THE ADVERTISERS III THIS NEWSPAPER. ART! Trivr AfiTTATir.n "OF THEIR LIERCHAITDISE.V.THEY ARE COmiUNITY BUILDER em -THEIR LIESSAGE3 ARE WORTH CONSIDERATION. 1 ' i i OIXTEES PLACIXG 5PEOPLE ' Df I The Democrat 'Is at all times I favored; when told; of the doing I of home people and. tfc'eir friends' or visitors;: It Isfnot a bother to take even one ; personal U is helpful to The Democrat when its readers remember little items of personal interest, and, write or. telephone : them to us. Mr. Grady Dotson is spending a few days at Bat Cave. ' 1 . ; . ' ' v -. Mrs. W. A. Rebston has returned to Jacksonville, Fla. :4'-;y."' ' . ' . i. - Mr. P Witcover of Weavervilie was in the city last week: ; ' '. . ' v Miss Ollie Lewis of St. George; S. C.i is visiting in the. city. ' ' . , Mrs. A. E. Tringle has returned to her home at Jacksonville, FJa.j af ter a visifin the city. ' ' r . , . .:o: - ' - Mr. James H. Holmes of Charleston has returned to Hendersonvllle for the summer. ; -v ,: ; ,;v- : ' ; :or :;;., . ; Mr; G. "W. Reeves and family of. lirarichfille, S..C.. hive arrived for. tne summer. .- g.jQ Rev. A. L. Justice will fill the pulpit at East Hendersonville'Baptist cnurch next Sunday. ' . .: '. ' ;o: . :C;'L. Dr. "W. K. Hale has returned from Spartanburg and has . opened office over the Rose pharmacy. ': : - :o: . V ' . ; , Miss Isabella Freeman of Atlanta is visiting Mrs.. E. - Hesterly. at the! Summer Home. " ., ;' " ' -o- ' ; ' v J: The hospital association will meet with Mrs. P. S .Thomas at four o'clock on Thursday of this week. ' 1 r '"- :6: '-! ' '- V'"' Miss Nellie Osteen of Greenville, S.' C, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shipman last Friday. - - ' f Miss Marie Lane of - Rugby has ac cepted a position-; as general delivery clerk at the Hendersonvllle postofflce :o:- ' - . ;- An ice cream supper will bo. given at the Fruitlarid Methodist church on Sat urday afternoon ' and night : of this week for the benefit of the church. - - ;f -: Mr. J. R. Hill has returned from "Bal--rlimore, where he, went forrnedical attention. Mr.-Hill did not undergo ah operation as was expected he would Mrs. C. B, Wade, who was called to Ihis city on account of. the death of her f ather, -Mr, : J. T. Meteer, returned . to her home in St -Louis', Mo.. Mpndayl . - ' 4' " :o: ; '' Mrs. Ed L. Long and daughter re turned to their home at Elmwood Mon day after a visit of several weeks to Mr. and Mrs. Vance Norwood. Misses Evelyn and Charlotte Rucker. M Charlotte leave for Forest City 'Fri day after a vjsit of the past week with their cousin. Mrs.T. E. Shipman. - - - v -:o:- - , - The friends of . Mr. and Mrs.. Henry F. Stewart will ;regret to learn that' Mrs. Stewart is critically ill and that little hope for her recovery is enter tained. : ' . ; 7. Among the Hendersonvllle teachers-f attending the teachers institute m Aoheville this week are: Misses Eva Jordan, Bessie Jordan, Delorah Stepp, Nellie Hart, Jennie Blythe, Estelle Freeman and Gussie Dotson.. This Paper Is Your Special Attorney, Your Leader, -Your Champion PATKONIZE YOUR HOME .NEWSPAPER! ' When any big enterprise has business of great importanpe it employs a SPECIAL ATTORNEY to look after its in- ' terests. . , -. -", ' '" "'r ' " ' When some erreat reform is afoot it has a LEADER to man-;; a o-a ia afnrifli on feer - it- tbromrh-diSTenlties atod - PILOT- IT - TO VICTORY. ' : . : ' ' . When a movement is started for, bringing about some improve ment in civic affairs it needs a CHAIPION. - .: What is everybody's business is nobody's business. - ) . PLEASE PAUSE A MOMENT ANDTHINK' HOWJJFTEN THIS PAPER HAS BEEN YOUR SPECIAL ATTORNEY, YOUR LEADER, YOUR CHAMPIofcl. ; , ' :'' t? t? .'' : " ' :'' ' ' '-' . Think how many times you or your friends; have called upon the publisher and Urged him to fight the good, fight for this im provement or against that danger in our civic life. - . : .';' '; .: ' H ' .'.;.:; ';'''.'.'-'"'''' ' THINK HOW WILtlNGLY ANQ VALIANTLY THiS PAPER HAS TAKEN UP THE PUBLIC TASKS SET FOR IT. THINK HOW MUCH. SPACE IT HAS DEVOTED IN EACH ISSUE IN PLEADING OR LEADING OR FIGHTING FOR YOUR DIRECT AND SPECIFIC IN TEREST. 15 When you remember all these 'things, doesn't it appeal , to jour SENSE of FAIRNESS that you should CORDIALLY bU' l?ORT this paper? ; . , ; - , You believe in a SQUARE DEAL. YOU: be treated, right, and you want to treat lOTHERS RIQHT. v.; .; : I Therefore patronize the newspaper that has ;h.een XOUK FRIEND in home life and in business life 'for so many years . - THE HOME PAPER, 'ALWAYS" THEl CHAMPION OF ii OME INTERESTS. AIO) ABOUT UENDEESONVILLE.- ; ; Mr; andv Mrsi. John'-; Cline and children of, Asheville and Mrs. Rhine hart and children of Charlotte, motor ed , to Hendersonvllle ; Saturday af ter noon , and were ' . the guests of " Mrs. Vance Norwood for a few hours. - : "'vto: ; . ' r ; (- ' " Among, the out of town guests to at tend the Crane-Martin wedding , are Mr.fJ. J. Martin, Miss Nellie Martin, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crane and Mr. H. B." Drake of Pelzer, S. C; Mrs. H. LLa chen and Mr. J'ake Martin of Green ville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brannon of. Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. ; McMillan" and Mrs. James Brannon of Inman; '. C. V ' v - :o: - " ; .-, . - ; ;B. T.r: U. Officers' rV .The Baptist Youne PeoDles Union of the First Baptist church elected the ronowing officers Sunday night; '. ; - President, Noah M: HoUdweli;, vice president, Miss Gussie Dotson; record-1 ing secretary, , Miss Jessine; Brooks corresponding secretary and treasnr er Roy Bennett; ' pianist, ' Miss Mary Brooks; captains, ; Julius M. Stewart, Miss Lillie Brooks and Miss Lula Alexander,; x - ' V : .- . - " :o: ' , vr- . Mr. and Mrs. , Crane Entertain. V if Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Crane entertained informally Tuesday evening . in honor of their daughter. Miss' Carrie, whose ,wedding to Mr, Witt Martin occurred Wednesday. . .;. . ' The house was artistically decorated with, rhododendron, ferns and potted plants; "" 'An Ice course was served. The following were presentf Mr. and Mrs: J. . T. Crane, Mrs! Norma Sandifer, j mr. ana Mrs. vv. u. Brannon, Rev. W F.-Womble, Mrs., H. L Lachen, Misses ;Irma Justus, Mildred Hill, Nel lie Martin, -Irene Wetmur, Pearl Bea son. Sarah Miller, Minnie Crane, Lula Alexander and Lillie Brooks and Messrs. Witt Martin, J.J.Martin, Howard Miller,'- Thurston Crahe and H. B. Drake. : x : . " - - Get-Acqnalnted 3TnsIcal5.' 7 '--.. The following invitations have been .'.saued:--.' -'" '-.-.' - ; --v-' --.'.:' -t. The honor of your presenco ; srequested at the first of a series of ,-' .. - -' . s.-.-' s w'eekly . j :- v.-. - . .. . : : -'Get-acquainted" Musicales . to be given- . - Thursday Evening July , First r ; :, - Eight:thirty o'clock , . f ' ai-the . ' :-f - , Conimuhlty Club :- ,j V :-t-riTe';Frogniiiui',-.' v f jViolin Soio,r Nocturne:.'. ' ti- v-f Mr. R. K: Carlylei ' .Chopii. The Jealous Wife, Miss Lois Ellis. Solo, Carmenar. . ,H. Lane Wilson. vMr. R. R. Carlyle. 41" Humorous Reading, Mr .W.H.Bangs. 5. Short Talk. of Welcome, Rev. R. N. . 1; Willcos. , 30 minutes intermission in which to get acquainted. PUNCH. 6. Violin Solo. Sextette from Lucia. Mr. R. R. Carlyle. Humorous Reading 'Old Sue'Thos Nelson Page, Miss Lois Ellis. ; Solo, with violin obligate. Angels V Serenade, Mrs. R. R. Carlyle. Accompanist Mrs. F. A. Ewbank. 8. Musical Becital The recital by Miss-Louise Davidson soprano,, assisted by Mr. Orme Ed wards, pianist, will take place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Curtis, on Thursday, -July 8, at 8:30 o'ciock. The following -program will be ren dered " v: V- ' ' s"' ' Elegie. . . . ..'. . v. ..... .Massenet. L'heure Exquise . . .' . . . . . . . . . Hahn. . ' ' J .'. . . .. ...... Si j'etals jardinier. . . .Chaminado. Chanson Indour.Y VtRimsky-Kbrs&kOif 'J' i :f '-'';"'' Piano' Solo. " i , " -' : j Mattinata. ... . .Leoncavallo. Aria from La - Boheme . .... Puccini. 'Piano Solo. At Parting, , . Rogers. May. Morning. . .. . ; . . . . ; . Denza. In the ; Time of. Roses . . T. . . Reichardc Come to Me. . . . ... . k .". .Bemberg. Children's Day at Baptist Churchi . - Children's day observed at the First Baptist church next Sunday, be ginning at 10 :30 o'clock, The exer cises will-last for only 55 minutes. Au invitation is extended, to the public to attend. - v'. , : 5 ' ; - ,t ; ; The following interesting ; program will be rendered: . " l-s I . : ; 1. Chorus:. "Gpldeni Summer" Days." 1. Responsive Scripture Reading, Mr. Shipman. 3. I. Lord's J "ray er, Mrs, Cawthon's ' Class V , ; , ; : ' Recitation; "We're : glad. Today," jGrace Freeman. -Primary Song: "Scattering Pretty 5. . Roses.'',, , '''' '.,;."' .-; . 6. -Promotion exercises; ; : ' " - 7. Recitation: 's-. "What Shall we 8. 9. Chorus: -""Sing, Happy Children.". Exercise : 'Suhshine Girls' Mis3 Ficker.'s class . -' Sol6-ahd Chorus: "While I Lay Sleeping," Louise Matthews and Primary class. ' Exercise: "Count your Blessv lngs," Miss Lott's class. 7 : Short, Talk: "Children's Work in Argentina.," Mrs. Jas. M. Justice. ' Announcements. - ' . , . - Offeratory: Instruniental , Duet 10. 11. 12. ,13. 14. "Sun of "My Soul," Messrs. Louis, and Clarence Durham '..V ; 15. Benediction, Mr. Cawihoiu ' Postlude : 'X3olden Summer Days," or-, .-chestra.. ," . - , ;- - s IDEAS' OF A GOOD TIME. ' ":; What is your Idea of a good time ? .Ideas on this subject seem to. vary. ' One man's meat is another man's poison. ' . - : Now, you take an old wheel horse of a married man who hs never missed a day from work in leu years and who has never failed to march up to friend wife and fork over "his pay envelope and stay home every night, what is hi3 idea of a good .time? , - '; - Let me whisper. The very ears have walls.., v ' . : -. -- -T' . ' His idea of a good time Is: v X 5 Way down in . the depths' of his W nermost thoughts he is wishing a lit" tie quiet wish all to ; himself. .It Is simply a-desire to fling aside" th'e gar ment of conventionality, and be a reg ular devil just for once. He would like to hire a big touring car and burn large jagged holes.;-in the circumambient atmosphere on a joy rdie that" would make Barney. Old-' aeldTIook like a snail. . If ther were a few painted women sitting on the hind seat singing fooUs&iU rmtigwhymrsonearhf. he wouiah t ?mnt'to.stoft 'em,' "".'." A rapt-to stop 'em. He would srear, up on. his hind legs and , whoop and holler himselfv and yell: Gn with the dance-let joy' be unrefined." Then he would up and get as drunk as a biled owl and have to be carried home and put to bed, but he would turn overand -sob himself to. sleep and be happy, perfectly happy. . . He says to himself he might die the next day but he would have lived for cne night. , , What is the .pessimist's idea of a' good time?. -Why, he would. like to be a wet blanket and wrap hiniselj around the whole , world. That would tickle him nearly to death. You young, innocent and modest lit tle convent maid would like to be a dashing, " heart-breaking widow or a . ' -srous woman with a past. That her idea of a good time. . - Every: hard working old newspaper, man wants to settle down somewhere to a quiet, peaceful life wheer he can have a little farm and potter around iu his bare feet and smoke an old pipe of the vintage of '76. A woman's idea of a good time is to have oodles and oodles and oodles of money ' and" thousands and thousands of miles of department store aisles to wander ' through and no limit on her buying::;; ; ' - A smalL-boy's idea of a good time is tilt) WUUIO WU11U bUUICllCU Cfc -"o circus and the ringmaster snapping a whip and making everything hop to cis bidding, and when. he tired of that .o-bc the biggest baseball pitcher in the world. , . ' . A dog's idea is to have all the cats in the world up one tree and they dos en't come down. : . : My. idea would be to go to. work at 11 a. m., quit "and noon and have an: hour fcr lunch. Florida Times-Union. K. OF P. MEETING. The installation of officers by the Knights of Pythias is scheduled for next Monday night, . when all officers and members are requested to be pres ent. The rank of Knight will be con ferred. ,-. -" , Visitors in the city are invited " to attend.- '- - . The Henderson ville Niagara. ; W. A. Smith, proprietor of the park, has discovered among the many other interesting - features of the ' popular play ground a young Niagara. ' To the rear of the :soda fountain was; placed a mirror several feet square ; and slightly tilted so as to give those standing in front of it a reflected view of the lake in the mirror. The size of the glass affords a view- from near ly across , the lake and by. reason rpi the inclined position of the' mirror, when the gasoline boat glides over, the water; leaving a foaming trail behind, those in the boat glancing into the mirror will see a fair representation of a boat dashing at , lightning speed up or down what appears tobe a fair ly ( steep waterfall.. " "'V :-':'.'. : ; GOOD BOAItMG HOUSE PB0PO. sitidn, JO room, nous e close' In, vrouid .consider small farm In part payment. See W. F. Edwards." 7-1-tno . EOAD WOKK PROBABLY RELATED IN (GEEEifTILLE COimTT C. : The road . question in Greenville county, S. wnere the. authorities elected Preston F Patton. road suner-. :,J visor, is now in " the -oourts . and ; it Is uut naown wnen air. i'auon wiu tane ibid actively -;'.::. ;:' ; c: -; The authorities were authorlaed to issue $950,000 in road bonds and they proceeded , to issue $400,000. Road opponents - protested and asked for an injunction from the court the- request being denied Monday. Notice of ap peal was given to the supreme courts which, if the appeal is perfected, will mean that the road , work will be held up; for some, timeat least until the legality of: the bond issue is tested. ; v iMr. Patton- has been giving some at 1 tentioix to 4the road situation in Green- vUle county, but has not moved there permanently and likely will not until the matter is definitely 'settled. -z a- ; ; TOO GULF STREAMS. ...' . 'j -ry; ' ';;.-';.. Th On of Air It What Creates tha A-.''. V'.:, Deserts of, the East.'.-. .The gulf stream, as every one knows, Is-'a. broad river of -worm water which starts in the gulf of Mexico, wanders across the col Atlantic ocean and. bumps into the British Isles, giving I them a warm climate and lio end of fog ana rain, .uuc tew people Know tnat Jn the atmosphere above'there is a second, tulf stream of warm, moist, air. ', j This slow,- damp breeze" strikes the. British isles and does not; corona off, like the gulf streamrbut continues over Europe. As it passes over Sweden. Fin land and' northern Russia 'these cold lands chill the wind "and cause it 16 drop.its moisture in the form of rain.', JThe lakes and rivers of these northern countries 'are all supplied by the mois ture taken up from the gulf stream.- The rotation of the earth makes this Tvlnd veer gradually to the southward about the time, it has given up the last of Its moisture and warmth. As ' a mighty draft of dry, cold air, the gulf Btream'wind. moves on across the plains of ' Russian As it approaches the equa-' tor the wind warms again, but becomes ever drier. ; - '' ; ' ..' . At last, as it sweeps over Turkestan, Arabia gnd Sahara, It evaporates like a great sheet of blotting paper all water It meets forming the deserts of Turke stan; Sahara and Arabia., Fortunately this devastating wind now lea ves the continent, becomes the trade winds and returns to Its starting point at the gulf of Mexico. . ' ; ' , Several somewhat visionary schemes have been suggested . for i altering the course of the gulf stream. One of the Immediate results of any such change Trould be. the shifting vof the present deserts - .to other: parts of . the . world. New York American. i nfircriir : s-rrnsn-riAii , OLECU LAR ATTRACT! 0 . . ; r. ""A. " . ' - That UWhat Permits Needle to : Float Upon; Water." ( A steei needle laid carefully on a Etui water surface will float, although the weight of steel : or Iron is' greater than that of an equal volume of water; Molecules of liquids cohere.but with! a force far less than in solids or viscid eubstances. But the thin needle of teetal;' gently placed horizontally on water" has not quite weight enough to.! break - the surface tension that Is,' molecular attraction of the water be low it ". '''' Attraction of molecules Is a force that exerts great influence In. nature. Thus this force draws particles of wa ter.In fogs into drops of water which, are heavy enough to fall as rain. Dew is arformat!on of minute particles of. Water into drops at rest on surfaces. The molecular attraction of the, heavy liquid mercury ;Is Intense.' else this heavy liquid could not be drawn by It into spheres or drops. V Melted lead forms into minute globes when let fall in high shot towers. ; , - ; . .There is a great difference in the In tensity of mojecular attraction, as may be observed In alcohol, gasoline, sul phuric ether and, similar limpid liquids and oil. sirup glycerin and other vis cous liquids. ';: Soap bubbles could not be blown in alcohol or benzlrfe, but they form read ily in water. : And the molecules in the thin . films really attract' with some force, else the bubbles would burst be fore they become so large. The most elaborate mathematics are required to handle molecular forces, fit only far technical journals. New York Ameri cans Working the Morse Code. . Easiness of - the telegraph code has sometimes facilitated evil practices. Charles Galbraith,i formerly chief su perintendent of telegraphs at Bombay, described, one notable, case. Messages used' to be brought, by .mail steamer from Suez to Point de Galle and tel egraphed thence overland to Bombay. Native operators found It profitable, especially duriiui ' the cotton famine, to communicjite the tenor of dispatches to, outside ronfderates. At V first the method employed was to write a copy of the telegram, roll it up tightly and drop It out of , t!ie window. , But this was soon detected and stopped. Then the operator would lean his head on his hand as' if musing and drum with his fingers. -Knowledge of the Morse code by the man outside did the rest. - " An Inch of Rain.' " An Inch of rainfall is equivalent to 600 barrels of forty-five gallons each to the acre. This amount of water weighs over 113 tons. , Think of : hauling it to the farms' In' .wagons x. holding a ton each! That' seemingly light air and clouds arei capable of handling , this enormous amount of water U one of the, marvels of meteorology. One inch of: rain is not' such" a heavy rainfall Either. Farm and Firesida. v - : 'Attend the:- Try i v r ormai - upsnm . or ". - . ' IT)) JUL SATURDAY, ' JULY 3rd pur windo w for bargains, : values r up to $5.00 for $ 1 .00 : SAJURDAyHlAR DAY ' ; ALL INVITED I; ' - TE Forest BIdg. Between Ti"n 11 . - - Citizens National Bank Building Hendersonville. N, C; The summer shop for sum mer days. Always the tapl e merchandise as th as e newest goods market -'V: jrj-r' -..--n ac HER OLD CAKE RECIPE. .; ' ' '-' : ; '. . It Has Never Failed, It Is Claimed, to . . .. Give Satisfaction. . " ' ' Sarah Knowlton Is a woman who ha made cakes all her life and always has nsed 'the same recipe, wedding cakes, special cakes, holiday cakes, party cakes and everyday cakes, simply be cause the cake which she made for her own wedding In 1S62 was so delicious that all the guests wanted one like it, and this desire has been passed on-to their children and friends. She keeps, many cakes on hand, so that, her cus tomers may have their cake a rtay. a week or a month old, as they like. Each cake weighs about one a half pounds and, is labeled with: the date of Its baking.. They,arekept in ttone jars wrapped in waxed paper. Here is the recipe: . V One cupful each of sugar, butter and molasses: one cupful homemade Jelly or strawberry" preserves, one cupful buttermilk, half a cupful strong cof fee, two eggs, one grated nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls ; cinnamon, one teaspoon ful cloves, two teaspoonfuls saleratu (dissolved in half a cupful boiling wa ter); two pounds raisins one pound cleaned currants, one pound chopped candied fruit (lemon, orange, citron), fAx cupfuls flour measured before sifting.- .' ' - ' ' ' : .. Mix the fruit thoroughly in the flour. Cream butter and sugar, add the eggs, milk and coffee; then the flour contain- Ing ; the fruit Beat thoroughly and add the spices. ; - v ; . . - Turn into well buttered pans and pake at least one hour in a slow oven. New York Post. ' : . Japan's Troublesome Volcano. . Sakurajiraa is one o the volcanoes created, according to the old Japanese calendar, in a single night. :-A spedflc elate 718 A..D.--has even been assign ed for, the event, but it is quite evi-x dent, from Its appearance that the con is really very ancient one. Sakura-' jlma's ' form is rugged " and weathet. beaten ,'Tinie has furrowed its sides, and the forces of .denudation have per- eeptibiy-increased the steepness of th upper part of th .cone by the removal of all theiIigt--",;''ejected.'materiaIsJ;. This circumstaice has given rise to tht ; legend that the northern " peak of the; island separated -from -the rest of the summit ridge by: a" slight, depression- I inaccessible.;- As a matter of fact, it presents no serious difBcutty. London - Graphlcv T-'K', -1 : ,' ra'V;'-.' - ' -- y' " ; Saturday, July 3, The iBazar will open with a big 'Dollar Dayf sale. See Vindow of new Porest building- next to Vista Th'eatre.Adv. 1 ' ' ' .. . Strand and Vita Theaters DC well ds th affords. IB. LESTER BUYS HOUSE OF ; DR. EGERTON OJT 5TH AYE. tt. T. Lester, jr., , .proprietor of the new Strand theatre, has purchased the handsome building erected more than a year ago by DrJ J.' L. Egerton on the corner of Justice and Fifth avenue and is now occupying his new home. - Mr. Lester states that he' Is in Hen-; dersonville to stay. He has had unusu-; aj success with-his new hiotion Dicture show since it opened two weeks ago and is delighting many theatre-goers with interesting programs. ' CARD OF THANKS. Mrsl, J T. Meteer and family wish to thank the Masons and many, friends for their kindness" during the recent bereavement of the family.' ' adv. to The Democrat f or . 12 months, $1.00. It s a question which is the worst condi tion p want a thing and not have it, or to have as thing and V not Want it. : rfir-.Y :- -:i;--' - .i tyi'in eitner-case tne answer is--read and use the want ads. WL- rf THE JfOBTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AHD MECHANIC ARTS Young men seeking to equip them- " selves for practicaljife in Agriculture 1 and all its 'allied branches in Civil,' Electrical and' Mechanical Engineer-" ing; in Chemistry and Dveing in Tex- , tile Industry,"; and in Agricultural Teaching will find excellent provision " for their chosen careers at the State's Industrial College. This College fits .. men for life.. Faculty for; the coming', year of 65 meni "? students; 25 build- ings.rV .Admirably: equipped laborato-? ries hi . each departnient. ..County! exr ' aminations at each county-seat on July 8th. . . . i ' ' ; ' - For catalogue write; ' -t - " E. B. OWENr Registrar, : 7-l-7tp v: v West Raleign, N. C. SHOP