cl in CITIZENS BAIi i K JLt Hendersonviiie, In lie state of irorth Carolina, at the close of , busi- czzz2 Dec 5, 1911- ' : , RESOURCES . Xcms and discounts:". . . .$101,751.42 Overdrafts secured.. ...... -: 12,53.34 JTurniture and -Fixtures ; iV-- 3,178.69 1333 from Banks and Bank 41 -v era ";?.. V. V I . .'I -17,6 S 5.4 9 Items ....U. ISSZ ; CcId!coin:Wi V; . i iV'v'i : -'687.50 Iver coin, - including f-aUvJr Elinor coin currency j -1.122 az itional bank- notes land ether U. S.-Notes : "a 4.594.0 a - Total U . i i ; . . v . ; v $133,211.64 - LIABILITIES , 3.v ' -.1 4 Coital-stock paid in. . j 7.0.00().0) Cidirided proAts, Jess ; cur- v j- - rent expenses, and taxes ' -vjv. 5.Id ... ,v.y''y.vvrv'iM '- J1J OA.. ..... . . - J---'- 119 Certificates v of -deposit 29,634.56 Civings Deposits?; ; . . 11,060.82 tier's Cnecks outstanding 35.94 Scoosit- subject" to check ; 5183.88 Total .v.V.. . $133,211.64 Ctztt of North Carolina, County of Hen : 'derson, ss: -.. :- 'r.'--'-- ;-v ; J, C. E. Brooks, cashier of the above imed bankr-do solemnly swear; that -to above statement ' is true to - the of mv tmnwlfldra and belief. ; " C. E. BROOKS, Cashier. Correct Attest: ' ' E. W EWBANK A. B. DRAFTS " " ' F. A. BLY. , - 1 - Directors. ... Subscribed and sworn to before me, 2!s 12th day of December, 1911 r - , : , E. H. DAVIS, ' - , s " Notary Public. v Beport of te Condition of . WANTESKA TRUST & BAKK. . ING C03IPAirT Jit HendersCnville, In the State of STortn Carolina, at the close of x busl jszzs Dec 5th, 1911. . - r" RESOURCES - Jdczsa arid discounts 1. $91,419.98 Overdrafts secured, $1344.95; . unsecured, $1156.75:..... 2,501.70 - J5J1 other stocks, bonds and " r - - xaortages. . . . . . . 1,775.00 JTurnlture and Fixtures'. . . . 2,624.50 5ue from Banks and Bankers 5,819.79 dash Items 594.82 -Cold coin 125.00 CUver, including alL minor,,' coin currency. . .......... 1,084.89 JIational bank notes and . cther.U. S. notes. V.. . . . . s 390.00 r Total. ....... ... . ... .$106,935.68 LIABILITIES . . . . . -Capital stock paid in. $30,000.00 COTlus fund : . . . : . . . ,4,000.00 .Undivided profits,' less cur- ? Trent expenses and taxes . yd . . ... 3,o77,44 rrjls payable. . . . . . r . , ; i . , ,10,000.00 -Sliae Certificates "to check.. 16,796.38 Ueposits subject to check. '40,104.0 Oiaalar's Checks . ; .. ....... 2,457.83 Total...... .... .. ...w $106,935.68 late of North Carolina, County of Henderson, ss: ' . -r X 1. .F. Patton, Sec-Treas.; of the 2xre named bank, do solemnly swear 2&t the above statement to ther best tX xoj knowledge and ' belief. " P. F PATTON 5ec-Treas. rv ' ' Correct Attest: F.' SI WETMUR"" 1 R. CT CLARK" ' . ' K. O. MORRIS . .' : ' ' - . , - Directors.. ' ' tSubscribed and Msworn to. before me. H3s I3thday of December. .191" ' JNO. W. GRIMES ' Notary Public. . . LI !3o I. Ulie Shoe' Man Electric Shoe v and , Harness Shop : : Jc xaclie it while you wait CoalWood & Coke ' t -i a. f . .- - O " 'J - ' . ' ' .- - T7 nave a lot of select dry oak . .arood cut In stove and block lengths LZzo plenty of Jeellico .Lump.CoaL Oenna. Jnt.acrlte. Gas Coke. 43 Coie and in fact anything In domes tic XneL We seL the best money can itzj. . Phone 142 iauridry I c e and Ful Company -tt new wees right by giving the ;4JHiAC3 HARST your orders for one .ytf Cicra Juicy Roasts or Staka. 7c3 ieracr native Eprin- . Lamb Veal, 141115. crt cf .lI:o--Condition Of oefflim AC IT rlecunz mill -Lncourcrrcucnt in A.ra- terial Order TTcri. The following appears In tho1 De cember number of the North' Carolina Odd Fellow: '.."'.The Eighth District' Is composed, of only seven Lodges, most of which have only ra siaalL membership, and it has been rather hard to arouse an Inter ests In the District Conventions, al though -they have been held regularly, they : have : been poorly attended; tor the most part" v But our Grand War den, Bro. IL L. Shipman, has set about to Improve" conditions , in the v Eighth, and the first convention v under his leadership was ; a ereat success. "Be it said to the credit t)f the membership iof the Xodges-in the District; condi tions are . Improving generallyr and Brother Shipman' met with a coopera tion that has not been, experienced In this District for some time. V5 v i Criird &nl: - Bnterfiiiniaent by -liigs V"--. ; r Davisk! ':rZ--V' h - The "Bridge Club was beautifully entertained y Miss Delia Davis at her home on Washington street, Saturday afternoon. -At the closing of the games Mrs. Royv Williams and Miss Florida Morris cut.ior first prize; Miss Morris, cnting highest and receiving a beau tiful book of poems. TMiss Horn was given the consolation. . Delicious Ice Cream,, cake and; coffee was served. Several new members . were v voted - in. The club wllf meet next Saturday with Miss Estelle Edgerton. - - . s ; Miss Jones ITins ' Shoes. . : ' ; V: ' Miss Daisy Jones Is the luck winner of the pair of Shoes offered by Mr; Bud Glazener to the Contestant sending in the largest amount of money on re newal subscriptions by last night- AUDITOBIUM MOKDAY. A Large If amber of Local Lovers of Comic Operas will Visit Ashe- ; V ville Monday, ; v ' Oscar Hammerstein's Naughty. Mar ietta will . be shown in the Auditor ium next Monday. Quite a large num ber of patrons from this city will, go over for this attraction as it will be the last before Xmas. - : 4 ; ; . The various -press notices over - the country say that this i one of the mot sumptuous of all comic opras: ; Its a great treat to see it and there will be many Hendersonviiie people over in Asheville Monday night, next. - ; ':.:A- TTonderfnl Showing'. ; j Can "any farmer in' the county "beat this ? W. A. King from Rout 1 brings in the statement that he has raised a sow and 'five pigs weighing a total 1405 and 1-2 pounds. This Is a pretty good showing considering the age- of the pigs which is 190 days. ' . Dr. Morse has just. been, informed that he and his brother have won the case of the Chimney Rock litergation which was carried to the VSupreme court. -The Supreme court ' sustained the lower court which rendered its de cision last May.:;";- C . ' ' ' ... ; HOSPITAL JfOTES. The Henderson ville Hospital Asso ciation has received " deeds' to "two more lots, -whichhad been' acquired several years ago.v One of these lots was contributed as a gift to "the Asso ciation by Mr.-W. A. Smith,. Mr. Geo. Vallntine and : Mr. Lance " Holmes, These gentlemen gave this lot' on con- aiuon usai'Mi .enuw-: u wr 11 A. 9 it A - A ' J 4 - IV hospital building;. or that it be sold the proceeds to be used by. the i Hospital Association' in a manner deemed ad vislble for the furthering of f the ob jects and purposes of the AssociationT In - other words, there have been ' "nc strings" tied to this gift The; Associa tion wishes to take . this method of publicity expressing, appreciation to the above mentioned gentlemen for this generous donation. V . - The . other lot is one adjoining , the one donated by Mn Smith, Mr. Valln tine and Mr. Holmes, which the Hos pital Association purchased."- Mrs. C E. Wilson gave a donation of one hun dred ($100) dollars In cash which was applied on- the -purchase of this lot, and it Is desired to also publicly, ex press appreciation to her for the gen erous donation. It -has been ordered by the Trustees of the Association, that these two lots be sold at once, the proceeds to. be used towards defraying-the expense o f : constructing the building -on the lot recently contributed by , Mr. Pat ton; The market value : of these two lots is in the neighborhood of eight hundred ($800) dollars; and it is hop ed that there will be an early sale of them. . - " . ,.-.:. . Plans for the hospital building are now being drafted by Mr. Myers, Hen dersonville's progressive : and , public spirited ' Architect, as a donation to the , Association. ; He is planning for a building to have about : eight pri v ate rooms, four small wards, opera ting room, anaesthetic room, surgeon's dressing room, an examination room, business -office, matron, and nurses rooms, dining room, diet kitchen and store room. The building is to be of brick venier, and arranged : so that additions can easily be made when the demand necessitates it " ' J . r .... The building is to be modern in every particular, and its . treatment Is to be such that the most scientific and exact -. treatment will- -be - given for all diseases that the guests of the hospital may be suffering from. It is intended to have a training - school for nurses, and the lectures will be de livered by the physicians of ; Hender sonviiie, for which they expect no re muneration. It . is going to" vbe ; a pleasure and privalege to 'the physi cians to give their time to the advance ment of every department of the hos pital. - U' ' ' : ; . As .soon " as the plana, have been completed, a special - finance -committee la to be appointed by the Board of Trustees to canvass, the city and coun ty for subscriptions to the hospital to raise . necessaryy amount - of j money which added to what is already ' on hand, will give us 'a modern ' hospi tal in every particular. John -Roy Williamj, De." , u' - . . norpital Arto. . At a meeting of the Board of Com missioners of the' Town cf .HencTerson ville. IorthCarollna, held' .on,thIs 12 th day of December, 1911, with llayor, R. HStaton, presiding, and Commission ers -J. Stepp, W. a Rector, F. Z. Morris, M. M. Shepherd, V. Grimth, present. In addition to other business transacted . by the .board, the fololw-, ing Ordinance; was pass.e3.T--:f,v7-. ;; H V WhereaSr-a petition has-been filed before the board, of commissioners of The Town of .Hendersoaville, s In; the following language towit 'f'rj:' i- -. C; "To the. Board of Commissiooners of The Town'pf Hendersonviiie, N. C. - ; -4-.We -the undersigned -citizens being" Qualified voters and residents in: and citizens of the Town of Hendersonviiie respectfully, represent, that, ' in our opinion, it is- necessary for that part, of Main Street in said town, between the -Confederate Monumentand the Ware, House, 'now owned by George Stephens, and also that part of Ander son Avenue (now-7th Ave.- E.) from Main , Street at said rock ware house to. the tracks of the . Southern; Rail way. Company near the passenger sta tion, in said : town; to "be ' repaired in order to , save the macadam which-wa3 put down 1 on said parts . of said streets by : said town several years 'ago and to put said parts of said streets in the repair and condition - they should be put in, and the repair' that it is nec essary for them : to bo put - in' to be keeping with the other parts of said- main street, and to promote the growth and development of said town. : : V v Therefbre, your.petltloners respect fully, pray your honorable "board to at once devise, and adopt, if you have not already done so, a plan or scheme. for making the repairs and- improvements ' on said parts of Main street and An derson Avenue' n(ow 7th Avc'E.) ne essary to put said parts of Bald "streets in the condition and repair that they must, be put in, In order to save the macadam thereon, and to promote "the growth and development of said town, both as a health and pleasure resort and as - a business community. 5 , And your petitioners further pray that your honorable board, call,, and cause "to . be .held at a earlier a date as . possible an electionat which shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town the. question as to whether or not the said board of commissioners shall be authorized to. issue and sell interest bearing, coupon bonds of said town in an . -amount ,not - exceeding Twenty-two Thousand Dolalrs; - said bonds . to bear interest at a rate noc exceeding : six percent per annum, -to nise money necessary to maVe the re pairs and improvements 5n iiaid streets between the points aforesaid for- the purpose aforesaid. . And if at said elec- Uon - a requisite number of the ,'quali-. fied voters of said town ; vote approv ingly of said bond issue to authorize your, honorable board to issue said bonds, your petitioners would respect fully ask that you proceed to sell said bonds, and make said repairs and im provements on said parts of said streets as soon, as practicable. V - 'For : all of which your petitioners will, in duty bound, ever pray.".'; ' 2 And , whereas, it has been found by. the board,, upon a careful examination thereof,, that more than one-fourth of the . qualified : voters of the "said -town have signed the said petition, and that more , than twelve of said- number of said qualified 'voters who signed said Detition Are fre hnldftra 'and .ownera r in their own. names, of .Te&l estAtn r situated in said -town, an dthat said petition, in all respects, compiles with the law regulating the calling of 'elec tions v for.;, the purpose of giving, the qualified voters of Baid town the op4 portunity of voting, upon the question of issuing bonds for the purpose of making public improvements, etc., andw .hereas, said petitioners; through and by said petition, ask -.the . board to devise and adopt a scheme or plan for making the re pairs and improve ments on that part of main street ly ing and being between the Confeder ate Monument and the v Rock .War ehouse now owned by. George Stephens and the repairs and improvements on that part of Anderson Avenue (now 7th Ave. E) between the said rock warehouse and the Southern Railway, Company's tracks, necessary to save' the macadam, which was put down on said part of said main street, and said ARnderson; Avenue (now 7th;Ave E.) by said town ; several years .ago, and to put parts of said streets in the re pair and condition they should; be put In, and the repair that it is necessary for them to be put in to be In keep ing, with the other parts of said Main street, and to promote the growth and development of said town; and where said petitioners- further ask in tehir said petition, . that- said board of commissioners, call and cause to be held at as early a date as possible, an election at which shall be submit ted - to the qualified voters of- sald town the question as to whether, or not theOoard of commissioners shall be authorized; to 'issue and sell Inter est bearing,;; coupon bonds of said town inf an amount, not exceeding $22,000.00, and to bear interest; at 'a" rate not exceeding ; six . per - cent -per annum, to raise the -money necessary to make the repairs and improvements on said parts of said street between the points .aforesaid . for the ; purpose aforesaid; and whereas, it is neces- sary for said town to- borrow the mon ey necessary to make said repairs and said improvements, , if same are made i and ;whereas it, appears to the board, that most practicable and advantage ous way. for the said town to borrow money.for paid purpose is to issue and sell bonds in an amount necessary for - .. " zj.ll puri:o3. . ' '. - . -' , ... It is tLcrcfore, ordered and . deter mined by the. board of commissioners of the town of Hendersonviiie, in law ful session, at .'the -office of the mayor and board of commissioners of said town, in the city. Hall, in said ..munici pality, 'this the 12th day of December ,1911,.that an election be and the same is hereby called to be held at. the of fice where the mayor holds his courts In the City Hall in the said town on the 16th - ady of January, i 1912; and thatt at said election the said ques- ticii of issuing said bonds of said town is ; not exceeding the - amount above. named,, shall be submitted to the quali: fied voters of the town of Henderson viiie forthelr approval or disapproval. And it is further ordered- by the board thatB Frank: Staton be and be is herebyjappointed Register for the said election, and that M. T. Pace and J.s W. McCarson be and they are here by appointed nudges of ; the said elec tion.- The" said registar and judges of election being free holders and quail fied voters of said town. - And it shall be the duty of said registar to revise the registration book of said town so that same will contain a true" and ac curate., list, of the qualified voters of said town who have heretofore regis tered for. the purpose Of voting in the elections beld in - said town, and also to, register and . new voters- who .may have .become qualified since the last election to register; and vote in the election hereby called. And the said registar and said judges shall "hold said election, declare the results thereof and make their" reports as re quired by law. ' 7 -And it is further ordered by the board that the 'ballots to be voted in said .election shall be 1 1-2 -Inches by 3 Inches size, -and shall be of white paper as required by. law;' and that at said election those voters who favor said bond Issue shall vote " a-' ticket upon- which shall be "written or print ed the word; , 'APPROVAL,", and those voters Seho oppose the Issue shall, vote a ticket, upont which, shall be- written or printed the 'words "NOT APPROVED." '. 1 ; -; v.R. H. STATON, , ." ' ' Mayor.- . ; WILTSHIRE GRIFFITH 4 . : " . : - Secretary rto Board Big Willow school v is progressing nicely. There is ;a large attendance. The principal, Prof. Nanney, Is an ex cellent teacher.. - Frank Hugglns has gone to Florida', for the winter. ' Mrs:, Marsilla; Sltton left Saturday for" Florida to join her husband. They will spend the winter there. , ; N ReV. J. K. 'Brookshire, delivered an P interesting sermon , at Benlah church Sunday. v . T - '- Mrs. ,B. B. MIddleton spent a part of last week in Tuxedo, with her daughter Mrs. Clem Blythe. - - Rora Blythe and ,,wife . are going to move ' to Penrose. r We - are sorry to loose such good people. . ' -'.Master James Mace is staying, with his brother, Rev. Henry , Mace and at tending Willow school.- . '.V'--.:-:-C . "ENID I TATE OF ORTH CABOLDT CO Before the Road Trustees, Henderson JV - vllle Township. , Inlte. C. H. T. Blyy, Petition for Cart- - . ;Kotice to Land Owners :u Notice - Is. hereby , given to - all par ties and particularly ; to . John , G. r P, Livingston, J. W.?McCurdy and F. .A. Hill, that C. H. T Bly, has filed before the . Road , .Trustees of Hendersonviiie Township, in their office at the Court House a petition asking for a cartway to be laid- off to. him from his land . on Long John Mountain - in said township to the Haywood Public road over the lands of John G. P. Livingston, J. W. McCurdy and F. A. Hill; and 'that said "petition will be heard before the said trustees on the 15th day of Janu- ary,;1912 at the Court House In Hen derson County. -" '- . . ; - . J. D.DERMID. . " Sec. Board of Road Trustees. HOTICE OF SALE : UNDER MORT By, virtue of power of sale to me giv en in that mortgage executed by J. H. Ripley and" wife and recorded in book 28 at page 4 of the Tecorda ot mort gages for Henderson county and by reason .of the fact that the note here-, in. secured is past due and not paid with accrued interest. I will" on " the 8th day of January, 1912,, at the court house in Henderson county, ' state of North Carolina, offer for , sale to the highest" bidder for cash all theland described in said . mortgage, to-wit: That . tract of land ' bounded on the North by .. Academy , street; on the West by, the Ewart and Curtis lands, on the South by Ewarts land, down to the " Transylvania Railroad and on the South by the Ewart Mill Creek and Chestnut street, and on the East by the original line' ; of the Ripley tan yard tract, including; all; of what is' known as the Ripley lands within taid boundary, excepting two ' acres with the residence-of said Ripley and wife," and all the land deeded off - prior to-the 'execution of said mortgage" v .This. 7th,day,of December; 1911. ' W. A.' SMITH; ' dec lf 4t Mortgagee. - Miss Ruth Childs has xeturned from Atlanta, where Bhe has been attending cqlelge,ran account of ill health. ;, - MissLula Whitaker daughter iof Mr. and Mrs. Chas R.' Whitaker will arrive in the city Saturday from Mary Baldwin College in ;Staunton,ya for the holidays.-- 'r-.. -v.- .',,'. - . . .... , . A- c it kit n 1- H I'lii J - V v. 1 1 We haye --a" magnificeiit:; line : this? year that will please most ,.',eveiy - one: Come early and see. : : : . ; :- v yFrneGdies," Toilet Setb : Manicure Goods, Toys Comb & BnioK Gases, Mir rors, Perfumes. Fine 3Fn 7! !llfOi;d::tti!n FIom eed a- is- d: 1 We buy Crossties, Wood . Country Produce. Gome and trade, with us. Heiifidleirsbini mi FOR EXCHANGE WE HAYE A':' VER YDESIRABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGT FdR ' A NICE FARM. v NICE SEVEN ROOM DWELLING WITH CITX WA TER, BATH, ETC. TWO ACRES OF; GOOD LAND AND IN ONE OF THE -BEST . GROWING .LOCATIONS .IN THE TOWN, i .WE WILL "TRADE THIS PLACE FOR A GOOD FARM IF THE DEAL .CAN.BE .CLOSED BE FORE THE FIRST OF: FEBRUARY. ' 1 . - V 1. i - . ' - - . "'V Fire Insurance, Real E AGENTS FOR; OUyERpEWMTEQ ; COME Come to Whitaker's, Book Store" if you want dainty up-to-date Xmas presents. A person is Judged by the kind of pres ent they --give,; M V'J:' -re v. We have what you ' ;want for the grown-ups and "the children from the - mite In the cradle to the 'growa man and 'woman. Come in and; buy early -so you can have your choice Cefore ' everything has been picked over. We are giving i away ;' .heautiful 918.00 doll anr carriage ! Come and , . get coupons. . . ; WHITAKER'S Just Moved To Town n iilii FAKCT fi STAPLE Grcccibs Belov Southern Depot DUSnJSSS SOLICXTED ; . DOLT . reported frcnicur cuitcracrs fVe trcnty-Sve to fifty h?i -iP5?- Vtsn crowa c3 by dd2 rith -other fch cere rr? ccro ca fend end under cs9 ccndS wj t3C.OC7 rfH T-t,-. , v , - -- .. : : Q((JQ. : 'T"BII,,l,TlillIMai'aTll"T tm ai V - rs f im J 1. r - Box Paperj etc.; mm Amm J J J u J U J U U U U H if:o c d an o 1 0 .'..-..; . ,. .. . '! Estate arid Renting TO .-V- ;; -fa-.: BOOK We.v;0sily. '"Ask . "Thatj yoii give- our leather goods , an inspection ; when - in need of ; - anythin .-la. oir line. ;T7e. have '" " "' ' ' ' " ! ' - . what you : want and our' aim is to treat each customer alike. - FEW. BRGS. & CO I r.USHEEi i COBUON ADDIiHC3 . . m2ca dbatri ell c , r

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