BREAKFAST CEREALS V J' -v v .- .. ( ",'v- ''! increase in number, and - variety as the demand : for tnis essential' "food . .grows almost daily . in popularity. No one store can. keep all that are . . ' . . - - ' ' - on the market,' but by careful sele ction and --testing,- we keep" all of the best. We inyite s your attention to our list with the assurance that .with their variety any one can live wholsesomely and- well, by purchas- -. ing at. ":; . ; 1 , -." ' - ." AO REASON FOB DOUBT. '. JL Statement of Facts Backed By a y Strong Guarantee." 1 We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constpation. ' In every case where we fail we will' supply the jnedicine.-free''"' 7" . .. - "-''' ' Bexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef fective, "dependable and,, safe bowel regulartor strengthened and tonic. They re-establish natureV functions Jn a quiet,' easy way. Tney do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea. - They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by , any one, at. any 1 time. They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy activeity. , Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons. We cannot -too highly recommend them to all suf-i ferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes 10 N cents and 25 cents. Remember, you can obtain Rexall . Remedies in this community qnly 4 at our store The Rexall Store. The B. M. Hyde Drug Co. . . - ' ' It is reported that Henderson ville will have 14 regular passenger trains during this summer season. ' NOTICE. -. By virtue of the Vowe.r contained in a mortgage executed by W.F.Edwards and O. E. Blythe to the Wanteska Trust & Banking Company, trustee, to secure two 'notes in the sum of $105,00 each, which mortgage is of records , of . mortgages for Hender-; son county, and ; whereas .default has been made in the payment: of, said.? debt. -Therefore , for the .purpose .of satisfying said debt, the undersigned will on Wednesday, May j ?lta, at. alout 11 o'clock a. m. ofler for sale at the Court; House door of Henderson county at public outcry to the highest bidder for. cash, all the following described , land, situate in the town of Henderson ville, county of Henderson, and state of. North . Caro lina, and known and designated as . follows: ; Being lots Nos. 2 and 3 in block 1 of the Columbia Park Division as shown by plat recorded in book 67,' at page 111 of the records of deed for.Hm- 'derson county and more particulrlyi described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the South margin of Chestnut Street, said stake standing South 791,4 deg. West 102 feet-from the intersection of the South margin of Chestnut St, with the West margin of Azalea Drive,, the North west co-Tier of lot 4; and runs with the line of lot 4, South 201f, deg East 172 feet to a stake in the North line of lot 5; thence with the North line of lot 5, South lyx degrees West 162 feet to a stake, the "South east corner of lot No. 1; thence with the East line of lot 1 North 201 deg. West, 186 feet to a stake in the South margin of Chestnut street; thence witht he South margin of Chestnut street, North 794 deg. East, If 5 feet to the beginning Tfc'a 23 st day of April, 19 1 WAKTESKA TRUST & .BAlf'fflXa CO. Mortgagee &- Trustee. DENTISTS CANT WRITE WHISKEY PRESCRIPTIONS So Rules Recorder Hastings, of Wins ton-Salein State Dentists to Con test-Opinion. .. . c.; ' " ., Greensboro, N. C., April 20 In rul ing that J. O. Roach, a prominent den tist of Madison, N. C, was guilty, of a violation 1 of the - state prohibi tion laws, Recorder Hastings of the city court of Winston-Salem, N. C, today held that- a -dentist , was neither 'a' practicing' physician nor a sur geon, yand therefore nQt . eligible to write' prescriptions for whiskey." A fine of- $25 and costs was imposed - Under the - prohibition laws of North Carolina the sale of 'whiskey is placed entirely in the hands of physicians . and the railing of Record er Hastings, stops dentist from en joying a privilege -that has until -now been practiced . without question. -. It is said the State Dental. Assoc iation will prepare a test, case In order that the supreme court of the state may more clearly define their rights. : ' "The Land of The Sky.' ' The passenger traffic department of the Southern railway, has just issu ed a beautiful illustrated booklet ad vertising "The Land of The Sky," that picturesque region of Western North Carolina, through which the great ! Southern railway passes, and to which Spartanburg is the gateway, and really a part of it. Such a booklet is7 issued annually, we v believe, but none of them gotton out in the past v equals the one just from the press, either in artistic . arrangement or in literary style.' There Is some fine de scriptive writing in its pages, giving one the thrill, of desire to seek the mountain places,, where the wild cata ract plays, and the winding, road, bordered ith lyy, carries the travel er into the heart of the forest. The book is s,up"rblyri illustratjed ... with scenes - of the region,whici include views of .Asjieville, Hendersonville, Waynesvilie . and: Tryon. The. hotels and resorts of the section, from Tryon to Tate Springs, Tenn., and from Blowing Rock to Toxaway, are pic tured in the ib'ook. A photograph of the. Spartanburg pasenger station ap pears, . but ' we notice that Glenn Springs, the popular health resort ' in this county, which is reached by the Southern,, and which is visited by hundreds of guests each season, has been overlooked. This is a resort that might profit by getting into closer touch with the passenger department of the Southern. And again we notice that Spartanburg, which in reality is a part of the resort country, has no hotel "in the picture" But this will be remedied soon, we believe, by the building in Spartanburg of a hotel that will apear to the tourist. And still, again much space in this little booklet is ' given to scenes on the polf courses at sbeville. Hender sonville and cjther places. Next year the golf course of the Spartanburg Countrv club should occupy space in the Southern railway's advertising matter. We mention these things fcY the benefit of te gentlemen who have in charge the issuing of this beautiful booklet each year, for we know they are always interested in that territory reached by the lines, of the Southern railway. Spartanburg ; Herald. - .-. - . ' STATEMENT . ' -' . ''' 'v SWISS RE-INSURANCE COMPANY ' ZURICH SWITZERLAND , jz: ' Condition December 31,1910, as Shown by Statement Filed. Anioi.r.t of Capital deposit in cash .. .....$200 000.00 Aiiiovnt of Ledger Assets Dec, 31st of previous year....... Total, $51l',475.00 . . ii?Cv)me From Policyholders, $89,0678; Miscellan- ; , , eous, $2,374.15;...... .. ........ ........Total, $ 91,441.43 Disbu- ements to Policyholders;, $ ; Miseeila-' . . . . ' . . neus, $39.116.55 1..............; rr. .... v . . . . . . . . i .Totat$ 9,116.55 Fire -Risks Writen or renewed during year, $9,975,699; In force, $ 8,965.504 - -' : ASSET;?. . . : . Va'ue of Bonds.. ....... ...... :. ..$506,632.50 -Gash ir Company's oflice. . .... ........ :. , $ 1 000.00 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest. .$ 27)724!94 Ageuts balances, representing business 'written subsequent - 'to October 1, 1910.:..... ...... C... . ........ $ 28,442.44 xnterest and Rents due and accrued ............. . . . . ......$ 6 241.67 ; Total admitted - Assets . : V "LIABILITIES. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims... Unearned Premiums. . . .-... . . . . . , .; . . . . . . Baseball Pitcher Dies From Shot by Burglar,.: . : . Ihdianapolisr Ind., April 23. Geo. M. ("Lefty") Craig - aged 24 pitcher of the Indianapolis club of, the Ameri can associatibn,; died tonight from "a bullet wound received in a struggle "with a burglar at a mineral spHng re sort, the "training quarters of the club, near here last Friday night. . ' ;.The police have been- unable $0 find a cltre to the identity of the" man that shot Craig -Occupants ;of the hotel were, awakened just after midnight by the sound of a scuffle and a shot. They fpund, Craig lying in the hair outside fjie" door 'of his room, wounded In the abdomen. " He told detectives that he had been aroused from sleep and had. seen a man ' searjching his He fought with thebufglkr who pul led him into the hall v and sh.Qt him. The man then escaped. ( - Craig's home' is in : 'Philadelphia He was : bought by the Indianapolis' .qltib,; from Jthe Trenton, j N. J., fclub of the ; Tri-State - league last' sea son. . - .''.s . v' ' ' See Kramer's New Machine Shop for all kinds of repair wdrK. "Ktiuip ped'with the latest moder i tools for all kinds of metal work; 1. -.. Mm (Emm ; 5 x 51 Ratton Avenue v ASHEVILLE ,N.C. -T7Tr- FOR SALE One Goat wagon nd : harness, well broke. Will sell at a -: bargain vfor -' $10. Address T. S; Gash, -Horse Shoe, N. C; 4-27-4tp ' WANTED Position In. one of the stores in HendersonVille' during the summer months as a lady clerk. . Have had several years experience and can give the best of references. Address 151; Walker street, Spartan burg, S. C. THREE COWS' Either one for sale. ) Apply W. A. King, Hendersonville, R. No. 1 ' " ltp WANTED THREE COPIES OF THE French Broad Hustler of the 13th inst. This office will be greatly ob liged to any person bringing or sending to the office these issues. ' , ing to the .office these issues. , x WANTED--To rent small cottage for three months or longer near town in desirable location. Address Ren ter care Hustler office. FOR RENT Parties want four un furnished rooms, close in and must be reasonable -priced.- Address cummunlcation "A. B. 'C ' ,Hustler Hendersonville, N. C. . , WANTED Some 'lively young mafi with good appearance and reliable ' to solicit for the 'Hustler company, in the Kitchen set contest. Good money for the. right party Call at the office and get.informatiQh...,, - MAKE MONET pany has a school boy in can make big Cation times, qualnted with The Hustler c6in pop'osition that .lny Henderson county money during Call . in and getVac our scheme.. . - ,' - LOST Pocket book y on- the .way . to . Laurel Park . by way of 5th . ave. Finder please return to Nip dial ; Finder please return to.MIssBuel Kentucky Home and receive - re ward. , .' : MISS BESSIE POWELL, TEACIIEJ!. Voice arid Instrumental Music. P. O. Box 43. Phone No. 153. . 2tc FOR SALE One second hand two ' horse surry, newly . painted. W. ; Gullick. 4-20-2t FOR SALE One four room house and some out buildings and three and a half aqres of land, good spring at Flat . Rock. Address S. O. Edney, Hendersonville, N, C; -R. No. 3. 2tc .ANTED One good milk, cow, that will give from 3 to 4 gallons per day. Will pay reasonable pro quick sale. Call or teelphone. Thomas Shepherd. ... .. 3tc MAIL ORDERS , iMake oiif Store your meet- , f FlLLElLi v.'v mgplace wKenlri Ashe-C - - . - -. -' - ' . - ' v ... .- r - 1 a M MMM "-. : ' - , In the battle of life, appearance counts. It pays to dress well. Dressing well is exceedingly, easy when you liave the right Mn4 . of clothes to select from r. - ' -...-v- y.f : Our Spring and 'Surnmer gathering unite's'ithe latest arid great est. .The latest Styies . arid the greatest valueV It-s an exposition of Style that will delight the eye , 6f any woman who will come to o see. -: -.--: y : You can learnmore about the garment we sell in a few minutes spent looking them v6ver and iry irig on, than we cduld ever tell yori We are confident that if you call and inspect our, Beautiful Suits, Dresses, Skirts, etc., you will make up your mind that this is the Store that gives theost for the least moneythe most in style tne lUOSt lu quailiy-itliUr tUB uiusb xu. laswug oawoioiuuu.. ax AAJbM TO INVE5TierATj. f V- ? o .-'--.-V 'Jt - the Thanks the manyjjt which lias been s3 siiccesstiilly carried on. r Thousands of dbllairs vorth !bf Very best goods M s . A ' - -' " - - ' ,' . -' ; : .' sacnhce prices. , , are 1 ne JLowimces.ana, w Mar- r11' 1 1,11 11 : 1 m11-;,,,1,:,,1, , . 1 -" 1 ,-. " 1111 1 : 1 ' j gams GUARANTEED TO UNDERSELL ANYBODY l&TOWN Specials for Saturday. Fine Dress shirts . only FOB SALE Thoroughbred Bhode Is land Red eggs. 75c per 13. Ad dress J. A. Frazler, Hendersonville, . . . . ....... .$570,041.55 m m mjm $ 3673.37 1 ; k 51,423.63 . Total amount of Liabilities except Capital. ... ... .$ 55.102.00 Cruris orer air liabilities. , ... ;. , . ; . : ........... .$514395 i Total Liabilities ...... ... r 4 $57004155 ., - BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1910. '; ' v ' S?,tS8 tten;$3011; . . .... ..Premiums -received, $ - 167.67 . President, Louis P. Boyard, U. S Manager. V . - Home Offlcevin U. S. 47 Cedar St; New' YorkCity N. Y; V - - : " , tdrey or. service. Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh. N.: C f " Business Manager for North. Carolina. Home Office. - ' " ' ' STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA Insurance Department. t t-,, t v . - Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 30, 191i: ;. 1rJames R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify" that the aW is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Sss Re-Insur SSSyV0' UrICh' SwIlzerland' filed with this Department? showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1910' Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. . . . , JAS. R. YOUNG, Insurance - Commissioner.' F0 BROS & GO. 'Our iap robes are : the best on the market at the low est prices. I.'J ARE We . do repair work and Harness making. FEW BROS. & CO i $10,000,000 Is a lot of money! , It has all been paid to Pollejhold era of the Continental Uasnlty Com pany who have been. P;isidk.:br.v-htirtl; 4 ... . , - " T"" . ;:. ;r , ; ' Every time the clock ticks; every working hour, The Contlnontal Can snalty Company pays a dime to some body somewhere, who is SICK OB HURT. : . - ; ' ' . . Jlore than $1,250,000 a year. ; - : ' ASK v - Come one, come all I can suit and fit the entire family in every article that is to be found in the clothing and ary goods li mes. 9 TUT inio i OppOG ite Hotel G - c ;:'-"For::aSalei Seed "Sweet - Potatoes and mixed Clay Peas. ; Burlanyer Brothers Next to Post Office. ; House Gleaning" made easy for ? ; ItHendersonyille house ves Our celeqrated Vacuum cleaner can be bought at your house on short notice for tKe small sum of 50c per hour and an experienced workman can clean ' any article, ceiling, walls floors, furniture all iii a very short time, Work guaranteed. Laundry, lcex & Fuel' Campahy. Phone 142 Plant . ' Phone 86 up town office

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