' ... ..... - .1- . .-. 1 ......- f ..... . V . ' V- ' S ; MiaisMaiBffilffliWlSM . ' r" r. n--k nff7 n't. V A U iuilir DiirA 7I:o only bzZtfng powdap vssssfo from Hoys! Grczo o Cream of Txrt&P': a AiuM,i:g llime phosphate The issue of $600,000,000 - in bonds by tKe Great Northern, as ; announced by Chairman .J. J. Hill. I A resolution endorsing Gdver nbr Marshall for the presidency in 1912 was adopted; Saturday': by ; the Indiana Democratic - Editors ' Association at its summer meetr ,ng in session atrLaporte. . . - 'The department of agriculture's first cotton report v6f the season 6f 1911, shows that the area plant ed is 35,001,000 acres ; - increase, f 4.7 per cent, or lSGOOO acres, as compared witn 34,418,000 acres, the revised estimate of last year's area. ' ' , - Vigorous prosecution of the government suit to -enjoin the .Chicago butter and eggs board ; from controlling prices of butter and eggs is expected to follow the recent decision . of the United j nState Supreme Court in the oil and tobacco trust. - One v hundred members . of the : Chicago Dental Society began last w week "to inspect the teeth of public ... school -children. This service , was volunteered by the organiza ' tion and oh recommendation of the city- health department the inspection was authorized by the ,toard oi education. A H :"; The. recent decission of ihe su preme court in the Standard Gil lfr and- American Tobacco Company cases wilL result in a sweeping at- temp to secure criminal, convic . tion yt violators ' of the anti-trust law, according to Attorney Gen i eral Wickersham, - , - ' ; 1 - . - . : The plant of the Southern Lum- ber & Manufacturing Co., at Nash ville was destroyed by fire Thurs- day: The loss on buildings, ma J ' rm t i i t chinery, etc is estimated at $75,- iXKi, well .covered by insurance. A large quantity of lumber was destroyed- The cause of the Are is not known. y A million dollars a day for good roads is the record that will be established in the , United States GENERAL JEWS: s soon, according to Logan' Walter , Page, director of the Federal of- flee of public roads. - In 1904 ex penditures for the. construction ,. arid maintenance of roads and v r bridges totalled only $80,000,000,1 , wjuie mis year aoout $i4UyUUUr ; 000 will be spent. - As a result of charges laid be fore the house committee on rules f .'v ' 7 miners -and labor repr esenta-x.- J . tives, against the coal mnie com- rpanies and their representatives ' ; -in the Westmorelarted.cbal fields--.ff Pennsylvania, the committee y wiH permit " representatives of the " v coal mining companies to appear, , and will attempt to sift out sora e , of the facts connected vwith the pending in the coal district- ' - Pat Crump, a negro, who lit is - charged attempted to assult a ; planter's wife near White Haven, Tenn-, was hanged by a mob f . early; Friday morning. Cruinp was eaptured by a sheriff's pose . and was being brought to the county prison for safekeeping. y'i Just outside ofjhe city limits the mob Overtook the posse, , and se suring the negro,, handed, him to . a tree. : '. '. '' .. ' : ' v ' - An extra session of the legisla- ture of Alaba'mai is a probability in, thV immediate future. There is "no money, in . the state , treasury, and on July 1 there will -be de : "flict. Governor: O'Neal has gone east to borrow nomey to meet the current needs of the ' government!: Me is limited to $100,000 by the -constitution. A number of the ap- ap- prbpriation bills have strings tied to vthemno money; can- be paid out until the governor says the treasury will stand it.v , He has anounced that the state schools will not get their money until Oc tober 1. : Much's of it is vdue , now, A bill is -being ;draf ted for in troduction in the" Legislature by Assemblyman. Cueyallip "which provides for the -return . to ; the Southern States of the Confeder ate battlte flags captured by-New York : troops and .now exhibited in the Capitol ; ther e; The pro- vise of the return is 'Hhatv each! State that has a flag. must eturn to New Tork any flags captured during .the "rebellion - ; : V ; , v . "The -Baptist -Tabernacle T at - the corner of Luckle street an&'.Tab-v ernacle PlacV in Atlanta, Ga.t went under ' the' hammer last .week and the spot made famous - by Camp-1 bell, Morgan, IJr- JtJrougton ana scores of other noted divines from all parts of the-world will sooir.be given over to business. The lot and building brought $25,700, 6r.$257 per front foot. . -: , , ; ; 'r ' Clifford Foxhall, a brakeman, was killed and two white passen gers were shot through-the hands earlv -Sunday night jaear Tayloe, Ala:;? on r the Southern ' Railroa, when an unknown-; negro fire'd upon the,,train, while it was run ning at i a medium rate, of speed. Foxhall was snot twice ana aiea shortly after being wbunded. Nei ther ' of : the , passengers . whose names could, not. be learned, is seriously hurt ! " v ) Senator Lorimer ' of Illinois faces another investigation at the hands of ,his colleagues-yv The in quiry will.be conducted' by a sub committee of the committee 'on privileges arid elections, compos ed. four 'Republican arid four Democrats; four of whom voted for the conviction r and. four for the acquittal of the Senator last session. The method selected is regarded, as the latest thing in jury trials. ' . : ' Passengers and . crew of the White Star liner Celtic brought with them , to New : York Sunday a revival of the sea serpent tales of other years. 1 They, reported having-Y passed early Saturday morning a formidable looking creature which was going at high speed in pursuit of a school -of yoiing whalesi The monster, they say, had wings, although it ap peared to be Tan aquatic animal, arid rose frequently ten ; feet or more from the water.v Whales and pursuer faded from sight within a feWminutes ; . : Thousands of dollars of dam age was done Sunday by a wind, rain and hail storm, which wreck ed buildings, broke windows in nearly every house in. Staunton, Va., and blew; down hundreds of irees- The Bruce -building, occu Piea y garrison, donn v;rcs by and Frank Cralton, was dam aged vyith its cotitents, the roof being blown a square away and the Church of the Brethren wr.s wrecked. . Hailstones two inches in diameter , battered the city, breaking windows and stripping trees of their j leaves. ; J 1 Attorney General Wickersham appearing before the house com mittee Non expenditures in the de partment of justice-last weekj test ified that he had "advised the Un ited States Steel Corporation on several occasions, from 1901 .to 1909,. during his connection with fhe firm of Strong & Cawalader, arid also, that he had received his share of the fee turned into the firm for services to the American Sugar Refining Company, person ally atended to by Henry W. Taft, brother of. the president., Mr. Wiskersham said his' share- was about $26,000. ,; ' , There is to be a reunion of the blue and the gray in Atlanta, Ga.- next October- Plans were an nounced Saturday by the second coast artillery corps, the Boston Light Infantry tand . the infantry , veteran corps for a trip South. The occasion is the dedication by President Taft of a .monument commemorating the names and services of the organizations that helped to create a friendly, feel ing between Nopth and South af ter the civil war. "The Boston troops announced that they are to be the guests of- the ' Gate City Guard : at Atlanta. !Many other military bodies from various sec tions . of the country will be , pre sent. . . ' . ' Phone "or. call at "JUSTUS, & BROCK, up . to date ? meat mrket, will serve you on .quick notice. If you';hav6 any fat hogs, cattle; sheep, lambs, or chicknTto , sell phone 584, W.. College st. Hender- sonville. , . - ' " Board of Educatidn,in Session, The regular monthly meeting of the county board of education was held last.. Monday, and after the regular v . routing of business" was transacted the board elected the school "committees for! each dis trict in the county which - is as" fol lows : ; S-'- ' Blue Ridgef Township. District No. 1 H. K. iace, T. P. Grarrett and T.J; Waters. and Parks Maxwell . r ' . ' No! 3IF. R. Jones; J-.K. Jones and W; S.v:Young.v, - ' No! 4A'. IC Hydek Thomas Blackwell and Gpvan Jackson. ' No.' .5 D. L.' M6rris0n,' Frank Brown and Play to Hobert. . No- 6-J- Paris, M. E. Stepp and A. K. Hyder: f '.. , NoV.7 W.-B. Wells, E. E- ,L6w rarice, r arid ZebPittilld. No. 8S M- McCall, Z. Z. Blythe and J. H. Brock, r t Clear; Creek Township. , Dexter Stepp arid; J.' J. FisHer. No, 2v J. N. McMinn, K. H. Harper and W.;P. Maxwell . ' r No. 1, Colored G. B; Leonard, Foster Castleberryy and John Max- well. . - : " - ' Crab Creel? Township. District No. 1.--W. W. Orr; J. M. Gray and, R..M: Blythe. ; No. 2 ElishalOsteen. . Manson Hamilton and Mark Patterson . .. No. 3 W. O. Hamilton, M. F. Osteen and G. J; Patterson. No. 4G- N..Sentell, Dave Orr, John Drake, J, K. Blythe,. W. H. Blythe and J. D; Morris. No- 5 J . . T . Jones, F. C. Jusr tus and R. L. Rhodes. No. 6 Daniel Justus . x - District No. ,1. James DuvalW- Johri Dotson and Sam Hudgins, No! 2 W. F. Pryor, G., W. Conner and W. F. Huntley. , No. 3T BV B. Hill, G. B. Hill and John Dayton. No. 4J. M. Goode, J. B. Lamb and M Presley. No 5 J, R. -RhodesV J. M. Laughter and Jmes Haydock. . No. 6-rJohn Cox, W. R. Hhymer arid B. P. Conner. No. . 7r-Erwin . , Maxwell, T. C. Rhodes and Chas. McKillop- No. 8 Cis Oates; J. B. Merfell and S. J. Sumner.- -'No- 1 Colored Mart Freeman Pink Littlejohn andButler Owen. ' Green River Township. District No. 1 J. E. Bedding- field, . John B. Capps ;pd T. E Morgan. - V '' - No. 2 Frank Levi, J. W. Ward and Perry Shipmari. No- 3 John Morgan, M. L. Vaughn and J. L. Pace: , No. 4 Elias Ballard, H. L. Jfaybane and Alfred Heatherly. V -No, 5 Thos- J. Pace, M..N. Cor 1 t r tt- x 1 1 " m ana u. m. jvuyKenaaiJ. N0.O6 Mitchell Revis, Thos H. Williams and Henry Guice. . No- 7 J. T. Ston, A. W. Rus sell and A. F. Pace. . N0..8 J.:0. Bell, J. H. Davis. No. 1 Colored J.- T. Staton, A. W. Rusell and A. F. Pace. ' Hendersonville Township. " District No. 1-J. B. Guice; E. C. Ross and IManson Hudgins. iso. z li. J. Lambeth, J. K. Wilkie, F. C. Abbott, V. C. V. Shepherd, J. T- Drake and A, H. Capps. No. 3 J. S. Jones and others. No 4 J..W. Garren, Joe Mc Crary and.T. P. Barnwell ' No; 6-M . JE . Allen, Brannon Moffitt and Dave Devenport . , No. 6 James Dalton, Thomas Smith and David Willis. . No, 7 Joe Stroup, T- C. Ander son and Alexander Stepp. No. 8 T C. Israel; C. S. Whit aker,,E .., J". Rhodes, James Allen, W. W. Bagwell and Joseph New man. " - - , No. 9 John Waddell, D. W, McCall and L . M. Anders . No. 10. E. P. Hawkins, G. W. Allen and W. A . Merrell v No-1 Colored-J. S. Jones and others. ' No. 2. Colors C N. Nesbit, A. L.. Mills 'and Winslow Mills. No. 3 Colored Isaac Spann. Jf W- Dansuel and Logan Darity. Hoopers Creek Township. r- District No. 1 3u6T" Maxwell; Preston Garren and W. P. Garren. -Ka. 2 W. Sr Burge, R. fl. Seal, Walter Fletcher, H, M. Roberts, Frank Smith and Joe Larining. ; No. 3 Sam Lapce, June;Sales and CH. Sorrells. - - No, 4-AT. N. Russell J i F. Liv ingston arid J- P. Wilkie. ' , X ' No. 1 Colored-James Summey, Merimon Alkn and Alfred Clay- ton.o " .." - .." ' . " Mills .River Township; ' V District No: 1 Harvey laffitt, George Weese and C. O. .English. No. 2 D, J. Barnett, Sheiri Alli son and A. L- MaxwelL " " V No. 3-Wiley Ledbetter, T. C. Holtzclaw and D. J. -Banning- No. 4 J. A. Warlipk, TI T. Car son and Sid Gallamore; J 1 xt. n It n Afoore. D. W. P. W U 1 vr.. j j t Shook and HMMeecef. . . . .No. 6 AV. H. Lance, Jr p. Bow en and G..W. Allen.- No 7 Eugene Holden, W. E. Field and W. A. Dritton : No. 8 J. M. McKinney, G. i-. Cairnes arid Jackie Cairnes- . No.l - 'Colored T ,T. ,Gash, Henry Lynch aridPerry Smith. : No. 2 Colored Caleb. Foster, Jlenry Summey and Dick Evans. , . - -Fletcher. News. , x ' Miss Belle Clayton of Spartanburg,- S. C.? visited her .parents of this community recently We regret ,to learn .' that Mr. Preston Garren 's house got" burnt up lastweek. .. . Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Onrininerham . of t Jefferson City, Tenn., are the guests Kot their bro ther, Mr. Earnest Cunningham. ;: : 3IrT and Mrs. J. F-. Livingston, made a. quick trip to Henderson ville1 last week; . r;;. Mr. Herman Souther has his new residence completed and has moved into it- ' . , ANNUAL STATEMENT. ; (Continued from . 7 th Page.) j. R. Will son, lumber 19 11 Hendersonville L. & P. Co., lights, etc., March . . . . . ' . . 45 45 Hendersonville L. & P. Co., - ! lights, etc for March. . . . . . -161 85 J. A. Rusher, 40 loads sand., i 8 00 Clarke Hardware Co., mer- chandise...... .... 4Q 55 Crane Hawley Co., galvanized pipe. v. .i. 260 . 91 ;H. Mueller Mfg.' Co., plumb- mg material ... ... . w a W. P. Hill, rebate on over charge tax. . . . .v. . . . . . ..... iO A J. Williams, stamps, etc, ; water dept. ..... .. . ........ 11 M. C. Hu&gins, overcharge tax v .-1910...... ,.....;.. .. 1 Mrs. H. E. Brown, overcharge tax, 1910 -v . . ; . . i ... :ll C. T, Hallman, overcharge U 19ft). ....... ....... 4 S6 Kyman Morris owrchar ge la -. - - 1910. . .-:..' .... ... 2s 00 C T. Conner, overcharge 1910 ......... .... . . . i 49 !"3 B. B. Jackson, overcharge on . c r tax, 1910. . ........ ...... 13 20 T. M. Israel, ' street payroll. ; x 40 25 M. A. Cagle, water and sewer - payroll. .... .-. . .V. . . . ...... .4 50 T. M. Israel, street overseer, ' salary. ; 45 00 Edwards Hardware Co., mer chandise. ..... . ...... . 92 30 . - MAY s - v , ; G. H. Valentine, land for' Carson st.V.. v. ........ . 257 00 S. M. King, register deeds and clerks fee . . . . . .;. ..... . '1 25 TvM.-Israel, street hands ... 29 95 M. A. Cagle, water and sewer. . payroll. . . . . . ... ... .... .4 40 M. A. Cagle; water and. sewer . X payroll.:;... ........ 24 25 T. M. Israel, 'street payroll . ; . 69 10 Wm.v Head,- nursing Robt. Hafdin... ; ....... :. 4 00 RH. Staton, mayor's salary, ' Jan,.1911...... 1. .. 40 00 R. H. Staton, mayor 's salary, Feby., 4911....... .. .. 40 00 R. H. StatonL mayor's salary, March, 19117..... 40; 00 R. H. Staton, mayor's salary, , , April, 1911; ... ........ 40 00 T. B. Graham, Tebate on over "charge tax.... . 5 50 T. M. Jsrael, street payroll . . -43 SO M. A. Cagle, water and 'sewer-, payroll 12 00 J. M. Guice, keeper reservoir, salary.. - 30 00 J, H. Maxwell, salary, police- v- man. ... ... ...... w i ....... 55 00 J. H.- Maxwell, cost iserving papers, Black case. ... i, ... . 2 70 , 20 00 55 00 1.25 -2 70 40 32 12 00 R. U.: Hoots, contract moving barn.... .... ...... W. A. Garren, salary, police man, April. ..... .... Henry-. Justice, removing dead dogs and cats James Burgan, 27 loads cin ders........ Wetmur & Houston, feed for team.......; ........ ... A. F. Baker. DhotoeraDha for booklet-. . ; . i . . ..... .V Clarke Hardware Co.. mer chandise. . ...... 1 . . . ; . 31 2 120 00 5 90 1 80 12 25 2 00 . io oo .29 25 " 3 00 18 -75 -. 25 00 25 00 - 75 00 40 75 6 70 40 00 21540 2 50 Clarke Hardware Co., 1500 ft. Terra Cotta pipe........ . Frank Evans, drain pipe, etc. , J. P.-Case,- cost summoning officers election . . . . R. . H". Staton, Maybr's Dock ets, etc. .......... . . j. J.. D.; Davis. Sec. stat'orerv and stamrcs, 2 years J. D. Davis. 40 . certificates as Local Reristar. . . .. . . . v . Peaslee-Gaulbert & Co., alum for Filter.......... ; J. W. Wofford, rork for wall at Egerton's . ...... . . . .... F. Z. Morris, bal. on salarv. S VV VUW. ...... w. C. 'Rector, salary chm: St. TYi-ittTI Troao Committee... . . , . .... W. C. Rector, 'extra services chm, St. Com.. . . . ..... . . . ., D. Davis, salary, as Secre tary.". v. . . ; . ..... T. M. Israeli street payroll M-. A'Caglerwater and sewer payroll. . . . . . . . . . , M. A. Cagle, salary, supt. wat er and sewer............. Hendesronville - L. & P. Co- lights, etc., April. . .C . Mrs. W. D. Anders,' rebate on t)vercnage tax. . . . TotaU...... .$18,612,82 .You can buy, lease, or rnt the" 66 Oscillating round bobbing and Vibrating shuttle Singer, . also "Wheeler & Wilson rotary ma chines. . x Staton and Jones. 4t mm you the Xk time of day. -Unless it does this accurately ;it is. worse thaii useless for it is like the man you cannot depend upon. a man Many thirty dollars tied up in a watch which is worthless when ILhe would invest a dollar or two for having it repaired he woiiM get the full Often a watch whidK does not keep proper time needs regulating for which we no charge pairing our charge are more than rea sonable, and our work is guaranteed. ; ; HMlI I: SON. 1 L Established 1880 HENDERSON S BECK ' A full line pf Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Flour, Cotton Seed MeaT HulIsGprn, Hay, bhorts, etc. "Where Quality and Phone 49 : v , ' Last Call for lasting Taxes. Notice is hereby given in ac cordance with Section" 20 of the Machinery Act, to 11 persons in this Township vequired to list property or poll for taxation, and Ti )m whom . I f ailed to obtain such list during the month of Hay, that I may be found at the time and place below for the purpose of re ceivin,g their list. v : ' Court House, Grand Jury room June 5th to 15th inclusive. And after the above . date the tax list for this township 'will, be closed. Attention is also called to ; the feet that failure to list will result in your being double-taxed as re quired by. .Section 80 of the Ma chinery Act," and - the : taxpayer failing, to list subjects ..Himself to a misdemfeahor. (Section 80, Machinery .ActO ..(.;. z Please do inot fail to see me be fore .expiration of aboe datve. if nave iiutfxreauy given m your -f, Respectfully, . JAMES A. LAUGHTER ": Assistant - Assessor for Hen dersonville Township ' - -' Needles,: oil; bands; ; nd "repays for all; machines for sale at Sta ton and Jones - 4t APTEE GOOD VALTJEg. in high-grade, pure foods i8 hat . . ..every man wrth a family money in. nourishment, btaia ,hrawn -for themselves and . renyYou c always get . . . y Vonr f groceries, provisions from ha twenty-five or vue put of it If its heeds re- - v Pricsellthe Goods" x 4 Doors East of Depot YOU NOW Need' a set, of new buggy harness for the summer. ( We hare just completed a new summer . stock and they are al ready going fast. Come and se lect yours NOW. It will pay yu FEW BROS. & 'COMPANY SEE 1, FOR Health fiisurance 1 r. A..

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