.-- " 'Y Y'-Y' - r Y " '-7Y Y.'- Y 77' V 'Y' V i I and :Frerichurr :d;IiuBtier VOL XXI lv NO33 BENDERSONVILLE, N. C. THUf .UGUST 26, 1915 la EIlJfEAR IN AD VANG JML Autom obi lounst 1 -v Qld IG The acoompanylhg Ulstratkiis( ithiough representing wiicly ; Tarylng modes of transportation in He'ndersdn Tille;' bridge a 6nort : period cl only abbutbpe decade. v iTne View.stiowlng 'Cot Pickens vwitn his .two . horserdrawn street cara was commonplace !'.f iu HEnderaonvIUe about' a ; decade? ago: before : gasoline and electrically driven street Cars and automobiles liad made their appearr ance in the city.' . . : . ' These hofse-drawa street cars abont ten years ago were quite progressive .for Hehdersonville but-fthe service, i mostly on Main street was abandoned -before the . gasoline or electric street cars came into ois here. :. , ''; The other scene shown in Henderson ville In its present every-day life, with two streetarsand automobiles parked on either' stae rot Main "street for-about 'five blocks: iand. a number n some 'oti the intersjejhsatreeta.-. -l-v: Main airet' this summer iis tne'eoene .of twice-pr three timea.as many a,utOr; mobiles as" were, seen there-no longer ProbaDiy tne universal Tuse.oitae automobile has- .not worked more changes for any city within the past year than for HendersonvJIle and other parts of Henderson county. The coun ty's splendid roads and the prevalence of automobiles .have . greatly revolu tionized the tourist business, for the reason that it has affected it In many ways. V - '- It was only within the past three or four years that the : automobile waa introduced:-in Henderson Jille to any extent and last winter was he first to the use of automobiles throughout the year. By reason of Uie unsatisfactory-con- - OUUUlciU Males iuiu iicuuci duuiu the ; trip in an automobile was -Quite -risky,; but the opening of 'the Green ville and Spartanburg Vroadshave placed these highways in the Blue Book, the atrtomobne trareierst gtrldei and daily these" roadsare traversed by many maefhtnes. Bailway Affected. Even the'Southern railway has felt the effects of good roads and automo biles for travel to this section hereto fore was almost entirely by rail, but -now they come in automobiles from various parts of the Union. Constancy of Tourists Affected. - The automobile has also affected the stability of the tourist business. Here tofore a, party or family came to Hen dersonville or some other place in Western Carolina and jarely moved to another resort thiring the season. Now they come in machines, stop for a day or so at a hotel or transient boarding liouse and move on to anther summer resort, living to a great extent in tbelr cars. l.'H? Hits Boarding Houses Ilard. This new mode of travel has affect ed the city boarding house business materially since these -migratory . visi tors usually stop at hotels, but the new condition of things has increased considerably the patronage of country boarding houses, which, by reason, of their accessibility to the city afforded by good roads and machines, many more tourists than usual are taking advantage of because of cheaper rates in the country and the much desired tranquil surroundings. - Good roads and automobiles have been the making over of such hereto fore isolated placea as Chimney Rock and Bat Cave, which were very popu lar among those who - summed up enough courage to take the Jong tire some trip there in hacks. The revo lution it has worked in that section is attested to by the announcement in last week's Democrat of the intention of Dr. L. B. Morse of Hendersonvllle to construct an automobile scenic highway to the base of Chimney Rock, thus making this place much more popular to thousands of tourists by reason 01 its accessimuiy wuuout a strenuous climb by foot. Laurel Park -Affected. Another Hendersonville enterprise seriously affected by the automobile is that of the Laurel Park estate. , Tht management has gone to a great ex pense to build about ten miles of good ioads through the park, erect a trolley Jine to the city, and provide other, at tractions. Heretofore the park haa been getting fairly good -revenue from the street cars, but this has been serf- ously crippled by the large number of " machines not only from Hehderson- ville but? from surrounding iowna I "which visit the park; tofwh!chii"o a$ mission fee " has been charged. thus j ; reducing the street car traffic. But this shift In the affairs of the park has increased rather ,than reduced its pop ularity as a place for amusement seek- ,ers and jsummer cottagers. . .- HeiiiersonTille Is Proffresslnp. 0- The pictures herewith serve to show some of the remarkable w progress made .by Hendersonville within the past decade. -Where about ten years ago there was a! Main thoroughfare lined with gnarled poorly cared f or trees In its .center' Is 'now, a well-paved (Continued on . last' jBage) Gh arige Situations to ltionsi iMust ;be .- r SOUTHERN iNUESEBYlEEK,r2IEET ; H ijt iiENDEEsoinriLtE $ dais; Fifty Delegates From Ytrbaj South- ; jecn. ! State's' Expected !i:k2$r4stinK i i The eighth; annual conviatAon of the Southern ,k iNurseymen'siliiiiasociatlon convened in HenderpoiivjJile i;Wednes d,sy: afternoon ; f or : a , fteaaioq i jot three days; with: IheadquarieTratutlie St jQhn i hotel.: i ... ;:;;il;iHiUi;:;r- V. . i : : association Veitraepsi - thtr Sjutaerfi" .Stiites. . Ihci?ideiiuviaf -th prrami are i discusslansryt ' nursey men , n-: ! Various: eetfi)nk!i i ot. the South. - f'H? : i :'v!tUUuinr; ?-- : ' A few of; the delegates, arrived yes terday' and others are arring today, about fifty j being expected Utb .Attend the 'convention:'.';.- -;:i';ijyjtvV, - The;ram'?f oiiows h : ? ; ; :Invjcationr by llev - KltWpCawthon of Hehdersonville, r :!t f? f A ' : : Address .-Sof v'welcome ;byRevRj jf. WUlcOx ' ot; HendersbnvUleft if. 7: : Response " .by vA!WV':feid&;ot: HuntsviiIer'Ala. .: ; jiii-a".; : ; President's address ;by Milton' "Most of Huntsville.r H7 ,. -:u:Vt": ,r Secretary-Treasurer's . report by A. I. Smith of Knoxville. ;;; ;,- : Report of standing committees. : Appointment of committees. . "The War and Business,! ' by . Chas. T. Smith of Concord, Ga, ; "fTThe Open Question," by Jefferson Thomas ot Jacksonville, Fla. "Prices," by Miss E. B. Drake of Winchester, Tenn. .. . Thursday Horning 9 o'clock. . Should we dispose of our surplus prices -below cost of production, and wi?it effect will it have on our future . T rai goo . "Pecan Talk," by James Brodie of BUoxi, Miss. ' ' -' -; "The propagation . of Coniferous evergreens from cuttings, ; by Thomas A. McBeth of Springfield. Ohio; . -"-What -cutszs-nt:SQt Catawba county, orth Caixolina, by W J. Shuford bfJHckory- -'v : "Broad leaved . vergreens; for thf South," by R. C;. Berckmans of - Au gusta, Ga. t- ' " .' "My method of " propagating ? pe cans," by W. C. Reed ' of - Vincennes Indiana. "..vs. A' - , . . ; ': : Thursday Afternoon. Session, 2 o'clock "Nurserynien co-oerating; with 'en tomologists" by E. L. Worsham. State Entomologist of Atlanta, Ga. : "A fair deal ,f oru the other f ellow.V by O. W. Fraser of Hunts ville. "Citrus -Canker " by R.- C. Simpson of Monticello, Fla7 "Our Agents," by A. I. Smith, Knox ville. Tenn. - , "Should the wholesaler help tho retailer in disposing of surplus stock this season, and'-how?" by O. Joe Howard - of Pomona, N. C. "Garden Roses," by Sam W. Cro well of Roeacres, Miss. Friday Morning Session, 9 o'clock. . "The re-organized National asso ciation," by J. R. Mayhew of Waxa hachie, Texas. . "Selected,"' by E. W. Chattin of ! Winchester, Tenn., and C. M. Griff ing. Maecien.ny, Fla. "Address," by Prof. G. M. Bentley of Knoxville. "What they did at the Detroit con vention," by H. B. Chase of Chase, Ala. ' Election of new -officers and selec tion of next meeting place. Unfinished business. Resolutions. Adjournment. - $50,291 FOR VANCE ROADS. Henderson, Aug., 2t The Vance County's Road's Commission has just received $50,291.70 collected for the completion of the good roads system in the county. The recentlssue voted I upon by the people of.ther county and j wnicll was carried by a substantial majority has been approved and de- livered nd the Former's and Mer- chant's Bank of Henderson, which bought the entire issue,-d3livcred the t amount to the commissioners.. i r Y Present-day Main i ( - Adj v HILLS EITEB ITEII3 ? School opened August 16 IWithr an attendance of about 115. luch: terest ia shown on- ihe 'patiifCiihV .student! and commiihity ' av '-r ri The school committeeiieemtilo; fc3 awake to opportunities 'Jot impryiiis the health and. convenleneeipfi' thsi schooL They are' navmg'eU;csred for the school at an estimated' cot c! This will mean; ;soiethiii& li: convenience as ..weli as '.'in ,ailltary: conditions., . r V-:, : Y ?.r' ; 2sB-bbys ot the, highly tchoorfirs( piahnTng --a' negro mlnstrelr . ''tlke near future, to : raise' fondsYioAjCoier some athletic expensed, t The.atewill be announced later, k ?s ; f - ,x Work: on the Preabytejlan'iiSss is progressing very welL The'chAirch trustees have , ut-hidt f a t)OYed"wfell completed r for thi maijse.'is : :'S: , Rev.':W. Tt.. -Riviere; ot thlv place, who . has , beei': jefvmg.-! as1 - pastors it the-MaUs River;. Oak pale .and:5wanT. nanoa- - Presbyterian - 'Churches." - an-. nounced Sunday , that he :wbuld.. leave the work" of these .churches .rafter ttw Zih Sunday . or- thi : month : to; re turn to the Theological Seminary at Columbia. Mr. v Riviere .hasV done faithful and conscientious work since he has been in this 'commuiiUy; and has made a host 1 of friends; -The writer voices the sentiment s ofv, the community In wishing hirn the, best success in his wok. Rev. H. D. Corbett of the Seminary at Columbia will preach at the next regular church service, at the Pres byterian church. Y ; - ; Willie Corpenlng, seven-year-old son of Mr. C,-S. Corpenlng, was prac ticing jumping and broke the lower though he is not able to be in school he is improving rapidly. Y Y Misses .Minnie and Florence Bar nett Tiave returned from Lenoir City; Tenn., where they have spent part ot their- summer vacation. Y : Y 500.000 WOMEN JOIN NATION'S DE FENSE; PATRIOTIC CREED URGED Washington, Aug. 18. The national presidents of women's organizations, representing a combined membership of over half a - million women, have promised to serve the woman's sec tion of the Navy league, the first wo man's national committee. These notable women assured the section of most cordial support, and it is expected that the majority of. the membersship they represent will line up behind the national defense ban ner " the patriotic, women of America have unfurled. Mrs. Genevieve Clarke Thomson, daughter of Speaker Champ Clark, has accepted as national committeeman of the section grom Louisiana. Mrs, Thomson is enthusiastic on the sub- ject of national defence and declared today that she believed the women oi the ' country could and would awaken a great national sentiment in behalf of J sufficient national defences. . Mrs. Tnomson also nas oeen select ed as one of the judges who with Julia '-? --Y: ILL '.i. Street Scene Except hundred or more - . - - " 1 1 - """""IIIJ ' -1 -- - - ' ' l ,- ;,' K'-' ; ...-." ' J - ' .' ' ' ..." .' , " . ' t. - -;--'" & -O' & K - K -Y; . . 'X t& CS-J:C3AKTS MEET MONDAYS -Da Y:The: Merchants sociatjon:-.! of Hendersonvllle will meet iij Tegular" monthly- session y j0g ilohday: night at 8 : 30 ocldck TM fJellbWy ; buUdlngl YA: - 3. EQOd rt tendance Is urgeoX - tj?ln the -mountain, jbo- grand and :2i!:Y''--,- ' ''.--'.' ;iy they : call ; Jt i lor ot ' the -lYYkYY ?vx.Yy"'.j; . - :; ';!.? H .irasik.roxa.- a mountain spring v r- t? CT. lay that -gurgled , and sparkled A and cpeiaway : YY , '- ' Y : -Y ? f tumbled; rand : ; leaped :dowir the Ymountatn-iide, x I ';; W: -.'YY i Happier far than the happiest bTidei Ita-cooIeb13i8 shadow by ; -verdure r-rcct ut he foot.ct the .mpuntainV ' :. Asalnweii; ? jneefc.' .c .-'ri'-yl But, jbn and on: must thou go, today" i TfcbQan4 refreiliftn-tjwarde.MJi ay;;-; A Jblessing tb - ailrts 2 thycooU debtli FarewelV 'little prtngtllf; 'theet:' ".;v-: :: Y:.:--.-; 'Y'-.-r-i IIRS. R;; 3YWAlTOR,-EustlsV FlaJ:j YTO CHARLOTTE ON 4 GALLONS. ' ' ;':John H. Todd made what he believes Ik a .record; trip to Charlotte recently; when with his Ford he navigated the distance with eight passengers by wav of .Spartanburg, on four gallons of gasoline. . He says that he has never heard of any one else making the trip with this small amount of . gasoline. CAPT. LOWRANCE INJURED. - - While fishing on Green River Tues day, Capt, W. B. Lowrance of Colum bia, S. . C, slipped and fell upon a rock as a result of which he broke one of -his hips. Capt. Lowrance suffered intense pain. ; He was - taken to Co lumbia. . beiner accompanied by Mrs J Lowrance and ; Dr. J. S, Brown. Main Street Scene About a Decade As o Marlowe. David. Belasco, Col. George Harvey and several presidents of par triotic organizations will decide the contest fora historical: pageant now being conducted by. the woman's sec tion' of the league. - . ' The contest for a 250 word creed ol national defense, announced last week has. brought hundreds of answers. One of the most striking is ? the contribu tion of Miss ;Frances Whitaker Baker, daughter of Representative I. Thom son Baker, of Wildwood. N. J4 -v Miss Baker turned in the tollowing sugges tion for a creed of national defense. -1 believe In national defense be cause it will protect our 'homes and shores from the perils and dangers o? war and insure us . that peace - which unpreparedness cannot give. r I) believe in national defense be ' cause It will save us from the' violence of enemies and from every evil aggres sion to which we may be exposed It will bless the labors of the husband man with security- and enable - us to work, in quietness and eat our bread in safety and happiness. ;,It Will teach our children how to preserve this na -14-. 'J. r? .vt ' ' y ..." . autos lined up against the curbing are . ...-',' ' , ... . . - . '. -' s ijnV EOLlIES ERECTS MCE V7::f 2LAIN ST. 2-STORY BULLDING. T$aiiS'' mZ ''V" the erection of his two-storv-. brick garaea 3 as a1 Dig ..improvement1 over the" structures displaced -by thia more iodei7ione. a Y-;;. T-f:f Y.Y?; :Y;i'iJ " The hew building occupies the space on: -which - stood the dilapidated shop formerly occupied bythej J. W. Mcln tyre plumbing business and. the brick building occupied, by the grocery etore of W -F. Case, which ,wa destroyed by fire inL early spring. ! v,-; i Fromi the sidewalk to : theYsecond fioor the . front consists' of. marble; stone and glass,, while the. second' floor un the front is of tapestry brick, j U j C v : The: ground; floor - provide two spa cious store rooms,; one 'tViag;il4i feet wide and the other 23 feetiWith a depth of 110- feet. . These. fronjret prbyid-' ed ; with large plate 4 Yjwinows rcstingiUjn, a narble .bass ?with 66: jnch tjrismlasi above,K ;whichV;with 4 'the skylights, afford ample; daylight; Y ? The aecond floor does; not; extend to the rearof the building r but prbyide ten nice offlce ros, Witir '.tour-'tfont jng5jonvcthe:sstr,,T ampl -laf ps janl iareJiUlsh4:ed:jcr cuuti eu: Aor.-.piaejB-:purosesr p-A scairway 2 leada-jrom Mam trpr hi 1 tpvtheiiatbre :s 3VhSe " -tie?lidlIdingkiB7&T$nr tence at Artistic ibeauty it ad4sj cori-1 swerabiyto -theappearance of. Main street -and "will :i :provide : some -nice The building contract was let to Ji H. Jordan- of Greenville with TJ.YM. Orr Supervising the work. J LIQUOR MEN BARRED: The Knights .Templar of PenrisylvaY ma, it is reporteq, at tneir annual conclave, passed by a big. majority a resolution which make it impossible In the future for any one directly or, in directly, connected with & the" .liquor" traffic to- join any conmandery in the State; " Inasmuch as every , man who votes to perpetuate the sale of liquor. pecomes mairectiy at leasta'partner "Yte: business, this - wouVgeeniW very; Inclusive, , or; rather -ciuslyey -I tion for themselves and for aK gen erations', and build up in their hearts a love of country that the changes and chances of this mortal life cannot take away..- . . ' - .. I believe In. national defense be cause it prepares the way for the com ing of. peace and .because we. surely trusting' in. the might of a righteous people, may not fear the power of any adversaries, v. V J : . .. . I believe In national defense be cause I want" my country to be a strong nation among tne strong ana a pro tecting friend of the weak. I want it to stand up the councils of the na tions and be able to demand .hat wars and tumults ahall j cease, at least on the western hemisphere. . r I believe in national defense be cause . in . days now : past our valiant forefathers fought for the freedom we enjoy and which we should be prepar oared to t defend, especia 1 v : in taese times of ' world wars and apprehen sions. The precious heritage of liber ty they bequeathed to us should . be our high concern and he placed above thought of material advantage or In dividual gain. Y; r ; - : not Included, BLUE RIDGE SCHOOL FOR BOTSi ; toW' :kialga for Tern' Dgslsato Sencniber 13- Published; Inter- YuYv-Yr.estlr'PBlReatlon; r fftrfbuOng Us .new catalogue coS gjain the announcement bf the 'in stitution for the coming.. its second I'Ther publication make's a good n- Y 'HS'SfSf1 deckleted'pa- UI tae , iatcrcctlz iz nouncemeota. x TTr Tie JFcczItj. ptthettaculty: 4 . , YTT Jitoef'teachtot staff: is composed ct . SSJiSJ-'J!? collS: or university specialrmness tojnstruct andVcan?? -9ys, ajs. well as for general culture and I ability', , t rnKnx. . .The faculty fbllows: ' mathematics and Latin. v ; S bnslnesana- lr j'earsall Manth . c 1!, 9fwu.ca. Germanand history. " VTr Tv?'1 MrW:Lftur? TK Shaw, matrons. - v : Dr J- S-Rrown, school physicianJ " trSg e J"ustrations TSfaii SK??''-" are Photographs o? Prof, Sandifer and Prof.- Randolph views of the boys' pitting roW and - ": the dining room, the study .hall and a Y cUss room, front and rear views of the mldset lasketbair team; the, footbaU: and: baseball : teams and two ; lake views near Hendeorsonvflle. ok .aldlt,ion to the announcement ' about the location of the school, build-- -ings, a description of the wne, relte- iqusr culture, . disciples, instruction. recreation courses of study, expenses, livof iast year's students, : etc., the CataIog contains some good advertis- -ing "matter for Hendersonville, - giving valuable;, information, relative ,to-cljY ' mate,, the growth and progressivenes pf -Hendersonville, railroad facilitiesY charming scenery, and other subject. tional advantages he catalog turns at tention from its own., for boys1 to those V offered girls in the following words: " : "Prominent among the recent addi- tions to the assets of the city is Fa3 siferri. This school.-iinder the capa- : ble management of Miss Kate Shipp, : ; ranks as one of the finest educational - . institutions in the South for girls and young ladles." , ; .The list of last year's students shows that not only North Carolina, but, West Virginia, Mississippi, New.-' York and Georgia were represented in the student body. "X f SOUTH CAROLINA AUTOISTS . COMDfG ON NEXT SATURDAY. iJ)ate Chahged From Wednesday Owlne. i to nteather Conditions; Tour to be. , juaae oy Autoists Uver New RoadV ' ; Owing to weather - conditions tha date for the automobile tour fronu South Carolina to Hendersonville has been changed from August,' Wednes- -day, the 25th.- to Saturday, the 28th, the time of arriving and . leaving - the various places being the same. : ' : Automobiles from upper South Car- -i olina will make an inspection tour' of. the new road from Spartanburg to -Hendersonville for the purpose ' of gathering information to establisb, facts showing that Spartanburg is the -proper route to the mountains for- proper South Carolinians, Georgians and Flo- -ridians. . - Arrangements, have been made to have automobillsts from Columbia, Newberry, Union,, Whitmire and Glenn Springs make the trip over the Howard v Gap road from Spartanburg. - - - The presence of Governor Manning and Commissioner Watson has been" promised and the automobillsts are ex pecting to gather information to show that Spartanburg is the proper gate--way to the mountains. ; Arrangements will be made in Hen--dersonville for receiving the autoists and entertaining them and efforts will: doubtless be made to widely advertise the event so as. to bring a number of automobillsts : on the tour who win spend several days In Hendersonville Y Committee on Arrangements. The following committee on ,ar rangements has" been selected; J. A, Brock, chairman. W: 8 MiiTpr u a' 1 neuoar. TTTx ---. . T VTUl Stop at ;St. ohaL;' f Chairman Rrock" Vsaya ; - the nartv. , expected' to arrive about 4 o'clock anri , will be ; entertained for La short whil e -J, atthe St; John, hotel; ;,EiIbrts are be y. I lnS niades to have a number of 1 ma : 1 chines make the trip L from' Hender : sonville to meet the visitors at or . .above Tryonv-. , .. The party ig expected to continue to Asheville, therefore will be in Hender- ) Buuviiie uui a Bflori wnue. xne" tour , ing party will , be treated ', to ; cigars WD lie. In the city. r ' . . It is especially desired that a num ber of automobilists respond , to the Invitation to meet the party and that as many as possible greet the visitors j while at the St' - John hotel ; . v.

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