V. , 1... . - - - i i i- v ' i f : i i jf M .11 - . ' : Iccpc. clear eye ! -Correct How Gtylcs . -Best Msxterial, Excellent Workmanship, . Perfect Fitting Stroisb Bros; Hlflh-Art 1910 Spring ond .Svimmer-ClotKintf now on displsxy in Wilson's Department Store Windows -. $20, 12.50,' 15.00, 16.50, .18.00, $20 . Suits. If you wish to bo the bsst dressed man in town you must buy. the latest best suits bly at WI Ladies Dresses fust .rrWed fx t Wilsons v ' See pur hqw : Window ;' Ladies : ; ere " U V Specially Intcd 4o cp Newest and Latest dress goods arriving.: Get your ttcHet! 10 CHina Dii lUsMlliitiBtBlol 1c jpri v i L. W Just merit r i -' , , - f - - - V - - - j - T . We dQ'npt keep received of the River O Fruit! GST 2 MS. TRADE MILLER & Feed Store, UioabtoUjr the gtest remedy ; . - of age! ; ? For Gripr aid Golds v ; : it is absofoteljiiinsiiiialled L : : r : - - " Sold only at : A Crystal Glass Pound of Ibert Snioldng 1 obaco for only A If. won Aim 1 ( a 4 nr111- -r 4hdt r. 0 ros W Ir1 4 w23 77. : -.r a large a s Indian 0 i?ot Office nip famou ranges and Grape open on Sunday. ; WITH WETMUR HABIT PHONE 205 P S13:North Main Street H iiijiidoF and suDsrb Prince s & La sit .-Ik 4. en m - & m BR1PJG: RESULTS " - One cent a word each insertion; " r . ' . . CASH WITH . ORDER. . Hunter's Pharmacy for Drugs. WANTED 25 boarders by the week. " Uneeda Lunch Room, formerly Belmont Cafe. Fine Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching at Ficker's store. Gee I Those steaks, Roasts and Chops of J. A. Rusher & Son's market are delicious. They have the right flavor. 'Phone 141, Complete outfit Plow Gears. Price right. .VFew :.-Bros..'- Use Red Band Pure Scotch Snuff WANTED Bids on the labor in the construction of thirty (30) cottages at Kanuga Lake, r For information address - George Stephens, Charlotte, ;N. CJ - Rev.' Mcintosh - Great Quick Relief for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia. 50p and $1.00 at; Hunter's Pharmacy. ' T - 2t ' WANTED-fMan with Small family or? without a. family, Ito milk and work on the place. , Ap ply J. R., care Hustler office. FOR .SALE Horse, sound, work . any whererguaranteed. Also one surrey and wagon, with harness. H. Patterson. Best Calf ... Muzzle reduced .: to 25cehts. Few Bros. " ' 4Ty Cobb"Slugger Bats, $1.00 at Hunter's-Pharmacy. WE WILL have Cabbage Plants this season. Hunter's Pharmacy. Red Band Pure Scotch Snuff. Those Slugger Bats, $L00 at Hunter's Pharmacy. ' - " There is always satisfaction in knowing you have the best-fso use Red Band Pure Scotch Snuff. FOR SALE A $50.00 scholar hip in the American Shorthand snd Business College. Durham. N. . C, .for. only $10.00.. Apply Muster omce. . . . r t . Best hand I saw : file "on , earth, only 10c T j'ew Bros. - , NEW . CROP, of - ohiori , ;Seeds just received at Hunter's Phar macy; h i-v'v, ??. At last a cure for Rheumatism. Mcintosh's Quick Relief at Hun ter s Pharmacy. 50c and $1. 00. vRed Brand Pure Scotch Snuff is the highest grade Snuff. . You see! J. A.- Rusher & Son are prepared to accommodate you with the best of -Meats, Fish, Oysters and dressed Fowl. Give them a trial orp!er. 'Phone 141. -Apple Trees for. ; Shade Reader if you contemplate plant ing any shade trees in your yards this spring why not. plant an apple tree that will give you both shade and 1 fruit. -I have some choice ones, six years old that I will sell standing in field at 25c each. . -. B; W. Marshall. J FOR RENT - One half of store building, and basement, now occupied by C, E. Wilson. A. A. Gates, Hotel Gates, If you get your harness from Few Bros., you will find it all right,: Quality and f rice both right i Few' Bros. ',--;i:r4-'o; ;'Tbbs6Nap6leoh'--Lao!ev'iBats $1.00 at Hunter's Pharmacy. FX)R SALEI have some first class seasoned stove wood. Can deliver anywhere ; fn town ' oh short notice, also a few thorugh bred:Rhode Island Red Cockerels. just f rem poultry farm. . For in formation call; phone ; 31. E, C. McLaughlin. ; NEW CROP of Onion Seeds just received at Hunter's Pharm acy.-- .' FRESH GARDEN SEED just received at Hunter s" Pharmacy. Ask your! merchant for Red Band Pure Scotch Snuff.; ; .. .motors; . For . Sale." Two' (2) Sims Dental ' water- motors : Lathe motor, almost new. "A bargain if taken "' at" once. Apply Dr. Ewbank. ; '; i-i- J YC'lGiiifJaXuS L . M'ert!;rJ.f.riO lEl. Town taxc3 are due,iand if not paid by April 1st alL delinquents will be advertised. . VT ' f. "- This . ; is' according to the law made and proyided, and City Tax Collector Bryson has no option in the matter. - 5 : , Unless y our city taxes are, paid by April 1st you will be adver tised., .'r : Bear Wallow Items. W. S. Grant, left for Wash ington, D. -C, last" week to be gone until June, i . : Jesse G. Oates has joined the U. S. Army and i3 stationed at Columbus,: Ohio. '-.....r - Rev. G. W. : Conner : went to Stone .Mountain last Saturday to fill his regular appointment. Floyd Conner, v of Fairview, moved to Vernon . Grant's place last week, t:;:.:!';;':.,:-'-r" Calvin Early of Chimney Rock, has moved to W. S. Grant's. Sam; Williams and JEwart Con ner have returned from Old Fort, N. C. - : Owing to the bad weather, the work on the Reedy Patch road is progressing slowly. - Rev. Wf S; Huntley has sold his farm on Middle Fork and has moved to Hoopers Creek. ;! We are glad to report; that ;W. ; S. Walls condition is greatly . im proved after a severe attack - of grippe; - '. . . v '- S. J. Summer has- gone to South Carolina on a business trip. .-. ;: V. ; -v -V" Hillgirt News. - Mr. J. K. ; Newman, has re turned home from the west and his many friends are glad to see him. :-: - ' Miss Cora Taylor of Horse Shoe; spent last Saturday ivith Miss May. Whitaker and returned home Sunday. , - ; : Mrr W.c W. Sims is expected, to take charge of . his. new. store early in the Spring, ' k EOR RENT OR SALE. - Lke - VJejyf ; Hotel;; faldnr beaiitif ul '6sceola9I,-16r furnished. Or will sell this de sirable property on easy: terms, if desired. - :' Also, new 16-room house "for rent or-sale on easy terms; - Thisi house is in town and well Suited for boarding house; ' f: v JOHN L. ORR, : -Henderson vilIe, N. C. Lenten Services. . , At St James Church.the follow-1 ing services will be- held: Sunday: : Holy Communion, 7 :30 a. m. Morning; service . and sermon, 10:30, a. m. Sunday School, 3:00 p. m. . : j . Friday, short service with lec- ture on church, '8:00 p. m. : " Schedule of Trains. ; From Spt'burg No. 9-.lX).p. m. - ; No. 13....8:15 p. xn. F'm Toxaway-rNo. 5,; fc10a5 a. m. For Spartanbnrg-Nd. i4...t8.b5 a. nsjf ror Toxawa7No:6.,..-,40 pu: id; alsii Ohfbn Sets, " Clovers,. Grass Seed, 7 Irsh Potato (Maine Grown) - - '. Cabbage Plants Please Leave - Your Orders, Hunters fi-upticy mm I It is our aim to condu ct our:' banking '-'operation s on safe r business principles. '-We. ere ambitious, that this bank - --Should have a rep utation for being : -r.r-' . We .aim.at's. curity for all, patron, depositor, stockholder. -.We believe the financial standing of our stockholders, the -, reputation of our officers,, all substantiate our claim that the best place, to deposit your money is Began Business July 2ridl908 itkU I "A ll , M I . I , ,; By spending less than they " earn. And the Banking habit helps wonderfully in -reducing unnecessary spending. Checking; accounts, large or small invited.by, ir .; A , ' I W. J. DAVIS, President K. G. .MORRIS, V.-Pres. M a nil j Who possessed every other requirement for success has failed because he lacked an em ergency fund. ' ;;. -y r '.i:J. Have you laid as a few dollars as an em ergency fund? : - ' "' . ' lifiii . I i. JOHN CARTER, President U. G. STATON,:; CAPITAL IF YOU ARE INTfiRESTEDIN .CATTnif'IItPTr,nTI7C-'Wettv Case Oil i Itiltili IM WSUj. linev built : with: big: ; Cylinders, high pressure easily steaming boilers, which means plenty of power." We have sold them and they fill the . bill every; time. We sell Sawmill Engines, too. Come to.see us.: Our prices and terms are the best j . ; : ; ' "T "' ; . !E6ards;Hadviar A highgraieBusinesa Training School, endorsed by; leading Busi .; ness . men j ; tiiat qualifies men and .women, for EXPERT work in the ; - ConamerdalVorld. h ir- 'rr, l&rJ ? ' ; : rliEPARTAIENTS diting, ShorthanoV Typewriting, Telepraphy,' Pen Art Prepartory. . Expert Faciltj-Rrcii Fare PaH-PcsHicis Seczrei We c!sa izzth hj i!a3 Capital Stock 130.000 gleii 11 L MACK RHODES, Cashier S. G. RHODES, Asst. Cashier mm CHAS. F. TOMS, Vice-P rer F. S: FULLBRGHT Cashier Bank -if you are too busy to come your ? self. ,t;-;Jnprtce.v'of keeping, a check account in a safe - bank cannot : be over-estimated ,.Our methods are conservative and . :your VnioneyVis safe when you place it in the Bank Safe Deposit LBoxes to rent for !arvery : reason able charge per year. 30,000.00 V SsndTcm-Bpy 1 - - . " Ui

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