art is ire ff ntf ml nd ns ) t I. T J II County 1 I J FLETCHER Rev. Joseph Frye preached a large and attentive congrega tion.0 We hope the conference vfl send him back for the ensu iTyear. fl. W. Miller made a quick trip to Sugar, in the timber busi ness, recently. Prof. Luther Anderson attend ed the Educational Rally at Big Willow Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Souther and Mrs. Preston Garren made a trip to flendersonville Saturday. Mrs. J. Youngblood spent the jay with her daughter, Mrs. P. B. Cunningham, last week. BIG WILLOW ROUTE 6 NEWS Rev. J.W. Williams leaves for inference at Hickory Monday. ft Mr. Williams has been on the Mills River for two years and his many friends wish that he trill be returned again to the Mills River circuit. Mr. Joe Hawkins, who has been in Ellsworth, Penn., for the past three years, is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hawkins. FRUITLAND. Our farmers are delighted with the beautiful weather now. They are having corn-shucking most erery day. The citizens of Clear Creek ownship gave the convicts a dinner at their tent last Tuesday appreciation for their good vork, which has been done here under the direction of our county swetvntendent, Mr. P. F. Pat- m, ana management oi Messrs fSouthers and Liverett. Mrs. L. C. Freeman visited )her mother, Mrs. Pace, near aeiuge, ounaay. Mrs. Turl Rhodes, of Liberty, scent several days with her daughter. Mrs. Hart, at their place last week. Misses Sullinger and Vance went to Asheville Saturday. Misses Kate McMillan and land Geannette Johnson spent the night at Mr. L. B. Whiteside's Friday night. Rev. N. A. Melton and Miss Sullinger took dinner at Mr. S. il. Gillem's, Sunday. Mr. Anda McMinn, a former merchant of Fruitland, has re sumed his place again. Rev. S. L. Mcintosh of this place officiated at the wedding of !r. Craton Vaughn and Miss Sal de Love, near Ebenezer, last Thursday evening. Mr. Hart, .who was badly in jured from falling a tree, is some what improving. : . Rev. J. J. Jray passed through our burge Sunday evening on his way home from.the communion and foot-washing at Crab Creek, he said there were as many washed feet as was saved in the ark. . - The Wednesday night prayer meeting at Bulah church, has been changed to Sunday evening. Hope everybody will attend and make it a success. Rev. W. A. Morris is holding a series of meetings at Skyland. We wish him much success in his work. The wedding bells began to ring Sunday evening, when Mr. Richard Sentell and Miss Annie Mace, and Mr. Joseph Cantrell and Miss Docie Mace were hap pily united in matrimony near the home of Mr. Bud Mace. The sisters will meet, Saturday, November 20, at Big Willow school house, for the purpose of organizing a Womans' Missionary Society. Miss Lyda Carter is expected to be with us. Hope the sisters will take part in this good work. s They had a nice time at the Teachers Ralley, Saturday. Had some good speaches from visiting friends, and I think plenty to eat. HENDERSONVILlf'S WATER SUPPLY ROUTE 2 NEWS Chestnut Grove school closes Thursday, November 25, with an entertainment Everybody is in vited to come. There will be an entertainment at Liberty; Saturday, November 27. A large crowd is expected, for Liberty school never fails draw a crowd. Mrs. C. F. Freeman has been reading about the fine sweet po tatoes that has been raised in Henderson county this year, but says she has not read of any that equals one she raised, in weight. She has one which weighs ex actly four and one-fourth pounds. She says she would exhibit it at the Hustler office but is afraid M. L. Shipman and "Ed" Brooks would "fight" over it. r The chain gang is now making the new Bearwallow road. They are sure doing, some excellent work. Miss Ludith Ledbetter and Claude Edney spent the night with Miss Jennie Freeman re cently. Mr. Charles Lvda. who has been in Idaho for the last several years, is now visiting his father, Rev. J. M. Lyda. The report of the State Chem ist of North Carolina, which ap pears below, stating that this town's water supply is pure and without pollution, is .gratifying and should set at rest the false and alarming rumors sent out by some misinformed person or per sons, from Hendersonville last Summer. These reports were calculated to do this resort the greatest in jury. They were grossly and wickedly exaggerated.. In fact so absurdly exaggerated that they were stamped on their very tace as being untrue. Still a lie travels fast, and The Hustler has letters from admirers Hendersonville, who are now in the South, repeating these ab surdities and urging that the city authorities take some imme diate action to set them at rest forever. "W St it some such action is not taken, at once, the town will be damaged not less than $100,000 next Summer! Btntt SJaunrainrg of Ijijgmt? (NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OP HEALTH) ANALYSIS OF WATER No. B 202 Sent by Supt. Water Works, Location, Hendersonville Source, Tap Marked, October Received, 101809 Reported, 102309 Sediment, Very slight Color Platinum Cobalt standard 25 Turbidity-Silica standard, Very slight Oder, hot,Vegetable Odor, cold, 0 Alkalinity (in terms of Calcium car bonate) Alkaline Chlorine, 3 Nitrogen as Nitrites, .04 Nitrogen as Nitrites, 0 Free Amonia, .012 Albuminoid Amonia, .036 Colon bacilli in 1 c.c, 0 Colon bacilli in 10 c. c, 0 Total number of bactenia per c. c, 15 No pollution. C. A. Shore, State Chemist. CottoL tiftnir ii TrprtfrrTyifn .i Anything cotton0"" iS rS C iF,T ced oil, a fluid extracted from the seed of purest cotton Fro Cotton field to Kitchen- human hands never touch the oil from K Pies, doughnuts and cakes cooked with Cottolene can be fearlessly enioved hv tk most Jetermtned JysMtic. for Cottolene makes food digestible as well afpalatabfe! There is no substitute for ing as good as Cottolene. It is pure, clean, neutral in taste and flavor, medium PUrCSt mSt healthful fryinS and shortening COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Y?ur. grocer isheby authorized to not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. money in case 3 Never Sold in Bulk p'"''.' is packed in pails with an air-tight top to , . . . , . . keep it clean, fresh and wholesome, and Drevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. P Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY . Thousands of dollars will be spent, RIGHT NOW, to guarantee a continuance of this condition. Hendersonville has one of the finest water supplies of any town on earth. 1 SiisplMd Going Hunting The tax collector's office will be closed next Thursday, Thanks giving Day Vol Shepherd says nts's going hunting so get there soon Friday and pay your taxes. The genial tax collector has gotten in about $8,500 of the county funds since taking office. Of Thanks Forced Into Exile. To the members of the Tahkee- stee Lodcre. K. of P.. of Flet- Per. ParKnishts: I Want, tn PTnrpaa Yrtv mrttJ w and sincere thanks to pery member who contributed ? cent toward helping us. Again assure you that I aDnreeiate the , faiysum of money you sent py children. May the Lord of n harvest bless each one of you plead you daily Yours truly, Mrs. T. JB. Cunningham. Wm. Unchurch of Glen Oak. Okla. was an exile from home. Mountain air. he thoucrht. would cure a fricrhtful luncr-rackincr Miwh that had dehed nil rem edies for two -years. After six months ne returned, death dog irinif his bteiEL? Then-1 hein to use Dr. King's New Discove- Ttgavea thousands vearlv from desperate lung diseases. In fallible for Coughs and Colds, it riisnpls Hoamfnesn and Sore m ri . St T- Hemorrhages, Asthma, ' Croup, Whnnn?nr fbfffrh. SOcandSI.OO. The Justus end Hunter's rnar- macy. nothing abetter that we W -S-' Ior aU kldney ailments, tj5iy e.xcellent in any case of Cy rouble. For weak back CKache. rheumatic troubles, Vth! -unequalled. Sold TVia pav mlAJiRant- ftafe. sure. nmmnt nil 1c srfl RfncrR TJttle ivpr Pilfa In. Anv emerirenevl Pmesatve Carbonized is the salve to use. It soothes nains. It heals bruises. Sold by Hunter's Pharmacy. No. 9571. Treasury Department Office of Comptroller of the Currency. Washington, D. C.,Oct. 29, 09. Whereas, by ' satisfactory evi dence Dresented to the under signed, it has been made to ap' pear that The Peoples National Bank of Henderson ville." in the Town of Hendersonville. m the county of Henderson and State of North Carolina has comnlied with all the provisions of the Statutes, of the United States required to be complied with " be- lore an association shall 4be authorized tocoznmence the busi ness of ifanking. Murray. Comntroller of the Cur rencv. do herebv certifv that T1ie Peonies National Bank of JUCUUClliVUTIIlC 111 U1C XUtfU VX Hendersonville, m the county of Henderson and State of North Carolina is authorized - to com mence the business of Bank in cr as provided in Section fifty-one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States. In Testimony Whereof witness my hand and seal of office this Twenty-ninth day of Uctober, 1909. Comptroller of the Currency. (Cony of the Seal of the Comntroller of the Currency) Sunday School Convention An open letter to all Officers and Teachers and older pupils of all schools in Henderson County. If you read your county papers you will have learned that you, as representatives of your schools and as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ have been called to meet in convention in Hender sonville, at 930 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 20, in the Baptist Church. You may not know that your county (Henderson) had 14,105 residents nine years ago when the census was taken. No man knows how many of these are saved; and it can never be known until the Christian workers begin to hold conventions and plan to work together to wards winning for the Lord's Kingdom every resident. , It is probable there are 8,000 or more lost people in this county. If the balance are Christians in name it is probable that less than 500 are daily Bible readers; that less than 100 know what it means to be a Christian born anew and livingjin the family of the father know it well enough to help others'jnto the life that is in Christ Jesus. - If there are 100 knowing what the Bible teaches a Christian to be, and able to win others, it is probable that less than 50 are seriously working at soul win ning, although they are assured of the company of the Lord "all the days" while they are obeying him in the matter. Now these probabilities are not suggested to make you mad, but to start sober thoughts. If they are near the mark, do you not need to cometogether to hear what others are doing in the work of teaching and winning souls, and to confer about what you may begin to do? Do you know how,much easier folks may be taught through the eye (using a blackboard) than through ithe ear? ; .'Do you knQw how-to jret all ;of the men in your neighborhood into the Sunday School? It is being done. Do you know how to iret all of the pupils to study the lesson at home?-. ' V : Is the conduct : in your school asborderly as in the public day School?. ' ::r v'4- Do you know how to gain and hold the attention of restless boys and jjirls? Scores of other questions to make you think might be asked and will be answered in the Jcon- vention. Come and have a share in it ! Ask your superintendent- to appoint three delegates, or have the school elect them. Brine: an offering or a pledge from your) your school; make it equal to 2 or 3 cents for each enrollen mem ber and tell them what it is for when you return. Bring your own silver off ering of 10, 25 or 50c; you never did give to this cause in your life, and you will be glad to do so after you have been in the Convent. on. Your Fellow Laborer, Lewis Collins. Asheville, N. C. fl. G. Ml 080(1 M& The plumbing in Claude Brown's new block on South Main street isbeing installed by Mr. H. C. Duffy which is to say the plumb ing is being installed right. ten! Mats Here Deputy Sheriff Connor now has a record of capturing 14 "hoboes" found riding on South ern Railway freights. . Thanks largely to Mr. Connor's activity the chaingang now numbers 37. 0 Main stroot was brightened and mads more pleasant, last Friday, by the presence of some 40 cr 50 students of the Brevard school, enroute to their homes. The school is clo-d until after Christmas. JONATHAN CASE'S FARM AND BUSINESS OFFERED FOR SALE That fine 300-acre dairy and fruit farm of Mr. Jonathan Case's at Dana is now on the market, together with his $5000 stock of general merchan dise contained m the store house on the estate, where an annual busi ness of $20,000 is done. This superb'place, five miles from Henderson- ville, on the. top of the Blue Ridge Mountains, is thoroughly improved, and is one of the best known dairy farms of this sect ion. One third of the 300 acres is in good tim ber, the balance is either under cultivation or in pasture, while the whole ract is enclosed with good wire fences. ' Long known as one of the finest fruit and dairy farm3 in this part of the state, this ideal spot has on it over 2000 thriving fruit trees, peach, apple and cherry, the majority of the trees how ever being apples, 100 grape vines, two springs and a good well. There are many magnifi cent views to be obtained - from is, altogether, unaouDteaiy one ox the finest farms in Western N. Carolina. Besides the 12 room dwelling house on the estate there are four tenant houses, two store buildings almost new, good barns with room for 30 head of cattle. a barn to hold four horses, a mag nificent new 75-ton silo, and a well equipped cannery. Three churches and the Danai school house are close by, in fact almost on the property. A pri vate telephone line affords direct communication with Henderson ville and the Dana postoffice is located in the store on the place. Mr. Case offers for sale also his stock of general merchandise ....".f,W-i . , v . . 5v v1 4 1 S f "! T " i -. -'.: .1' ',-- -wWi valued at $5000, his cannery with 12000 empty cans, ten good cows, a fine registred Biltmore Jersy bull, one pair horses, one pair mules, two 2-h or as wagons, two single Dumfries, f- rmin ; tools, mowing machine, disc plow, feed cutter, disc harrow, drag harrow cream separator, etc., all in good condition. Mr. Case will sell the farm either -as a whole or in tracts to 8uit:urchaser.ahd will seirtbbts. nierchSnSfse and cannery with the farm or will sell the farm alone. To those who would not be in terested in either of these propo sitions will be afforded the 00- portunityof buying tenof his fine cows, either singly or in one lot, the Jersey bull; the horses, mules wagons, buggies, and stock, of merchandise. The farming implements, corn. fodder, hay and ensilage will be reserved until the farm is sold. Anyone interested in this real ly fine property should either write, phone or go and see Mr. Case, the owner, at Dana, N. C., who will be glad to give any fur ther information desired.