W : :!!:' i"i ' rww'"1 ' fl'SFWIT'.nnKiiM'rh.SHiiJi'Wi!'' , ... . - - mm , . . -, inmiiifc ..-., - ..J i iij iwi-ii jff" ' 11 !yffip.'.-lw '.ma 1 r ---iMHw-r .. . . . .. i . ' - . . i, i i , f i I i i . i , mi, i J 1 vi s m m & & & & o r .l .MTyilHJ I I I I 11 I I ' . ' ' J 1 . . PBCmrn '1 r 1 1 . - v - . - -. - j '. f p -", t . y '-V7' ".' ' 4 1 ' 1 l ' ' ' ; ;fl", .if I,J .. a. I i ... I 7? the drug line from us you mayJKNO ;that yw mXftx U lit stJHUtf m iiot alib Wiring W boAV stal 6l : and palm it off on our patrons. We yant .the! vW-X RDENCE of this conTmuiiltyKeW Wlf li? trf." DESERVE It. - . : . ye'want those w thinfrditThs tdskaBou PHARIWAGY JUSTUS PHONES: 16 and 177 We give you What you1 ASK foK - r 0!1E OF BENEFITS OF S WHOLE-TIME HE ALII , W0EK. CITT, IIEALTII OFFIClOl 7IAKES r February Beport on Conduct of Dairie la llrst issnea in campaign ior , Sanitation and Health. -Li I Dr. J. Frank Cranford, city health offlcer. make thevfoH'wlII5,TePort tor February on .his - findings -1 of tlrft dairies, thts being '.the "first repbrt i 1 sued iBinde the tsampalgn for Tsahlta- tion and beaitn -was - recently . mau- Wyanoak dairy, bacteria, i 59000; butter f at: 4l2: specific gravity; 1,031 j total solids, 12.11. : ; H Coburn dairy, bacteria, 61000; butt ter .at, 4.4;, specific .; gravity, 1.03d,; totalioiias:i:ui -.-. " . i n Barrows dairy, bacteria 67000; -but ter fa!VM; specinp gra vuy, i.-um, total 'sdidlds, 13.32r' ' ' " , Britton dairy, bacteria, 690Wr but ter fat. 4.6; specific gravity, 1.032V total solids, 12 96. . . MrPhePtera dalrv. bacteria. 70000"; butter fat, 4; specific gravity, 1.032V fttal cnlirlQ 12 58. -&:"! Tit ( bacterial ' count by; whidk thV dafrtea 'are kraded are averages RAv-eral - samDles taken during :thV moiith alifl fadiWtlJJlfelatiYer carfe used to keep milk clean. An average? count of over 50,000 per- unit woiiia 4tjfflhate careless; methods' s . It: Butter fat (legal minimum 3.25) ; sneclflc . - eravity. (legal - , minimum 1.029) : Total solids (legal " minimum. Samples belowstandard would ini dicate tadulteration. Wash -your bottles and help your dairyman have clean milk. J. FRANK CRANFORD, City Health Ofiicer. DR. R, A. CHILD DEAD. it i. - - j - A Sensation at "The Rex" 1HE SlPMJilSS 4th Episode on Saturday " I? I? P i-ifli 7 1? FT 117 ; -lJast Saturday evening aftt the : Electric Lights came-on 'The itex was crowaea wun .many Bianaiag. wunin niteen .minutes. l! viMovie if Fans0 went J with 1 one rus b ' td ThV Rex.' ' J r . . r.- - - - -,J -. , i . - - j'tTfo Exploits of Elaine" was rspeatedlfonday. to. a large .crowd. Don t liliss This Yonderfol Rctare It is the Tallc of the Town USUAL ADMISSION Auction Sale of Migh-CIass Household and Kitchen Furniture Belonging to G. E. Fletcher to be Sold at Frank Smith s Residence : : At -in FLETCHER, N. G. Sat., March 13, 19 15 10 a. m. Ml apurchasers of $5 worth or; oyer given gix months time with security . 1 Double oak bed, springs, mattress. 1 Threepg'uaiter ' white enamel bed, mattress and sprkigsF' ' l 1 Large oak bureau, long mirror 1. Large. ia bureau,. ,y u .. .. .-; j 'yte' eriamer bureau. . , . l';VSThiei tenaMei able ' 1 ' f Small' oak 'table j(antique.) " r -: LJUitUe Red: table. r 1 .1 J t ljpnlng tab. lo .-.(mission, furniture.) 1 Sewing table. ... 7 1 Black tal?le. - 4 Klfcneri' tables.1 -i vX- - - v ' 1 Red table' J(Cherry.); ? ' . 1 Whtwah stand table. 1 "Vybijte -cane iChair n f j ; t t . 1 Large green wicker chair. 2rLarge rocking chairs. ' IflWfPV&eT;! tt.xr r - x-2fSmall-JchaitR itchen. , vt 3 Rd- ann; ichairs, r cherry (uplste-f :1 Tete-tete chair, (upholstered.) .r 1 Small oak rocker. 1 Hed Settee (upholstered.) 3 White .enamel chairs (upholstered.) ;6 Pfnlng. rcin'.chalrs OTsslon. : I 1 And-iron set wrought iron and fender ;2'And4rcto sets; ? :;.- r:f:'--M' i Mission screen. - v v ; r ; ; v p.0 window .shades. " " ' , lQ,lace ?urtains. (. .-v.. , ..;;: x..iV ,-t I Percolator.' ' - V'.r vVt jOrpaments . picj.urestr- lampsr , carpet forks, 6 rugs. ' ,ir.--, Jars (Quart) jelly glasses. -: 12 quarts "pickles " " ' - ' 5(Qiartsspars. T , 0,;;? ; r4v t' Wilson heater,, kitclien , utensils, Bev- HOSPITAL BENEFIT CONCERT. 3 mlttee the i Hoapitali aagciation, janr; ncfnnce that afcaaeert wlUvDogtyeit wilib 'Chiirte'!. 3..r-.r-or &if.r5- Hie ir6kram' will le "give m i next week's Dmocf aV. 3,r Jw:t .oijI r o I: The Debprat'civea iaore 'count ia'lLnftbValnmunltriiOre Prominent In Legal, Political, Educa- . tlonal and Religions Circles, , pr. R'A. Child, fcrmeVly promineiit in South Carolina legal; political, e&r ucational and religious circles and un til a short while ago actively engaged in. college work, died at his Hender son ville home Wednesday from the hardening of arteries. Funeral, services . were conducted Friday from the Hendersonville Meth odist church with Dr. John O. SVItoou, president of Lander college at Green wood. S, Ct, .officiating, assisted by Rev. W. F. ,V"omble, pastor, of . the 4oca: churchr Interment was made in QaK. dale cemetery.' , The pall bearers wer J. M! Rhodes, J.F:.irBrooks,; J Pf fuJr lin, S. Maxwell, C. S. Fullbrjght; and - . . ... 'Xntf restlpjr Career. ( ? .: , . : Dr. ChildcareerX waa interesting and marked ' by ' many' rmptians, thp, professions. Krlawtand Valaiatry, his ' labt service being in - the; ;ei!or V fo? raises an endowment for 'Weaver, woolr fegc" te Weaverville, buC w'ch.;te,ia to, abandon nearly a year ago,'pn ac count of failing health, ybihesuiled, in his death in his slxty-n'fth Vear. Dr. Child was . bdrHTat Old Cam bridge, S. ,C. being, the sou. of ,iirand. Mrs., .Wesley Child. " He was .dduca(vi at the' College of Richmond jRinmdni: Ya.r , . later ' 1 marrying " MIsa Essie Holcombe.' ;. From , this marriage f,our children are" llvingr Earle Ohi'dMrsT Dr. H. K. BOyd" and" Miss! Minnie Chlid of Whitmire; S. C., and Mrs 4 A. E Saw yer of Miami, Fia,'.; From' his' second marriage the" following children are living in Hendersonville,, Misses, Ruth, Helen and Bessie Child, their mother being Miss Maggie Roper of Clio, S. C7 before her marriage. Prominent in Politics. After graduating from - Richmond College Dr. Child . practiced law, for some time in Greenville and Pickens, S. C, being a partner of Colon eLHoK combe, father of his first wife, and. at Pickens: Dr: Child, rose rapidly, in his legal profession and command-, ed a wide practice, his strongest forte being of a' defender at the 'bar." . . . During the practice of law and when" about twenty-two years old Dr. Child was eletced to the South Carolina leg islature. About, this time he was also editor- of the county newspaper at Pickens and later was named by.Gov John P. Richardson as' "head ' of the chief executive's staff. - ...... Enters tbe Ministry. . . T Shortly v after ' " his"" 'conversion Dr Child prepared for the 'ministry and in; 1889 joined the Iethodfst ' confer-" enpe;ot. South' 'Carolina'., He found, rapid promotion in the'hiinistry, serv-" ing" seven years on stations, six on dis tricts and three" ott circuits.' For sev en years he : was; .-.financial agent of Wpfford .college at Spartanburg: of which! heJ was ' trustee., and . be ..held the positidn' "of" 'financial agent- with; Lander college at Greenwooa, s. C, ;fp,r.tw1o" years. Something more than a" year ago 'he undertook' to raise an ndownient for Weaver. college but ihad to resign on - account of failing 'health after raising several' thousand idollars. ..-' :it - r yi ' l' ' t I k.'!r.V.' i f Hkh Ghnrch Honors. - ! I In 1902 Dr.'Chllcf went as a!delegaUr tfrdmthe . the- South -Carolina' corifejr je&co to the general conference In -Dal-5 llis;rTex., and- Itf 1906 ''went to1 the Birv uUnghamconference in, the. same ca-. pacity. Probably the greatest honor oming to.Dr; Child 'during his usefux areer was that of being a member of be booRo Committee- of the Southern lethodiAt.Ctlurch 4rom:18 9 9i to rl914. in rhich capacity, he and: bi if ellow-corr knitteemen had general overslghtjof the publish Jig- department of Southern. Methodismr m:; . Yi'l rzy'lt-'s j!Tftedegree.of doctor of divinity wasT JcqnXerietbupn Pro.Cblld i by) 5Erktna ppisge .at(ue..wescptJ.rv. 1 -urau ,t il I ?overinj5 period of about: twelve monthJiDrirCbildnwas) president ofc the . War. Natlonal.tnk'r eft Hendersons :"; Brief InWieiT; Visits Florida. -. -' t Th triangular saud-clar Toad' con troversy has Verved1 its' purpose and fef'mihated tseir with a ;brief state hrfrom' 6:AHudgius 'in ' reply to the ' article In last; week'a Democrat from Road Supervisor. P.;F.. Patton; ' Mr.-kudgihs ' left Saturday with .his little' daughter Mary 'Ella. for 'Tampa, St.1 Petersburg -.nd -other : points , In Fl6rida.;', ; V1 4" ' A representative of -rthe Democrat saw: Mr. Hudgins before nis departure and' asked him ff he 'was 'going to re jjly to Mt.!Pattons article, tb which he answered: -'J i - r" ' " . c- r J. : "I-ia not think' it necessary for me to say anything further, on the subject of flroads now. ; A , re-reading - of my last article (WiU answer most of Mr.: Patton'sr article.; I will say bowever that the Edneyyille road was thorough sanded two years ago. last; fall, and -) wjiljeavc it tof the public .to say who has inisstated. th facts.' ; -: 1 With reference to cement roads, Mr. Hudginai saW: , ', , - "I suppose' Mr. Patton refers to'jce m6ht roads: vhich'l ;have, seen many miles of at different times1 and places, Jacksonville,1 New- Orleans ChatU hbogaV Khoxville 'and -other places, and "if 1 lam 'not mistaken'1 irir what have aeen-'if" Mr.J'Pattori' will go to Charlotte;- VC, "he 'wili -Una some .here. :ilt - x'f v!tiQ-:rt ..i ,1 , i.i " 1 1 j' 1 ' :'" r : u 1,4. M.r ; ' FOH JSALE Twin Cylinder ? Lirley- ' Davidson IfotcrcylcleVVn'rstlelaia condition. Will- sell on-easy terms; ; AjO. OnesHendersdnvllieN C. : FOll ALE'T-Go6d second-hand car triage; cheap. ' Anxious to sell: See " me qulck.- Gliver T. Orr. : - 2-25-tf c H . .'iI'vDAJt CUPID'S IfOBKr A 4. 1 t r.ri ";i 'v. '".f M,The following . licenses s .wece ipsued 4uring.;tnef jmonth) of .:F;ebruaryrl9, byRegutrar of-peqte78u-VH0n.es: r - , J,rU , JrarriSf : Penrose, . .10 fessia Redden, Penrose. .; i - , I. K. Gilbert Edneyvflle. to Char lotte Lamb,, Edneyville. . . Wl'Jii.1 Mbore.1 Ottonbla to) MatU3 Martin. Ottonola. 0 Jc C.Mauldin Greenville, fiU C. to E. Jones, ircoaiavv ? . Oscar Camby, :i uat uave, to iviauie Connor. . Bat Cave. C.. ,M, ( Shipman, Tuxedo, to Delia Gordon, Tuxedo. ' Clarence aryson, iienaersonviue, 10 Daisy Bryson, Hendersonville. JL, B iWhitaker, Hlllgirt, to Maggie Flynn, Hillgirt; William' Wright, Shelton, s. c, to Edith Claytoni Shel ton, S. C. E. iE. Hill; :-Flat Rock, to Julia Brown, Flat Rock.' s P. tCX Quattlebaum, Conway, S, C-to Estelle jEgerton'tHendersonville. .f v . Theodore. Long,. Asheville, to, Blanch Kenpon, Asheyille-f ; . - ;r ,.'aohn', peihX Iforse,;Shoe. to .Nan, nle , Brackets ;H"orse' Slioe. . , ..... Curtis' tJsteen. .Zlrconia., to tula King. Irc,onia. , ;,'.; ' , .1- v:4," ji - - coioL" ' . ' Joseph Greenlee; Hendersonville, ta Thbphla - Mithem, ' Hendersohvillei ' "' Clarence' Brysott, Henderson villey tb Htfggte Hefiry r Sampson vtlb S'C. FOR BENT A First Class. Boarding r house ?. with modera convenienices. : Will rent cheapi 5 . Address " Box 81, . Tryon N. C -y. . .. .; -v 2-ll-5tp A FULL. Line of Garden Seed shown c at Peoples Grocery. Phone. 43. ' - . ; r- 2-18-tfc FOR SALE CJentle six year old. horse at reasonable price ; good condition. ' Flaye "Shepherd, phone 190.' ' 3-4-3tc A LE5IITED Number of Privet Hedffe plants for sale.: Will sell cheap; aa ' P want 'to ''.fodd''heafthy: - stdeky -Phohe 286-L. R. F. P.; No. 6, "J Heiidersiinvftle!' Jf. 5 C.7 U. pi CoV -burn- -v.,. : , , ; , A 3-4-3tp WATD-Tpu to knoW ttot MrilTt. 7 A. Biirdettp will Aq ..your . accordion plaiting lh; any wldth..at .; reasonable iVlces. Be'sidence7 .'next : v Drake's 'btore. Willow: St!.. terms cash. Hen' J ' dersOnville.K. -C. - : ' : 3-il-3tp TED-FOB CASH-Cheap ,0H T'.nft YiWe typewriter; immedi. ; ateiy,rNoah j M. Hollo well. TOtr had:ettr hiirry if yoa want i some of the bargains in the closing out sale of the Ideal Cafe. Every thing selling very cheap. xtc WANTED all your fresh butter and eggs. Peoples jGrocery. Phone 43 ' " "V - ' " 2-18-tfc FOB SALE 118 acres farm land, halt cleared, half in wood land. Seven 'room house, barn, rock dairy, crib Located one mile from Fruitland Seven, miles from , Hendersonville' Will sell' reasonable to right party Write W. V. Coston. Hendersonville C., R. P. D. No. lJ 2-18-5tp THE Bare bargains now being offered . tp: Candy buyers at the Ideal Stora fare very unusual. Ybu had better ' investigate Candy.' That's our busi . ness, now. - itc BEST Grade Fancy Patent Flonr 95c per quarter Peoples Grocery. Phone '43. D. T. Fuller and Ben Few. ' ''' 1 3-11-tfc BEST Grade, Fancy Patent Flour 95c .' v per quarter. Peoples. Grocery. Phone .43, v. .1. fuller and Ben Few. . . '7-; .; -; . . . 3-n-tfc IT Will be to'Tonr Interest tn Spa and clover seed and seed oats. ; 7 " :'r ; 3-11 5tc. DON'T Forget the Tailoring Display of Schloss Bros:, clothing at H. Pat terson's March 18, 19. 20. 7 7 ltc GET Tour Spring Suit Measured by a . special " representative of Schloss Bros., aCH Patterson's March 18. 19,20 lla FOB SALE ITlJte Leghorn and Bail Orpington . eggs, 15 for . 75 cents. Mrs. J. D. Osborne, Horse Shoe. :: .:- : 3-ll-3tp FOR IlENT-JL lioase. V See A. " C3. iflompson.. . . - z-15-cuc HHRIHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIII FOB SALE Two of the most desira. ble rIots, together." 70. feet .front by 7 144 feet deep, near Wheeler hotel, ;on Main street The lots are K03. . 47 and 48 on Block No. 10. Mac- - adamized sidewalks all around th3 property, at Hyman Heights.! They are now worth the price I am ask ing for them. 71: will take $400.00 for one lot, or $750 for the two lots. -The two lots are well worth $1,000. There are two large oaks aside the property, also a nice stone well on the property, also four large bear ing apple trees.-There is aide alley vbn theide of-my -twb lotaoalso a a wide alley running in the rear of theO two iota: to drite In.. 1 JA3 IloPat Person, jiStaton-:f& '.Rector, ;vAgent. HendersonyUle,-N;Ch; - 3TAT4tp 1 itiL i i.a i.i. XT, atvthe courf hpise1 on :-the -'evening' fOaaraMthtrJmwltaiSoa' anu ott ' ..aw Cbd:andfamiJy:.moved5toiKeav of;&rcKfi2Mimtn1 'FV l&l f essouWe(iabousnren.4yeaiago'.. ' j 1 ' - r' - M -Vt-T -t :i;t f r Eirsr.caniaiand ciiildren.iwlll .contlnui which an. admiasionfee .of . cehts . DeVkt ifcttb miyl aVeart' tWrlftesidfencefltf.HendeTSoavillea i5c hUi rfvtHiif fif-.i---; :f .. if'ro - '"??i f- Ctfrt- lJit 'Wif 70VI 1 .p.i&xnm b n iiir t c ni ; r v -.;v ,M m..1.':,o ri v,! rl. , ;,,W,;V .r,V: r r n r','i nl- it -rrvl ail tn p is ..1 v ?r ..n-ini'..')'!11 i J " u ' "ii 'ii 1 ' "'' 1 mi " 1 n in ii-ii irrron nn .ntli Ktnnmr nvr .nir iii.-r:r III zfo stsst 2sT otft tsseif . ? h'yi'JK''M rr 11 1 1. ill 1 11 1 1 MM 16 inch lb s. J ' y xtm i 7 , . v,, f - ii'4 . ,-iaoi i ! 7 : x . " - . . Cedar Shingles Sold by the J. R. ber Co., means SPECIAL BRAND dar Shingles grade. Willson Lum that this is a of Red Ge a particular is is positi vely grad e Red Cedar the highest Shingle made, ahd;:is;not under any other i it? i DO 707 U1 f 100 . 1 ! f i'i l 7 ' l T. 7 7j v per cent, v eracai vjrain trirc sawea. ; .i: 7?-t Mo bra nd - . ... v --.1. -- . .- veW,;hingIe width. "if :y.:?'7:;Son - ...... . v -a -it

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