n W) n V TD) 5 s AUGUST SALE All Summer Goods f at Cost and Under 25c Arnolds Mohair Voile Dress Goods 25c Colored French Organdy 25c Arnolds Taffeta Dress Goods.-.------- 25c Dotted Silk Mulls 50c Arnolds Novelty. Dress Silk -- . 50c Drape DeSoie Pure Silks 50c All Wool Voile Dress Goods 15c Shear AVhite India Lawn -. 10c Sheer White India Lawn. -. 10c Fast Colored Lawns -. 10c Black and White Lawns.: .- . 10c Striped White Curtain Swiss' 8c White and Colored Curtain Scrim -. 5c Nottingham Lace Curtains, pair . 10c Embroidery Edgings and Insertions.. 10c Pure Linen Torchon Lace. -... -10c -10c - 10c lUc . 25c -25c ..25c 10c -6c 3c ... 3c 6c ... 4c - 35c ... 5c ... 5c 0 V The Above Prices are For August Only s JOHNST0BJM This store is ''chuck M - You'll never find a better time to buy than right now. It's values of ft -FATEE RSOW renC; T OT O , ' SLMOITllEll and 'ry Cleaning PHONE 193-2 Between Hotel Gates and Blue Ridge Inn s i ? 3 5 Ladie$VBJack Mercerized Underskirtsfinished at bottom with v , 3-inch' ruffle; worth 75c; our price Ladies' Underskirts, made of good quality black Moreen; double stitched seams, 10-inch flounce; worth $1.25; our price : . ,-73cv -:-';:- Ladies' Underskirts, made of good quality black .Rustling Skirting; 12-inch embroidered flounce; worth $2; our price ;:,V ;l: '.,98c; . .'C- 'j LadiesV Night Gowns, good quality, 75c value; our price : 49c . I Ladies' Night Gowns; $1.25 value; our price ' :yry 73c Ladies' Gauze Vests only4c Furniture Calico, yard 4c Broadcloth, 56 inches wide, all wool' quality; assorted solid colors; worth 75c per. yard; our price All-wool Brilliantine; 44 inches wide; all colors; worth 75c per ; our price ' 39c Panama, 44 inches wide; all-wool Worsted, in' black, blue and v brown; worth 85c per yardour price Chiffon Panama, 36 inches .wide; assorted colors; worth - . our price ' 25c; 12 l-2c 50c Green Brilliantinei25c 10c Pink Chambray 5C 10c Lawn, per yardL 5c 1 5c White Linen for iQc $oc Men's Black Sateen Shirts; our price 25c C f4 Saturday and Monday will be Two Special Sale Days in Men's Clothing. A reduction on every suit in the house. The Underselling Store Agents for Standard Fashion Patterns From 134 East Van Buren Street, Chicago A T - ' ' ' . I I A ir II T I m WILL CONTINUE FOR A FEW DAYS LONGER This sale is proving a greater success by far than we expected, the store being crowded to its utmost capacity every day. CovservatiVe buyers are taking advantage of this "Great Bargain Carnival Sale'' and are anticipating their needs for months to come. The public should thank the Wilson Department Store for their progressiveness and liberality in affording them this oppor tunity to buy new and seasonable merchandise at. Factory Prices. A special feature of this sale for the few remaining days will be a special hour sales, when certain articles will be thrown upon ' the counters at far below mauufacturers' cost. v Below We Enumerate Only a Few Items of the Many Bargains Which We will Show You 50 dozen Ladies Fast Black Stockings, which lormerly sold lor 15c per pair, 4you can have them while they last, at 3c 25 dozen Boys' and Girls' Fast Black Ribbed Hose, worth 15c per pair. Factory prices. 8c We are showing a special shipment of Rib bons, all widths and shades,., and selling at Syndicate prices. We will place on sale Saturday and Monday 25 dozen Ladies' Silk Gloves, long and short lengths, 25c to $1.25 values, at 19c, 39c, 59c, and 89c. 36 dozen Men's Socks, in black and tan. worth 15c; sale price, pair 8cc A special shipment of 20 dozen Shirt Waists,' in French Lawn and Lingerie, handsomely embroidered and are worth up to $2.00. Factory prices from 79c to $1.38 250 yards Mercerized Pongee, all shades; worth from 25c to 50c. Factory prices 21c. 29c 39c and 43c. 760 yards of Sheer White Lawn; worth 12 l-2c per yard. During this sale at 9c 820 yards Sheer White' Lawn; . 1 yard wide; 15c value, at... -- illc 25 dozen Men's Fancy and Plain Shirts; all good patterns, worth fronr 65c to 75c to sell at.. ...J........ 39c and 49c 20 dozen Men's Work Shirts; worth from 50c to 75c. They go at Factory prices at this sale at . . .19c, ,29c, 39c, . and 49c 10 dozen Men's Silk Ties; all shades; 50c values, at . . . 39c' 25 dozen Men's extra goo Handkerchiefs at, each 4c 50 dozen Men's White Linen Handkerchiefs, z i-zc to 10c values, at.. .8c 1,200 yards best Dress Ginghams, Hhe regu lar 12 l-2c quality, is on sale at Factory prices, per yard 9c 760 yards Apron Ginghams on sale Saturday and Monday at, per yard : 5c Special shipments are "being received every day front Syndicate headquarters. 20 dozen Ladies Handkerchiefs for Saturday and Monday; worth 10c; sale price 4c 25 dozen Ladies' ' Handkerchiefs, 12 l-2c and 15c values -l-. 8c t30 dozen Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Hand- kerchiets, worth - 25c and 35c; 19c, - 50c in n. TTTT A TMrfn ... - . - . One long table of Remnants which it vnll pay economical buyers to investigate. Short lengths of almost every land of Dress Goods in lengthi suitable for Chddren s Dresses, Ladies'- Waists and Skirts and priced at one half their real value. ,