ft oMgM: tare ' deirmg , op3: pff ea Lest AemnaL Embroidered Pieces Make Pretty GIFTS Stylish collar and cuff sets are use ful Christmas remembrancers. Tp-to-Date Cristmas Gift Ruffling for gloves and oaL Millinery Dep't. Our Millinery . Department is recog- nized a sstyle center of this vicinity, and it is chock full of beautiful things for Xmas presents. Veilings in all colors- Ribbons ga- lore, and. we have specialy priced the Hats down so that R don't cost muca to buy a hat here. $10.50 HATS. . ., .00 HATS.... ... 3.00 HATS... ... 7.00 HATS .00 HATS... ... 4.00 HATS...;.-'. S.50 HATS... ... 3.00 HATS., 2.50" HATS. .T . . . 2.00 HATS..... . 1.50 HATS.;... 1.00 HATS;.. ... . . . .$8.9: .... BJS9 .... i9& . . . : i69 . . 2.45 m 19H - 1 i9 m$! ' . White Goods, Linens, Etc. TABLE LINEN. WORTH $1.75 Christmas.. WORTH $1.50, Christmas price.. WORTH $1;25, Christmas price. WORTH $1.00, Christmas price. WORTH 75c, Chritmas price. . . WORTH 50c, Christmas price.. Linen Napkins and Doilies. .$L3!) . it) . 9S . .S9 . .63 . .39 .$4.19 . 3.19 . 23 . 2.18 . . 1.7. . 19 . :39c ..19c WORTH $3.00 Dozen.. .. WORTH $4.00 Dozen.. .. WORTH $3.50 Dozen . . . .' WORTH $3.00 Dozen. . . . WORTH $2.50 Dozen. . WORTH $2.00 Dozen. . .. WORTH $1.50 Dozen.. .. LJNEN Towels 50c . . LIXEN Towels 25c. . . . . . DOiTIWmillG Beautiful Hand bags of Leather Beautiful Hand Bags of real leather and most of them are leather lined, some , are fitted with .mirrors, stamp case, etc., some only coin purse. Sonie have plain metal frames, some beauti f'illy ornamented.'' All arrived recent ly by express. The price3 range from $1.06 to $10.00. V Pretty CREPE de CHINE SCARFS' iu plain and Persian-Colors. Plain color Suisine SilkKnitted, scarfs, etc!, many kinds and prices." ' ' ' ID GLOVES ARE ALWAYS A PrRE. HATED AT CHRISTMAS. THIS 'SALE OFFERS YOU -SPLENDID VALUES' IN XMAS w" I I i ALE T Sh Shoes ! oes Our Shoe Department has contribu ted liberaly to the. great' collection of bargains for this sale. Many lines of the season's best styles have been put on the bargain tables. Your particu lar style and size is sure to be among .. them. : : ' MEN'S $4.00 Shoes..... MEN'S $3.50 Shoes. t . . ; MEN'S $3.00 Shoes..... MEN'S $2.50 Shoes.. . MEN'S $2.00 Shoes ...... BOYS' $3.00 Shoes. . . . . BOYS $2.00 Shoes... ... BOYS' $1.50 Shoes... .. . BOYS, $1.25. Shoes. . .. V BOYS' $1.00 Shoes. . . . . WOMEN'S $4.00 Shoes.. WOMEN'S $3.00 Shoes . V WOMEN'S $2.50 Shoes. . WOMEN'S $ll50 Shoes.. MISSES $3.00 Shoes.. : MISSES' $2.50 Shoes . ".. . MI SSES' $2.00 Shoes. . MISSES' $1.50 'Shoes.. . MISSES' $1.25 Shoes. . . MISSES $1.00 Shoes.. ... 2J . . . :SA9 . . . 19 ... IJZ$ ... 2.4 ... 1.M ... 1.19 . .. M ... .79 .. ZJttk .. 2.9 1JJ9 2.40 2.19 1.69 l.lt J9H .79 Ti ies Men's beautiful ties in Xmas'boxes, just bought for the Holiday trade, complete line 50c and 25c. ' ',. Ladies' and Misses' Coats Suits A special lot of Ladies and Misses Winter Coat Suits Johnny coats, lori? coats, Children's "Coats, at reduced prices. $25.00 COAT SUITS.. 22.00 COAT SUITS. . 18.00 COAT suits:. 15.00 COAT SUITS. . 13.75 COAT SUITS.. 10.00 COAT SUITS.. 10.00 LONG COATS . , .$19.00 17.50 . . 14.7 ( , . 1L9 . : 9.9S .. 798 , .. 5.00 .: - V. Men's Fine White Shirts A Special Purchase - of Men's and ' Boys' high grade shirt3 has just been received for Holiday selling. Amons them you will find many with white ground and dainty designs in Stripes and figures.' Some are plain whit' bosoms appropriate for present and . Holiday wear. - ' Full run of size In coat styles and:- '.-..40 , otherwise: ; 1M YALUES. . . 1 . . . .. . r.79c SCARFS AND SHAMS ARE EXCEL. LENT REMINDERS OF THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. V. ease 11 Loved les for lot let loi I OF SE Shirting and ( Ginghams Prudent buyers will do well to -take advantage of the many Special Offer ings in this department. . Some lines are limited and can't last for many days, others are here in abundance' for all. Make your selections early' and get the best pickings. , Sea Island Sheeting . . .V : . ft " Calico, Best Grades. . . .. .v . i Apron Gingham. ; . . ........ . . .5c, . Apron Gingham worth 10c 7 1-2 ' : Dress Gingham worth 12 l-2c. ..9 1-2 " Percals worth 10 . 1 . . .... .... 7 12 Hickory Shirting.. ..' .. .. .. ..7 1.2 li12 OuUng worth 10c. .. .. ....9c ; Flannellete worth Oc 1.2 Dress Goods $.19 for Dress Goods worth. ... .$1.5 .98 for Dress Goods worth. . .. - .79 for Dress Goods worth.... 1.00 'V. .39 for Dress Goods worth.. . . JtO Imported Robes pierre Collars Make Stylish Gifts White Lawn. Collars, scalloped edge3 embroidered in neat patterns, assorted, sell 50c piece. - THE THOUGHT OF CHRISTMAS LASTS AS LONG AS THE FANCY BOWS AND NECK PIECES. Crochet Bow , with assorted colored velvet; sell 25c. . . ... . Crochet- Bow with black velvet rib bon; sell' 25c. , mitm BeautifuL Useful Xmas Gifts No season in the history of our bus ,'iness. has seen a niore complete and attractive collection of pretty Novel ' ties for Christmas Gifts for alL ' Come during this special display sale and bring the little ones and en- Joy with them .the Christmas spirit of iur store. . You'll really be delighted ' with trie" many, many approbate gift .-'suggestions we've been collecting for " months, some from one manufacturer, . some from another,' some fom Import ers and jobbers, not hurriedly but with greatest care, stlectlng "only .what ' we . Knew would delight the hundreds or cur patrons,, young, and old. : ; c ; r ; A O NA E T7. imi ftpi - l iniil Ready-To- SPECIALS For Ladies' $4.00 SWEATERS 3.00 SWEATERS. . . . .'; .50 SWEATERS 2.00 SWEATERS. ..... i 50 SWEATERS. . . . . . 1 1.25 SWEATERS. I . . . . 1.00 SWEATERS. . ... . . 1$ 00 Ladles Long Coats . ..$2.3 . . 29 . . lS .. 1.69 .. 1J29 ... .98- V. skirts and waists at Bro ee- ductiojt. Jewelry is Always an acceptable Present. BEAUTY PINS, 10c, 25c and 50c. VEIL PINS, 25c and 50c. JABOT PINS, 25c and 50c. v ..: . . BELT PINS 25c and 50c. Of course it would be impossible to display in one day all of the many SPECIAL BARGAINS to be offered in this sale, so we add each day as many , new ones as is possible, thus offering f T nose in Boxes Ladies and . Childrens 50c hose 41c: 25c hose 21c; 15c hose 11 cents. Men and Boys' hose for -'41c; 25c hose 21c; 15c hose- llc. . Ladies' Silk Hosp 50c, 39c.' -Ladies' Wool Hose, a. big value at 21c. Men's SilkJIose with tie to ..match put up in beautiful Xmas box $1.00. ' Men's 75c and 50e , tie will be priced . 19c, 39c and50c. Fuster Brown Sox, 4. pairs guaranteed . 4 months, $1.00. ' v : -, Ladies' and Childrens' Buster Brown Hosiery, put up in Christmas boxes I- tour pairs for $1.00.; - , . Winsome Styles of Christmas NECKWEAR nut up in single boxes make apprecia tire Gifts. Underwear 1 rn T JSnn r J T L $1.19. $1.00 kinds 89c ; . . ; : -I ; - 41c. 25c kind 21c - -50c Misses-Union Suits 41c 25c kind 21 cents. $1.00 Men's Wool Shirts and Pants 89 cents. ' x $1.00 Wright's Spring Needle 89c i : 50c Spring Needle 39c ' EOc Boys Union Suits 41c 25c Boys' Shirts andpants 21c USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL HAND KERCHIEFS LACES. New and Attractive Specials daily. Come every day,-take plenty of time to see all. Some of the goods values can't last all through the sale, while others are here In abundance." AH lines carry fully the big standard maintained" by us in everything we sell. .' S- ? N .., For Thursday, Friday and Saturday we have arranged many week-end ! ' - : - ' : .' specials too numerous to mention all, but with time and space we . could state many others you would appre ciate just as much as these. Handkerchiefs for Christmas gifts There Is imre handkerchiefs sold for Xmas presents than any other ono thing and we have bought the best as sortment we have ever bad. Beautiful all linen handkerchief s" Sc. ' . - " " 1 ' It Is almost . impossible , to, describe 'all-tjie ;.diffr!Bt' kinds of handker chiefs we have for the Xmas selling,' some put up in nidividual boxes, some vith dainty.; edging and Initials, ; 5c, 10c, 2 for 25c, 19c, 25c and 50c. . , SPECIAL HANDKERCHIEFS' LINEN ' FOR CHRISTMAS. Handkerchief Linen, 12 yard pieces for . 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00.; - : V GIFTS ! 1 1 1 u l B iuuu If B y u luiiu I , . ... . . ... .-. " ii 1 1 ii i v w rr n. n if CcDo irjinmiF(0)iiOTl O " The QUALITY STORE 99 F. Z' MORRIS, Manager " The DUALITY STORE J' c ) VLj ' J