NEW SERIES. VOL. 14. $IC0 . PES . YEA1X HElTDSIinOUVILli, . ITOHTH, CAROLINA,; TI-USDAYRIL 6: 1911. V LOCAL IlEIlTlOli: mmm no: :e mm - i i . sift ' . ta. . . ' I:,-. - 1 A' THE OraOGBlCl&f: CEf Pursuant to the call made in the Hustler last week by V. C. V. Shep-; herd, chairman ' of s the ' Democratic Executive Committee of "Henderson county, a good number of . -the tried and true democrats of Hendersonville met at the court house Monday night for the purpose of nominating candi- . w mayor and three aldermen to (. efo' ti e next two years. - - r v - The meeting was called to order by Mr. V. C. V. Shephehrd, who requested Col. J. W. Wofford to act as-temporary chairman, and, Mr. Mack Rhodes as temporary secretary. Col. . Wof ford in taking the chair thanked the audience for the. honor conferred: upon him and stated .that the " first business before the meeting -was the 1 election of a permanent chairman and secretary. Upon motion'of Mr. McD, Ray, Col. Wofford was made perma nent chairman, and on motion. Mr. Rhodes was, also, made permanent secretary. - v -: Colonel Wofford again thanked the meeting for the double honor bestow ed upon him and stated that he. had not come out with the Expectation jof taking any active part in the meeting, but as the meeting had so unanimous ly conferred upon him this honor,. he was ready for business, and assured the audience that he, would at. all times be found right in the front ranks of the battle. V x , Mr. Michael Schenck moved that the meeting go into the election of a candidate for . mayor; and upon the second of his motion the chair an nounced that nominations were in or der for that office. Mr. W. F. Edwards, in. a few well chosen remarks placed in nomi nation Mr. C. E. Brooks, cashier of the Citizens Bank. Mr. McD. Ray in a1 neat little speech placed Mr. M. M. Shepherd in nomina tion. '. ' "' ': : ' On motion of Mr. Michael Schenck, the nominations were, closed rnd the chairman ordered a ballot talcetuV v Upon counting the votes W it S-jras found that Mr, .Brooks had received 65 vtes and Mr.', Shepherd '13, .which in this case did not prove the unlucky number,- as . following i proceedings show. JChC the Tt's Inst exnotlv . ao C!hariAR F"rpnch Toms feelingly remarked during the 1 day it's more difficult to get a claim allowed by that honorable - body than it is for a rich man to enter the pearly gates of the next-best place to Hen dersonville. - Of course, r the board's attorney meant incorrect claims or claims in correctly made out, or where they had not been sworn to, or where a letter t was not .'crossed.. Some lit tle thing like that, you know. - But outsiderof appointing the town ship, assessors, and allowing $100 for a corn contest prize, the board's time was entirely taken up with the pay ment of , bills and with listening , to the fervid talks of attorneys explain ing why road petitions should - or should not be granted. The "claims allowed ranged from fifty cents for soap for sheriff Blackweli's guests to ?56.00 for a new bridge across Hoop er's Creek. Some few releases from taxes were allowed, but there were several more than a few that were not allowed. . The commissioners were in session, all day, adjourning to, meet April 2.7 for the purpose of talk ing over property valuations with the newly appointed assessors, whose jobs are dated May 1st. 4 The entire pro ceedings of the county's business man agers were marked by clean-cut busi ness, methods calculated to transact the affairs of the county in .a. modern, business-like way. , - r V The sum of $100 was appropriated as a boy's corn contest prize.: y C. S. Corpening was sworn' in as county tax assessor , ; - v ; The resignation ' of J. P. Case as game warden was accepted. The ap plication of Aliard Case for the vacant position was held over; until the next regular meeting. ; Curtis Bynum, the largest tax-payer( in Henderson county, drew the board's attention to several serious clerical errors in the tax records, affecting Mr. Bynum, whifch will be corrected. Application for releaseyof :j?olland $4.14 property :tex due tire:'countr;by the estateof the late' C. I:UElefner vwas not" alldwed.-" ClarencrRjrfiier claim- the 'necessar r-cprrw for dyptheriaxitfctc by Dr. Waldrpp ank secured frpm the State authoriUes, butth.scocnaissica ts couldn't b it that way asi Ilr. 1 ERS irSESSl iiDl ' that Mr. Brooks : was the choir. nf the majority fori mayor, was. received with much enthusiasm: 1 " Mr. M. M. Shepherd moved that the nomination of ; Mr. Brooks' be made made unanimous, and the same was so ordered amid great appiause. V v : The chairman announced that the next Jmsiness wa; sthe selection of three candidates for aldermen, and the following . gentlemen were placed in nomination: M. M. " Shepherd. Dr. Dixon, Geo. Justice! T L. Durham. J. L W. Bailey, C. S. Fulbright, J. O. Wil liams, J. Mack Rhodes and C R. Whitaker. v ? ' V' v. A. ballot was taken and : when the Votes were counted it was found that Messrs. Shepherd. Bailv and Rhodes had; "received a majority of the votes cast- and they were declared the nom- uiees lor aiaermen; On.' motion a committee was ap pointed :to conduct': the candidates to the bar of the -court house, which they did and longhand loud calls were made for speeches, ; ; . : v:. - "X Mr. Brooks in a few, but well chosen .wodsv- thanked the .meeting for: the nomination they had given him and as sured the democrats of Hendersonville that' if S elected he w'ould to the very best of his ability give the town a lean, pure and progressive administra tion, and would do all in his power for the onward and upbuilding of Hender sonville. ; Mr. Brooks said that he had been .Mr. Brooks said that he had been asked how he stood on the prohibition question, and In reply to that question he wished to state that if he was elected, the blind tigers of Henderson ville had just as well shake the dust of this town from their feet. . The' other candidates thanked the meeting . for the positions to which they had been nominated and stated that they would, if elected, do their best, , and that they would stand shoulder to shoulder with the future mayor to give a clean business admin istration. . ,Qol.r Wofford was then called upon 'foYi a "speech. He made a short but very enthusiastic talk and said that he to work and do their full duty, victory 1" ". tnia.ue wftuia bkours" afiwfifehKi-mil past,rew ,4aya madethe fqllowlng . . ' 1 vat. WD '.;;i.yf . "Vfnnra will havA tn na v tliA hill him self. Press Lane wanted release from a special school tax of $18.27 and was referred to .the county board of educa tion: Robert Ledbetter says he's tax ed on $199 real money in bank and sorrowfully disclaims . having that much but .wouldn't mind it a bit if he had. The. board, however, refused to release Robeit and told him to come back, next ; regular, meeting day and they'd see.- . V Henry Justus was given a document which releases him from payment of poll tax and Henry ha sthe document tightly wadded up in that big purse of his.- Asked by Chairman Bane if he was able to ; work, Henry- gracefully leaned over the chairman's chair and remarked that he was totally unable to perform . any; really laborious or toilsome manual labor, that the light tasks befaling him as assistant janitor of the court house were just about his limit, you know, and that anything calling tor a more severe mentai or physical strain than, tbs was out of his .class, as you might say. The officers of the county, who are on salary have been-in the habit of making out claims for the money due them, thus affording the county treas urer his little per cent. - In the future this will be dispensed with, and here after the county . treasurer's per cent, will be 'somewhat diminished. : ; v . All -road petitions either for changes in established roads, or for new: ones, receive the- closest scrutiny of the board. It is their expressed opinion that roads should be changed only when absolutely necessary, ' and that when a man has spent hia money im proving , property on an established road common justice would dictate that the road remain ' there - Many road petitions were considered. Judge Ewart, McD.' Ray and W. B. Rector argued the merits or showed "up the de-merits of some of the various propositions.'"-"--? '-'V.-l: : vV - - :v--Sbc!ety ;lnteTteInedV:n:jv;,': ;-vHelxdersonPolk county MedIcal;Sqc iety. was.:delightf ully entertained: at a course supper; served at the Kentucky Horne last Tuesday ight. Nearly ; all tne "mempers were, preseai pesiaes sex Rtisell Were i host M :' the occasion. TrtsiollJ-Bfurii-. liAstr rtf th:- ofcc&slfm. Several . shoriV speeches were heard during the evening' which we iMtruc . - m ... 'a M . ft A .L'!. tlve as well as caieruuusg .the St.' V'h '' f ' - - Messrs. Ewbank & Ewbank, the real estate men,' say that - they have had more inquiries' for houses this season than-ever before, and indications point to- an exceptionally satisfactory season. Mr. D.' L.. Sehorn, of : Tr'yori, has moved to Hendersonville,- and will, in a short time, open a moving, picture show in the building formerly occupied by the Peoples National bank. v-. , i' Edwards Hardware company has received a large shipment of fishing tackle from thevAbby &.Imbrie com - pany. These tackles are being dis played by the local company. J . -Messrs. K. G. Morris, R. M. Oates and H. C. Duffy' were among those who went to Ashe ville Monday to take in the great ,;: ball , game between the Brooklyn, N,-.-. Y., team and the the Asheville aggregation. - . iln a special school tax elctelon here recently, which resulted in establish ing District No. 7, not one yote was cast against the proposition. Another election for the same purpose, with' expected results, will be held at -Etowah on May 91 ' From the number of big hogs that was killed in this county last, fall and winter, one ; would - suppose that . the farmers of " Henderson were pretty well "healed" ; on . the meat -question; but it is a very common occurence: to see. farmers going out of town "with a. big hunk" of the western article in their wagons. - - -t r The .city council has. ordered to be printed from the presses of the Hustler Print Shop 10,000 of the folders en titled, "A Few Facts About; Hender sonville. " These folders will be given away to any one who desires to aid in the campaign to advertise Hender--son ville. They will be off the press in about a week. .' This last order makes a total of nearly 30,000 folders, dis tributed In Hendersonville, in the last month. -.' . . : . Saluda and Hendersonvilee v r high school base ball teams played one of he fastest games of ball this season on the school grounds resulting in the victory for the school boys by a score of 19 to 7. The Polk county boys made a fine showing but were out classed by the locals and at no stage of the game did the locals lose ground; The batteries were. Hendersonville;: Allen and-.Shipman; Saluda; Fisher and Hopkins. '- V ; The enterprising real estate , firm "of ooloo' Thft Ifflmmmoran n!o. at Flaf Rock: to Mr. ThosGrimshartr; ofHfefir f XSnds,,fCCJ TheF. A. Ewbank place" I f Fleming street. The above sales ag regating something like-, $15,000 ; or $16,000 and shows that Hendersonville dirt is a good thing to possess. , The Messrs. Ewbank say , that, they also have .'. prospects of -"several, other big deals. T . v . Quite a bit of business is going on these days down-on Anderson avenue, eyond the . depot. A new cement pavement has been laid from the: rail oad for some distances down the south Hdbbs f arn a? Horse I the' Bf a ciarke 1 II ft lot on the" corner of 5th-avenue and Uu side of the street, which greatly im- nd. surveys or tne. wen Knon pru- mg a dividend the bank retains a sur proves the appearance of that locality, osed Appalichain Ipterurba'n railroad piugr and undvded profit of over $21, The two vacant stores in the D. S. MrLantry a man from New York was 000r It was the First National Bank Pace brick building, occupied by Henr here Wednesday and at once became together with several other concerns derson & Beck, are being prepared for in touch with, several corps of engin- that started the hog contest in Hen occupancy. . Ramsay & ' Staton have "eers who have been known to be in derson county last year that has' re-rf-ntfid onpTof thp atar rnnms And - j, 'TV. this neiehborhood for the past few suited in many thousands more Dounds Sherman the other one. Excavations re being made and brick placed on the ground for a one-story 65x80 foot to Rutherf ordton ana ' anotner rcrowa building on the vacant lot west of are coming from the direction of Henderson & Beck's store. The buildr'Greenville, S. C, via Brevard. Just ing is io he erected by Mri. D.lS.' Pace what ' it all means has not yet been who has already rented it;- Mr; J. M. brought to light.. r : ' Lanning is moving his stock of goods I Several months V ago the sum of to the vbuildink formerly occupied by narly $6,000, changed hands at one D. S. Pace.-- of the banks in this .town from ;out- -..-xT?; ' : . side parUes to the endorsers of the Resolutions of respect by, Ebenezer Church," in -memeory of Mrs. J. Blythe. mce uoa. in au wisdom, nas -Seen. oer . .pi our cnurcn. a j. - Resolved-rThat by her death there is ; i a vacant seat in the church and In: the wl of God., .belieytag thatHe doeth all things Well. t . .Im iV.i devoted husband itnA children our love c be jearned i? ? andympathy in. their.hour,of rial,)y t and commend them to the all-wise li ITSiJffifta God. who alone-can heal the broken W, if kfng.very UttljwmUw: hearted, and to be comforted with the : caLc tizens and all PHmenary work assurancA that thft wlf' and ' TrintKT . has only gone before, and' there awaits the coming of her" loved ones. Resolved 3. That a copy of these resolutions be spread oi the minutes5 of our church book, and sent to local . papers- for publication,; and a f copy sent to the surviving husband. y - V '' T. C. Anderson,.' . : Chairman of Committee, Smallpox Here; ' The second I story of the office' building-hai? been quarantiji. ed on account of a case of small- 1 ' - ' ' r i . - - .. - JacksomJhas wired the authorities dersonvife - B Ar EnoW Andera -.w-.Tin6wi-,;?l;'a8---shown on - first ia-nnrashingtblt if new teiporary f. Edward - jaies IX 'ita,'&tt j PS Progressive " Parmer; wUl Vrtew are necessary. Icicle lo- yrt? .JCr S4toi' v,: - - ., j-. - . - : - The "above was the result of a raid . made . last Monday afternoon by - Chief Maxwell and ; Policeman - Garren on the Dixie Cafe situated on Main street, and on. the Central Cafe situated on 3rd, avenue. This is not , the first ume , tnat tne uixie nas been round guilty .of doing the blind tiger act and the . place has- anything but a very 'savory ...reputation, according to re ports tnat we nave orten neara ot that' took place in this Cafe. ; So far as we. know- this is the. first time that the Central has been ''pullel" for, sel ling whiskey, but the fact that whis key was found in the place , puts , it on; a par with .the other jaunt. Such places are a stench and an abomina tion to - all. 'decent and law abiding citizens, and the people that vconduct such places are anything but desira ble citizens, ' .Wilie Black, Chas Bryant and others of v Asheville must show cause why their .license for selling near-beer and conducting a resturant. in Render ville should not be revoked by the city THERE MASS MEETING OF THE LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE, AT THE COURT HOUSE, ON THURSDAY NIGHT. AT 8 O'CLOCK. THERE IS A VERY GOOD REASON WHY YOU SHOULD BE THERE. 7 . - V " REIflEMBER THURSDAY NIGHT, COURT, HOUSE. v i- 4 r. ; nn mm ' HER BHD ; v- . ing to $5,000 on 5 per cent seml-annu- I . . - , . v- ally. This bank is one of the strong Railroad activities have seemingly institutions in this part of the eerun in earnest in and around Hen gtate and has. since Its organization' dersonville upon the old right of way days. Ope corp of engineers have been running a line from, tnis town vnnwa - naat VulO VtOOtl 9 ' OnTlalST ant v w a uaai.. . a " ' worker jon the promotion of -the Ap- ---. counWy. Several times he before his" death it is understood he L - ..-t- ' i V1V9CU UCM TlikU niMH. w0 - 1 TnP in the field Ux Wst- a hundred men. in tne neia in west- a ? 1? ern North Carolina. v S2 immediate territory are' Messrs Cush- ion and strong, of Tryon; s No uuor- "euiB uuwiccu. uj vm.0. . Jurat Xst for Hay C&nit. Pirst Week J. K. Hudgens. H. D Hyder, J. S. Rhodes. W. J. Stepp, C.-C. Young. W. C. Raines: Jr.,:G.,Wf .Weese, R. M. Rogers, Ellsha Osteen T. u. mc Callr J. R Cantrell, Etowah, R.' 1. ; J. F. Brookshire. J A. Garren. J. E. Car ten R. M -Justus; T. W.r Freeman a j E. DameronrBi W;ard, i: A.WBar J -nett. D.t R.- Baine; . j . vappav : ntiitayn -j h Darke.-. J J fiWcmajaa iiTi n .-JntovioA-t '.. ft.MHKtntip-Albert t council, , at a meeting , of the council next Monday morning at 10 o'clock.. This was the decision rendered at a special session of the aldermen Wed nesday here in the city hall. , This meeting was held for the purpose; of hearing the complaint of Messrs Black and, Bryant, Jzut the defendants were absent and sent a petition asking that the town authorities retract their, steps in closing the doors of the resturants after, a raid made several days ago when it was alleged that a large quan tity of liquor was found on. the pre mises. The petition stated that if the town council would not push the case that the said Black would conduct his place of - business in this .town in a clean manner allowing, the policemen to make., a daily inspection, etc. . The aldermen voted that Black must appear before them and show cause why his license should not be Tevoked There was a lar,ge delegation of lead ing citizens of the town at, the trial Wednesday and who expect to watch the proceedings closely. r " . J X WILL BE DIVIDEND The First NationaliBank of this" city paid out -April 1st dividends amount- well paid its stockholders, r After pay-J of pork raised this year. than ever be- fore. ,T' '' " ' The committee selected ' to decide the winner will report in a few days who in this county N had" the - largest hog. The prize offered by the bank, is $50,- 000. Several of the. citizens of. the county have made marvelous records in hog raising and have begun already looking forward to ! the coming coun ty fair next fall -wn some of the fin est specimens of cattle and hogs .in the county ,will be exhibition. V Reclamation Contest, at Asheville. : The second, annual contest of the western Carolina Declamation Assoc iation will be held in the Asheville Auditorium Friday night, April 7. V In the contest this -.: year ten of the leading schools of this section have entered, and it-promises a most interesting contest. - Hon; Locke Craig will present the winner a beau tiful. gold medal.,, V v ,', V Hendersonville . High School which i a charter member of the Associa tion will.-: again be represented, as well as Pruitland Institute of this county. ,:-.V-: VV-'.'V -VV? All students of the Hendersonville High 4 School, and. other friends, will be admitted to - the contest free of t charge. and reserved seats will be furnished. All those-who expect htq attend are requested .by the commit tee at Asheville to, report their names to the principal of. the Henderson ville "HiglT School . so " that they can he . furnished , with;, complimentary tickets."- . VV V V- V- '':';;:; V;r; - .The Judges of this' contest will :be : the Hont 51 i A. Cdxe of Jackson '1 ouhty; ' Hon. S. Rollins, ..of: Asher 4riirei.oeb'b;4pf Rutherford ton ;-comity; jC'i", '-"fj " k ". V- i ; ;The.-AhevfliHlgb traTrOr-fursh music: for tlie-Tbcca- Parties wanting hogs of the famous I 11 M tl-i3 LuUiUUU "J .v. v:iAi i . This season the .Kentucky Hoie- wlll .be known as a seventy five roosa h'otel.' . MrsA M. Gover,the procrf toress has succeeded - in leasing: tS two hahdsomeV cottages , owned" '-tj-. Postmaster B, Jackson for "the com-' ing '- season and will .conduct onest tne most fashionable hotels of this city.-;V - : : ; . , Since , starting: the boarding house business in Hendersonville many years ago; MrsL Gover has received a steady. ; increase rand enlarged her" boarding house capacity untll now she has: on ;.' of the handsomest houses in the towsa t and will conduct her business under three roofs this season. " ' '-The two cottages of Mr. Jacksow are now .undergoing some very ex tensive improvement and by June yiih be in - condition for occupancy. TBV spacious, dinning room of the - hous - formerly known as the Marion will 1 conyeneQ mw a Dan room wnere a& . many young people guest of the "hotel will enjoy dancing every . night. Dtcsk ing the past winter months the Ken tucky Home has been taxed, to Its x&-' most to accommadate . the business cS winter tourists and, with the rush xaT the summer, .season the proprletorcss has decided to increase the capacity . ' The ,total : capacity of the hotel will - be in the neighborhood Of -from, Z'SQy to 300 guest, including some out-siie roomers. - : .. : . . MR. SHIPMA5 IX WASnHfGTOJf Goes To 'Witness Opening of Congress And See Champ Clark Inaugurates ' Speaker. . - -, ., Raleigh, N. C, Apr. .4, 1911 Com missioner . M. L. Shipman, of the - Dr-; partment of Labor and Printing; Ieft yesterday afternoon for Washington, t D. C... where he gps to, witness tne election and inauguration : of Hon." Champ Clark as Speaker of . the Hapse .of - Representatives, the first jS&mt crat to receive, .-this high, honor ffcer about sixteen . years. Mr. 'Shlpnaaia -r an enthusiastic admirer of the new Speaker-to-be and declared- he could not resist the temptation to ; go ;. x and witness the inangual ceremonies. f In accordance with the provisions oT the new machinery act, one of the most constructive pieces .or legislation or tue 1911 .General - Assembly, .the'.follawISi5' 'men - were appointed, - Monday, by tfi? county commissioners .as assistant- " ' Henderson vTlTe "TowIESnsSJiirs ife- JLaughter-' -' hi 31ue Jidge Township R. J,i Justus. v .iiiuuej vine iowu&um -jju- -cvt rtiioaes;;; . Crab Creek Township-VZ. -'Av Shfa- man." y : v - .- Hoopers Creek Township Charlex. Mills River Township-i-M R. Aru, derson. " V k? - Clear Creek Township J. L. Whit- - ;sC. S. Corpening has been appointed oy.tne. btate Tax uommission as coun--ty assessorxepresenting . the; ' States . Hejls to receive lour . dollars .per dlajv for such, time as may be necessary 'fOr him to ; serve not exceeding tfirafs; months each year. The township as sessors will receive .three dollars per day,, and are , to do the work in twe months that three ' men have hereto fore done in one jnonthr V It is, the intent of -the law that tB . assessors ; shall . personally - visit tfte homes of the tax-payers for the pur pose of. assessing the value, of rara perty.''VV: ' .'';- - , ;. It is questionable -whether one man can do this ' in HendeKsonvflle town-' , ship.. The.: board' has the right to., ap point more ' than one. assesor for a ' townships' -''''"'yX'''f' '"'V iv V;-;;: ' the . township assessors;' nttend . at least one day -with each assessor while making assessments, and is antborteed tor review; th'eir' work. - z v ? ' iCf,ij ' ;" ' The county board of iuaTfzatIoxi, composed of the board of county com- -missioners and the county tax assesor. " will meet as heretofore on the secosa Monday in July. The State Tax .Coxa as a' State.! Board of - Equalization, to . " raise nr lower valnatirin in anvvnar-'. ticular ; case, or in: any township or county5 -'' '--.-." ' ' r The commissioners, and air tne asv sessbrs wjlll meet ;on April 27th far the-; purpose 6t discussing informally" th valuation in the county. i.' flashed1 Evrv flafiTR.. - , ; " Mr. V;-; C.- V. Shepherd, 'who jfe- a candidate for- re-election to the office" of county tax collector, an ofa:cer whlcht Via fiao 'H1aA' in tlto rtmnTef' tfatffe- . xaction oi an tne people oi ung coun . j LJ, lids csiaunsucu t uc n -4 T -v .-. He has paid, for the first time sfntre there has. been a tax collector herev -every (-claim as soon as;. It has been, presented to him. , - . , ; ' . , - This ; means that - if a man he! dl a' , county claim tot ; : $10 or . any , othe'if "amount '3 he received ; the - full amount, ana . nas nov oeea Ajuugeu ui ,-. cimec . or; else: get Hi discounted at at sey,en vou unjust iv&a w ,iioJu. have cah?;'eTe.ry." eonxtt; daixa.; the: first -time :thiaxiaivhee;ctg Ja.. haa fsave4 the people- bfc

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