jjlf SERIES . VOL. Id. Ho. It trend) WxMnb Until tt. "" """""""""" , , - State Library Com HENDERSON YLLLE, NOKTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1M1 ONE DOLLAR FEB YEA PTRSONALS uiss Connie Morrow, daughter of J. Morrow is expected home for the lidays from Gaflney Saturday. Miss Zoe Wetmur daughter of F. S. etmur is expected home for the hott-0-t wek. Miss Wetmur Is at- teading HOTEL MAN'S TROUBLES college in Bristol. Tenn. sacrifice Special Sale 10 and 12 and .nThalf cent ouUng at 8 and 1-3 ct Wilsons' Department -Store. ltc The Ladies of the Hospital Asse rtion will have an Oyster supper Bazaar on Thursday. Dec 21st. The Ladies of the Hospital Associa tion will have an oyster supper and jarr on Thursday. Dec 21st vifl Intere.t-wl t f .a brewing Out of Gates Hotel Maaage Tne many suits brought by various I S Of O. IT Fnatcr fnt-ma l of the Hotel Gates, tdok unexpected turn today when he defendant through BMomey, imarue Jones. Ebo,, of Asheville, removed the case of the Wil son Mercantile company by complying with the satute authorizing the re moval of cases upon affidavit of the defendant that in his opinion he could not get justice before J. D. Dermid, a local justice of the peace. Squire Der mid moved the case to R. M. Oats, jus tice of the peace. When the defendant suggested that since he owed this jus tice for his electric account, where upon the case was removed to B. P. Hood, another justice of the peace. wnen Hood appeared and signified i.;n will have an wu , . 91a bazarr on mursuj, -.-. The Ladies of the Hospital Asso iinn will have an Oyster supper and Bazaar on Thursday. Dec 21st The Lames ot ui Ms readiness to hear th oyster nuppcr -uu , - '7 I T "21 uotciraoui ucuiauucU a jury. The jury has been drawn and the proper officer directed to summon them. The case will be heard before his honor, B. P. Hood, presiding as iudge of the law and a jury of Henderson country yeomanry to pass upon the facts. As defendant's attorney an nounced that he proposed, to fight the cases for all there is in them and as plaintiffs have levied attachments on the property of the defendant, there are signs of a lively fight Friday. Aa several suits and attachments have been brought already and as there are other creditors who have not yet resorted to the law but are waiting the result of these cases be fore acting, there is much local in terest attached to the finding of the jury under the instruction of the judge. The Ladies of the Hospital Associa tion will have an oyster supper and bazarr on Thursday, Dec. 21st. Mr Ralph Edney, of Edneyville, was in the city last Friday, and was a Tisitor in the Hustler Office. Miss Maude Scheffer of Charlotte is expected this week for a visit with Mrs E. W. Ewbank of this city. Miss Inez Waldrop returned Sunday from a few days visit with relatives and friends in Asheville. Dr. R. L. Price of California who is spending the winter at The Kentucky Home spent Tuesday in Brevard on business. Miss Ossie Minor and Bethel Brown f Brevard have returned to their home after spending a few days in this city. F. Z. Morris spent Tuesday in Ashe- Tille on business. Miss Cecil Henry of Asheville is ex pected on a visit to J. P. Patter at Flat Rock this week. P. F. Patton, secretary and treasur er of the Wanteska Trust and Bank ing company spent Tuesday in Ashe ville on business. Charlie Jones one of the leading-attorneys of Asheville spent Monday and Tuesday in the city on profession al business. Walter Smith writes from Jackson ville, Fla., that he is having a great time in the South. He will visit in New Orleans and Mobile before re turning home. Mr. Claude Freeman of Bat Cave, N. C, has been in town for several days and has just closed a deal with Flor ida Automobile Club of Jacksonville, for a tract of land on Sugar Loaf Mt The Ladies of the Hospital Asso ciation will have an Oyster supper and Bazaar on Thursday, Dec. 21st. Mrs. T. A. Stewart, Mrs. C. E. Clark of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mr. Alf Gla zener of Henderson vi He were the guests of Mr. and the Misses Lane at their country home Thursday evening. A party of Henderson ville people were the guest of Mr. Claude Freeman at at Cave Sunday After a delight ful dinner the party explored the cave. Mrs. C. E. Clark and Mrs T. A Stew art of Jacksonville, Fla., were among the party. Miss Sibbie Rogers, of Fruitland, was shopping in Hendersonville Tues day. Miss Rogers is one of the con testants in the Hustler's voting con test, and turned in several thousand votes while in the city. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Held Interesting: Session Last Wednes day fvenlng At a meeting of the city council last Thursday night it was ordered to call an election for the purpose of issuing bands to pave Main street Somo time ago petitions were circulated in the city to ascertain from the citizens if an election was desired. There were a large number of names more than necessary in calling an election. A petition was presented to ask the council to order more sewerage to be placed near the Collage property. The council ordered this to b? done. Upon a petition askfigg that street be extended the cour.il grant ed permission. A number of claims were ordered paid and other regular routine work dlispended with. WORK GOING OH RUNNING THIS WEEK. THREE GONTESTMffS CLOSE TOGETHER 25,000 FREE VOTES FOR EACH CONTESTANT! Miss Jones heads list with Misses Rhymer anp Patton only a few votes behind. Several othei contestants rapidly piling up votes.- Win the Free Votes next week and get in the Lead. $50 Grand Prize adeed to list of other prizes. C test rapidly drawing to a close. on- Closing Day Will Be Aunomced Next Week-WhoU Win ? THE PRIZES win two or three of these big bonus of- PIRST GRAND PRIZE Is a $400.00 fera. You will need these votes. Now Upright Grand Cote Piano, and will be j is year time to act, and get in the given to the contestant securing the Head and Win the $400.00 Piano. largest numoer or votes. ON FROM THY ON to be Used by Henderseavifle Citisens From Nw on. 0 Frea Tryen Here. Perhaps the lives tnews interests good roads advocates in this county is the good roads meeting to be held in the City of Tryon, December 14th at 2 P. M. It is at this meeting a cele bration will be held for that has al ready been accomplished by the neigh boring county and definite steps win be taken relative to the continuing of the good work into Henderson county. SECOND GRAND PRIZE-Is a $100. 00 Bed Room Suite and a $200.00 Re bate Certificate, and goes to the con testant receiving the second largest number of votes. THIRD GRAND PRIZE $65.00 Dia mond Ring and a $175.00 Rebate Cer tificate. FOURTH GRAND PRIZE $25.00 Gold Watch and a Rebate Certificate for $150.00. FIFTH GRAND PRIZE $125.00 Re bate Certificate. SIXTH GRAND PRIZE $100.00 Re bate Certificate. SEVENTH GRAND PRIZE $50.00 DB. WILLIAMS REPLIES Gives Interesting Information on Be cent Law Passed by County Commis sioners. An article entitled "The Board of Health Acts," appearing in The Hus tler under date of December 7th, 1911, which seems to have come from Dr. J. S. Brown, Superintendent of Health for Henderson county, being called to my attention, I have read it over care fully. I desire to make comment upon it for several reasons. In the first place, I am pleased to note that Dr. Brown is appreciating one of the duties which devolves upon - Below- will be read a letter addrese him by virtue of his office, namely, to ed to the Editor of the Hustler r give instructions to the people of the j which he states that Henderson is county re garding health matters. He interested in the Asheville Spar can not be commended too highly for j tanburg route viad Tryon an this his efforts to preform thai every Jm- 1 city. All the leading citizens of the portant duty. I will also say that it county are working hard for the corn is not a duty alone as a health officer, j pletion of this route and there is tit out is also one of every pnysician. 1 j tie doubt that it wHl be completed by trust he will not let his efforts in the early spring. that direction rest with the above re- j A number of local citizens will go f erred to article, for there are other ; to Tryon and confer with the many subjects of equal importance, re gard- ' good roads men from upper Sooth ing which he should instruct the pub- j Carolina and Polk County. Henderson lic- ! county will do its part says Supervisor I thoroughly agree with Dr. BrownVl Justice and there is hardly a desent in saying that consumption is an in- ing voice when the wisdom is discuss fectous and communicable disease: led as to the benefits derived fmm Grand Prize. These prizes are on dis play in Hendersonville. Call and see them. The Closing Day The contestants and their many friends will please note that the Clos- 4.00 Pair tthnoc Fpaa i w mi f lriw i ri'j r r no noQ ivn o n r n - tiAn .xnnrroti n i u .-.-. j 11 . Wilson s Great De partment Store is should take uten to mntmi ai-. I -- w r ,rfv ii.. m 1 r. . . . i - r: .jvu, v. -imt mat tne germ or tne disease may be ttaitor French Broad Hustler, found in the sputum and other ex-' Hendersonville, N. C. cretions, and that such excretions Dear Sir should be handled with care. He also ! We have arranged for a Good Roads speaks with wisdom when he says we meeting to be held in 8ryon December should not use towels, pillow cases 14th at 2 P. M. as a sort of celebration and other linen that have been used of the completion of the automobile by the consumptive; except that he road from Spartanburg to Tryon, and might have amended that statement especially want to take this opportsn by adding that 4such articles of linen tty for further promoting the extern might be safely used after they shall sion of thiB road on to Saluda, Hender have been properly disinfected." I sonville and Asheville. We consider feel that without such a modification this a very important " meeting and of that statement, many might be lead trust that you can arrange to be e to destroy such linen which is both sent and get as many of your Hender an unnecessary and useless extra vag- sonville people who might be tnter ence ested in the project to attend also It is not every piece of Mnen or It is useless for us to build to Sal towel which may be used by the con- uda unless Hendersonville will imtta There was a large offering another pair of the famous Red Goose Shoes absolutely free to the contestant sending in the largest num ber of new yearly subscribers to the Hustler by next Wednesday night, De ; comber 20th. These are among the very best shoes made, and one of the ; contestants will win them next Wed nesday. Which contestant will it be? j In addition to carrying one ofthe larg ' est stocks of shoes in town, Mr. Wilson carries a full line of Ladies Suits and aio. an mt; juiesi inn siyies ana Comercial ! colors, and all kinds of cloth for dress- Scolarship in Carolina School, of Asheville. s. waists, etc. Schloss Bros, and The above list of prizes is without Strouse Bros, ready made clothing for question the finest and moat expensive : men and boys is now on display. Try ever offered by a weekly paper in this a barrel of his Majestic flour and a part of the State. Get busy and assist Pound of his Vienna coffee. They are your relative or friend to win the First wnai you nave long wanted. . eumptive that is contaminated by the from th.Hn nn ThA Rohflfo Portlnotfie will Ka a W . - ..... V w v rnmm vl MUvtvvwO TT 111 CV cepted by the American Mercantile Company, of Jacksonville, Fla., for ttfeir face value in CASH on the pur chase of any piano sold by them, if presented within six months from date infection : but in as as it is easily pos- enthusiastic meeting held at Saluda ing day of the Hustler's Voting Con- j this contest closes. The Certificates test will be announced in next week's 'are transferable, but not more than issue of the Hustler. Be sure to watch j $200 wiH be allowed on the purchase for .the date, and then see to it that f of one instrument The Certificates your favorite contestant is the lucky re useless for any other purpose winner or tne FTrst trrand frize. woKTri man bixicu aoore. sible that such articles might be so contaminated, it is best, in every case to resort to sterilization in order to make sure of no danger from them. This is easily carried out, by the sim ple procedure of boiling such articles of linen, etc Dr. Brown states that fresh air, some time ago, but as that meeting tienaersonvTiie was. not represented, therefore, it is of the utmost impor tance ithat Hendersonville have as large a delegation as possible here em the 14th. If you have an opportunity we would oe giaa to nave you agitate this ques- Rev. A. I. Justice, of this city who attended the Baptist State Convention in Winston-Salem last week received & distinct compliment by being elect ed vice-president. A deserved honor bestowed upon a worthy man and his numerous frernds hereabouts feel to congratulate him. Some interior Daintlne and overhaul mg have hepn e-nfnv nn at thft First Methodist church the past week. This uiurcn to one of the handsomest in the city and the interior improvements H be of much benefit to the congreg- uon. a lighter shade of wall coloring as been placed on. The electric lights tave been reararnged. Miss Jennie Rhymer, of Fletcher, who is one of the leading contestants the Hustler's Great Votinr Contest. "as in Hendersonville last Friday in Jge interest of the Contest. Miss jmer said the Piano was very hand Ptehers, N C. after the contest cloa- Eaisey Jones, another leading stant in the Hustler's Voting con c spent last Friday in the eoun iast simply raking in tho votes." T, hour and tne minute for DBtler'8 Voting Contest to close t in sight Watch for tne an- ement of the closing day in the of the Hustler, Roof of New School Building Now Go. ing On. Other Improvements Made Before Weather Came. There has been ideal weather for the contractor in the-rapid work of build ing the new school structure. This week the roof was placed on therefore guaranteeing no further delay on ac count of the weather. The steam heating equipment will arrive next week and in about two weeks temporary heat will be had. All interior work will be rapidly put in readiness and the days can almost be counted when the school building will be turned over to the authorities com plete. Carmichael-DaTis A pretty home wedding will be sol mnized this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Carmichael when Miss Bessie Carmichael will be come the bride of EL Harold Davis. Only a few intiment friends will be present at the ceremoney which will bo con ducted by Rev. K. W. Cawthorn. Miss Carmichael is a charming young lady of this city. Since resid ing here she has made many friends who. wish her happiness. Harold Davis, the groom is assistant cashier of the Citizens Bank which position he has held since the organi zation of the tnstituton. Mr. Davis has scores of friends in the city and else where who will be glad to learn of his success in winning such a charming bride. The bridal couple will spent two weeks on their honeymoon trip. They will visit several Northern cities. is the Four Hundred Dollar Upright Grand Cote Piano, now on dis play in the popular Ideal Cafe. Ample notice will be given evry contestant before the contest closes", however, the clos ing day is rapidly approaching and will soon be here. Get your friends to working for you now, so that you will be ready for the final day. Mrs. R. C. Clark spent Tuesday in the city of Tryon. The Hustler's Great Voting Contest is rapidly drawing to a close. Now is your favorite running In the Contest? Is she heading the list? If not, why? Perhaps you overlooked the matter of giving her your sub scrip. Better do it today. STANDING OF THE SONTESTANTS HENDERSONVIULE Miss Daisy Jones 135.600 FLETCHER Miss Jennie Rhymer 135,550 FLAT ROCK Miss SalMe Patton. . . 135,425 HENDERSONVILLE, ROUTE 2 Miss Sibbie Rogers 120,000 HENDERSONVILLE, ROUTE 5 Miss Tommie Lane 119,300 EDNEYVILLE Miss Frances Townsend 114,400 HENDERSONVILLE Mrs. Mattie Candler 102.050 Miss Lizzie Dotson 66,100 HENDERSONVILLE, ROUTE 2 Miss Ella Lowrence 64,350 EAST FLAT ROCK. Miss Ella Williams 48,700 HENDERSONVILLE Mrs. Lila R Barnwell 22.500 Mr. Theodore Jones 5,000 Big Bonos Offer An unusually attractive bonus offer is being made to each of the contes tants this week, and every contestant should hasten to take advantage of It Twenty-five thousand free votes will be given to each of the contestants who send in $20.00 in subscriptions by next Wednesday midnight, December 20th. New and renewal subscriptions will count on this offer. $40.00 in sub scriptions will give you 50,000 free votes. These votes will be given in addition to the regular scale of votes, and thus it behooves every contestant to win as many of these bonus' as pos sible. Get your friend and re latives to working for you, and help you to Another $60.00 Prize As will be seen we have a valuable addition to the list of Grand Prizes this week. This Prize is a Scholarship in the Carolina Comercial School of Asheville, and is worth $50.00 CASH This Scholarship will entitle the win ner to a complete course in English Booking and Shorthand, all combined, or any one of the courses se parate. The fact that this Comercial School is one of the very best in North Caro lina, and is so closely located to your home, makes it all the more desirable. A little work on your part will win for you this valuable Scholarship, which will be worth thousands of dol lars to you. . V. L. LOEHR, Contest Manager, Per American Mercantile Co., Con test Managers, Jacksonville, Fla. suitable climate, generous nutritious tion in the columhR of vnr n.nr djet and proper medication from the do whatever else you can to promotr proper treatment for the disease." In interest In the matter of constructing so far as he goes in that, it is with- this most important link of btgnwjfu out doubt correct; but he could have We will have prominent speakers trow gone one step further by saying that both North and South Carolina, and a constant skilled guidance by a phy- sincerelv trust we will he fflvnwi Grand sician trained in the guidance of such cases is of as much importance as all other remedial measures combined. Dr. Brown is also correct in re gard to what he has to say concerning ventilation. "A suitable climate is our gift from God, and we have no right to be sel fish with it We should welcome every sufferer who would be benefited by it." I quote that from Dr. Brown's article, exactly as he stated it, and can not hestitate to add emphysis'to it A very important question has therein been advanced, and it is deserving that the attention of every penson in this community should be forcible cal led to it. In that section of the state of North Carolina, which is known as the mountainous section, God has been ijftdtld generous in His donation with a large delegation from Hende?- Tryon-Sal uda Good Roads Com sonville. Yours very truly, W. B. HELL EN, See. V. C. V. Shepherd, county tax collec tor, desires that all persons owin? taxes for this year call at his o&ee and settle promotly. The time wfff soon be up and those who have faUr to comply with the law will be .raC off the deliquent list Bally at the First Baptist Chureh Next Sunday Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning suDject: wren uoa. evening ouo- Qf climate conditions. Tnere is no Ject: "Judgment and its Cause." part of the United States which has The beautiful new auditorium will been as richly endowed with climatic be completed. i conditions which are favorable to re- New pews, new song books, special covery from disease, and more espec- music. The building brilliantly illuminated night Come and rejcce witn us. K. W. CAWTHON, Pastor. At The Methodist Chureh There will be a ipectal services at First Methodist church next Sunday. Services and sermon will be especially lor young peoole and children. Spe cial music by the young folks. Every body is cordially invited. Dr. and Mrs. Egerton and Misses Estelle Egerton and Annie Smith went over to Asheville in a machine to see Jumping Jupitor at the Auditorium. L. A Grand of Sta4esville is spend ing a few days m the city. wslr eftson The Hendersonville National Guard ill hold another meeting this week to perfect plans by which a perminnent organization can be perfected. There are only four or five more members necessary to give Hendersonville an organization which it can it well be proud of. The meeting will be held in Pruett Garage. Goran Hyder one of the city's lead ing merchants as decided to put on a sale today is telling the people the wonderful savings he has In store for them. J. E. Banning and daughter reft Tuesday for Durham where ho will loin her husband, Hrneat Banning . . . a ...IV). .ilA. kM wno noiUS iwpwaiin iiwuvb on the Durham Shin. 25,000 FREE VOTES will be given every contestant who sends in as much as $20.00 in subscriptions by next WEDNESDAY DEC 20th ially the disease known as "Tuberculo sis" or "Consumption.' Eastern and Central North Carolina have not been the recipients of this wonderful health giving climate. Neither have many other States been so favored. From the viewpoint of Christian Charity and unselfishness, we would be doing wrong if we attempt to deny others the advantage of this wonder ful climate. .In the first place I do not believe God intended us to feel that lbs elixnatie condition we huv: here are our own particular heritage, nor to deny others the opportunity to come here and avail themselves of its curative effects. There can appear no rational reason to my mind why God should show such a discrimination. Therefore I beMeve we should be un selfish with it, and welcome every suf fer who would be benefitted by it Rut when we do welcome them, we do have the right to insist that our "iins possessed by the laity concern- health authorities exercise a control over 'them to sufficient extent that they do not abuse the privalege by becoming careless in their habits to thru extent nf communicating to exer cise such care as will reduce the dan-! taught by teachers who have The new fire wagon has arrived for the city. Chief Police Garrea and other tried the wagon out last Wed nesday with two speeded horses. gong sounded during the middle the day caused much curosity and spectators flocked to, see what ! happened. It is thought that horse only will be necessary to hasH the handsome new fire wagon to a fire. er pf ocedurcin the control of di that he might contemplate, please understand that where I to question Dr. Brown, I do not It as a personal matter in the for I tan assure all readers and that I have the highest regard for It is only the mistated facts and templated improper procedures I Question, not Dr. Brown. I b Dr. Brown's heart is in his work, a that he is conscientious m all of 1 efforts. I believe that when one attempts give public instructions regarding I prevention of disease, he should a care to be accurate in every ment he makes. I believe it is better to give no Instructions at than to give wrong ones. One sh be very guarded and careful in he Says or writes in this respect are already too many erronious appear ing disease, and there is no about which the people in general posses erronious impressions as erculosis" or "consumption" There many false doctrines which have gers of infecting others to a minimum. In commending Dr. Brown and his article, I wish to say that I do it with all my might and with true sin cerity. And I further say that I sin- not properly informed themselves, eee have been earless in their ments. Dr. Brown writes, "there is a danger even in living next door cerely hope he will not let the time careless consumptive." I regret pass without further effort to instruct those people who have largely, through legal procedure, placed the care of health conditions in his hands. I feel it my duty as a citizen; as a physician; as a member of the Muni cipal Board of Health; as a member and officer of the Henderson-Polk County Medical Society, to endorse his much that he should have written statement for I am certain it Is borne out by facts. It s mish and is calculated to bring about harm, and an unjustifiable mistreat ment of the consumptive. All sol ties most certainlv disoute Dr. . in that statement It the Com tT who lives next deny to yon. thesrh he is careless, keeps j ym homo and yon on of his, o U efforts and to urge a further exercise nn t iiwwIm fi it an aul dutv perfectly harmless so far to Question any mistatements of facta eeaeerned.. TuoercuJosis mac Dr. Brown may make; or any fmprop- , oontmunicable disease is so far an " j (Continued on page 4) fr