now GosKa QMDf ill? ilgiigri Our Store was crowded to bargains to be found here: Sporting Goods Brass Goods, 17 PATTONAYE otioe to Owners -of -Application for Deed of Land, Merrell Heirs : You will take notice that on the 4th day of May 1914 at the court house door in Henderson county at a sale of lands for taxes I purchased the follow ing described land: In book 3; page 196 of the records of deeds of Henderson county, which was listed in the name of Merrell Heirs and was sold for 1913 You will further , take notice that y our time to redeend said land will ex pire May 4, 1915, at'which'time if the land be not before redeemed by you I rhall apply to the tax collector for a, Oeed for same. ; ' ... 2-5-12tp .V.:JB.MERRBIL.- CLOVER and GRASS EEDS CLEAN PURE VIGOROUS of high'est quality. Garden Seeds All varieties. Many new kinds. PRICES RIGHT. :- Full description In our new illus trated catalogue. It's ,f ree. Send postal card for it today. - L. R. STRIGKER 20-22.26 TV. Collegre St. ASHEVILLE. iff. C. Hendersonville, N. C, Jan. 27, 1915. This is to certify that I have inspect ed and tested the dairy herd of Mr. C. W. Sitton known as the Wyanoak Dairy and find them in good health and free from Tuberculosis. Charles F. Wolf, D. V. M Tested and inspected Jan. 14, 15. 1915. NEW Spring Oxford Have Arrived and are Ready for your inspection M. M. Shepherd Opposite Moument GHienS8iTiiQ0PiLL1 DIAMOND BRAND It iyiZ.'XZrS1 oT CHI-CHES-THR8 A DIAMOND BRAND TILUS in Red andlX Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue gibbon. TAra NO other. JBy P Try 4J"BSst and uk Ibp oni-(&S.TBB V Umod BBAJTD FII.IiS,'for twentr-fiT yars regarded as Bast, Safest, Always Reliable.- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 5SL EVERYWHERE ;2S5S. tmm Mini-" ' 1 ' 1 ' .iu ' i ilm Z7t, .ZT'i if, iMTi" iT"ZXtii.. ZiiZ, ,.1 i.mi-.. iirr:;: r-? .vi,. n i;,r-SM,a...Allws - - - 1 1 "rrry.-!' ';"' "-"riiiii?'-j?""mr-ri rtirrrir'' "jTrsr t -." 'gvvi-'ir'ryj.'r?t yj""1 --'-;ri'"ri'in :Tt''"r:''l'"''i'?":!l'iL.:irA":"' - - - 1 1 The Democrat publisties on an "aTer ge three times -more county news than any other newspaper, but it .costs no more. its capacity all day Saturday We will open daily from 9 a. WEEKLY BELIGIOUS TALKS & BY MINISTERIAL WORKERS. 0 3 r rroceedlrtgs of Baptist Woirkers at: Meetlng in UendersonTllie Last Week; " Conduct jNews- v paper Column. . The, Ministers and t Laymen's Con ference of the Carolina association met with the East - Hendersonville Baptist church on Tuesday, March 2. The conference was called to order by Rev. R. N. Spratt. After son?, Scripture reading and prayer the con ference proceeded to the election of permanent officers. Rev. R. N. Pratt was elected chairman and W. H. Davis secretary and treasurer. Rev. K. W. Cawthon, pastor of 1st Baptist church presented a program for the present meeting, which was on motion adopt ed. . . A few words of welcome were spok en by Pastor G. F. Wright of the East Hendersonville church, to which the chairman responded. On motion a committee consisting of brethren Cawthon, Liner and Lam- tTetli was "appointed toTdraft. a constK muon ior permanent organization. The first subject for discussion Was Do-our Churches in the country need to furnish a better, support for their pastors. If so, how canwe help to bring this about?" ' This question was diseussed by breth ren Freeman, Pratt, Cawthon, Wright, Justice, Liner and King. The discus sion was very interesting. At 1 o'clock p. m. the conference ad journed one hour for dinner. Dinner was served by the ladies in very ele gant style at the home of Bro. D. S. Pace. At the dinner hour Bro. J. D. Moore of our B. Y. P. U. work made a very interesting and impressive speech on young people's work At the. close of the speech a vote of thanks was ex tended to Bro. and Sister Pace for the excellent dinner and to the ladies for their splendid service. At 15 minutes to 3 o'clock the- conference reassem bled with prayer by Bro. T. C. King. The subject of pastoral support was again taken up and discussed by Bro. Case of Horse Shoe. The second subject, "The Formation of Pastoral Fields," was then taken up and discussed by brethren, King, Caw thon, Case and Justice. At the con clusion of this discussion; the follow ing resolution was offered by Bro. Justice: Resolved, That it is the sense of this conference of ministers and laymen that the churches and pastors them selves take up the matter of forming pastoral fields and dispose of it as it may seem best to them. 'i:. ' , j The question of Fruitland institute was then taken up. " Bro. Melton, prin cipal of the institute, reports -that the work is' in good shape but the institu tion isjn great need of: funds to finish the Ine w n Administration . building: The question was" then discussed by breth-ren.-.-Liner, Xa wthon, and others. The .conference decided ; to, make, a geheraicanvass- in the bounds of - the Carolina association for this object. The date decided upon -for this gen eral conference, was from the 20th of March.' ta the 1st ,61 April. , . The work, of foreign missions was then taken up and discussed by Pastor G. F. Wright. . , i r , Miscellaneous business was then taken up. On motion it was decided that our-next : meeting by held with Horse Shoe church" on the 1st Tues day In April at 11 a: m. A collection was then taken amounting to ?2.27 to defray the expenses of our meetings. The following resolutions was then offered by Bro. Justice. " . - "Whereas the editor ot the W. C. Democrat has kindly offered to the Ministers and Laymen of " the . Caro lina association a column to be used as may seem bestf therefore be It re solved. " ' " First, That" we heartily accept this kind and generous off er, and . Second, That Bro. R. N. Pratt be ap pointed as manager of this depart- m On motion the- conference adjourn ed with prayer by Bro. Justice. ' - R. N. PRATT, Chairman. - w H. Davi3, Sec. & Treas: : GatBeInr ot -Baptist Wmen. : : ; We are assured that every one pres ent at -our all day -meeting, realized and Saturday night with eager customers end will be crowded each day of the sale on account of the' wonderhij m., to 6 p. on., except one hour between 1 and 2 p. m) at Vhich time we ulKstraighten the stocIcT v - Dolls'loys; Novelties Leather that we had spenta helpfuJ;andvPiofit. able day., Seldom.-haye welseen a. bet ter spirit manifested In ny meeUng. x". A large delegation was present from our own .church , and many, from the We. felt dt- was a sreat Ket-to-ather meeting, and -as we.cshooki.nands and discussed topics . thafc-werje xrf. vital im portanpe to all .the, christian workersy we were j deeply conscious v that the bond, of , : OlrisUan i fellowship - was drawing each closer ito thee other arid to the. Master .Worker; -: ..; -t . : ; The talks, were aU earnest and were1 seasoned with the salt of preparation both of mind and heart. - The devotional hour . led., by-Mrs, Cale and Mrs. filler morning and af ternoon, were filled with power and it was indeed "good to be there." Miss Keithley was welcomed us . a new member, of "our association and also as a "member. Qf 5 the faculty of cur school, Fruitland. She gave us a scientific talk; pn ,our. Louisville Training school, and lier words were an inspiration to us all, and especially to the young women of the audience. We were glad to ha,ve,her with us. - Many were the good, fanpressions of this all day meeting. Several requests came for others "to follow in the future; In closing, I wish 40 say, my eyes reached beyond this meeting to greatv erneventg'for th"T cause'of Baptist wo men, -i We. pray this assqciaUon may spread Its Influence until - more; . can measure its Effects in the life of our denomination. - : -. . v . . , , : MRS. j. F. BROOKS j Campaign f or Fruitland Institute. The statement .t. was made -by;. the building committe'e in the meeting of ministers and , laymen at Henderson ville, that work, had . to be suspended on the. new school building atj Fruit land for the want of .funds, whereupon it was decided . by the brethren in ses sion to make a thorough canvass of the entire -county J( In the month of March for said , purpose . It is our purpose in this campaign to. reach as near every person in the county as possible. A freewill offering will : be asked of every one. Arrangements have . been made . by which produce of any and all kinds can be taken and turned into casn mis win enable those who do net4 have money to help. We hope that the result of this cam-. paign will be, that work can be re sumed on the building and carried for ward until it is completed. , The following . are canvassers and their territory by townships: HendersonvillerfRev. K. W. Caw-, thon and J. G. Lambeth. . Mills - River Rev. Geo. . F. . Wright; and A. I., Justice.' ... . - "-. - Green River--Rev. T4 C. :King and John Slattery. ': , Hooper? Creek Rev. H. R. Freemaxv and Rev. W. H. Davis., . Clear Creek Prof. N, A. Melton, and J.. Lv Whker.. -tl s ,.. : . i i Edneyville R." M. Pryro and W. A, Morris. Blue :Ridge D: S;'Pace and Rev, R. !Crab Creek-Rev;-T. AI'Drake an3 R. P. Corh.v - ' ' 1 " - ' ' - By-' the Committee. " 4 J Mrs. Mattie 1 Foster of '-Henderson- ville spent Sunday with Miss' Ledbet- ter. ' y ' iV' r' :- l ' - Henry Pace has moved into the new. residence :recentiyt completed for "him on the farm of R4 Osteeh." . . ; . V , Cross Roads school will close Apri. 1st, making ;a term of nine month j. The' school has-had'a'Tnost successful year, and we alf hope to see MissiLed better here again "next year. '- ... A H. .Osteen . 4sva.Iowly. improving trom a long illness'. . His many.frlendii will . be: glad to see him able to' be among them again. . . L. . ; ; Sam Sentelle recently purchased- a fine automobile, v;. . . : . . ; v - Born, to Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Osteeri. on Feb., lfy a daughter, " Nina Mabel Both mother and child are doing well. Mr and Mrs.;- R K... Osteen spent Sunday, with relatives at; .Mt.7Qlivet. .; , Miss " Bertie Morgan oi Greenville 8. CJ., visited relatives - here, last .week. . We are ?all ilad l ltt IseV -this Una spring "weather. The - farmers : care plowing and rnaklng preparation' for fine crops. - ' - ' 'j-j; v. j- -A . ! J CAUGHT 0T THE CBlC V ; ; J. F. Corn blacksmith, has discon tinued hls'own1 shopscanci accepted ?a pbsltioh1 with the; Communfty sfionas t! ' l : Airiong the' destrufctidhs -wtougnt' hy the-free'ie -was" one1 which? in 'tH-nnW of many people, helped the putward1 'appearanceo ot; the newf ederal Jbuild iAg -It" was the: breaking;of !the:small 'Cedai'Br under r tlfeir.' heavy., burdenr of j lce.r .-' :r; :; 'hu, ,vi.; :-'''.... j?; i.: ;if;.-rj J; R;-Wll!sOn .Bays thatiie' is5 going to build several : cottages thia--.spring, in Hendersonville. :Mr; .Willsonr-has;; already built -and sold several houses during.; ther -past f ewi-. .yeai:s.:. This method of investment . is . said to b 'profitable in many cities. , ?, -; - . j -f:"j ' V if, f .' r f ' ; . , !. Surveyor ilurray of Jhe Appala.cnian. I nt erur b ai ,Ra II way , company has, com r pletedf the preliminary, .suryey ior the dam site of the proposed water po w development on Green, River. , He had a corps of about eight men "at ; work i since early lr January rear 2i'rconia. r Henderson vile and Hener'on coun ty. is nowithqut a veterarian Dr.; VVoli,; wnjCkf came.. ocate last fall: left last month for Illinois, where hewas off ered a better positioii: Sev-1 feraf parties0 have ' had' to 'send out of town within the past few" weeks for a veterinarian. " - ' S. Jnax well -came very near having a serious' accident lastiday when one of this, ponfes hitched to a cart rar awjay with him and threw him- with considerable force to the ground. Mr. Maxwell- fortunately landed in soft mud and received no injuries It; is thought tha$ the? pony became frighten ed 'at the sight of the ice on the trees. -,;Pee Wee," as everybody- knovs him, but whose real .name is Rufus Fisiher, has- been missed from ;the streets for over a week with his cries 6i "I'morning paper, all about the war." :He'hasbeen confined to his bed with a severe attack of lagrippe but is re ported to be getting along nicely and he is expected to soon be out again. When superior court convened "last week there was a large number of people from the country In the court house. Just inside of the front door a sign was placed on the wall whicii puzzled a great many at first reading. It read, "If you spit on the floor at hoiiie .then spit on the floor here, w waht you to feel perfectly at home.' It Is of interest to know that only ? few took the invitation literally. - A modern' two atory . brick fcuilding will be ereeted- uponthe. site iOf ithe. AM Forest buildine which is Jiow being torn down, .the new building 'wti; oe luv reet aeep wau t uwu t-oom on 1 the ground 'floor : and-' oflices and" apartments on the upper ...floors John Forest yowner of the property, has kecepted " plans drawn by ArcbJ-?-tect E. G. Stillwell. The oldorest building' s j built Pt; w John Forest, who was one of Hender sonville's leading merchants many rears ago. This- building-between the Biue Ridge Ittnv aiidtha-PfebpIes Ma. tional bank, is the oldest in that sec tion of the? city. :The building was "cubied by, the,. French Broaa . nusuBr previous to its moving into its' pres ent quarters; " :;V 'ir-:::. a v Mr. Forest-states- that number-of people have applied to rent his new store but-that he has not yet closed tae lease. HORSE StlOE CtBTES. kr, Philip Sitton nas gOne to Easter S.C.? to work.4 . t "t jMiss Byers of Hendersonville Is niiring her sister." Mrs.-J. O :John son; who underwent an operaUon at her home last week.' . v ' iMr. H. .F Johnson gave; a pirthdav limner to "a number of . friends on March 4. . -. , : Rev. S. HHUliard will fill the pul pit at Horse Shoe next Sunday at 11 olclock and at Shaw's Creek5 Sunda7 afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the atsencd of our pastor Jlev. Honeyentt, wh.o:wiI te at Sardic. " . ; T J . j Mr, Frank Johnson ; of AsheviU pent Sunday here. - : : ' V , TMiss Annie Johnsonr "of Henderson--ville spent .Sunday.; with her4jarenU, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. - " ldodslBiby .11... . t,;, i " we' tarry m Largfriflssonnjent oi wree; liarerenr : ill - j !' i.'vAi'. ' l: i-hSK: riri-.5 ?. -J it- ...; , r ' J VI Jill fi-iCall ad eelour'fme display for; !ther barden. ' Grass Seed, Clover ..Seed, Garden Seed, .Field Seed, Northernc Potatoes; Cabbage. Plant3.r.' H- ( Lime Sulphur Spray for trees. - ;!cEIectric'yneCornef?V HUNTERS "-:"nii- r T " ' '- : - " ; - f " -i . . nun . L , . -: :. . i v- , - , . i ' r ' i -ii ii - ... il . .-.ii - - - . . j j. , . j. y ;.. .. opeci; Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 18, Schl6s Brosl & I Go. j of Baltimore and New York j will fiold them Semi-Annual Tailoring Display in Our Store ' Yo'u Are Cordially Invited ' f ATERON, King" Clothier u Sold for years all 1 i I Babcoch T: S: MORRISON M ...,f i n S HIGH SCHOOL1 NOTES.; J & & & - ' "As before noted in the columns ; .of the Democrat, owing to the absence of Miss , Steedman, the Literary society postponed the comedy, - "A Box of Monkeys," until Friday evening, March 12th. The play will then be present ed and tickets -printed for March 5th arei good for that' night. ; Nearly all of; the"150 tickets have been sold but wa wiRhtr say that-anr rjulFing for r admission the night' of the perform ance wilf not be turned away, we have accommodations f or all and we ary anxioua" for our citizens to se 1 what.xireditabie rworkthe.. Henderson ville Hlgh:. School Literary .society. ' 1 , , " "'IL.J-- "- - : -3 I : iGari ages, : at m&Bs " ttf fulfil ti fTftf1 fitffw I yH rr '1 rt rif 1 .... j .a iiir. i 4 . -, - i 1 "Kerliinint)iug$!?;oj ... - -. i ii- nnouncement 1 9, 20th 1 1- r. -i i I. ii throurjb ttIus;country fcei' whatAhe tlpnks of i Bufrrie iljelev; i can do. A, stage has been.; built" by some- of . the . boys , n . the society - and footlights ' arranged. Rehearsals are still -continued dally. Mrs. Fuller; has further" been 'drilling' and preparing a number of boys . from the , younger grades in songs and chords and reclta tion. . -. . ' ;; . '--''-J-C-'. 1 1 Miss McPheeters, with an able corps of girls, has had the charge of prepar ing the big curtain and we owe mucV" to her sympathetic assistance. She iS looking after, the gathering together . of v th'el 'properties' We. tirge again -th appeal id Hendersonville to stand b our ;effort along Thespian lines.. Come" Friday 'evening and we are ". quite sure twe can '. entertain you with ; aii evening i of Teal and innocent fun. '7 Z 1 :: Ibli MUIRIELFTJIJLER, ; , . ' High Bchbol ileporter - - 1 1