S9 Realize-tbfifeJfejRsvj fco Sara" You also realize that the bt yay to save is to - losit m a tJank aep v:'ii' ! :;Vf - We have anticipated this question. If you .will call at our bank, we are prepared to offer you proors, snowing that the 1 if v " The First Bank & Trust Go; Is the Place for your Deposits Capital and Surplus; j$i56d6jOO , . - . i ov r:r: thirsts . jj:;r.-.Tl-c:l ;;; r THLKjars ox industries. (9?u?di.froia pa&e Two.) the i)est interests .of all concerned ' The 'matter of location would be easily solved.1-:" :-- -i y Otobor Problem Simplified, Alley-want good labor;- contented and satisfied-to-work--at-good wages and ;to i make t. their ; homes therein T.ye' seveh grade at. thlr- efjilgh.. intelligence .trustwnrthv anrt I. ' . .. . - - - -.. - God fearirie:W who malrft Htu ieeu yeai? OI ager others faU of pro- teiwJ?''laW;bIem'larie of the 1 motIoa and find themselves not in the greatest" that - the manufacturing inte r ' seventh grade at fourteen but In .: the sts; najre.-tQ;deaL- twith, : and.: whicb fifth or sixth. " This we call retard wouia oe simpiinea in ims section in I tion.'- my opinion. lairOHT OF .RETARDATION.- - : AND ELIMINATION OF PUPILS. ' . - Flat Bock School Reports on in Ef fects of Xon. Attendance at School. - - Some Interesting Statistics. 1 Most of" our children enter the first grade at six or seven years.. Some of them are promoted from year to year 98bL",,V : We Are Shovirig CO CO CODERATE ; IN PRICE ATJ0MPPY IN STYUi W J. DATIS. President. E. G. HOUBIS. Tlce.Pres. S. G;rM0DES,1A8s1stMtJCa P. F. PATTON, Tice-Pres. J.? MACKEHODES, Caih!r.r . i-' ... ii a . .. . -v n l , - Climatic conditions are of the best. NO- extremes, and labor, can be em- ployed the whole' year round with thi inery best of results. Team Work Necessary. vmue.wnoie, we nave resources tnat are unequalled for thjs particu lar development, and I am sure that the" large majority of our people will agree that What' we now need is to get our bi-airifest" and shrewdest leaders to take nold of this matter and by lead- frig in the right channels, we can get fihotilder to shoulder and work out Something that - will be of material beflefit in "stating this class . of develop 'ment,- which" we-stand so sorely in need of, as well as other industries, that will make big pay rolls. The evil effects of this are readilv seen when we think ot a bov studvine and reciting withthe kids as he com-' moniy terms it, while on the Dlav ground he is with the more advanced pupils. This gets " him out of sorts and discourages him; and the final) outcome is not hard to imagine. At the first opportunity he leaves school with just the bare mechanics of read ing and an incomplete knowledge. of the four - f undamenta 1 operations of arithmetic. t I have endeavored to find the causes for this as they are here and then seek a remedy or whatever remedies seem applicable. But before we seek a remedy let us examine the .causes that would lead, to such an outcome as already mentioned 'ThW-'myrst offense along this -i 2Jk a -ea v -. line, and I ak-the , pardon of thl edi- J5u1Sb? f "by; grade. rtirii VoWaf Ki4 hf i mZ were f0und to be as follows: i; tor and reading public, But If my fee-, Wrx .a. t1 . nA - . . NEW NECKWEAR v i HA Also New Line of Fancy Work You are Invited to See Our V : New Stock o b mm Quality Shop rr i SflfSS i it r.4 t E. W. EWBANIL President, ' F. A. BLY 1st Vice President F. A. EWBANK, 2nd Vice President : C. E. BROOKS, Cashier. ' '. E. H. DAVIS, Asst Cashier. One of the oldest arid foremost business men of this city has re cently informed us that a friend of his to whom he suggested the advisability of doing business with ou r bank replied that, he could, not do business with us for the reason that we of WANTED THE WHOLE EARTH" (!) asi security when w undertook to make a loan.0 We are s6rry that this gentleman takes-' this view of, .our. policy of elacting-ample security for uthe i money we loan as we would like to serve him WHOEVER HE IS but, unfortunately, the money we lend doesnot belong torus and while we may-appear to him to-, be over-careful, in- our; exactions of . security we are con strained bx the responsibility we are uxuler. : to our - DEPPSITORS, whom we represent in these transactions;; to pursue a policy In these5 matters vthat''eari; leave! mxi 'doubt in our. minds that :we-have protected their money in the. most ample manner r - : -f; It is thus thatwe feel,secur.e in jour, guarantee of 4 peY cent'palcTotf ,9, 1)1 i 1 T DON'T1 be Dependent on any one for your Christ mas Money . Join Our Ghrist mas Savings Club. You will have Ninety others to keep you company. Two cents opens the account. The Peoples -Mional; Ep! Erownlow Jackson, President CS. Fullbright, Cashier. - " - V f Friday and Sa larch A full line of ; New? Creations opeii for Your Inspection ;; nIICC TYI 17 . .- 0. ji.iioEanT& totc;- HATS and'GLOVES1 Dyemf PM Colors Opposite Court House Telephone 399-J ble -efforts "can get the thinking minds to working along this line, and get some concerted7-effort, we will all be ariVply felpaid. - How to Start Ball Boiling. As asuggestiori: The - Community club nbw' s'eems to be the Clearing House' of ideas : and matters of. ad vancement; and I would suggest tbp-t at the next meeting of the club, a com mittee be appointed to take up this specific- matter," and investigate as to the probability of securing an enter- First grade 11 boysand7. girls. Second grade, 3 boys and 3 girls. Third grade, 2 boys and 5 girls; Fourth grade, 4 boys and 1 girl. Fifth, grade, 1 boy. and 0-girls. Sixth grade. 5 boys and 1 girl. Seventh grade, 2r boys and p girls Eighth grade. 0 boys and 0 girls. Ninth-grade, 0 boys and 0 girls. Total 28 boysM7. girls. Total of all 45 or 20 per cent of alL 24 per cent of all boys and 15 per cent or an gins. The average attendance of these re- &,J$n? fx Sr- V-tm was for the flrat Erade boys tinle later: This will start the ball to rolling, arid if it- goes like a snow ball, will result In gathering to itself some pay rolls. : ' " JNO. T. WILKINS; March 5, 1915. ' CITY C03IMISSI0NEES FACE THE 1 USUAL NUMBER PERPLEXITIES. 86 days or 54 per cent of . the time,: girls 91 days or 57 per cent of time. Second grade boys, 72 days or 45 per cent or me time, gins days or 73 per cent of time. . Third grade boys 54 days or 33 per cent of the: time, girls 59 days or37 per cent of time. Fourth grade boys 32 days or 20 per cent of the time,' girls 109 days or 68 per cent of time. Fifth grade boys 30 days or 21. per cent of the time, girls 00 days or 00 per cent of time. Sixth grade 'boys and girls, 60 days .1 Incinerator, Concrete Bridges, Bejrts- , tration, Water Supply and Tales r Receive Cdnslderatlon; The city' commissioners in monthly number or important mauerB,w ,SyeBth gjade - .byst and girls.,50 hem being, that of a city prison, no d&7 OT Z2 cent otihe time . water' works, concrete bridges over - grad ooyVaud girls: 70 days lauq vreeK,,mcjneraujr. Bua or 43per cent of the time. tion'for municipal election. . -itasi foundahat?the retardation T. w. vaientme appears uuo wa!i greatest -i Uutbe nwt ..and;, sixth feoard and. asked for co-operation ror ,3. there beIng about eo per cent the;wciatedcharities asa, result 0j ngraae T retarded and'55" per of which ' Mayor;. Shepherd was ap cent-0 the' sixth A grade; All other pointea-Dy tne poara ;w gradee ranged from tnis-to nothings city. in tne. enanty wors. - . ; u 4aaem thtiUinjioo case 0iasiatrft 1 Dr. IxB. Morse asked for a fije plus peater. attended, as vmuch as. 75 per la...the,..YicinAtycbt nls':aaritttorit. cent of tne 'umV which mearis ;that Tne request was reierreo w-w-r jthey were trying to' do the "Impossible ana sewer, cuimmiicc work1 less itnan-7& per cent of the . ,.Mn Bailey; and Mr. Justice were in- time and;get .the required 75-per . cent striicted to investigate the matter or of pay Rut now qt this nonrat- a uwwcu.Dcnc ""ir" ,'T , "itenaance was ine scnooi, tne teacner ana o etudTim w. . --o land tne no.me..responsiDie. uertainiy to bcwci -o.p. .. . Wants Citr Prison. pfttrolirien - Thompson' - mentioned the need of a city prison since all nrlanners are keDt in the county jail tja aAvrrAiA the erection of a bastile to the rear of the city hall. The mat tor wn referred to Mr. Freeman and Mr. Justice. Morris Orr was granted a permit to erect a five room cottage on Bun combe street. Street Garbage Cans. Dr. J Frank Cranford was author fzM to eive J. V. Helsel Instructions to construct a sample garbage can. ft ia the desire of Dr. Cranford to the schools' were' riot-responsible un less it could be in the cours of study. for - the schools are. better equipped than the average home from which. It draws its pupils. . Granting, that tne teachers are responsible for a part of this, and it cannot be greater than 2 per cent there is 75 per. cent unac counted for- and I feel that the par ents are responsible to that extent; This is borne out by the fact that large number of parents take . their children out of school in early spring and put them supposedly at won; when in reality one man working ten days could do as much as they do u thA two or three months they are out have the. city install a number or cans Qf BCnool TiV- V, xriaxir tn If PP Til DP- 1116 City I A J A Vn finnl niitnnmtk rt Willi. tilS! , W4 r- " A11U LU UUUIG IU IUC LI HOLM. UUt.VJ ' cleaner. I this retardation,, we find the real but Four Concrete Bridges. sad end the elimination, which we Tt was stated that tne county u- fiTw1 o-rpatpst in the sixth and seventh thoHties. desire to co-operation of the ra(ieH At Dresent four or 9 per ce city in the erection of four concrete of alj repeaters have dropped out and bridges , over Mud creek on the Ed- tBat number will very probably be ripvville road. The question 01 cost doubled before the endof the year. and dimensions of bridges was referr- ;. R. A. REED,-Principal prt tivMr. Durham and Mr. Justice, who will co-operate, .with Rpad Superviso" BIG CONTEST AT LIBERTY; P. F Patton with the view to wors- PRIZES WILL BE AWAKDEP. ing out the details and the cost or erecting the bridges. . Liberty Local Union No. 2009 of the New Registration ecessary. r , i f. B. & C; U. of a.- win give an enter- Tt annears, that tne registianuu timment Baturaay, mgm, jviarcno. books of the city have been lost as a. There will be a contest speaking be- npw re ristration. the registrar and Dr0nilnent uniori men offering the Judges ? -of the., election to De nem w prize. . - - Tuesday after the first Monaay m i Following are the contestants. Mnv. be aDnointed at a special Character, by Miss Norine. Brown. mfttin Thursday night of this week Honesty, by Miss Estelle Freeman. The ': registration "books W-ill be open J signing of the 'Declaration of Inde- frnmAtril ,3rd to 24tn, . a mayor auo i nendettce," hy Miss Jennie uTeeman cix commissioners . will be elected. ; I Brother and Sisters, by Miss Beat- i Proposes to Build incinerator. i r 1Ce Brown: 'fheitvris in a quandary as to what I This is only a part of the program, wUh.itA.carbaee. A few years I Drl Few. and Mr. E. U Perkins or agorthe ity bought a garbage farm, Henderson ville will also be present but it hasjouudto be .undesirable for and make an address. Arrarinenaents were I Rvervbodv " invited:" admission 10 ton made to use : some property in i cents. the- northern . . part of the city, but I Money collected to be held in the was. a. storm of complaint about heroine funds w,--rhe commissibners think that JENNIE FREEMAN. an incinerator is. the solution, of the uroblenu but, the cost is another prom-1 e had. found, thirty five acres, twen i ath t flonnected tnerewatu. juj i v..pVP.n nf which ; helonff to J uage oiifnVi"rrtft5roressed the belief that arilip. i. : rpTnainlrif?-ieht : tn hii inespensiTe jricinerator could be buii i g. on which taxes:had not been on;a;fuxnaee order. He beUeves that paid;fjr a xiumber of 'years.l 5 itTjMnldvr bec Constructea- wuu , Mr. . justice was instructed by. the ntR. ne for fuel and one above it L n tafc the usual course in for. '."seasoning or. uruiB--"ithese collections or taxes-iorme pasp eeforeriitf 15. dgposjiteo.-jor .iuei pj three yeare.:- tises. lnnwie.ipwer, grates. : -. . 1 f-,5'.Water evi Mrr Freeze -and Mr. J usuce were i . The. advisability of . boring, wella rrflrrlPi? f a- a committee : to . make 1 nMPJho rAservnlr tn'take care of wa- wjwatttlons reeardihe an incirierator I io - nennipf .iirtni ncoriilrifl: ana report leneif:; ( ---- 8Ummer was mscussea Dut no acuo regular meeting. - -: , . ,- c : was 'taken. ,t u ii !f. a;; a Judsewa's Aaxes. ; I s.Thexmonthly batch of ,bius was rn discussIriS: the subject of taxes, lMSSed - T -V.A.. ur Justice reported that he had made! -.X , ' x " ' a survey of JndgeHQ.Ewarts pfd-1 '"The:Dentocrat '"iibl'ttatteli. pert l. vitniQ the eityr Umits.:and f that ' isri' tt" PROD ere TT? 1 o , We buy and sell produce of all kinds, and pay the highest market price. - ' ' ' --" - You gain nothing by shipningyour produce to other points in small lots. Brins it to us and save the extra time, labor and expense. We pay spot cash. . " Wanted ten bushels greens each day. --tv i ; ) iO ' The Pure Food Store " Phone 103 Phone 103 fTTLt .tin I -mmmm ii n-.l 1.1 mm i , iii. ,i .i i fc .-"-" - . - - - - Bring Prescriptions Here tiZirr.u f,:otin7 fvi'-fi iltw ' '- ' Let us fill the pregcriptions the doctor gives you. We can be wholly relied upon to put them up correctly. We are certain of what we da when we. fill prescriptions. We read the doctor orders carefully and use only.the ingredients he tells us to. We are extremely careful not to make the slightest mistake. This is most important f ' ' . : - - - ' G ALL AMORE DRUG CO. - Phone 62 and 61 CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY IS PLANNEB FOR HENDERSON CO. At DepoL Bemonstrator Perkins Is Working on Plan to Interest Farmers in Pur-" chasing Present Creamery. Farm Demonstrator E. L. Perkins is working up sentiment in favor of con verting the White Pine Creamery into a op-operative creamery in which the farmers of Henderson xounty. will be the principal stockholders.- . Mr. Perkins states that farmers are interested in the project, and he be lleves that if such could be consum mated it would be the means of stim ulating considerable interest in - the dairy business. He "says that he is In formed by the State' ''authorities that Henderson has -"more silos than any other , county -in the State, which ia evidence that . the farmers are: pre- pared for, the dairy business. REPORT ON COUNTY HOME. - New Management Makes Report of County Home Work for Past Year. J. H. Johns.oji, manager of the coun ty home, made the following report to the county commissioners last week: . - - e The Amount of. produce grown on the farm for the year 1914. 13 1-2, bushels of wheat and rye at 90c, $12.15'; 20 bushels cow peas at $2.75, $55.00; 1500 lbs . hay at $1 00, $15.00 ; .' 2,000 bundles of fodder at $2.50, $50.00; .2,233 bundles of tops at $2.50, $55.92;. 100 T bundles of can fodder at' $2.50 $2.50;; cane seed, $10.00 ; 536 'bushels corn' at. 80 cents. $428.30; 31 gallons mola?scs at 50c. $15.50; 122 pounds of pork at 12 l-2c $1.40 ; cabbage, potatoes- beans .to- matoes fruit, Jelly to - the amoynt.of Mr. Perkins thinks ' that such a $75.00; produce sold for cash, $194.42. movement would also encourage pig and 'poultry - clubs among the young people. : -The.- skimmed milk, ,he : say s would make - the finest; kind of food for pigs and chickens and theiriilk collectors "on the various routes could daily 'gather the eggs for whiclr.tho creamery- would alwaya find a: good and; ready market since thehen fruit w,ould efresher than that brought. tcf town at long intervals' 'iif Perkins thinks that the-'cream ery - could - bev made - quite, a financial success ittJtselfc andV.tha It; wfuld M a, great boon. to the airy, poultry, ana hog raising interests in the courity" ClROLIlfA- SPECIAL INCLUDED IN A ,OTW tALLiJSaiEEL JBAINS, . The Carolina . Special, is included among the eight - through; passenger trairis of the Sutherriallwa'1reeeiff. lyHBOuInped-srith aUfiteeU efetrt!! ligMed . i of tthe,: mos.qrodOT 4deJ alm. 5T cars Just having recentiy.Deen received froin the blinder afldf placed into serviced -tK 1 The steel-frame cars,- formerly: used: iotai, ?iu&4.04. Expenses, paid out for the year 1914, $1368.95. Approved, March 1st. 1915. -JOHN A. MAXWELL, Chairman. JOHN T. STATON. JOHN'N; RUSSELL: " rr " ! 1 Correct Copy, A. O. Jones, Clerk. . Bead the Democrat and trade with, its advertisers for they help' improve the community. in these trains, have been transferred to other through - tralnsr ; releasing ste'el-undef frame cars,' io .be: placed In I strictly local trains; 'releasing" Wooden " eulpmerif.r-' ' - eni.zut ; ;A11 this new equipment fs- infeddl- J tion to the peveu steel dining cars re- cently placed in service and, lias f been . jprovided in, - line. t .with . the poMcyt'of Southern-Railway compafny' ia :give its -1?atrons' ths advaitaebf -ef 6y: -$6ssT " The,, pemocra" ieadi in civic crb-