FLOOD TFATEES - V - Continued from 1st Page " ; to lend. aid. The food supplies of the " town were destrbye'd and immediate "" -aid to survivors wre urgent Hun "dreds of those who escapedwere seri ously injured in theollapse of. their T homes 'ana the panic, of .the - rush for safety.:.. .; :' ; , . '""- ,'': .' Austin, Pa , Oct. J. The curtain: of BSght, which was rung down on. the Austin flood scarcely before its vic - tlmsf had all been claimed and.lts sur- . Viving spectators N f ully realised how great tragedy the' elements of water . and . fire had : enacted 111 the natural amphitheater . of the Allegheny moun tains here, was lifted by dawn today, re vea lingua ghastly scene of death and , devastation, V- , - Austin, itself yesterday a busy mill " town of three- thousand people, many ' of 'whom were enjoying the fine au tumn afternoon as a Saturday; half- holiday, is 'only a ghost of a town to- day. Torn ".to pieces by water and etaten by fire, the .wet and charred remnants of its buildings, -believed to hold the remains of three hundred or more persons, were" strewn along thds valley .edge, piled In rows where the main' street business section was " or swept in scattered masses fardown "the ravine. -i ' - A Hundreds View Ruins. S " Spectators, 'many of whom barely escaped being victims of , the disaster, : and hundreds of persons from sur- - rounding towns, looked down from ' the steep hillsides on; Austin 'and Cos- tellojthrough'a veil of fog -this morn ing to see the 'wreckage, here of some four hundred houses, a score ofbusi- - ness ''-blocks, three -churches and sevr eral large lumber mills and three t miles "further: down the. river at Cos " tello the ruins of mare 'than fifty' ' buildings. The -flood did not spend its force until It' raced for more than ten miles from the reservoir. .Whar ton, Still farther on, suffered some what, but. Is practically Intact. The loss of life at Costello, where the residents had more warning, is be- ' lieved to be but three. " ' Property Logs $6,000,000. k . The property loss in the valley is estimated at upwards of $6,000,000. . -r in Austin out of the hundreds , di rectly enveloped in the deluge hard ly a dozen survive. J!The furious flood, let . loose when the-Bayless Paper & PuTp Co.'s dam crumbled - yetserday s afternoon, picked up a huge battery of -heavy -timbers In. the mill yards at the foot 'of the dam and with these thousands of planks and legs rammed its path with terrible havoc --At the hospital, today there were but- six injured for the care of the -Ismail army of physicians and nurses ' who poured into the devastated town " all. night and day. The medical sup- - plies remained unused in- the 'cars rushed here by the railroads. ; - Austin, Pa., Oct. 2.-Twenty-four known dead, 86 missing and believed 4 -V M .I3sm&s&- v&m l Aft 1 Cottolem is packed in patent, air-tight iin pails (never in bulk) and no dirt, -odors, or other contamination can, reach it. Lard fs'seldom guaranteed you usually take you are not always guaranteed wnoiiy There are thousands of Cotiolene users in the country who would never letlard or any oAer substitute, enter their Mtchen. is purer cooking fat Prove it by a trial. . - Shortens i ... to be buried beneath the debris is the cHIcial census" tonight of Austin's loss of life in' the flood of Saturday. It is conceded, however, that several if not many visitors "and strangers - were in town that day- and undoubtedly per ished. , Including them and allow in;? for inevitable errors in compilation, the total of-dead probably will reach 150. Twenty-one of the 24 bodies . re covered have been Identified and of the missing hope -is entertained that some may yet be accounted for. , . - Austin, Pa Oct, 3. With six bodies recovered fro mthe debris heer today the face of another and a skull; so badly charred that neither the sexj nor approximate- age or the victim could be determined.Othe total num ber of known dead in the . catastrophe of last Saturday now' stands at 8. All but one of the -bodies were ider- tified. - : , - V v ,With the' almost hourly revision of the list missing, ;the' remaining num ber' is approximated only. Thfs is given out officially as about- forty,-!- ; Although' the expected number of laborers have not come in there - were approximately 600 at; work jcle'aring up the wreckage today and ( the chaot ic appearance of the village is fast ing changed.- - r v ' .' ' :. AD3IIEAL SCHLEY, HERO OF SAX TIAGO HEABS LAST CALL. Unrecognized, by a Single Person' His Body Lay on the Public Street Idol of the Nation Dies Amon? Strang ers Tragic -and Pathetic End of a Brilliant - Naval History. ? ; - New York, Oct. 2.Unrecognized by a single person in the curious throng that rushed to his aid, Rear . Admiral Winfield Scott . Schley,' U. S. N.y re tired, fell dead in front of the Berkley Lyceum on : West Forty-fourth street this afternoon. The death of this notable figure in the naval history of the nation was for the moment that of an . unknown ,. man In a strange crowd. The admiral's.' sudden death is attributed to cerebral hemorrhage which attacked him' shortly after, he with Mrs. Schley, preached New York thisv morning from a visit to . Mount Klsco and had1 called at the -New tprk. Yacht Club for His mail. -.'. FeU Helpless to Street As the admiral was . walking through West Forty-fourth street a v passerby, who saw -him stagger , grasped his arm and tried to : support him; Despite the stranger's servicer however, the admiral fell helpless to the street and a physician who press ed his way . through' '"Jhe crowd jnrc hounced him dead. There was a gis over his right eye where his forehead struck; the "sidewalk. 7 A slight fra. ture of the frontal bone had ensued but surgeons who examined the bod? expressed disbelief that .this lnj-"-In any , way contributed- to death.Hiy' Identity "was quickly established b' letters -and papers found in his poc ets and from an inscription on h pold watch which bad bow (( - iilirittiSFi'ir.- ill t.4 . mSM -AMI W1 JC2. . i t ffirr U'i'J f . your charices; the purity and freshness :, and any grocer who sells it will refund satisfied with it more healthful, more'economical than laM or an v nf hpr Made ,oni by THE N. K. Your Food- to-the admiral by Lis native state of Maryland. "For . his . heroism and memorable services in rescuing Lieu tenant A..W. Greely, U. S A., and six comrades from death at Cape Sa bine in the Arctic region on June 22, I88i.' -" ' ' In Center of Club District. v The spot where Admiral Schley died is In the -very centre of New York's club district and rmembers of organizations - whose Jiouses are thickly clustered there soon penetra ted the throng and confirmed the iden tification; of the .famous commander who ' figured so prominently, in the naval engagement of 1898 at Santiago The ody was taken into the nearest pollcevstauon ana reverently coverea, .while' the family and friends of the dead officer . were - notified the body later was ' removed to the Hotel Al gonquin, where Admiral Schley made his : home- while in this vcity. Blue jackets from the -Brooklyn -navy yard who; had been summoned, furnished an escort, their sooimahder being Re- oruiting r Officer C M. - DeValen, who was with Admiral Schley on the crui ser Brooklyn at the battle cf Santiago. One of the kdmiral's sons, Dr.' Win field Scott Schley, Jr. reached the scene .before., the body was. removed A message conveying the sad. news to the admiral's . other son, Captain T. Fv Schley, at Fort Logan, Denver, Col.,'was dispatched. . - - .. ; ONE MLLIOXv DOLLABS FOB A GOOD STOMACH This Offer Should Be a Warning to Every Man and Woman. The 'newspapers and medical jour nals recently have had much to say relative to a famous millionaire's of fer of a million dollars for a new stomach. " ' ' '- -.n.1:'..' t - This great- multi-millionaire was too busy to worry about" the Condition of his stomach. He allowed his dys pepsia to run f rear, bad to worse until in the end it became Incurable. . - His misfortune serves as a warning to others: y : i JI .'- Every one who suffers with dyspep sia for a few years will give every thing he owns for a new stomach. Dyspepsia ds commonly caused by an abnormal state ; of the gastric iuicesr or by lack' of tone in the" walls of the stomach. The result Is that the stomach loses its power to digest food., '- - - We are now able to supply certain missing elements to help to restore to-the gastric juices their : digestive iower, and to aidJn making the.stom ach strong and-well. . We uor that Kexall Dyspepsia Tablets are v a. most dependable jeme ly for disordered stomachs, fndlges-r .ion, and dyspepsia. . We want you, to try them and will return- your money if you are not more than satisfied with the result, v Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rex all Remedies In this community only at Our store The Rexall Store. The ;vv;'JfltJI A ICS . A I 1 4 0 ;ti H t ,v " . . . FAIRBANK COMPANY engthens Your Life.. ifoncz or ror.iGAG whprpaa on the 27th day of . Janu nrv. 1911. L.J, Jones and. wife E. B. Jones, executed to the undersigned a a Deed of Trust on tne iana nerem tpr described to secure a note' in the sum of $1250.00 in favor of Slaydn- Fakes &Co., due im twelve .'mratns f rem " date of same,- and which peed f Trust fa nf record In .book, 31, at page 21 of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust for . Hender sea county; and wheras said Deed of Trust provides that In the default of the payment of. said note,- or any part thereof when due, or tne interest as it b'ecennes due, that the whole -of said indebtedness . shall mature and be come due and payable, and whereas default has been made in the payment of the interest which Is now past-due Therefore by virtue of the power- contained In said Deed of TrusFand for, the purpose of satisfying all : cf said indebtedness togetner-witn m-r terests and costs, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday, Nov. 6, 1911, between the hours of l0va.i m.and 4 p. m, at the' court house -door of Hen derson county North-, Carolina, offer for sale tc the highest bidder for cash at public outcry all the following. de scribed lands being. the lands. describ ed, in and conveyed by said mortgage, situate, in the town of Hendersonville fncluding the new . residenceknown as the Lee J. Jones residence on West College . street, or Third : avenue, - and being all the land described in deed executed by J. ' H. Ripley ta. A. GL "Poanfthlr no rprrSrdp.d in" book 47 naee 328 dated June 28th, 1902, except that part of said lot heretofore conveyed off. The part -herein being conveyed, Is described as follows:, ; ; ; ' Beginning at a stake on the South side of said. College street standing lust '150 feet East Ripley, now Patton stake, standing at North .East Corner of W; C. Rector's residence lot, and runs with College street. North 78 deg. East 121 feet to a stake Ledbet ter's -corner, . then with Ledbetter's line. South 21 "1-2 deg. East .160 feet to Robinsons lot, then with Robin son's and Kilpatrick's line South : 78 deg. West 121 feet to Rector's line, then with Rector's line, North 20 degV West 160 feet to the beginning. - This the 5th day of Octbber 1911. ' - T. L, DURHAM. Trustee. Best. Wheat Fertilizer. ; 6. GHyder. - r . . . . ... , . '- -" For Sale A single country wagon ana norse. . worn in gooa -. ceuaiuca. On account of the summer season over will sell- at a bargain to the rigth par ty. . Phone 210 or call at The Hen dersonville Transfer Co., - -.- t ; . ' . :. FABM LAND FOB SALE. Thirty acres of good land, half clear" ed; beautiful building site' ; 20 minutes drive from town. Address DR. J. A. FRAZER, Route 1. Hendersonville, N. C. Phone Dana line 6 rings. of Cottolem are ' your money if ' ' 1? U ii 1 1 J UXFUBMSHED BOOMS FOE BEST in house with, family fit two. Ad dress' P.-O. Box 454 city. -10-5 WAXTED A reliable -man to. assist in dairy ,work. .Write at once, J. - A. Weatherly, Bennettsville, s. . u. PIAK0F0E SALE At a bargain, a comparaliveiy. new. Ep worth piano. Tom P. Jimison, Horse Shoe, N. R. : F. D. ?j:r ; 9-21-2tp WANTED To rehf-'by - r-Vntleman -and wifeva small, furnished' cottage - with modern conveniences, must be in desirable 'neighborhood, will lease for. year.. . The Hustler. Address "O. W." care' 9-21 3tp FDR SALE-rTwo - horses, three two i horse wagons, 1; one-horse wa.gon; -1 one set of two horse wagon harness. Will sell cheap for cash or on time. Glover T. drr.x 9-28tfc LOST Lady's gold watch and chaifl. mslck ot watcn engraved vv. j. (J. to ;E. E.;-: C. Dec ' 25, ;1902 : Number 131304 Fifteen, dollars reward, and cno questions asked if returned to this, office. , ;- - - 9-28-3tc .... M6 Worn To make oiir store HeadquMters when in J We are showing a vast : array of ready-to-wear for service wearatles for women, misses and children. A grand display of garments, the very latest and the most fashionable creations in vogue in the large cities of this country arid abroad. f r ' Beautifully tailored suits and coats, pretty dresses, skirts, 'shirtwaists and Lundreds of? other things too , numerous to mention; , PEERLESS 51 PATTON AVE. ,: : T Sixty five ladies linen suits, worth from $5.00 to $10.00, for quick buve . . ' - .... ' . . HENDERSONVILLE, N G. t172 Sanitary eMB $ S ffiti : ' P?e Most Prolific wfi Best of - Maiin Wheats Yields reported from our customers from twenty-five to fifty two bushels per; acre. When grown side by side with other kinds this splendid beardless wheat yielded from five to eighteen bushels more per acre on same land and under same condi : tions as other standard wheats. , r V Wherever grown it is : superseding all ouier kinds and it , ' should be sown universally by wheat growers everywhere. Write for prices and -Yood's Crop Special'' giving in . o formation about all Seasonable Seeds. T. 'yr. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedsmen r . Richmond, Va Mi6 We believe in telling our patrons what we have received in tKe way of new fall goods what we purchase the very latest in Dry Goods and Notions.1 Our Mens and Boys Clothing Department , is Complete. V'-" .ZD AT OSCE P,.o desire to join a private cla stenography, book-keeping typewriting. If interested .' No. . 35 or- address "M. L d ? Hustler office. . '10-5.3 '. . TAXES." . The tax payers of Henderson on,, ty are requested to meet me or f deputy at the -.following times places "for the purpose of sotti their taxes - for the year 1911 5?f are now due and in mv aici; lection. -; "U8 ior coj. : Clear . , Creek Fruitland, October 16th 10 &, m. to 1 p. m Edneyville, Maxwell's store, iw October 16th, 2 to 5 p. m. Bat Cave Tuesday, October 17tT, Hooper's Creek Cunningham's Rtn. Thursday October 19th. Wre Green . River, Morris - store. Sai,, Friday, October 20th. ' baluda - Green' River, ' Green River Mte store, Monday, October 23rd. 8 Crab Creek, 'Justice's store Bn man's Bluff, Tuesday; October 2m 10 a. m., tq-1 p;. m. ' - Mills. Rirer Etowah Station Ti,00 . Mills- ' River,- Davenport's Bt.. Wednesday,' October 25th. ' . ' .V..C. V. SHEPHERD, . Tax Collector. Good Wheat Fertilizer. G. G .Hyder I - FASHION CO. ; " ' ASHEVlLLE, N. C r m - mm r Gleaning. Pressbg IMic 'W- h e at 1 1 RECEIVED MQM. acfe r.H A MS - -: s f