.vground with wheat drill. Have put in five J PecKs or .peas ana tne usual quantity of grass seed, with grass seeding at tachment. The grass has Invariably made a perfect ""catch. and. - has lived under the .peas and flourished far better thajr if iUhad "been ""sown alone. The pea hay has been" cut off in September, and the grass was then well T rooted -.and matted oh r the ground., The cultivation of the land in June sprouted the " surface weed seed, and the weeds were necessarily removed from the land along; with the pea hay. Before .. frost and freezes came the grass had such good root that it stood the winter better, and in the spring the growth of grass was much earlier. The strength and root of the grass tended' to give it a running start on weeds. ' The results 'have "uniformly shown cleaner,, hay and a larger yield than ever before harvested from, the same fieldc. In June, 1907, I sowed one-half of a certain field in this way, and la September-following I sowed the oth er half of this field in rye and grass. The same fertilizer was used in both instances. I.' e.. 200 pounds each of raw bona and fourteen per cent, acid phosphate. I cut this season, early in July, about two tons per acre . of very clean hay from the portion sown with peas. The portion sown in Sep tember with ryewlll not yield any hay until next year (1909). Thus I saved one working of tho land, got one year's crop of. grass extra, and made hay of extra clean quality by sowing the peas and grass simultan eously in .June. For the three months period from June to Septem ber the grass gave me. one. year's extra growth over the result from seeding rye and grass in September. I personally advised many of my friends to try this method last year. They have all reported the system aa in every way satisfactory. W.v T. Townes, Culpeper County, Va., In Southern Planter. Success With Poultry. Note that success with poultry does not" mean merely the ability to hatch and raise chickens, 1 but that winter eggs should be the source of much of the profit from the business; also, that as early as spring and all along through the summer oa should have in mind that an effort will be made to get eggs in winter. Starting a hen or a- pullet (preferably a pullet) into winter under conditions that enable her to lay winter eggs cannot be-accomplished if that idea is ignored till winter . arrives. Develop and select the winter layers full early. Crimson Clover. Continue to sow crimson clover with wheat, oats and rye on all land that is not to be put into oats or wheat that ean be got ready so as to have a winter cover on it. Hairy vetch may take the place of the crim. son clover in this mixture if desired, and should do so up to the end of October. Sow twelve or fifteen pounds of the. clover seed or twenty pounds'of the vetch seed with three pecks of the grain mixed in equal parts. Protection Against Mitew- "" Manx. ay that mites will not stay on roosts of cedar or sassafras wood, but my own experience does not lead me to believe that such is the case. Scantling of 2x4's that, have "been planed smooth on every side and edge and laid down on the wide side is a very practical rocst. Its smoothness does not leave good breeding places for' mites, and since there are no rough places, the roo3t3 can be easily trited with coal oil or some of the cammercial mit?!:!crs. .. Trap Crop of Wheat. If Hessian fly has ' troubled the wheat in your section this year sow a trap crop-of wheat at once on the land Intended to be sown in wheat. This cro,p need only be on a strip of a yard or two wide across the field. The flies will deposit their eggs on this early sown wheat, and this can then be plowed down, and the eggs and flies tie destroyed, and thus large ly avoid injiiry another year.' '.. '., Severe ftrthauake. Bellingham, Wash!, Special. Re ports from San-.Juan. Islands states that Monday's earthquake shock was scveretthere.- Buildings were damaged-to considerable extent, but' no ensualities reported , " " ' ' : ' 48 Below Zero. .; . Mirrill, - Wis., - Special. The gov ernment thermometer here registered 48- below zero' on Tuesday. Chinese Government Admonished by Diplomats. Peking., , Special. The diplo matic corps has made a strong col lective representation to -the Chinese government concerning the board of communications having usurped full control of the Peking , Tprlo?raph office, which . the , Chinese govei nment in 1901 agreed should -be under for eign superintendence. ... . . . lr . ,' The .British consul- warns emigrants against going' to Chili . unless assured of a business connection. ' : ' -' ahb uepupuiauou ot jfTance , pro ceeds at an amazing rate. Last year's vital statistics' show a- reduction . in the birth-rate even below the" figures of 1906, while there is an augmenta tion of deaths. There were '32,878 less births; in the entire country in "190" than' In the preceding year and 13,693 more ; deaths. The. were actually an excess of 19,920 deaths over births. Ai 1906 the ratio of births was 215 to .10,000 "of population; last year it ,fell ..to- 207. The falling off took place-in- 82. departments; only five-Seine-Inf erieure, Saone-et-Loire, Bou-ches-duRhone, Pas de Calais and Meurthe-et-Moselle, . showed an in crease, and that only slight. The de cline of births in outlying regions of intense-' rusticity is- a -most alarming : f ea Wr- ahdV it is evident east and wesi' ,north' and south. For instance, "La Ddrdoghe in the southwest shows ti decrease of- 1,43A births ; Finisterp Ja .the northwest!,; 4(,w67; Ardeche in "the southeast, 97l';"Gn the whole the southern proving show the tendency in the. most maffced 'degree and those on , the : Swiss . and German'-, frontier the' least, but no part of the' country is free from-it." The excess of -deaths manifests .'itself in 55 departments, that of the Seine virtually Paris 1 being the ' greatest, 'with, 3316.' , ;,' 5" The population of France ' showed f rom Vt901 vto 1905. inclusive, .an 'av erage, increase of 18 a ;vear for each 10,000 inhabitants. , This dropped in 1906 to seven; last j'ea" it changed to a decrease of five in 10.000. In the Provincial and Gascon provinces of the south the excess of deaths is most marked, coming next after Paris. In the,' department1 of Lot, on the upper Garonne, there were, 143 births to-244 deaths in a population of perhaps 215,000. which has beeii declining steadily since 1890, when it had nearly 260,000 people. This is race suicide" with a vengenqe. New York Sun. ,. .. Send Babies to West. There were - slity-seven ; of them and sixty-seven different varieties.' They were babies, from 2 years up to E, all colors, shapes, sizes and previous conditions of servitude." Little waifs they were, the discard of New York, out in search of a home far from the , center of sor rows and woes that they were born Into. . 'On the way to EL Paul frpm New fork a special car with these babies passed through Milwaukee. With the children there were several sis ters of charity and two trained nurses. ' ' The Home -Finding Society of New York Is sending them West to deal tem out into good homes among the farmers near St. Paul When th conductor came' out ot the car there was a suspicion of moisture In his eyes. "I won't go through there again," he said. "They're all happy, and all that, but It's so pitiful. They all wanted to Ehake hands with me and caught hold of my hand and looked up at me- and smiled as I passed. I suppose they are taught to " do It. "Tljere are all kinds,-and they are just as sweet as most, babies are. It's a shame that t they will never know a. real mother acd father." The sisters made the babies' bed a by .placing boards across from scat to seat, for the special car was not a sleeping car. Several babies Were piled into ome "bed." The one car .accommodated the sixty-seven, be sides the nurses and sisters. Long pieces of sheeting were stretched across the tops of-the seat? to cover the "beds' and keep out the . cinders and dust. Milwaukee Special to N. Y. World. Breezy Items. Deep-lying sediments of the ocean are often exceptionally rich in radium. Just because a man lives like a lord is no sign that he isn't as mean as the devil. Dallas News. The streams - of the Himalaya Mountains will soon be engaged in the prosaic work of turning wheels. The public lands vacant and sub ject to settlement in the United States on July 1st last amounted to 774.3S5,O60 acres. The Russian Minister of Finance has declared his intention of assessing a tax on electrical energy which will yield a revenue, it is -said ,of about $4,500,000 a year to the-treasury. HER MOTHER-IN-LAW Proved a Wise, Good Friend. A young wonan out in la. found a wise, good friend in her mother-in-law,. Jokes notwithstanding. ' She writes: -, ' ' ' "It Is two years since we began using Postum in 'our house. I was greatly ' troubled with my stomach, complexion was blotchy and yellow. After meals I. of ten suffered sharp pains and would -have to He down. My" mother, often told me it was the coffee I drank at meals. But when I'd quit coffee I'd have a severe bead ache, i "While visiting my mother-in-law I remarked that she always made such good coffee, and asked her to tell me how. She laughed and told me it was easy to make gopd;,cffee. when you pee Postum. V??. . "I began to use Postum as soon as I got home, and now we have the 8am'a-good 'coffee', i Postum-) every day, and I hae no more trouble. In digestion is a thing of the past, and my complexion has "cl tared up beau tifully. ... :. ' "My grandmother suffered a great deal with her stomach.: Her doctor tola her to leave off coffee. She then took tea, but that was Just as bad. "She finally was induced to try Postum,' which she has used for over a year. ,.She traveled during the win ter over the greater part of Iowa, vis iting, .something she had .not been able to do for years. She says she owes her present good-health to Pos tum.". " Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Read, "The Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs. ' There's'a Rea- "onr ;- t v., . Ever read the above letter? A new one appear from time to time. They are genuine, ' true, and full of human Interest, CATARRH IN HEAD: ' ' Pc-rn-na -Pe-ru-na. ' ...-v -:. o. v.A Mft. WMi A, PRC88CR.' " ' ' M R. WILLIAM A. PRESSKR.V 1722 ilurd Ave., Moline, 111.,' writes: . " bave been suffering from catarrh in the head for the past two months and tried innumerable so-called remedies with out avail. No one knows how I have suf fered, not ouly from the disease itself, but from, mortification when in company of friends or strangers. . f I have used two bottles of your med icine for a short time only, and it effected a complete medical cure and what is bJ'er the disease has not returned. I can most emphatically recommend Per runa to all sufferers from this disease." Read This Experience. ,MrA' Thompson, Box 65, R. R. 1, Mar tel, Ohio, writes: "When I began your treatment my eyes were inflamed, nose van Htoppexl vp half oi the time, and was sore and scabby. . I could not rest at night on account of continual Jutwkfna and apUttno. - , "I'had tried several remedies and -was about to give up, but thought I would try Peruna. Afer I had taken about one-third of a bottle I roticed a difference. I am now completely cured, after suffering with catarrh for eighteen years. "I think if those who are afflicted with Catarrh would try Peruna they would never regret it.1 Peruna is manufactured bv The Peruna Drug Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Asfc your nrupgisi '.for a Free Pe Tuna Almanac fur 1909. Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. BAD are t&e forensmen dangerous you have a cough, you can stop it hoarseness, mm throaty Bronchitis sooa restore the irritabad throit and An ideal remedy for children. ts, rot half a century the fjyj WIT ,: M'i.- ffl'x&Z JJ taA 4VA' Sis: C.vai chronic forms oi lung dber RESPOND TO PISO'S CUEE The steam power in use in the world today is estimated at 120,000,-000-horse power. COULD XOT SHAKE IT OFF. Kidney Trouble Contracted by Thou sand in fhe' Civil War. James W. Clay, 666 W. Fayette St., Baltimore, Md., says: "I was trou bled with"" kidney complaint from the tim of the Civil War. There . was constant pain in the back and head and tho kHney secre tions were painful and showed a sedi ment. The first rem edy to help ' me was Doan'n - Kidney Pills. Three boxes made a complete cure and during five years past I have had no return1 of the trouble." Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. No man knows the weight of an other man '8 burden. Pliny. FRIEND SAID TO USE CUTICURA After Specialist Foiled to Core Her Intense Itching Eczema Had Been Tortured and Disfigured Was Soon Cured of Dread Hvmor. "I contracted" eczema and suffered in tensely for about ten months. At times I thought I would scratch myself to pieces. My face and arms were covered with large red patches, so that I was ashamed to go out. I was advised to go to a doctor who was . a specialist in skin diseases, but I re ceived very little relief. I . tried every known remedy, with the same results.' I thought I would never get better until a k"uu vi uuiiv iuiu me .u try tne lutlCUra j "Remedies. So I tried them, and after fomr or nve applications of Uuticura Ointment I was relieved' of my unbearable itching. I used two seta of the Cutieura Remedies, and I am completely cured. Miss Barbara Krai, Highland town, Md., Jan. 9, 1908." . Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cutieura Remedies, Boston, Mass. Telephone comrjanies are ndpsvnr- ing to collect part of the telegraph tolls, where the messages are'dArTvpr- ed by telephone. The telegraph com panies claim that they are entitled to make this use of the instruments nd resist payment. How'i JThis? " We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for, any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured' by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKJT.eT & Co., ToledOjO. We, the undersign od, have known F. J. Cheney for the laSkrlS years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDnro, Kjnhan & Mabvet, Whole- "sale Druggists, Toledo, O. - ' " . Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucuoua sur faces of th system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle; .field by all Druggists.' ;Take Hall's Family Pills for ftonstipation. The carob tree grows wild in the Island of Samoa, and the fruit serves as a food, for cattle.. It is also used in mixing with chewing tobacco. The annual production amounts to 3,384, 000 pounds, nine-tenths of which finds its way. to Italy and. the . rest to uermany. . Only. One ;,4Bromo .QBinlne? That ia Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of K V. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 23a. Berlin firemen wear a jacket filled with water as a protection against heat.'' j-i I ' v - :!' ' - KU T N A M Col6rTare Itxxfa krtehter and (aater colon thaa turataardn. Am h. u .n oi. r, A4y acj: yaraia wttheot rlpptoe-per Wrue V Women, worn and tirecL from overwork, neect a tonic. That feelinsr of weakness not leave-you of itself. -v-uu.Lu, uuut cucuuu iuucuj lur KAXKi ajLLuienis and weaknesses of women. TThpusands of women have tnea uaraui ana write enthusiastically of the great benefit it has been to them. Try it don't experiment use this reliable, oft-tried medicine.' 5 TAKE The Womatfs Tonic Mrs. Eena Hare, of Pierce, Fla., tried Cardui and afterward "wrote: . "I was a sufferer from all,, sorts of female, .trouble tad pain in my ride and legs; could not sleep; had shortness of breath. 1 suffered for years, untii my husband insisted on my try: - g i CarduL The first bottle gaTe me relief and now I am almost welL" I Try CarduL. Twill help you. : " ; . - .- . ' j AT ALL. DEU& STORES ! : ; JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. nruiium imt -r-5. Driest market price paid or iriiDC?. .nil KTnPC I Slt-Sf: K ' WeelOB Commission. TYPEWRITERS MAkfeH othr equal o new aoid at i wwt of SO to M) tr ceot. on Dsniifaeturrn' prlvel Caah or mnihlv paym.nU. CoTered H ume sarsstee m manufivo turer give. Wr fnr nrxvlmfni of writing n1 net Cvrtlaadt 8U Cr. Bra4war, Kew V'ork. - So. 4-'Q9. ; ft f I I TOITR PATENT by oar new metkod. Do- I" I I mmutrate It to the leading capitalists and UUUL manufacturer at Hodlson Square Garden. Kew York. Writ NATIONAL PATENT NOVELTY EXHIBITION CO., lOSM-TRa! Estate Bid., PhMa.Pa COLDS trtrt of the throat awl longs. If with Piso's Cure. If too tutf er from or pain ia the lungs. Piso One will lungs to normal, healthy 'condirioa. Free from opiates and dangerous ki overetga lemedy in thousands of H2 Jottings of News. British South Africa imports annu ally oyer $2,000,000 woilh of lumber main!y from the United States and Sweden. - The Italian government has outlin ed railroad extensions covering 16 years' work and contemplating a total expenditure of $107,000,000. . .The Chinese government spent $100,000 last year toward the assist ance of, Chinese students 'studying abroad. , . . A Swiss lake turns red about every ten years owing to the presence of a tiny , plant, which is , visible only1! through the miscroscope. - : e j improvements on the' great steel plant of the United States Steel Corpora tion at Ensley, Ala.' . The City of Niagara Falls is rapid ly increasing in population; owing to the rapid industrial expansion of that section of the country. Canada's purchases from the Unit ed States in 1908 amounted to $107, 000,000, while this country imported $75,000,000 worth of Canadian goods. The world's tobacco crop amounts to 2,201,-000,000 pounds. Of this 690,-1 UUU.UUU pounds are produced in the United States, more than that of any other country. Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Camden, N.J. "It is with pleasure that I add my testimonial to your already long list hopirg.that it coay induce others to avail themselves of this valuable medi cine, LydiaE.Pink ham's vegetable Compound. I suf fered from terrible headaches, pain in my back and right side, was tired and nervous, and so weakl could hardly stand. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound re stored me to health J. ft and made me feel like a new person, and it shall always have my praise." Mrs. W. P. Vaxextixe. C02 Lincoln Avenue," Camden,' N. J. : -: Gardiner, Me. "I was a great suf ferer from a female disease. The doc tor said I would have to go to the hospital for an operation, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound com pletely cured me in three months." Mbs. 3. A. Wi:lliam8, R. F. D. No. 14, Box 89, Gardiner Me. Because your case is a difficult one, doctors having7 done - vou no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It surely has cured ' many cases of female ills, such as in flammation, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, indigestion, dizziness, and ner vous pxostration, - It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result is worth mil lions to many suffering Women. i . F -A Dit L ttee lxfekia-fiow iya, Biaaii swt JkUx Ogion L? RA L& CUR M(IPEi(21 You should take Wine of J S3 i K ; WE SHIP BEST QUAOTyjlEU) AND GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT TO FARMERS AT LOWEST WHOLE SALE PRICES. - . . ; ' WE SELL CLOVERS, GRASSES, SEED' OATS, SEED CORN CANS SEED, MILLET, COW PEAS, SO BEANS, PEANUTS,' SEED POTA TOES; CABBAGE PLANTS, POTATO and TOMATO SLD?S, ONION SEX3, GARDEN BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, ALL KINDS GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, LAND PLASTEJj AND FERTILIZERS. WRITE 'TJ3 FOR, PRICES AND SAMPLES. "f STATE WilAT. YOU WANT. ! f NASHVILLE SEED CO. 215 Second Avenue, North, ' fiashville. Tenn. , ... Nothing New or Mysterious 4 ASK YOUR GRAND- M fiTHCD iiavr a a.jut-Kv For manV renaraUnna Ooum reeoa-nle4 a wonderful remedial' madiont tn treating mtti coring Pneumiaia, Qrlppe, BhcnmiUam anl Nearalla. . KICK'S QOOdl 6RKA3S IlNIMKitTl made from pure Koose frreaae, with etHer Tatuable era rati r lara clients added. Try It ' ; f-?" tin-Aaa.lt nrawlata Anulna 900SE GREASE CQMPAST, fABBAGE PUNTS'; 'rut VimI ' and Omanuiteed J to please purchaser. All varieties now ready for shipment. Small lot $1 .25 per "M"i lots of 5.0GO or over t SI. CO per 'M" and speelsl prices on larce ot tiers. We rive Quicker and prompter stervfee than any other grower in 8.Q. and we solicit your valued 'petromure. ' Writer for our 'BOOKLET on the rrowth and culti vation of Otbbaee. written by Geo. L. Sands, The GEO. SANDS CO.. Box 5.Kantowlr.S.Oj "w!P Wo Ouy FU R S Hides and Wool Feathers. TaQow. 1 Golden SaaLtYeJWRoot). May Apple. Wild Giaser, etc We are dealani otabTUhed ia 18S6-OMr kal a century LamniQe" aad caa dm kattcr for too liiaa or Baak m Loasrile, Wxm tar watUy poca- lint and Jvtma taas. n Sabel & Sons, 7X1 i. Market SL LOUISYiLLE. KT. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID TOM FURS, HIDES, SKIHS BEESVJAX, TALLOW, WOOL. Write us for prfees or ship what roe have at once and we will send you check for its market value, ,mm i OLD DOMINION HIDE & FUR CO.. 10 E. Cer St- 1C0D. VA fin t-w- n x rs tar- run i n& Afm i niiNc hair CeorSTrayJalPtoaurrtl Color. Re moves Daci nr and Scnrl. Invtrorates and prevents th. flair from faliinjr off J1 or sale fiy Eirhmond. Lyncbburr. Va.. and Baltimore, Md.. Drurrfste or srnt direct by , XANTHINE COMPANY. KirHMOWD-VA SI per bottle. tpltl!-Ie S V ,u - a. a I? lt- SHAFTING, PtILLEYS. BELTS rara IFertsSizeB --tv1IXlNG'MACHlNEFlYj'j: ' '- fANTT CAPACITV. ' " y ATLANTA UTILITY WORKS EAST POINT. OA. SEED OATS 60 cts. -aba. Per 8ataar"e eatalob pageUa. lArftaat growers ocaaea oaaa, umis vrmwmj, sslts. acre nctalore. craasee ana clovers im farm eeeds in the wwiiL lSg; esttatoc free; or, sml 10c In staropj reoofra awnpleaCBU- Mnn Dollar GnsL Yiokli ur IS MM Bay H per acre, oate, speJs, barVr.atOL, aiiy wort JJJIOorany maa-siaoaey vees a man M fainiple tarm aead noTelty sever eeen w U byyoo. SA1ZEK SEED CO. Eat K C, ts wane. wa. IT affil.rted with weak TlioiBpsatfsEyeiyafer syee. S S I "B YE S a aotd water Iwttar taaal ayr ?! ? . lo:JBO li&Vtl C- ilar kUMmmmm aw a a. Cinaaac 'TV w-f if; if r