THE GOOD EOADS MEETING AT THE COURT HOUSE TUESDAY i (From the Daily Herald.) The Laurel Park Hotel Company, A ... -o , .. . five hundred aonars; Applause. - V ' " y ' "' More applause. v Then still nun e applause. lr. W. A. till ui aauounced the hove subscription u ie new Ashe-Vllle-Greenville Rignway at the Good Roads meeting this morning:, "The jurel Park Hotel Company, five hun dred dollars!" V ' V' ; " it mounded good to the big audience in the court room, and they rolled the j Fords "five hundred dollars" around under their tongues appreciatively. bsolutely dissimliar .projects may U6U1U ... 1 It was out anotner instance oi now rpallv be made to co-operate to attain an object mutally beneficial The Laurel Park Hotel Company, a $100,000 corporation now being or ganized for the purpose of erecting a mainouth hotel on Mount Panorama in Laurel Park, realizes the impor tance and the necessity of good roads in Henderson county. But so unexpectedly large a contri bution as this one of five hundred dol lars indicates the broad guage minds of the men-behind the propo sition for the general fetiblic,' the farmers, the merchants, the visitors, will jointly reap a thousand fold, the benefit from the' new joad that will come to the Laurel Park Hotel Com pany. ' ' It was another instance of the re markable public spirit of a - man known through the State as Hender son ville's most, public spirited citizen Mr. W. A. Smith, owner of J aurel Park Estate and firm believer in the BEST town in the South! A representative, and entv": gathering of men f rm this ar - ing counties gathered at t ' : -rvrt house this morning and disci "i question of better roads for Hender son county. The meeting was far more of a success than the most op timistic good roads enthusiasts had hoped for. From the' beginning of the meeting, throughout the entire session until the last speech -"as made AtiHiiiciaom ran hi cli" and i: "rt dfi- (-idpd imuetus was jrtvenj Good ! Roads Movement The audience was extremely fortunate ?n .""--vlg as! sneakers men so conversant with road conditions and so anxious for this county to take the forefront in the building of good roads in this section Jh ctntP Sueurvisor Geo. W. Justice Called the meeting to order a few minutes after 11:00 and called for nominations for a chairman. Dr. R A. Child was chosen in a few minutes and in well chosen words expressed his pleasure ! in presiding over a meeting of this na- ture That good roads do the most good to - the greater number, of people CLLLXjL , IrKJyj J-l VrUUAU UUV - V1VAW in furtherance of this cause. After several nominations and an almost , equal number of excuses Mr. G. W. Justice consented to act-as Sec retary and take notes of the meeting. Mr. C. F. Toms was called upon to introduce the SDeaker. T"- ratt Mr. r . " J v " . n. t, tuff ' Tcms in a st'rrirg "" r ''is pleasure in welcoming -7 ore to this city but particularly one who came tee on a mission of. service. 'That the Trimary object of the meeting was to start in motion a movement to grade the road to the South Carolina line and oren the gateway to . this section .in addition to giving the farmers of the county a better highway upon vivch to I'au! tbeir nroiicts to a re?dv x vet Ti-n i;ic ppsed when t' ty m k i i l i' Iltte strange manner of her passing "Id boast of only, one completely out of sight and knowl- raight line traversed by the old and ! . . ' fnm,,r wfl Q co 1 r k J LVinoio edge to her family and friends a di- cuniberscme stasre coach. Th time i? j . , .r rt . , . j rfect challenge to the ponce and -the now upon u3 when more rrads and : rpwsnanpre. nd finally to her fam bettpr roads must be built for more j newspapers and, nnaiij, to ner tarn mo'lprn vehiclpg and to avoid the; t, ka vc t- v x , . , , .n ; The finding of Dorothy Arnold has f-ej?bt rate which rightly belong to dream of every -newspaper the man who produces the articles for j r December. To op- t'7t8tinn Only throush better 4 tb her nereabou'tB then introduced. Dr. Pratt, saying in -o-t f-of vproVo ifi MrF"nt prood roads followed and that he bad always beem pm'csary of good to any section he visited. .., Br. Pratt, State Geologist, spoke as f0iov-s! Tile tWQ ieacmik assets of HenfJpi-?cn county are her climate and msgnificent scenery. The thousands of to'irists who come here annually want good roads in order to properly ap1 recite the scenery, this they can- cot do while jostled about over bad roads. The more tourists attracted to , this county through the potent agency -ood roads the greater the market Jct the farmer and produced of every- '-.very male 01 gooa roaus uxeaus an increase of two or three hundred '"nsrseaeayear you may can tueu 1 . . n 11 - tourist reads if you wish but the value to the citizens is to be measured in the corresponding increase of income brought about through the 'instrumen tality of better roads. Good roads mean that from two to three times a larger load can be transported in one half the time. In the Berkshire hills of Massachusetts, the White Mountains assacnusetts tne wnite juounwms ;j New Hampshire, and the Catskill j Mountains of New York conditions several years ago were somewhat sim Har to the existing conditions iere, The neople of these sections began Im proving their roads and those tourists W f melr road! 8e heretofore accustomed to seeking s Switzerland, France and other foreign countries for roads more adaptable to motor travel were now well content to s?end their summers In this : section here tbe roads had been Improved. The tourists in these sections had now doubled and even trebled as a natural Jesuit of the greater inducement of fered in the shape of good roads. The roads of primary Interest to the people f Henderson county are the Hender-jpnville-Spartanburg. the Henderson Greenville and the Hendersonville snevilie. The latter to connect with tbe Central Highway. These ;.- roads "et be built; either now or at some tare date, and It Is well to begin ork on them. - From the standpoint " an investment, good road will nav ery man in the county whether he Pn them or not Good roads cost Joney; bad roads cost more money. no more than over other roads 'and the cost of building Is much lower. easier to x keep In good '. condition if only a drag is used after every rain. canont iurnisir the , money for f hp CntlSTrilPtlnn rf haoa inof)i for the construction of these roads but .will send a. competent man to .do the - work or ' surveying ' whenever needed. . ' Following the speech of Dr. Pratt which "was heartily applauded, Mr. W. A. Smith was called upon to speak a few words. Mr. Smith made a force fuland inspiring talk in which e said that of all the investments he had made none had. given richer return than the amount he had invested in building good roads. Dr. Pratt had in spired vthe Good Roads Movement in this - county and it was the duty of JJW citizen who had the welfare of the nruntv at heart tn air? -r-n the county at heart to aid in crystaliz- ing thiaiidea and evolving from it a system of roads second to none. The question at issue was how to get the money? One way la to subscribe, and I want to have the honor and pleasure of heading the list with a $500 contri bution on behalf of the new hotel to b erected at Laurel Park (applause) and; if more is necessary Bill Smith, himself might be seen for a contribu tion. (Applause again, and of long duration.) The politicians from both parties should get together and, appear before the board asking for a bond issue to aid in this movement with the express stipulation that the next elec tion would not concern itself with this issue and make of it a weapon for of fense or defense in the furtherance of political victory. . . 'Mr. Goodwin of Greenville was next called on for a speech but search of the audience failed to reveal him. One of Mr. Goodwin's fellow townsmen l arose at this juncture and stated that Mr:. Goodwin had started this way in pvto'-Tiobile but had been delayed r r s N- " rin. requested that this en : - delivered: "Greenville will . at the county line." i This message .occasioned more cheering and it is thought that ar rangements for this meeting can be made in the not too distant future. ARXOLD SEARCn HAS COST TOTAL $75,000. onune Spent in An Effort to Locate Missing Xevr York Heirness Left Home Last Decembeer and Hasn't Been Heard of Since. ' . -'- . io tua .Nf Yc"k- Au&v 12-Since e . disappearance of Charley Ross no kcase of a missing person has had so aucutiuu no i"ui . vr. uuiuwj aruoia. aiiu ill . me uisluj jr ui missing .person was ever so great an effort made in all" directions to discover what her fate has been ; nor was money ever in any similar case so lavishly spent The search - .a . an ,IlH1. vQe nrt has cost a penny. It is . g d mon lg un bein lavishly expended, although as yet tr'ere is no definite prospect that the hunt will prove other than tutileV j vWhen Dorothy Arnold left u-r home in Central - Park West on , . . a AannMr.Qn and not clue to-'ner- wnereaDouts, su though the youth and beauty of the girl had been illustrated by photo graphs of her published broadest ia the newspapers and sent out nearly as widely by the police, the myste rious case took the strongest kind of hold on the. public imagination. In addition to her youth and beauty, the wealth of her family and. the ro mances that had . been spoken of as indicating the possible explanation of her disappearance, there was in and to follow that clue to the pres ence cf the girl herself would earn --;rs and 'lasting favor and fame Cor any "cub" and would rank as the crowning achievement of even a star reporter. - ' - ' .- The newspapers also employed "'-'vate detectives in the hope-, that tiey might discover what the re- porter had HOt been able to But all in yain For 'SQJe time j the- good faith of the Arnoid family was doubted; the belieT giVen that the' missing girl had communicated with her parents her parents' lawyers' telling them Qf her whereabduts, Nbut binding t1iem to secrecy because of dread of Vie publicity that would blaze upon v -vn- har Tot urn Tn t Vi o ntTiAT hand -'Ci vu uti i . v members of the. Arnold family have never ceased to keep up the appear ance of searching for the missing daughter as eagerly and energetical ly as possible They, too, hired pri vate detectives at large expense from one of the. most prominent aeencies in the country. Mother and I brothers, and now motner ana iain white-haired, growing sad- ' her, fate: doubting If ever tney aTe xr. see her alive, have made trips to Eu- . IVntr. rope. Tney nave gone ui bcui. , wcj renresentative to every spot on the map from which at any time there mnr.A fTlQf mrht nnssiblv V. flint: au; tt u 1 1."" " -o mean the locating of the daughter. The Sunday School Conventloii at Moore's Creek. The Sunday school ' convention at Moore's Grove last Thursday was very Interesting - and helpful to those .who attended. - ; - ' - , Rev. R; R. Ray, General Secretary of the Florida Sv S. Association, was present and made a splendid address. Owing to hi8 experience in-the organ ized Sunday school work he was able to give many, helpful suggestions on he different ? topics discussed during the day. - ' ' - ... The next convention will be held in Green River township at Mountain Page church, Saturday August 19th. All those who are interested in Sun day school work are invited to be present."1"" ' " j. GBEAT automobile parade and HILL LIBMESG CONTEST FOB ' HENDERSOXYILLE. - . (From Tuesday's Daiy ) : automobile parade and. hill climbing contest, participated"; in by scores" of machines now here and scores more from out of town, follow ed by an ' automobile ball, promises to cap the climax of the season's so cial gaiety and afford unlimited pleasure to the town'B thousands "of guests.- ! , - , ' , ... . . . . . .' TheJmoyement to hold this, the real lyly big even of the season is backed by scores . of - the most public . spirited 1 citizens of.Hendersonv11Ie men who realize fully -the necessity vof making the town's visitors stay here as en joyable as possible and who aru wil ling to go down into their jeans for that purpose. There are probably something like a hundred buzz buggies how here. It Is thought possible to have another hundred here for the event A great parade of gaily decorated cars in the morning, a hill climbing , contest in the afternoon, and a ball at night is the tentative program. The details of the whole affair are now in the hands of a very hard working com mittee of automobile ' enthusiasts who will shortly make further inter esting and authorjtive announcements The-prizes to be offered will be substantial ones and may aggregate a very large sum. Almost $300 " has already been subscribed by J public spirited citizens and visitors and more is in v sight Every cent sub scribed will be ''seri in futhering the event There is no profit in the matter for anyone it is Just simply to give the. visitors here, an example of what the town can do when it tries to entertain them. The parade in the morning will be one of . the .most interesting, features of the day's sport . All cars must be decorated and no money must be paid to anyone for services in help ing to decorate. The idea is to let each car represent-the efforts of its 'owner to his '- family and friends. Flowers, etc., may be used or any other method adopted which the own er of the gasoline wagon may wish. The hill climbing contest will be j outf Fifth Avenue, at Laurel Park, j where ther4 i? a stretch of road which 1 irtswers .admirably all purposes of . the contest The cars will be di vided into classes and prizes offered for each. It is expected that this contest will interest agents for different machines in Asheville, Spartanburg. Greenville and other cities, and will bring many cars from these places. The ball will be held in the Casinc at Laurel Park the accessibility o this place, and the excellent dancing floor there, making it- meet all re quirements. Gi ests will wear auto mobile cost-'raes, linen dusters, gog gles, etc., ai excellent orchestra will be cn-lrd f d a thoroughly enjoy- Mr.J Go- fge Stephens, of Kanuga I L&-e, JTr. Joseph Holt of Highland) v w - v A 111. m T ' or, in". v. a smiu 01 iaurei '""a"!-. Mr. M. Stimson of the Sugar ' oaf Automobile Club, ar expected to Sooome interested In promoting this n. n 'esonville Automobile Day." 7YJe :ill ae exclusively busy men, it 'NthovKht they m?y be prevailed upon rid peTso?'!'. as well as finan-'j'-tiiy, in mnkjnK the event the one r:-pnt. H red-letter day of the sea son of 1911. The following prominent motor en thusiasts will be asked to take charge a? a committee of arrangements. They will also handle the funds raised, di vide the aggregate sum subscribed into o.rnropriate Ti7es and see that these prices are, paid: Dr. N. M. Stimson. president Jack sonville Automobile Club. Mr. George Stephens, Kanuga Club. Mr. Joseph Holt. Highland Lake Club. . ' . - Mr. W. A. Smith, Laurel Park. . T. G. Push, New Orleans. B. 'J. Smith, Charlotte. Alex B King, Atlanta. Arthur Chenoweth, Birmingham. . John Maybank. Charleston; Walter BJ Siwth, Hendersonville. Edv-nrfl Ehrlich, Columbia. Mr, Burgess, Greenville. Messrs Sawyer and Lang of Ashe ville. Julian Calhoun, Spartanburg. - Other southern cities will be as ably represented as those already named. A more complete list will appear in tomorrow's paper. " - Among the subscribers to the fund to be divided into-prizes for the win ners in the parade and in the hill climbing, contest are the folowing. Further subscriptions will be an nounced later.' The events will be Dulled off" some day next week. Wanteska Trust & Banking Co. $15.00 K. G; Morris . French .Broad Hustler Co. W. H. Hawkins & Son.... Rigby-Morrow Co., ... ... Walter B. Smith . . . . .. . Sladen-Fakes Co.1, ... .... Jimmy Fur low . S. F. Wheeler".. Dlimas Barber Shop.'... .. .15.00 ...15.00 ...15.00 ..10.00 . ..15.00 , ..10.00 .. .10.00 .. .15.00 ..: 5.00 . . .5,00 : . .5.00 V. richer 'm r ' . j7Unter. er lev3onviiie jviercanuie. vju...o.uu Cramer's . Auto Storage Garage 5.00 Clarke Hardware Co., . . ... ... .5.00 Wetmur & Houston. ... i ...... . r5.00 W. Shepherd.,.. .. ....... 5.00 W. F. Ostendorf ...'...5.00 Edward Ehrlich. . . ... . .... - .V. .$ 5.00 Mrs. E. Cahn ;V. . ....... 5.00 jjr. Chenoweth v .;.;"..... . ,5.00 Glover Orr. ......... .... ... o.oo Citizens .Bank...;.. ...... ..... 5.00 Pruett's Garage ................ 5.00 Tfatiiira Club.i ...... .......... 5.00- Burckmyer Bros . . . . . W. . . . . . S'.OO Gns Ward . ...... '. .. . .......... 3.00 j. W. Bailey . . . . ... . . ... .... 2.00 J. C. Cullum ........ ....... i-.uu Hubert Smith . . . . ; . . . . . ...... 2.00 Claude Pace y.. -D. E. Stepp. . . . Charles "Burnette . James A.' Switzer .. Hr Patterson . . . . J. C. Sherrell ...6. Chas. Sunofsky. . ... ..2.00 ......2.00 .'.,..2.00 ..... .2.00 .... ... 2.00 ....... .2.00 2.00 H. C. Meyer. . ; 2.00 O AO 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.09 i( . M. S. Woodall..v, J: H. Harris.... . Women's College for HendersonTiBe v (From the Daily Herald.) ; "With the promise v to divulge no names for several days yet the following-authentic information has been given' the Herald; HendersonvfBe - is soon to have a college for r women, located at soem convenient place and to cost in the neighborhood of $100,000. This college will accomodate sev eral hundred students and will rank with the best In the South. Hendersonville has been chosen in preference to any other place in West ern North Carolina. The three paragraphs above are not mere surmises nor exaggerations in any. way but the real facts in the case and later developments will prove their authenticity. . , ; Plans have already been set on foot by responsible parties to build a college for women, located at some easily accesible point in the city and equipped with the latest appliances known to the "college world. The Herald has been assured that,the ven ture gives every .-promise of ultimate success and that later information will so-n be given which will pTar the scheme beyond the peradventure of a doubt. This plan has been under consider ation for several months by . the men behind the movement but it was deemed best to keep it secret until positive assurance could be given that the plan wouldreach a success ful fruition. The matter has been gone oven thoroughly in all of its de tails and every angle of. the - propo sition has been exhaustively discus sed, the final decision being for the building of this institution. Men thoroughly conversant -with the pe culiar requirements for success in the founding of such an institution have given the question careful considera tion and reached the conclusion that ho other place offerer ed such an ex cellent location as could be found here in Hendersonville. - The climate, which perhaps is the most essential requirement for a col-1 lege of any .kind, impressed the founders more favorably toward? this place than, any other one thing. Another almost equally impelling force is the nature 'of the' surround ings. - . ...... Fortunately Hendersonville N coul? boast of 'these two things, above any other section of the country and the claims in these two respects finally swung the balance ; in her direction. Got. Kitchin Summoned to His Moth " ers Bedside, RalelghN. C., Aug. 15. Governc Kitchin was summoned yesterday af ternoon back , to the bedside of his mother, Mrg. Maria Kitchin; at Scot land Neck. He has two telephone messages that indicated that the age4 lady is sinking and that the end is be lieved to be very near. The governo told anxious inquires before-lea vinr the city that there is now no hope fo" recovery. ' , ; He feared indeed that the end wonir come before he could reach her be.fl side. He was. with her two dv week, but came back to Pafeign on ac count of the text book ?d? ?.V other very imoortant business thr. awaited him here. Lumber Plant is Destroyed by Fire Washington, N. C, Aug. -14. The large lumber manufacturing plant o the Eureka Lumber Company ,wsp destroyed by-fire at an early hoiv this morning.. The flames originated ?n the boiler room and had . sorea'? rapidly before the fire department ar rived. " The boiler room, engine room fivA main building were reduced tr r"ins. while only hard work saved th drv kilns and lumber sheds. The lv is estimated at $35,000, with only $14 0 insurance. The plant will be re built C. C Jordan..:. ,..' R'M. Oates..:.... . J. E. Shipman....fc Wilihire Griffith:... M M. Shepherd.... - ' : i .i mmm '! I" m. 1 ,u "J """ 1 " 11 "' 'JLZZOZt ' mi , .mil mi i rm n III 1 1 ll iiiw ""TTT - .m., ijr'-'l hlf'-'' - 1 ' J ' - a r " -"' 1 III . I III II If II I llli II 1 11.11. Why do without a sewingmachine or buy a Singer or Wheeler and WU 8 d econ Needles for all kind PHONE i 88 SINGER FOR TME . '-'-.,- v. ;- Vv:-v. :'.;'. A ' Xanrel Park Eetreat Sold ' ' ; : -Laurel Park Retreat, a family ho tel in Laurel Park, hag been sold by Mr. W. A. Smith to .Miss Florence Jordan.'-.--. - ;".:t" ;'";v ; s : , , The consideration was $13,600. This price included the furnishings of the building. .-V " . . ; ..: Laurel Park Retreat ls a small pri vate hotel of the highest class 'situat ed in.' one of -V the r prettiest parts of Laurer Park, " facing Rainbow Lake and commanding a. superb view of the surrounding mountains. . - 7 . , . : ; It has been remarkably successful under the capable management of Miss Jordan, the purchaser of the property! The hotel twas practically full ! of guests by June first Since that time probably.: three hundred - would-be guests have been denied admittance, and it is without doubt the only -hotel in Western North Carolina having an actual waiting list of . people anxious to partake' of its hospitality. I ' " Its guests this year, as in the past are from every Southern state, and Laurel Park; f ; Retreat is best adver tised by its loving friends. , V The sale by, Mr. Smith of this pro perty in no wise conflicts with , the new hotel to be, erected on Summit Heights in Laurel Park. ; As is gen eral ly known,, the Laurel Park Hotel Company, witfia capital stock of $100,000, is now being organized -for the , purpose of erecting a mammoth hotel on Summit Heights in the Park, one of the comTua.Tjna: eminences cf tbe estate. t? v.viifjfrjo. 0f th's vec new -hstley is assured. ;It "wi1", be a bote? in fijl!est aord wth Hr! surroundingSxin "the opt hti- nat?"QV - "''America." and wiH' add to the fame thatestate- has heap ed upon Hendersonville. , ' ' Th remarkable and insistent de mand for accommodations - at Laurel Park Retreat is sufficient ' commen tary upon Miss Florence Jordan's well known abilityin catering to the trav eling public. Under Miss - Jordan's Personal management the Retreat has become known as far more than a hotel rather as a home in the fullest sense - of the word to the people of every Southern - state and their 27 inch Swiss Embroidery Flouriing worth $1.00 for - - - ; - - r 78 c Yard wide Good Bleach 1 0c value 8 1 -2c Special for Friday Saturday. J. 0 WILL All the scrap beams I can buy. M ust be crisp a Die r or caiiunig JONATHAN CASE " Danaf N. C. MacMiies ot machuiesMAniiNiLO r w JtuLi ii v. eagerness to avail themselves of the; hospitality Is but ' well-earned apprcu 'uuu vi misa iiurudu a euorxs. . STTftTJT T.nriT. rmm-tra -uuiiu XXXiiAia , The crossties on Main street yester day seemed to have Tost that resigned neglected look . they have been wear-r lag ior several weeks past and a more benignant patronizing set of crosstie as never seen the steel rails had ax2" rived- ;and. they had, evidently heard the good news.- ' - A negro was yesterday arrested for tSe theft of a pair of shoes and given a pjreliminary hearing at which he stoutly denied his guilt. Even after Deputy Stroup by diligent searching had found the shoes in question the de fendant continued to assert his inno cence and offered various excuses for having the shoes in his possession. x uc cviucute agiuuBi uiui was so con clusive however. that -'-he was held for XT 1 2 1 ' a 1 , -J . tiie mgiier court. . Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, Sate-- Geologist and professor at the UnlT-er--sity:whQ made an -'adorbes at - :T? Court House, this moninii "eft -r Asheville where he is exer' I to de liver ather rddres.-Frrra" Ashe ville. D Pratt .--rer " v 7 " r-jr? yy a "mec g in ; ':' '..'- us r--od roads lnce'to hi- ' 10 at Chasei' Hill. -; Mr.- W. P. Cantw irIer"Ti.-: has returned to his vz' .- " : P''r,d ing several days with his 2c: :ily -vho are here fo? the. summer. Mr. Cant-well- Is County Surervisor; of roads Pf v?p oTyie r'ty ar.d was iutensely" interested in the good oads meeting, here and at Spartanburg: 1 . Mr. J. H. Clifton and family . ot. Sumter, S. C, are . registered at the Wheeler hotel, lici Clifton Is the re- . presentative. of his , county in the State Senate. Misses Ethyl and ClaraBowers and Bana Green of Nevoerry,- S. C, are Lane.- They expect to spend several voplfs in the city. - v '-A- IAMS and fender, suit wnen you can leacs GIRLS OPPOSITE COURT HOUS:

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