T H ARRIVED NO HAS mm t In Hendersonville and is on display at the Ideal Store, every Contestant, their relatives and friends are cordially invited to call and see this Handsome Piano which will soon &e won fa on o ie Contestants. mum. mum. HAS SILK, SILK, ILK v. - . , t i Mr. Bud Glazener, proprietor of the well known firm called Glazener s in Hen dersonville has requested the Contest Manager to announce to the Contestants that he will give a most beautiful Silk Waist Absolutely Free to the contestant sending in the largest amount of money on new and renewal subscriptions to The Hustler by Wednesday night, November 29th. Every contestant should make a strong attempt To Win This Pretty Silk Waist ? HOW LONG V K DRESS ? - . . Silk has always been high and hundreds of people have been unable to own one until how P?!ne to those who wait, and consequently Glazener has Cut the Pri 11 i poses to have a SPECIAL SILK SALE on Friday, November 24th. " pro" i zc T,8 " pest opportunity of a lifetime, for you know when Glazener takes up that We cuftin knife he cuts the price to suit stramed pocket books. Don't forget the dav for the Bwr SW - cttmg FRIDAY NOV 24th AT GLAZENER'S GLAZENER CUTS THE PRICE AND SELLS THE HANDSOME PIANO HAVING NOW ARRIVED The Contest has started in dead earnest Let the friends of every Contestant and) help her1 win the First Grand Prize. Hendersonville V. L. LOEHR, Contest Man French Broad Hustler ager North Carolina 1 l