1 ' " ' 1 . ' ' " " ' " J ',. ' , - ' ' ' " " ' n ' ' """''' " 'v . ' " 1 ." v- J . . ,' . . -' " - ' . - i . . . ' '1 . 7 I ' ' j 7 .....- ,; . i : ' .1- '. . . J .,.' . A. .,.......; : j , . ' - , 1 ' - 1 , 1 ' ' . ' - . . , , . - ' ' i - ! - r' Vr '7 , - , - - , - . ' - ' ' 1 '. "; .J"'..'";-.'. -- ' f : . , ONE ' THAT CAN OFFER . . YOU EVERY X r AID TE-IAT A BANEC OUGHT TO OFFER " , . - - . m,, n , t i:;;v.:-.- . 'V 0 "7 Surplus - $ 30,000.00 - 5,600.00 Deposits - - 118,707.33 D jsignated State Depository 1l' This bank conducts a Savings De which 4 per cent interest compo paid on all deposits in riat depart ment. Evry save something. You can never feel independent un less you spend less than :yo j :y Begin saving now. OFFICERS:; F. E. Durf ee; PRESIDENT E. W. Ewbank, VICE-PRESIDENT G. E. Brooks, - CASHIER BE6A BUSINESS JULY 2n 1908 safety: DEPOSIT . FOR ; RENT, When the careful' buaineea man withes ' to deposit his . money he considers many things before making a decision as to "what Bank to patronize. He wishes his bank to be strong financially, so that he may. feel that his money is absolutely safe; he wishes a bank that that is officer and managed by men of the rery highest business integrity, me nin whom he, has absolute confide-.ee. - ' ? v ! ' He wishes to do business with a bank. that, is accommodating in the matter of loans, for to every man there comes a time when bank loans are a business necessity; he likes to do business with a bank whose officers are courteouss and approachable. '. 1 e Men behind the bank are of the utmost ; importance to every depositor parucuj Dos THE CITIZENS BANK not meet every one of these requirements?. Its Capital and surplus together with . the integrity of its officers and directors guarantee the safety of depositts; its accommodation and yet business- . like conservatism in the matter of loans is well known, and the courtesy of its officers is proverbial. ... . . . L ...... ... - - - : v f A BIT OF HISTORY The strength of a bank is in the confidence of its depositors; without deposit a bank cannot make- money.'; Rapid increase in deposits means increase in. public confidence, so a glance at the growth in deposits of this bank will show wether the public believes 4n,it or not. Here are a. few figures-showing deposits at different periods of the bank's nistory. . - ,' J o. ! i ;: tar savings tb the depositor Sept 1st, 1908 Sept. 1st, 1910 Sept. 1st, 1911 $ 37,312l3 . Read this list of directors and see if you: can pick out any jSet of business men in Henderson county with whom you had rather entrust your 75,34137 11707.3? These figures speak for themselves. We-will'-' be glad, to v meet correspond with those who contfemplaite making changes ' or opening new accounts. or .-I DR.A.B. DRAFTS CURTIS BYNUM Mi F. WHITT J. O. WILLIAMS A. H. HAWKINS F.E. DURFEE F. A- BLY G. MT GLAZENER W. A. CANNON" T. P. MALLORIE E; W. EWBANK C. E. BROOKS GEEK T CIT Z ,e a n & V OF HENDERSON VILLE' N ; C. 0 m ..... .f&- J - X . .. . " r - -?