ei IN EVERT RUL, V ': OUR 1 OTTO Safety, first, liberality-next. Botn are essential to successful bank ing. If you are satisfied with our motto come in and see us. : Dr. A. B. Drafts G. M. Glazener M. E. Whitt F. E. DUBFEE President DIRECTORS. W .A. Cannon. P. A. Bly T. P. Mallorie. E W. EWBANK Vice Pres. Curtis Bynum J. O. Williams A. H. HAWKINS C. E. BROOKS Cashier. First National Bank J MACK RHODES, Cashier. W. J. DAVIS, President. K. G. MORRIS, "V.4?rt3. B. k RHODDS, Asxt. Caxhiex. - MAKING A LONG SHORT AND PUTTING ; IT DOWN A BLACK AND WHITE Our $3.50 Oxfords for men arc AB SOLUTELY the best three and a ;:alf dollars worth that yon can buj. . The extra quality of the IcHer In them, the superior workmanship rnd their high class style, fit and fct'lh is what makes them so. If yon are looking fer the hex", try a pair '. ; . : .' - Gnn Metal, Tans, Tlcls and Patents. Lott s v.Gaolk Shoe Store - 4 n I Mil BAPTIST HOSTS ULL SON MARCH ON JACSO YlJjliJfi. Booker t. Washington, negro edur cator and . negro x financiers.- or me North, are planning to buy the Inter national and Great Northern Railroad at the receivership sale, to be held in. Palestine, Texas, ou way u; ni? to a report printed. ; It is said v.Q -WnshinfiXOn win memyi, w uci- ate the road with negro labor. exclu sively, if he .gets control. ahi 5(1 was the 101st birthday of Mr. John Medlock who lives on Harris street in the, urr cotton mm viuage. n. ATidorKon. S. C. He looks to.be JLLCal Mvv.. ' ..... . somewhere in the sixties, is naie ;ana hearty and attends to, light work. Mr. uinrv name to Anaerson , several arn from, Georeia. He has in asslon 'recodrs .sufficient to show that his claim-to be 1Q1 is correct ; ri,, AVftntv-fifth anniversary of the-battle of San -Jacinto that, ended .trinrpin that -freed Texas from Mexico, a monument was unveiled at xi.foxrnio Texas last Friday over the erave of Sam Houston, commanaer in the final connici. i ne mouumeui woo ororted by the State of Texas. wiiii9m J Brvan was the orator of the day. Alonzo Steele, sole survivr or of .the battle, was one of the par ticipants in the unveiling. : : Txxrn men met at the inquest over Wi.Tiflci H. Ahern.83 years of age, a fArmBr real estate dealer of Creston,- Iowa, and learned that Ahern? for fifty y ars had been the ratheroi two large fomiiios neither of which knew the ex- instant of the other.- At the inquest each of the ,two men stepped iorwara onr ionfled the body as that of his A conversation between the mnvinced both, however, that each was right, r ' ; . ; ':. : EflOSPJ mi I IT'S NO LIGHT ' MATTEIL to make a choice of lime and cement . Your decision means a. lot in both the character of your building and tuture repair, bills.;; Let us prove: from the testimony of actual users v that our building materials are not alone the best to use but are by far the cheapest in the end. ; . s . Timflfnrd Knanti will have charge f fha farm demonstration work in the smith 'established by his late father, Dr. Seaman A. Knapp nnder the au spices of the Federal Department of AcHfMilture. the general education board supplying the funds. Ira W. wmiama. State, aeent of the demon stration work in South Carplina, has been advised of the appomunem. Messrs: Knapp and Williams are both in Jacksonville, attending the meet ing of the conference for, education in the south and cenferrlng with mem bers of the genera ducatfon. board, Forty-three hoboes from one train is" Manage Your Income. Don't let it manage yon. I yon didn't have the money yon wouldn't spend it. Then why spend it simply because yon have it? Open an savings - account at The First National and save pari of your funds.. They'll work for you 25 hours every day 4 per cent, Interest compounded. . 's.. .- . . . -. SiMirtorn1- Rn tl&t Convention nill Dlnst In Th for ItS An nnal Gatherin Important ( Session Forecast. acou.ill, Fla., Apiil 22.TIn a iitt'ft inot than tiiiee weeks, the outHe.u Eaotist conveation will meet j. Jacksoavnie, Fla. This is the ir J vl-ie the body has ever met in . c. Tfl-ri nf Flowers. Preparations on a laree scale are being made for the entertainment of. the messengers, and, unless all signs fa41. this promis &c t.- ho a memorable meeting. Some interesting gossip is already going the rounds as-to wno win De elected to the difterent ofilecs. There seems io be a disposition to elect a new president in the place of Hon. . .. ,m i Joshua Levering tne j V" a record that wiir probably stand In fee merchant of Baltimore. He has it was made heU tii. office for,e'C on an AUantie Coast-Una special op some Atf et the opinion tiiat the hon- Jacksonville to Lexington, or should b . passed, on to some one and officers had completed their el!e; : it raid by the , time the -train reached in xne long agy . , Waveross Three special agents, u. r, to let a brother hold the office idenfl- Way0SS i ma rom. Way. nitely. It was held fof three yers sad;Cs& Godhold of Savannah by William D. Johnson, of South S A Taida made on the cars Carolina, who "" ot the special. They had with them for four years by R. B. C HoWell, , of P1 1 f of handcuffs, and worked Virginia; ror two years oy. - rucnaro u Fuller, of Maryland; for seven years la car at a ume- by P. H. Mell, of Georgia, Jind after OSHORNE ATTEMPTS an viaro' I : TO REPAY REBT TO' OLD SLAVE w All . m James P. Boyce, or KentucKy miea mjnd wo Who Once the posiUon tor eignt years, ana wen. TifA tftT SflT That of after, an inter regnum oi eign, y ,51.56 Anneals to 3Iarse be nilea it ior anouxer year, -uua- - f - - . ArriafjMf nn than Haralson, or AiaDama, was 7AT: " , ' itv A.hnrrro l?M .,-t, 9nt. o voura nniT t npTl the . aigci.-iuiur.. iu " yicomcuk v j , i x xj. poll - t . desire for shorter terms took posses- Pfn 20.Marse Jim sion of the breren wiiiiamffl omlse to Northern, a Georgian, held the office "V. osbornel a centenarian to for three years : James r. agie oi Pete's" boy Edward, on trial Arkansas, ior inree i. w . oteyus - charred with murder. ?L!ioulb "Old Pete" Osborne fs a negro, and ivenug, ui ,u,uv, w. .-.w for young "Marse Jim's tlire' T,;r..wa f '- father on a prantation fitfftr Charlotte who has been secretary of the body N-Oid Pete, for 29 years, and tne Dest . one wno - d u through ever served his brethren, is being string wua , fa III tfl into a stream and saved n-srer- iM "TarRP Jim" from drowfiing'and siftpr a snan of years "Marse Jim" (rrown to be a nrominent New York wver and fo,'ner assistart fiismci York toolr uv taSK nf trvine to save his rescuer's son. i. " - ... Mr. Osborne recounted some or tniF toy before Judge Crain in court to- 1n-. when he anneaien t? ntn.-i . ".n- vard Osborne,- on trial f or ; the mur- 'nv when he anneared to defend .a- -t'iAl lawyer sat "Old Pete," white-haired and yenerble listening vith Derfect confidence , to the lawyer, who feelingly told oi tne aeDi COffHtl, dfint. They think it would be a nt ting compliment for his faithfulness to bestow this , honor upon him. Dr. William E. Hatcher, or .Virginia. ia also being spoken of for the plare He is well known and very popular amone the brethren, and there is r. sentiment to bestow this crowning honor uDon him in his old age Another man who is being mention ed for the place is Dr. Samuel' Pa? mer Brooks. Dresident of Bayor co1 lege, in Texas. He is not a preacher, but he is a self-made man, a snlendid presiding officer, and he, is ' from a . 1 . i J ...v. nH Slate tnai nas uuu muu xux - - maQ ganized won. or tne convenuon, auu om Pete.. had seventeen children yet has never been honored by the . . bab He is 29 years presidency of the Doay. ld now Some years ago the old . SU11 another man who is being men- ywitQ Edward tionea in . connection '"nJ, Osb orne fell in with a bad crowd. One dency isDr. W. .W. Landrum now livT ne became ln. L. ,in CZ: Z vblved -in a fight in a restaurant at waoie buuwu. carmine and Bedford streets. Some to the work of the convention he Mg back d Ed. comes.froman honored family, many Osborne drew a revolver. Louis of whose names jace tne aenom n a- &hQt and killed. 'My client tional records, and with it all fe is a self-defenst," said Mr. James man' of splendid executive ability.-He w, Qsborne today. He acted as peace has a wide acquaintance among the was stabbed and drew his re brethren, he is universally popular J to defend himself. I owe a and, as it has been many years since dt gratitude to his father and there was a . f.Pff n -?f2 am here to repay it" is a strong probability that he may u empanelling be called by his brethren to this ex- x , alted position. , ' ' a 3" y' ' It goes without saying that Dr. ' a nTieh!iiT Honse. Burrowes and Dr. Oliver Gregory will. AESf hIny H011Se-. , . be re-elected secretaries of the con- ' which was erect- venUon, unless Dr Bwrowes Bnonia rk lotb tween two other build be -elected president. Jhey .have JJ- - d JLed ia ita interior ar- served their bretnren weu ana - o - woman who loved fully, .and I .hard indeed l , would i itoe iSSgj; accordingly SOUgth to to find their equals . in p difficult I?lmuSiate it for the dark days which work committed to their hands. mugt inevitably Come in the year's "' " " ' calendar. Every room and hall was vmAT DOES FRESHNES8 RXSAI.I.T tInted a Soft, delicate yellow, yet there . . . , . . . was no monotony in the tone, as the Flowers plucked yesterday, left in the .. t, J, . aa mnm living room; will not be found as fresh fW today as those plucked even days betore - . . wnicn nave Deen Kept protectea irom tne ntmnsnhere and dust. Rvartlv the same thinir is ' frm . hi rookincr fats! Most of them are oacked in tubs or loose-covered pails exposed nlan nf each room bn Jght out differtent g-adattona of thA color. . ' . A series of arches m the entrance fcaii -mariA a fine tone effect. In tne tmictYirv-i'r rooms had sKyupnts or amber elass: a most beautiful tone Doors a t 85 c. and up:' II l 3m:: II A. sit S3 1 T . . .. v. . and Sjoffiinigs .50 a srea at &95 'a Shepherd, good bed aj Furniture Store Tour mony back if not satisfied In one vreek. -s.l.Jj ' . . . .- .' . : . - . "5 . - ' r . .- ' . Li' - ' ' -V ' ' ' ' ' ':V; 'g Wmk $i Ewbaoli. Real Estate Brokers and In surance Undrewriters Citizens Bank Building Two - Vauable Main Street Btrildin'gs. IF, YOU ARE INTERESTED 1JV III. PROTED MAIN STREET PROPER-" TT WE HAVE TO OFFER T1V0 GOOD INVESTMENTS IN" BUILDINGS IN ONE 0Fv THE BEST BLOCKS IN TOWN. BOTH ARE OCCUPIED AND PRO DUCTIVE AND WILL PAT GOOD IN COMES ON THE PURCHASE PRICE. ATTRACTIVE TERMS CAN BE AR RANGED. WE CONDUCT NO AUCTION SALES Insurance Reat Estate Renting : - ft. n ; ?L 1s!Tco7-er-LaicJxp. norf from these skylights. There io me air,, uusi or - ouurs, auu iucy i - - -: - . i quickly deteriorate in quality. Cotto- was always such a cheerfurtonen i . . i. - UV nrr mnttpr nOW CTaT tile iene, nowevcr, is pacKeu in seaiea, air- i tuo i - tight pails. No matter how long it is day. that good spirits always prevail- c-f i1imtnicVirl in f-rfcAcrtrt iinimfioirA in-l fomHTT "Wflfl nft.fiH attributed tO s tne V strength" the real meaning of the yellow tinted walls and the amber J word as given by standard lexicons. g'ass-skyllghts.. - ; - -BIG INVESTMENTS- Call in at our bank and get a list of real estate bargains we have in paymeots on the very best 'snr- property- ; charge Easy burban WetiiteskaTrust & Banking Company. . f S3 f1 i - ''V"i:- ' 4 ;- t

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