V The fc 4 v I I. 5 jp Wi n frill Wn-w.,jj A i "l A" f I V', v 3 Galete ISc value 15c yd. Vre.haTe.lt in-mcst all the pood S ipnffths 15c values at lCcyd. 12 yards bolfa Lou-. Cloth Je Best quality EleecLins yd wide Cambric ; . ; . : 10c yd .....10c ! y J 1 mm 1 ' ! !. 1 li f ' 1 v J r I I 36 inch wide 01.25 , value iV 93c yard. 68c yard i-39c yarS Galetla ISc "values 15c yd. TFc have it in most all the good bine. Blue and if bite, -wtits and black, etc .Bleeching at 5c yd. Cotton Checks 5c yard; . v: V -1 Standard Indigo blue' calico, ''Shepherd checks, Beds, also light colors 5c yd... Shoe nails lc box. Half soles 10c pair. Yard Wids 31i3'c Taffeta Silk, Good quality. Yard vide- China Silk, ail in nev; shadcsl Uganda Silk in light blue, pin!:, white and black ' . " , . ijl-i : A25c yard - - . .. - .. Cotto Silk Foulards in all the latest shades 15c yard. ........43c .CSc Cl-5 Children Oxford. ' sizes 2 Stt, ; : ; . .;. . . . . : . Clhldren Oxford sizes 813. -. ..... Hisses Oxfqrd, all Solid IS 2. . . . Ladies Oxford, all sizes and all kinds from $1.25 up to.. . lien's Oxford... ...... ....v.. ....... Baby Patten Leather, Ankle Tie 80 4 . . ...... ... ... Boys work shoe.7....; ..i.,. CSc Hen's Tan and Black Button Shoe Hen's all Solid Leather Ploir Shoe top sale....;. ... ... ....... ...... $1J!5 . . . . . V""-J . . . . . V""J Of TIce Crcsa lie I ilr c vzlzs Elrri an J EIzo IlclrJr. 1 , K tew Foxford.Sdtin-s, ii"If ttccI la LIcl:, Else, Eroim nd 'Crcia', Luc yard. . TTTpIl Ti1a T T n . w - iC a-s -oc yara. xaro 120 sheets r 10c each. 10 qiirtcr bleached sheeting' -3c Talue at 0c yd.; ? luliUJU iyei3 c cacn.uooa size Hack Uaen towels 3 fcr 23c. 8 day clocks C1.C5. . ' . , 7: V I:. r i f Hen's SoX'Cc.ralr.'. Ladles hasp S rfr" T.t Tt" ' , w wuil,i UUil JUiJlQ' 25c. Ladles'rure silk hap 4S rr!r. Tisf . vT.iffJ GInghaias to crrire 5 yd. - ; ' ' v 7 1 U (7 3 3 - c nzi-'.'L .rr it,. , . ..- I: I . - C 1 C If 1 J, i -1 3 1 Heim'deirsoiiwnJlIeo -' - ut this -out end fcrlr- U Cch - IIIYE and et Sc ia cash irhen yon ; buy C2.C0 worth or 'more . . I . . pa. ' L . .Good QgMty Calico : : -lc per.yard v - V . S . i . ' . v , v . . . " ' . ' 1 Tul crcld 1 Few Faets About Cia 'T5acHlus v"'' TM lay world ka3 becomopessessed of an erronious, opinioa of tha dangers of tuberculaLfectiOEu- The. average larman seems to have tha opinion that fee tubercle' bacillus. , (the. germ ot consumption) lived tr an indefinite length of' time outside of, the human toiY. and that the germs continue to grow and increase in cumbers. Tnat thej move about of their own accora, and by the assistance of .the winds, tte That they are to be found every wnere. That a single case of tuber ealosis in the neighborhood M apt to infect the entiTe communitybecause f tiiese supposed conditions. ' They eem to think that the air exhaled by the consumptive is infectious, and dangerous. That In the neighborhood f the consumptive's home, the tub ercle bacillus is floating around in the ir. And that the dust of the streets is laden with these living germs. - Let it be said to those of who hold to such an opinion, that you are thinking and believing wrong. In the first place, the tubercle bacillus has no motion of its own accord... That ut doors we dq not find the living germ being carried about, by : the winds. .That air exhaled by the .con to dry and become "powdered into-fine dust, then that room will become dan gerous to all who may occupy it. 7 But even then the danger is lessened in prbpoxtlon to the amount of ventilla tioa and. light that such a room received.- The better; ' the , Ventlllatipn and the more light admitted, the less danger from that room.- Fresh air and sun light are the greatest enemies to the germ of consumption, for they kill it quickly.- And dead germs. certainly can "produce no disease. V. V ;v So, if you are a consumpti ve : have In the last- issue t of the Caucasian to something; a "cup, a" paper or some thing in which the sputum can then be destroyed, and do not let any of the ksputum get on the floors or walls, and your room will be safe from Infection.- This has been demonstrated in the leading, sanatoria,, where thou sands of ' consumptives have . been housed, and where "such care is al ways exercised, yet none of the rooms have ever become., infected. - Also, In sucK sanatoria, none of t3ie physicians, nurses-or; attendants Have ever con tracted the disease from the patients. This" latter fact goes to show also that consumption, is not a cOntageous di sease, as so many people ; seem to think. If it ' were, ' all the vdoctors t would be dead .with the disease, for ETFABT EEPLIE3 TO UUTEEE. Denounces Chargrt In Ealelh .Can Denounces Charges - fa 'Caleijli' Can vvcaslan As -'False. And Libelees ;Acd '"'Demands Eetractlon Full -Text ;. of Letter.--:;.,; ,:r'.-.:- .- "- " ; - v". Uendersonville, "C. 1A.- -i-:u March,. 23T. 1911. Mr. Lester Butler, ; "r'X Editor Caucasian. -V ,Dear Sir: siimptive is sterlle and harmless. -Thatj e Sequent contract oi the physi M germ is not found, floating around ! Cians with consumptives would ecr. in the air about the home of the con- j tainjiy have brought about a contrac amptive, even though the consump-. of ,tte jiSeasve .If it were ..a con stlTe may be a careless one.' That the tageous disease. Every case of con living germ of consumption has neTer,8umptdn exlstancetoday '-is due been found In thavdust of streets. to the fact that there has been some that - the only place.-- where we find consumptive bef orei them who did not infective air. is in the poorly ventllat-j trv to dpstrv thp snutum. ' v and lighted roomcor a careless coa. sumptive. .V-v- ".k-s: The germ of consumption escapes j from the body pf one suffering from .tie disease, chiefly by means of the ?putum. The sputunu-or spittlemay cwitain but a few of these germs, or H may contain many of them; Always toost of those -'which are found in 8putum, are dead before . the '- sputum kaa been raised. But there are enough. Present which are alive o ; make the jputum dangerous if it is not proper disposed oU If care is. taken, and U quite easytb do, to properly dis pose of this infected suptum, then vaat consumptive is a perfectly safe JJmpanion with which to associate. Th only consumptive chich' is dan terous to the health of others, is the Jfi who. I s careless in the" disposal of 8 or he sputum. . :i ,. -"-, ; v . Consumption is distinctly fa house isease, meaning by that, it is 'practi- uy always contracted In some In- Base Ball In Asheville April Srd. . The lovers of .our '"National game" will; be. interested in knowing "that on Monday , and Tuesday, April 3rd-ahd 4th; the Brooklyn team of the National League will play in Asheville. " . "This is the first time a major league team ; has ever played in ' Western North - Carolina, . and the "fans", of Asheville' and Vicinity; are looking forward to the gamef ' with, a i great deal of interest" and record breaking crowds, are expected to witness1 the games. movement is oh foot in Asheville to have the merchants close their- stores on the afternoon of. the first games In order that the employ-' ees as well as the merchants them vselves may have an opportunity of. see ing a "Big League" team in action. Parties faoin Waynesville.- Uenderson ville and nearby towns are planning to attend one of the games. : . Ch.N. Justice, . who is now connect- These you have a right to makeun-I Iessithey should De slanerous In their character.' . , ' " ' . ,v You say in. the editorial referred to that it became neccessary f or Speaker Walser In the legislature of 1895 to remoye me as" Chairman of the Com mute oh Elections because I refused to , take action on a . single contest made bya Republican or Populist " V; Anexamination. of the Journal will show you that this statement Is utter ly false. I' was never removed from that or any other committee by Speak er Walser - -. ' . 1 ;. The Judiciary Committee .never at" any ume maae , a -uaaiuiaoas ,. reyoj against me, as : you charge. ; . ' '. ;You are further pleased to ask why none of these charges, and evidence taken in the matter has never' been published, or commented on by the Democratic press of theState. . It has hot been done, because the Democratic press Of this State as a rule have . the sense and. decency not to j publish slanderous and - libelous charged against a citizen of this State. Which Would subject such paper to criminal . indictment sIn the courts of the .State. :.-': : .-V-' ; . It woujd. seem that-the recent ex perience of the editpr of the Cauca sian, and . his co-def ehdant," in the Case pf Adams vs. Butler et al, should have been an object lessoxi to you. ' Perhaps.'you wish 'another? Suppose you- publish, these charges and assume full responsibility for ' the same ? ; i :'ri: v: " V"1:- You will be the first man ,iri North Caroliha who ever did it ' - . . . The slanderous and skulking "curs wo 'made these 4 charges " against - me were always very ' careful to make Josure where some careless consump-1 ed with Jeffresg & Co.rof this place -"o uas uvea, iou will nouce uiav word "careless" Is used in mak la5 the above, statement Jt is be nae that if the consumptive ia.care fni and not careless in thS' disposal of or her, sputum, there cah be no ager from association with Mm or er. But the consumptive who will reieggly spit -on the. floor or valfi ais room, allow the sputum tt:rd and who was . president of Asheville Base Ball Club last year, is bringing theBrooklyn Club to Asheville and will gladly furnish' Information, etc., to the local v'fans" who contemplate see ing either of, the games.- .. . vSeveral have-ispoken of. getting .up a party to attend, the 'first game, and, tickets ' "will -probably ' be-- placed on rala next reci. A-lctilla Citizen. . You will find upon further ,ex&mi"t t,ma . T n Joth. Populists and Republicans were promptly seated. . , , Cv You will also find that those con testants," who had no legal cause for contest and who insisted upon being seated simply because they were -Republicans' or . Populists "were not . seat ed ; and that in every report made- I was - sustained by practically theunim imous vote of my committee . " . " : . "I understood : at tile time that . Sen ator . Butler was - very much Incensed that I refused to consldor as evidence ex - parte affidavits made by irrespon sible negroes in certain ' contested casesr and requested Speaker Waiser to increase the number of Jthe Elec-. tiens. Committed , V ;? .This. was done without any objection on my part, ..but the-ebmmlttee, as in creased, continued to ptand by me in every report -made. . ' ' Where a, contestant" made out his case in accordance with the. law and the evidence he was seated, otherwise not : v You are further pleased to say that when -appointed U. S. "Judge the cbaFpes against me were Of such a ser ous -charafcter that Ihe Senate Judici ary Committee made a unanimous re port against my confirmation. :'1,- -.-This i3 also absolutely, false. The report of the ? Judiciary .Committee made at the first session 'which" con sidered., my nomination and after --all cess ; Is it" different now. ' In view, of your deliberate mis statement of f acts as above set out, I ask ' that you publish this . letter and " that i you further, retract ' your statements that-. I was either remov ed ;f rom : the-Elections Committee ' by Speaker Walser, or thaf the Senate LCommittee on Judiciary ever, made an unanimous report adverse to my con firmation as a Federal Court Judge. "Both -J Judge Pritchard and . Ex Speaker Walser will make ' emphatic denials as 1 to either of " these " state ments . being true, ' '.. "b ' " Yours, etc, " ' '" ; , 7,'.:: " "'-.li. G. EWART. : ; KOTICE TO TEACIIEKS. . A meeting of the', Trustees of the Uendersonville Graded School will be held Tuesday, April "11, 1911, at which meetting applications will be consid ered for the following positions in the Uendersonville graded school for the school year 1911-12: ' ; Superintendent,' eight teachers for the white school, two teachers for the colored school. ' r : ' ' Applications should be sent to the chairman of the board ' before ' the above-named date, and should be ac companied by such credentials as the applicant wishes to submit. ' V .-" A;F. P. EDiG, ;. the so-called charges made against k Chairman, Trustees of Henderson me hy personal and polititcal enemies 1-ville Graded School. ' , - -" was:.fayorable.; - ' ' ! liarch 20,1911 I . served": for two ' years 'or more' un- " - ' ' - dent:-McKlnIey .. who'showed ; the con-! ' I I ' v f -!ence he had in 'me and hu i!.:-Tef : & . cf the charges made' against.' me' by ,- tzzlliiz my name thrca different' times -; U St -V-. - ' ' " ' f. ' - r i -'.I!ovCX v ' - . ' ,- i . .- - ; : -!-9 . - " ' . ' - 4. t - - . X - . ' V , , mi '"--v : s " ' . ; . j: -; t ' : " - . ' , 1 " i. r ... ........ i ArrivcJ. jTt r r -uiw is more com: plete than ever in this line of Goods. " I- . . .... . - ... ,, - ,.. , A FEW SPECIALS ;: ;.f Just Arrived N UAr.QUISLTTES' m DELICCATL C II A Dm FANCY CniFFOrS C CTS TFT1ITE LACE Br.CCABZS Ql'CEXTS. - v r n inn p ilMiirnMi! MS 1 f j ""N C 1 "y ft Li U Us O WILSOIJ SELLS IT FOR LESS. Call-' Hade' for Democratic CcnTcrtl-sn .-. --;' Ilcxt.IIcrliy. ". A call-ii riiade for a meeting of- the Demacrats of Uendersonville to nominate candidates for llayor and three aldermen for the coming election to serve. the townlcf Hendersonville for; the nest two years. The 'meet ing.. will be : held In 'tha cbart-ncuzs llonday - night. April S at S o'clock. All -dcsocrat3;an!"'-' urztCL to ta pre sent' .'-"' . '".'-' . -v' - v. c. v; cnEPnrr.1) ,4s-.'.'- ' . r,h-JT"sr Tl TV fn-T YZZr. Cta& S..Jcrpczl23r Ar;c!-t:l ?z . Raleigh, N. C; liarch 24,-lCll. .o ia -.8 .-j. ax uommisslcn " k;:-;! Cias: Z: Corpening, of Ilcrca "ci;c Tax Asoczsor for Henderson' ccuzty i , accordance vrith nsw Revnuo cz.Z. Machinery Act providing for V.2 Tri ouscountic3 cf the State. ;- lir. Ccrr lag s - application -- was endorse! Commizricnar of Labor and' rri-'.:.: 1L L. CMpman, Mr.. A. Csnncn, n:n ber cf the State Board cf AjrlcU::.. and -ctlitr. leading . 8t mocrats el II; to P'-'-t 'o- conSrmation.