ml- IT'S NO LIGHT , HATTER. to make a choice of lime and cement 1 your decision means a lot in both, the character of your building and future , repair bills. Let, us' prove frbiau the X testimony of actual - users that our; building materials are not alone the best to use but are by far ihe cheapest in the end. - ,X ; ; ; C0K Doors at 85 p ....... . .. I 1 ' - - -L-" 1 mm Safety, first, liberality next. Loth are essential to successful bank ing. If you are, satisfied with' our motto come in and see us. Dr. A. B. Drafts 6. M. Glazener M. E. Whitt F. E. DURFEE President DIRECTORS. W .A. Cannon. P. A. Bly . T. P. Mallorie. E W. EWBANK C; E. BROOKS Vice Pres. Cashier. N Curtis Bynum J. O. Williams A. H. HAWKINS We Sell Evferirthiqg the ' FEED-LINE; - Our last shipment e latest variety -of horse, cattle and chicks feed$ has just arrived and we "will b elad to sert our customers.. -B'eed your horse On What Is best. at the cheapest prices. 8e BYERS BROTHERS. beforelbuying F H. PATTERSON, The Tailor. f Hendersonville, N. C. TO OUR DEPOSITORS ' n is our desire vto help every depositor requiring . iuu, v,. isfy conriiti wtiifh arft onlv those consistent with safe .banking for YOUR monev " ' ' depositors Here, wnen requinug loans, icnc - Certain necessary inquiries are required and given careful attention. satisfactory the desired credit-is exienaeu. REMEMBER our first care is the safety-of YOUR money. Wanteslia Iiusf & Banldng impany. OF HENDERSOyiLLE, N. C. I Sanitary Clothes Pressings Ladies and Gents French Dry Cleaning. Main St. The Horse's. Point of Vicv In Cum If a horse could talk he would have many; things : to : say when summer comes-. - V v-' .. . He would $ell his driver that hf feels the heat on a very, warm day quite . as if he could read a thermometer- A 4 v: " . fHe would say,- " Give me a lit tle water many times a day, when the heat is intense, but, not much at a time if I am warm ; if you want me to keep well don't water me for two hours after I have eat-' en.,,-( --'.."':: y He would say, When the sun is hot ; and I am working let me breathe once in a while . in. the shade of some house or tree ; if you have to leave me on the street leave me in the shade if posible. Anything upon my head, between my ears, to keep off the sun is bad for me if the air cannot circulate freely underneath it.' - '', He would talk of slippery streets and the senations of ' falling on cruel city cobblestones the pres sure of the load pushing him to the fall, the bruised knees and wrenched joints, and the feel of the driver's lash. ; ' When he falls, he would ask that you quickly loosen his har ness and help him to' rise, with out blows-- r ' - :: Watch for the appearance of gau-spots, and try to heal; them before .they grow worse. He would tell-of the luxury of a fly net when at work and of a fly blanket when -standing still in fly season,; and the boon to him cf screens in the stables to keep out the insects that bite and sting. ne would plead tor as cool and oiuiorcable a stable as possible in which to rest at night after' a iay's work under the hot sun- He would suggest -that , living through a warm night in a stall neither properly cleaned nor bed ded is suffering for him and poor economy for the owner. He would say that turning the Jiose on him is'altogether to.risky a thing to do unless you are look ing for a sick horse. Spraying the legs and feet when he is not warm on a hot day he would find agreeable. ' He fvould say, "Please sponge out my eyes and nose arm uock when I come in tired an dusty at night, and also sponge me with clean cool water under the collar and saddle of the harness. ' 'Our Dumb Animuls. -! Si' Household. ' For darning stockings use croc het cotton.' It is preferable to darning cotton, as it does not harden when washed-- Tf your pies overflow in -the oven insert a short piece of un booked macaroni in the top crust This is better than the paper fun nel. . . An excellent cleaner for paint ed surfaces is made as follows: Two quarts of hot water, two tnhlespoonfuls of turpentine, a pint of skimmed milk arid enough soan to rriak1 a weak suds. When steel kivei and foT-kcs Vve bpfnTne tairt.ed with fish Tipv oar! he mhhAd with fresh or nrcrf nv lemon repl. fd the taint rrin 'canT1,', entire! v. When TrinVi nsr f mavnnaiQe in i-Qo vfhe ppfTMiVal "hnnseVip'np- will thn whites fw P d?ort tnnh;QQ i nrnlo nnw. fnr frostinty. for merincniA on p rie. To Toe Pf-nonos of. Tlonr " Tloof V.. 1 ; ' dim Prrftsnr ! .v nri fho rtfA f-OOT1 OO T-f Vi AT T'O fh OT IT! fh O r o T-l' fT'TT'iT r-p 1-lf ri- tt-oc Tlnol ENDERSONV1LLE TRANSFER CO. Hendersonville. N. C. ' i - Agents on all trains.' Baggage checked from Hotels and private Wdents to destination of tickets by applying at depot office, ; pone 210. ; : ' '-feV --S"' ' : B. n. 3TUCKEKFUSS, JBn Man'gr. Formerly with the Charleston Tranfer Co ; Consumption "Cure", at Lct" It is truly remarkable that al though , the germ - of r tuberculosis was identified a generation ago and has - been exhaustively studi ed by scientific men all over the world ever since, no specific reme dy for this most destructive, most widely prevalent among diseases has ever been found. ' Hopes have been ! excited by " announcements from eminent bacteriologists, in cluding the discoverer of the tuber culosis germ, - Dr. Robert Kosb himself? but always with com plete disappointment in the end. Diphtheria, cerebro-spinal menin gitis and various other diseases have had their deadliness: enor mously decreased by the use of ap propriate anti-toxins designed to cure or produce immunity on the principle which vaccination for smallpox -has; made familiar ; but beginning with: Koch's "tubercu lin" all such1 preparations for tub erculosis were discredited long ago except, sometimes, as aids to diag nosis. Nor has it been found in the least to dolwith drugs what the newer science . ' of bacteriology could not 0; accomoplish V Creo sote for tuberculosis was never, apparently; anything more than a superstStfron . Of tuberculosis cases not too far advanced a: con siderable proportion have i rcvd curable, but solely by such natu ral means as outdoor livii, nui plete rest and '.nourishing food. It meant the saving of many lives to learn this and to war against the spread of infection, but other wise scientific -study of the great tuberculosis problem has been al most without result. , J As the latest supposed remedy for tuberculosis the world is told that Dr. de Szendeffy of Budapest has discovered a new. drug com bination which some of Europe's GOOD GOADS HI THE NORTH WEST. . Washington State Alive to the : Importance of . Having Service able Highways. . ; ' " The northwest is " ahve to the value of good roads. In a recent issue of the Seattle (Wash) In telligencer the statement is made that before the summer is over Seattle and Tacoma will be . con nected by a first-class macadamiz ed highway. In King county, of which Seattle is the - seat, there 1 be $320,000 available; Includ ing state aid, for road improve ment this year. Much of this will be spent on a trunk line des tined to connect Seattle" and Everf ett. From Everett to - Tacoma an improved road is & matter of the near future. " This road work is part of a general plan to build a trunk line from the northern to the southern boundry .of, "Wash ington, vhich in turn will become part of a highway from the Great Lakes to the ocean, through the northern tier of state,' and this will connect with another trunk line from British Columbia down the coast ', to Mexico---a dream 6 that wide-awake country that is certain to be realized in the next few years. ' " '-'.-r. . Many Uses for. Cement. Hardly a day passes nowadays that a new use, for cement is not found. Recently one of the lead ing railroals replaced wooden tel egraph, poles byv concrete poles, and they are being found more satisfactorily from almost every point of view. Reinforced con crete planks are ' being used in steamboat construction. Wooden ties are being replaced by con crete oh some railroads. The in fants' milk is obtained in: a dairy where the floors, walls, bins, feed- highest authorities upon the dis- J mixing, troughs and stalls are all ease V after experimenting for ' of concrete. As he grows older several years, pronounce extreme ly valuable. This preparation is composed of peptonized iodine with a little, menthol and radium barium chloride . Iodine, -the chief ingredient, has long been known to exert upon tuberculo sis marked curative tendencies, which, ' unfortunately, were more than offset by undesirable effects. It has been supposed that iodine would prove to be highly, valu able in tuberculosis cases if only some suitable means of adminis tering the- drug, could be, found : and many workers have sought to do what Dr. de Szendeffy is now said to have done. . Of course, the Hungarian doctor and the other tuberculosis experts mentioned being reputable scien tific men, there is nothing secret about the new drug. When a number of physicians of the highest ability an ! si3 ing, operating independently .pr each other at great distances apart and during a period of several years agree . ; that "in all' cases with out exception marked im provement occurred," even the threefold skepticism which new "consumption cures" must just ly encounter is bound to, weaken somewhat. It is particularly no table that the Hungarian scien tist refrained from making his discovery public from raising more false hopes until thorough and prolonged test by other men in other countries had been made. Very possibly a valuable specific for tuberculosis, though, of course not any absolute or infallible cure, has been found at last. " If so, a gratetui worm wui never forget the discover 's name. Charlotte Observer. he is surrounded on all sides by concrete structures,, and when he dies his body is place jl in a grave whose vault is constructed of con crete, and a concrete tombstone is used to mark his . resting place. Thus the examples of the varied uses of cement might be multipli ed. One -of the most novel, how ever, is the use of cement : for "tree dentistry-" This consists in the filling of Old cavities in the in the trunks of trees with a rich cement mortar, after the rotter wood has been carefully removed somewhat similar to the manner in which a dentist carefully cleans a tooth cavity before filling Care should be exercised, how eer,to see that the serf ace of the cement is low enough for. the bark to grow over. : : . , Foresters believe this will be the means of saving many old trees from further decay .and destruction. . . dor) seVdil thp nnndATYiTiArl man mo-n thptp WPS fl.TiyT.nmc' IIP woorl "Vft e'1"'. -T. fmess fhATO iq. worl- havo cotpp bpTP- IPS. saup t tfipm irvTi tmo! ptn a srood drink of liquor." He got. the first two. , He was visited by a colored minister ofhis faithi who offer ed the last consolation. Nothing was said of the visit- It is re marked." thoueh. that Swatson told fellow prisoners some weeks ago that, he1 wua gom: to , bust hell right wide open." Atlanta Constitution. ; The Reason M. Crapuad No children - Mme. Engl i en No. they 're too expensive a luxury. What do you expect, when a decent hat costs 600 francs ! " L 'Illustration. ' , x. ' -' - ' - ' ' .- t Meat in some form must be fed poultry, v Why do You Worry? Whv do I worry ? Because I cannot help it. You would worr ry if you were in my place. '''. Ho w many times has this little conver sation been repeated, .'one friend chiding another for the pucker ed brow and f rowing look, the mood of depression and the enx ius, wearied, careworn slump of mind-and body together, mci- dentel to a habit of worry. True, it is easy to say to one who is over borne by the burndens she is bear ing, that worry will make her load ho lighter. She knows thisr yet while she concedes that worry is doing' no good, she gooes on as if ! she were climbing a hill and slip ping back at every' step or grop ing through a thick fog, unable to free herself, from the smother ing cluteh of this fiend. Three fourths of the woman patients in a certain insane asylum are said to have reached their morbid estate and the influence of worry. Worrv is really waste. " It wastes nervous tissue," is the enemy of happiness, and a prolific cause and . f ?ti i ' lit.-: l Z aggravation . oi m neauu. vuna tianHerald. TH E tew HENDERSON--ffl yiLLE'S New Electric The a t r e nas opened for the season arid s showing the very latest pictures on the market. Electric Piano Playing all the Tin Bring your family to town and see our . ' . attraction ; Admission 5 & 10c JEWELER & OPTICIAN. HendersonTflle "N. C JUDGMENTS FOB - SALE. Opposite Court House. nn in ill A RELIABLE raw Manufacturer of ; lim Harness, Vaflon Harness v -. - ; . Dealer in Class of Goods. Special . Bargains Fins AO Horss Offered J. II. NOTICE -", RAMSEY & STATON have Just re-' turned from the market where they made heavy . purchases in various kinds of .Merchandise. -. New goods are now dailj arriving at ' our store. Yotr will find us located in the D, . Pace brick block - east of . railroad track at Southern" depot. Call and look over our stock of : Dry Goods, nice -White goods and various kinds of nice Dress Goods. . Also a large; line of. Notioas of various and sundry kinds. We are pricing our J goods astonishingly low fort he simple reason that we bought them low. And we are gping to give our friends and customers the' bene fit thereof.. It will pay you to trade with us. -" - . .. .Respectfully.' " v Ramsey & Staton The season is here for swell har ness. G. F. Chaple has the best line In town. Surry, harness, bug gy, harness and Wagons harness. The best, cheapest line of whips CHILES Store Staton & Jones vs Joe McCrary - . $9.75 - "- Staton & Jones vs Dave Walker $18.03 Rigby-Morrow Co. vs Wm. Mintz ' $10.94. . : , ) Rigby-Mdrrow. Co. vs E. W Constant, - ' ; $4.08 :: -: - : Rigby-Morrow Co. vs Martin Edwards' $3.11 : Rigby-Morow Co. vs Elva Bane, - '- . $8.50 " V" ; " Rigby-Morowr Co. vs Arthur Perry, ' ' $85. :v Rigby-Morrow Co. vs Dave Dogan and ,:::"- Virginia Dogan, $6.31 See E. B. BRAKE ' Secretary Retail Merchants Associa tion. A Reliable s Drug We put only the t B-nd freshest drufTS. - . XT'. Bcripuons you Drg w v v never male raistaLcc cur pre ccription c!cr!3 aro toocrpcrt fr that. And vcj don't charge high ; prices for from it. , ' . . We carry many excellent pro-' Erietary mecicinco. Feeling iliou3 or jaundiced? Suffering from constipation, torpid liver, eick headaches? Try tlexall Liver Salic. Tbi3 is the no:t catsfactorjr Livcr-Iiened ve've ever handled, end v?o know its fomrK It Btonuiatea aad regulates tne action cj the liver end bow- J ids without rTiping. Pleasant find er- fcctivc. Eclcl with the R ex all guaran tee X JTL X IIP---1 X i x IS X i The Justus Pharmacy. mm SWEEIIB If Its a tmoke you want, Call And Let Us Show You the Best Brand On The Market. v s