THUKSDAX, X0VE3IBER IS, 1D13. Samil mm prramtal iJtatttmt Dr. C. D. Lowe, assistant: live stock agent of the Southern Railway com pany, of Morristown, Tenu., was In the city last Friday. , . Col. T. Gilbert Wood, agent of the land and industrial department of tha Southern Railway company, of Ashe ville, was in the city last week. Col. Sandford H. Cohen; manager of the Greater Western Carolina associ ation, was in the city last Thursday. Mr. William J. Cocke of Asheville, was in the city last week. . Mrs. M. A. Brown left Monday for Dr.ytona,' Fla., where she will spend the winter. She will be accompanied by . her mother, Mrs. N. E. Gaines. Miss Rosa Morrison of Clemson Col lege, S. C, is visiting Mrs. Gantt on Fleniming street - 4 ' Miss Wrennie McDonald, who . has been the guest of Mrs. Gantt, has gone to Belton, S. C, to take charge of some school work. - . Mr. T. C. Mills of Tryon was in the city on business Saturday." Mrs. W. I. Pender will leave on tha 17th of this month for Ancon, Panama. : She will be accompanied by her moth er Mrs. Patton. - Dr. R. B. RoBards of Harrodsburg, Ky., is visiting his brother, Mr. R. A. RoBards. Mrs. F. S. Thomas has returned from a visit to her home in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Hobbs and daughter, former residents of this city, are guests of the St. John. - Miss Willie Morrow is visiting her cousin, Miss Rigby, in Spartanburg. Miss Irma Justus is spending sev eral weeks in Gaffney, visiting her cousin, Miss Amy Gaffney. Mrs. C. F. Toms, of Asheville, spen the week-end here as the guest of Mrs. Captain Toms, on Main street. . Mr. K. G. Morris made a business -trip to Asheville Saturday. - Mr. C. R. Whitner of Atlanta, spent the week-end at the St. John. Mr. P. F. Patton left Saturday for an extended business trip west. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hart left Mon day for Florida to spend the winter months. - New Designs in Stamped Towels FIFTir ?TS AT M . Mrs, Bras well and sister, MisV Fish back, have returned to Florida for the winter. '. .Mr.-Tim Cocke, of Asheville was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Stewart, who have been spending several weeks at the Summer home,: left Monday for their home in Jacksonville. . Mr. J. C. Sherrill left Saturday for Wadesboro. ' Miss Neva "Pace has returned from Columbia, SC. Mrs T T? wi i i . . w. ..luidujH oi.Asneviue, is l wUb w. izi. vvuson. : Mr. Roy Pace of Spartanburg, is spending sveral days with his parents Judge and Mrs. C. M. Pace." Mr. Bennett Randolph of Asheville, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodard left Monday for Florida to remain during the win ter. Mr. Hampton Brown ot Philadelphia, spent the week-end here with his fam ily on 5th avenue. , Mrs. Schenck, of Greensboro, is vis iting her son, Mr. Mr. Michael Schenc. Mr. C. H. Shover of Charlotte, was a visitor here Saturday. Dr. Mallett of New York, is spending the winter at Laurelhurst on 5th ave. Mr. Frank Smith of Fletcher was among those atending court here this week. Judge M. . H. Justice is in Hender sonville for two weeks presiding over the present term of Superior court for the trial of civil cases. Prof. T. W. Osteen of Asheville. was in the -city Wednesday. Mr. Wiltshire Griffith has returned from Greensboro, where he went to b examined with other officers of the Coast Artillery Corps. Mrs. J. T. Crane, who has been vis iting her son, Mr. T. J. Crane, at Pel -zer, S. C, has returned. During her absence of two weeks she visited her brother, Mr. T. J. Beacham in Green--wood. Mrs. Josephine Fuller and two chil dren, who have been visiting the for mer's sister, Mrs. T. R. Barrows, left Saturday for her home in Ohio. Mr. W. C. Ward, of Saluda was In town Wednesday. Mr. John C. Ward of Zirconia was i ntown this week. Mr. J. H. Lamb of Horace was in the city Wednesday, in attendance upon court. . ' ' V? N order to will give you your choice for half and less than former price. The Quality Shop never tarries stock from one season to another. r ESTEliN CAROLINA DEMO CK AT AD ''- Mulliax-Sliipman. . . Miss Janie . Shipman, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. Perry Shipman of th Zirconia section, and Mr. Lewis Mui llax of Asheville, were married at the home o fthe bride's parents this week. A sumptuous dinner was served to the many invited guests and the new-' lyweds left for Asheville their fur home. . Rev, . J. C. Ward officiated. ' Hear the Graphophone play "All Night Long" at Shepherd's Furniture Store. Adv. " . IN MEMORIAL. - Mrs. J. H. Freeman, wife of the lato J. H. Freeman, departed this life on October , 1913 in the 86th year of her age. She reared a large and de lected family of children, only four oi whom survive. Those are Hon. J. B. Freeman of Chimney Rock and A. B Freeman of Hendersonville, and Mrs. R. Ashworth and Mrs. P. 6. Frea man, both of Fairview, N..C. Mrs. Freeman had been a consistant and devoted member of the Baptist church since early in life. She was a devot ed wife and affectionate mother and a kind neighbor. Since the death of her husband a few years ago, -she has been unde rthe immedi ate eare of her son, J. B. Freeman, and his family. They did all in their power to make her declining years comfortable and pleasant. The funeral service was held in th Fruitland Baptist church, after which the body was placed by the side of her husband and children in the Fruitland cemetary where it will quietly rest till the trumphet sounds which is to wake to life the slumbering dead who have died in Christ. Then it will come forth transformed and glorified to meet the Lor dand dwell in hi3 presence forever. "How bright it wijl be in that beauti ful land So free from all sorrow and pain, With crowns on our heads and harps in our hands To meet one another again." A. I. JUSTICE. HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY. Invitations will be issued shortly tr. the birthday party to be given by th ladies of the Hospital association a' the home of Mrs. Chas. R. Whitaker on November 20 for the benefit of the window is being maintained each Sat urday at Rowe and Zimmerman's Book j store. 1 f Peo E amlk close out ONE .' DOLLAR .EACH.. D FKESCH BROAD JJUSTLER. ... ' " ' '' Ml . I ...l.l..., I. I I Mi.. . ,.. . l .. ..I I I II . I - I . SUPERIOR COURT CONYENES. Judge Justice Presiding Over Twa Weeks of Civil Court. Superior court for the trial of civil cases convened here Monday with Judge M. H. Justice of Rutherford ton presiding. ' ' The first week of the court will come as the regular session, the fol lowing week being a special term. An extended calendar with a num ber of interesting cases has been pre pared for trial, there, being many cit izens from various sections of the county in attendance. Hear the Graphophone" play "All Night Long", at Shepherd's. Furniture Store. -Adv. WORK OF SPECIAL SESSION. EDITORIAL. .' On the whol6, the special session of 'the Legislature, called by Governor Craig to receive the report of the Constitutional Commission and de devise ways and means for a settle ment of the freight rate controversy, did well. Nothing the people expect ed it to do was left undone. The pro position secured by the Corporation Commission from the railroads, relat ing to inter-state rates was accepted on the advice of the Governor. But the Assembly did not stop with this concession from the carriers. A strin gent law was enacted for the" regula tion of intra-state rates, with neces sary machinery to guarantee its en forcements Goverrr Craig and a special commission to be selected by him willj; endeavor to correct any al.uses that may appear to exist in the matter of i intra-state shipments. To enumerate:. The recent session of the General Assembly was in session exactly twenty days. During this time 497 bills and nineteen resolutions were en rolled and ratified. The principal measures passed are: The bill submit I ting nine amendments to the consti ; tution ; (these will be voted on by tha people at the next general election.) resolution accepting inter-State freight rate proposition offered by the car j riers; bill reducing intra-state freight . rates and providing a special commis sion to investigate the claims of the railroads that the rates proposed are : confiscatory; an act to provide the Corporation Commission with a rate expert and other clerical assistance; the measure providing for the opening and maintenance, for a year, of the State school for the feeble-minded, lo every hat ilistler Want phone 6: c WANTED Position as Double Entry . bookkeeper' on or before Jan. 1st. . Employed," desire change. 6 years experience. Al references. Ad dress "Nell" care Democrat." 11-13-lt Hear the Graphophone play "All Night. Long" at Shepherd's Furniture Store. Adv. WANTED Chestnut Cord Wood Green or deadened. Write Union Tanning Company, Old Fort, N. C. 10-30-3tp LOST Tan hand purse containing gold bar pin, five dollar gold piece, two paper dollars, pair gloves and five letters. Liberal reward if re turned to .Mrs. Stradley at the Gables, phone 206. 10-30-ltp If Manning H. Jars is in or near Hen dersonville please cummunicate as soon as possible at St John's Hotel, room 31, with his father G. H. Jurs who has a pleasing message from Mr. King. 10-23-4tp FOR the Best Kindling Wood in the city, Ring 42, city. 10-23-4tp WANTED Irish Potatoes and onions, Highest cashwice paid. ;Blue Ridge Fruit & Produce Co. . 10-9-tf. FOR the Best Kindling Wood in the city, Ring 42, city. . 10-23-4tp cated at Kinston; an actto work con victs on public roads instead of rail roads; a supplementary omnibus ap propriation bill carrying an allowance of $43,000 for improvements and main tenance of certain of the State's charit able institutions.s -In addition to tbe above, various classes of local legislation was enact ed. The charters of many towns were amended, justices of the peace appoint ed, churches Incorporated, bond issues authorized, throwing saw dust in cer tain streams prohibited and mistakes made at the regular session corrected. The' number Of local laws enacted is greatly in excess of that of any pre vious short" session convened in many years and the participants certainly have "a brief record of activity to their credit. The seventeen working days were replete with interest and excite Ruffling and . New Neckwear Ml quic we kly PAGE FIVE PHONE 6 I PHONE G FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Is land Red Pullets. Prices from $1.05 to $2.00 each. Address P. O. Box i31, or phone 248. 11-13-ltc FOR SALE Twenty Poland China 'and Berkshire pigs on December 1st at $3 per head. Address J. H. Lamb, Horace, N. C. . , . WANTED We will pay highest mar ket prices for turkeys at once. ; 3. , Maxwell & Co. ' 11-13-ltc WANTED A Man Cook. Must fee reliable, good wages. Phone 26Q3 Fruitland Institute, Fruitland, N. C f 9-25-tf. FOR SALE Pure bred white Leghorn Cockerells at $1.00 each also tw very fine young cocks for $2.50 each. Apply to R. W. Brown, Etowah, N. C R. F. D. No. 1, ; v . 10-23-4tp - FOR SALE--Four head of horses, for--cash or on time. All good stock. -... Too many on hand for winter seasom. . 10-16-tf ORR & ANDREWS. FOR SALE A nice home at FraitlanS $r school, eight rooms, 'nearly threes - acres. Address T. H. Posey, Ward, S. C. 10-15-4tc . FOR SALE One J. W. Miller Incuba tor, capacity 120 eggs. Practically new.' A bargain. Apply J: P. Pat-' ton. Flat Rock. N. C. . 4-17.tfc ment. The members assembled in the capitol for action and there were few dull moments during their, sojourn in. the' capital city. The work of the special session i now history . and time alone can re veal its value to the State. Thepub-' lie appears to be kopeful of the results accomplished and for this there is abundant cause. - We would' advise the . Waynesvitle Courier that 'Hendersonville has more than one street car as stated in last week's paper in giving an .account of a street car acbiderit In this citv. -TTft have two carbines, and Hendersonvilta extends Editdr Wilson a cordial invi tation .to run over 'and acquaint him self with the finest and most rapidly growing town in Western North Caro lina. ; " . . i - F .PI A VSTS) -1 i i . t. -. ..; ;-. -v. -. ' - - : : ; ; ; ; : : ; : ; ; ; ; ;