, ' - ----- -' . ' . - 1 J-!-' rin I fi.i i i uti i.i n . . i i i,t - . m Don (I i i J- Je are preparedto jpve k I Bought item in the I6!?; inarligts 3n ;case lols. ? V. About 20 doren Men's Pongee Shirts, $1 and $1.50 grade, we - mil ocii lura ic w uajro ai. ... , - "I ; 75 pair 1 of - Ladies high-tops White Canvas Sho es, will clos e out at. . . L- '1 ZL-i'--- -; . - I TT ri it II Mh. Men's. Ladies and Children's " Palm Beach Ciptfres;1pN Bangkok and Panama Hats for Men. .We have them at ihe right 'pnc&;?1i-y': 7 T' . li.o TD) ii ATTEIRSOl, Kig; OotMer Hendersonville's Greatest Department Store Z3 E iflLTOX 9. DIES.. CBY AIi'S BESIGN ATI0N CAUSES SENSATION (CJontinued from 1st' Page.)" --r r and your eagerness to tafce advant age of every great opportunity for ser vice has been an example to the rest of us; you have earned our affection ate admiration and friendship. Even now we are not separated in the object yje seek, but only in the method by which we seek it. 'It is for these reasons my feeling -' out your retirement from the secre taryship of state goes so much deeper than regret. I sincerely deplore it. Our objects are the same and we ought to pursue them together. I yield to your desire only because I must, and wishto bid you God-speed in the part ing. "We shall continue to work for the same causes even when we do not work in the same way. "With affectionate regard, "Sincerely yours, "WOODROW WILSON." Becretary Bryan said t his home when told of the formal announcement of his resignation: "In view of the announcement of my resignation. I will say that letters being -made public, there with state my rea-ons,-but I will have a more complete statement that will be given out when - the American reply to the German note issent, which probably will be tomor row. - ' ' - ' "My resignation takes effect as soon asthe note has been forwarded." i -. Mr. Bryan Padded that he probably would remain In Washington for a while. .' . : . EDNEYYILLE B-2 NETS. m ..... ...jv-H Several summer visitors-" arrived in this section the past .week. There seems tobe good prospects of a large crowd in this nection. . - ' Mr. and Mrs. .Henry. -Coston and family of Hendersonville R-2 visited her brother, Mr. J. E. Justus last Sun Mr. and Mrs. George Conner of MtJ THE METHODISTS AT BHEYAEDf MEET NEXT AT. 1YEAYEHYILLE. Asbeville District Selects Delegates ITlio Will Attend the Next Annual . ' v Conference at Heidsville. Was Confederate ! ,Yeteran and. Promi nent Citizen of Horse Shoe Seo- - 7 1' Uon j Xeares hax&Jfa)Mpp Milton S. Johnson; a prominent, citi zen of . Horse Shoe' died last Wednes day, June 2; atrtbTe age pf ;72JyeirslIt? was a .confederate' -veteran ?JLnd-well known throughout- the- county;:? For some? time Mr. Johnson hasbeeniln feeble health : and .his - deatn- was; noi Wholly, unexpected ? ; : v Surviving- the ;ojeceasea are in .w,ue, thVee daughters, . Miss Sue Johnson f of Horse ShoerMisrs-Celia -Jhnscm,-a 'tt,ained-nursev"tfttenta,"andn. John Goodwin b Greenville, S.;C, two sbns'r A, Johnsoii, of A.'JS; ;jrohn "aott'& " Coir'JU5lieTille,r:attd -Alex- Johh- son of Horse Shoe. All . of the family were at home whien jdeatb " occurred ! . " The deceased was 'an uncle' of Mrs: W; B- McGuire "and J. Johnson of; this5 city, and aLjo of Mrs. R. C. Crow ell of Candler 'Mrs.-McGulre Mr. and Mrs. Crowell and Hr. and -"Mrs. John-3 son went to Horse Shoe, on the -morning "train today . to ,attend .the f uneral ceremonies, - which" took 'place this af ternoon at 4 o'clock at Shaw's creek -. churctv Interment followed at the. adjoining cemetery- r ; . '"'-"' - NEW KLND :PPMQU0fc'-:' ' Sarah' Nesbit, a negro woman as brought ; before squire 0 J. Mil ward upon the charge of retailihg-and manu facturing liquor. It was brought out In the evldencg. and samples were pro duced of little vials labeled with full directions of ' making whiskey. - Also with -these bottles was. found about three gallons ' of the finished product together1 with gasolin which Is caid to have entered Into the receipt for making the drink. She was bound over to Superior": court under a $300 bond.'. ;'' ' :. ' - ' ' Members of the : local . Methodist church, who attended the annual meet ing cf the. district conference of the Asheville district, Western North Car olina conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, returned to this city Friday afternoon -from Brevard. Wea ve rville was ' selected as the place of holding the next annual meeting. ' The following laymen from the vari ous churches of the district were chos en to represent it at the , next annual" Western North Carolina conference . i WANT A D 8.1 FbURjHEALTH AND APPEARANCE LARGE. ll;;Ly. DEPENDS UPON THE CARE AND ATTENTION YOUi GIVE YOUR TEETH-TO SAY NOTHING OF - FOB'. SALE Bnggy 7 and harness in good condition.- Apply. to Mrs. P. E. - Braswell; City'.--"!:: -? '.. 5 6-3-3tp v: FOB SALE Small farm fire miles from Hendersonville. Good roads. -Suitable for summer.; home. - Call C Freeman. 3802. - - -6-3r7tp Zlon wpta tn this section last Monday, whicn will meet at Reidsville'm.Nov Mr. and Mrs! B. P. Stepp of Point ember: Zeb. F. Curtis and Fred Fel- - FOB SALE Two room cottage with a J Lookout spent the week end witn her .met. oi Asnevme; u. ti. - irowpriage, ;.-gwuTuca. tmiuue,.u muveu bwu MfMStiv Bilk jeopardize your by scrubbing them AvitK peionableoabsblutely injurious dentri fices. It doesn't pay. ; . ' T 1NV ai s loo th Powd er and Tooth aste 25c ELECTRIC LINE CORNER HEND ER SONYILLE, N.C . parents,-Mr. and Mrs. A.. M. Lyda.' of Brevard, and Vance Norwood, of ' Apply to Mrs: J. G. Waldrop. 6-3-3tc Mr. Ambrose McLaughlin returned Hendersonville. - - - - - ' ; , from Georgia last week. . , - The district meeting was one of un- . Mr C. M. Ledbetter of Greenville 4 usual " success and practically all of S. C, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs!" the churches of the territory embraced T. Q. Ledbetter last week. . Li it were represented; Reports of - ' ' " ' ;r-1the churches- showed "that. they have See Rozzelle's Crex Rugs - for bar- 4 experienced a year of great success trains - . ... ltc and are preparing for enlarged activ- t ' - - - " ities along many lines of churchw ork. ' ' What makes it go? ltc I The following attended from ' this - . s ; -.city; Rev. and Mrs.- W..F. Womble, -'--F .S.-Wetmur, W. S. Miller, T. R., De- Shields' and. Vance' Norwood . : ' - .;. f IK Why Take Chances With 31 1 ypnoioi Jr ever c M- . MILLS BIYEB BIPPLES. Bring your family ;aries arid be to one old Dispens Safe, Convenient ' and P ractica Painless Protection. No Open: Sore, INqfDangef QGost Uy WAITED Ion to know that Mrs. W. ; . A. Burdette has moved to her.home - on Flat Rock road, just beyond Mud Creek, where she will be pleased to 7 do your accordion plaiting and dress r making at reasonable prices. 'Terms .cash: f : -'. ? : 6-3-3tp That'mypterioups clock" at Hunter's ; You Jfeed It! and We Have Got It : So why stay away any longer? Our store is moved opposite the monument and - court house next door to M. 'M, Shepherd. z. We y sell .Furniture.,, Our stock has . been replenished for: the .season. -. An 'assortment well- wof Mi, your inspection' and prices tob low for ca II. - Chas.H Rozelle, Man." Phone 2. The Fumitiire! -Have you visited -' Ciias. Rozzelle iiBw.iunuiure eiore opposire tne cour house?;."-' - i ltc you to turn "down, y At cost.Pay n&a. :'- What makes it. go? ltc Treats are Necessary to Give Protections Get your Treatment at the follows ing FVeei Dispeia Ro Daria Tusedo, R Rock;Baniws5 B Sh6e,rMiUa River,?M r ruitland and Henderconville. Sse Local Columns tor Dates 1LWSSS3M - . -- - . .-- . . . , - - . - . T : - State and County Boards of Health Childrens' Day was observed Sunday, .June 6, at the Methodist, church Quite - an extensive program was rendered. ' Beginning at '.JL1 o'clock exercises by - the children were given .which, showed ! considerable 'preparation. The-,j)roT - gram was supplemented by the choir 4 and a special quartette from.Fruitland. ' Dinner was served on the grounds at noon. The afternoon was featured by addresses, from several visitors : and those of-the. immediate community. A very large crowd was in attendance and.aany could not hear the parts of the program as there was not t room ' ror aii-m the church. -.. ... . On Wednesday of last week. there were two funerals at the Presbyterian church. Mr. W. B. Allison was buried the morning-and Mrs. T. L..Holden in the afternoon. Mr.-Allison was 86 years old and had been" 111 for; soino i time He - came to this county from McDowell about I860. He had : been married near 59v years. He leaves five children: Mrs. O. E. Corpening, Mrs' Milt Allen, Mrs. Fred Allen,' Mr. R. B. Allison and Mr. Lee Allison, , . . Mrs. rHolde.n's death came as the result of a lone illness' Sh ' husoand and several small" children: "to mourn the loss. . Her.two little girfs, Maudjand Blanche; had to stop school : in the" fall on account o her illness. - . AI meeting of the high school and local school jcommitteemeh was held Saturday 5 afternoon - - An important part of the business -transactions was the, election of .teachers for the ensii'7 ln'5 yearl - Announcement was made that Mr. ' N.- L. Ponder was r -elected as principal of the school and Mr. "J. Blanton Belk as assistant for Interme diate -work. . Thft AlAotinn Af tVio - ' ww fcUV M" mary teacher was deferred. v Plans for : school work were discussed and - the program for ; the' coming .year set in J motion. A combined meeting of comr vmitteemen and teachers -will be held ia July before the opening of school It is reported that work his begun ;- on- the ; township road : leading from norse noe toward Davenport .& Whitaker's store, meeting the Hender sonville 'road. It is expected that the grading of the part.ln this community . will be done very soon. '. . r v- .--I, Mrs.-W. H J Whiteside has Just te t turned from Rutherford where she has 1 been-visitlng relatives. - .v '.S H: i .' Mr. t'Teddie' Stedman ; is - "spending . the summer with Mr. J. M. Crook.-: He has been In school at Weaver college vue past year.; ; - .:. ";V-' . v?;y . - Messrs;-Henry:i;Cwk;m'rk''luW jhcajhu - were - in itenaerson ville last Friday,-night "where they en listed with the coast guard. . . ; Miss Esther Johnson of the Pleasant , Hill country is spending the week with MrW. J, Drake. : ' v - -Miss Minnie-. Barnett-: is' again "at . home She" has been away for some j time teaching in the South. Miss Annie Juee Drake left yesterday 'I I si t"' ""J FOR ill liiay Ladies Gauze VestSj ? i 1 0c value 0 i 5 c f Embroidery, 1 8 in; wide, 20c guaHty5 Oct Tah Linen, 36; in. wide 0c vaIuelZLl& 0c j Dress GprdiWh colors 25 bfqualityi 12 12c Dress epes; inf: jiew lattjHesis Sl ( Iuef Ready-made sizes SOcvaluej - - " , --- v .. ' - . v -' PILIOWCASES; GoodfQcllOcI PercaIes;6 in jsolid 1 oiiol 0 cjqnality, 6c Ladies Dresses, $2 lvalue. ... 98c Ladies Lingerie and Crepe .Dresses, $4. &.$5 values bhly:1:.:..,...$i.98 - Ladies Jisripriccd IVcsses; Recced Accordingly ;l(ite, value at only auI 33c MdiJHif $35 Qfitlp 98c LadiesvBabyDoll Pumps solid leather from $1.48 up. One lot Old Ladies Com- forGSlpland ;froni up. Ladieslriii r3 ' t V li The' JLJndersellers uOn the Comer V for1' Hendersonville where shewill spend the suminer.