gmmmgmgmmmfgfmtwmm i" . . i iit 1 1 ,..,jihiiii,Uji..I, IN u imlKi ...l,.",.. ll'''i.Tj,."J. ', .'' "'"'.'. l '' ,' I'u".j.'Tu'" " jmlmmjii ' ''uj"'ij! iinTwi'i '" MIWwLjJWMWIIIII I' IT3 ,Ti' Yl ---;v .r v, ; . -. .. , . . AfMiri, .... '-I - 5 ;'.-; I ' , v . - . V - . . i . .. . ' - .,;-. .. ... . (Dili, Have the . . . , .. .... - S3HONGES Insurance xes doing business in the World When you can have your 'choice between the positive, com parative or superlative at the same price why not gjet r the superlative the very BEST? . - . . . - , .r- " - " Not another line of Insurance Companies can POSSIBLY be had in any office ia Henderson county because the world does not contain them. It would take dozens of the ordinary companies to make one as large as the Liver-. poool &1iondon & Globe, or the Aetna, or the Hartford, or the . Home of New York, or the Northern of London, or the London Assurance!. Think of one Company liaring nearly One Hundred Millions' of Dollars : in as ; sets: and then Imagine "what the enormous total; of ..our ; fourteen : giants ' must be! These hundreds of millions of dollars ae behind every policy . written in this office and it does not cost you a red cent more to get this tremendous preponderance of protection thiux it does to get the ordinary. Two Thirds of the poricy holders of Henderson, county realize this. Do YOU. ; . '' v :.!. ' . "." And, again, dont forget that .we have the best in real estate that this town and county affords and that since this' office hsi W . we have handled nearly three auarterti of a miilion dollars in the trans - fcr of Henderson county and Hinder sonrille real estateand jsjejit gbf . it to NEW-COMERS. - V , T Again we repeat, get the . best! We . have it and it costs no more! '. Citizens Bank Building i i.a.-;ti3 iw hi? X,. 3' lOB SEABCUr AKD; SEIZURE ULTT. - 5; l'n f jiff?-i.ij.';. ; L ..'.; i,i . State Temperance Convention; Adopts Favorable Resolutions. Kaleigh, (Special.) An address by Judge A Z. Blair, of Ohio, on the ques ton of temperance closed the seventh iieanial convention of the NortU-Car-olina Anti-Saloon league after two xJgtts anLa dayof discusioiisjmd .res olutions. The resolutions adoDted fol lows: -,- - "The state convention of the Anti fialoon league embracing- the temper ance forces of North Carolina, assem bled in Raleigh,Uanuary29, and 30, are gratifledUt.ih .rapid '.'growth of temperance sentiment throughout the state during the past f two .years and look forward with brighter-hope than ver before td the extermination of the liquor traffic & North Carolina by, the complete enforcement of our prohibi tion law, upheld, as it. is, by a healthy public sentiment, which is becoming znore an6Vxsbtev$ronoiinced each year ; therefore' be- it rssolfsdt "1st That we heartily endorse the "Webb-Kenyon-Sheppard bill now pend hig in (gi!eesi.nd that we papreci ate the reIutiiia recently Tinanimous 'J passed V W legislature giTing its eudorsemeatHo-'thisbill "2nd. That we earnestly recom mend the passage of a law limiting the quantity of intoxicantsimported into the state to individuals k (to lone gallon at a time and not f more thaSl fr."gal$oas per week.) ;r- . "Srd.'j ?Thtwe earnestly' " i recora- anena the. 4a4opflon'ot a-blind;tiger earch,eadf siure tesr-S th.tiT)Lititke transportation ;com- yames oe ifdjoiiK.eep a rfcorajDi t nqnors deliveTedKr tna state ana that the signature of the "consignee all H aaewa with each;. dellTery? hich record shall be available; as Tii emce lm worts " " JH'v''- "5th. We cengratulataVthe people of North Carolina on ithe crowth. if sentimeat for tES'-lnforicesicnt of-the law and the redyxpcssispfitjthe legislatures, past and present, to .this 'tTowing-seatlfflent, and appreciate' the5 ons of the iudiciarr to carry into et the prohibition law with firm ness and-Justice." -v " sfv' , UNDEEWOOD- TALUS ELAEIr 7s tariff i Leather Gooia If Prt- hftitlve ant Hast fee Beaaeei Washington; (Special.) An unsne jessf ul fifiit to have the'housejeoamitp ee on ways and.means retain the prea nt tariffof 0.0 1 and 15 ner -cent adva- lorem on boots' and shoes " occupied nioet of today's session, t Chairman Usderwood of the committee fiatly'told gatherinr of retrrekntAtlTe of tie Jfholeeale and retail shoe industries of the country that the tariff was' now Z? "4v4f x , - and that retention of the present rates "as Impossible. Questions of the com mittee indicated a sentimaat'Toriibla to a big drei ia those rates, : SIXTY ;THOUS A3TD -TYANTED. North Carolina is Asked to Contribute This Apount for Exhibit at Panama Exposition." RalelghT. (SpeciaL)r-The bright pros pects assured for the Panama Pacific International Exposition to take place in 1915; -the value he saw in it for this country;-and reasons: -why,North. Caro- lian should- be represented at it with exhibits and by a buildlffg of Its own were ably and eloquently set forth by Judge T. Sambola Jones, of Baton Rouge, La., commissioner of the expo sition. Judge Jones addressed the House and Senate committees on appropria tions which held a joint session In the Senate chamber at three o'clock. There was a large attendance of members and a number of others heard 'the able plea to have North Carolina take nart made by Judge Jones. : ie , sug gested that there -be an appropriation of $60,000. mot over 38 per cent of this to be used for a State buiiaing o oe nsed foxxhiblts. . . 7 :1t r r Judge t Jones in -flowing terms set but the.valufr of the Panama canal to the country and - especially - to the South, tracing Its history how it had been the dream of paln, almost tne disgrace of France, now the glory of America whose people genius, science, knd skill had made it a certainty. Its Value in lessening the, distance and as that itould ; be a greai impetus 10 nmraftrc4 waa emphasized. At i-the1 conclusion-Of his aafloress on motion of Senator A. D. watts, the vmmif tAAft'- tmanfevously adopted . a: resolution eXpreiSis txs-M JUdge Jones for his Instructive" and eater- talning address. - .... -' ; -TAJISITT TBUSTEES MEET. S) n disgrace in. somerespects-to the state. A new; . dining hall at accost of liOOOO is. recommended. Some . other, recom mendations are a physical laboratory, SG0.000; geological - laboratory. $35, 000; recitation building $50,000; law building, $35.000 ; pharmacy building $25,000; new dormitory. $75,000, and water-works $30,0007 The entire - ad ditions to the equipment would cost $445,000., ; - Members of . the executive committee elected at this meeting- are: A. B. An drews, Jr.,. Raleigh; victor S. Bryant, Durham; , ex-Judge r W. R. Bynum, Greensboro; ?Josephusn Daniels, Ral- eighTJullan S. Carrr Durham; Claud- ius Dockery, Raleigh; John W. Gra ham, Hillsboror J. Bryan Grifties, Ral eigh ; E.- J. Hales. Fayetteville J.- Y. Joyner, Raleigh; Richard H. Lewis, Raleigh; James. S-Manning, Durham; Charles Lee Smith, Raleigh; Charles Whedbee, Hertford; Francis D. Win ston, Windsor. ; L -1 ' ' The trustees : present . were: H. A. London, Pittsboro ; - J. Bryan Grimes, Raleigh; A. B. Andrews, Raleigh; JoMn c4k-jParker,jCharIotte;2 Barnes, ICurfreeshoro; Henry Weil, Goldsboro; -rohn-' Spfunt' faiLDur hamt 'ennehan Cameron Raleigh; J. Aften Holt Oak"" Ridged W Stamps Howard, Tarhoro ; J Atkinson?J2lD4 Oolliege sR, Doughton, JUDGE GUDGEB DIES. Statesman and Soldier Passes to His ItewaraV Waynesyllle, Siciai,y--nsp' Jr u ju uudger .cued pi heart laiirue early yesterday morning after; a Jfe. day's illness. He had, been ia feeble -health for several .weeks.but'.no ipnethought uuui.y esteraaywiai jxiu casv.was. at au alarming.; His .sons were ,wired; .'for, but did. not ' arrive until .after death had occurred, ;.: . ; f- ..Judge Gudger r was .one r"of ,the old time gentlemen of YaynesvilJe. ;.; Born 78 . years . ago in, Buncombe county. , he enlisted In 1861 for the "civil war, in' the company that went out f romltheHom5 iny section.-, He, was a. gallant soldier throughout! the" atniggte ,. .Coming home after .the . waril". , he fettled in Waynes ville for the practice of law,, a profession in which he soon became prominent.' 7 For 16 years he was Superior court Judgefahd hfel'ccrttiivevecouBty int the state, After.' his' terra oerpiretf he accepted a posiaon-'ta'tke-'department of the- interior"-? at cWashington and continued in it until 1505;.when' h resigned ort account f failing health.- Judge Gudgei1 leaves, threejchildren ProtiE.W.x Gudger, of the Normal college 'Greensboro; David Gudger,' of A heTlUe; i 'iKttd4 'WnSTS. CSutnlan;' of Wjynesyiye-s-.-Tt--.- ir. ru-nt-rz-'' :- EIGHT IX OXE DAY. Three United States Senators He-Elect ed and Five Xew Ones Chosen on the V Same Day. ' . - ; . .. V- " .-:v':-'v ? Eight United States '.senators were. rccentir- 'SfecieSf in aeight different sjate'a bf the unidri. Blx.of the number are! Democrats, 'andVtwoJtepublieansr Three tst the xiumbiat' already are mem- u- - Wednesday Senate. : l Convened at noon: - ? ; I Voted; not to Jiave executive session to-consider President Taffs appoint ments. - " ' '. ; : s Resumed ' debate' on' Lever agricul tural extention bill. . Adjourned at 4:50 p.- m.; until noon Thursday,, . ,; ... r . , , , . House , Convened at noon. . Debate begun on Lincoln memorial bill. ' ' - v , - Sundry v schedule's . considered by ways and . means -committee, at tariff revision hearing. - , , Currency .reform committee . contin ued its hearing: ; r McGuire bill to appropriate $2200, 000j for buildings on state fair grounds rejected by, agriculturecommittee. ; ; "Shipping; pool" investigation by mer chant marine committee , continued with EM. Bull testifying.' c ' Judiciary committee voted to finally act: upon 5workmen'scompensation,act next -Saturday andqn all , inter-state liquor "shipment bills Wednesday. - "Railroad ''interests 6ef ore Inter-state commerce- commission objected - to Kenyon uniform freight classification bill. - -.. ' it:..1-biiJ.-M:.ii i-,.:' bill, carrying 411,095,39j:w Auoptea resolution approving nne. arts- commission - plans 0 for - Lincoln memorial. kc.i , -b--h:5- ;;v .tv- Adjourned at 6:04 p. m., until noon Thursday. ... : . -v ; -..:.. Thnrsday--Senate. Convened a noon." - . .Begah debate - on : sil-year : "single presidential term bill, with 'agreement voteon measure before, adjournment;- Manufacturers urged Manufacturers' Committee ' to amend' "net weight bill" so"-as to permit ' "reasonable varia tions'."' -:: -- '' ::, ;i '. -' : ' Recessed 5: 3S . p. m.,. until 11:45 a. m .Friday,, the legislative day remain ing, as pf January ;S0 - comnssioxER talentute euixg THAT: CIECTJLAES , PRODUCED WERE UKSIAILABLE BUT DE- FEND ANTS XOT GUILTY evis tiilstar vmm Presides! ef TheIngtltntlon Outlines i TfnT Tf tePrin Weeds. "i iRalelghSpeciaLAt a xneetlngot the?timstee f?theiUnlversttrox nana Carolina-held, in the ofice of-Governor Locke Craig, ex-offlcio-preeident-of the board Dr. Francis P.Wenabltead his report embodying de7iee and 1 nancis" of'theltchociiaadradgeW.' P.- Dynuia, of Greinsbcro,. -was', elsctea a MTni--. rsf : fh'W TeriitlVevebiainlttee . ffhe meeting was prssidWrby Gov ernor Craig. Dr. luca-ru xx. -uowa secretary. ; - . a Dr. VenaMe's -report set forta the prffffing "needs pt the tastttntion .and certain additions which' are heeessary t0 place the university on a XooUng for It present' wdrk He ufgee'that the appTopHatlon fthe last Legislature be-tncrea:Trom:48I,000 toifl08,000 annually. $10.00 for the school of ed ucation, to be: opened, next September. The university asked In 1911 for an ap jroprSticii ci tlCeOO, tut cn!r C27,CCC was given.. , - ' tt-i Amons'the many needs of the Ual verxlty 3)r. Tenable JIa tttsnUSn - to the preseat dinii's hall and terms tt a Geqrge.. RseyetteTflle;,, FP IlbbgobdrOxford; William A. Guthrie, Durham v .Walter Jklurphy, Salisbury; D. JHale, ; Fayettevine-;4W. P. Bynum, Greensboro; John C. Lamb, Wllliam stonjf James prunt of Wilmington; F. W Hancock, Oxford; John Fries. Win-ston-Salem; M. J. Hawkins, Charles W. Worth, Charles Whedbee. Hertford; Claudius Dockery, Raleigh ;,w Charles Lee Smith, Raleigh; Josephus Daniels, JUleigh; Walter Clark. Jr?iRaleigh; John W. Hinsdale, Jr.. Raleigh; W. E. Breese. Jr.. Brevard; George Stephens. Charlotte: CAlfred M. ! Scales, Greens- bbrol ArW. Graham; Oxferd; 'Larry I. lloefe New 6 Bern; rRicKSrd?H,fXeWtst Ealelgh.r V ' ' --- - - ' -r . ... : . Little Xtock, !Ark,; (SpecUDW(seph 1 .rcsenUUver.Crpar4)t,Texas; T.,blasw iDemocrat, . OQieiU-Wstkestioili t&tXl ont-the'anei- electefr United States senator fto sue- pired terra; of Jos. W. Ballsy, ending ceed the late Jeff Davis by the Ar- March" 4, and ffr tt? full cix year term kansas legislature In J joint sesslonj amiaetng at tiit tixie. He will sue Governor RoblnsonV eleotldn3to the Ce RtlC Johnetbnrwho was appoiht- aenatorflhTD is cor the lone term oe- dnaiaa Karen 4.T? His VeieiUa necessitate " special '.-elecucn or bers of the national upper house and were re-elected. , ! The five new senators are Win. H Thompson, Democrat, of Kansas ; Wm lghes. Democrat, of Mew Jersey; Judge Wm. Kavaaaugh, Democrat, of AW gtiia JflSepfCTeTI3rrls"'ep ' eraer. v ImI bT fiflTuranr CVitorftt t the time ficaator LTikileT rnf -zu. 1. .aer ilnr ac- ttioa Air. tf Tixaa IsMsttare-i Judge Cent Beat the OU Saa. Father ruefully gazed om his last quarter...-, '. i',J-S;s?S "Money has wings, ant house rents make It fly," he said. J ' v 4Tes," said his fifteen-year-old scout son," "and some houses have "Wings? for. IV6 Seen many a hoi33 y. fXou're smarter than .your old dad, maybe, my son. -but I' always thought no part of a lieuse elcx'it -i .. flue. CMcagt Reeord-HeralL, serve only until MarcSk 4, the unexpired term of the late Jeff. Davis. J. M. Heiskell wasr appoihted'to the place by Gover nor! Donagheyl pending the legisla ture's meeting. All of the other sena tors ,were elected, for full terms. -1 rBenatorls -who were re-elected for full terms weref A. B. Fall, of New Mexico; Francis E. Warren, of Wyo ming, and BenJ.R. .Tillman, of South Carolina; Senators : Fall and Warren areRepMblieans; while relator Till man Is a Democrat, Convened at noon. Reshle4, debate -on X ortifications -ain pxpjrjation'biiii --: - Sundries- schedule was again sub ject pf. tariff revision hearing :bef ore. ways ana -paeans nimittfte.:: t i-ADpr uominittee. neia .neanag on hours of late $ biir for " women 'wage earners of A-4rict of Cqlumblai ; i Adopted . conference -report on, immi- grationbil..;.-,. k 3.,- :u . . Lk.: :. Representative . Levy introduced Joint resolution to make "The Star SpangleaV: Banner" thei oQciat National anthem v.'-'-.f., v-:--' w -. 'L' In . speech Representative . Roden berry .made virulent- attack on misce genatipn. , ... . Cdntest of r Thomas' E. ' Kinney for seat7 of L. C; Dyeiri twelfth Misfebrl dis trict,was. rejected. i - ' Adjourned at.6; 45 until nooa Friday. . . Fridays-Senate. r Cenrened, at noon. ' ir 4 . . Debate on Works . single sixryear presidential perm fesolntion was re sumed." : -- '..Receased at :2S p. in., until 11:45 Saturday. . :. . a; -V l... iHoase. , I Convened at 11 a. m, . Resumed debate on District of . Co lumbia , appropriation. bilL ; V: The' free ' list was : subject ,'of Ways and - Means - Committee's tariff revision hearing. l-- iiiii' '';:- .rK yi Appeal made by women to J3ongres sipnal Elections Commltteef or - pas sage of bill, to .give ' women right to voterlor Representatives' In 'Congress. J Transatlantic traQc occupied atten tion hearing', in shipping pool investi gation. ,jV '! --fir?; -f 'v:vV siZishr-ti. Commercial Travelers epresentar UvWnrgJpassage ;bt" Peters: bill tp retiufre5 i railroids'to; issued int'etchahke a&Iemfleaxei.bo6k8. ioi;Vs. 1 -v ;,Commlttee ipn Agriculture reported. tQl gf i1MorJprptecjIpn:of mlgratonrand InsectlTorous birds. , -''AdJonrMedfktrlS p: rn.4 'until 1J o'clock-Saturday, In respect to mem ory Representative Legare otSonth Carolina. .: - " '-'.i Jtotnrajc? sift. - Conyened.atU;45,af.ja.,v . LaFollette eight-hour' bill'f or women workers; taken? tfpiin xahmltteev v Passed i Wprkes. resolution f prC( con stitutional amendment to provide slng gle, iac-yeaie presidentialitermi T? Bletions-rmiaittM considered, elections of Senators Watson and Chil ton -of We Virginia, with a Wew: to mvestIgationi,:.aDi.: 01 ..i-wiV- Adopted .conference report- on ixaiai- gration bill, oWhlck. jiow. goes . to JPresi-. Adjourned 'atlf jp.v-m.; until "noon Monday, : - - ' vhvt-'i'i ;i-IlSBs4C' v -i a- .-rCcatenedtatiU sw-rA;:-3- l Ways and -Means Committee : rcunv: ed hearings oa, tariff.., ; , Continued debate lon District of Cpl- illerchant; If arms:- Commttte;,' con- tmued-shipping trust ,Inves1tton, probing- into Pacifle Central American Tariff revision, hearings 'were eon- eluded iby Ways and" Means CommlrteeV which: nowi'fbeglM':'exeuve;:iaeet22a p frame bill. t' ur- .Renresentatlve, Edwards 'introdaced a bm tblDlciany aesigaate 'CiTil War 'i.Adjonrneait:4;40k pJxL.nul.nop Sunday heneuIogtarF11 PSrfii0?. late Senator. Rayner of .Maryland., Governments Testimony: Proves JJ ene fit i To Defendants;. Did Ifot Say Ete Was Going To Mail Matter V Ruling that ' there was not enough evidence ' 'produced by . the postoface authorities, at theohearin&before Unit ed State, Commissioner George (Valen-. tine last Friday, ; the' iour defendants Messrs. A. ' H. HawklhsM. M. Sh.ep herd, Ai C-Morris -and F. B. Tlptoa: were discharged by the commissioner These gentlemen were arrested: some time, ago upon the charge of a viola tion" on the anti-lottery statute of the government postal laws. Upon the evi dence brought out by Postoface Inspect xor ,v. - Ai. seuer they. -. were charged with sending out unmailahle literature ref ering to lottery schemes in the giv ing away of prizes for certain amount of. cash- purchases and amounts paid on hackiaccounts. 3 :-.v t . J'??airr'Evans,. witness for the : government was, , first : sworn.- He proved to be" a' good witness! fori the defense and it was on his testimony principally 'the defendants :were 1 dls5 ' charged ;. Mr. Evans : stated that he wasoresppnsihle for getting the eight circulars wmcn ' were supposed to have been In the third class mall mat ter fo'und by thenspector:" MrrEvans claime4i'thafche had;beeii suggested to"" ' do, the.rwork;bysMrF. E.Tipton, and that Mr. Tipton Twas not a partner ia the; scheme, and that he, himself did not take time to even read the matter he v was. mailing 4)ut and had not readr' pie $irculars..on which the charge was orpgh.t, : to ff this day ; The . most im portsnt point brought out in favor of - tb defendants wasv that Mr. Evans saw he did not state to any of the gen tlemen that ne'vwas going'' to'-niali' ont the;,cirpujar. , He told -OiemThewould aendem put and that he had a list of, l.doa good people In the county to send them tot. l--Net' testimony " to cohtradict this ffcould be? produced rat the; trial. Pqstoface;- Inspector irt Setzerl was " sworn, and , testified -that;-Qn:;the.il6tb, of .December last he was on train No. ia going "front "Asheville" to Spartan burgahd that ne ;waB" in;themilicar when ; a tpouch was : placed in the 'car ajHenderspQyille f bearing . .the Mabel" from, the local postofflce to the post omcf at East Flat Rock. These labels' werei produced into evidence. Inside the tpouch vwas a large number of cir culars: addressed, to persons: at East FlatfRock, including thp two address- ed P. HI Walker and W. A. Farr'whlck were , produced at the court C. M ' aee-of thei local postoffice ' force was ' sworn and stated that he remembered the, packages going out. but would not swear, for certain what they contained. . Diion arguments were, maae oy At torneys, McD; Ray and W. A. Smith' and Inspector Setzer.1 ' , Feud airto ,rdangerpai ; bnt runfpr- tunately we cannot see dirty air as we ' afrtr fdbdrand becew'H'ie most people are unmindful joT the kind of ; air: they .breathe,! though, they may be ever txf nics ci ririctilar-. the kind of food they eaL ' fW CfTIT TT ' S A IT w V -m . ' Proposition Made to General Assem ; bly" Which Looks Interesting. , Raleigh. XSpecial.) GovernPr Cralr ' received from E. C. Duncan' a proposi-r tion. to be transmitted to the general , assembly for the state to. sell Its stock in' the; Atlantic and North ' Carolina railroad known as -"The Old Mullet" and. running from Goldsboro ; to "M6re- head, City. Mr. Duncan to be the our- chftserfor jhe.rpund;sum,of ?94950 in cash. The message subsequently went to -the legislature embodying Mrr Dun-- -can'sr! The full text' of the leUeri from -Mr;; Duncan to Governor; Cralg is as follows; , V ; ... "ft Is 'mjl desire to purchase ,the, stock 1 owned ' by the state 1 of North CaroHna lln -the 1 Atlantic and North CarblinaiRailroad company. The total stock, pX: tliesaid; raiJrpad company la 17.972,,shares , of the,, par ,yalue ot $100 each. " Of' this ' 8 took the ' state owns' &.$66 shares of ' thd ar- value of $l.-f 2P5.W0, and' individuals, -co rporationar and certain jCounties:;in - the state own stock. .There. isatnibrtgage'upbntie rQa'd,lf,$325a OCIO.: ' During ' ; the' 7 administration of. Governor -Aycock this road' was leased: fqr a-termof $t years and four months -hezjinlng 5eptemberl ; 1804jnexpirinff1 Janimryifl&98 By the terms of this lasethe lessee pays as rental $53,916" acniiiliy, payable in two equal install raenls?iOn'ithei first ol.jJulypand first! of N Jancaryj this amount, being three pr cent upon the stock at par.. The. state's part' of this annual' rental a. $53,916 it $37,993. -PaynientSt! at thls rate- iwiUri continue unHTJaliiiary "1, Froia. Jsnnary;!. 4925 tof jsinary 1, 1935, the renjtal Thrill ,hj on bails cttthreeand; oae-lf per. pcnf. i From January .1.. l35to January 131945, the rental wiy ba':a -lasls 4'pertr -Fr6a5 January X 1915; t January; 1,-1953, tisr tntalitlljbe hssis .cf four. and,, one-halt-per",,, cent Fremanuary l?55if to January v I, ;i$45,"the rentar wui be1 onca basis of 5 per ceaVanl during the remaindi,ihrf?trt2j frora January : 1, 19 Jasaary:-1 . lM.nT'aI basis, pf.;sixpff cfntr;Th: lessee . also sys ,ihs.,taxs r and, Ansu ance"on the property ahdthe lhtertilf -of the mortgage indebtedness f?S23,-. 000. I lereby-6ffer7the"TOts$t495t tat cash- fpr its saldi stockVrthls amo.ant bsing -75 per eeat of 4ta parTslue, anl I xespeetfully request that"; you traas- noir tnrsession -for their consideration, I.b3 to rtaain, your.ebedient ser V - i - X

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