i UUADE JiSED NE1YS 1)F 10TH f PERKINS ADVOCATES i v; j; ; HENDERSON COUXTY FAIR. v .- evlevr of ith latest Imoortant HapV Says Sentiment is Growing fr Fair ; ' y .- iiext Tear and Assureis His - . i State any ran penins of Thirteen Surround- F -v. . .- I fir YoiiE i County Edwa Manufacturers m Few-iswtmnK vuuamg over dersonviile Mercantile ."Go. ; Buy direct from Manuf actarer's TiwroughUs To year own canning, 12 dollar buy 8 you 48 can outfit from us. Write us and ; we will call on you Steam Engines, Saw mils, Gasoline Engines, 'Cresm Separators; Canning 3 Outfits, Electric Lighting Plants tor the fsrinersand boardis 'houses in the country. Can sell you any tiling you 7ant in Steam or Farm ; R.H. H. CARSON Ofiover J. O. ;olliam3 Store. Blacksmith v Wagons and Carriages Hardware t - Wood's Seefls. i late Seefl Potatoes June and -early i n July is the best time for planting for the fall crop for winter use. Our stocks are specially selected Seed Potatoes, put ; in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. Book your orders early, to he sure ' of getting the varieties you desire Write for Wood's Crop Special giving prices, and timely informa tion about all Seasonable Seeds. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richcond, Va. We are headquarters for Cow Peas, German Millet, Soja Beans. Crimson Clover and all Farm Seeds Write for prices. - U2DI6ESTIOH DVEBGOHE Overcome fey Simple Remedy. .Hurtled and careless habits of eat ing, irregular meals .and foods that do not .harmonize, tend to weaken the digestive organs " and result j. in different "forms of stomach trouble. If yon ;are one of the nnfartunateff Who iha.vs drifted , into this 'Condition, cat simple foods only; alowly, regu larly anfl take VinoL our delicious cod lirer .anfl. lron;.tonlou-":;;.:.ri: .Mrs. JK. J. Smith, Thomasrflle, Go Bays: Z suffered from a istomacli trouble, rwias tiredV-lworn'ctat and ner vous. A friend advised xae to take Vinol. JMy jiomach trouble oon dis appeared .and now I eat heartily And nave a. perfect digestion and I wish every tired, ;eak;woman:(Conld have VinoL or J never spent any money la my Jit that did me .so irmch good." The recovery of -Mm 'Smith was 5ue to the -combined action of the medicinal elements of the- cods livers aided hy the Wood making and strength creating , properties of ionic iron, which are contained in VInoL We will return the purchase money every time .Vinol , falls to benefit. - P. S. Our Saxo Salve stops ifch "Jg and begins healing at once. fleets Hen. machinery JL DR. A. H: Morey : las the assistance of Dr. W. H. Vander TiT?rten. a graduate from ahe Atlanta cntcl collego and fresh from practice to Durham, N. C. , - He will have asge of Dr. Morey's offic, .'hile the latter takes a much needed rest, order fed by his physician. Dr. Vander Lin den's credentials are in class Al, and Morey solic'ts your confidence, as- ui ed by his accustomed responsibility. . '.;'-v' ' ing Counties. . Through the work of the Greater "Western North. Carolina association Sylva has bright prospects of Securing a Macon, Ga., summer. camp' school. - President A. C. Reynolds of the Cul lowhee Normal and Industrial, -school will deliver the president's address of the North Carolina Teachers' assem bly in Raleigh this week, which will be heard by a nuniber ot teachers arid school superintendents in this section; The union meeting of Jacksoq coun ty will be1 held with Shoal Creek church oa Friday. -Saturday and Sun-' flay. of this week. . !i The fifth annual 'convention of the Buncombe Couifty Sunday school asso ciation was held in the Sand Hill high school last week. The next Knuua meeting will be held in Black Moun tain. - V " 'Government officials for several day3 : have been "purging the Indian pay rolls in Cherokee county to determine who is 'entitled to draw pensions. ; . 'The second imonthly report of tbe; Henrietta graded school shows - an - at tendance of 92 per icentof -enrollment. Themext meeting of the teachers "of McDowell 'county will be Jield:inlMa-r rion on December IS. . iMt. -"Mitchell Camp No. 13,590, Mod ern Woodmen of America, has been installed at Black Mountain. The thirteenth semi-annual , meeting. oi the 20th district, I. O. O. F., was held with the Jacobi lodge at Dellwpod last.wek." . vC. -C. Bailey, charged 'With -shooting Decatur Saffles, in the lower end of Cherokee county some weeks argo, was cquitted before Judge" Ferguson in the Superior -court of Cherokee last week. .Mrs. McHone of Balsam accidentally discharged a shotgun as she was put ting it under the bed in her home last week, tearing off her hand and put ting 19 shot in the leg of her seven year old son, according to a special to the Western -Carolina Enterprise. The .Piedmont Electric company of Asheville is installing a wireless sta tion on top its Patton avenue build ing. - A band of West Asheville women have organized . a - society for the bet terment of the schools of that rapidly growing suburb of Asheville. The Asheville Choral society has been organized with a membership of 40 for the benefit of the musicians of the city. In the first city election of West Asheville, A. L. Bright . was elected mayor and the foUowing. men selected as members of the board of aldermen W. JE. BritL vW. .V. Felmet, Dr. J. G. Anderson, H. A. Brown and J. Cling man Penland. S. L. .Rogeis of - Macon county, who managed Senator Simmons' campaign last year, is atllast coming in for a lit tle newspaper space and indications point to. his appointment to some good position at an warly date Fred Fore of West Asheville has been arrested m a charge of white slaneijy; x - ' ' --.-L-H' The hookworm dispensaries are be ing Iteld in Swain county .and out of 327 people examined 219 were found to be anfected. f ..'''.". i. " Canton people were impressed last week wtth a drove f'Over 'SO turkeys marching through the streets en route ASbeVille,. where they were slawrghtered Xor Thanksgiving. The ' Citizens of Old Fort have or-gaaized.-a haard of rtrae with the fol lowing ofllcers: F. M. Bradley, chair nn; J. A. Lowry, treasurer; JL H.x Greene, secretary; and T- H. Goshorn, asslstajit. -,": ; f. . , ; .' ' ; " Miss Katheline Allen, aged 62 -years, died at her Canton - home last week. She was a member , of a prominent Haywood county family, r' " . . - ' The 1914 session of the Methodist Protestant Episcopal church of North Carolina conference will be held in Asheville next year. . ; , Saluda authorities are preparing to extend the water and sewer lines prac tically all over, the town when every house in the incorporation will be re quired to make 'connections. I - ' We are still open f of additional timelv suegesUons on how to improve the Hustler-Democrat.; ' Silence on this subject on the part of our subscribers is taken to mean that they are getting the worth of. their money, and then County Farm Demonstrator E. . Perkins at the request of the Hustler- J Democrat has prepared an article on the possibilities and needs of a Hen derson county fair for next year and tne same is - given below tor the thoughtful consideration of the farm ers of the county and all others inter ested in the subject of a fair and im proved agricultural oonditions. . . Mr. Perkins r stated to a representa ative of the Hustler-Democrat; that sentiment is. growing , stronger from week to week in various sections of the county for a fair in Hendersonville 'tdssx yeari , "While the Blue Ridgejair at Dana has done a 'splendid work, in the immediate community, Mr. Perkins finds that the people of the county as a whole are inclined to believe that it is merely, a community project and therefore are not much interested in the fair at that place. The farmers, he states, want to have a county fair, centrally located in Hendersonville. Mr.'Perkins also stated that he had been assured by the promoters of the Dana fair that they would gladly co operate and .direct efforts towards making, a representative fair for the county in Hendersonville next year. Mr. Perkins has given considerable thought to this important work and as sures the Hustler-Democrat that he will do everything in "his power to make -the fair a success, knowing Hhat it will have a marked influence upo the farmers in stimulating them to adopt more modern farming methods. He is talking the subject with the farmers over the county and in near ly every section, he states, sentiment is favorable for a fair. In addressing the people of Hender son county and especially the farmers, Mr. Perkins has the following to say: Is there any man who can make his way through this world without the help of other men?Is there a man in Henderson county too selfish to help his neighbor? Is there any body in Henderson county who does not profit by the good doings of his neighbor. How does it make you feel to pass on oi your neighbor farmers and see him growing better corn, better wheat, bet ter potatoes? How does it maKe you feel when your friends make a success with clover and peas? There has never been such a day as the present for the farmers. The prices are high on every thing a farm er ;an raise. When farmers put'first class goods on the market they get the money. As long as we do not spray our apples, as long as we do not cure our wheat of smut, as long as we put on the market an inferior product we can not hope to get high prices How are we going to find out who is dcing the best farming in the country? It is the nature of every energetic man tc never let his equals beat him at any thing.. In the position I hold, I take the au thority to say that Henderson county can have as good a fair as any county in Western North Carolina. I have traveled the county from limit to limit and I find an abundance of good live stock, plenty of fancy grains, apples, garden products, and the homes are gorgeously supplied with pantry deli cacies, v - 'V ', -. I have talked with a great many men of the county and I find them willing to help make a great county fair in Hendersonville next fall. The farmers of Henderson county do not have time to travel over the coun ty and see these things. It only takes about three days from your work and just a little trouble to bring an exhibit Of some. kind,. Can you as an enthusi astic and progressive fanner of Hen derson" county afford to come out to this fair, meet. your, friends and tell tbem that you were too lazy to pre pare an exhibit? ; ;'; Now a very small thing on the part cf each individual; of this county can make a great fair. Lets begin to pre pare fpr the fair now. I believe that I .am voicing the sentiment of nearly every individual of Henderson county in this. ' - . : .- - . " . - -i E. Li. PERKINS, Farm Demonstrator. SUMMER CHOQL FOR SYLTA. C. E. Bruce and Jordan H. Stanford, prominent Georgia instructors, will ac cept the proposition recently made bv residents of .. SyWa to sell them the Sylva fair grounds and adjoining pro perty for a summer scnooi. Tne aeeas for the property under consideration will be signed and delivered within the very near future and it is expected that the work on this, summer, school, which it is believed will mean a great deal to Western North Carolina, will te started about the first of February. The property is admirably situated for. a summer scnooi ;emg weu uiwucu. having good-eievatlon and boasting of excellent climatic advantages and water facilities. - And. W. l'KOGRESSIVE WORK OF THE METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. A, L. Stanford Reviews Work of Two Years' Pastorate at the Hendersonville Church. The following contribution by Rev. A. L. Stanford Stanford, who has just closed his second year's pastorate over the Hendersonville Methodist church, to the North Carolina Chris tian Advocate will doubtless be of in- terestto a number of Hendersonville people who are interested in the pro gress of religious work "in this city: "As we are now closing our second year's pastorate at ' Hendersonville, perhaps a few lines would be of in terest to some. This town has the distinction of being one of the most beautiful places in all this great Wes tern North Carolina.. The town is steadily- growing and- will some day in the not far distant future be one of our very best little cities.' The spiritual interests of the church have not been lagging. We have been 'trying to make the church keep pace with the material progress. This has, been a busy year with me. In addition to our own people we have thousands of peo ple who spend either a part or all the summer here, lany of them- attend church and expect and appreciate pas toral oversight so this greatly in ci eases the duties and responsibilities of the pastor. It is a pleasure to- preach to such" crowds of the most spiritual and cultured from many of leading churches throughout our Meth odism; V ; ; . V' .- . ' V 'As to bur own home proper I can truthfully say we have many of the choicest and best This is a splendid church; Many of them constitute the, very; salt of the earth. This church is supporting Rev M. B. StQkes in Corea besides some "specials." ' All . the claims - will be paid i.n full.. At our last quarterly conference this church did-the wise and good thing of voting to help some of the weaker charges in the country- While they are entirely foreign missionary in spirit, they are not forgetting the "home base," but the acting upon the truth, that "the light ; that shines - farthest shines hrighest at home .' " "Let me speak' pf the really great revival which we have just closed. Dr. Chas. W. Byrd was. with us nine days ! and did "some - of the best gospel J preaching it has been my privilege to i hear. He Is logical, Scriptural, spirits ual and sympathetic, in his1 -preaching. I He Is mercilessly clear and plain in -rum' im ' . v--'-i.e-T-i 1 . n -, . . FV; mm csoaifleciQioEii me Erowim 1 O - - ... . m Henderson County Tax Collector l'W "r ' ' TvS. Morrison & Son, I Asheville, N. C. his dealing with sin, yet has profound sympathy for the lost - and tenderlv points them to Him, whose blood can make the foulest clean. The attend ance was good both day and night and people heard him gladly. -The church was strengthened and many were con verted. Already..-, I have received thirty-one into the church, with others yet to follow This is a great country and finepeple, N ; OFF TO CONFERENCE. v Rev. A. L. -Stanford, pastor of the Hendersonville Methodist church; F E. Durfee, member of this church, ' A" Cannon of Hdse Shoe, left for Char lotte Tuesday to attend the Western North Carolina conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church. Mr. Durfee and Mr. Cannon are delegates from the 'district conference. At this writ ing W. S. Miller is undecided as to rep resenting the Hendersonville church at the conference.. , There is considerable interest, in Mr. Stanford's' probable 'e, turn, it not being known what' disposi tion will be made of him by the con-' ference. ' , ;V'"- ' .-. 'i BULL ENTERS DRUG STORE. A large animal of the bovine specie.! forsook his comrades and went quietly into Doctor. Medford's drug store last Friday; He entered at the front door and went almost to the rear b the building wnere he stopped to apparent-Nov. O h Jiiiainicd 1 - s r t ly rest and meditate. Theback door was opened so, he; could take his de parture as he was an unwelcome guest and totally incompetent to take charge of the store as a druggist. He' was being pursued by Mr. G. M. Fish and some boys who tried to 'make him pass out at the back door "which he--refused to . do and in trying, to find his way to the front door he ran against the prescription stand turning over and breaking several bottles the1 noise pf ; which so excited,.him that hevbe came very vicious and left the room vehemently shoving and turning over . everything- in his way and at last made his exit at the front door, wiser but sadder and fully persuaded to never again enter another drug store seek ing medicine or employment or for any r other reason whatsoever.-Clyde. Cor. Waynesville Enterprise. V NOTICE.;; , " AH persons are hereby 'notified that the business heretofore conducted by Mrs. Rattle Reed Whitaker under the -name of Whltaker'g Book and Art Store has been sold td W. H Zimmer man and S. Nixon Rowe, and ail busi ness hereafter done will be with them and the said'Hattie Reed Whitaker Is no longer responsible for any transac tion made with the said Whitaker Book and AHr Store. ' AU'-flrms or persons indebted to Whitakers Boo: and; Art store' are requested to settle with Mr. Rowe, - our authorized agent, without delay.- . y ' .r..." ' .v. MRS:HATTIE REED WHTTARER. 5, 1913. ' - .ii-6-4tc ; some. w , ! ,f-in-74 'ti i TTT7I3 bA.Q M ,ftjiIvioa';7fnsn I I - in I