II - J4 Ik" 1 "&HCl- VO L XX W X) 22 HENDERSONVILLe, NC THURSDAY; JUNE 10 1915 X - 51:00 per -year; in advance ay: 'r '? o . . I- 4; - . .. - . " . . - - - - --- - , - - : i i d V i a i 5 ;l t -j i f i, ''! t i it "! u r e T! 7 1 17 Will TTTi K Disagreement With President , Wilson's Views as Expressed in Second Note ... . ". "V : ' ' .' -.. -V," ' - .. .. - "" ' -. G'. .. .v ." ." -- - . .- " ... . .., . ermany is the Reason.O : ' Bryan's Letter :. of designation and President Wilson's Beply.f Bryan -: Says It Would be Unfair to Be. :. V main a Member of the Cab - "- inet Under the Con-. -ditions. 7 : . Washington, June 8. William Jen nings Bryan, ' three ; times -democratic candidate for? the presidency." of the United States And author of nearly. 30 peace treaties with, the,, principal na tions of the world, resignedr-todayf as secretary of state as.':'a dramatic' se quel to his disagreement -with.Presi-dent Wilson' over, the government's policy toward Germany. v The resignation - was. accepted . by the president. The cabinet then" ap-i the cabinet would be as unfair to you proved the response which had been j asitwould be to the: cause which la prepared to the German reply to the nearest my heart, namely, the preven Lusitania note. Acting Secretary., tion of war.- -. -Robert Lansing will sign the document j '1, therefore, respectfully tender my and tomorrow it will be cabled to resignation to take effect when the Berlin. ' I ' . i note is sent, unless you prefer an ear- Take Effect Today. " lier hour. Alike "desirous of reaching Secretary Bryan will return to pri . a peaceful solution of the problems vate life tomorrow, when' his resigna- arising out of the use of submarines : ' "' -" " . , " . 1. - V N X x vv XX XX . - :.xv,- v -. x xxxxx x v. .-. x .- .."-v X X iXX X XX x xxxxxx xx xx x-xxx;;xxsxv x x XX x xx x x. X N N Vx N x x xx x x v.,x x XX x s V'x - X xx "x . -X X X A ' x - x- X X X Hon. William Jennings'Brjan who has. tion takes effect. It' was learned that against merchantmehtwe : find our he intends to continue his political 5 selves "differing irrec'ohsiliably as to support of the president. : - . the methods- which - should be em- tv ix." .nloved. : - - . " - which he believed might. possibly draw.,,; 'j falls to 7? ttj r V, , lv. for the nation: I consider It to.. be. submitted his resignation: in-a-" letter; io.,- ?iia ar,-n - moment that to remain a member bf the cabinet would be as" unfair to you as it would be to the. cause which is nearest my-heart, namely,, the preyen tion of war." - . : - -.f. - .' The president accepted the resigna-" tion in a letter. of regret, tinged . with . deep 'personal' feeling of aff ection.TheV letters, constituting the, official an-: from the cabinet to- private lit e.were made public at the white house at 6 o'clock tonightr : ; . : . " Diramatic End. Dramatically - the official affiliation of Mr. Bryan, with the administration of the man whose nomination he assisted so materially :in bringing about at the 'Ralt'mnT'o "rritriiTitinn -vf 1Q15i MiriA:'tA''i an end. It caused a sensation In the r Jy aear fVoiiiy he national capital scarcely- paralleled in J 1 accept tW-SSbS recent years: ; Ambassad iuu aipiomatesr rrom loreign lanas, officials : of every 'rank-and station. heard the news as It was : flashed .by newspaper extras s: tonight. -They ; In tcrpreted variously . its effect on the delicate situation that ha! dariken -between Germany .andTthe U. S. The res ignation of the. staunchest advocate of peace, in the president's -official family spread broadcast the belief that : the Policy of the United States as definitely determined upon wouM assert and de fend the rights of the United States In any eventuality that might arise. - Washington, June : 8.-r-Setretary Bryan's letter -of 'resignation was as follows : r - r ' ''. 'My dear Mr Presidents "It is with sincere regret that I have reached the oncluslon. that" I ' Should return to you "the commission of "sec-, retary of state with which you honor ed me at the beginning of your admin istration. .. -- r. . - ...-; ;-w! "Obedient to your sense of tluty and actuated by the highest motives, you haye prepared for transmission to the German government a note In which I cannot join , without . violating what 1 deem to be an obligation to my' coun try, and the icsue , involved is of such moment that; to remain a member; of 1 5 x ixlxSSH XXXS resigned as Secretary of State pf U. 8. none thfe le fj 'ote tbe end a Drivate citizen to. promote tne ena r which -you 4 have in . view oy means which you do not feel at liberty to use, : .T.attvioHnr fhfi Intimate and; pleas-. I I n-nt toiatinna- wnirn nave ea.iBicu; wc- twen-us " duying the jpast 'two xyears permit me to acknowledge ; the pro found satisfaction Which it has . givn me to be associated with - you :in . Uie important work which ,has come before th a state department,- and to thank - Jou for the courtesies extended. "With the heartiest good wishes for your administration, I am, my dear. Mr. President, :":: :- -'''Vr "Very truly yours, ; , . . ritmed.V - - -"W. J., BRYANT . The President's Reply; - The president's letter to 3ir. Bryan was as follows: r r r fooiinr of rprsbnal 'SfSS 1 x 4 1 x , I 1 ax. .f t ciaUonhavevDeen ery eiightfulfteJ .AUf aaCCIDET. me, Our judgments have.accorded in j ; A young man by the name of Burnett practically- every -matter y of1 official .wna is said to have been'from Brevard duty and of public policy Until .now; - near - losing his 'life : out; on the vour'support of the work and purpose Horse hoe road last Sunday afternoon cf 'the administration has been gener- gjj ca, sWdded lnto a bank and "ous"and1oyalbeyond:prolsefycnre!toe votion td the duties of your greatofflce i-cut pn the head. He received. medical . - .;-... ettention and was soon able to con- "- (ConUnued on last Page.) "' -Uinue his journey. " - " SknsMtion REPORT OF CBUECII WOII - 'miS TEAR AT FASCIFERK Four- Denominations .iteprescnt(Kl? 3ate $26027 to Home Missions? "V ";Bilef Fnndv: , : Tbe lat ;infssloiiameeti2ir;f.' ' Um. year, was. held ' at-Fassifern TSundayV May 30; and reports were made by tip general .-- and ; jdenomlnational treas ireri "frc;- U'H,.-":'. : The whole: school is r"organlze4 Jiij one society, with; Miss Shlppna direc tor, but each Christian, body xepresentv ed lias individual; work and. interests, This year ' the -.missions of western North -Carolina have: been studied papers "have been "prepared and: rea'd by students , and they have heard ad dresses V Rev. F.: D. Lobdell of: th Rutherford Associated Missions r ; by Rev. R. IV Smart' of the Presbyterian mission ; board and by Prof. Trow-': bridge of .Brevard instituted 4 In addition to the part they takeu the ' general work of - the society, the Episcopal " girls form a "board" of tht Junior Auxiliary of the Jurisdiction of AshevilleV They have heen-under thj instruction of the Rev. R..N, .Wilicox in a weekly Bible class. - Air students study Ihe: "Bfble in Sunday: sctbof classes taught by Mrs. McBee,' Miss Hooper, Miss Graham and Miss Shipp. .The monthly dues of the -Missionary society are. divided equally among' tho Episcopalians, Presbyterians, . Metho dists and Baptists.V Each of. th f Ojir . gives one entertainment - during; tho 5 ear the proceeds of which are ap plied as the donors. wish. .- -:v - The school, as a whole, has given a $60. scholarship to a. girl at the mis sion school. A barrel of .clothing was sent at " Christmas to Mrs. Slcop ai Spruce : Pine, ".for the girls in whom she is interested, i Another was i?ent to the Thompson orphanage, Qharlfitte. I atEaster.-' The students ' - sav -a Thanksgiving rdfnner to the-JniaM the -Henderson County Home, and gav. a present to each person j : '. - ; , ' Arranged according to the number of . members representing each churcri the Fassifern stutients alone have con ¬ tributed through gifts to m'ssiocs, arrd-i through their weekly contributions to I the churches of Henderson vine tne to' lo wing-amounts:- : Methodist, with smallest number, of members, have given $34.15; Baptists. $47.05; Presbyterians, $55.50; Episco palians, $123.57, a total of $260.27.; In addition the school has sent through Miss Coffey, $65.00 to tne Belgian Re lief Fund, making . the whole money contribution to all purposes $325.27. LOCUSTS WITII. THE "W;" : ' ; j South Carolina, in the Piedmont sec tion, is due this year to be visited, by what the scientists call - brood VI . of the "seyenteen year locust." There are seventeen other broods of the seventeen year Species now operat ing in North America and all schedul ed to appear-in due course, but of all of them the brood VI now due in this State is the most virile and wide spread. It j will Inevitably appear r in scattered localities 'covering much of the Northern; and Central States be tween the Hudson and the Mississippi rivers and extending along the Appa lachian range into northern Georgia and South Carolina. Other locusts of a recurrent .variety are miscalled "seventeen- year." . They occur only oncn every . thirteen years. - . .The seven.teen.year. locusts are more terrifying than dangerous- They coma in great swarms;, covering trees and lawns; littering fields in. their search for provender, but mostly, connnea to. the' trees tin whieh they lived before their resurrection. They claw and cut limbs and foliage to a degree of the "plagues,?! or as that committed by the army - grasshoppers and " worms that from time to time-infest- agricultural sections. In personal appearance th seventeen year locusts Is much like the cicada, or "July fly," except: smaller, leaving his " shell "everywhere, ;"but marked on Jhe wing wlth a peculiar brown tracing in the shape of a "W," which, -from- ancient snperstitutionr has " long eeen -; known; to prophecy '"war." :- ::' ' - " : - - War hitherto has generally been the matter of a - geheratlonf men, and, roughly, :, of, locusts. The : insect, in question spawns a grub, which drops 4nv th erdund.- and - emerges after seventeen years as regularly as clock- .irics'TfrTiir-rmist:have: the wars of a rnrtAnt lt is a pity, that WMn i nnt. forecast the infinitely CTeater lague with-the accuracy with which the agricultural perx van yie. diet the coming of the locust.-Colum bia State. -"- - ; , TXrnOID TO BE WIPED OUT ' . " BY PEOGRESSITE CA2IPAIGN. x;r.- llroTrn Announces the Schedule of " Stations for Dispensary Party. " ..lz Tits Free to-All. r Whatr Henderson county has done heretofore;- in .the way of , disease- pre irenfion will - fade In. the. distance in view of the campaign' which will be inaugurated: on June. 21 to "wipe o"u,t nd? prevent typhoid fever from the county 7 " " 'f The city- authorities, county commis sioners and board of education in -session last month heard " Health Officer Br., J, S. Brown and Dr. Steel of the state.board of health in a joiijitlsession Mayor , Shepherd spoke for ; the citk. DrSteel and Brown came with a plan nCileiity of -arguments to- go, with it For;ust; $300 1 theenUre county will liv the opportunity - to ., every man, woman and child, in the county -'tor be-: come immune, from typhoid. -i;The comr 4 inissioners appropriate $150the, board of : educatibh appropriate " $1.00 . while, the city would pay the difference' of $50 cjlm Ontlinedv'i-: f:;:;? The plans have been outlined b the State Board of Health for the .work. 1 1 The " State: Board through the labdra- I tory. of JHyglene furnishes che vaccine in sufficient quant (ties a nd If is ship-1 ped, to the parties", conducting' the work. -- Before 'the'-vaccine"-go" litera xux m vacum Su uw- ture and posters through .the county.1' announcing to the people.that deliver-, near. ; " ' ;'::v-..-y -.j ' ' According; tb the lahs one Tdispen-. sary. party will be sent- throughout. the" county. The names of the locations and: dates are" published below begin ning; June 21. r . 'V?.:'--'.';;"-' V ,,' Three treatments for. the preven tion of typhoid are' necessary. "They I are: taken seven days apart. On each ! for these days one week '.apart, parties composed of trained medical men,' will be on hand at the scheduled.; spot ' to ! treat those who may desire the. treat- j ment. It is" ir absolutely ' " "without i charge and the only:, way in which ex pense is to be incurred, is :to neglect v the' first treatment and come in on th? second for the first time: This will necessitate- the third treatment -by u" physician in private - practice and a doctor's : fee : unless there " is a. etatioii.. in operation - in: ; another , part of " tho ccuiity in .time . for ,the thirdtreatmenU t t3U&in$J)fr Bnmn. The forces in Hendersbn!counlylrre" Jining.vup behind Dr. Brown this 1 mover it is a step jwmcn iienaersoa county has been needing to put her in line with-otherprogressive counties of the state. . -. " ' -. j - Tuxedo, Mondays six days, June 21 till July 26, 9 a. m. till 12. ; : . East Flat: Rock, Mondays, June 21 till July 26, six days, 1 p. m till 6 p. m. Fletcher, Tuesdays,1 June 22 till July 27, six days, 10 a. m. till 5 p. m. ; Barnwell school house, Wednesdays. three days, June 23 tiir July 7, 1 a. J m. till 4 p. m. Friiitland,.' Wednesday, June 23 till July 28, six days; first three days 5 p. m. till 6 p. m. - Last three days. W a. m. till 5 p. m."; ';-.-' i'-- I Horse Shoe, Thursdays, three 4aysv June 24 till Jury 8, 10 a. m. till 12 m Mills Riverr Thursdays, three ?dayg June 24 till July 28, 1 p. m. till,4'p. m Dana, ' Thursdays, three days," July 15 till July 29, 10 a., m.: till 5 p. in. ' Mountain Page, three days, .June 25 till Jnlv 9! 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. .. Big Willow at Sentell's store, Fri-- days, three days, July lb till juiy;iu. 10 a. m. till-4 p. m- ; -5 , 'HendersonVile, Saturdays, six - days, June 26 till. July 31, 9 a. mtill 6 p. m. SECRETARY DANIELS CONDUCTS ; " . . PRIVATE INVESTIGATION. -Annapolis, Md.; June 4.-frSecretary of the Navy Daniels conducted a per sonal invectigation today -of : the charges against seven; midshipmen in connection with the alleged use of ad vance copies of. the . questions" ,used in the final examination In Spanish. The seven are under arrest and .have been, recommended for dismissal. . , " The defense offered was that the youths did not know they wererusing stolen examination- papers., : It' also was claimed; that the were- not given a fair trial.:, :-i"''-'--;-. The accused midshipmen are Ralph McK. Nelson, New ' York; Chaplin E: Evans, Virginia ; ; Stuart A.. Hamilton, Connecticut and ."Leonard PiWessles, of : North Carolina; members of the Vtlassr Donald -E. Duncan, J Michigan; .Thomas1 W Harrison, .Vir ginia, and : James " E Moss, Annapolis, third a:: ' ' - - J . ' It was statedthe secretary prpDaDiy would make : known his decision tor 'ihorroWM ::'::-'"JJ"""''? - "DEAD ROOSTER WEEK." . : Ames, la. June l..As.;the result of an- official edict of ' th e state agri- ,eultirralrcollee here a. general mas- marreft of roosters begins alt over the vetate:todayf or the'nurpose :bf -elimi MtIng 66o, i which" has ;been: chargedagalnst 'the time-honored herald orpine, mornuis And so this is- 4-dead: rooster week" Iowa, and the: tables . steam wun stewed rooster potpie and other cull- I Address, Presentation ofDiplomas'- naryfbrms of bio carcass. Those, that "Got- S':?7'- S are not to f af I before - the axe will, be j ValedictoryMiss ZKatherine " Man pennedMip; -The fall of the barnyard r'nlng..:: - r '- king comes -about .through the discov- Chorus by students- -r:- J: : - m that infertile eggs keep longer and I - ; LisCef Gradoates 'Z'-j 'l better - and i that i hens lay full Tas r Miss Katherine Manning Wilmlng- iruiTrV--pw; when the roosters 1 are not around-'-."-" r- rASSIFERH CLOSES EB6MT!i& H j Governor-Crate to Deliver Address and i DiDlomas-to Gradnatf r':i t ;.-Iosperoas Tear. :r: . : The eighth annual commencement of Fassif ern school began Sunday," when Rev.; F. Bv Labdell,: of Rutherfordton, preached the baccalaureate' sermon in the Episcopal lchurcfir ot : this:Citr. Class exercises were held in the audi-" totium on Wednesday ,at noon. - -y..; -The concluding, program of the com mencement will be on.Thursday after- noon, at o : 60 p. m. with the address and presentation of diplomas and cer tiflcates ' by Hon. ,.liOCke Craig, :. goy ernor of. North Carolma u : JjFassiferir' cfoses itsci first : annhual J commencement in HendersonvIlIe.The 1 school was moved here from Lincoln- t last fall m.time for the opening ttQ- lTI . noio Ww : hniMin were constructed and the capital stbck; Governor -Locke Cralgy;vf ;ho makes the annnal address, at Fassifern Thursday. j was increased which has been liberal j ly subscribed to by local citizens.: .' - Eighty-five students . were enrolled during the" 1914-15 "; session, making : the largest enrollment jtn the history ot tne scnooL , :-r ; V" : -: . Class Day. "-. - ; -:-:;-; The program of class day" exercises was: as follows : -: ;'; '.": :f " :f School Song Class ; ; .i ; Class Prophecy Miss Dolores Holt. . Class Poem Miss- Eleanor McLoud Class Song Class. : Last Will ahdTestiment Miss;Mary' B. Crowell. : -'. ; . - :' Presentation of. rture to scnool Miss Lucy Murchison, class presiden.tr Planting of ivy by the class." '.-.'1 Wednesday, Eyening, June 9. -Tha . --final concert was delightfully rendered '-byjthefoIlowing--:-v-:4':--; I wouid ;That ly IfPJ6- Mendelssohn Impromtu 'Valse. ... . ... . .;. . , rRaff. - V" -Gladys Reid.. " ;: " Berceuse . .r ?. .Lysberg Elsie Atkinson. "'-i 1 Concertog minor Allegro, Mendessohn .. : 'Anne Oates. .. '7-"' C The Lord is my Shepherd: . ...Liddle ; :. I9lores. Holt. - " - v ;; Idillo . p- :- v " w-'fi.i .Lack . "' Elma. Johnson : Troisieme Valse . : . . ; -. . -.Lack . . " Virginia Tickner. : v . 3gitq61X3 - rliGp : v Anna Locke Ingram.": -' , ; -.-"Ck?ncerrtxf 'C major; Allegror. . Mozart uXJ :Kate-Doty,f ';.,':: TusGan-Folk Song. : ; ".: v.-' V. Caracciolo : V " Sextette. . ' -Barcarolle Venetienne. . . V . . GodarJ - X:-" .--Lucy-Murchison. ; ' Gavotte. . ;r . .v . , . . ';: . I .Sgambatf i- ., :' . - . Jennie Saine. ": -'. :-: Reverie, .vr". . .r -. . . . Tir .Schutt -'..V- ; Mary Ruffin. jV:;: ' :, Third Talse; :..;,; .-...i.CarlJer Sy.'.'Sr't Alice Person-. ; Ave Maria.'. . . ; .Mendelssohn When Life is Brightest.... ... .Pinsuti Glee-dub'.-: -"Z- Orchestral parts oil second pianoJ Jl Thursday. Afternoon, 5 -SO O'CIoclu Tnvr4ui tAn-lPair P M "Will Art V ' nrol. Invdcation Reyw R. Nr..'Willcox;lprea- Salutatory--MIss Lucy Murchison : introduction.: of Governor::; Locke Craig -Mr E. W. ;Ewbanfc . ton, first honor; .Miss Lucy Murchison; "Wilmington, . second honor; Misses ' - ' - ' ' v-V - . . - - w . ; I - , v ' : v .- its V : rT JUiSS Attendance Was nkUerTIiat ed j Ladles Assist j HendersenTiHe -iH? e Presentedereaf tetv One o the best, health exhibito:ever -witnessed, in Hendersonville was " -shown by,' the j city, of, Henderson vms'l : undef the supervision of City v Health xji. . rTanK uranford in the Morey buUding These .exhibits arriv ed . here June 2 , and remained rih the--city until JTuesdayfmornlng June -8 ; U: ,C Although .well advertised through tha ; f newspapers, circulars and - sign's .the ; " aenaance :was not, as. large . as had - -been desired. Members of the :Wo- - -mans club of the city were veWactiye irt jassisting Dr Cranford' in showing , the exhibits, f. Severalember-Srere iir attendance oETeach' day and assisted : in directing; th:.yisitorgfo.:-:'S:xX' ztZ-' Z The" exhibitsWere composedf taV: V cards," charts,., literature, photos - and " drawings carefully- jpreparedby :exH perts, in their Jines, principally per- taining to better pabies,'; and - the" preV ' vention of tuberculosisropersaht " tation, .. e'tc. . Special exhibits were ; " shown from: boards o health of Ashe-"i " ville, GreenvilleS. CColumbiar Sptf-' Gaffnej,- S. C., Jacksonville, and etato & : board at Raleigh ;',: - :.: .S : .!-' . Efforts are being made to have Hen- - l dersonville' represented r at ttie next . rexhibition : which is v beinsr . held iri ; Greensboro Dr. Cranford: has -secur- ed several photographs and send some ? : l literature along with the .exhibits when. - "tuey were shipped Tuesday to Greens boro. '4:;:--: u The ,entirehealth exhibits arelyeryC ; -much irrtlerrmiid: In fact thisQcity ivas : tookedtsix5m6nthsd.and,-each;-;-.' plcxels cn'l-Kal.i'6 wMp':them : for '. one weeEt:exes.ofthTOoving " Is; borne by "the. cityTauthorities. -: The " boardof commissioned .$25 some time ago for the exhibition and the total ..expenses amounted to $3 4. making a deficiency -Which will. probably be met by the city aldermen. The exhibition .. remained .open" to . -the public all day Sunday and a nnm' ber of people took advantage of this : opportunity to see the wonderful con- tracts of the old way of living compares ed with modern methods. .- -. :":-- CREAMERY SUCCESS ...: '-; . (Charlotte Observer.) --;-. ',:. Asweremember it the5peopieof MooresvlUe had considerable, difficulty in enlisting sufilcient interest and. cap- . ital to tnsure theestablishment at that ; f ?. ilJJb Jo-peratej -Creamery at- that . piace . j JUi . it ;was estaonsnea ana De-; gan btlsiness last: January It has now . achieved, almost as great a success as: . has been scored by. the 'Catawba Coun- fy "Creamery, at Hickory, which, insti tution has been 1 the creamery insplra-, tiontor all this part of North Carolina.: In a letter Vto the: Statesville Sentinel, Mr. Gr.' Dull says' the Mooresville creamery had turned out 60,000 'pounds":' of butter up to May 15. The di3burafi ments;' for butterfat, r mainly amon g the neighboring "farmers, were $2,000 . in January, $2,800 In February $300 ' In March,, and: $4,600 : in April,: a ; pro gressive T increase Vv that argues pros-, perity for the7 Mooresville ''cajeamefj;.: and the farmers :ho supply milk. Tha only thing necessary to make a cream-: ery pay is good management, and tb . Mooresville institution, manifestly has ' that; : -;. in . "1 ....,-"" 'r "- ': :r. : WASH WOMEN REGISTER. ;' :'. ; Spartanburg, June 1. The office "cf the city health - department has - been the scene of great activity during the pa st twenty-four hours. 7 More than ia. thousand washwomen Of the city, iiis accordance "with "the; provision 'oftha newcity ordinance requiring; air per sons engaged in the laundering'of clothes to register with the health de- : partment, have japplied for certiScatea and received them in most cages. Th registration" certificate is given free cf charge but a. penalty for not register-7 ing Is imposed." The chief virtue of the ordinance: is that It gives the health department a record of all ; such per- cftna in thA oifv and will" enable: closer inspection as to the "sanitary condition- under which" the""washing of the city 1 4g one. .... "r Eleanor Mclud. Ashevillef 'ilary E. j ;CrowelL"LIncolnton; Charlotte ford" Davidson jj Sarah Jenkins Char- lotte,- ;Tbose;who received : certlScates i:i muslcr Miss Kate Doty Winhsboro, Z'. C; Miss -Betty HeywardRion, S C. : Tn -English and Modern -'Language course Miss AlicePerson, Charlotte, Miss Mary Rees, Iincolnton r : Misses Person and Rees have com pleted the V full course; required f c r graduates, with the exception of Let"-,

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