THfTRSDAT, OCTOBER PAGT FOUR WESTERN CAROLINA DEMOCRAT AND FRENCH1 BROAD HUSTLER Western Carolina French Broad Hustler Democrat Mutual Printing Co. Gordon Garlington Noah M. Hollo well. Publishers. ' Hendersonville, North Carolina Catered ' as second-class matter fax. I, 1912. at the postoffice at Hen- ftrsonvile, North Carolina, under the tt of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, in advance. ..... .... 1.00 Six Months, in advance 50 Three months, in advance 35 All P. 0. money orders or checks thould he made payable to The Mutual Printing Company. Col. Roosevelt is having a "bully time" down in South America. Teddv is a fine advertiser wherever you place him. Get your pick, or your shovel and be ready to break dirt on the public road November 5. It is a patriotic service due your county and the State. .The call is to everybody. Looks like the Mexican situation de mands more than the throwing of tufts ct grass. Nothing is to be gained by temporizing with a gang bent on fol lowing the "rule or ruin" policy of Huerta dynatsy? and proposals, the freight car short age which existed in this country be fore Mr. Wilson's election. At the time of Mr. Wilson's election the shortage in freight cars amounted' to 50,000 cars, whereas there is now a surplus of more than 10,000 cars." By way of contradiction and expla nation 9 fthis so-called car shortage, iq which the Times calls attention Editorially, we clip the following news item from the opposite page of tha Times.: "Washington Imminence of a seri ous car shortage on American rail roads induced the interstate commerce commission to issue a vigorous ap peal directed to both- railways "ana shippers to give 'close attention to methods of loading, unloading, moving and very promptly returning to use the cars now available.' Complaints received from all parts of the coun try indicate the danger of a car short age." ' 4 0 BETTER STREETS NEEDED. Ex-Governor Sulzer, of New York, is on the war path against Tammany, w ith indications that he will be elect ee to the State assembly from his old borne district. We wish him well, but he will find the road back to the high political a rocky one to travel. There is no gainsaying the sugges tion that Craig will go down in his tory as North Carolina's Good Roads Governor. He started in to do the State a service and his ambition will b fully gratified, if indications count for anything. ! o Governor Craig has promised u shovel all the dirt "picked" by "Big Jim" Morgan, of Buncombe county, on "Good Roads Days," November 5th and 6th. So it is settled that the Governor will don a brand new suit of overallls and go forth to battle for pro gress and aga'n?t wd. Fvery ;-- bodied man in the State should emu late the splendid example of our Chief .Executive. 4- The property owners of Fifth avenue are to be congratulated on the prepa ration of a petition to the board of al dermen, asking that this important thoroughfare be paved. Henderson ville will have to face the ques tion of paving some of its streets at an early date and the soon er we have good streets both during winter and summer the earlier pros perity-will smile upon us as a resort city. As long as we have a city in which automobiles cannot make their way to and from5 the main thoroughfare we cannot claim advantages that will strongly appeal to the automobile ele--ment of tourists. Better streets and better roads we must have if we hope to win winter tourists. 4 POSTMASTER OWEN GUDGER. See Ewbank for Fire Accident Insurance, Insurance. Insurance, Health Remember it Is too late to in sure your property after the fire! Also that it will do no good to thin lof accident or health insurance after you get sick' or break a leg or arm! v- Let us remind you again that we represent the strongest line of companies that can be had In THE WORLD and it costs you o more to get the best protection. SEE US BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Ewbank, Ewbank & Co. Real Estate. Renting Your satisfaction is our success, Insurance -PHONE PHONE 6: PHONE 6: K Up-to-date millinery. Shop. The Quality ltc FOR SALE One house of three rooms, one chimney. Must be mov ed from the lot it now occupies. Ap ply atjhisoffic10-30-ltp. . Hallowe'en favors and mailing cards. The Quality Shop. . ltc WANTED Chestnut Cord Wood Green - or deadened. Write Union Tanning Company, Old Fort, N. C. 10-30-3tp PETITipil FOR POST OFFICE AT THE DEPOT , It seems definitely settled that State ' Chairman Chas. A. Webb, of Asheville, id to be offered the position of United States 'Marshall for the Western North Carolina district and that Solic itor Hammer will be named for Dis v trict Attorney. In the meantime, Mr. Manly McDowell, of Morganton, can Jiave a good place if he wants it, in 'Washington. Senator Overman ap pears to have all three of these gen tlemen in mind. Well, they are mighty fine fellows and democrats in fact as well as in name. ) 4 When news of the sudden death of Col. Ashley Home was flashed over the wires on Thursday of last week an almost innumerable host of admir ers bowed their heads in sorrow. Only the day before, Colonel Home had been a visitor to the State Fair and appeared in fine form. But soon after the return to his home in Clay ton an acute attack of heart trouble resulted in his death. Colonel Home was one of the state s Dest citizens and had made a great success in life. His record during the civil war was one of courage and heroism, and as 0 patriotic citizen since peace was de clared there were few in his class. I 0 O THOU INCONSISTENCY! In a vain but belabored effort -jo show some evil effects of the Wilson administration, the Western Carolina Times subjected itself to a grave and gross inconsistency last week when in answer to the mass of statistics' given under the caption of "It's Time to Take Stock" "prepared by W. C. Rector, the newly elected president of the pub lishing company, it gave a news story vhich contradicted the carefully pre pared trade figures. We would further call the attention of the Times and its contributor to the fact that in making comparisons of trade conditibns it , compares th month of September of this year with October of 1912, instead of giving figures for corresponding months of the two years. In an effort to show that there is a general decline in business causing a surplus of more than 10,000 freight cars, against a shortage of 50,000 laat Drear, Mr. Rector quotes the following lu which he call an "unbiased manner: "The Wilson administration has al ready overcome, by radical measures We wish to congratulate Congress man J. M. Gudger upon his decision to recommend the appointment of his campaign chairman, Mr. Owen Gudger, as postmaster of Asheville, and like wise felicitate the future postmaster. Afrer viewing the circumstances we c uld not for once imagine Represent ative Gudger's recommending any one else for this position, for when it comes to party service "Owen" has been in the thick of the battle, and vhen we consider his qualifications for thi office we find all things in his favor. In the last two campaigns he was Representative Gudger's campaign manager and rendered most effective service. While the other candidates for the iJOLition were well quauiicd to iiaadw the duties of the office, their chance3 for appointment, when we view the situation as a whole, could not be ex pected to appear very promising, therefore we congratulate the Tenth Piftrict representative in bringing the 1 scramble for the office to a close in an nouncing his intentions at this early cate. DANA FAIR WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY The Blue Ridge Township fair will open at Dana, 'six miles from Hender sonville, on Wednesday of next week, lasting three days. At a meeting of those interested in the work on last Saturday it was de cided to call upon the people of Hen derson county and especially those liv- ' ing in the vicinity of Dana to gather j at that place on Friday and -Saturday I of this week for the purpose of assist- ' ing in the arrangement of buildings, equipment and other things prepara tory to holding the fair. Exhibits to rthe enclosed building will be displayed in the Dana school house. Poultry will be placed in a big store building donated for the purpose and a barn has been maLe, available fo rthe live stock. Arrangements are being made to make music to be rendered by the Henderson County Singing Association one of the most popular features of the fair. The officers have had assurance of a large number of exhibits in all classes to compete for the hand some list of cash premiums to be awarded. Prospects are bright for a splendid attendance and in view of the very small admission fee of ten and five cents no fears are entertained of such being prohibitory, hence people are expected frorn all parts of the county with exhibits, of stock, farm products, household articles,- together with the whole family. This is the third annual fair of the Dana people and prospects are bright fcr this one eclipsing all previous ones. The people are urged to attend on Friday and Saturday of this week and assist in making definite arrangements for placing exhibits of all kinds. Petitions are in circulation over the city and especially among the residents of the depot section, asking the post master general to establish a sub postoffice some where nea rthe South ern depot of Hendersonville. It is pointed out that the patrons of the postoffice living in this section do not enjoy the conveniences desired along this line, especially the business element, in view of the distance from tbe main office. .N Representative J. M. Gudger is un derstood to have promised his support In this movement in accordance with the wishes of the postoffice patrons and with this assurance a number of persons have signed the petitions in circulation. v Fo rthe benefit of those v;hn wish tn ci frn ft ia c fa tori tha nrta will be available at the Gallamore- I Old Time Singing. Rev. J. J. Justice and R. P. Jones will conduct an old time singing at Tracy Grove on the first Sunday in November. Christian Harmony and new Starry Crown books will be used during the day. ,. - The public is cordially invited and the people are requested to take a basket of dinner and enjoy the all day event.' LOST Tan hand purse containing gold bar pin, five dollar gold'piece, two paper dollars, pair gloves and five letters. Liberal reward if re turned to Mrs. Stradley at the Gables, phone 206. 10-30-ltp If Manning H. Jnrs is in or near Hen dersonville please cummunicate as soon as possible at St. John's Hotel, room 31, with his father G. H. Jurs who has a pleasing message from Mr. King. 10-23-4tp FOR the Best Kindling Wood in the city, Ring 42, city. 10-23-4tp WANTED Irish Potatoes-and onions, Highest cash price paid. Blue Ridge Fruit & Produce Co. 10-9-tf. FOR the Best Kindling Wood in the city, Ring 42, city. 10-23-4tp WANTED Irish Pnfntft . . una onin Highest cash price paid. Blue p Fruit & Produce Co. t . 10-9-tf WANTED A BranTokTlffnrr reliable, good wages. Phone inn? Fruitland Institute, Fruitland, 3 FOR SALE Pure bred white LaT Cockerells at $1.00 each also t verv fine vnnnc onnVa . tff0 - 1 o a.kj ivj .n 11 Apply to R. W. Brown, Etowah j? n R. F. D. No. 1. 10-23-4tp FOR SALE Four head of horsT .tsu ur on unj. All good stock.' xuu iuuay on nana lor winter season. uK.t & ANDREWS 10-16-tf van s 1 i.v. 1 nu - " - uvu ai r rmtlajjj school, eight rooms, nearly threa acres. , A-ddress T. H. Posey, Ward, - S. C. 10-15-4tc WANTED White boy, good appear, ance, about 14 years old, not afraid to work. A chance for good promo tion to right party. No cigarette cmoker need apply. S. Maxwell & Co." 10-15-tf. FOR SALE One J. tor, capacity 120 new. A bargain, ton, Flat Rock. N. W. Miller Incuba eggs. Practically Apply J. p. pat. C. 4-17-tfc Wynne drug store at all times. F. 8. WETMUR VISITS WESTERN FARMS For the purpose of interesting the farmers of the Middle West In Hender son County, Mr. F. S. Wetmur left on the Carolina Special, Wednesday night, for Kansas City. He will re main in the West about one month. Mr. Wetmur goes as the accrediteJ representative of the Greater Hender sonville club. The funds for the nec essary expenses have beep-furnished by the banks of the city, the real es tate men and a few public spirited cit izens to whom the matter made a special appeal. Mr. Wetmur carries with him an ample supply of suitable1 advertising matter prepared by the club especially for this purpose, in cluding many photograps, and in addi tion several sampTes of Henderson county's agricultural products. Nota ble among these products is a fine ex hibit of corn furnished" by Mr. A. Can non. This distribution of this advertising matter, the personal talks Mr. Wetmur will have with the men of the West vill amply repay the cost of the trip. As Mr. R. C. CTarke remarked, 'Tt will put Henderson county in a section where it never has been before." Should any of the Westerners be induced Jo visit here and buy property, all the real estate men have agreed to co-operate in satisfying him. In this particular matter, as in the St. Peters burg colony, the real estate men have agreed to sink their individual inter ests in the .good of the community. Thjs is really the birth of a real eBtate exchange for Hendersonville some thing which is vastly desirable. pi Y p1 Y v Wfl 11 if ii v F IT Christmas fancy w6rk. The Quali ty Shop. ltc Compulsory School. ' In accordance with an order of the board of education of Henderson coun ty, compulsory attendance of the Flat Rock Graded school began on October 13, applying to children between eight and twelve years old. . METHODIST REYTYAL. Dr. C. W. Byrd Conducting- Revival at Hendersonville Methodist Church, Revival services- opened Sunday night at the Hendersonville Methodist cnurcn. services wilt d held each afternoon at 3 o'clock and at T:30 each night during the week. Dr. Chas. W. Byrd, pastor of the West Market Street church of Greens boro, formerly pastor of the Central Methodist church of Asheville, who is regarded as one of the ablest minis ters of the conference, will conduct the meeting with the assistance of tha church pastor, Rev. A. L. Stanford. Good congregations, able and help ful sermons are features of the ser vices, In which considerable Interest is being manifested. Road Trustees Meet. J. P. Patton, chairman of the board of road ' trustees of Hendersonville township, has called a meeting of the trustees to be held at the court house on Monday, November 3 at 12 o'clock, when a number of matters of especial interest to those interested In road meeting will be disposed of or dis cussed. A full attendance of the board is urged." The Bird Law. Attention has been called to the er ror in the game law notice published in the last issue of the Hustler-Democrat, the law as was changed by Rei resentative J. P. Patton's bill In the last session of the General Assembly, permitting the killing of birds In Hen derson county between November 15 and January 15. mm F o T mday, fly I have just returned from Chicago, goods are coming in every day My 100 Men's Suits to be sold regardless of cost at the Big Value Variety Store sale. Adv. ltp. The biggest assortment of Ladies' Coats and Suits and Children's Coats ever shown in Hendersonville, bought in sample lots at 50c on the dollar. Nothing but a look will convince you that this is a money-saving proposition The best goods of any kind are found in Sample lots. : : x Clothing Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats in sample lots 50c on the dollar. Old man, young man and little boys see BUD before you buy your suits or r overcoats. Shoes Shoes Shoes For the wlic-le family; sell 'em cheap, Bud don't care. ' Underwear Men' heary fleeced 37 l-2c garment, Wright's ' health underwear 75c; all wool underwear $1.50 the suit Blankets All wool blankets $3.50 a pair, half wool $2.00 the pair, best cotton blank ets on earth for $1.00 the pair. To the Little Boys With every boy suit you get a good knife; with every man's $5.00 suit you get a $1.00 watch. Stetson Hats One big lot of John B. Stetson hats at $2.00. We have the same goods at same price at two of our stores, Hen dersonville and Brevard. Suspenders Men's heavy police, 25c kind for 15c; Boys' 10c kind for 5c. School tablets and pencils 2 l-2c each. This will be a 5c tablet and 5c pencil both for 5c. Overalls Blue Ridge Overalls for 75c. Fruit of the loom bleech yard widelOc. Rugs One lot rugs to close out at my old price. the Grit to 'OA He Cuts the Price and Sells the Goods Hendersonville and Brevard, N. C.

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